Newspaper Page Text
p.y mTUnC i 8T-LOUIS UULUiliiwix.ioiuj BUTLER WhhliLY 1 lMr.b j From a report Gf the coutemplat- J. D. ALLEN Editor. J. D. Allen & Co., Proprietors TERMS OF SLTSrRH'TION: All. I. . . 1 " ' j. - . - - - ' - Wednesday, will be hem to any I dure one vear, postage paid, tor ; i .- . published everv BUTLER MISSOURI WEDNESDAY, AUGUVIi, iSa; All toM there were 2,05.1,01.2 fight lug soldiers in the field during tin 'ate war. Out of this number Mi: houri furnished 10N,77K. A ghastly Indian trophy is shown Jtt the war department, being a "neck lire" of eight human fingers, captured from the northern Oheyennes in 1870. The necklace originally consisted of eleven fingers, each of which repre sented a pak-face slain by the owner, who was the "big medicine man" of the tribe. Win. Anderson and Col. Dye. of Hie Sabine Pass railroad, were in the -ity Friday on business connected with that project. They say that they have a number of men prospecting for coal this side of Mulberry and have not yet definitely located their line. If a paying vein of coal is struck at Butler we; stand a good show ef se-curing this line-. lion. John T.Clark, of .)e li'i-i sim City, who has been chief clerk in the Auditor's oiTn-e- for the; past IS e;us. was in the city la.-.t Wednesday and paid the- Timm sane turn a pleas.ait call. He is a candidate for State Auditor, and his leuig connect iem with that office peculiarly fits him for the petition. Mr. Clark is evi dently .1 stremg believer in the proverb, that "the early bird catches the worm." At a meeting of the Rich Hill and Cutler railroad committees last week, Iho work of He;uring tin right of vay on the old road grado fen- the K. C, Butler & Rich Hill roa 1 was divided as follows: Butler to work from the extreme limit of the old grade south to the north boundary of the county, the Rich Hill com mittee to take the semth end. The work of taking the right of way is progressing rapidly. We learn that it is Mr. Wilson's intention to begin work immediately after all the right of way lias been secured. We are glad to see it denied that Dr. Joseph Farker, of London, was called to fill the late Henry "Ward Oeecher's Pulpit. Dr. Parker is a Uigiily educated, talented preacher, a great scholar and no doubt would perform the charge with great abil ity. But we stop to think that this was Mr. Beecher's church in everv sense of the word. He took it in its infancy ami brought it up to its present greatness. His own ideas were instilled into the foundation :tud throughout the structure until it was a part and parcel of the man. Mr. Beecher was emphatically American in his views, in his inter course ami daily walk and the man who succeeds to his life work should be an American. The Kansas City Times, to dieover Ike choice of the two great parties for president, addressed a circular to its correspondents in each county in Missouri and Kansas, with in structions to interview six of the leading men of each party on that question.. The result was published Sunday and resulted in Cleveland receiving 261 votes out of a possible 270 iu Missouri, and ou the republi can ticket BLune got 126 out of a possible 261, Sherman coming next with 77, Lincoln 41. the balance scattering. In Kansas Cleveland re ceived 30S out of a possible 32$; Blaine 1S1 out of 308; Sherman Stf- Luncoln 44. It will seen thot filevelnnd i : ! choice of his party in these two -t for re-election. Thurmau was I next to Cleveland, getting 3 vote, in j Mtssounaud 7 votes in Kr,. Blaine is nenr enough the goal to feel certain of the electoral ote ' frcm these two states if he -l-Wj ; -I ecome a car.diJ -te. " ' u I extensions of the ht. Loui.s v j Colorado road ly the Santa Fe e-om-j pany we copy the following: j Route Xo. 2; Cormneneing at the most practical point on route No. 1, ; between Versailles, in Morgan county. i f'sJc f'onili. U.-titrm .-oilTitv. ia' v. 'i i v"'? ' ' thence in a southwesterly direction through the counties of Morgan 1?,.,,... TT.,,r- noil Vernon in . ii L'.l'. J . 1 . ' . -' - ! the State of Missouri; thene-e west- ' erly through the county of JJouruon 1 to a point at or ne-ar the city of Ft. j Scott, in said county of Bourbon. Also remte No. 4. commenciujr at the most practical peint of connec tion with route No. 2, in Henry county, Mo.; thence running wester ly through the counties of Henry. Bates ami Cass, in the state of Mis souri; thence westerly through the counties of Miai.ia and Franklin, in the state of Kansas, to a point at or near the city of Ottawa, in Franklin county. Frem the above it would appear that the road is tc branch in Henry county and run two lines west. ene jiifit north and the' eithe r a short dis tance south, leaving Butler in the angle. We lay this down as a sound propositiem that no company of the wealth and experience; the Santa Fe possesses, will run two lines into the same territory, whe n all the business could be transacted by ene. By a study of the- map as to the relative positions eif these towns it will be seen that Ottawa is north of went and Ft. Scott is south e.f we'.-l ef Butler. By running line No. 2 to Butler. tiiei;ee extending No. 1 to Ottawa wendd make a clear saving ef between twe-nty-five and thirty miles eif road building. Not only that, besides the advantage s of reaching Butler, the -ou:ity seat of ene- ef the wealthiest agricultural cenintie'S in the state-, it taps the principal coal tie-Ids iu the southwest, as yet unde ve leiped. We- make no vain boast er extrav agant assertion in this matter but present the testimony of competent witnesses. We take the report of Prof. Broadhead, the State Geolev gist, anel that of State Mine Inspect or, M. L. Wolfe. Both of these gen tlemen made the coal interests iu Bates county a careful study, the latter in the capacity ef County Mine Inspee-tor for a number of years, and their testimony is to the effect that the richest coal fields, as to quality of coal and thickness of veiu, lays in New Home township, through the very heart of which this road would pass from Butler to Ft. Scott. Xow you have our case. The rich est and best laying agricultural country in the county is between Butler and Clinton. At Butler we have inexhaustible sandstone quar ries, pronounced by experts to be superior, for building purposes, to the famous Warrensburg stone. The best coal fields in the county, as yet undeveloped, directly on the line, which lanels cau be obtained at very reasonable prices, besides a savin of at least twenty-five miles of con struction. It seems to us that this company will surely see these things as they really exist. Lieut. Gov. Morehouse Saturday issued a proclamation, offering a reward of $300 for the arrest and delivery to the St. Louis authorities of Wm. Abbott West, who is want- eel in that city for the seduction and murder of Miss Susie or Annie Beck., The proclamation gives the follow ing description of West; "Lately a Methodist minister at Chesterton. Porter county, Ind. He is between 30 and 35 years old. 5 feet G inches high, about 150 pounds weight; fair complexion, dark brown eyes dark auburn hair parted in the middle; full, square face, and chin clean shaven; stoops slightly. He is a native of London, where he li3s re lations living. Synopsis of the platform of the late Iowa republican convention: Oppression of negro in the south -obeir cu negro vote. . . .rebel ;J-s"--foes.... pensions Tf' ' " traitors t.fefreWl ... .democratic aVase ,d corruption pensions old soldiers... relo1 daSs oW veterans. . . . pen- wons - ;rM dag pensions ' ' ' '?lX soIlVyrtW rensons rebel liasr. A Reorganization of tht Certorado Ef- fecteel by the Atchison. Fort Scott. Kan.. August 2- ; The Directors of the St. Louis. Kan- j sas City and Colorado Railroad Com- j pany. the name under which the i Santa Fe company will construct its new line from St. Louis via this city j to Chanute. met in the parlors of the ; Huntington house to-day and form- j ally transferred the road to the rt-p- j resentatives of the Santa Fe compa- j liv. The gentlemen present were-: i D. L. Gallup, of Boston. Treasurer ! and Secretary; John GaLup, of St. Louis. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer; S. T. Emerson, of St. Louis, Superintendent; A. A. Hurd. of Topeka, Assistant Attorney of the Atchison, and Directors. Col. John C. Carpenter and T. C Jones, of Chanute. I. W. Sturgeon and George W. Kimball, of St. Louis, and C H. Osbun. of Ft. Scott, representing 17,000 shares of stock. President Strong, of the Atchison, was expect ed to be present, but did not arrive. Everything, however, was done un der his directions. The Directors elected are as follows: George O. Manchester, Arthur L. DeEvans, Charks H. Draper, and A. B. Low rie, all of Boston; C. II. Osbun, of Ft. Scott; John C. Carpi liter and T. C. Jone s, of Chanute; George W. Kimball and Isaac Sttnge-on. ef St. Louis. The; officers are (Je orge O. Manchester, President; D- L. Gallup. Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor. The e barter ef the road was so amended as the territory in Missouri to e-over all the Santa Fe lines being constructed or contemplated in that stale. Though nothing was given out by the gentlemen as to the definite- time- when construction would begin on the line- to this e-ity. Mr. D. L. Gallup stated that it was the intention of the company to build the road as fast as nh-u and meney cemld elo it: but he could not say whet he-r work would be-giniu two weeks or six weeks. The Executive Committee is composeel of the four Boston gentlemen first named as Directors, who have the' work in charge. It was later learned from a reliable source that the work of construction will not begin until after the meet ing of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Directors at Topeka, September 5, when it is proposeel to increase the capital stock 10.000,000. It is further stated that a large majority of this stock has already been sub scribed. It will be seen, when the amendeel charter is filed at Topeka. that the line from this city to Cha nute is not included. In explanation of this fact it was stated that the amended charter of the St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado was not in tended to cover lines already covereel by the Chicago. Kansas City & Western, to which subsielies have Wen voted from here to Chanute. Houn Captured. W. A. Hogan. believed to be the party who made an assault on Mr. Wm. Saulsman in the East End a week er two ago. arrived on the noon south-bound Missouri Pacific to-day, just as officers were about to board the train going north in search of him. Half an hour after his arrival he was placed under ar rest by Marshal Logan, upon a warrant sworn out by Mr. Saulsman. The evidence against Hogan is said to be very strong, and unless he bring very good testimony to offset it, most probably result in his con viction anil in securing a regular berth for him at the State peniten tiary. Rich Hill Review. The G. A. R. is usually very quick to resent any real or fancied slur up on its order. Such being the case it should immediately hold a confer ence with Dave Walker, the chief of the Raid Knobbers, who wears a G. A R. badge on his niaidy breast. Dave will not be at the St. Louis reunion for obvious reasons, but a resolution looking to the recovery of that badge would le in line. Or is it an established prineinle. once a nienilx-r of the G. A. R. always a I member. K. C. Times. I . 1 The prospects are very flattering j that there will b& five presidential j candidates before the people in 1888. i as follows: Democrat, Republican. I American. United Labor and Prohi- j biticc AN UGLY EPISODE. (ievs. Wiln t West Virginia And Forakerof Ohioliet Ovcrheateel" en War issues Ami Nearly Cause A Riot. Wheeling, W. V.. Aug. 2U. At i o'clock this evening a highly exciting political incident took place at the Mi-Lure house, where Govs. Wilson of this state. Foraker of Ohio and Beaver of Pennsylvania are quarter ed. The Cathedral band of Pitts burg came down to the hotel to ser enade the three strangers. Gov. Wilson first appeared upon the bal cony and during his address took exceptions to the use Foraker made of the Word "rebel" during his ad dress at the camp fire this afternoon. A. B .Hay, a prominent Pittsburger, championed Foraker and poured hot shot into Wilson. He was followed by Foraker, who made use of high ly insulting personal language to ward Wilson. The latter replied warmly and the result was that a heated elebate was kept up be tween the two for over two hours. Be neath the balcony the streets were packed with veterans and Wilson's friends, each faction cheering wildly. Excitement was intense on idl sides, and cool he-ads alone saved a riit. The action of both governers is de plored as unfortunate and out ef place, especially at the wind up of a reunion whii-h boasts ef its purpose iu fast wiping away all sectional feel ing. Svrup f Figs. Manufactured only iv the Cali fornia Fig Smp Co., San Francis co, Ca!., is nati::es Own True Lax ative. Tins pleasant California lifjuid fruits reined v may be had of Simp son & Co. It is the most pleasant, prompt, and effective remedy know n to cleanse the ss'ein; to act on the Liver, Kidneys, anel Bowels gently vet thoroughly; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Consti pation, Indigestion, anel kindred ills. 2$ 6m. Min;re Items. Miss Maud Stalely is visiting rela tives in Cass county. R. L. Smith will start to Daviess county this week. C. W. West and Frank McManna nia are working in Kansas city thife week. 11. C. Andrews and two sons will start south in a few days to look at the country. Gvo. W. West is talking of moving to Wright county. Emmitt Staley and Walter Scott returneil from Kansas City hoking as thin as the republican party. Will Stalev. of Cass county, was over in Mingo gathering roses Sun day. Better yeu look some leedle out, wm. There has been several stock men in Mingo the past week looking for feeding cattle, but there has be-en no sale as yet that we know of. Some of our farmers say there will be as much or more com in Minge this year than was raised here last year. How thankful we ought to be when we can rejoice in living under an honest democratic administration anil in a country where peace and plenty abound. S. E. In regard to the rumor publisheel by us yesterelay concerning the death of T. Hiter Crockett. Mr. Cain in forms us that a former schoolmate of Mr. Crockett's imparted the infor mation to him as coming direct from the home of Mr. C, viz.; Frankfort, Ky., and it is therefore to be con sidered reliable unless refuted by more direct evidence. Rich Hill Review. In Brief, And To The Point. Dvspepsia is dreadful, Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one ot the most complicated and wonderlul things in existence. It is easilv put out c t order. Greasy iood, tough food, sloppy iood. bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics. But Green's August Flower" has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American peo ple so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember. No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dys peptic. Ask your druggist tor a bottle. Sevent v-five cents. 5-iyr. e o w. Administrator's Notice. Notie i hereby given that letters of a lmin istrtlion cjon the estate ot Nathan !. Horn, deceased, bavebven granted totheundersigrne by the Kat-s coontv probate coart in Bates eoanty. Mittwnri, bekriner date theHthdayor June lssT. Al! persons havin? claim aeaingt said estate are repaired to exhibit them to me for allowance, within one vear from the date of sid letters, or they may" be precluded from any benefit of sncu estate; and if said claims be not exhibited within two years from the date of publication of this notice, thev will b forever barred. atihici: Hob, AifliiciiSrairii, Shooting Affray. The usually peaceful vicinity of Everett, in the southwest part of this I county, was considerably aroused by the report of a probable fatal affray I between James Dugan and Charles Adams, two young men of that neighborhood. It seems that each of the young men had been some what devoted to a young lady which caused enmity te grow between the boys. Adams had become so enraged at the success of Dugan that he had frequently threatened to shoot him. and arming himself with a gun. he started to search for Dugan. In the meantime Dugan was informed of Adams' proea-dure and prepared himse lf by having a shot gun loaded with buckshot awaiting for his ad versary's arrival. Before Adams could discharge his gun. which he attempted te de Dugan tilled his body full of buckshot, thereby proba bly saving his own life. The wound is rathe r si-rious, but not fatal, and will probably learn the young man to use more discretion in the future. The preliminary examinatieui ef Dugan was hehl yesterelay. Mr. Bird prosecuting and Mr. Barnett defend ing. He was acipiitte-d. Cass IVm oeaat. Order ef l'ublieation. siAiK or Missocia, eVitnty of Rates. In tin- rm-uit court of Hates comity , Missouri. .luno term, IssT. I lit? htuti- ot Missouri at tin-relation and to the nut- of e)scar Keedt-r, t-o!lit'U collector of Hit- revenue of Hates county in the state of .Missouri, plaintiff, vs .lacob l opple, ilel'enilant. Civil actum lor ile-linqiit-iit taes Now, at this day comes the plaintiff herein, liv her attorneys, and it iippehrinir to the satis faction of tho court from the return of the sheriff on tho writ of summons issued herein that mid defendant cannot he summoned in this action. Whereupon it is orderetl by the court that said defendant lie not tied by publi cation that plaintiff lias commenced a suit );ainft 1 i 111 in this court by petition, the ob ject and peneral nature of which is to enforce Hie lien of tin- slate of Missouri lor the delin iiuent taxes of the vear IKSTi. amounting inait-Krt-ate to the sum of l.'.''i, together with the interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the lollowiuK described tracts of land situated in Itates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot la in block aa. in the city of Kich Hill, Missouri, and that unless the said defendant be and appear at the next term of this court to be hi-pun and holden in the city of Hutler, Hates county, Missouri, on the lirst Monday In No vember. IssT, and on or before the sixth day of said term, (if the term shall so Ionic con tinue, and if not, then before the end of the term) and plead to said petition according to law, the same will betaken as confessed anil judgement rendered according to the prayer of said petition, ami the above described real estate sold to satisfy the time And it la furthor ordered by the conrt that a copy hereof be published. In the Hutler WeeklT Times, a weekly newspaper printed and pub lished in Itutler, Hates countv, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last Insertion to be at least fonr weeks before the first day of the next term of said court. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with the Skal. Heal of said conrt hereunto affixed. I lone at office in Itutler, on this 4th day of Au gust, 1W7. JOHN C HAYKS. Circuit Clerk. y-4t. This repreMnta a h smithy Hf. Throaghont lu Tartoa sotnoa. h.;" PltE BEANS imrif the Mh1, hy autlBK dlrecUraDTproinpU on (be IJver, DUa and Kld Ullt. 'y eonal.l of m vegetable cmUaaUoa ikal riif.,1VS"i? 1,1 mfMl "eee. They care Contlpa-IvTi'-.-. n "T-pep!", and are a aafeiraarea Sni wrfK.f0' or 'ra, IUlZi and fever, (all alone, and BrtKht'a disease. Send 4 eenta poataate for a aam. iZS na Xmt ne "WH f hn vre mmj. Price, 2& eenu per boUle, mailed to any addreaa, postpaid. DOSK ONB Bfidif. Bold by dragglst BJn oo., FB9P1UXTOIU, mi: ZKauia, MO. Bennett, Wheeler & Co., Dealers in tne Celebrated John Deer Bradley Stirrm Bradley, Canton. Deere anel SSevf Departure TontjueleiS Cultivators. Deere Keystone Rotary Drop Corn Planters, With Deere All Meel Check Rower with Automatic Reel. Stalk Cutters.Xew Ground Plows. Harrows and Sulkv Pl-.w Haish's S Barbed Steel Fence Wire HALLADAY WIND MILLS, IRON, VOOI AND CHAIN' PUMPS, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES. ALL KINDS OF GRASS SEEDS Hardware, Groceries, Iron. Nails. Waon Woodwork, &c. BENNETT, WHEELER & CO. 11 Owrr boaaaod Trul V&rkAM . i I.J . - I mK'b L" ror1 ioaJU by u of V tuIA..- 1 or Mil 9(T?etaaJ f jit Mb!t Rih v JI5rB.r0.Sf 1 r "TDr.ct iHIIVy vA, 111 wiaii -j.tvYii i The Oft Told Storvl tf the peculiar merit. . .. is fully confirm.-,! !.. .w. .1 t.iry testimony of thousands who hive tr,l it. Peculiar in the combine u, "I ami preparation o( its iitRtedtcnu X in tho- extreme care with whjch'j up. Hood's Sursup.m!U .-iivei-...!,. H w here other preparations entire!, U pZl liar in !!. ei,..,i, ,h..i .......i " . . " , name u lusnud at home, which is a -n..r .... 1 abroad," peculiar in the i-lienontenalJ it has attained, ! Hood's Sarsaparilia is mi" iuom jwpuiar ami successful med;-It-fore the public today for rurtfymJS Wood, giving strength, creatine ".'I. .. " "1 suffered from wakefulness sua spuus, mm aiso nau eczema ou the bv . my head and neck, which was im ; ; --aispariiia.iM I have receives! so much benefit that I w' very pratcf u!. and I am always glad to spm! I took one tioitlrt .f H.l- .. a good word for this mediciue." Mr, j, j fjiuis, loiisvuie, i enn. Purifies the Blood Henry !isi;s, Campbell Street. Kan, fi lial! scrofulous sons all bu h.,.v- i fifteen years. Hood's Sarsapat Ilia complet cureu nun. Wallace Muck, of North Rloonifield v v suffered eleven years with a terrible vsrlcV ulcer ou his leg, so bad that tie had to up business. He was cured of the ulcer, ui also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparilia Sold b) all druggists. Sl;ixf.jW. rtvivir-Ju.!. by O. I. HlXm A ('O..AMhoulii. lw.n . ' IOO Doses One Dollar Order of 1'ublieatiou. STATK eK MtSSOt'lil, ) e'oi NTv or 15Te-. -v In the probate court for the countv of R l Ili'llKt - l.ide Henry executrix. John A. Devinnr A nt.ti- Ant.iti. .1- ' "'ol ......... n...i-.., , . ti(-f-fntMi, ) Irder of l'ii,li.-t,., Now come l.ide Henry, executrix, ami JJ -- - - i " .-tiimiiv iienrv, ceased, and present to the court their lVliticl lifsiiitir fur u A..).. r.. I... .. . . ' . the real estate of said deceased as will par i: iciuHiiimi; tienis one nv said eU; and vet nniiMid fur u ttntiAf.nAl.ii..'..t - .... ....,,.,. tvll n!IM.lB . ComilHIlltl hv the Hivnmitc li. .1 .. .1 ; ... ..- , . unit iuraf nes require;! by law insach case; on rxamiii ...... " ...rv. u i imupivu, ita mi itront ij tTtstMi in the estat of said rieccaiM., Uiwj iiv-i inn. npiMiriiuoti an atortsaitl Im - . , 1 "iimhi 1 niKiwu Ull ( before the first day of the next term of ttl i-ouri 10 ne neni tin me second Mondavof N letllber lilt an irilu. u-lll l. . of said deceased as will lie sufficient for el sale ot tht whole, or ho roueh r ti... pnviiieui oi sam ileitis; and it Is further 0Kl - ., ...... ..... Miiiiiiro in Mas newspaper in Hates county, Missouri, for foil 11 .1 . . 1 o (...r... .1... . . . . . 1 . . , iii-ir im,- m-M irrilt OI tills COVn STATK eK MlSSill KI. ) . Cm -sty or IUtks s- I. J. S. Kranclseo, Jntltre of the Prohi e Olirt )idi! lt un.l l.r t .. 1 t certify that the forefrolnir is a tr cop of ul "itiiini roer 01 i-uiiiieaiioii inerein rererrc. to. as the same appeared of record in inv nffin Witnuaa in.- Iia.l m .1 . I .. . . ' f . ....... D ..i, i.nn.1 mm rrm 111 Kne.l V4Jan I fsi. Done at office ill Butler, ai'th ilavof it Kust. A 1). Iis7. ,? MliVl isee 1 Mt. Judge of Probtte Vi A AT 1T T? l-'fnr isweeki. TbJ OVifl I J J I1j M'OLie'K laurm will be malleti.secnrelv wrapped ,to any addwstl intne united f g 1 1 J T XT' C Statet fnr months on re-V'X A 1 Fit fleeipt of Oi reiut of Ow' Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to poatmut. lar. i.inerai tnscoiint allowed to noatniM. Votxcl M A 1 1 jE D am ers. The of New York la the Only leiclUniate lllustrato! Sportlnfr and Sensational . lour-T3I 17 Jtl nl published on th American f It luLj,' coniineni. Apply ror lerma o KllllAKU k KO. . Franklin Square, New York. JvM raeh a IW aa tby major Who w tho Bautb'i Silt ftrini Tbo orlttBal Pbotomrh, of ttaii Dletats I sent on rseeipi or IM, la MaiBM. Add rasa, BILK BEAWa, t. LoaisM a. Brown Cultivators; Pattee safaasHaaaaa tmrntmmiimmi oi ttt io9m crooowg, aaa an v"" V -'.mt ? a 6CR Bcant tan bj CI RED t -kooar. d f nul nUTW - ' . - MMUItllil M gPlowsi rT3 "TIT JOV oriwotinciPBctiainrnT. f'5aMl afti TBEATMEMT. Ct Katt. . Xa.C rtm, 0 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Mrc CHOfSTS, SOrrw W. T"Brt mM BT.TTTJTa, JfO. BUT tdr arrtin' sons S will be month Butler each ii Rich 1 tvtenci Yd At tiay. Mi this 1 Mi city 1 tbol Ft. his I Y towi very t; to h seril M bur; Mar Fri wh froi S. Etl the ! thr R1H 1 Ya 1 lie m Ti th an foi be 1 ar F Lt f n el