Newspaper Page Text
ANCIENT REMEDIES. Mating Orapoaad Cw4 Balaa4 But laaas- Cmmm ago. Various portion of the anatomy of Yarioiis animals powdered did former feneration have to wallow. Even fcrVk oil wai utilized M a specific, brick belnjr pulverized when red hot nd soaked in oil. while vipers dried In powder and soaked in warm sherry were much in favor. Tar water long retained the popularity which Bishop Berkeley's advocacy had obtained for It, Rxd coral was need for children, mot in its modern form of a rattle for robMng their gnms with, bat as an in ward powdered preparation. Horrible utterly was the Idea of the uiuan brain made into a bolas and fiven, as in Charles IL's case, but the lion of the dead hand of an executed criminal being a remedv for wens ex isted as recent as 1832. when a man was hanged for the murder, under dia bolically cold-blooded circumstances, f bis wife, at Brighton, and after the 4rop fell a woman was helped up on tt scnffold for this purpo-e. Knotgrass and saffron were especial ly considered to have great beneficial ffecs. which explains the allusion in 'The Caxtons" so freqnently made to a moral saffron bag. Acacia, pars ley and the wild flag that grows bv the rivT-nide were great favorites. Fen Bel, red ro-tes. pine top ground, hart worth and Cretan carrots were fre-quenilt- prescribed. Ins-cts play a leading part in the old list of drugs. But here it may be re marked, as an analogy between old and new t Ivories, that some years bark the discovery was stated by a Piris physician of cockroaches as pro ducing a tincture for kidney disease. 8 after all, the modern times can show some notions akin to the past ones. A favorite liniment or embrocation W4 m.-ulit of vipers' fat in combina'ion With vitriol. This is disagreeable enough in idea, but what was at th same tint a specific in the doctors' Ideas for dropsy and jaundice is sim ply horrifying. Thus it runs: "Live insects from hogs (!). water and brandy, mixed." . powdered were recommended In kidney cases, ants similarly treated in lr tin rases, and woodlice in dropsy an I nervous disorders. Another formula was made from the Claws of crabs and oyster-shells oand d, which was said to be a sovereign r nunly for dyspepsia. Fried mice for whooping-cough form d very popular treatment, and in son e districts are so s ilL Chicago News. aUeamatism and Neuralgia Cured in Two Pays. The Indiana Chemical Co. have discov ered a compound which acts with truly marvelous rapidity in the cure ot llheu matlsm and Neuralgia. We guarantee it to cure anv and every case of acute Inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia in 2 days, and to give Immediate relict In chronic cases and effect a speedy cure. On receipt of 30 cents, in two cent stamps, we will send to anv address the prescription lor this wonderful comund which can be filled by your home di uggist at small coat. We take this means of giving our discovery to the public Instead of putting it out as a patent medicine, it belg much leu expensive. W will gladly refund monev if satisfaction is not given. The Indiana Chkmicai Co , lo-irr Crawt-rdftvtt1, Ind HOW CELLULOID IS MADE. DeecrlptUa mt she) Froeoee Carrie Omt la m frtach Factory. While every body has heard ot or seen or used celluloid, only a few know what it is composed of or how It Is made. The following is a description of the process carried ont in a factory near Paris for the production of cellu loid: A mil of paper is slowly un wound, and at the same time is satu rated with a mixture of five parts of sulhurie acid an I two pans of nitric acd. which falls upo-i th paper in a fin spray. Tlil-t ch.ingt s the cellulose of tho paper into pyroxyliue (gun cotton). The excess of the acid having been ex'vlol by pressure, the pi per is washed with ploity of water until all traces of acid have been removed; It is then reduced to a pulp, an I pushes on to the bl aching trough. Most li tho water lmriti bvn got rid of by means of a strainer, the pulp is mixed with from twent.v to forty per cent. .f its weight of camphor, and the mixtum thoroti jlily triturated un W mill stones. uec v-surv color ing having biHn added in the form of pwdor, a second mix i-ranl grinding follows. Tlio finely divided pulp is then spread ont in thin Uv.rso 1 sUb-t, and from twenty to of . tlieao layers are placvd in an hydrtulio - pr ss separated from one another by s in sheet of thick blotting paper, mid ar subject to a pressure of o e ha dred and tif.y atniosirtieres until ail traces of moi-. ture have been srot rid of. T ie matter is tl en b twee.i roll r boated to betweeuone .hu dred an I f .-tv and n hvin.hvd and f.fty degree Fihren lii. whoiicn it isu- in UeJonu ot l;.s tc sheets. CeUuld 1 is ma In to imitate umber, ebony, ivory, etc.. and b sides its employment i 1 dvntistrv is used t make mou hp'-cts for pipes and cigars. 'h:Ddt table knives wnd umbrellas, combs, shirt tr.tnu and cellars, a id a number of fancy art' !. Carultais at H"ert ' V i . Ihere ere Sot sawmills in Ar- TH LIMEKILN CLUB. Briber ftirdMr Tell About tha S Caliad Hueiety mt the Af. I w&h two minutes after the tri anjrle sounded before the smoke in P.r.dise Hall would permit, the mem bers to see each other. When it had at lat thinned out Brother Gardner said: NicodemtiB Pembroke Scott, a local member .f die lodge, has crossed Into Canady and will not reappear among ua Fur de las' three months I have bin expectin some sich climax, an dis ntawnin', when a messenger in formed me dat be bad disappeared, arter failin in an attempt to shoot his self wid an ole boss pis'ol, I war n t a bit surprised. He leaves a wife an two chiU'en an aboo' fifty creditors. What sent him off? De same rea sons dat an daily workin' to bring abont anodder panic de same reasons dat explain de hnnlred ob bixness failures de same reasons dat am cripplin di efforts of thousands of hard-workin' men to secure homes of deir own-familv extravagance. No, yoo can't call it extravagance; foolory am a better name for it. Up to a y'ar ago Brudder Scott was job bin' aroun' and makin' a dollar a day. Den he got a situashun by which he aimed fo'teen dollars per week. He was poo off in de house an' had debts hangin' obcr him, bnt heah was a chance to g-t eben. How was it im proved? In less dan one month his wife was rigged out wid a tw-nty-lol-lar drca-i twelre-ehillin' kids, a five dollar hat and an opera fan. Hi had no peace ob mm onless he obeyed her. In six we k she became too high-toned to wash an iron fur od-r folkscs. In two months she wanted a better house, w id a red parlor carpet an cane-seat cha'rs a'l aroun de room. In three months she had tc have a black silk dress gold bracelets, a tony bun net, kid shoes an gold tilhV in her te L "Dat foolery has reaped its harvest. Do husband found dat he was rnnnin' behind, his home was bein' neglected, his wife was bein gossiped about, an' in despair he has picked op his feet an' slid out. It wan de natural result. I tell you, my frens, de tomfoolery of de women of dis gentry am strain In' on de chalk line till de cord can't stan' much mo', an it am high time dat somebody sots his foot down. D5 man who aims twentv-five dollars per week has somehow got de ideah into bis bead dat de world expects him to dress his wife as if he airbed a bank er's profits. Wives of men who can't keep up wid deir house rent am can tcrin up an' down wid sealskin saoques an six-dollar shoes. Wives of men who have to dodge de butcher an grocer an' tailor am now selectin' fall carpets an nrderin thirty-dollar lambrequins. Wives of men who couldn't raise fifty dollars at de bank to save der necks am rushin' to balls an parties an having deir expensive dresses discribed fur de benefit of de "De so-called society of de aige am composed of false hair, false pretenses, debt-di'dging an' base deoepshnn. Our rich people am dis ingulihed by deir plain dress an quiet manners. De snides an' dudes an dodos do nil de swaggerin', rush on alt de colors, an monopolize de biggest sheer of de street. You wait! D m n who lives fur anoder ten y'ars will h'ar snnthin' drap, an' arter de drap takes place de thousands of idiots who now feel ashamed to admit dat dev doau keep but two servant gals in de house will go back to deir cook stoves an' wash tubs, an' take deir prop r places in de purceshnn." Detroit Free treat. Drunkenness or the Lquor Hsbit Positively Curea by mnnt nr.g Dr. Haines' (Joldet- ,; ,.,gc It can be given in a cuo ot cotf e or tea Without the knowledge t the person tak ing it; is absolutely lani iess ad will ettect a permanent ami sweety cure, whrther the patient is s moderate irink er or an alcoholic wr. tk hous na of drun aids have heei ii;de leminrate men who have t.iken im1 v- . pecitio in Ihe r . ffee wiih.iut tht ir . v e,lge. ..I t.-,f.iv e'ice they auit drinking fit '. eir Own fvr will It" nev. r The -s tem once imprrgnaef w;ih t Sie. "fie it he ome- an utter i -o - lu it t.,r he liquor appetite to exist. s-or ,, ,;,r.jc. Ul.r- ..d.lre s t; LlKN p-?cnfic C . 18 RjCe St fin- i'Xiari n A y. a g gray squ rrel found by a p;rtvf mi dren a lvorvt..ii, Onin.. w:is eared f r until it h id grow 1 large en. ogli to help itself w len he was se at i... r y. The cluMm 1 h: 1 no it wou d ever come but the same night tit S'i iirr 1 cauie 10 1I1 window and tapped up. m the pae I was alniitt.-d. and the in xi. morning wh sk d away a -a n. It bus bn-U two nest-, u-ing v. hiciev-r it t-l.oos -s in 'the night 1 m . e- p w'ton it raiTs. Then it ways ak lor aliiiissioa to U10 liU M. A series of reviv I 111 pii .ps in Fu .Klin Gui:t-. A t, h:i been br k i up by a Li; pau.uer t iat has take 1 : to rowl ng in the neighborhood after daik. What ni an en irj stop to the good w..rn was h finding of a man's sh..e nejir one of the brute's haunts and a piece f a shirt hanging in the fork of a neighboring tree. A horse at Reading. Pa., stepped cpoa a Utile dog that was barking at it in the street, but immediately bean ingdown his head, began licking the liuU tidTerer. and ottered sounds oJ Tannine sorrow. Syrup of Figs, Manufaciurci m T,u Ca'u tornia Fig Svrup Co., ban Francis co, Cal., is nature's Own True Lax ative. This pleasant California liquid truits remedv e ( ,l!' & Holt. It i 'I'- M,"s' pleasant, prompt, and effective remedy known to deane the v' ': " ' "'i "" Liver, Ki1ne, and Bowels gently vet thoroughlv ; lotlispel Headaches. Colds and Fevers; to cure Consti pation, Indigestion, itn l Kimln-il Sheriffs Sale. Bv virtue ai.d authority of a general execution Uxued from the office ot th--clerk ot the circuit cour of Bates coun ty. Miouri. returnable at the Novem ber term, i87, or said court, to me directed in tavorot t .e people of the State ot Illinois ex rel. M ('.Hurt and Richard Hurt and against James McGhee, I have levied and seiz d upon all the right, title, interebt and claim, ot the taid defendant, James McGhee of, in and to the following deccribed real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The c..ft half ot the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter ot the outh east quarter t i-ei Hon tliirtv-nx in town ship forty onr ot range thirty, I will on Monday, November 21st, 1887, between ihe liours of 9 11'. lock in the torenoon and 5 o'clock in the aiternoon of that da at 'he eat trout d'nrottnc court houe in the fit. t Butler, ''ate ountv MiK-ouri, sell the su'nc or s much thereof us may be requiret', at puilic vendu , t ihe highest bidder tor c i.-h, to s.atisfv s.itd exeomion and costs. G" ; GL ZKBR' .OK, Sheriff t Itatrs ountv. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue and authoiilv ot a general execution issued t.oiu the "fficr of the clerk ot the circuit couit of Bates co.m ty, Missouri returnable at ttie Novembei term, SS7, of said court to me directed in favor ot li. f. Bailey and against James P Harper and l'nllv A. IJeJar nctt, I have levied ad seized upon all the light, title, interest and claim 01 the ai defendants, James P. Har per and I'olly A. Dejarnett, or, in and to the following described real estate, situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit; Ihe noitheast quarter of section twenty -three, township forty -two ot tange thirty, I will on Monday, November 21st., 1887, between the hours ol 9 o'clock in the toren. n and 5 o'cto k m the aticrnoon ot thai cay at the ea-t front door 01 the court Use in the citv ot Butler, Bates county, Missouri, seil the same or so much thereof as max he required, at public vendue, to the highest bt der tor cash, to satistv said execution and costs. G. G GLsZErtROOK Sheriff ot Bates County. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue and authority ot a special execution issued from the ofhee of the clerk of the circuit couit ot Bates coun ty, Missouri, returnable at the November term, 1 887, ot said court, to me directed in favor ot the State of Missouri ex rel. Oscar Reeder, Collector, and against John Millering, I have levied and seized upon all the right, title, interest and claim ot the said defendant, ohn Mil lering, of, in and to the following de scribed real estate, situated in Bau county, Missouri, o-wit: The southeast quarter ot the north west quarter cf section twenty-thre' , township thirty-eight, range twentv-nine, I will on Saturday, November 19th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'cIock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that dav at the east front door of the court house in the city ot utter, Batts county, Missouri, sell the same or so much thereof as may he required, at public vendue, to the higl est bidder to ash, t sat isi v said ereciiiion and cost G. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheritt ot Bates County. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice la tiershy (riven to all creditor and others interested in the estate ot Wm. Jones, deceased, that I Lnrretla Jones, administra trix of said estate, intend to make ltnl untie- ment thereof at Ihtj November term. I8s7, of tue oaves t-ounvv proi aie court, in Kates coon tv. state or Missouri, to be lie:d at Butler. Missouri. Llxki.tia Jonrs, No- . Administratrix. Ailiuiuistratoi a' Notice. Xotict is hereby Riven that letters of admin istration upon me estate o William ! . Huff man deceased. Lave be.-n granted to the nndemlttned by tin- Kates county Frooate Court, in Hates county. Missouri bearing date the 1 th da of Oct iss; II persons having claims against said c-tate aTe required to ex- niui, inriii in us ior allowance, witkin one J ear irom me 11 ie o said letters . or they may be precluded from anv benefit of ni, iatt. and if sai I claims lie iiot evhibited within two years fr..m the date of the publication of this once mey win De mreter barred . MaKTII .1 Hl'FFMA J. is A Hrrio. " Administrators DHENDERSON 109 t lit W. Miath St. KANSAS CITT, MO. Tkt emty SpteiaiM in th City who it a Regular Gradual m MnLcuu. Over 20 yrart' Practict, 12 years t Chicago. THE OLDEST III IGE, AID LONGEST LOCITED. Jintnonxeo by tbe state to treat Chronic, Nervou and "Special Dte- mttm Kamin.1 U' w ioueoexual Debility (louofmrnal rpoer). Nervous Debility, Poisoned BiOod.TJIceT mlRMlliDM.f..M. I J kind. Urinary Dteeaees, aod in tacL Vi. jr ail troubles or diseases in either maleorferrtAle n.rntu or money refunded. Charges low. Tbousaoda of caseacured. Kxperience ia important. Allmedi cinea are cuaranteed to be pure and efficacious, being compounded in my perfectly appointed laboratory , and are furn ished ready for use. No running to drug stores to have uncertain pre scriptions filled- No mercury or Iniurions medl etnesuawl. Nodetentioa from business. Patients at a distance treated by letter and express, medi cines sent everywhere free from rue nrbreak age. btte your caae and aend for terms. Con letter confidential, personally or by ij.?ubs BOOK a'pign,!. Jor sc. in stamps. Every inaJe, troni the "IS VSt lo to to, sbouid read this book. w RHEUT.IATISr.1 THE GREAT IUSUSB HBBIS1HC CURE. a rvoini, ITU WT USUBATUDI SM av ut tmm tais mm h,u "Ms turn il "." OafcMMM; wl r ill n for Infants lian sftiilsii ilaniiniliaa Hnl S Iracommeod itaaaupartor toany presenpboa I kawwatome.- B. A. iam M.D.. ill So. Oxtrjra Sa. Bnaklj. N. T. M' FAELAND BUOS. Keep the Largest Stock, At the Lowest Prices in. Harness and Saddlem, 1 1 Jtl Spooner Patent Collar! PREVENTS CM rTOCME MORSE Adjusts itself to anv Horse's Neck, has place better than uk n mm Prevents braking at end of- clip, and loops from tearing out. USED ON ALL OF SOUTH SIDE 8aUARE BUTLER HO. FRAN3 BERNHARDT'? Three ounce Elgin, Waltham' and1 Hampden silver stem winding; watch es, trom $11 to higher prices. American ladies stem winding go!d watches from $35, up. All silverware, clocks, fewelrA, &c, at cost prices. Sole agent'lforuie Rockford and Aurora watcher, JEWELRY STORE, T headquarter, tor Fne Tewelrr Watches, Clocks, Solid Silvpr and Plated Ware, &c opectacics or an icinns ana lor all ages; also bne Opera Glasses. You are cordiallv invited to visit hi establishment and examine his splendid display of heauMtul goorls and the low prices ALL KINDS OF ENORAVTNG NEATLY EXECUTED- B.A.FA.1UEST0CKS t promt .ly it U almost innnwUi ckuuwSil.rTi lTr,T,l.. . m almost iHitrmlli ckiHrllal . A- KakMrtoek'a Vtrolron ,tii u VT. ni im.iw la atceo. Benin, ind miwlln. k. , ct. wmmmn cra.inK fooa ZfZSZPJ?: .-. i-i .Zr.! , 7W cumtty and carerellr to Miiia7 -"- sr .. W. BLJUUHD. . U. . t.irfiw, B.A.F.i,n..tocco.. Pittsbarjr, Pa Sle Prwrifttrs. and Children. rtnria mm Ontie. CoMM nation. S?"r gtomacn. ! - trrhcea, Eructauoe, I Wuhwa tajariena sssdiraana Taa CaarTaca CoxranT, IS Folton ttieas. K- T. IW5 u V CHAFING two rows ot stitching, will hold Hames in any other collar. 0 OUR HARNESS. in Gold, Silver and Filled Cases, very ciiesp KSTaBUSHm ttrr r. i. tLrJurhJut rLrtTIn Tl LaTTmMTa W y.l'tl." '"T f U aearly lihuau toe t. .1 t 'T-v m wina .m wwt A and euuw r..Fw,.i. -r1; . - i " 1 - . ifSfrJW "Vr!r ee Uut th. in,,i.T. - " " 01 ' p. fv. r AHuairroca, aaa lo rml- I KMiUrf I uv a -v is x a It. CHILIS a FEVEILSvSA n nrrxxx sisiasi TJATiATlIA! WTfTTT f CXESJUP f . ifeves "mm baaaraaaaapwdyOwlaUia atoat atabbon aasa It thoroockly tliinm tha ajataa ot Malarla.aiai IBaonraeoiBpiota. WBwnwi as airaetsa. A CTfa IB OVAAUmSS. aad aaoald it fail tao DraaM iaaataoriMd to KarrjKD thb Moxxt yea paid tar Ik, tSromitaTBlAX! BaamtoaakyewDrafjM fMKUSrrXTSKTOna rrUa,SL parkaWaT KIESS FtVCR TONIC CO : ST. IWIS. KJ. 51 THE BUTLER Are now readv tor businees, Special Attention given to mm wqm Such as Roll Carding, Carding, Spinning and Weaving. Will exchange BLANKETS, FLANNELS, JEANS and YARNS for BUTLER, MO., MAYjth, 1887, J. FISHER. oKicon Linimcni WOOLEN MILL usfong leiadsa, ferateaea, 1 Coatracted . Laaibafo, Spraias,. Mostles, Ehtumstiim. Strains, Zraptiou, Barns, Stitchts, Hoof Ail. Scalds, BtiffJoints, Serew Stings, Baskasae, Worms, Bites, OsHs Svianty. Braises, Sot as, SadtUsGslis, Bosieas, Sparia Piles. Corns, Cracks. THIS OOOO OLD STAND-BY aceompUahea for rrarybody azaeUy what U claimed for it. Oaa of the raaaooa far Uia iraat popularity of taa Xoitanc UUmamt la found tatu aalversal aapllemalllty. Bmybodynasdasachamadldaa. Taa Liakirau naada It is ease of accUleat. Th Uaaae wife aeeds It for geaaralfamtty wa. e Caaaler aeeds It for his Uams aad hU maa. The Meehaate aoada It always oa bis work The Miaer aeeds It tat ease of emergency. The Plaaeer need. It can't rat along wlthooi It. The Faraser aaada it la his bona. hU statta, and his itoek yard. ' ' The SteaaahMt aaaa ar the Baataaaa arada U la liberal supply afloat aad aabora. The nerse-faaclar aeeds It It U bis barf friend aad aafaat rcUaace. The Steek-arewer aoada It It win aara blai thousand of dollar and a world of trouble. The KaJlraad aaaa Beads It as d will need It as loat" as his llf e U a round of accident aad dancers. The Baekwaodaaaaa need It. There hrnota tnclike It aa aa antidote for the daacers to Ufa. limb and comfort which (orround the pioaerr. The Mcrckaat aeeds It about bis store amoat his employ eea. Accidents will happea, aad whea these com the atustang Liniment la wanted atoaea Keep a Battle la the Haaae. TUtaabestef economy. Keep a Battle la the Factory. It in media : sse la case of accident savea pain and toe of wacS Km a Bottle Always ia the Bt able far aae whea wanted. j ELECTED SHORE iTiai rEARTHI CHEAPKT EATING A8K YOUR GROCER FOR THCUSI Ts7 A Q TnG l1 OnoasxaM Ostr Caaasi XttilOll O TAKE HO OTREI B8AC& TJLASX 7ISH CO IT. LOTTIS, BUX ! II tt