Newspaper Page Text
Stttte i hi in in in in in in fot. ix. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7, 1887. NO. 41 i i Mo. Pacific 11. It t6io & Southern Branch.) .gclng Sunday, May ioth, and . . . f ll i tgt$t notice, Trains win icavc h Texas Express 0tK.C. Express .-.Accommodation.. . GOING SOUTH. uTexas Express 9:14 p m 2-K.C Express 11:40AM J-Accomrnodatlon 8:55 a m S. L. E. Div. GOING WEST. ttfPanger 11:50AM -Accomodation 9:50AM GOING EAST. WATER CAUSES A FEUD. Eleven Arizona Men Shot and Killed i in Two Weeks. 4:45 AM 2 tOO P M VUPssstneer - --j. -ACCOmouaiiun 7535 2MO P M Holbrook, A. T.: Sept. 1. T. D. Tewksbury has arrived at Phoenix and states that still more murders have occurred in the Tonto basin country since the killing of last week, and from what can be learned of the developments of the past few days it would appear that at least two and probably more men had met their deaths by violence. The last two were John Graham BSPSir.SSl iSjS.2S Ed Tewksbury. Definite infor- uiauuu 01 me immediate circum stances leading to the death of Graham are lacking except that it was at the hands of the Tewksburys. T.,1.v... 1 v i u:i N, Hi, U OJXLiXV, resisting arrest by Sheriff Mulvenon. a"" . .v. fault and all points west and north- for rates ana ower ininrmiuon fw. liAUIM. Agent. DEINTISTj MISSOURI. CHER, OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. Lawyortt. hAKKINSON ft GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. rice West Side Square, over Lans- En'iDrug Store I.A W I P.U. t In all eonrts. All legal business attended to, office ever nates co. a- 4 Mat, Bower, aso. As to who the others killed were, or how many, it was impossible to learn, but it is said on good authority that at least five more have come to their end. The total number now sup posed to have been killed in con nection with the feuds of that region are eleven all in about two weeks. Sheriff Mulvenon is now in that region with a posse of deputies and news of a startling nature is looked for daily. It is rumored that Sheriff Mulvenon has been killed, but this can not bo traced to any reliable foundation. This feud between the Grahams I .1 m t... :.. - - 1 1-1 1 IUU.MO. Offlca front room over Bates anu xcwasuuryn in umy tuiuuu uy Lb national nana. the llowan county family feuds of EKajicuco. S.P.Francisco. Kentucky. Each faction are fight- tANCISCO BROS. Attorney at im for the nossession of a sprintr f..i1 ff til if.. I 1 7 "rC:' pr" , ' .en. and each have their followers. Softs. Prompt attention given to cow 3on, uinc over Wright At uiorius' (Java store. , , o SUWMB ft SMITH. UWIJCKB How Young liotlitricks Father Was' IIunR to Make Him Give op 3Ioney J The arrest of young Payne for j stealing a horse in St. Clair county belonging to Charles Itotherick, brought to light au item of news that iiiny have heretofore escaped the eyes cf the Bazoo leaders. It seems -4, ui tv.-.- years ago, youug ltotheriok's father who lived alone with his son, in a secluded place on the Osage river, was attack e l by 10M r, a..;! hung by the neck in his own house, three times to make him disclose the whereabouts of $700 or $800 that he was suppos ed to have in the house. Who these robbers were, is to this day unknown. They secured about $80 hi gold from the old gentleman, and while his tauter was being strung up, young Kotnenck was tied with Ins arms behind his back, and laid on the floor, a helpless witness to the out rage committed on his father. The fact of this brutal conduct on the old man was to give his system such a shock, that the day before Payne stole the horse, the old man died, and it was while the family were at the funeral that the horse was stolen, Some suspicion was attached to young Payne that he was mixed up in the hanging of old man Rotherick and the robbery. If this was the case, and the matter is never found out. he will at least get his deserts for horse stealing, in the Pettis Co criminal court, l'ayue is now 111 jail in default of bond. Sedalia Ba zoo. True Courage. In courage ihe ordinary woman, says the Augusta Gazette, greatly outstrips the ordinary man. Wheth er it be reckless, unconscious or sub lime the element of courage that auwio a ut ai tne intrusion 01 a mouse knows no fear in the face of real danger. A lady who would not venture from her rural front door alone was often met abroad leading 3-year-old child by the hand. When asked if she considered the infant's presence a protection she said: "In a measure, yes, for when am alone I feel that I have no right to be away, and would run from a shadow, but if I were attacked with this child I would defend it to the law. Some persons will account or this on maternal instincts. But the lady was not related to the child, and she was unmarried. for Bp Em h Clife Svrnp of Figs, Manufactured only by the Call fornia Fig Syrup Co., San Francis co, Cal., is nature's Own True Lax ative. This pleasant California liquid fnrits remedy may be had of Simp son & Co. It is the most pleasant prompt, and effective remedy known to cleanse the system ; to act on the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels gently vet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Colds and Fevers ; to cure Consti pation, Indigestion, and kindred ilia. 2 6m. We have this season the larg est and best line of school shoes that have ever been shown in this city. Parents who need school shoes for their children will find it to their advantage to call on me for such goods. MAX WEINBR 1 Sole agent for "SELZ" and"GIE SECKE" hand made boots and shoes. East side square. Can Well at Ilarriwtnvlllf . Mr. A. G. Deacon had on his I placo in the eastern part of the city IT. H. Marshal Dead. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 2. Maj. J. E. D. Couzins, United States mar shal of the Eastern district of Mo., died attho family residence, 2454 Chestnut street, 12:05 o'clock this morning. He had been confined to his room for several weeks by dis ease resulting from injuries recievod 1 W. SILVERS. a veil of usual size, about 40 feet What Next? deep. Not furnishing enough water while guarding the Wabasn railroad During the last national campaign for family use he employed Stewart during tho aouthwest strike. Ho the republican press and stump Bros., of Coldwater township to leu irom a moving car ana lor a time I speakers told the people that if a bore an eight inch hole in the bot- it was thought he was nenously in- democrat was elected president tho torn of the well, with the intention jured, but he grew better gradually. M practice In Bates and adjoining -nnnirv would crn tnnnn. invi.Htmf.tita nf (mine Anxrn rill hft f mi nil an abun- and it Was thought several weeks ago Pt: 1- .t.. 1 11... n . . V I J e ' 1 t e 1 . . ' tlftsMln the Supreme Court at Jeffer- uty. Office North Side Square, over uacurtde's. . m TTORfJEY s LAW ). Thol A Post Office Gutted. Concordia, Kas., Aug. 30. post-office here was robbed by a sneak thief or thieves Saturday of about $1,550 in stamps and $200 in cash. The iob was done while a m circus procession wan passinc through the street, entrance being made by a rear window while tho clerks and postmaster were observing the show. The thieves were hurried, as they left $140 in gold right in sight, scattered under the stamps. Bridge Letting. Ity an order made by the County Court C Dates county, Mo., and to m directed, for (bo construction of a bridge across braarJi f. I ep water creek, on the Hut ler and Applfteo. City road, situated on tne towaablp lino -tweon towns St) and 40 of ranae W, 1 will PM cel to let the contract (or the above doaento4 bridge, at public vendue, to the lowest bidder. m tne east irvo. uuvr wi wui m , elty of Bntler, oo.nty of Bates and ataM of attsaonn,on Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1867, . between the hoars of o'clock in the forsnoem and 6 o'clork in the afternoon or tnat aay. Kids sublect to approval by the nsn. to be a Hint IUmI Trass of W feet apan. I wnl at same time let in excavation or bus y made at same placo to lowest bidder, flaa. ana specincatlons now on nie in my mmiM4., Bridge Commlaaloaey. Fhysioiana. I R. BOYD, M. D. e , UT3IGIA1I AND SURGEON, would be unsafe, tho rebel debt would dance of water. When the drill had he would entirely recover Irom the ! be paid, the rebel soldiers would be reached the depth of about 90 feet a effects of the fall. But the recovery , 1 ... pensioned, tho negro would be re- rumblinir noise was heard in the well waH u temporary. 1 w enslaved, and so on to the end of the and the drill was raised. The pres- chapter. A democrat was elected to I ence of eras was suspected as the! The King of Gas Wells. the presidency and none of these cause of the unusual noise, and a I Louisville, Ky Aug. dl. lwenty things came to pass; they were known piece of lighted tow was thrown in 1 five miles from this place down the to be lies when uttered; they played I the velL An explosion followed on a harp of a thousand strimrs of I whiri was heard a auarter of a mile 1 1 1 I wfick oiue square, over t,a fa?! Ulmi will the. m-eai Tim fa v. nn o r Jin m mm uA.MKMFA ,1 I Butler, Mo. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, nomoBoPATiiie PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, fwe, Iront room over T. O. All calls tred at office day or night. Special attention given to temak dis- republican party do now? It will feet in the air, causing great excite have to invent an entirely new song. I ment in the neigborhood. The Wnue tney were in power tney ciaim-1 force of the explosion 'blew away a ed to be the progressive party the I good deal of the wall of the old w ell, party that led in all new thought I displaced part of the machinery, Ohio river and upon the Indiana side, the Union Gas company, of Louisville, has struck, a magnificent flow of natural gas at a depth of 400 feet The flow of gas amounts to at least two hundred cnbic feet a second, wfliich would amount to about 17,000,000 cubic feet a day. A Hovel Bet. While I am not a bettinc man. aald F. J. Cheyncy, of the firm oF. T.Cheynev & Co., I considered it mv religious duty to make that fellow a bet, you see he was about dead, and I euess he would have died before Spring it I-had notot eot him on the bet. You know some men had rather lose their life than lose a hundred, well he waa one of that kind, and we both came near being out, but 1 saved my hundred and It only cost him tn tfkl1ar. Hnir'a rtist . H nf tAi me one day and said the doctors had all given him up to die, with the catarrh. I told him that I would bet him $100 that Hairs Catarrh Cure would cure him or I would give him $100 if it tailed. He took the Utter proposition. This was three months aso: you see how he looks now, aon't you, as well aa any one ana a dandy. American, Toledo, O. Ol der of Publication. ' Stati or Mutoou, I Connty of Batea I' In tbe circuit ooart of said county, Xorcaktv term, 1887. , ... Xadieoa Aaama, piainua, t. um Mow at this dar eomes the tilalnttf benta. his .ttoraev. before the node the circuit court of Bates countr aa irmlcmsVoli 7, In vaci letk'ef vacation. and tlee bit petition and aaHdavtt, aUesUkS, among ouer inings, uu aeienu.nt mw m while other parties only followed. Md slaved havoc with the loose The greatest flow of natural gas in They were the great moral lights and Lk and stone laying around the Uhis country heretofore has been only political inventors. Smce they U .onlh of the well. A teree piece of irom tne liarg weu, at xmaiay, lost the prestage of power, where -plank was blown 70 or 80 feet and O., which is 12,000,006 cubic feet in have they shown leadership? The U heavy stone 100 feet. A stone twenty-four hours. C. BOULWARE, Physician and only efforts put forth so far have from the top of the well fell over the j oargeoi r, Mo. n. Office north aide sotmre Diseaaesof women and chil f a specialty. DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND ACCOUCHEURS. ! over their drug atore on Norths Htasfreet, Butler, Mo. been done by uotton speculator I drilled hole, shutting on tne gas, TutUe, "Palsy" Fairchild and the and the flame soon went out This ! Paralyzer Foraker. The latter de- I has been removed and the rumbling ! lighted to see the members of the I nt the bottom rf the well continued 1 G. A. R. trail the stars and stripes I as loud as ever. AHitatTuttle If the. Utes fight it will be under a leadership other than Colorows He is unpopular with both the TJ n capahgre and Southern Utes, and j in the dust at Wheeling, West Ya-, j Mr. Deacon immediately xaade ar- J & 8mau following among the Jeicret societies. because the portrait of the president I rangements to have piping put in to was stretched over the street on the test the strength of the new find. line of the parade. And thisisleader- I The Messrs. Sharp are doing the ship of the once great republican j work, and expected to hart every- party. How are the mighty fallen! 1 thing in readiness yesterday, but we White Rivers. . He is a most quar relsome and treacherous old sinner, and there is nothing on record to show where he ever engaged in contest with whites where the wea- .AWLVIL. utkr Lodge, No. 354, meets the first "uraay in each month. Kiamt Chanter Roval Arch Masons. 6, meets second Thursday in each tth. Goaler Commanderv Knlehta Templar lys ine arat Tuesday in each montn. . " t.O. O. FKU.OWS. . late, t jiAtrm ytn ifirt mt. nerv Mnn. tight.' i latler Encampment No. 6 meets the and 4th Wednesdays in each month -Holden Enterprise. ockle'c Avri- BI1XIOCS Pills. a I This old English Family Medicine in I'M n. Of .11 U. (n. "iwycii ah viei his " Indigestion, Liver, Ac. I 9mm Trirraittite , r ICKMVIW .MJ.v.-wmm ment was tried. Representative Bridges Sensible, I Nearly all of our citizens have vis- Warsaw, Mo., Sept. 1. At the en- ited the welL and are confident that camp ment of the district organization gas has been found in paying quan G. A. R. to-day, Hon. L. L. Bridges, tities, but will curb their enthu of Sedalia, repubhean member of the eiasm until further developments legislature, in the address of welcome, occur. We can believe we are in deplored the idea, that the soldiers J a gas belt, and it can be found of the Grand Army were capable of J in abundance without much effort- offering insult to ' the president of J The future of Harrisonville brightens. the United States, but recognizing j Let her boom! Cass Co. Dem had to go to press before the expexi- j pons were more destructive than his From Mercury. . aaapr 1 A neglected cold or congh may T to meumonla,Consuniptton or other fatal Stronar'a Poetcr! Plila will cur- 1 by ihasVc Bnrt thine lor dyaprpeiaja I aion,tlckaeadaebe as thousand teaMe. him as the embodiment ox tne gov- ernment and commander in chief of the United States would find it more in accordance with their feelings to protect his person and his position, and in spite of any differences they might have to settle with him would and should extend the courtesies due to his exalted station. It Won't Bake Brkad. In other words, Hood's Sarsaparilla won't do im possibilities Its proprietor tell plainly what it has done, submit proofs from sources of unquestioned reliability , and ak toii frankly it you are Rufferins Irom any disease or affection cauted or pro moted by impure blood or low state of the system to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience ot others is .ufficient as . . . .. . t j. suranee that you wm i;ui uc uuappomi- ed in the result. mnnth. Colorow beloncrs to the TuttJe brand of warriors: "No fight heap eteaL" Colorado Muldoon GiyeTnem a Chance ! Tht U to sav your Junes. Also ail vnur hrei thine machinery. Veiv won Haful machinery it is. Not only the larger atr passages, but the thousands of little tubes ana cavities jcaamg iium them When these are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there vour lanes cannot do halt their work. Call it cold, cough, croup, pnemonia catarrh, consumption or any ot the fam ily 0t throat and note and head and lung obstructions, an are Daa. aji ougn: 10 begot ridot- There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boscheo's German Syren, which any drueeist will sell you at 7; cents a bot- tl. Kven u everv-uiine rise nu laiisu you, you may depend upon this tor cer tain. 4-1 yr cow. Fined and Fired. Eureka Springs, Ark., Aug. 27. nMonabie cease, The case of county clerk H. H. Moore, which was tried yesterday in Berryville on an indictment for lail- j ing to publish the financial statement of the county in the time specified by law, resulted in a verdict of guilty, a fine of $10 and judgment removing him from office. A special election will now be in order. The two remaining indictments were continued. Order of Publication. STATE or MBSOUEI, l COClTTTOy BATS In the circuit court of Bates cOMty, November term, 1887. D. J. BlaekweU. plaintiff, vs. Jas. H. Black well, defendant. Sow at tola day eomes the plaintiff herein, by her attorneys before tbe nndenigoed clerk or the circuit court of Bates eonntv, in vaca tion, and lies her petition and aaldavrt, alleg ing, among other things, that defendant, Jaa. H. BlaekweU. is not a resident of the State of Kissonri. Whereupon it ie ordered by the clerk, in vacation, that said defendant be noti fied by publication that plaintiff has coaunene ed a anlt agalast him la this court, by petition and affidavit, the object aad general nature of which la to obtain a decree or divorce from the bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted and entered Into between plaintiff and defendant, aad to restore plaintiff her maiden name of D. J. Sharp, upon the ground that defendant de serted aad has absented himself irom plaintiff without reasonable eaase for the space of mors than one year, aad that unless the said Jaa. H BlaekweU be and appear at this court, at the next term thereof, to be begun aad holden at the court bona in the city of Bntler. in aald county, oa the seventh day of Kovember next, and on or before the aixth day of eid term, if thetermahaUao long continue and if not, then on or before the last day of aald term an wer or plead to the petition iaaaideaaae, the axes will bo taken aa eonfeased, and judg ment will be rendered accordingly. And belt further ordered that a copy hereof be pabliah- iH.m. I. nnt amaldmt or tho atntoar eoan: wnerenpos n uoriBr oj in p vacation, that aaid defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a anit against nor, in uue wan. j pmivm affidavit, the object and general nature which la to obtain a neeree or mvoroa nvw B2 bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted an entered into between plaintiff and defendant. upon the ground that the aereaaantoia on vur ifth day of September lSM.witbont a reasonabm or laat eanse absent herself from and abaaswa plaintiff and baa nines that time continued te absent neraeii irom piiiQun wi.wni being lor too spsvm of mors tn as one year and that unices im s Laura Adams be and appear at this court, at te next term tbewof, to be begun and holden attho t.n. i tha eltT of TtntleT. In aald COUS- ty. ua iu3 turenth day of Sovembet next, aw on or before the aixth dsy of said tern, if taw term sbail ao ions; continue ana 11 mm, on or before tbe last day of said term answer or plead to tbe petition in earn canae, w " will be taken aa confessed, aad. tudmaient will be rendered accordingly. Ana oe liruruie dered, that a copy hereof bo jPuWtahed. cording to law. in the Butler Weekly Tiarr, a weekly newspaper printed and published In. BateteouBty, Missouri, for four weeks sws eesaively, the last insertion to beat least ewr weeks before the first day ot the next term or said eireuit court. . JOHN C. HATES, Circuit Clerk. A true copy from the record. Witness my band and the seal of the ejreaft SKAI..1 court of Bates county, this 15th day Aau.i.l8S7.m(C mtuxm c1rCTitciwk 58-. Calvin r. Boxler. Att'y for Plaintiff . weeks aneeeaaively. the last insertion to be at least four weeks Before tbe first day of tbe next term of circuit court. JOHS C. BATEA, Circuit Clerk. A trim copy from the record. Witness my hand and the seal of tbe rirrait iSALl court of Batea onunty, this aothdnyof Aagust, 18b . .ytu v. ma i t. 41-it. Circuit Clerk nflm fr no m pIEHD MAKB3 " ScMfcrV..'. "T"" ' ' "' . iii--t - - -