Newspaper Page Text
glic Itttkt V IX. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1887. NO. 42 Pacific It. R vtp It Southern Branch.) dn,; Sunday, May 10th, and notice, train will leave f GOING NORTH. ...4:45 A M ,.. 7:55 F M ..2:00 P M A M fast Express.... L4.C. Exprew 's-JUcoromodatton. . 1 GOING SOUTH. '-TttExpre$ 9!4'M 7j C. Eipress 11:40AM Accommodation 8:55 f 17 It!.. GOING WEST. pwenger 11:50AM LAccomodatlon 9:5c a m . GOING EAST. DAVIS ON LOCAL OPTION. I horse;' but it Keems that there will be a reversion to run, '-Brown The Ex-Confederate Prenideut Discuss- hasn't got a horse." But this is no esthe Issue in Missouri. Boonville, Mo., Sept. 8. The edi tor of the Advertiser recieved the following letter from Jefferson Da vis on local option: To Walter Williams, Editor Boonville Advertiser: Beauvoir, Miss., Sept 1. Dear Sir: I have received your letters of the 27th ult. requesting me to settle V.a .....i: : j x : iPssenger... 7:3S M 1 huwuuu ui regaru so my opuuuu Accomodation ....... 2 . 10 p m m o local option being a proper Wer trains make direct con- , r r jJTst. Louis and all poinu east method to secure temperance. Many 4 all poinu aouth, Colorado, of the controversies between men are .j. and all points west and lite rites and other Information m reunion to terms man ' V V ri.uH Arrant I V,;.,n Tt 1 1 ii J.l , ft. X . i uuugg, iwu uuuuu iut3ua 1.110 joking matter with Mr. Brown, as he is unable to lose the horse, unless he is compelled to, which is the case in this instance. El Dorada Tribune. geo- The Iron Beds of 3I.ssouri. Here in Missour, nrar the graphical center of the United States, are found iron d-?j osits which are practically inexhaustibV. Iron min ing has been c tr. u 1 0:1 for Vi-ars in many counties, and it ii one of the most important industries of the Rain Comes Just in lime. Koehler, Mich., Sept. 8. Yester day's rain is a godsend to the people of this section, for they have been scourged by fire night and day for weeks past Yesterday it was all certain that the village of Tohinibee must go, and Sunday the settlement at Ball postoffice was only saved by change of wind, and many of the settlers had their chattels removed to a place of safety. Nearly every lumber camp in this part of the state has been burned, and only the sparse- ness of the settlements has prevent ed disasters that would have eclipsed for 0 j, Misses I GMlte We have this season the Iarg- .A I 1 1 1 I . . . (7e. tucker, f fori DENTIHT, MISSOURI. OfflCE OPERA HOUSE. I Lftwyen. JJMKK ; lawtkb. . . , , von ia all courts. All legal business -mti to. Office over Bates Co. Ns A, BsUsr, Mo. J2.XS0N ft GRAVES, ORNilS AT LAW. iWesi Side Square, over Lans ADnig Store. 'a A SMITH. 3,10. Offlca front room over Bates jrMnal Bang. Ifuaosco. S.P.Francisco. "mSCO BROS. Attorneys at ( Laajutler, Mo., will practice In of Bates and adjoining '1 Prompt attention given to col 1 Offlct over Wright Glorius 31 ftore, 9q right of a local community to decide whether they will have barrooms and saloons licensed to sell intoxi cants, then I should say, thus limit ed, I should be in favor of the exer cise of the power. It would be com mended by two reasons: First, the adoption of the rule would depend upon the consent of the governed. Second, the rule being supported by public opinion, could be peacefully and efficiently executed. The meas ure would be merely withholding the license to do that which one has not an inalienable right to perform would take no one's property with, out just compensation, and would not invade the rights Of any man's neighbor. You will not fail to per ceive that my position is very far short of what is demanded by the prohibitionists, to use the reorganiz ed designation of the party. Respectfully, Jefferson Davis. the RtafA rmfcwlo rT urrrimiiuro Tn the amount of iron nrnrl 'mi- 111086 ,of Huron peninsula a few : . A . years ago. bunday a strip of country among the states. Up to this time I threennlcs by ten long was burned eSt aild beSt lTe Of SCtiOOl ShOeS however, iron mining in the rigid .""' tnat hVA PVPf hoon chnum 5 .... . 1 iiv tne 8MUPTR. At tirespnt. now. 1 w - - w w w kwvb a j s aw vv a a ii 1 a.a 110 sense or tne term nas been unknown " . . r. . . :4-m ti . j . , T W. A lava. rt; f ha I e ver, a neavy storm and mucH rain tILV. i-dreniS WnO neSQ SHnOnl w I - AU. M I M SS ak ws.www tvi .1 I V 1 1 UIIIIUIC Will 1111U IL SvrnporFigs, fn thoiV oHuonf Manufactured only bv the Cali- rw 1 lAwvumaC .J Uttll UI 1 lilt? Torsucn gooas. f f. SILVERS. jTORrJEY 5 LAW 1 practice In Bates and adjoining I ta, Is th Appellate Court .t K.nw. ,r visdla the Suprern Court at Jeffer- inquiring for Mr, She Finds Her Horse. Last Friday afternoon a ragged and dirty speciman of .the female persuasion rode into town on a lum ber wagon and immediately begun J. A. Brown. She ore obtained has been found on the sur face of the ground. Even in the region where the production has been longest continued and greatest, the immense deposits underneath the soil are practically untouched. In the neighborhood of Iron Mountain alone are beds of ore ex tensive enough to supply the coun try s furnaces and foundries for many centuries to come. When these facts are considered, why capitalists don't at least make a beginning in developing this region is inexplicable Part of this neglect has undoubtedly Thonjrhtless Youths Responsible, been due, so far as regards there iron I Ft Scott Kan., Sept 8 Six weeks fields in the interior of the state, to aS George T. Pearsell, a prominent want of adequate facilities for trans- business man and brother of General f erring it to the market. This draw- B. PearsaU, was thoughtlessly back, though, has not attached to tnnwn upon the pavement by a the region around Iron Mountain or couple of young men, resulting in a Pilot Knob. Between those fields compound fracture of his arm. It and the markets railroad communi- failed to heal as it should and to day cation has for vears been direct and amputation was considered neces sary. Ue was put under the mlluence of opiates at 4 o'clock this afternoon and the limb removed, but he never regained consciousness and died this fornii Fig Syrup Co., San Francis co, Cat, is nature's Own True Lax ative. This pleasant California liquid fruiis remedy may be had of Simp- son s. Co. it is the most pleasant. prompt, and effective remedy known to cleanse the system : to act on the Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels gently vet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches, Cold and Fevers ; to cure Consti- Ichnoc Co of oiAr ros-Mi VA pation. Indigestion, and kindred ills. VJI IV-rv-"" -O.Ol- Ol UCU C 23 6m. MAX WEINER Sole agent for "SELZ" and"GIE SECKE" hand made boots and cheap. Globe Democrat. ?0mcE North Side Square, over .Scoria's. ' Vtf ( -. c -i . . I ; .' Ptvrpuoiana. claims that her name is Sota, and that she was a cousin of Hamilton, the man who was shot and robbed Salt in Kansas. Leavenworth, Kan., Sept. 8. The vein of salt struck here yesterday in the well of the Ellsworth mining company, at a depth of 730 feet, has now reached a thickness of 155 feet and the bottom has not been evening. There was an unusual gathering last Saturday at the home of Seth Davis, in Newtonville, Mass., the occasion being the celebration of his one hundredth birthday. This cer tainly is not a very old government when we see a man in the full pos-1 session of his mind who lived under the articles of confederation and was born before we had a president. When he first saw the light George Washington was the idol of the people, and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson had not then thought of dividing the country into two great political parties. Order of Publication. :!- Stats or Missocai, County of Bates Ia the circuit court of Bates eoanty, Mlssosas, Jane term, 1SK7. The state of Missouri M the relation and to the nse or Oscar Sender. ex-offlcio collector of the revenue of Baft county in the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs lacoo iwppie, aeienuani. uru action lor e- Unqnent taxes. Now. at this dsv comes the nlsintiff heroin. by her attorneys, and tt appearing to the satin faction of the court from the return of tin sheriff on the writ of summons Issued hernfn that said defendant cannot bo summoned In this action. Whereupon tt is ordered by tao court that said defendant be notified by publi cation that plaintiff has commenced a antf against him in Shis court by petition, the ab ject and general nature of which Is to enforce the Hen of the state of Missouri for the delln- AGood Appetite is essential to good health, but at this season it is often lost owing to 1 . 1 -r. . 1 I Ult UUVCltf VI lUlVtU.kH w uu rescued, xt is pure root salt, very 1 , . . , - . t. - i: Its Delicacy of Flavor And the efficacy of its action have rend ered the famous Caliiornia liquid iruit " 7 " LwwtotwI " i UiOOU' u""" ,UA remedy, Svrupot Figs, immensely pop- of $30, a wagon and team, and that strong and pronounced by experts organSj and the weakening effect of ular 7t cleanses and tones up the clog ged and feverish system, and dispels Headaches, Colds and Fevers. For sale by Sim son & Co. ioSa war lnolrincr for on of the horses. I superior to any other discovered. It the changing season. Hoods bar which she understood Mr. Brown ia claimed to be the thickest vein in saparilla is wonderful medicine for She the world. creating an appetite, toning uie ux- Quite a number of parties are here hnl t Now ;H tge time to from different localities rejoicing take it Be sure to get Hood's with the Ellsworth people over their Sarsaparilla. valuable find, which will be worth A f, Mr Wilson I R. BOYD, M. D. X3IAN AND SDRGEON. Jici-Et Side Square, over hWBe said it would shake xweiners, ... 1 -ivv. : v 1"T.- BUTLER, Mo. had gave in an his possession. accurate description of CX. J. M. CHRISTY, GOIIIOBUPATIIIC AN AND SURGEON, Jitront room over P. O. All calls "td at office day or night. -Nat attention given to female dia- : ( C BUULWARE, Physician and vttifton. Office north side square, mo. uiseasesot women and chil- pecialtv. hands with her if it was hers. She was shown Mr. Brown who showed a willing disposition to deal fairly in Mr. John Oliphant is in charge of the corps of engineers which is sur veying the old road bed for the K. C. &B. H. B.B. The party arrived minions ro tne city ana minions more 1 t . t,xb Btow - "-"J - . . . tnis morning py juessra rvoyce uuv . Thnrsdav evening and the matter after hearingthe woman's to those who engage in mining this . fa neW8 d m ow cAJ. !hc 1 . x,. v UninnM. avf,i.iA ixuoo took up quarters at the Palace hotel- t! DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. 3YSICIANS, SURGEONS U" ; AND ACCOUCHEURS. oer their drug store on North f"rett, Butler, Mo. atnnr onrl 1oaonnfinn of Tl horse. 1 Valuable 8XtlCle. brought the horse forth, and recog- Whisky's Record Equalled nized him as hers, at the same time, I Versailles, Mo., Sept 2. Tester saying: "Poor old Charley, you day afternoon Sam Gains shot and are looking thin,'' tapping him on I killed Frank Wilson, in this county, the leg, "Shake hands Charley." I about fifteen miles from this place. The horse immediately complied I Both men with their families lived with the request After some furth- near each other and got water from er talk Mr. Brown told her that al- the same spring, which is lacated on though he was satisfied that it was public lands. It seems that Wilson her horse he would not turn it over drove Gains' children away from the to her until she identified herself, spring where they had gone to get and also the horse, by other parties, water. Afterwards Gains drove but that it should be taken good Wilson's children from the spring, care of and not leave El Dorado un- whereupon both men met near the til she could get the matter in satis-1 spring, Gains armed with a shot-gun to the K. C. & R. ' H. road. He states that the work is progressing satisfactorily, and that he is extend ing the line at both ends. To the people of Butler, Mr. Wilson sends the following consoling(!) P. S-: "The Butler newspapers say it is impossible to raise the $1,000 a mile subsidy. If Butler is too poor and unwilling to try to raise that amount then it is hot worth the while to run our railroad three miles out of the wav to reach such a town. Tell vour people that is our answer." R. H. Herald. quent taxes of the vear 1883. amounting In aw - gregaui to tne sum or s , logeioer whb mn intrrt, costs, commission and fees, upon th following described tracts of land situate In Bates county. Missouri, to-wit: IjOt'lSfn block tt. in the city of Rich HU1, Missouri, and that unless the said defendant be aat appear at the next tern of this court to bn begun ana noiaen in tne ciiy 01 oauer, mww county, Missouri, on the first Monday In No vember, imj, and on or before the slat day of said term, (ifthe term shall so long con tinue, una ir not, men oeiora yam wma m mm term) and plead to said petition according tn law. the same will be taken as eon leased nail Judgement rendered according to the prayer orsaia petition, una me bdovb wiaum rmn estate sola to sniisry tne ssme. . - . And It is f nrthor ordered by the court that a copy hercofbe published, la the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly newspaper printed and puV llshea tn uuiier, nnie conniT, anmn, for four weeks successively, the last insertldli to be at least four weeks before the arst day of the next term of said court. A tn copy from Witness mr hand as clerk aforesaid with (D Skal.1 seal of said court hereunto nmxeJ. Done at offico in Butler, on this 4th day of Au gust, 1KK7. JOHSC HAYES. Circuit Clerk. , S8-4t. tacrei Societies. factory shape. This satisfied the woman, who at once returned on her road to Montivallo, where she said lMLod. m th- fir the wagon had been left What sue- n each month. I cess she had there we are unable to r-JW Chapter Royal Arch Masons, , 01 , . , , attets second Thursday tn each I o possible she would return with prop- and Wilson with a revolver. A quar rel ensued and Gains shot Wilson in the face and neck, killing him almost instantly. It is not known at this h. r?lfy Commandery Knighta Templar e ant Tuesday in each month. ; ' : t.o. o. rsuows. tsLodge No. 180 meets every Mon- NCi 1 jiiissoun 1 vutr Encampment No. 6 meets the , , , th Wednesdays in each month horse and . . 1 ...... . Vcltlo'o BfflVs Pills. Iold English Family Medicine in r86veara all over the world, for lad gettion, Liver, sc. t l'ttrt, VegetaMe Icgredients. From Sfercnrr. er papers to take possession of the horse. Mr. Brown while on a busi- trip in Kansas and western t A iiegiectcd eold or congn ui to l"u mo n la.Coru m Dt Ion or other fata iws rwetonu niia will cures aayntagt& Best thing for dysp taleUiadacb aa thousands Best thing for dyspepaiajn. ICSUIK- ness Missouri by wagon, traded for the says he is fully satisfied that it is hers from the tale the wom an told and the surrounding evidence but feels that in justice to himself he must have further proof and some legality about the proceedinsrs. The I woman stated that the report that me man, Hamilton, was dead was false, that he was alive and able to ba about and would be here soon to claim and identify the horse. There is an old saying, 'Brown's got writinff whether defense or not Gains shot in self He went before W S. Robertson and gave himself up. A Hovel Bet. While I am not a betting man, said F, j. Chevney, of the firm otF. J.Cheynev & Co.. I considered it mr religious duty to make that fellow a oet, you see ne was about dead, and I guess he would have died before bpnng it 1 had not ot TOt him on the bet. lou know some men had rattier ioe tnetr me man lose a hundred, well he was one ot that kind, and we both came near being out, but 1 sated mv hundred and it only cost him ten dollars. How'a that? He sent toi me one day and said the doctors had all eiven him uo to die, with the catarrh. I told him that I would bet him $100 that Hall's Catarrh Cure would cure him or 1 would give him $100 if it tailed. He took the latter proposition. This was three months aso: you see how he looks I now, don't you, as well as any one and a I dandy. American, loieao, u Helpless Babe Cremated. Arkansas City, Mo., Sept 8. This afternoon Mark Lyter, of Bolton township, and his family left the house, leaving the baoy lymsr on tne bed and a 5-year-old sister to take care of it when the little one secured n. match, and in plaviner with it set r m. w w , the bed on fire. By the time the fire was discovered the arms and legs of the baby were burned off. The little eirl escaped. The house and nearly all tne iurniiure were ourueu. In many localities Hood's Sarsapa rilla is in such general demand that it is the recognized family medicine. People write that "tne wnoie neign bofhood ia taking it" etc Particu larly is this true of Lowell, Mass., where it is made, and where more 01 Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold than of any other sarsaparilla or blood puri fier. It is the great remedy for de bility, scrofula, dyspepsia, bilious ness, or any ; disease caused by im pure state or low condition of the blood. Give it a tiiaL They expect to complete the survey from Pleasant Hill to the end of the old grade, some three miles south of town, this evening. They will con tinue the work until they reach Rich Hill. It is thought they will follow the Harris line from here south. Mr. Oliphant says the old grade is in excellent condition, and with a little work, can be put in shape for the ties on a grade which .will not exceed forty-two feet to the mile. This is a much lower grade than heretofore made by any road built or projected through this county. Record. lags MAZES i p M nmnsnnaBnnnnnWnxsa Should be need a fcrsr uiri'j l.'-rc confinement Bend for boot -T'i?fr- - - .rx. Brjiunrr-i; Ktcrfji? rt cv- Ana, Ga. Order of Publication. STAT!: ? MISSOURI, I -. vt V - KATT.S In the circuit court of Bates county, Koveaaber DtrBlackwell. plaintiff, va. Jaa. B. Blacfc well, defendant. Now at this day comes the plaintiff nereis, by her attorneys before the undersigned clerk of the circuit court of Bates county, in tion, nnd files her petition and affidavit. ing, among oiner tnings, tow onwunt, H. Blackwell. is not a resident or the Plate I Missouri. Whereupon it Is ordered by th clerk, in vacation, that said defendant be nU fle I by publication tbnt plaintiff ban eomroeoe ed a suit against him in this court, by petition and affidavit, the object aad moral nature of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from tan , bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted au ...ii.(hriaMii tiI in tin And defendant. nnd to restore plaintiff her maiden name of P. J. Sharp, upon the ground that defendant do- serted nnd baa absented nimaeir rroan piaiotu without reasonable cause for the space of moro than one yenr , and thnt unions the said J as. It Blackwell be and appear astnis eonn, a vm ...t tmwm thjmmf to ha beenn nnd bolden as the court house in the city of Butler, in said1 county, on the seventh day or November next, and on or before the sixth day of siid term. if the term shall so long continueana h noi, then on or before the Inst day of said term n- swer or plead to toe pernios in mu una will be taken as confessed, and Jndg- m.nt will he rendered accordingly. And be it further ordered that a copy hereof be PO'dUh ed. neeording to law. la tbo Bntler Wecklv Times, a weekly newspaper printed and pnbl lisbed In Bates county. Missouri, for lour weeks successively, the last Insertion to be as least four weeks before the Ifh term of circuit court. JOHM O HATBS. Circuit Cletk. A true copy from the reeotd. - t Witness mv hand nnd the seal of thecjrcnlt Isel court of Bates eonoty , this Jb day of August,.. ""tgSS" Administrator's Not?ce. Sot5oe Is hereby given that letters of vlpim Utmtion upon the estate of NeUian I Hons, deceased . have been grunted to the undenipe by the Bntea eonnty probate eo-rt In at county. Mtssonrl. bearing date the Uthdarof Jane l7 All persons having .tM asanas said Mtateare required to exhfWttbem to um fr allowance, within one year irons the Uan of said letters, orther msy benrdnded frtfhs any benefit of such ertatej and If saidclaHB be not exhibited within two jeajs fn-m th date of publication of this notice, WwywUl Be forever osmrt. Ctwv H. i