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d: Is 3b N n BUTLER L -IN- Dpera House Block, I3U'rL,Kl MO. papito.1. - fclBPLLS 5,300 IlOHN H. SL7LLENS President fcbOKER POWELL,... Vice President. Ofi, E. WALTON, Cashier. fc.KL'E JENxIMS Ast :a shier. fcON KINNEY t;ierk and Collector. br.T. C. Boulware, Booker Powell, Green V . Walton jQhn Deerwester, for. N. L. Whipple Wm, E, Walton, I. Rue Jenkins. IJI Tucker, udgej. II Sullens, !,R, Simpson tank Vuris, E.H. Dutchei Receives deposits, loans money, and transacts a general banking business. We extend to our customers every ac lommodation consistent with sate bank COK RESPONDENTS. First Nat'l Bank Kansas City. St. Louis. - New York. fourth National Bank Utnover National Hank BATES COUNTY National Bank. (Organized in 1871.) OF BUTLER, MO. Capital paid in, - $ purplus - - - $-i.oof T. TYOARD, .... President. WON. J. . MEWBEKRY, Vice-Pres. JJ.C. CLARK . . Cashier. f SUITS. ITIOi BANK FIN In every style price and quality I Made to Order I guaranteed a fit in every case all and see me, up stairs North; Main Street. J E TALBOTT, 47 iy Merchant Tailor. THIS is the top of the gen uine "Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all are imitations. others similar This is the exact label on each one of the Pearl Top Chimeys. The dealer may say and think he has as good, but he has not Insist Upon the exact label and top. JGEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, ra. ADVERTISERS can learn he exact cost 1 . ( onv nrntVPfl line Ol dlly Ul ULA'otU AlllC Jl . . . aavertisine m imencan papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau. l iu spruoe at, rew iwi-a. ' (? Sand tocte. tor lOO-Page Psmtphaet Mil are atatee, M taaw to erIW a Sudmw a Co. , ParUaad, M alaa.ill iwan I'rt, full laforatauaa a So. I work abwa ttrteaa4a,B4 liat haatctbal will aay Ikaai fr-m Ba tm aB aa. a KeaM Sara .J"ln aaT Eiaarei.yamntol4 taaal lnlrM. Toaarvaunad fraa, Thaaewkartart ,1 aaaa SOLD 1 P. C. Fui-kekson, T. L. Harper, Pres't. Treas. J. Evkrincham, Geo. Canterbury Vice-Pies't. Sec'. THE BANKERS LOAN 4 TITLE CO. Incorporated under the laws of Mo. LAND TITLES EXAMUM CERTIFIED First Mortgage Loans Made on Farm and City Property. Local Money for short I lme Loans., Office west side square, BUTLER ,MO. SIKHS. IE (THE NEW QUININE.) Xon Strongly Vflucbd ft? Other Drag A POWERFI L. TOXIC that the most delicate stomach will bear 4 SPECIFIC tOll MALARIA, RHEUMATISM, NKKYOUS -: PHOSTRAT10N THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL U1.UOI) V L IU r IKK Superior to quinine. Mr. John C. Scarborough. Selma. N. C , writes: "I got malaria In the Southern army, and for a dozen years Buffered from Its debili tating effects. I was terribly run down when I heard of Kaskine, the new quinine. It helped I gained 35 pounds. Have not had such good health in to years. Other letters of a simiar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent on application. Kaskine can be taken without any special medical advice, SI. 00 per bottle, orsiz bottles ior .-. ooia dj or sent bv mall on receint o'nrice. THE KASKINE CO.. M Warren St.. New York PATENTS F. A LEHMANN Washington. I .C Send tor Circular, HinRir it no ai i permanent I LJ '- Employment I given to energetic men and women everywhere. $50 a week and all expen ses paid. Samples worth $c and full particulars free. Address P. O. Vickery Augusta, Me Don't mi:! this chance. Write to-day. SURE CURE DISCOVERED Fj ATARR Lsuderbich'i German Catarrh Rwatdy. I. fUnnlM fraa at IJniaaiata. Muted Sir Me 11 IkUi Mac, um iwmn or law awUwd uf Kvary mail bring, Iritm Tntm gmlerul aaraoaa a. a. I itunaaicit co., Sma, a. , usi. Have a Minna, lute m llim I Dm PARkKR'S QIMOSIBl ninna many ottMm want 'ONIO wttaoat aly. IS for all afKUmi of the throat and laoca, and diirair. arMnft- from Ummra blood and einaaxuoo. and tick, atrunllna? aaaiaat lllafaal and aUn The ffwblo to the iraT, will la many MM raaorar their aealth by timely 1 roiu. Ta t of Parker's Ginger Toale, bat dalay la dan- and diaordeno(ftomai:a and bowels. Ha, at tniasiVS awoiia. Take It IB lima. It la inraluania for all mint It la Inraluahla for all ASK FOR KarMEltlG LOHPANY S- EXTRACT: IV! EAT 0 and insist upon no other being substituted tor it. N. B. Genuine only with fac-simile of Baron Liebig's signature in blue across label. Sold by Storekeepers, Druggists everywhere. Grocers and Mason & Hamlin ORGANS. The cabinet organ was introduced in its present form by Ma. son A Hamlin In 1ml Othermakera followed in the manufacture of these instruments, but the Mason A Hamlin Organs have alwavs maintained their suprem acy as tne oet in toe world Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the nnequaled excellence of their organs, the fact that at all oftho great World's Exhibitions since that f Paris, In.T, in competition with best makers of all countries, they have invari ably tsken the highest honors. Illustrated catalogue iree iiv(i lire. PIANOS. Mason A Hamlin'a Piano Stringer was in troduced by them in 1SK2. and baa been tiro- nonnced by experts the ' neatest imnrovement 1 in pianos in half acen'ury." a circular, containing testimonials rrom threw hundred nerrhupn mr. ,!. ... .H tuners, sent together with descriptive cata logue, to any applicant Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay ments; also rented. IllSlMIUEIN (TO 4 NAM) CO. BOSTON, SEW YORK, CHICAGO. "IT.I M? JsSiy-Agents in everr town and village to sell our NEW (.5) CliRIST- ! ? and village to sell our Nr.V (.5) CIIRI , MAS BOOKS, selling from. c. to Si.ui. i woman with a familv writes that sheave a ' $7 a da last year snd worked from Septi One ged em iz , i.. j . . v -r m t- tiu jnmtmss. une mniesi- in six weeks the Srt week in a village of on'y 2ij Send for . circulars if you can onlv canvass your school , district Yon can make from $i5 to S-'sjO before IhrifOnia. LAt.i.iiu., (L'l'uj, 40 uearDora m. cut- t cago. ill St AfOT 17 ' W for IS weeks. Tht iVlVll IJI 'POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed. securely wraiied, to anv address in the I'nited YV States fr 3 monthsonre- V" X A Ht ceipt of On i Dollar. Liberal discount allowed to po-tm ast ers, aftents andf AT T7V'b I of Ni w York is the onlv legitimate Illustrstd I Sporting snd Sensational Jor-l7,l TTLM ! na published on the American L I I continent. Apply for terms to RICHARD K. rOX. Franklin SQuare. Kew Tork. 3B mamna bntmnl OUHiU. HOW TO LIVE LONG. Why Fbtaaa la not la Kvary Caves ta Necaaalty or OM Agw. The desire for a loner life seems to be a part of the instinct of han-anity. Sometimes it does not seeni to be at ail modified by the prospect of continuous and severe Buff-ring. B it in the de sire of a long life we surely should in clude the desire for a healthy life. The question of bow to live in a physical sense, therefore, becomes a subject for careful study. It is all the more im portant because the conditions change with the change f age. It will not do to apply the methods of infancy or ol early life to middle life and old age. The great inclination of youth is to exercise. J be free ue of the body nr to the i-xtent of its powers is not only the means of ncquirine more power. but ot retaining what we hnve. So we ire to insist upon it that all through the growing p riod of life the law ( f activity prevails. There is nc substitute fir it. This tends to pro long the period of growth. S me havi contended that the longer ibis period can be made the more likely is long life to be f ecu red. Animals that live long are generally slowest in reaching their fullest perfection. Food at th early periods needs to have sp cial reference to construction. Hence it ii that milk and eggs and all the variolic foods are relished in quantities. In childhood, the healthy appetite ac cepts all of the various forms of food. There is growth, energy and much constructive force, and so all of the food elements are needed. Lu'er on. the person, if wise, comes te study food and exercise with reference to the kind of exertion that is to be pntf nh. The in-door life, even if it be one ol toil, must not be dealt with us is tht out-door lif S edentary call ings must have some relief bv z rcise in the p n air if the same food supply is usod. Now is the time to study the tendency of the system. If it is to leanness on the one hand, or plethora on the ot her, the fact should govern the diet. There are some senses in which the adage it true that a man is either m fool or his own doctor at forty. Bv this time he has come to appreciate some laws oi his own constitution, and to have some experience as to bis tendencies. II under good self-control, he will heed these lessons. Not unlikely he will need to consult, now and then, the stu dent of disease, but he does it to ob tain his opinion on the basis f his own experience. He takes him into consultation over his life, in order that he may be helped in deductions there from. The law of pliability or adjust ment must be studied and practiced by himself. Most of those who die between twenty-five and sixty, unless they die by accident, die by some indiscretion. It is the over-indulgence of appetite. or the neglect of food when needed, or the overstrain of business, or ex osure to changes of temperature without corresponding changes of clothing. Most people of these ages are con- scious of the error after it has been made, or others are co scious of it for them. Without undue captioi sness we can note changed conditions and adapt ourselves thereto. Multitudes die prematurely by reason of an indis cretion which might have been easily avoided. It is intelligent caution that saves sickness, and this caution ought to I e in possession and exercise before middle life. It is so much easier to prevent serious sickness than it is to secure recovery from it. Hence it is that so many that are deficient in vigor in early life outlive the rigorous and the careless. Necessity compels them to study their changing condi tions of health, and so teaches them the benefits of adaptiveness to condi tions and circumstances. After middle life it is always to be recognized that a process of degenera tion has begun. The tissues are less fl xible a d less easily nourished. Organs have not the activity of vouth. Some of the n have become more or less impaired. The safe'.y is in recog. nizing the facts and treating them ac cordingly. It is wonderful how the system often bears up under the partial disability 01 an organ or a part if there is adaptation to its we.-ik ness, and some compensation therefor. In a state of inability each organ tends to give to some other a helping hand. Thev will b ? work rs f r each other if only we are co-workers. The enlarged heart freed from excrements anl fatigue lats a score of years The weak stomach accepts the substituted digestion of the rest of the digestive tr:ict or the outsi'le digestion which chemistrv offers. ' J "Ui.t.i. Even old age tends to last The natural degeneration oi tissues or vessels is too often hurried forward bv spells of undue exertion or bv too consi ant repose, while good food is needed more and fivq iently than in middle life, there is of en er ror in the over-use of concentrated foods. There must be adaptation to our more ret ired and quiet life. It is thus that feebleness is not always the uci-essity ui "e- x nc t-iinautc am t ti. . 1: makes the old person a comfort to himself and .in ex mole f healthful prudence to his friends. -V. J'. Inle ItrulenL Its P-1iccv f Flavor And the e'cacv of its action have rend ered the tarnou Cal:to'nia liquid rruit remee'v, Svrup ot Fins, immensely pop ular It cleanses and tones up the cloif ped and verish system, and dispel Headaches. Colds and Fevers. For sale by Walls & Holt. SAM SMALL'S BROTHER. Why Did God Make so Much Outdoors? Two Women's Experiences. "Sam Small, Evangelist!" The proverbial philosophy of "Old Si," the venerable plantation darkey, who gave to the world through the medium of Small's pen maxims of worldly wisdom, clothed in a verbiage of irresistible humor, has found a permanent place in humorous litera ture. Great surprise was shown when it was announced that he, having been converted under the ministrations of "Sam Jones," would become an evangelist At first thought, a humorist in the pulpit 6eems incongruous. Is it really so? No doubt the mere buffoon at tempting to turn men's hearts to solemn truths would meet with only contempt. But truth is not hidden in gloom. Genuine humor frequent ly illustrates and fastens in the mind bits of wisdom that would otherwise pass unheeded. In his eulogy of Henry Ward Beecher, Rev. Dr. Parker says: ""Whenever he came among men, he brought June sunshine and music, and made even desponding and surly men feel that a fuller and warmer summer, 'the Kingdom of Heaven,' itself was 'at hand.' " That is crenial Christianity. Mr. Small belongs to a witty fami ly. He has a brother connected with Annoy Knox's and "Fat Con tributor's" Texas Siftings, a paper which has had phenomenal success in the field of humorous literature. Mr. Frank A. Small is the present representative of that popular paper in England, and, like his distinguish ed brother, he takes a deep interest in the welfare of other people. Under date of 48 Porten Road, Kensington W. London, Eng., Sept. 27th, 1887, he writes: "While at Yalding in Kent yesterday. I met Prof. S. Williams, Head Master of the CleaveB Endowed school. In the course of conversation about Ameri ca, Professor Williams remarked that Warner's safe cure had been of great benefit to hk wife, who had been much troubled with a disordered liver. Warner's safe cure (an Ameri can preparation) was all she had taken, and she had experienced none of her old trouble for some months past." Mrs. Annie Jenness-Miller, editor of New York Dress, and a very pop ular woman in the fashionable world, says in her own msgazine for October: "Warner's safe cure is the only medicine I ever take or recommend. In every instance it gives new energy and vitality to all my powers.'' This distinguished woman also says that for ladies this great remedy is "pe culiarly effective." Sam Small is likely to succeed as a moral teacher. Wlien we remember how near together in human nature lie the fountains of laughter and of tears, the deep effect his discourses must have on the masses can easily be imagined. "Why did God make so much out doors?" exclaimed a little girl. We know not. He has made it and we should grow in it, broad, charitable and genial, judging everything by merit, not by prejudice. Cattle stealing has become 60 an noying in Lyons and Chase counties, Kansas, that the stock raisers have organized an association for. pro tection against the thieves. Here are some odd names: Sap phire Gunnybag and Macy Marcy Mercy Massey, of Boston; John Yandanbicrlierenberger, a Philladel- phia shoemaker; Applepie Johnson of Pittsburg; Liberty Tadd, a Phila delphia artist; Echo Halfnose, of Chicago; Jesus H. Christ, a Phila delphia stationer. Bonner has nearly bought a town He has just purchased an enormous amount of real estate in Bridgeport, Conn. It consists of a tract in the center of the city, and includes five churches, the old court house, six livery 6tables, three bank buildings, and more than one hundred private residences. The property is worth over $6,000,000. A Level-Headed Wife. The governor of Arkansaw had ju6t turned from a petition bearing 684 names, when a tall, angular woman, carrying a gingham sun bonnet by the strings, entered the room and, ! dropping on a settee, said: ! "I want to see the guv'ner." "I am the governor, madame." "Shore?' "Yes, I am quite sure," "Wall, I come to ask jou why you didn't answer my letter. I live out in the hills. Moved there lately from Indyany. Sent you a letter by a feller named Steve Spencer. Why didn't you answer it?" "Your name, please?" "Jane Bromfield. From as good a family as ever lived in the state. Father was a Mcintosh and mother was a Harkrider." "I did not receive your letter, Mrs. Bromfield." "Look here, do you reckon that feller got drunk an' lost that docky- ment? "I don't know anything about his habits." "But don't it 6tand to reason that he got drunk?" "Well, it's far from impossible." "I'll tell you what the letter was. Shortly after I got here, Tobe, my husband, was sent to the penitentiary. He wasn't a citizen oi the state at the time, and didn't think his sen tence would hold him." His not being a citizen makes no difference." "And he could be sent to the pen itentiary before he had a right to vote?" "Yes." "And stay there just the same as any citizen?" "Certainly." "Shore?" "Of course, madam, I know what I am talking about. I would like to tell you, before you put yourself to the trouble of pleading his case, that it is quite useless. He is doubtless guilty, and I therefore cannot grant him a pardon. "My sakes alive, man, don't skeer yourself, for I'm not going to ask for a pardon. The letter I writ you at a time when I thought you couldn't hold him 'unless he was a voter stated the fact that he voted at the last election whether or no." "Then you don t want him par doned?" "Not much. I've done so much better since he's been in there that I never do want to set eyes on him again. It may sound a little strange, but it is a fact that as soon as they took him away the hens that had been mopin' 'round on a sort of strike all spring put to layhV, and I wish I may die if I didn't think they would lay themselves to death. One big old dominicker, the finest hen on the place, but mighty sulky and hard to please at times hadn't laid a single egg for two months, but when she bund that they had took tobe off she set in to layin an I never seen nothin's to ekel her. She'd walk around the yard and sing awhile, an1 then she'd go in and lay. Tobe was to oblicre a poor woman, make it two, governor?" "Oh, no; I have no authority to extend the time. "I didn't know but to oblige a po' woman you mout. "No, I cannot." "Well, don't you think you could slip six months on him, anyhow?" "No. can t extend his tune a nun ute." "But are you sure that you won't let him out under a year?" "Well keep him in that long." "Well, I'm much obliged to you for doin' what you can," she said, arising, "and 1 Deueve inai 11 you had the power you wouia ao more for me. Good day." Arkansaw Traveller. Consumption, Wasting Diseases, a, r.neral debility. Doctors disagree the relative value ot Cod Liver Oil and Hvpophof-phites the one supplying strength and flesh; the other eiving nenre power, and acting as a tonic to the digestive and entire svstem. But tn Fmi.Uinn ot Cod Liver Oil with the two are combined. and the effect is wonderful. Thousands who have derived no permanent benefit trom other preparations have 'been cured by its use. T his is not an assumption, but facts that are substantiated by he, experience oi the past ten years, and tf- endorsements of thousaud ot the b al Phvsicians tnrooghout the country. 49-im. AN INHUMAN PARENT. He Sells His Four Daughters to Get Liquor. Ottawa, Ont, Nov. 2. While a Victoria schooner was lyinc at the wharf at Barclay Sound, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, recently, the captain and crew were surprised to see two white girls running to wards the vessel, closely pursued by three or four Indians. Reaching the side of the vessel the girls sprang on board almost exhausted, and beg ged the captain to protect them from their pursuers. The Indians were close upon them, and, jumping on the deck of the schooner, demand ed the girls as- their property, bul the captain refused to give the girls up. After parleying with the captain for a short time they took their de parture, only to return largely re enforced. The captain then surren dered the girls for fear of his life. It has since been learned by tho Government of British Colombia which is to demand the release of the girls, that they are daughters of William Thompson, formerly of Victoria, who with his wife and four daughters moved to San Juan, on the west coast, three years ago, and took up his home near an Indian camp. DiL'ce tnat tune until now nothing had been heard of then After moving to San Juan the father became dissipated and all he earner went for the purchase of liquor When he could no longer obtain money or liquor he sold his eldest daughter to a wealthy Chinaman, to whom, it is said, she was married at the point of a revolver. His wife died of a broken heart, and in one of his revelries at the Indian eamp it ia alleged he agreed to barter . two of his daughters for a few blankets, clothing and whisky. The bargain was made, and for the purpose of carrying it out, Thompson's hut was visited the following night by a few of the tribe, who easily carried away their helpless victims. Since their captivity the girls have been subject ed to the most brutal treatment. A I younger sister, only eight jean old, was sold to another tribe of Indians- The light-house keeper at Race Rocks Light has within a few days seen a young white girl in a eanoOj paddled by Indians, pass the light house. Skin diseases cannot be success fully treated by external application The proper way to cure such com plaints us to purity the blood with Aver's Sarsapanlla. Under the vitalizing influence ef this medicine all the functions ot the bedy are brought into healthy action. An exchange of wives between twO plantation negroes in Felidna pariah La., two years ago, did not result happily and quarrels arose betweeen the the two families, gradually in volving the whole settlement. At last the warring parties agreed to meet at the church and fight it out. Edmund Turner and Gibson Clark, the two principals, were killed. Advice to Consumptives. On the appearance ot the first symptoms, such as debility, loss 01 appetite, pallor chilly sensations, followed bv night sweats and cougn prompt measures ol rellrf should be taken. Consumption is scroiuious disease of th" lungs ; therefore use the great anti-scrotulous or bloocJu purifier and strength restorer, ltrtm Fierce, Golden Medical Discover. Superior to cod liver oil as a 'Astri- -tive and unsurpassed as a ral. . For weak lungs, spitting of blood, ind kindred affections, r4 has no . . .. - equal, for ireaiie on Ljoattimp lion send to cents to w orld's Ui-- pensary Association, 6' 5 Buffalo N.- Y. Lied Robinsky, t'g gjear-old ftoO of a bohemian, of gt Joseph, feUinto -a cistern and downed, while the mother ran to jj,e police station for help. A nu cf men working near by ref- Bejp the child out Itch. V aTrge anfj Scratches o eerj kind cu- jn jQ minutes by Wood ford's ' jmrtary Lot ion. A sort Cute and T crfectly harmless. Warranted bv w. j. Lansdown, Druggist, Bo iter, Mo ;i-iy Miss SaBie Hopkins, 38 years of f age, of Springfield, Mo., committed suicide by hanging. She was HI and is thought to have, been, laboring under slight mental alteration.