Newspaper Page Text
1; Itttte ill (fl Cltttm V LV LV Ill ill III 'Vol. ix BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26, 1887. NO. 48 : 4' 1 V J 1 EE.FULE7, mi, Would respectfully announce that he has Located in Butler tor the purpose of treating Diseased Eves. Dr. Farley has tunned his practice exclusively to the - vestment of the eve Without Caustic and ; without Pain. His treatment does not Injure the eye in any case but is used ;'; with safety in all cases from the smallest Infant to infirm age, and a Cure is guar anteed. His tuceess in treating the Eye it without parallel. References at his office. Dakota st., one dock west ot the square, Butler, Mo. Office hours from am. to 5 p. m. it. W- E. TUCKER, DENTI8T, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. DOCKET CIRCUIT COURT. NOV. TERM, 1887. JURY CASES. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. H.a.wyor. 10 u li IS 14 15 10 18 ID ! 21 23 4 V W. BADGER LAWYER. y)lll practice In all court . All legal business 'Arletiy attended to. unci ever nates Co. s , tiosal Bank, Butler, Mo. pAJtKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORN iiXS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans Vown'i Drug Store. c IIOLCOMB SMITH , i LAWYERS tUTLXB, MO. Office front room over Bates duty Rational Ban a. J W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY c LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining c i wunuet, in tne Appeuate tourt at nansas Lyi nd In the Supreme Court at Jeffer Voa City. tSTOrriCB North Side Square, ever A. L.Mc Bride's, titf 25 Hi n 2H 2 30 :tl S2 MONDAY, NOV. 7tll. Nichols, Sheperd ft Co vs George Kuntz Assg't of J K Garrison A P Cline assignee Assg't or K B belung J L Vickers assignee J P McHenry tiJB Walkup S J Groves vs E K lames Caroline Kamstag vs A Francisco State or Mo ex rel W S Conch et al vs James F White et al T T Crittenden s Sallie L Graham TUESDAY, NOV. 8th. A Frank A Sons vs MA Nelson J W Wheel er interpleader A Frank ft Sons vs M A Nelson W T Furnish vs Mo Pac Railway Co Martha Robinson et al vs Jacob Hawk Marquis Reece vs James Hand Marquis Reece vs L C Hall Marquis Reece vs J 11 Thomas Marquis Reece vs Jane Ellis at al WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9th. Marqula Reece vs J W Powell Marquis Heece vs u t; uianaenDaaer Marquis Reece vs J K Requa C H Burton vs Mo Pae Rv Co George Lapp vs E R Walker J P Hubble vs J H Hines Assg't or L O Carleton J M Miller assignee ! A J stay back et al vs John coracs THURSDAY, NOV. 10th. Thos Gault executor vs M A Resh M A Resh vs Isaac Petty M A Resh vt Frank George M A Resh vs George Aichler M A Resh vs John Allen Henry liever vs N R Burr Pleasant Hill Milling Co vs Mo Pac Ky Co h u mutants vs A J wiiiiver et ai iss 1st; 17 188 lrlU 190 I'll 192 1.13 1! VA iy; 1!H 119 ! 200 201 20! 4US 24 5.- 106 207 210 211 213 213 214 SIS 210 r I'tavMiolana. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office East Side Square, over Mix Weiner'a, -19-iy Butler, Mo. 1 DR. J. M. CHRISTY, . HOMOBOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. - Special attention given to female dis- FRIDAY, NOV. 11th. S3 R C Black et al vs J W Alexander 34 R C Black vs J W Alexander 35 John McNamara vs John A Devinney et al so wi snort vs w u cassity et ai 37 George V Williams vs B F Wilson 38 Walnut Land ft Coal Co vs W J Cox 3 Sandwich M'fg Co vs D C Edwards 40 Jennie Lipe vs A J Pltchford 41 James M Hawkins v Mo Pac Ry Co 42 V l Snyder vs J F Wilmoth et al 43 L H Stevens vs S E McRoberts et al 44 llenrv Crate et al vs Geonre.Moss 45 Mary A Kills vs St I-ouis ft Kmporia Ry Co 40 no v arnes vs l. u Kisner 47 Jos Butler vs St Louis ft Emporia Ry Co 1 48 State of Mo ex rel W J Cox vs J L Pace SATURDAY, NOV. 12th. 40 Alex Bomar vs J D II Butler et al 50 Thomaa StrielT vs J C Phillips et al 51 J W Ennls adm'r va D E Wykoff 52 K I Klpp vs A L Ferguson 53 J W Lillard vs J M Wsroock 54 Peter Kegreries vs T J Fry 55 Fred Shants vs Lewis Gore M T Webb vs A W alley 57 B Kinder vs Samnel Simon M George W Short vs K Shaver 59 la Id Laskev vs G K long 60 DM Dickinson vs W T Huston 81 Lewis Adams vs J M Hogan 62 W B Claunch vs J M Patty US John H Beatie vs W K Mathews et al 64 B II Washburn vs J W Alexander et al MONDAY, NOV. 14th. ' 85 KM Woods vs J T Pointer an W B Bridgcford et al vs J P Willis ft Co 67 Ken i amine Whit vs F J Burns 60 Citlxens Bank of Hampton Iowa vs Samuel rotts et ai 09 Grand Detour Plow Co vs Wm Moore 70 Mollne Plow Co vs Wm Moore 71 J W Wear vs C Reynolds 72 Thos McComb vs Guldo J aeaer 73 list National Bank or Davenport Iowa vs a f uox et ai 74 James H Beckett vs T L Goble et al 75 Sarah Wilcox et al vs John Siggins et al 78 Manna Kobinson et al vs Jacob Hawk 77 Gaylord Douglass vs W F Hanks 78 J R Simpson vs H H lrimble et al 79 Sarah Moore et al vs J T Phillips et al 80 Nichols sheperd ft Co vs J H Hill et al 81 J H Chandler vs C Lelghty 82 UK Holton vs Samnel Potts 83 Wheeler A Wilson m'fg co vs II Evans 84 Jos Fox et al J acob Goldenberr 85 G A Todd vs D C Edwards et al 217 218 2.9 220 12 222 223 224 225 226 27 128 229 -(0 2.11 232 233 234 235 238 2S7 238 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23rd. John T Smith vs Allen Gilmore W 11 Claunch vs Jenny Claunch James H Beckett vs VI alton ftTnrker Land Mortgage Co Elizabeth Abel vs W I) Abel Jacob Baker vs Elizabeth Baker G I. Burge vs W W .Scott T J laniel vs S P Cox et al State ex rel J 1) Harper vs T J Wilson et al i J C Clark vs Mutual Kenetlt Life Ins Co Mary A. Sick vs Van W Brooks et al People, of State or IDs ex rel Thomas II Lvnch vs. rentes MeGhee -Madiiton .Vlmns vsl.aurn Adams II .1 KlackweSl vx-Ihiiixh il Hlackwell It K maker e: al vs i: 1. Exline Wm Paw vb lavM vht r!.n et al G E t'u vs .Mice Vo THURSDAY, NOV. 24th. W T Johnson adm'r vs Edward M Brongh ton Utile Felter vs J P Edwards i t al Alfred II Moii.ty v Wm II Wilcox Tliunias Uven vs Nina Owen Wm Page vs Elizabeth N Shelby et al Martin I'erriu .v Co vsDuke W Simpson Wm K Walton vs George G Glazebrook Wm E Walton vs George G Glazebrook Wm H Trigg vs James Vermillion Wm H Trigg vs A G Pholson Wm H Triirg vs Nicholas Adams Meyer Bros lhrng Co vs Duke W Simpson McCormick Distilling Co vs D W Simpson James McHenry vs D W Withers James McHenry vs J F 8 Green James McHenry vs John McPatterson FRIDAY, NOV. 25th. Peter Sculley vs Lewis G Reece Oliver Freeman vs Mo Pac Ry Co Anna B Ferris vs Charles P Ferris Wm D Merchant vs Dwelling House Ins Co T R Colcord vs Willis Floyd Wm O Jackson vs S C Mam Mary C Shelton et al vs John Catron sr Catharine Rogers et al vs Wm Deweeae Cvnthia Turtle vs John Tattle et al Mary C Shelton et al vs John Catron sr John Rylett vs Nancy J Rylett The Sterling Company vs ; Nave et al J W Whetstone etat vs K M Manlove et al Marshall P Horn et al vs Catharine Horn Wayne Agri'l Co vs Mary Hall executrix Thos K Hanna at al vs V II Reed J as K Burnham et al vs W H Reed John A Herman vs W K Walton Nancy E Snaver va Eli as Shaver Margaret Reed et al vs the City or Bntler Jos Everinghrm vs John II Hen-ell P II Holcomb vs Geo M Harnett CASES TO BE SET FOR TRIAL. 24 O M Palmer et alvsRS Catron et al 250 State of Mo ex rel J Shearer vs Lide Henry 251 City of Butler vs II M Cannon 252 II at Cannon vs City of Butler 253 Peoples Bank ot Rockford 111 vs L J Rosier etal ; 254 Phoebe R Copeland et al vs Mary Beaty et al 255 Lucy M Hindle vs G J Heath 258 Fanny Cook et al vs W F Hanks 257 DA DeArmond et al vs Carroll Gunnells 258 Aultman ft Taylor co vs M Braxton et al 259 S Leslie vs Rich Hill coal mining 00 et al 260 DA DeArmond et al vs J W Rose Sheriffs Sale. Br virtue and authority ot a special execution issued trom the office of the clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates countv, Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1M7, ot said court, to trie directed in tavor ot State of Missouri ex rel, R. S. Catron Collector, and against Geo A. Devir.e, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of the said defendant. (?. A. Devine, ot, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, 10-wit: Ti e west half of lots four and five ot the northwest quarter ot section five, township thirty-nine, range twenty-nine. I will on Thursday, November 17th., 1887, between the hours o' 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the east tront door of the court house in the city ot Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. G. G- GLAZEBROOK, Sherttt ot Bates County. Sheriffs Sale! By virtue and authority of a general execution issued trom the office of the clerk of the cucuit court ot Bates countv. Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1887, ot said court, to me directed in favor ot Papinville Lodge, No. 140, A. F. & A. M and asrainst I. T. Mnler and Levi Moler, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim ot the within named j.T. Moler and L.evi ivioier ot, in and to the following described real estate, situate in Bates countv, Missouri, to-w t: Tw nty-eight acres in the east part ot" the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter ot section sixteen, township mirty-eignt, range thirty, I will on Thursday, November 17th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afernoon ot that day at ihe east front door of the court house in the city ot Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereot as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder lor cash, to satisfy said execution and casts. . G G. GLAZEBROOK. Sheriff of Bates County. TAX CASES. Sheriff's Sale. TC. BOULWARE, Physician and I Surgeon. Office north aide sAuare, j oauer, Mo. Diseases ot women and chil ftn a specialty. DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. TTphysicians, surgeons I j AND ACCOUCHEURS. V Cice over their drug store on North oin street, Butler, Mo. I secret Bocletiea. 105 100 107 108 109 110 111 US 113 114 115 116 117 US 119 120 1 1 atASONll. tier Lodge, So. 2(4, meets the first Sarardty In each month. KUml Chapter Royal Arch Masons, "0. 6, meets second Thursday in each ytJottW Commandery Knights Templar 4 eo) the first Tuesday in each month. .l'-i . I.O. O. FELLOWS. . Bates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon J tight. Bauer Encampment No. 6 meets the d tnd th Wednesday In each month 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 CRIMINAL CASES. TUESDAY, NOV. 15th. State of Mo vs R Johnson htate of Mo vs A Condra State of Mo vs Charles Settles State or Mo vs Silas Heater State of Mo vs Daniel Horgam State of Mo vs Perry G Gregory State of Mo vs Perry G Gregory State of Mo vs Perry G Gregory WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16th. State of Ho vs George R Sweeney Slate of Mo vs Alee Prine State of Mo vs Edward Basey State of Mo vs R F Vsnhorn State of Mo vs Dwight Smith State of Mo vs N Godfrey State of Mo vs George Cravens State of Mo vs John Kitchen TffCRSDAY, SOV. 17th. State of Mo vs M L Anierson State of Mo vs Stephen Staley State of Mo vs Mary Staley .tate of Mo va Samnel Lawson State of Mo vs I B Pi re state of Mo vs Henry Maybee . State of Mo vs Henry Ma v bee 291 292 203 204 296 297 298 298 300 301 302 303 304 305 SO 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 310 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 S33 334 335 FRIDAY, SOV. 25th. Reeder col vs O G Callahan Reeder col vs J Holden Reeder col vs A Gipson Reeder col vs Joseph P Melton Reeder col vs W B Merchant et al Reeder col vs R L Corneilison Reeder col vs H P Wherritt et al Reeder col vs Ben B Chowning Reeder col vs D W Snyder Reeder col vs John w Jackson Reeder col vs D Slamm Reeder col vs C C Bassett Ree-ler col vs Ashby Hamilton Keeder col vs W G Moodv Reeder col vs John Winegardner Reeder col vs Peter K Long Reeder col vs J M Nye sr Reeder col vs 8 B Hudson Reeder col vs J R Clark et al Reeder col vs J A Scott et al Reeder col vs N B Coleman et al Reeder col vs Elizabeth M Packer Reeder col vsL Whitehead Reeder col vs Wm English Reeder col vs II Stephens Reed-r col vs Charles Gnna Reeder col va Martin Gleeson Reeder col vs Kd Anderson Keeder col vs Matt MlUerinir Reeder col vs Andrew Olliphant Reeder col vs George Rapp Reeder col vs Scott Cunningham Keeder col vs Mary A Ellis Reeder col vs Jacob Copnle Reeder col vs C W Pilgrim Reeder col vs C D Hemean Reeder col vs P II Scott Reeder col vs T Hulen Keedar col vs Mar Jone6 Keeder col vs James Lee Keeder col vs R K Worden Reeder col vs T A Horn Reeder col vs J Hurst Reeder col vs Al Kirkland Reeder col ys Pauline K Donan By virtue and authority of a transcriDt execution issued trom the office of the clerk of the circuit court ot Bates countv Missouri, returnable at the Nov. term, 1887, ot said court, to me directed In ta vor of Kincaid & Co. and against lohn Magarity, I have levied and seized up on all the right, title, interest and claim oi me said defendant, lohn Maearitv. of, in and to the following described real ; estate, situated in Bates county, Missou ri, to-wn: The ncrth half of the northeast quar ter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter ot section sixteen, township thirty-nine, range thirt) -three, I will on Thursday. November 17th., 1887, between the hours of o'clock in the i forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the east tront door of the court House, In the city of Butler, Bates county. Missouri, sell the same or so i much thereot as may be reauired. at public vendue, to the highest bidder for I cash, to satisfy said execution and cost. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriff's Sale. ! By viit ue and authority of a transctiot execution issued trom the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates coun tv, Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1887, of said court, to me directed in favor ot Curtis Worden and against Allen Blount, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of the said defendant, Allen Blount, ot, in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to wit. The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the north ha t ot the south east quarter 01 '.he northeast quarter ot section nineteen, and the south halt ot the southeast quarter ot the northwest quarter of section twenty, township for ty-two, range tnirty-onc, 1 will on Friday, November 18th., 1887, between the houis of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock In the afternoon ot that day at the east front d or of the court house in the city of Butler, Bates countv, Missouri, 6ell the same or so mucn thereot as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisty said execution and costs. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority ot an alias ex ecution issued trom the office of the clerk of the circuit court ot nates county Missouri, returnable at the Nov. term. iSa7, ot said court, to me directed in fa vor of Adam Long and John Long, and against 1). A. Witherup, I have evied and seized upon all the right, title, inter est and claim of the said defendant, D . Witherup, of. in and to the following d scribed real estate, situated In Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot thirteen in block thirty-seven, and lot one in block fifteen, and lot twelve in block thirteen, and lot eight in block eighty-nine, and lot twentv-two in block fourteen in the town of Walnut, Bates county, Missouri, I will on Friday, November 18th., 1887, between the hours ot 9 o'clock In the forenoon and c o'clock in the afternoon ot that dav at the east front door ot the court house in the city ot Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereot as mav be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisty said execution and costs. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County, Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority ot a special execution issued trom the oihcc ot the clerk of the circuit coutt ot Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the November term, in7, ot said court, to me directed in tavor f the State of Missouri rel. Oscar Reeder. Collector, and against John Miliering, I have levied and selaed upon ail the right, title, interest and claim ot the said detendant. lohn Mil iering, of, in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, 'o-wit: the southeast quarter ot the north west quarter of section twentv-three. township thirty-eight, range twenty-nine, I will on Saturday, November 19th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'cIock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that dav at the east front door of the court house in the city ot But er, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereot as mav be reauired. at public vendue, to the highest bidder lor -asn, 10 satisfy said execution and costs. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County . Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority ot a general execution issued from the office ot the clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1887, of said court to me directed in tavor ot B. P. Kailey and against fames P Harper and Pnllv A, Dejar- n -tt, I have levied and seized upon all the risiht, title, interest i nd claim or the sai I defendants, lames P. Har per and Polly A. Uelarnett, of, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri t-wli; The northeast quarter of section twenty-three, township forty-two ol tange thirty, I will on Monday, November 21st, 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon' of that day at the east tront door of the' court house in the city ot Butler, Bate, county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereot as mar be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. U. tt. ULAZtSBKUUK, Sheriff ot Sates CountT. Trustee's Sale. EQUITY AND RETURN CASES. :f f Ccckle'o . V . i I r Tan aid Encrlni , 1 1 ANTI-BILUOC3 Pills. Tait old English Family Medicine in "IforM yeara all over the world, tor Eajnd'gestion, Liver, Ac. Cf Pure, Vegetable IcjredienU. From Mercury. 1.13 154 155 156 157 15H 15 100 101 101 163 I 164 165 i 166 167 164 Administrator's Notice. . Kstlea Is hereby given that letters of admln tratlos upon the estate of C. A. Miller, de- , have been sranted to the nndersirned, 1 Rates countv probate court, ia Bates y. Missouri, bearing data the 17th day of nr. 1W7. All persons having claims against said estate are reauired to exhibit them to me for allowance, within one year from the data of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if said claims be not exhibited within two years from the dste of the publication of this notice, they WUlbe forever barred. TV. R. Kaiaox. 4tMt. Administrator. lfit 170 171 17 ITS 174 175 176 FRIDAY, SOV. 18th. W R Perry vs R A Perry et al Luther Shobe vs Lide Henry et al A J Pltchford vs Sarah J Willis Martin J Hubble vs Wm N Hubble et al K West vs Susan West Mary F Duncan et al vs G W Henderson Polly Ketchum et al s Rosa J Young G W Roberts et al vs J II tamest et al SATURDAY, KOV. 19th. W S Conch et al vs James P White II W Aekerman vs Maitha E Ackerman Waddy Thompson vs J W Stone Waddy Thompson vs J W Stone et al T J llendricksen et al vs K M Woods Kleanor M Perry et al vs U W Hansen City or Butier vs w Kosser et at O J Goodln vs Bessie E Goodin MONDAY, SOV. 21 St. K B Marshall v unknown heirs of Juo Sears Mary Smith vs w J Smith EvcM Pyle vsWmKPyle John T Smith et al vs Wm H Clonse Mary A Jennings vs Milton Lowery S It Cheatham vs Laora Cheatham . W Frederick vs Disv Frederick Kliaabeth Barron vs Thomas Barron Whereas Frank Kidd, by his deed of trust, dated June 3uth. 1879, and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates county, Missouri, In book No. IS, pages 89 and 90 con veyed to C. Alexander, trustee, the following desenbea real estate lying ana being situate in the county or Bates ana state of Missouri, to-wit: 'me soutnwest quarter or section twenty-two (32) in township forty-two (42), of range thirty-three (33) .containing 160 acres more or less, which conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of one certain note fully described in said deed of trust; and whereas default has been made in the payment of said note, now long past one and unpaid, and whereas it is provided by the terms of said deea or trust that in case or the death , absence from the state or refusal to act of the said trustee, the then acting sfaeriffof Bates county. Missouri, mav . proceed to sell the property herein before described for the purposes of said trust, and whereas, the said C. Alexander, trustee. as aforesaid, is absent from the countv of Bates and state of Missouri, and has refused to act in the capacity of said trustee by his written refusal. Sow. therefore, at the re quest of the legal holder of said note and pur I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue, to the highest bld- uer ior casn at toe east iront uoor or toe court honse. In the city of Butler, county of Bates ana state or Missouri, on Saturday, October 29th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock In the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that dav. for the purpose or satisrying saia debt, interest ana costs. in", m. ulazuhkuuh,. Sheriff and Acting Trustee. Sheriffs- Sale. Bv virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office ot the clerk of the circuit court ot Bates coun tv Missouri, returnable at the November term, i887, of saiJ court, to me directed in favor ol the State ot Missouri ex rel, Oscar Reeder, Collector, and against A. C. Avery, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim ot tne saia aeienaant, A. j . Avery, ot, in and to the following described real es tate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit : The southeast quarter ot the southwest Quarter of section seven, township thir ty-eight, range thirty, I will on Saturday, November 19th., 1887, between the hours ot a o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the east tront door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bares county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may I e required, at public t endue, to the highest bidder for cash, to sattsfy said execution and costs. ti. U. UL.AZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue and authority of a special execution issued trom the omce ot the clerk of the circuit court ot Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the Novem ber term 1887. of said court, to me di rected in tavor of the State ot Missouri ex rel, R. S. Catron, Collector, and asainst Thomas I). Mack, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, in terest and claim ot the said defendant. Thomas O. Mack, ot, in and to the fol lowing described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The northwest quarter ot the north east auarter ot section eight, township forty, range thirty, I will on Friday, November 18th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day at tha east front door of the court house in the city of Butler, Bates countv, Missouri, sell the tame or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisty said execution and costs. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue and authority of a general execution issued from the office ot the " clerk ot the circuit court of Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the Novem ber term, 1 887, of said court, to me directed in tavorot the people of the State ot Illinois ex rel, M. O. Hurt and Richard Hurt, and against James MeGhee, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, Interest and claim, ot the said defendant, James MeGhee of, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The east half ot the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter ot the south east quarter ot section thirty-six in town ship forty-one of range thtrty, I will on Monday, November 21st, 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the east tront door ot the court house in tne ciw 01 ouuer, nates county Missouri, sell the same or so much thereot as may dc requirca, at public vendue, to the 'highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. G G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff of Bates County. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue and authority of a special execution issued trom the office ot the clerk ot the circuit court of Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnaole at the November term, 1887, of said court, to me directed in favor of the Mate ot Missouri ex rei, R S- Catron ex-officio Collector, and against Ed Anderson, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of the said defendant, Ed An derson, of, in and to the following -de scribed real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot tour in block thirty-six, in the city ot Rockville, I will on Saturday, November 19th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day at the east front door of the court house in the citv of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as mav be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy 6aid execution and costs. Sheriff of Bates Countv. Sheriffs Sale. TTESDAT, SOT. 22nd. 177 tVrallackettvsMallackrtt iTs Alice Jeffreys vs Margaret E Xixon et al 179 G W Harteell vs J J Bvrry et al 1!r J S Bradley vs J T Moler et al 1SI J T Tnttle vs Cvnthia J Tuttle 1HS Kllxabeth II McMinns vs J B McMinns et al 1 J H Tavlor vs M S Switter ItH A L Bets vs John II Sullcas Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby given . thst letters of admin istration nwn the estate of William II. Huff man deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Bates county Probate Court, in Bates county. Missouri, be axing date the Uth dav of Oct. , le7 All persons having claims against saia estate are requirea to ex hibit them to us ior allowance, wiiam one vear from the dste or said letters, or they may be precluded From any oeneut or sucn estate and IT said claims oe not esniDitea witmn two years from the date of the publication of this notice tbfy win oe iwrever oarrea. Jos. A. HrnrjiAX, 47 Administrators. By virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office ot the clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates coun tv, Missouri, returnable at the Novem ber term, i8S7, ot said court, to me di rected in tavor ol the State of Missouri ex rel, K. i. t.atron Collector, and against Geo. A Devine, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, in terest and claim ot the said defendant, Geo. A. Devine, of, in and to the follow- tng described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, towit: Ihe east half ot lot five ot the north east quarter ot section six, township thirty-nine, range twenty-nine, I will on Frilay, November 18th., 1887, between the hours ot o o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon nt that day, at the east front door of the court house in the city of Butler, Bates countv. Missouri, sell the same or so much thereot as mav be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, t Sheriff of Bates County. Sheriffs Sale. Trustee's Sale. Whereas Simeon Siggins and Lucy A. Slgglaa his wife, by their deed or trust aaed January 13th,, 1887, and recorded in the omce of the recor-fer of deeds of Bates county, Missouri, in n..w v.. I'i ii nairaSS. eonveved to the UB- deia.,u.i uuauas tue following described real estate , sit uate la Bates county .Missouri to-wit : The southeast quarter or section six w, wwn shtp thirty-eight (38), orrange thirty, eon ta tu rn k In" acres nwn or .uvjev. . a certain deed of trust, bearing date December Jlst., 16, for fifteen hundred aoiiars njr of the Walton TneaeT Lna atongaea v. , secure the payment of a certain promissory note tnerein aescnoea ana n k ..."" . i... mbU4 im said deed Of trust that upon default la assort pf r the interest, or any pan mm n . same or any part tnereoi snail nswr - tif.. th whole debt shall become doe and the 'deed of trust shall and may be fore closed and the property sold to pay aaldaow or Interest so auetnereon? n J"'"r " has been made in tne payment ui bu , and interest is still due and unpaid; and where as, the legal bolder of the said note, baa r- qpestedme-tosellj the property Mg. virtue oi me p - T .7 , trust. Sow notice Is hereby aivea that I. tfco undersigned trustee, oy viryoc "j ,""-. authority of the power of sale in said deed of trust set forth, will on Thursday, October 27th., 1887, at the court house door la the town of Butler, in the county or Bates ana 1 ' j v.-.M ,k. hnn nrso'elaek la Ue fore noon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of tbatday. nwi.M.l tn aill the real estate toemnaecriu By virtue and authority of a special fjTSySS ecution issued from the office of the j by the deed of trust aforesaid, and the eots . - - : t n.o I -1 , - iisMiMliiMr Mimnensation to the execution clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the Novem ber term. lt7. Ol aaiu tuiiri, iu uw ui rected, in tavor ot the state oi Missouri nx rei. uscar rvccuci, wucnui, mu .crainst A. I. Meek. 1 nave levied ana uMzed uoon an me ueui, uwi iuwusi and claim ot the said aeienaant, a., i . MeeK. of. in and to the following de- crribed real estate, situated in Bates Missouri, to-wit Lot ten, block sixty-four, west halt of the city ot Rich Hill, I will on Saturday, November 10th 1887, hreen the hours of o o'clock in the and c oVloek in the aiternooi of that day at the east front door of th ' - - . i r?. court house in we city ot duuw, . county, Missouri, sell the same or s much thereot as may be required, a ouhlic vendue, to the hi-hest bidder to cash, to satisfy sai J execution and costs Sheriff of Bates County and expenses (including compensation to the trustee for his services! specified la said del of tmst of executing this trust . . So. 13. Sheriff and Acting Trustee. Notice of Final Settlement VaiIm I. hmbv aiven to all creditor SB1 others interested In the estate of Was. Jones. deceased, that 1 Locretia vones. " in- trix of said estate, intern) to maae aevue- ment thereof, at the November term, 1W7, cr the Bates county probate court, in oatca couit- Missouri. i.rcBTT Xo. 46. loounnnuii. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice la hereby given to all creditors n-l AHm interested In the estate of Leander U. Moore deceased, that i, C If Moore, adrain trator. De Bonos Non. of said estate, iaten 1 " make anal settlement thereof, at the nrt raa of the Bates county rrooate vottv. m Hates county. State of Missouri, to oeneiaas Sutler on the Uth day of October. i. V II. MOOHK. " 17. Administrator, DeBooasSoc i