OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, August 31, 1887, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1887-08-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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La House block.
rt H. SULLENS PresMen
;.TtER POWELL,-.. Vice 1'residcnt.
tr WALTON, Cashier
KINNEY lerk ana ouecioi
h Tucker.
1. II Sullen,
j, Simpson
L-i Voni,
J. Dutcher
Booker Powell,
Green W. Walton
John Deerwester,
)r. N. L. Whipple
Wm, E, Walton,
J. Rue Jenkins.
reives deposits, loans monev, ant
met! general banking business.
(intend to our customers every ac
emoditlon consistent with sate bank.
Kir.-.t-rlafs in evt-iy rcejicrt.
Illl l WEEK.
ii.Vit'l Dank - Kansas City.
orth National Hank
Lower National Hank
St. Louis.
- New York.
llational Bank.
(Organized in S7i.)"
lapital paid in, $75,000.
irplus - - S-m.ooc
I1.TYGARD, .... President.
IS. I. It. MEWBEIIRY, Vice-Pres.
C.CLARK - - Cashier.
ItCwuLess to Feed 50 Hogs With
Or? A TTMTQQ Its csusfs, snu a new and
r.nr iNrjoo ,uc'sfuic"UBEt
yonrown home, bv one who wamb-af twen-ty-elKlit
yearn Treated by moRt of the not -ei
specialists without benefit, Cured himself
In three month and nine then hundreds of
itliern. riill 'HTtii it 1 si th petit 011 Hi.li'-Htiin.
T. S. l'AUK, No 41 VKt:ilwt St. New York.
Your Children
Are constantly exposed to danr froia
Colds. Wliirfipin ('iniiih, Croup, and
diseases peculiar to the throat and.
lunajs. For surli ailments, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, promptly adminis
tered, affords speedy relief and euro.
A r remedy for Whooping Couch,
vrith which many of mr chiltlren were?
atfik-ted. we tiseti, during the past win
ter, with nmdi satisfaction, Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, we
consider this preparation the must etli
cucious of ail tint medicines which have
fome to our knowledge. Mary I'ark
liurst. Preceptress. Home for Little
Wanderers, I loin-aster, Md.
My children have lieen peculiarly sub
ject to attacks of Croup, and I failed to
tinil any effective remedy until I rom
iaenced adniinisteriiii; Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. This preparation relieves tin
difficulty of breathing and invariably
cures the complaint. Uavid ti. Starks,
Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y.
I have usfd Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
in my family for many years, and
have found it especially valuable in
Whooping Cough. This medicine allays
all irritation, prevents inllamumtion from
extending to the lungs, and quickly sub
dues anv tendency to Lung Complaint.
.1. Ii. Wellington, Phunville, Mich.
I find no medicine so effective, for
( Toup and Whooping Cough, as Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. It was the ine-aus of
aaving the life of my little boy, only six
months old, carrying him safely through
the worst case of Whooping Cough I ever
6aw. Jane Malone, Piney Flats, Tenu.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver 8c Co., Lowell. Mass.
BoM fey all tlrugginta. Price $ 1 ; six botllea. A.
sth;;ins ix i.rcK.
:r b
V i;iV-
I lv.
addeil Stiggins proud-
LitiiiTxixt; mo it.
He Join the Aim-Puverty S01 irty and
Tells His Wife About It.
'v have 1:0 bread iu the 1:
munuuml Mr'8. Stiiri
Mrs. sti.
Jgms was sittn" m
HftTTrtn Ootifrh. PrvmrhtTK Asthma, Inriifrfvttinn f Uo
PARKER'S GINGER TONIC without d -lay. it
li.ii i-iij va many of inn wtirat oact mI iwthe U"t n-mwly
for All RiTecllonn of tht throat antl lunH, and ii'u.M-i
arMitff from impure blood and exhaustion. The fe-hio
and nick. ntnitrffllntTaicainHtdineaiMt, and fttowly driftiii(f
to the jfrnve, will ni many vtu rwuver their health ly
Ih tinielr nef i'arkpr'nliinirerTonli, hutdWav iHdan
(rtTou. Tni-e It in tiiint. It ih invitlunttltt Tor all paiid
and djAordfi of titotnach and In'wils. 6O0. at iruKt;ita.
Washingtn4 I .C
Send tor I ir-'iilar.
1 W
hi Strength,
Quist I'erves,
Hippy Days,
J9atilowone by
lfKUHUxtrpork It put upon the bogs
blf lumini mrre titnna ua coins.
fym and feeder who hav. used it write
M, ln.1., 1, . ... ,1. nn, i.,.n,i ,n
iioucceti and we cheerfully testify to
unmn . uro. uariata, bio
MuttifrM) nr. Jo.. Haas' hog remedy and
Nwmmend It as a aura cure for hor chol-
I 4 1 am lure It ha. aed me from oi'
'J.M. Frank Ie, Hannibal. Mo.
Utold It In a dozen instaneea. no enr
W. anil h.T neTvr Imtiunt. It lis
'rfiled. lirown ft Mills. Loulavllle. no
'. oted your medicine for neveral years.
. K. Walter, Knox I'tty, mo.
twit the best preventive for prevailing;
mat. I1 u it.u...... 1 -n ..... u..
IMUt lttMAmm.n.l 1. A 1 1 I. . 1 V.
w with cholera. T. A. linfford ,
f Atilavtlla VA
I1U lot be without Haas' ho remedy Yf it
am times ine present price.
k. Ilaas hog reined; does all he claims for
IWtU(le.JUillt.a for Itself In iuttinK
asiue irom Keeplns; hoirs healtliy.
r. - .v.-. ... .wpmii, uioiii, ivj .in.
1 rrmedV lllI lu.tte tUfntliill thKTI
wur. s. it. smith. I'errv. Mo
1 1 ua convinced, ir the medicine Is properly
r- - isiiie ining iot nogs.
)iaf. a tlnff vnn. ...... . 1 ' ". . Kn v. 1 .
l, j"" iruirtijr f iiBip hv. ut ,111
r4.J nong hoirs.
.ana lonrlrlKht. I'ecnllar, Cass Co, Mo.
BUUis beittblnit of the kind I ever used.
. A.J Legtiett, Hannibal Mo.
twremeily Is glvlnir general satisfaction.
A. II, Lewis, Boliver.Mo.
CIS, 44.M, $i.2s and .VI eents, yer bos
is pound cans, tli to
that the most delicate stomach will bear
land all Germ Diseases.
HI.OOI PL'KlHKK. Superior touulnine.
Rev. Wm. Lucas, Rector Grace Church. Ra
venna. O. writes: ,-l cordia lv endorse Kas
ktne as belna- J nut what you claim, an excel
lent snbstitute for quinine, with none of it?
bad effects. Mrs Lucas had a serious form o
malaria, and was confined to her be I fo'
months. Kaklne had her up and around in
rew days, and In a short time enred her."
Living In the malarial districts of Maryland
I became a victim of womt forms of malaria,
fever. I druKKed myself with quinine and oth
e' remedies without avail. 1 was greatly re
duced when 1 heard of kaskinc. Its enratix
turners were a medical revelation to me. I
cured me and 1 have not had a return of tin
troubles. (Prof ) J 1 llird. B A.. Asst
Chemist, Maryland Atrrieultu-nl College.
Letters from the above persons, giving full
details will be sent on application.
Kaaklne can be taken without anv special
medical advice. $1 .(H) per bottle, oraUJbottlee
for Sold by
or sent hv mail on receipt of price.
THK KASKINK C.. M Warren St., New York
flow an KiierRetic Indiana Woman Aston,
isheil .Vrkiiiiii' Governor.
The (iou'i iior of At lvaiisaw had just
turned from a petition bearing fix
hundred and eighty-four namt'S, when
a tall, angular woman, tarrvin?; a
iiihain suti-bonnct by tlm .slring
t itli fi-ii the Kiom ami, ilroppni' " oil a
S t'co, .-aid:
'I want to seo t!if (Jov'tif r.'1
I am I ho (iovcriKir, madam."
"Yes, I am quite sure."
"Wall, I come to ask why you didn't
answer my letter. I live out in the
hills. Moved there lately from Iudyauv.
Sent you a letter by a feller named
Sieve Spencer. Why didn't you an
swer it?"
'Ymir name, please?"
"Jane Hromtield. From as pr.od a
fain' lysis overlived in the Stale. Father
Mas a Mcintosh and mother was a
"I did not receive your letter, Mrs.
"Look here, do von reckon that
feller rot drunk an' lost that dockv
"I don't know anv thin; about Ins
Tuit don't it stand to reason that he
got drunk?"
Well, it's far from impossible."
"I'll tell vou what that letter was
about. Shortly after I pot here, Tobe.
mv husband, was sent to the peniten
tiary. He wasn't a citizen of the State
at the time, and didn't think tl
sentence would hold good."
"His not being a citizen makes no
"And he could bo sent to the peni
tentiary before he had a right to
"And stay there just the same as any
"Of course, madam; I know wlia I
am talking about. I would like o
tell you. before you put yourself to the
small but tidy apartment the ctlit-r ;
niglt :tw.-t;t:n the return of her hus
band, who had fallen into the habit
of liangiii"; out late. .lecLires the
Texas Siftings. Stuhleulv the door
ipewil ami in he bounded.
I ve done it!' Stiggins exclaimed
excitedly, throwing himself into a
chair and fanning himself violently
with his hat.
Done what.' exclaimed Mrs. Sti"--
gins, m a startled tone.
No more of the downtrodden
business for us:" hewentontriunaih
antlv. "No more pinchinc rind
i o
scrimping and saving to live. No
Mister Stiggins. what have vou
done?' cried Mrs. S., thoroughly
alarmed. "Have yon gone and rob
bed somebody?"
Penury, avaunt'" cried Stiggins,
springing to his feet and striking a
heroic attitude. "Low. trrovelin'
want, get thee gone: "Ye are emanci
pated. Whoop:"
"Do. do tell me. Mr. Stiggins.'
whimpered Mrs. S.. wringing her
hands, -what has come over vou?"
Nothing has come over me. but I
have come over impetuous fate; and
I have come over the calking cares
oi oeiiurv: m laet. 1 ve come over to
tell vou "
"What, for heaven's sake?"
"I've joined 'em."
"Joined who, what?"
"The New Crusade. Th
Poverty Society."
'What's that'" said Mrs. S.
uind was all in confusion.
What is that? Why, it is the
Society for Driving Poverty Out oi
ihe Land and Taking Possession oi
fhe Land. Through its operations
verybody will be made rich. W
hall have our own carriage and rid
n the park and go to Saratoga. Not
ihis summer, perhaps (waving tin
leasing prospect away for a nir-
nent). for the season is a little ad
vanced, but ultimately. It's astonish
ing how many things we shall have
Who's going to do all these things
or us. ultimately? askeu Jlrs. S.,
;er eyes opening wider and wider.
"The Anti-Poverty Society, of
ourse. See, nere s my certihcate 01
i membership. Received of Josephut
ed "
Henry Geor
,'e remark?
tne people is exhaust
:r potato. s." ighs Mrs.
e skill get our rights at last."
Stiggins continues to quote.
"But how shall we get our break -tat
ou have given your lat-t cent
to tins society that is going to make
At. it I'hot.i-.iaphed on the Head of ,
Muhiuraa Man
A curious electric phenomenon ,s
reported from Hillsdale count;..
Michigan. Thursday evening u
liely thunder shower passed that
region, during which the play oi
lightning was particularly frequent
and vivid. Just before the storTu
broke Amos J. Biggs, a farmer i
everybody rich, as you say. but how lui,hvil.v bt-tween Hillsdide t-Td
Jonesville. who is quite bald, hi
head being smooth and shiny, wetu
into the back y:ud to frighten awaj
some cats that were fighting on thv
woodpile. So intent were they yn
exterminating each cither, as to ai
low farmer Biggs to approach with
in a few feet of them. At the fate
instant there was a great crash anil
an electric bolt struck the woodpile
scattering it and stiffening the eai;
in an intense rigor mortis. Aside
from a prickly sensation ami suddrti
contraction of the muscles, Mr
. .. I Bi'T'vS exiiel it iieed no inmlejiKiiiit. f -
tomeil the I . 1
lecis. ine nuii passed uown tup
body, tore the works of his watch U
pieces, breaking the cover, rippel
his left trouser leg open from top to
bottom, and burst his left boot, teas
ing the upper clear from the sole.
When be entered the house his wit'o
fainted. Vneoiicious of the caue,
the farmer hastened to bring her in.
The first words she uttered, "Q.
Amos, the devil has set his mark on
you:" excited his curiosity, and he
.ooked in the glass and found the
What is more dUr-reeable to a lady image of a black cat photographed
: nan to know t hat her hair has not onb ... .. , . , , , .
ost its color, but is lull ot dandruff? ' llumette on las bald front. IlK-
Vet such was the case with mine until 1 j picture was t rf ft. It was about
iow bla.k and perfectly clean and clossy. I hve H.ehes from tip to tip and tti
are we to get our marketing? Who
will support us until we get our
share. Mr. Stiggins? I can't undei
stand it at all." said Mrs. S., in a
despondent tone.
"No, you don't, and what's more
you never will understand anything.
We must trust our future in the hands
of Mr. George. There's a meeting
of the society to-morrow forenoon,
and I must be there."
"But ain't you going to work tomorrow?"
"Work? Who's going to work?
What do you s'pose I
society for? What's the use of abol
ishing poverty if a man's got to
work? I tell you we'll have no more
poverty and no more work, either.
That's the motto we've inscribed on
our chariot of reform and nailed it
to the mast'."
Mr. Stiggins went off to bed in a
high state of exultation, while Mrs.
S. sat up trying to figure out how
she was to get breakfast together in
the morning.
Mrs. Sweeny, Chicayo.
perfect proportio 1. The cat's "whisk"
' i. ii. i 11.. 1 . t. .
The Other Side. teem, ana veil iuo iuur uu 11
Col. Smith was the guest of Cot. U dl w, re rep! oduc, d w th exquisite
0 I 1 n.. ,:i 1 . ...1:..
gressman Belfor in Washington, and "". vu.iuv ueug s..-
was returning to his hotel late one
light when he lost his way. While
browsing about in an aimless, insane
sort of a manner, he encountered a
" 'Sense me. mv frienV said Col.
7 I 1 :t r: 1
Smith, "but can you tell me which u-v """" 1L im" ,luut -"4T---
fied, they tried to remove tha obn-
ious marking using such homebv
remedies as soapsuds and scouring
brick, vinegar and ashes, etc., but to
no purpose. However, in the morn
iug the picture was much faded, and
izze opposite side of the street?"
Why," explained the polieeniar.
"it's over there the other side."
"Zat's what I thought," said Co".
Smith, "but while I was w alking over
1 here a few minutes "go, I asked a
uan an' he told me zis wazzee op-
p'site side." Eli Perkins.
Mv liver was fearfully d'sordered ami
I H it so teeliie and languid that I scarce
ly took interest in anything. Tried all
the; so-called remedies without relief
il 3 used I'.irker's Tonic, which effected
a p'ermanent cure.
36-im. David Hash, Little Rock, Ark.
A Probate Judges Insanity Cause?
Complied on
Topeka. Kat." Aug. 23. Smitji
Lite is burdensome, alike to the sutler- "
er and all around him. while dyspepsia I beeam. itisaim som weeks nfO. ftnd
. . j - i. , i , i - . : . . . '. . . i . o -
stiggins ior a me memoersuip in i and its attending evils noia sway. Lorn-
.vlaints of this natuie can be speedily
cured by taking Prickly Ash Bitters reg-
larlv. Thousands once thus afflicted
now bear cheerful testimony to its mer
its. 36-im.
ihe Prevention of Cruelty to Povei-
"Cruelty to Poverty?"
"No, no. You see I am a little
'xcited, but no wonder. I've been
poor all my life and now I'm to be
Pardoned Almost Too Late.
Jefferson City, Mo., August 23.
thi aff tirs of th1? office har ; been en
tirely ueg'ecte J snc. A successor
should be appoint d at once, bu.t
what puzzles the governor :s hoty
to first get lid of the present incunv
bint. There is no doubt of hia ir-
sanity and conseepjent incompetency
trouhleof pleading his cause, that it is I OIulentricb See life memuersmp I Acting Governor Morehouse yester- LQ aischaro-e the duties of probate
StottS!" Society to Abolish Poverty, day pardoned Henry Burk serving a juJg( butthe quMtim i how ff
sentence of two years, for felonious deolare bim iegaljy mu go to
assault m a small town m carron ft(lm;t of tho appointment of Ms3
county. The facts laid before the t ,. .,i4. n t-ffoci. iht-
pardon." igneu, nenry George.
"My sakes alive, man. don t sk'H-r I t t i Wfinrv Geoivrpf"
yourself, for I'm not goin' to a-k for a J
ii-irilon i ne letter i writ vou at a ii ne i munu.-. ..v......, ...v. j. . j .
pauioii. xuc n in. ' V. I I o-ovei-nov made it omte evident that I i 1...
I I it mil run i n t lOil Hill sn iminrsint os in flst thntf HiiVA e uuuri ciioiuii; a iuc iiuiai, v uiuin
unless he was a "voter stated the fact T . , , f M G he shoiild neyer have been sent to trietl h - &.A declared by
.,,.1 Vi.,M fl,T aan r- Pnson- llle Poruon Mb asKea oy - . . t b h.ane. No oth2?
the circuit judge, the jury tnat tnea perso 4 m ihi county has tnis power
that ho voted at tho last 'lection wheih
don t want him par
I Tor sale by
Ii Butler Missouri.
am an Hw. ....1 Km ... i A . .. . l r.,
2 ppllratlons or the insurance of younp
I f,1tontlct of Insurance will provide that I
I. JlujhCRt Market price
I 'T"7 Insured hog which Uiet from diseases
I "uelB(ffi'a the TcmeilT.
os. Uaa4, . S., Indianapolis. Iml.
la every t-tyle price and quality
Made to Order
I guaranteed a fit In every case
U and see me, up stairs North
Main Street.
T. Merchant Tailor
niirmiliraTCiTrjiT A VTA f
Fever Tonic
la a mra and MedT Cnre in the most stubborn
It thoronghly rleanm thurtem ot Mslarla,mskln
th cars complete. W hen token s directed, A CTTBJE
IB OUAKAlfTSEO. and should it fail the Drnayiat
is aothorirad to KKrrsn the Moktt too paid for it.
UrOIVI its TRIAL! Be lure to uk ytmr Drafjist
NrERXBS HTDK TOHIC. Prioe, $L pr bottls.
HtTft Buns. A CVv. OryrKAi. Aotwt.
or or no.
"Then voti
"Not much. I've done s much bet
tor sense he's been in there that I
ncrer do want to set eves on him
aain. It mav sound a little strange.
but it is a fact. th:it as soon as they
took him away the hens that had lk.-eii
momn' 'round on a s rt of strike all
spring put in to lavin'. and I wish I
mav .Tie if I d dn't think they w..uM
1 lliKiiwi-lvri to ile I'll. One big old
... .... ...
i onntiukiT-tin hvi iwn "
ii! uro but mi'htv sulkv and hail
Glynn and Doctor McHen D n
it, I'm all mixed up to-night, but you
can read about them in the morning '
You've paid 5 to join their so
ciety?"' asked Mrs. S., mournfully;
"all vour week's wages?"
"Hem well, yes," stammered Stig-
gms, "out o is cneap enougn io
have a man's poverty abolished, ain't
his case, the prosecuting attorney, and th? g0Vi:tI10l. can llot , ppoint
all the county omeers, ana tuu citi j pr b t , jU(j3 until a vacjmCy . ccuft;
zens of the town in which he lived. i vancancv em b ; d clared un-
The case was taken to the supreme til tlie incumbent is adjudgexl insane
court, and while it was pending he This is th . fi at cas , of tbe
was elected town marshal, and was uas eTer ariseu in Kansas. The ai
holding and discharging the duties to ney general has the case under
of the ofhee when tne supreme court I consideratioa and w 1. soon render a
in October, 1887, affirmed the finding decis on Ve to tne matter, which
and he was brought here to serve it is fl0ped, wi.l release tha ex ct?-
it? Confound it, woman! (warming out tne sentence. Burk is in the I i:vf f ro n v.;g lather Tecu iar dileils
. ...,.. i . i .. : . I . . , I - . . . I
to please at time minn i im. "v- Up) do you expect men to leave tneir i jast sta"es of consumption, and it is
egg for two months but when she I larbusiness totakecareof itself, ti ourxl wiU scarcelv live until he
found that they hid lo.lio:o.l ..d I iv.v:.! c ...
can learn the exact cost
of any proposed line of
advertising in American
papers by addressing
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.?
Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
IO Spruce St., Hew York.
Send lOcta. for 10OPg Pmmphret.
been accumulating ior yeai'S, anu , p um,t;tm nr.t tions.md nostivelv cures p'le, or no pi
IU1 all W3t Ul iiiiiuiuatisiii ..- . . j T . :
can I expect to be relieved of it for cured by Bailard,s Snow Li j t required .i, guaranteed togive pen
thejvnceofa glass of beer? -on 1 where the directions are strictly fol J per box. 25 cts Fo'r sale by all Drug-
lowed. It is a positive cure. I gist.
1 -
Kingman. Kas.. is of the salt of-
.t ill tO laV. 11 . ail i I.CM i .1 1 o lJ I lCtttui:! AiiJ
.vin to i-kel her. s?he d walk poverty at 1U cents a bead? 1 nave
n.-.-...n.l tlm v.nd and sinj: awhue an
tlien she'd go in and lav. Tol-e was
sent m for a year. Couldn't you. to
obh'ge a lor woman, make it two,
"Oli. no; I have r.o authority to ex
tend the time.
"I didn't know but to oblige a po'
woman you mout."
No. I can not. '
Well, don't you think you could
slip six months in 011 i;m anyhow?"
"No. can't extend his time a min
ute.'' '
"But vou are shore that you won t
let him out under a year."
We'll keep him m that long.
Well. I am much obliged to yoa
for doin' what you can." she said, aris-
, T 1 -T : 1 1. 1 , i t t-rt 1 li a ,1
Hjirj antl UtllHV vnai. jv.. "--
the pow er vou would do more for me.
Goal lv.' Arkaruauf Traveler.
8500.00 Reward.
EucUen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world tor Cn
Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Cancem, Piles, Chilblains, Corns,
"But, my dear," urged Mrs. Stig
gins. timidly, '-if vou have paid in all
that money to the society how are
we to buy provisions for next week?
"Who is to provide "
Provide?" interrupted Stiggins,
wrathfuUv. "doesn't the constitution
of our society provide that there
shall be no more want? That pover
ty, which has so long stalked through
the Land, shall quit stalking and
adopt some other and less objection
able form of locomotion? We have
The Galveston News predicts that
there will be no southern man on the earth. A stratum of pure rex
either national ticket next rear. It salt thirty feet thick has been founl
looks like the solid south ought to
be able to swing cne end of some
Malarial poisons can be entirely
removed frcm the system by the
use of Ayer's Ague Cure. This
remedy contains s peccific. m t'e
form ot a vegetable product, used in
no other Ague preparation. arranged.
V,.-r. Thp inhabitants wtre boricr
for gas and struck sa t.
America's Pride
True American me.i and women,
by reason of their strong constitution,
beautiful form, rich complexion';
and characteristic energy, are envttTt
by all nations. I' ihe general use
of Dr. Harter s Iron Tc: ic whic
brine's about these result.

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