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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, September 21, 1887, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Only One Set of Triplets aid They Bag
the President' Gold Eagle.
BuflVo, N. Y., Sept. 14. Between
5,000 and 6,00') people Headed the
East Aurora fiir toky. There
were the usual entries of f.mcy htctk,
agricultural implements and products
fancy needlework, besides a baud
tournament, but all these were throw n
into the Hhade by a baby show. There
were nearly fifty entries for prizes.
The most interesting were the taj -lets,
the children of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert D. Diirt, formers living in the
town of East Hamburg, Ida, Moliie
and Roy, the aggregate weight at
birth six and a half months ago was
twenty seven pounds. The triplets
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Loomis of
North Bay, Oneida county, did not
arrive in time to enter, so the Dart
trio got President Cleveland's gold
eagle. There are three sets entered
and great difficulty was experienced
in securing competent judges. The
honor of awarding the president's
prize was offered to some of the
doctors from Europe who attended
the recent . medical congress, but
they declined on the ground of in
competency. Ooy. Hill's prize of
$25 for the best colored twins
aroused great interest on Crow Hill
in Buffalo. Half the colored popu
lation of the Queen city secured
tickets to the show. In order t
avoid possible trouble growing out
of jealousy a sign was posted at th
gate reading "Razors must lie left
in the ticket office."
The colored twins, Romeo and
Juliet Johnson, of Pittsburg, go.
the prize. The father of the pair is i;
.waiter in a restaurant Mrs. John
Wardwell,' of Manila, aged 31 years,
presented twelve children and took a
nickle plated cook stove. John Hart,
ten children, took a set of silver
spoons. Twenty-five more infants
were presented, together with six
colored infants, up to the age of two
years. The largest prize was $20,
but every one received a silver nap
kin ring. To-inorrow Clarence Lam ,
aged 34 years, will bo married in a
wagon, preseuted to him, to Miss
Louisa Rodmer, of Elina, by tht
Rev. Mr. West, of East Aurora.
Rev. Dr. Talmage, of Brooklyn,. ha
telegraphed that he cannot be pres
ent. Presentations amounting tc
1,000 have already been given the
prospective bride and groom, includ
ing two dozen solid silver spoons
from Qen. Benjamin. They will gi
at once to housekeeping. During
the races Rev. Dr. S. R. Puller, o
Buffalo, will preach a sermon froir
the judges' stand on "Right Living.'
Last week a number of our ex
changes contained a wonderful ac
count of a cat being photographed
on the bald head af a Michigan man.
It was done by lightning. Thu
week we find a story to the effect
that while a girl was dressing kernel.
during a storm her pet pug dog rai
in, she grabbed it in her arms am
pressed it to her bosom; just then it
was killed by a streak of lightning
And the dog, color, wrinkle
and all, are now photographed oi
tue girl's bosom. What kind of ai
animal will be photographed next
week, and what part of the body wil
be selected for the display of tht
photo, we are unable to state. We
could make a- few . suggestions to
some of these notorious liars, but
iney are doing well Lamar Demo-
John Kemble was once playing in
some country, theater," amTbeinff
yiutenupted several times by the
squalling of a child in the galleryfhe
. jbecame not a little angry at the rival
jperformance, ' Addressing the audi-
: j Maimed: "Unless the play is stopped
tie chiia can not possibly go on!"
J LUward Htepherd, of Harrisburr. III.
' ' ' ""avlngreceived to much benefit
! m Elrtc BUtert, I teel It mydutv to
: ti M.,utterln humanity Know it. Have
' fcT "ning sore on ro leg for eight
FrfrmT docior toW mc I would have to
j jve the bone scraped or leg amputated.
i In? Inled thre bottle ot Electric
' i VluV anf $eveo bow BctJn's Arnica
wv Bucklen'a Arn tea Salve
. t ate. w k j .
1 u8Sisi.
Af.rshL ..Iir,-.. boasts of a baby
elevn mo,. o.d that whistles.
Battle Cr,- . has got u baby boy
three yar oldth.it spends ull his .
pennies in ci-:., d bas 1een j
know i to -i 'e avj hi ona day. .
He wll staal a pipe and beg passers- j
by for smoking tobacco. The boy
has a perfect mania for tobueco iu;n
devel pel itsJf b-fore he could
ta k, when the youngster would
C twl up to his father's clothes and
sttal ciga.s out of his pockets to
smo'e. He wears dresses and is
8 mall for his age.
Speaking of the changes in the
climate of Nevada, the Virginia City
Enterprise says: "About three
thousand head of sheep are now
finding abundant pasturage in the
vicinity of this city, where twenty
y ars rgo a whippoorwill could not
fly over th country without carrying
a sack of p ovisions. Gradually the
summe s soa here has changed.
We now h.ve seasonable showers
and grass wh.-re two decades ago all
was d.outh and barrenness."
Don't EXjieriuient.
You cannot aftord to waste your
time in experimenting when your
lungs are in danger. Consumption
always seems at first only a cold.
Do not permit any dealer to impose
ipon you with some cheap imitation
it Dr. King's New Discovery tor
ConMimption, Coughs and Colds,
u! ir sure you gJt the genuine.
'lC;Mie he cm make more profit
' nin tell vu he has something
better or jnsi the same. Don't be
decieved but insist upon getting the
genuine, which is guaranteed to give
relief in all Lung and Throat affect
ions. Trial bottles free at all drug
stores, large 1 ottlvs $t
Fifty y ars ago Schmidt, now a
w i -to-Jo farmer near St. Louis,
camj to this country. He was then
tw lve years years old. . When he
came of age he began voting, and it
w.is not until the ' other day that he
learned that he ought to have taken
out naturalization papers. He had
thought th it he iv as a citizen be
cause he came to this country before
he was eighteen years old. His vote
was never challenged. He has now
o.-come a citizen according to law.
Drunkenneis or the Liquor Habit
Positively Car a by administering
Dr. Haines' Golden Specific.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea
vithout the knowledge ot the person tak
ngit; i absolutely harmless and will
ttecr a permanent and tpeedy cure,
. Iirther the patient is a moderate drink
r or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands oi
run ards have been made temperate
en who have taken Golden Specific in
heir ci ffee without their knowledge, and
o-dav believe they quit drinking ot theii
wn free will. It never fails. The svs
om once impregnated with the Specific
' becomes an utter impossibility tor the
iquor appetite to exist. For lull partic
ars, addros golden specific co.,
iace st. Cincinnati, O.
Joseph Smith, of Chicago, dreamed
he other night that he fell from a
nird-story window to the pavement,
le got up and looked . out of
he window to see if the
bream was true, and he found a
jurglar coming up a ladder to enter
lis rooms and rob him. He gave
he ladder a push, the burglar got a
iard fall, and Joseph returned to
ed to see if he couldn't astonish
he country some more.
Uieuruatisru and Neuralgia Cured in
Two Days.
The Indiana Chemical Co. have discov
ered a compound which acts with trul
marvelous rapidity in the cure ot Rheu
matism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it
to cure any and every case of acute
Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia
in 2 days, and to give immediate relief
in chronic cases and effect a speedy cure.
On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent
stamps, we will send to any address the
prescription tor this wonderful compound
which can be filled by your home di uggist
at small cost. We take this means of
living our discovery to the public instead
of putting it out as a patent medicine, it
being much less expensive. We will
gladly refund money if satistaction is not
given. The Ixdiaxa Chemical Co ,
10-irr Crawtordsville, Ind
A colored.woman put ninety-four
dollars in a Baltimore savings bank
in 1837, and when it was drawn out
by her descendants the other day it
had increased a little over two thou
sand three hundred dollars.
A reporter was recently challenged
in Arkansas by an angry bridegroom
beC&USe in dfirihinrr tVia 1.1 .1 t
j tivities he wrote that "the youthful
groom a young jockey seemed de
pressed by the responsibilities of his
'bridle' day."
Did vou cat'tuie that man I saw
you chasing down Pine street this
m -riling?" said the sergeant to spec
ial officer Guggins.
"No, I didn't. You see the f ellow
turned into Broad street, opposite
the Stock Exchange. As soon as I
yelled 'Stop thief:' the whole crowd
began to run, and the the thief I
was after got mixed up in the crush."
Syrup of Figs,
Manufactured only bv the Cali.
fornia Fig Syrup Co., San Francis
co, Cat., is nature's Own True Lax
ative. This pleasant California liquid
fruits remedy mav be had of Simp
son & Co. It is the most pleasant,
prompt, and effective remedy known
to cleanse the system ; to act on the
Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly ; to dispel Headaches,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Consti
pation, Indiyestion, and kindred ills.
2 6m.
Near Chico, Cal., the other day a
cat attacked a nest of quails, and
seizing the mother was carrying her
off, when the male bird put in an
appearance and made such a sharp
attack with his beak and wings upon
the cat that she was obliged to drop
her prey and scamper. The two
birds got upon the fence and wit
nessed her flight with evident satis
faction. Give Them a hai c!
That is to say your lungs. Also all
your breathing machinery. Very won
deaful machinery it is. Not only the
larger air passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and cavities leading from
l hen these are clogged and choked
with matter which ought not to be there,
your lungs cannot do halt their work.
Call it c- Id, cough, croup, pnemonia,
catarrh, consumption or any ot the fam
ily ot throat and nose and head and lung
obstructions, all are bad. All ought to
be not rid of. There is )ust one sure
way to get rid of them. That is to take
Boschee'o German Syruo, which any
druggist will sell vou at 7; cents a bot
tle. Even it everything else has failed
you, you may depend upon this tor cer
tain. " 4-1 yreow.
The addition of oat meal to drink
ing water makes it nutritive, satisfy
ing and agreeable to the stomach.
For laborers it makes a useful
addition to the diet, costs but little
and repays the small outlay in the
form of increased ability to perform
labor, either physical or mental.
An Elegant Substitute
For oils, 6alts, pills, and all kinds ot bit
ter, nauseous medicines is the very agree
able liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Rccomended by leading physicians
Manufactured only by the Calfornia Fig
Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. For
t-ale ly Simpson o Co.
It is as difficult to catalogue books
as it is to catalogue some other things.
A librarian in a Boston library lately
confessed that a work on "Greek
Roots" was found entered under
agriculture, and a book entitled "The
Fountain of Life," under water.
J. K. Brogler wants a lot ot good
farm loans, running from 6 to 18
months. This is a good chance for
tarmers to get short loans, or sell
short real estate paper.
President Cleveland writes few
letters and dictates none. His public
papers he writes with his own hand.
He uses a stub pen and a cork pen
holder, and in reading or writing
wears spectacles with a black steel
If you are interested in a business ed
ucation, that will be worth a fortune to
you it taken, cut this out and mail to
me, and I will send you by mail, Fkee,
an elegant illustrated Catalogue, and
beautiful specimens ot penmanship.
Addrets D. L. Musselmax, Principal,
Gem City Business College,
3$ St' Quixcy, III.
It has been noticed that a girl who
has graduated from Vassar and had
925,000 spent on her education will,
after marriage,' hold clothespins in
her mouth and gossip over the back
fence just like any other woman.
You can't change a woman's nature.
English Spavin Liniment removes
all hard, sott, or calloused lumps and
blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs, Splints. Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen throit,
Coughs, etc. Save So by useof one
bottle. Warranted by V. J. Lans
down, Druggist, Butler. I.Iy
It is pretty certain that the third
party to enter the Garden of Ed n
was not a prohibitionist. But as it
b: ought "knowledge of gool and
evd'' he may have been a mugwump,
for are not mugwumps the represen
tative of intelligence?
Bt Ail Runi Mttiirine in tl e World.
I Wonderful Cure of Catarrh.
j falace Hoel. Cincinnati, O.,
I Febuarv 22, 10 7.
f Gentlemen Ever since I wa ieu
years old I have had Catarrh. I
tried all kinds ot medicine and the
best physicians tor the past fifteen
years, but v'ii!uut anv bcnt-fi . A
few years ago I r egan on !S. b. b.
nd after taking it six months was
entirely cured. I have not been
troubled with a touch ot the diseas-e
from that day 10 this. I ! not rx
agerate when 1 say that from the
aje ot ten to twenty I spent $4,000.
1 spent 3 months in Philadelphia
under emminent Catarrh specialists
at a cost of $1,000, but got no relief.
Frequently I was confined to the
house tor weeks. I have and still
continue to recomend S. b. S. to
hundreds of people. 1 regard it as
the best Catarrh remedy and a a
bUod purifier and all round medi
ate it has no epual.
; APefectly Well Man Again.
i Savanah, Ga., Jah. S, 1887.
Gentlemen I had a thoroughly de
veloped case of blood poisiuiiing.
Mr physician tried a month to cure
me, but did no good. I then went
to my father, who at once told me 'O
take is. S. b. He got a dozen large
boltles. They did me a great deal
of - good, and I got more. At: r
using the medicine a short time I
was entirely cured.
U W. Lanhill.
Treatise on Blood and Skin dis
eases mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3
Atlanta, Ga.
Order of Publication.
In the circuit court of Bates county, November
tvm. 1887.
D. I. Black well, plaintiff, vs. Jaa. II. Black
well, defendant.
Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein
by her attorneys before the undersigned clerk
of the circuit court of Bates countv, In vaca
tioi, and flies her petition and affidavit, alleg
ing, among other things, that defendant, Jas
II. Blackwell. is not a resident of the State of
MilBoort. Whereupon it is ordered by the
clerk, in vacation, that said defendant be'notl
fle iby publication that plaintiff has commenc
ed t suit against him in this court, by petition
and affidavit, the object and general nature of
which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the
bonds of matrimony heretofore contracted and
entered Into between plaintiff and defendant,
and to restore plaintin her maiden nameof D.
J. Sharp, upon the ground that defendant de
serted and has absented himself from plaintin
without reasonable cause for the space of more
than one year, and that unless the said Jas. H
Blackwell be and appear at this court, at the
next term thereof, to be begun and holden at
the court house in the city of Butler, in said
coanty, on the seventh day of November next,
and on or before the sixth day of slid term,
if the term shall so longcontinne-and if not.
then on or before the last day of said term an
swer or plead to the petition in said cause, the
same will be taken as confessed, and judg
ment will be rendered accordingly. And belt
further ordered that a copy hereof be publish
ed, according to law. In the Butler Weckh
Times, a weekly newspaper printed and pub!
lished in Bates coanty, Missouri, for lour
weeks successively, the last insertion to be at
least fonr weeks before the flrst dayorthe next
term of circuit court. . JOHN C. BATE8,
Circuit Clerk.
A true copy from the record.
Witness my hand and the seal of the circuit
rial court of Bates county, this anth day or
August, 1887. JOHN C. HAYES.
-. Circuit Clerk.
Notice of Sale.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
order of the probate court ofthe county of Bates
and state or Missouri, made at tbe August
term thereof, I, J. W. Ennis, Administrator
of the estate of Belle Arehart, deceased, will
on tbe 1Mb day of Oct., 1887, at tne east front
door ofthe court house, in the city or Butler,
eonnty of bates aforesaid, sell at public auc
tion all ofthe interest of Belle Arehart, de
ceased, in and to the following real estate,
to-wit: The south half (I-?) ofthe northwest
quarter (1-4) of section twenty-nine (29,) in
township fortv (40) and range thirty (SO,) said
tract containing eighty acres, said interest be
ing an undivided 1-2. Terms of sale. cash.
42-4t. Admikisthatob.
I will pay the highest market
price in cash tor all the chickens old
or voungr you can brine: me. 1 car
be found at Bennett Wheeler & Cos
store, on the northeast corner of tht
quare. Come and see me before
vou ell and get my prices.
P. C. Fui kersox, T. L. Harper,
" Pres't. Treat.
J. Everixgham, Geo. Canterbury
Vice-Pres't, Sec'.
Incorporated under the laws of Mo.
First Mortgage Loans Made on Farm
andCitjr Property. Local Money for
onort lime Loans.
Office west side square,
for Infants
"Castorla is so well adapted to children that I
I recommend it aa superior to any prescription I
kaowutome.- ELA. Aacaxa.it D., I
til Bo. Oxford 6k, Brooklyn, X.T.
Keep the Largest Stock, At the Lowest Prices In.J
Harness and
Spooner Patent Collar!
Adjusts itself to any Hore's Neck, has
place better than
Prevents braking at end of clip, and loops
from tearing out.
Three ounce Elgin, Waltham an(i
Hampden silver stem winding watch
es, trom $11 to higher prices.
American ladies stem winding gold
watches from $25, up.
All silverware, clocks, fewelrA,
&c, at cost prices.
Sole agent tfortne EocVXord and Aaron watcher,
is ncaaquartera tor Fne jewelry - ,
Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, ttcl h
Speciacleaot all kinds and tor all ages; also fine Opera Glasses. Yen
are cordially invited to visit his establishment and examine
his splendid display of beautiful goods and the low prices,
gStSpw? tgy Tt Is aliaJirJgLraeaSi
TTt;!!!"" ainiH att over ta eoantrvt
other tu. au ", ArTln '"'
the frav '
lt4rafc has bi
r ttmt 11
2'!"; ot-errla, othira
p 1 una rwaowea iwiiia,arfaMi. iJL
mm t-tir. .!." -
tnrtfr. 1. ,TT. . . T" ! "raw-
ae wiU aotaiu vbn.
w . . a w raAxxus. Kowtm Co. o.
Mar-J.K.8cbwrt Co.. PUtmmy. Fu.
. Ini I aara aaat womt of that bmcS eseeneat
" ae dwaamd wttk tm mar faarttr.
!?""? to chiloraa aa a safe prjnradi
rramuM, rrom all Duls of taa m
v. wwmv were OUM.PM4 AMI f. 1;
be KM trwn
and Children.
Castor!. cces Olic. Constipation,
"r StomaeU, 1 iarrhaea. Eructation,
IuUV( promotw
Wltaout injurious martinatioo.
QHTAua Cohpaht, 183 Fulton ttreat, V.J.
two rows ot stitching, will hold Hames In fp'
any other collar.
in Gold, SHrer and Filled Cases, Terr caeap.
nrasuainentan. ftta.
yn tiaou thu din wa altera
nmmtr tor Worm, and mat feat "
bat thr A ml Ufa ia imaili
aU. CkUdm cfXmm loo pau ana ftemw "Z"
tk. .a- - - fc ...ml 1 -ril thalt
or aareata-cvpeelallT mothm who ara moTrT;T.m.
SllJSrZ- .rata .TbT tr
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"nmin,in;i I nun. n nvtn ra
mnt tt .km .k iitnM. mtul IaTTT IHKW :
. - ! T " - i-.i- I. t,mm ffr- ' v
Great eaotioa mart be tuea oy "T7t''""-, -z.
Ciaaatvcr. V.9.
face ia my practice for away r. I "
aaHKaaian a.vr,r l.
for pi
It sc
It ci
moi rq
tin. 1
D 1
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on mo
for nix
(and to
. . KMaM wtta la aaytaatU;

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