Newspaper Page Text
I' She "8 IfOL. IX. BUTLER. MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 31, 1887. NO. 1) V Table no. Pacific It. It tiXWOTOJ & Southern Branch.) cmmtacinti Sunday, May h.rther notice, trains 1 u follows : a.m-Tex Express . if f C.r,.-... im-Accommodatlon.! . GOING SOUTH. (JO N. CAJ""" iotli, and will leave .4:45 A M 7:5 r m i :oo p m CANDIDATES. Those Who See their Names On the State Ticket. ....9:14 r m .II :4a A M op-Accommodation 8:55 a m S. L.. t. Div. GOING WEST. o. nj-Pawenger 147 ACCOmouaiion . . GOING EAST The (Joveniorxhip Dos Not Go Ijrsriii No More Do tlit Other Places Judge Norton, Governor More house and Colonel Claiborne Southwest Missouri Not Backward. the other Lund that he may Lave : public sen-ice in office in .St. Louis during Lis last canvass promised net and Jefferson City and Lis unblem to aspire for v -r-Vcti.-u to congress, : ished record. Certain it is that he and thin suggestion gains some : has made a most excellent secretary, strength from the fact that every i He firmly believes in the efficacy of would-be candi late for congress in i newspapers as factors the hat 1 1 ) 50 A M 9:5c A M 735 2:10PM direct con- Uo-PassenRer $ jg Accomodation . . . . ijpaiieneer train make direct con ttan tor St. Loul and all point east Aotind all points south, Colorado, iiomitand all points west and north- at For rates anu omcr iniormauor: to E, K. Carnks. Agent. J. E. TUCKER, IKJNTIWT, 'JTLER, MISSOURI. OKKICE Ol'KKA HOUSE. LiiWferN. !f,A,,(WVKK. rdlirirtir In all rnnrts All legal business .letljlUi-ndcd to. '(Tiro over Bates Co. Na- (Uiunk, liullrr. Mo. pRKINS()N ti GRAVES, ATTORN its AT LAW. Oicfl West Side Scniare, over Luna an' unig More. " LAWYEHS iTUK, MO. Office front room over Bate iutj National IlanK. Francisco. S. 1 Francisco. LIHKANUSIU IIKUS. Attorney a at Law, Butler, Mo., will practice in IM courts oi Hate and ndlolnlne Mntiet, Prompt attention given to eol ations. Oflice over Wright A (Jlorlus' irtwire store. ( l W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY LAW Will practice In Bate and adjoining "antic. In the Appellate Court t Kansas 17, and In the Supreme Court at Jctler- Turnc c iNortli Mde square, ever ILMctlrlde's. t PIlVMM'lllllM. . J R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office East Side Square, over w Werner's, 19-iy Butler, Mo. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . tont room over P. O. All call tewerat at nfUm !. r.r nitt j Sped attention given to 1 cm ale tils- r-s. t 1 Correspondence K, C. Times. Jeffersou City, Mo.. Aug. '2(1 As the dog dayH draw to an end and eople can do something else than swelter, fume and sweat ami swear ife becomes more endurable and the alk at the capital lightly turns to ics. It is strange, yet it is true, that nearly every political aspirant in the state first makes a visit t Jefferson City before trying his un- dged pinions. If it were not for the inevitable visitation this certainly would not be a political e nter from which to take bearings and rem! the stars. I5ut come they will these gentlemen who wish to ascertain the lolitical pulse, and they iro away 1 te luted or dejected, as some friends in the departments may decree. It is from JelVerson City that the liat of "availability1' goes forth. In a mild, inoffensive and unobtnn ivc sort of way "bossism" is here at tempted. If this or that man is objectionable to the bosses then the unfortunate is tabooed and his name craM as "the brilliant gentleman from , whose friends all overthe state are urging him to become a audidate for - , and it is hoped he will yield to Iheir solicitations." Of the literary bureau here I may speak further in another communi cation. Just now I desire only to speak of those gentlemen who are thus early being considered as can didates by the wise men temporarily sojourning in the focus. SITKEME JflKlE. If Judge Norton of 1'latte, the present supremo lutlge, wants a re election, he can have it practically without opposition, but his determi nation to retire Irom the bench is said to be unalterable. Judge James B. Gantt of Clinton and Judge D. A. DeArmond of Bates, are both urged by their friends for Norton's seat. Both are men of conceded ability. General H. Clay Ewing of Jackson ounty, it is stated emphatically, is a audidate. He has a lartre number of personal friends and is quite pop ular. He was at one time attorney general and has a good record as an m to ? C. BOULWARE, Physician and 'Surgeon. Office north side square, tier, Nfo. Disease of women and chll-pecla1tv. DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. 5 1 PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND ACCOl'CHEt'RS. ce over their drug store on North ;n treet, Butler, Mo. J'-crct Soclrfte. ft & t-VIl k a Butler Lodge, No. 254, meet the first "mrday In each month. iaml Chapter Roval Arch Mason, 6 meets second Thursday in each onth. Goulf y Commandery Knight Templar "wine nrt Tuesday in each month. I n n vtf I rtu- Bate Lodge No. tSo meet ever Mon otler Encampment No. 6 meet the d nd 4th Wednesdavs In each month Cockl e's ANTI-BlLLIOfS official. Alexander Martin of St. Louis will probably be in the race aga His friends sav the "third time is the charm" of the political system. GOVERNOR. Lieutenant-Governor A. 1 More Third district is thi owing up his and - utiiiL' for Dockerv for governoi-. Still, it is conceded that heh.s most 1 crgetie.tiiv turned the rascals out" i.; his district and is otherwise good gubernatorial timber. Congressman Hatch is also men tioned as a probable candidate, but I can not trace the origin of the report to even conjectural authenticity, ex cept it be his well known aspirations, always heretofore prematurely ex pressed, for the office. Hon. R. P. Bland, "Silver Dick," is prominently mentioned for gover nor. I can learn nothing positively of his wishes; but he has been of valuable service to the people congress that they will be loath part with him. Hon. Martin L. Clardy, auotlu-r of our congressmen, is almost sure to be in the gubernatorial race. There seems to be about a dozen aspirants for his seat in congress and of course they are booming him vigorously for the state office. Mayor . It. Francis of St. Louis, is a pronounced candidate and will be a formidable one. He i- a r pre tentative of Ihe young democracy of Missouri. He has made a successful max or, and is vigilant, enterprising and ambitious. Locality is some what against him. and worst of all it is insinuatingly whispered that he has a "bail" to use in tin campaign. Bails" cut not much figure in state politics 111 Missouri, and it is a too 1 . 1 1 t j4 convenient method 01 "killing oil a man to hint at the use of money. T do not believe the stor- for I know r rancis to he as honest as any man in the state, yet he will have this load to cany, but he will nevertheless be an important factor in the race. Colonel Do l) Claiborne is also a pronounced candidate. He is a gen tleman of fine presence and urbane manners and has a large personal fol'owing. He will be handicappei by his extreme southern proclivities. as those who desire to compass his defeat urge this against his availi bility. The present attorney general, Hon 15. U. JJoone 01 llenrv county, is spoken of as a candidate, but his most intimate friends are not fully iuformed as to his intentions. Many believe as I do. that he will probably be a candidate for re-election to the attorney generalship. There are other unfledged candi- 1. ,11, T V i uates, out inese 1 may nereauer refer to. in i newspapers as factors in shaping I men's political destinies, and isthere ' fore a great patron of and contribu tor to them, and generally has them on his side. Yet some of the leading papers in the state do not seem to be friendly to Mc's further continu ance in office. Hon. Alex Leseueur, the talented editor of the Lexington Intelligencer, is said to still have aspirations for the secretaryship. It will be re membered that he has twice been Mr. McGrath's most formidable competitor for the office, and came within a few votes each time of win ning the prize. Like all positive men, he has enemies, but his friends are staunch and numerous. There are other names connected with the candidacy tor the secretary ol state- ship, but developments have not far ough advanced to catalogue them. Ti;tAM'l;i:ii. Mr. Ed. fi. Nolaud of Kansas City. the present chief clerk of the state reasurer's oflice, is an avowed ean- lidate for the office. He has many incuts of strength besides his thorough actiuaintance with the luties of the position. He has a general aniuaintance and numbers Mai Weiner Is sole agent for Butler for the celebrated SIEILS SCIfflWAllB & 4D. AND "GIESECKE" HAND MADE IM BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. 1.IEVTEXANT OOVERNOR. State Senator D. B. Ball of Pike county, aspires to the dignity of lieutenant governor. As president pro tern, of the senate he made a fair nreidilirr officer, but his TCCOl'd Oil house of Nodaway, is conceded tobe a a leslation objected him to I'll al 1 a camuuaw?, uoi uecause 01 any uu- n.u rtin fro,,, 1,;8 I lllilill V A lttv thorized announcement as such, but district uciuu uc 11 ui iur iiaiiu.u .inn. v -IT T Mo-.l-t,,- t.., cQtrtr succession. His elements of strength, frpm chariton countj ..the Chester v"' " 1 i-i" fii.i rf the senate, is said to be a laritv. his courage of convictions as manuesicd ui ms stuuuora ngm lor eryho(x bas a g00tl worJ for his railroad legislation, his perfect hon- unif0Tm ;ourtesv his incormpti- estv as a man and omciai. and ins of active friends in all portions of the state. It is urged that hauug cen Colonel Elijah Gates' chief L rk and warm friend during his erin of office as treasurer will mili tale against him in certain quarters It is a sure thing that it will not nu t Mr. Nolaud in west i n Missouri He is in the race to stay. At this time there are no pronounced candi lates against Mr. Nolaud, but the names 01 Mr. I.ichard tientry ol Sedalia, Mr. Lou Stephens of Boon villc, Hon. L. Saulsbury of Chariton, Mr. John T. Daniel of Nodaway, and Colonel I). W. Marmaduke of Saline county, are frequently mentioned. Al'l'lTOU. Mr. John T. Clarke, for many years chief clerk of the auditor's office, is an avowed candidate for au ditor. He has served in the office until all its details are perfectly fa miliar to him, and, in person or by official correspondence is known to most of the county officials of the state. His home is in Washington county, but lie is popular everywhere. Hon. J. M. Seibcrt, the present state treasurer, it is said by his friends, will be a candidate for au ditor. If so the race will be a for midable one between him and Mr Clarka, for they are both reputed to I be "runners from way back." Mr Seibert has perhaps as fine a person al folio as any public man 111 the state. If there are any other gentlemen aspiring to this office I have heard no mention of their names, though there will doubtless le others in the list before the campaign opens. ATTORNEY GENELAL. The Hon. B. G. Boone, the pres ent incumbent, is said by some friends to be a candidate for re election, and by others that his last legislature, ami each distin guished in public service ami for splendid legal attainments, are sup posed to be candidates. Among others also mentioned is Hon. James W. Coburn. of Platte, one of the most brilliant young lawyers of the state. i;r..isTi.i or i,ams. coiouei liob Mcculloch, the pres- nt incumbent, is a candidate for re- lection. The old veteran has filled the office two terms, and as the third term" business is all that can e urged against him, his friends and admirers arc willing to make all xception in his case. Adjutant General J. C. Jamison is a candidate, lie is well known and piite popular, and his friends are all over the state. Mr. James G. Howe, of Macon, a man of fine social ami business tpial ifications, is also on the track and is said to be exceptionally strong where he is best known. railroad commissioner. Bridge totting. Iiy an i.r.ler iiml ly tht County Court t llittfk county Mo. , ami to 1110 dirrf li. for tin' ronntrucMoii or a liri'ltfit arrii lirani'li il bcrimitti-rrrwl., mi lllti Itullfr Ami AliplrU'll t it) rori'l. Hltuatml n Urn liwiiliti II uu lt twi i n low iik T.i hihI 4ii of rnni;ii VI, I will iiro rcfil to lut llif roiitrnrt fur llicalmvn ipm-rllMi I tirl'ltf. nt pulillr vrmlun. to thn lowi't lilililrf , at tin' i t frotil ilmir oftlu rnurt ln,un, In Ite' city (ifltniliT, I'nunty of llntr anil tt 1 MiNmiurt, on Thursday, Sept. 1st, 18H7, lii'twi'i'ii the liiiiirti oflMi'i loi'k lu tlic forrnuuti ami "(o'clock In the aftirnoon of that 1fiy, nl'ln milijiict to Kpiirotnl hy the court llrliti'i' to ! a Klnn Hint 'I him of "( fpnt upan I will kl iuiii" llini lei I ln rrh allon or nil to li ini t m )i1ci to lowrst Midlfr I'lan nml sM'llli'HlliiiiN now on lUr In my omcr. lif.O. K I I It.KI II. llri'lK" '4imHilMont-r Pills. Thl old English Family Medicine in tor S6 vear all over the world, for .'X&!e,Ind gestion, Liver, Ac. Of Pure, Vfgetablo Ingredients From Mercuri. 'jyajsrj A neiCivtwl cold or cough mi ?a to l'iiri:inon1.k,Conumptlon or other fata wa. Strong. Pectoral Pill will cure a y oy iniicu-. IWt tlimtr for dvpepfa.ln "Wstiou. sick headache ms thousand teUI- close identity with the people. Judge Norton of Platte, is of course conceded by all to posses all the elements of a strong candidate, but it is persistently urged that he is not and will not be a candidate. But sure it is that there are several gentlemen who are anxious to know without doubt that Norton is "out of the way." He can be governor if he wants to be. Hon. A. M. Dockery is discuoed freely. It is suggested on the one hand that he would probably not yield a certain seat in congress for a ble honesty. Hon. J. M. Dolan of Grt-en county, is considered in the race for this office. His locality is a good one and he is a very strong man. His public life has lnen without blemish or adverse criticism. SECT.ETAr.YOF STATE. doubtful race for governor; and ou Hon. M. K. MoGrath. the present secretary of state, is almost Mire to be a candidate for re-election. Hav ing long since passed the term" obstruction, he will not hesi tate to assail a fifth term. His claims, as set forth by the paper here, are his thirty years continued weather eye has a gubernatorial gleam in it. He has made a worthy attorney for the state and would be hard to beat, should he desire en dorsement. His intentions wiil soon be made manifest. Hon. N. M. Shelton. of Schuyler, is hinted at i as a candidate and has many admir- ers. i R. F. "Walker, of Morgan, the i present assistant in the attorney general's office, wul doubtless be a candidate should General Boone de- third ! cide not to run for re-election. Hon. J- W. Booth, of Franklin Hon. R. N- Bodine, of Monroe, and Hon. Joshua Alexander of It is supposed that General James Harding will attempt to eucceet himself. For several years he has been the "working" member of the board of railroad commissioners and is supposed to be the best posted man in regard to the duties of the office. D. C. Kennedy, of the Springfield Leader, the leading democratic daily of the Southwest, is spoken of as a candidate. He lackt-d but a few votes of the nomination in the last convention. "W. R. Crockett; editor of the Ne vada Democrat, is also a candidate, and a strong one. He has done much sen ice for the party and has never asked or received any of its rewards. His personal popularity and enviable record as a public and private citi zen have made Mr. Crockett friends everywhere. Coh L. "W. Burriss, of Clay county, is mentioned as a candidate. He is recognized as one of the indomitable old guards of Missouri democrats. He is looked upon here as a very formidable candidate. Thi3 closes the chapter for the present. There will be additions to and eliminations from this list, but from these names it is pretty sure the greater part of the next demo cratic ticket will be made up. Viatob. Order of Publication. SrAta or Miaxoriii, County of listen In the circuit court ofsaM county, NoTcmbrr term, ln7. Mlinn Adams, l.lnlntlff, v. I.aora Adam), IrFrmlsut Now at this ilav comes Ihe plaintiff herein. by hie attorney, before the undersigned clerk o' the circuit court of llnte conntr. In vacation and nil's his etiUou and affidavit, alleging, BinonK other thine, that nvremlsnl, l.sar.t Adams, I not a resident of the state of Mif soorl: Whereupon It Is ordered by the, flerli Ifi vacation, that said defendant n no tilled b pnhlicntlon that plaintiff lis commenced a ailil against her. In this court, by petition aii'l affidavit, the object and jreneral nature, ol which la to obtain a decree of divorce from Uie bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted an't entered Into between plaintiff and defendant, upon the around that the defendant did on to" t'.th dy of September 1hh4 . without a reasonable or lust cause, absent herself from and abandon plaintiff and has since that time eontinned ta absent herself from plaintiff wt hoot reasonable cause, beln for the sps of more tnun one vear and that nnless the ai'l I.r.-.irr. T-isl.e and appear at thj eonrt, at tfte ., . v .. ..! ,Ui ,v beon and bolden ttfle court houhe in the city of Butler, In said coan tv, on the seventh day of November next, anl on or before the sixth dsy of said term, If th term shall so lone continue and If not, th?n on or before the last day of said term answer or plead to the petition in said cause, the sairi will lw taken as confessed, and lodgment will be rendered accordingly. And be Itforther or dered, that a copv hereof be published, o cordinr to law. in the Butler Weekly Tisir, a weekly newspaper printed and published Ir. Ilatescounty, Missouri, for four weeks ju cessively. the lai-t insertion to beatleast foa weeks before the tlrst day of the next term of said circuit court. JOHN C. HAYES, Circuit Clerk. A true copy from the reeoTd. Witness mv hand and the seal of the circo.t fsaL 1 court'of Bates county, this l'.th day I August, 17. . JOHNC. HAYES. CircnitClerk. "-. slvin F. Itoxley, Att v jor naintiu RAP-HELP'S roup a n ml III V't : A SPECIFIC FOR UOMAN'S IIISEA8ES 1 1 pasSaWsVaMatBaaBL kaiafol countp, each a r J. K. Brugler & Son have a Jarse Daviess list of fine imDroved id .-,r sale epresentative in the j cheap and on easy terfo,. i6tf Swppre.sed Tmffalar cnty t Mm . MEWSTRUATIOW or. ONTHLY SICKNESS. it tkn A TT-nc the CHANGS 07 IfTE. ereaf and disfTm!l miiei rSend for Vxk " ItsssacB To Wmei," Esjied free. I