Newspaper Page Text
1 1 Constipation In a universal and most troublesome dis order. It causes Headache, Mental De pression, Impairs the Sight and Hearing, destroys the Appetite, and, when long continued, causes Enlargement of the Liver, Inflammation of the Bowels, and Piles. Constipation U speedily cured by Ayer's Pills. For a number of month I was troubled with Costiveness, in con. ouenee of which I suffered from Ios of Appetite, Dysx:pHia, and a disordered liver. My eyes alto troubled me. I vta compelled to wear a shade over them, and, at times, was unable to bear ex posure to the light. I was entirely CURED BY USINQ three boxes of Ayer's Pills. I have no hesitation in pronouncing this medicine to be the best cathartic ever made. ' James Eccles, Poland, Ohio. I suffered from Constipation, and, con sequently, from Headache, Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Ayer's Pills, which I took at the suggestion of a friend, have given me effectual relief. I commenced taking this remedy two mouths ago, and am now free from Constipation, the re moval of which has caused my other trouble to disappear, and greatly im proved my general health. V. Keeler, Amherst.- Mass. I suffered from Constipation, which assumed such an obstinate form that I feared it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer a Pills cured me, completely. U. liurke, Saco, Mo. Ayer's Pills, Prapsrsd by Dr. J. C. A j r at Co., Lowell, Him. Sola by all Prugiiau aud DtaJira in Medicine. Divorces Cheaply Withsai Micity, AIHOI.L'TK DIVOltCKS without publicity for pnrties resliiinir in any psrt of the United State, for desertion. non-HU'Hrt. intemper ance, cruelty, In.nnltv ISIank application for stamp a t'lrexs, V. . Humes, .'id; liroailway. New York -.T-ly Fill! I'l l. Mi llllLPi r ! Tinihix When on a sultry summer's day The sun seems source a nil e away ; When comet sick headache to oppress And cut' moment hrinir ,lltreHs Then T VUKANTS SKI.T.KK proves a frien I Thet (IriiKKii-tH a I ran recommend. ERRELLS A TONIO la prerare1 solely for the cure if Complaints wtuctl allli.-t all wuianklnl. It rlvea lime and atrcngtli to dafirrona 4f1flnlarniiiils snrl Irrtfulart. tin is tfrlna Arum. and tlr. Minrnrestvstinrlianirinriire. Ttiauseol . el Mt'n r em a i. b t o n 1 c ' uri ok pr r catl y relieve the pains of mnlhtrhood and siHTily Tenver. It as'--t nature to k tliH eoilml chance from airlhood to i i. in -l ni 10 iitateai'i may ta. I " -fi-v. eilce.fl. a r.touxs. I salth is Wealth! 3 Vni ir n XVwm-r'tt KznTB im HnAiTf Tit HAT. IUWT, a guaranteed arwciiio for Ilj-ateria. Diiii. ,nn1inna 'ita. Nnrvoua Aeuralinfl. Usadaehn, Nerroua Prostration caused hy the nao Of alcohol ortooaccu. txutoiuineaa, aieniat ins preaaiou, Bifteniug of the ltrain waulting in in sanity and trading to misery, dorny and death. Premature Old Age. Unrronnesa, Loss of power in either as. Involuntary Losses and fpermaU DfrnoMt rausea byoverxctrtion ir inooruin. sen abas or over-indulKenoe. luirh box contains one month's tmatmonU (l.rOn boz.or six hoict for$iXU,sentbymad prepuidou receipt of price, WE Gl'AKAXTr.E HIX BOXES Tornre any case. With each rdsr received by ne for six boxes, accompanied with i..lM, vre vriil sand the pnrrnaseronr written fruarantse to re fund the money if the treatment does not offset ft ours. Guarantees issnM only by JOHN O. WEST & CO, 862 W. MADISON ST., CHICAGO, ILLS., Sols Prop's West's Liver Pills. Ask year retailer for the Jame Means 83 Phoe. Caattaa I Sums dealers recommend Inftuinr foods la order to maks a Imnrer profit. This Is tbe rlslaal S3 Shoe. Beware of Iraltatlona which ao- kaowledfl their own iufertorlty by aitemptlng to Sinu unm ip repuuiws ot toe nciffinai. sae Ueaalas aaless bearing this 8 tamp. JAMES MEANS' rOttUna, OO QUAC Button Cnex 2eaas&Co Lincoln jy celebrated factory prod boss a larter quantity hossof this grade ihaa any etbsr factory la ta rid. Thousands who weartltem will tell youths ftfroa ask them. JAMfU SIKAKH OK for Boys Is uaapproacbed la OnrabUlty. r; (V( 0f tue sUUv shoes for sale in ur oy QAM'L LEVY & CO A lTfI? SenJ ,3t nl 1 fJ I Jstor postage, and eive free, a costly box of goods which i wiu neip all, of either sex, to more mon J J Htfht awav than anvthim in th. orld. Fortunes await the workers ab- "outeiy sure. At once address True & Augusta, Ma' ie, !7-lvr -ff TANSY CAPSULES the t 1 in-cc.TT??!TT si a U1SUOVEBY. W rItHln!hS,1'br"ted watton.Safand a7?t lnd,slasa le to LJJjIJZS. wuHi.CHMiWLCO., Chica Anrrrr ll. 1 I TS 1 1 naae in 11 isy llbacn. rc iw Ski. Cnex- II IV cUltairaM0v,OaVbrl II -1 a A ' MwarsuMe. posuUeard "I I v swntsOBswUI brlatyoula- II Was X bow o jte this I 'VX. ghoe in any Stato or f I x. Territory. SHOT IX THE HEAD. Chillicotlie. Mo., tilt Sc'f of an wonted IIoiikh i.!c l'n- Cliillicotlie, Mo., Oct. '25. In a saloon in this city this afternoon Jarnes A. Shirley, a bartemlt r of this city, and two young Ktrangers who had been working on the Chicag , Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad as members of the surfacing gang, be came involved in a fight but were soon separated by bystanders, when the railroad men went outside and stood in front of the door, where upon Shirley, in a towering passion, drew his revolver and tired through the screen aud glass door, and one of the men fell to the sidewalk with a bullet in Ins brain, the ball enter ing above his left temple and coming out in the center of the forehead. Physicians were summoned and the wound dressed, but at a late hour to-night he was still unconscious and will probably die before morning. Nothing is known of him here, his companion only knowing him by the name of Reddy, given him because of the color of his hair. Shirley was arrested and held in $10,000 bond to await the result of the man's injuries. He was raised here and formerly occupied respon sible portions, being a good busi ness man. At one time he was an express messenger between Kansas City and Denver, but dissipation lost him various positions. This is the first homicide, with a single exception, that has occurred tere for twenty years. Not for Her. "Madame," he began a the door opened, "I am selling a new book on 'Etiquette aud Deportment.' " "O, you are!" she respouded. "Go down there on the grass aud cleaii the mud off your feet." "Yes'm. As I was saying, ma'am, I am sell" "Take off your hat! Never address a strange lady at her door without removing your hat." "Yea'm. Now, then, as I was say ing "Take your hands out of your pockets! No gentleman ever carries his hands there." "Yes'm. Now, ma'am, this work on Etl " "Throw out your cud! If a gen tleman uses tobacco he is careful not to disgust others by the habit." "Yes'm. Now, ma'am, in calling your attention to this valuable " "Wait! Put that dirty handkerchief out of eight and use less grease on your hair. Now you look half way decent. You have a book on Eti quette and Deportment.' Very well. I don't want it. I am only the hired girl. You can come in, however, and talk with the lady of the house. She called me a liar this morning, and I think she needs something of th kind." Detroit Free Press. Forgot Himself. "The perfect gentleman," said the colonel, "will never, no matter how annoyed he may be, allow his annoy ance to find expression. When i man s conversation becomes wean some, listen iust as attentively as though you were intensely interest ed." "Do you mean to say, colonel, that you would allow yourself to be bor el and stand it pleasantly?" "Certainly, sir, I would rather bear with a bore than defend him." "Well I have a poem here I'd like to read to you while -you have time It was written " "Poem! Caramba! If you catch me listening to your driveling dog gerel I hope to be hanged." Drunkenness or toe Iiqoor Habit PontiTelj Cured by administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge ot the person tak ing it; is absolutely harmless and will ettect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drink er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge, and to-dav believe they auit drinking ot their own free will. It never fails. The sys tem once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossibility tor the liquor appetite to exist. For lull partic ulars, adJre.s golben srsciFic co., 1S5 Race $t. Cincinnati, O. Sheriffs Sale. lly virtue and autiiuriiv of a exrrmion it t tri.-i. t!-f office ot t Ictk the i i , t , isiur. r Term, i S7, ret ted in favor ex rel. H . aj.iinsi Geo 'e c U'l- iiu- di :r r'. th - iir. I) t: I !' arut xeized up. .n t rct .ii d 1 1 i ii. ) .". A I): llf. I ii-.ji d?--i ribi." u i't r-nd " t. iu.i'i- i'l It .1 i .lci con nt i , i - wr i, t . i : I h- east h:ilr ii lo rive ot the north- ' iCHt-t quarter i.f section six, township ! tinrly nine, ratine Uwntv Hint. I vi.l o.i ; Friday, Xowmb -i ltfth , 1SV7, between the hur nt 9 n' nu in he totr-toon and 5 "'clock i:t the ..Pe noon ( ut 'hat da, ;it ti.e e.t-t Uoor if lie , cour- house in tlie tit ot Butler, Hate 1 countv. .Mto-oun, sell the same or so much thereof .is m.iv be required, at puldic vendue, t the hiuhct -idtk-r lor cih, to ,satitv 6aid executi 11 nd cobts. G G (LAZKIiK( K, Sheriff ot Bute Countv. Sht-riflTs Sale. Hv virtue and authority of a special execution issued from the office o the clerk of the circuit court ot Bates coun tv Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1.S87, of said court, to me directed in favor 01 the State ot Missouri ex rel, Oscar Reeder, Collector, and against A. C. Averj-, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, intereot and claim ot the said defendant, A. C. Avery, of, in and to the following described" real e tate, situated in Bates countv, Missouri, to-wit : The southeast ouaiter ot the sou'hwest uuarter ot section seven, township thir ty eight, range thirty, I will on Saturday, November 19th., 1887, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the foienoon and 5 o'clock 1 the uftemo .11 ot day at the east tronf door f the court house, in the city ot Uutler, U.i e county, .Missouri, sell the .ine or so much thereof as may e required, at public vendue, to the hi-li. st bidder lor h, to satisfy said execution and costs. G". G GLAZF.IiRO iK. .Siici iff ol ii tie-'Count v. Sheriffs Sale. Mv virtue ;uio au'horitv ot 1 transcript execyti n issued from the otTue ot tie clerk, ot the circu t court ot B ites countv Missouri, returnable at the Nov. terni, f7, ot said court, to me directed in 1 vor of Kincaid & Co. and against John Magarity, I have levied and seized up on all the right, title, interest and claim ot the said defendant. John Mdganty. cf, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Kates county, Missou- 10-wit: Th; ncrth half of the northeast Quar ter, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter ot section sixteen. township thiitv-nine. range thirt -three, 1 win on Thursday, November 17th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, Bates county. Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and cost. G. G. GUZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority of a eeneral execution issued trom the office of the clerk of the ciicu.t court ot Bates countv. Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1SS7, ot said court, to me directed in favor ot Papinville Lodge, No. uo. A. F. & A. M and against I. T. Moler and Levi Moler, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim otthe within named j.T. Moler and Levi Moler of, in and to the following described real estate, situate in Bates county, Missouri, to-w t: iw nty-eight acres, the east part of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter ot section sixteen, township thirty-eight, range thirty, I will on Thursday, November 17th., 1887, between the hours of a o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afernoon ot that day at the east front door of the court house in the citv ot Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder lor cash, to satisty said execution and costs. G G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff of Bates County. Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue and authority ot a special execution issued trom the office of the clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates county, .Missouri, returnable at the rovember term, 18S7, ot said court, to me directed in favor ot 6 tate of Missouri ex rel, R. S- Catron Collector, and against Geo A. Devir.e, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of the said def:ndant, C. A Devine, ot, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The west half of lots four and fire of the northwest quarter ot section five, township thirty-nine, range twenty-nine. 1 win on Thursday, November 17th., 1887, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day at the east tront door of the court house in the city- ot Butler, Bates county. Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy said execution and costs G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff otBates County. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue and authority ot a special execution-, iued trom 'he office ot the . It-rk ot the circuit court of fate court i, Miouri, rtturiia;ile at the Nmem trr lenii, iS", ut said court, lo me di i.ctcd, in t..vor ot ttie Sute of Misxmri .x icl Un- .r Reedei, 'Oilector, and nist v J Meek, i have levied jnd "P"1' U;ht, t tic, interest and claim ot the id defendant, . . ' eeK, 01, i:i and to the following de--crii.cJ r.i- ctate, Miuaied in B.ues county, Missouri. to-it- L it ten, block, maiv four, west halt ot the il ot Rich Hiil. 1 will on Saturday, Noveuilur 19th 18H7, between tfte hour, of 9 o'clock in the torenoon and 5 o' lock in the afternoon ot that d .y at tho e.t-t trout door of the oiirt hou-e m the city ot Uutler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisfy siiJ execution and costs. G. G. GLAZERKDOK, Sheriff of Rates Countv. Sheriff's Side. By virtue and authority ot a special execution issued trom the office ot the clerk ot the circuit court of Ba es coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the November term, iSSj, ot said court, to me directed in favo ot the State of Mis-ouri ex lei, R S- Catron ex-oftkio oilector, and against Ed AnJer-on, I have levied and seized upon a 1 the riht, title, interest and claim of the said defendant, Ed An deison, of, in and to the following de- s; ritieil real estate, situated 'in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot tour in block thirty-six, in the citv ot Rockville, I will on Saturday, November 19th., 18S7, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the forenoon ar.d 5 o'clock in the afternoon 1 ot that day at the eust front door of the court house in H e citv of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same 01 so . mu. h thereof as mav be required, at I public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, tc saii.-fv said execution and costs. G. (;, GLAZE If KOOK, herift of Bates Countv. Sheriff's S;de. Bv virtue and authority of a Special execution issued trom the oflice- ot the clerk ot the circui' court ot Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the Novem ber term 1S87, of said court, to me di rected in favor of the State ot Missouri ex rel, R. S. Catron, Collector, and against Thomas 1). Mack, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, in terest and claim ot the said defendant, Thomas D. Mack, ot, in ar.d to the fol lowing described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The northwest quarter ot the north east quartet ot section eighteen, township forty, range thirty, I will on Friday, November 18th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the foienoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon ot that day at th east front door of the caurt house in the city of Butler, Bates countv, Missouri, sell the same mt so much thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority ot an alias ex ecution issued trom the office of the clerk ot the . i-cuit court ot Hates countv Missouri, returnable at tlie Nov. term. 1 887, ot said court, to me directed in fa vor of Adam Long and John Long, and against u. a. witnerup, 1 have evied and seized upon all the right, title, inter est and claim of the said defendant, D. . Wttherup, of, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: Lot thirteen in block thirtv-seven, and tot one in block fifteen, and lot twelve in block thirteen, and lot eight in block eightv-nine, and lot twenty-two in block fourteen in the town ot Walnut, Bates county, Missouri, I will on Friday, November 18th., 1887, between the hours ot 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the atternoon ot that day at the east front door ot the court house in the city ot Butler, Bates county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as ma' be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satisty said execution and costs. G- G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriff's Sale. By viitue and authority of a transciipt execution issued trom the office of the clerk of the circuit court of Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the November : term, 1887, of said court, to me directed in favor ot Curtis Worden and against Allen Blount, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim of the said defendant, Allen Blount, ot, in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit. The northeast quarter of the northeast quarter, and the north ha t of the south east quarter ot the northeast quarter ot section nineteen, and the south half ot the southeast quarter ot the northwest quarter of section twenty, township forty-two, range thirty-one, I will on Friday, November 18tli., 1887, between the houts of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the atternoon ot that day at tne east front d'-or of the court house in the city of Butler, Bates countv, Missouri, seil the same or so mucn thereof as may be required, at public vendue, to the highest bidder tor cash, to satistv said execution and costs. G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff ot Bates County. Notice of Final Settlement. Xotice is hereby jrien to s'l cre-i'stors and others interested in the estate of Leandcr L. Moore deceased, that 1, C. H. Moore, admin istrator, I)e Bonos Non. of said estate, intend to make final settlement thereof, at the next terra of the Bates County Probate Court, in Rates county, State of Missouri, to bebeldat Cutleron tbe lltii day or October, 1S7. C II. Moor. " 47. , Administrator. 1m tJunuaSoa. "NEARLY CRAZED with pain" is the sad err of many a victim of rheumatism or neuralgia, and frequently oilier diseases, such as kidnev and liver coiuplaiuis, are directly traceable to rheu matism or neuralgia. These diseases, for some unexplainable reason, are rapidly in creasing, and in many instances are the direct cause ot niu.h sukness which so hiiles its real origin as to I e niistaken for other diseases. In curing rheumatism, neu ralgia, sick iieadai he, and in many cats of kidney and liver troubles, Aihlophcros has wrought wonders. Thce w ho have used it are best qualified to speak of its merit. Rev. I.. B. Sontcr, Morse, Kansas, says: "About two years ago, my daughter-in-law was taken with a severe attack of rheuma tism. She could nut turn herself in bed. I sent her or.e bottle of Athlephoros, and by the time one-half was used ehe was free from all pain, and has had no return of the trouble since. ll haa also been of great benefit to my wife for neuralgia." Henry Martin, Muscatine, Iowa, says: " I did have rheumatism very badly until I used Athlophoros, which has completely cured me. For several yean there would be certain times that 1 could invariably look for a severe attack of rheumatism, which would confine me to the house for a week at a time. I was suffering from a very severe attack in my arms and had been confined to the house for a week at the time I used Athlophoros. The first two doses seemed to go right to the seat of the pain; my relief was simply wonderful after I had taken two doses of the medicine. After I bad used one bottle my pain was all gone; I had free use of my arms, so that I went back to work. I have not felt my rheumatism since and have not lost an hour's work." Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druggist the Athlo phoros Co.; 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per Lottie for Atklophoros and 50c. for Pills. For liver and kidney diseases. 1v?roria, in digestion, weakness, nervous debility, diseases of women, constipation, beadache, in, pure blood, &c, A thlophoros Pills are unequaled. 11 FOR ALli DISOE-HEKS OFIKi Stomach, hmr and Bovols STRICTLY VEGETABLE. fare Constipation, Itidiswtion. Pvspepsls.riles, Sick Hesrtache. Liver romtilalnts. Loss of Ap petite, Biliousness. Nrvi.iisn;s. Jaundice, etc. For Sale by all nr.i-.-ci-.-s. l'l-lre, 5 Cents. PACIFIC MINUFACTUivKG CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. -IF- YOU REALLY WANT TO BUY, SELL or TRADE PIPEBTI -CALL ON- D. W. SNYDER. Over post-office. CHAS. CENNEY At Old Stand, East Side Square. EWGOODS Fresh and Nice and Comprising every thing in the (RIKODCIEMY And Provision Line. Of all kinds wanted. COME AND Chas. SEE ME. Penney, COUNTRY PR UC iif s h l ,,,horPI, II vor, Ntrenctfci ! ?i.4ihectltiUteorts. n-xulam lb buncb, and ar uueitualed as au ANTI-BILIOUS KEQ!G!KE. In malarial dltrlrt their trine m ! roiiHl., , ... . !.,,,.., itltiir jrrtlr liilr- ui;, h, ,..4I).m couit-ri. lkMMUal. , 2iei. Sold Ever yv. ' .ovo. Ofile 44 Mm ruv ? v York. DRS.S.I D.DAVIESOU ST LOUIS, no. The Great Specialists. diisusa rsmltiaa troaaSaJf Atxu ud kUUml CAUSsM. Omm of qnofTfcM.nd SrphiUU, Primsr. tf nd.V7J"dJrrtA'7 07 new sod InUllV titrable ud imt upnM. -TV "odTaf. Consultation Fs. inolodlu isorosyoDieal anmlnMicw of nrinTls.(. Ph ymioal JLk hAMUojB Mwt on recit of ontieul m i svuviii uun T55&. " 0ri D. t mviTtVAtiJnWv ANATOMICAL MUSEUM. M.utlo I Aula M.. Lit thflflraai Mention this patwr. fJ.?Vrt, ."""" Liver Cnf Vlalnts, Mild bat effective UTHOUt BV UKl iailSTsT SCHWENCK & ULOEAKER. Boot&ShoeMakers BUTLKH, MO. Boots and Shoes made to ordei The best ot leather used. Shop narth side ot Square. aq if TO MH HtALTH TMt UVU MUST U KEPT II stOC. j"J-" fr-"r'. f"iii ia, mi i ii ... u p.wr amcru? 'rsSSrJJ TZZ ........ mj tmiut WU1 ull jvu lu r rm ttti a ! tt ifl8 wmieisAingu IT IS 1HE BEST MADE, LIGHTEST RUSHING, QUICKEST AND SIMPLEST In tHe World. OUR MOTTO: IQrProtection in Territory. W Perfection in Principle. JSrPopularity Univeral. NEEDLES. OILS AND IIFAB8 FOR ALL MACHINES 4fcjT Responsible axi agents who wish to handle the best and most salable goods. Address tor particular WHITE SEWING HACHINE COMPANY. 921 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. 9-MEX 10 N HIS PAPEK. ARBUCKLES' name on a package of COFFEE is a foaraate of zoellBoev ARI0SA COFFEE is kept in all first-class stores from the Atlantic to the Pacific. COFFEE is never good when exposed to the air. Always buy this brand in hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES. CMLESSV1EW MAMTBS1I j $TZ CiSSS1