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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, November 02, 1887, Image 6

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1887-11-02/ed-1/seq-6/

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Lit.- W'.utli !.ivins Once Mne.
There wo h hush in the sick
bikv.'h ehMuh r b: okcu oiily by the
whispirol njHti uctioiiH of the uui e
adJ the t.uii.n-seJ Hobs of the wife
U,J rbiMreu, who felt that in a few
ahort hours, jMiliaim in a few short
moment thy would be widow and
orphans. Kvcij thing that profes
sioual skill could do had been done,
and the doctor had Haid he could do
no more. MK'j him comfortable,"
he ail. "th.it in all we can do for
him now." Suddenly there came a
hout through the open window.
Immediately :- rierceptible tremor
paaed over the dying man. Anoth
er fthout The sick man opened his
eyes. He listened. Again came that
u-ice fioai th-j street. It was a
newsboy crying his wares. i4Ha!
1 tiio patient, throwing back
the clothcB, jumping out of bed and
turning u double back-sommersalt.
"Don't you hear himf he exclaimed,
"lie s.iys th" Uise ball season is
over. I've got Kotuething to iive for
now. (iive me my clothes, please.
I'll taken run d wn town."
Over-worked Women.
ln ah ii om, i un down ilcbilitat
et' -cli'i ' umi'kis, milliner-, Neam
iti , ii.iu-t keepers, a.-.d over
woile wiikii generaiU, Dr.
Punt' hav.ii'v frescriii-i.ni
tl . i., -i .Hi i ri'r.itive tomes. It
IS :i C.:-- -U lint ai!illirrtli fills
a Miiiieiu "i (impose, a
mo i'' i oi.tilic lor a-l tlioe
Cl'tiinii- i,, s, nnd dlSi Hs-S pe
ci .11 . . i n It in a p'veitul
jri i. . .- u- I n uterine tome and
iu i vine ini'l i" intourt vigor and
flrrtiK'h to ilie whole syMcm. It
pron f i t turrit weakness ot stomach
ind'tres'io", Miming, weak back,
nrrvous pronation, debility in ei
ther aex. Fvrue prescription ia
old bv d'in.': s' under our positive
fuaranre. See wrapper around
.. T'ice $t a bottle er 6 tor $5
A l ope tiratise on diseases of wo
ro-u profusely illustrated, aent for
ten crnts in stamp. Address
World'n Dispensary Medical Aoc
faiion, 663 Main St., Buffalo. N Y.
A woman in Texan has invented
and patented a pie safe. If it be
comes popular throughout the coun
try, ami is really what it purports to
be, the mortality among burglars
will b reduced fifty per cent.
Ca.mampt 0.1, Waiting Diseases,
And general debility. Doctors disagree
at to tim relative value ot Cod Liver Oil
and ll poliptiite the one supplying
atiem; h and flesh; the other giving
neivo power, kn I acting at a tontc to the
dltotive and entire system. Hut in
Scott' Emulsion or Cod Liver Oil with
Hpophonhite, the two are combined,
and the effect is wonderful. Thousand
who have derived no permanent benefit
from other preparations have been cured
. by Its use. Thin ix not an assumption,
but facta that are substantiated by the
experience 01 the past tan years, and the
endorsements of thousands or the best
Phvuiciann throughout the country.
49 im.
S A tllftnd Inillvlflu&l kn T T,w11 ..x-.... VI..
la Polite Society.
The successful master of small talk
may not be a genius usually Is not
bnt he Is possessed of an address and
tact that the true son of genius might
well envy. A man or a woman who
cu enter a social party possessed l
tho. dumb devils of awkwardness a d
restraint and loosen the tongue of
the company, ami keep a social glow
and continued conversation over the
Utile trivial but important nothings
that usually furnish the themes of
snch occasions, i a great social bene,
factor. And what a really difficult mat
ter it f to guido an evening's conver
sation and keep it in a current of
thought away fro it the shoals of go.
sii on the one sido. and the rocks of
poliiics and religion on the other. In
a mixed company of men and women
how much is cmt traced under the two
terms gossip and politics. If two
snch feeders of talk as these are elim.
inatcd fro n the company's supply of
sulj.M ts, thcro U really not much left
as a common ground upon which tho
party can meet in the social arena.
And yet the dictates of good taste
relegate all such themes to afternoon
alls between ladies, and to tho street
d offline conversation of men.
Conversation, then, in all social par
ties being limited to such a contracted
range the accomplished small-talker is
an acquirement positively essential to
all such gatherings, and the art of
small talk is one that ambitions men
and accomplished women should not
despise. Though there is an ill-disguised
contempt among the masculine
sex for the male small-talker, vet. in
the economy . f social life, he is toler
ated as a necessary eviL This esti
mate is uianifes-iy an unjust one.
The man who can make a diwnmt
j, of small themes interesting certainly
performs as d fflcult a feat as one who
icanshi ie under the inspiration of a
I largo theme. The latter has his theme
: to help him. the former mnst .ir
I slrcty upon hN native resources. So
ciety Is in need of aa Increase ot small
laiaera ram than a diminution of
locm. januxe ikade-
Kins Paper.
We knew it would come. The an
nouncement has been made that a
paper coffin has been invented and
put upon the market A man may
now build his houBe of paper, eat
his dinner from paper plates, wipe
his face on a paper handkership, buy
his wife a paper piano and go to his
grave in a paper coffin. The coffin
may be paid for with a piece of pa
per and the death published on an
other piece. There are few things
more useful than paper. Philladel
phia Record.
No trouble to swallow Dr Pierce's
"I'm going to get married," said
a young traveling man to a bachelor
"Indeed. Well, I wish you much
joy, and I trust that you realize the
responsibility you are about to un
dertake." Yes sir; I think I realize the re
sponsibility. I have settled down,
and changed my habits very much.'
"That's right. Spend your even
ings at home and read good solid
book 3."
'What would you recommend?"
"I think -Paradise Lost' would be
the best thing you could take for a
"Yes, sir, you ought to be asham
ed of yourself to let your pale bickly
wife chop that knotty wood! ' said a
citizeu to McEIroy llulcahey. "Sun-,
hoc, but oim not. Be gobs, an' it
was me, sor, as paid the doctor foive
dollars for the advice." "Advice!"
"Yis. He said that poor woman,
she needed exercise, and it'll not be
McEIroy llulcahey that'll put a log
in way." The Colonel.
A cruel exchange says: They
were talking scandal, and one of
them observed that when a certain
young lady smiled her mouth open
ed right back to her ears. "Never
mind, she has beautiful teeth," re
marked a kind friend. "Ah," replied
the first speaker, "but her teeth will
decay. Her smile won't."
"Uow's business!" asked a report
er of a court-plaster manufacturer.
"It's been good, but we are pre
paring to shut down for the winter."
"Shut down! Why is that?"
"Why, you see, the base ball sea
son is almost over."
Chronic Catarrh usually indicates
a scrofulous condition of the system
and should be treated like chtonic
ulcers and eruptions, through the
blood. This disease has been cur
id in hundred of cases by the use ot
Ayer's barsaparilla. Price $1, 6
bottles for $5,
While fishing from a rowboat near
Orange City, Fla., Mr. John Thursby
tied his lino to the bow and lay down
for a nap. When he awoke he was
three miles up stream and a big
catfish was tugging oway at the line
for dear life. The fish weighed
twenty pounds.
The adopted daughter of a Michi
gan farmer named Henderson con
fesses that she set fire to his house
five times, poisoned his cows because
she didn't want to help milk them,
and smothered the baby in orcer to
get nd of it.
The toughest resident of Silver
City, Ariz., is a little Indian bov
wh j was captured during Geronimo's
raid two years ago. He is only foui
years old, but he has already nearly
killed a boy by cutting him with a
bowie knife.
Dr. tierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion is not extolled as a 'cure all"
but admirably fids a singleness c
purpose, beint; a most potent speci
fic in thoe chronic weaknesses pe
culiar to women.
A colt which has the head an
paws of a bear and is covered with ;
long, thick coat of hair, is a curios?
tyin St. John's parish, Louisiana.
When walking the colt stands erec
on its hind legs, like a bear.
P. T. Barnum says the day of th
circus clowu has passed, and that n
such individual will accompany h
shows next season. Mr. Barnum hi
done a great deal for this country
but this is his master stroke.
A fine constitution may be ruin,
bv simple neglect. Many 1 ed "
Is result tiom habitual constij ati
Theie is no remedy equal to Ayer
1M; tor restoring the system to nat
ural acticn.
SvruD of Fz.
Maolitacniroi ' b. t'lcCt.:
lorniu Fig Svrup Co., .m Fr ntcis
CO, Cal , is iMii:..' 0' 1'mc Lix
aiive. TliiMi-a-;i.' Cu'.it'.'.n.i.i I q nd
fruits rcnieiK h'' h -f S.-t.p
Son & Co. Il is the most pleasant,
prompt, ami effective rrtneth known
10 C'e;ifl-e re -wem; -it .n't "ii
i.'Ver, Ki lo- s-, IV.AU f-nt's
-t thnr"iisfr" ; i'i;.c! I Iej,d.ches,
CohU ml Ffve?s; ., cure O'li-'i-p.ition.
nd'e.'-Mo.i, nd kindred i' -
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue ai.d authority of a eneial
execution Ui-ued tn.m ihe o'nte of 1 r
clerk ot the circuit cour of Bate coun
ty, MUsouri. icturnable at the- Novem
ber term, lS$7, o: fcaid .ouit, to i.e
directed in tvorot t e peopic of the
State ot Illinois ex rel. M . ilurt
and Richard Hu.t and agji is-t Janus
McGhec, I have evied and eiz d upon
.II the right, title, interest and cUim.
ot the .aiJ dele dan:, James McGhte
ot, in and 10 ti e todowin de ciib-.d
real estate, otluaceit to tJaies uuntj,
Miskouri, to-wit:
The east halt ot the nonhead quarter
and the norttieaM quaiter t the outh
east quarter ot secti n thirt in in town
ship torty-one ot range thirty, I will on
Monday, November 21st., 1887,
between the hours of 9 o'.loii m the
forenoon and 5 o'clock in the artcrn -on
of that das at the eat trout d r of t'n
court house in the cit.- of Butler, 'aies
county Missouri, sell the -a'lic 01
much thereof as may he require , at
puolic vendu , t the highest i,iJ.jCr ror
cah, to satisfy said execution niii cost.
G i. GLZr.BK oK,
Sheriff ot '. i' oinii v.
She:ilTs Sa'e.
Bv virtue and .lu'lionv of a general
execution isued troin t!.e ..rTic - ot the
clei k ot the circuit court or B ite co..n
ty, liuri reiurii.iole attiic N vemlei
i(rm, 887, ot ul c ti t to me directed
in favor ot 11. . r".iiley .i i.i ai;aut
James P Harper and l' -ilv A. IK-J.ti
n -tt, I have levied a d -eized upon
ail the light, title, interest and claim
01 the ai ' defendants. James P. liar
per and Polly A. Dejarnett, ot, in and
to tlie following described real estate,
situated in Bat s county, Missouri,
The nouheast quarter of s iion
twenty-three, t wnhip loriy two o
lange thirty, I will on
Monday, November 21st., 1Sm7,
between the hours ot 9 o lock in tht
forenoon and 5 o'clo - m tnc .t.w-rnoon
of that day at the ea t from d or ot the
court house in the c t -t Bu'ler. Bate
c-junty, Missouri, 1 t'c same or s
much thereof as mi- r nquired, ai
public vendue, to the holiest id der tot
cash, to satistv said ex vutio.i and costs
Sheriff ot .,te Countv.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue and authority- of a special
execution issued from the office of the
clerk of the circuit couit ot Bates coun
ty, Missouri, returnable at the Novembei
term, 1 887, ot said court, to me directed
in favor af the State of Missouri ex rel,
Oscar Reeder, Collector, and against
Jolm Millering, I nave levied and seized
upon all the right, title, interest and
claim ot the said defendant, John Mil
lering, of, in and to the following de
scribed real estate, situated in Bates
county, Missouri, 'o-wit:
The southeast quarter ot the north -wst
quaiter cf section twenty-three,
township thirty-eight, range twenty-nine,
I will on
Saturday, November 19th., 1887,
between the hours of 9 o'clocK in t; .
forenoon and 5 o'clock in the atu-m ...
of that dav at the east front door of th
court house in the city ot Hut er, Bat,
countv, Missouri, sell the same or .
much theieut as may be required, a
public yendue. to'he highest bidder to
ash, to satis, v said execution and cost
Sheriff ot Bates Countv.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given to all creditors and
otDrn interested in tbe estate of Wm. Jones,
deceased, tbat I Lncretia Jones, admintntr.
trix of said estate, intend to make flnsl :ti-
ment thereof, at the November term, 1887, of
ins Hates county pronate conn, in Bates coun
ty, state of Missouri, to be held st Butler.
No. 46. Administratrix.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that letters of admin
istration npon the estate o William 1.. Huff
man deceased, have bevn irrsnted to the
undersigned, bv the Hates countv Pronntf
Conrt. in Bates conntv. Missouri, bearing date
the llth day or Oct , lt7 .Ml persons having
claims apainst said estate are required to ex-
niuu tueiu w us tor anow ance, wilain one
vear rrom me aste o said letters, or they may
be tireclnded from inv benefit r ni-h .&t.ti.
and if said claims be not exhibited within two
years rrom tne date or the publication of this
ouce tney win oe rorever banwi.
Makiiu J HcrrMAN"
Jos. A. Uorats,
47 Administrators.
109 1 W W. Ninth St., KANSAS CITY. MO.
n enlg Specialut is tht dtp rto it a Stgular
Gradual in Mtdieine. Ottr 20 yar' Pnetiet,
12 yftors in Chicago.
Anthorised by the Htate to treat
I A Chronic, Xervoos and "Special Dis
J (73 X eases." Seminal Weakness night
J V-'T (toMiexut Debility tottuftmuU
I IJJP?"). Nervous Debility. Poisoned
1 Blood tlcers and SwetUncs ofeTerr
1 J kind.t'hnary Diseases, and In fart.
V S all troubles or diseases In either
male or female. Cures guaranteed
r money refunded. Charge low. Thousands of
asescured. Experience is Important. Allmedl
ines are foamnteed to be pare and efficacious,
etna- compounded In my perfectly appointed
iboratory, and are furnished ready forum. No
jnolnc to drag store to have uncertain pre
options filled. No mercury or injurious medi
ae used. o detention from bosinesa. Patients
t a distance treated by letter and express, medi
nes sent everywhere free from raze or breafc
re, Stat your ease and send for terms. Con
itauoa free and confidenUal, personally or by
. 64 pa TJyiTT Far Bth 8eze. sent
Instraied WUA .sjl plaTn envelope
lnP- Every male, from the ace of
to fi, should read this book.
rosrrrva cxma tm sh kum atism
M uy tmm imm muni hii, w
"Ms imUMtamnauub
' OHtalitnlMf; mtrm
ftfmmmt mum im Mau .
m n.pnirt nim i,n- lnln
M aw vita mmmm tm Cnatara.
for Infants and Children.
MCaswiiaMvtf adafSaetaeaUmtkat I Catrl ecrr, rvite. OoaaaijoB.
i rrmend 1 ss xperu to y presenpue I TZ 12-
aswwa to e-" H. A. aaaanm. at D., I muoa. .
mfA0xte8t,BraatdjB..T. I Withom iajarioas latllnattas
Tmm CBrraca Coarurf , Ml Mtoat Hi ess. V. T.
.t,t. Keep the Largest Stock,
arness end mim
Spooner Patent Collar!
Adjusts Itself to any Horse's Neck, has
place better than
III 111 Sl'I'lli,
Prevents braking at end of clip, and loops
from tearing out.
Three ounce Elgin, VValtham" and(
Hampden silver stem winding watch-
es, trom $11 to higher prices.
American ladies stem winding golf I
watches from $25, up.
All silverware, clocks, fewelrA,
&c. at cost prices.
Sole agentfortbe Rock ford and Aurora watcbe?. In Gold, Silver and Filled Cases, very cheap
Is riearquirter tor fne fewelr-
Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c
Spectacles ot all Vtnrls and tor all aes; itUo fine Opera Glasses. You
are cordiallv invited to visit his establishment and examine
his splendid display of beau'tful goods and the low prices
laj Urn ilillJICu I UULV a rmwly for Worna. ndfrorottJat UinJ?"
wonn mm: """""
rfaiM h
lirHT mi
shi in tk. .-1 Z:JZ
hi"- i"dr- in one -nv. nd to mniw -v-rr b..-t h'-1' T f ThJK.STl. f7rpSr "'r V
w . ' Vmixn.ix Horo Ci, Mo. I
J E. Sbwaru Co . Pltttntrrr Pa. I CIIW.r. !..
fcrtl-t hurr Bxvd ow of that mot tTf!Wnt 1 T1"- 1 thoorfnsi " B. A. Fhn-.-. fc- Wrml.
ry!- -rum-tuvk Vfrmifagg. and f j.ind it t.jtrore In my p-ati--- f.,r mur . 1 h ; liri-
O n i mm i OH"-Jc- J- HLBB.RI. W. D. I TurnUrd. THCiK H H ,"l!Y n l
I E. SCHfim 4C0 b.a. Faf,nr. Co.. Piitsbnff, P, PrirkW
At the Lowest Prices in. :2
two rows ot stitching, will hold Hames in
any other collar.
"wwumlil nmpton, mrr Indk-ation.
11 prl hTond carti that -
CTTUa ta
atncxLTCLAjraMl,i niifi IVLQ l
IFever Tome
IsassrsaatspMdyOarslatka moataabborBssMs
It tboroochly elaaiuM the sratem ot Malsria.Bsk as
lb enre eomitt. When takaa a directed. A CUI( .
IB OUABAJfTSXO. and shoold It tail tha DroaslA '
i. ikniid t Hmvmm n Moan raa aaid tek
VemitaTKIAL! Beaaratoaakytas'Sngiki . )
faeKKnrraTXJiTOjna mn,il asrwttUk
Mrraa Bo Oo.. OfTiaALgsirra.
Ait- now readv tor businee, Special
Attention given to
Such as Roll Csrdtng, Carding,
Spinning and Weaving.
Will exchange
BUTLER, MO., MAVsth, 1887, ;Ta
leUtiet, laratakaav CaattratUl ;
Lambaffa, Iptaiaa, Mwala.
Bbwatif. Btralaa, Zrtptioa,
Bum Ititahaa, Roaf AO,
kalds, tOffJaiatB, Serev
ttngt, Baakaaka, Worma,
Bitaa, Qalla, Iwiaaajr,
Bruiaaa, faraa, laKlaOaO
Baaieaa, lptvia niaa.
Coma, Craaka.
aeoomp lakes for aTanrbod szaetly wkat tsclalmad
forts. CosoCtkraaal8etkasisalvilsi1tyor
the Xaataac LUsmt la foaaatatta aaUrsl
MlleaklUty. KraryWy aula nil a sssdistaa .
The Laasfcoraaaji n ds tt to aaaa of awtdsat.
Tfce Uoaaowtfa oosds tt for csttaralfaaslly asa.
The Caaaler aaeds It for his tsaaataad bts assa.
Th Mechanic newU tt always oa his work
Tho Mlaor aotds It ta eaao of sMrgoacr.
The naaMraosdslt-eaanaMaloMWIthoatH.
Tho Faraaer aoods It to his houo, hat atabK
and his stock yard.
Tho Stoaanbomt asaa or the Boataiaa aost
It In liberal supply afloat and aaboro.
Tho noroo-faneler aoeds It-It Is his ho
friend and safest reUanee.
The Stock -erowor aaods It-It will ears hhm
thoasands ot dollars and a world of trouble.
The Kavllrom4aaaaaeedsltaadwflIaeedMa
kmc as hla III e la a roaad of accidents and daafara,
The Baekweeassaan aeodslt. TberslsaotB
IngUko It as aa antidote for tho deafen to Ufa,
limb and comfort which surround the pioneer.
The Herchaat nerds It about hla store 1
hla employees. Accidents wUl happen, and
these come tho nataac Liniment la wanted I
Keep a Bottle ta tho Ileaee. 1U those of
Keep a Battle la the Factory. Iflstdlote
ae to ease of accident sares pain and haa waaav
Keep av Bwttle Alwayela the sHahlofer
sue whoa waatod.

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