Newspaper Page Text
Its soporlor eseallanca provta la millions of lomn for mora than a qaartar of a century . II la naad by the Ualtad States GoTernment Eodorund by tha hradiortlie Great Universities aa the Htronaaat. Porrtt. and moat Healthful. Or. Friea'aia tbe only Baking Powder that 4oa not contain Ammonia Lima, or Alum. Sold only In Cana FB1CJC BAKIHO POWDKR CO. M tw tobb. chicauo. at. toois. MONEY A M LAND. BATES COUNTY LOAN and LAND CO., IAS. K. BRUGLER & SON, MANAGERS, Butler Mo. This Company invests money in rent estate, buy mtes and School Bonds, and deals In all kinds ot good seuuriteis. FINE IMPROVED FARMS Ot 40 to 60 acres each, and good giaiing lands from 400, to 1,500 acres in a body ; for sale or ex change. LOCAL ITEMS. One round dollar will get you 16 pounds of brown sugar at the Orange Store. Walls & Holt sell a clear Havana filler hand-made cigar for 5 cents. Nothing like it in Butler. J. K. Brugltr & Son want all the school bonds they can get. Plen ty ot money at the lowest rates. 34tf Appleton city cheese at the Orange Store; it is the best cheese in the market. Those afflicted with dyspepsia should use Liquor Pepsin Compound and get relief. For sale by Walls & Holt J. K. Bruglar wants more appli cations tor first-class loans. 7 per cent, interest and commissions. 4-tf All physicians recommend Liquor Pepsin Compound for the cure of dyspepsia; for sale by Walls & Holt, the druggists. The Walton & Tucker Investment Company Have made special arrangements to accommodate farmers with money to feed stock. They have a large amount of money on hand to be loaned on real estate, on time any where from 6 months to 5 years, at low rates of interest If you want , w uorrow call ana see them. 33-tf 4 J- K. Brugltr & Son have a large f list oi fine improved farms tor sale 1' Cheap and on easy terms. i6tf I I will sell at public sale, on my iarui, 8 miles east of Butler, on Mohdat, Nov. 14th, 18S7, the following personal property; 4 milch cows, 7 calves, 1 three-year old high grade bull, 2 two-year-old mules, 1 three-year-old mule, 1 spring colt mule, 1 pony, 1 sulky plow, 130 chocks corn, some hay. 1 Terms 12 months time will bo J given if paid when due, without I interest, u not to draw 10 per cent from date. Note to bear approved scfflrtr f r r -J ' JUl V.'. 1A.11U. J J. K, Brngler wants a lot ot good lvrm loans, running trom 6 to iS ntbs. This is a good chance for kausiW1 10 Ket snort loans, or sell Til estate paper. vy THE FEOF Our aim is always to meet the people half way, and leave no stone unturned in order to assist and benefit our customers. Please pardon us if we ask a favor of you To DSead Every ILiiie Hia This Advertisement, as it is to your interest. Remember that this is an opportunity that has never been of fered to the people of Bates Co. before. In ol der to solve the conundrum we will sim ply state that In order to F nil oil ft ! which we will make during the month of November. Remember, trigger of our gun unless we know that it is we kindly ask you to Dry Goods Department. 6 pieces all wool color, cashmere, regular price 75 to 80c., we offer at 65c. 5 pieces colored cashmeres always sell at 50 to GOc. we sell at 45c, A line of all colors cashmere worth from 35 to 45c, They must all go at 30c. A full line in all colors cashmere, that sell all the world over for 50c but we sell them at 35c per yard. All wool black cashmere sell from 60 to 60c, we sell them at 45c. per yard, y ; ; , . , : 7 pieces of plaid and striped dress goods worth from 50 to GOc. per vd. in order to closo them out we offer them at 25c. English Coupiere Suitings, brown, garnet and gold we sell at 50c per yard. Please call and see these goods and you. will be sure to buy. A full line of plain dress goods in all colors we offer at 20c per yd. One lot of fancy brocade dress goods worth more than we sell them for. Our price is only 20c per yd. A line of colored dress silks, former price 75c, in order to close them out we offer them at 60c. per yard. A line of handsome dress silks in all colors we bought at a very low price therefore sell them at $1 per yard. TheBe silks are worth from $1.25 to $1.35. Black dress silks we offer at $1. $1.25 and $1.35 will sell in any city from $1.50, 1.75 to 2.00 per yard. Be sure and look at these silks be fore they all go as the prices we make on them will 60on sell them. All wool twilled red flannel we sell at 4oc others get 50c. for the same goods. All wool red twilled flannel at 35c. worth 45. All wool blue twilled flannel that sells for 50 and 60c we only ask 40c. A full line of plain and plaid union twilled flannels, solid goods, at 30c per yard. Blue and pink union twilled flan nel that you will find elsewhere at 35c we will sell you the same stuff for 20c a yard. A full line of fancy plaid and stripes factory all wool flannel that we sell at 40c, worth more money. Plain red all wool flannel we sell at 25c, you pay 30c elsewhere. Stripe and fancy all wool sacking flannels, former price 75c, we sell at 50c. 5 pieces of all wool yellow flannel are worth 35, 40 and 50c and our low prico calls it 30c. watch to The above prices are made in order to suit the times anri frankly state that we will contribute our profits to benem th?pubHc tell the'tliS! P 6aSe alK Th6Se figUreS ' tel1 the prices WcS lighten our stocks and read every line of this ee Them Fall 1 iong the lino We offer a full line of all wool white flannel at 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50c per yard, and every yard is worth 10 cents more than we ask for it. Heavy sacking and basket flannels, worth 66c. we offer for 50c. per yd. Turkey red table damask, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70c per yd., These goods are worth 15c more on every yard. All linen bleached table damask, 50, 60, 70, 80c, $1.00 per yd., are worth 60, 70, 90c, $1.00, 1.25 per yd. Bleached and brown canton flan nels. ' .V .J . Lot 1 7c worth ,9 c. " 2 8c " 10c. " 3 10c - 41 124c 412- 15c. g 15c sells elsewhere for 20c. Comoand see these goods in order to appreciate the vahie of them. A complete line of brocaded vel veteens in all colors at 65c ' per yd., sells elsewhere at 80c. A full line of plain velveteen in all colors at 65c per yd-, worth 80c. Black velveteens 40, 50, 65s 75, 90c, $1.00, 1.25, 1.40, we will give a dis count of 15 per cent to., every, pur chaser. A rare andgood bargain. A complete line of black and col ored silk velvets and plashes, the best goods ever offered at the price we make onthemnow. Come and look at them. - ti Al . Lot 1. Ladies' white merino vests at 50c, worth 65c. Lot 2. Ladies' white merino vests at 65c, worth 85c Lot 3. Ladies' white merino vests at 75c, worth $1.00. Lot 4. Ladies' all .wool scarlet vests at $1., worth 1.25. Lot 5. Ladies' all wool scarlet vests at $1.25, worth 1.75. Lot 6. Ladies' all wool scarlet vests at $1.50, worth 2.00. Our line of Hosiery for ladies, misses and children in French and American fabrics, can only be appre ciated by a visit to our hosiery de partment and if you find as complete a line in any house in Southwest Missouri for the money we offer them at we don't expect you to buy. Do not pass this department. Cloak Department. 23 fancy cassimere Ladies' cloaks worth $6.50, go at 4.50. 11 all wool worsted Ladies' cloaks, worth $8.50 go at $6. 9 all wool cassimere Ladies' cloaks worth $10, go at $7. mm. tie lest Assorted Stocks benefit the public, we H 1 WJ well loaded and sure advertisement. 16 all wool black worsted Ladies' cloaks worth $12 go at $8.50. 7 all wool, fancy striped Ladies' cloaks worth $12, go at $9. 8 all wool, Riverside worsted, Ladies cloaks, worth $12.50 go at $10. 1 Lot of of Boucle jackets worth $3.50, go at $2.50. 1 Lot of fancy cassimere jackets worth $6.50, go at $4.50. 1 Lot of fine cassimere jackets with hood, torth $6. go at $4. 1 Lot Misses cloaks worth $3, sell at $2. 1 Lot Misses cloaks worth $5, sell at $4, . 1 Lot Misses cloaks worth $6.50, soil at 4.60. 1 Lot Misses cloaks worth $8, sell at $6. . 1 Lot Misses cloaks worth $10, sell at $8. .. Lot 1 Canadian Beaver skirts at 75 cents, worth $1. ; ' Lot 2 Canadian Beaver skirts at $1, sell at $1.25. , Lot 3 Brazilian Beaver skirts at 85 cents sell at $1.25. Lot 4 Brazilian felt skirts at 75c, sell at $1. ; Lot 5 Fancy quilted felt skirts at $1.25, seU at $1.75. Lot 6 Fancy quilted all wool skirts at $2, sell at $2.50. 1 Lot Balmoral skirts at 75, $1, $1.25; worth 25 cents more on the skirt. 1 Lot all wool double shawls at $3.50 worth $5. 1 Lot all wool double shawls at $4, worth $6. 1 Lot all wool double shawls at $5, worth $7.50. We also carry a nice line of shoul der shawls which we offer at equally low prices. Clothing Department. Men's Overcoats, good and strong, at $1.75, worth $3.00. Men's Overcoats, long ulsters, at $3.50, worth $5.30. Men's Overcoats, plush collars and cuff, at $5.00, worth $8.00. Men's Overcoats, cassimere unlin ed, at $6.50, worth $10.00 Men's Overcoats, german chinchil la, at $7.50, worth $12.00. Men's Overcoats, fur collar, chin chinchilla, at $10.00, worth $15.00. Men's Overcoats, astrichan collar and cuffs, at $13.75, worth $18.00. EST. of Itokfa once more ra we never pull the to fire. Once more Men's Overcoats, Riverside .orat ed, at $8.00, worth $12.50. Men's Ove coats, Riverside worst ed, fine, at $11.00, worth $15.00. ..-.-is i. -, t ... : Men's Overcoats, English worsted, fine, at $12.50, worth 18.00. " A Child's good Overcoat from $1.75 to $3.00 ; . A Boy's good Overcoat from $2 50 to $6.00. V : ; ; A Youth's good Overcoat from $3.00 to $7.00.,, if 5 ; f The above prices are m reach of anyone's pocket book. Do not fail to take advantage of this ale- and clothe yourself with a good over coat . '. CLOTHING. ; : : Men's solid winter suits at $3.50, worth COO. , , r . , . .. ; . ..Men's solid winter suits, at $4.75, worth 7.00. v., v r ... Men's solid winter suits,' at $5.00, worth 8.50. . . . ,. Men's solid winter suits, at $6.00, worth 9.50. ' Men's all wool winter suits, at $7.00 worth 10.00. Men's all : Wool " winter suits, at $8.50, worth 12.00. " Men's fine, all wool cassimere suits, at $10.00, wortL 15.00. , " . ; Men's fine, all wool cassimere suits, at $12.50, worth 18.00, Men's fine, all wool, cassimere suits, at 15.00, worth 20.00. Men's fine worsted suits, at $8.75, worth 12.00. Men's fine worsted suits, at $10.00, worth 15.00. Men's fine English worsted suits, at $12.50, worth 18.00. Men's fine English worsted suits, at $15.00, worth 21.00. Men's fine English worsted suits, best quality, at $20.00, worth 25.00. A Child's good cassimere suit, from $2.00 to 3.50. A Boy's good cassimere suit from $3.00 to 4.50. A Youth's good cassimere suit from $3.50 to 5.00. 300 pair of Men's cassimere pants from $1.00 to 5.00 100 pair of Boys' cassimere pants, from 75c to $1.60. 75 pair of Children's knee pants, from 50c to $L00. Genuine Astrachan, double-breasted coats and vests, tailor-made and very nobby. These goods must be seen to be appreciated. FURNISHING GOODS DEPART MENT. Men's all wool red flannel under shirts and drawers at 75c each. ; Men's medicated all wool, red flannel undershirts and drawers at $1.00 each. Men's good undershirts and draw ers at 25, 35 and 50c Men's fancy balbrig; shirts and drawers at $: gan under- 3.50 per set, ... Men's imported camel hair under- ininat wear, $2.25 per set, worth $4.00. h (Ul b The celebrated Manhattan unlaun-nlft dried white shirts, 50, 75c, and $1.00. Jjjjjj A big drive in fancy percale shirts c ? oc a ii qe lenclr 50 dozen nobby scarfs, latest style, 25c each. Imported neckwear in all the lat est designs and styles just received. Millinery Department Our Millinery Department, under the supervision of the most skillful and competent milliners, is now ready and complete, with the finest line of hats and Bonnets, of all de scriptions for the fall and winter trade. This department can not be de scribed in a newspaper, and can only be appreciated by close and personal inspection. Therefore, ladies, take notice and visit our millinery depart, ment. Carpet Department. We handle a complete line of Brussels, wool carpet and oil cloths. 5 pieces 2 ply carpets worth 65c, we sell at 40c per yd. 4 pieces 2 ply carpets at 50c, worth 65c per yd. , 3 pieces 2 ply carpet, all wool, wc offer at 60c, worth 75c 4 pieces 2 ply all wool carpets at 70c, always sell at 90c 4 pieces Brussels carpet we offer at 76c, worth $1.00. 3 pieces Brussels carpet at 90c worth $1.25 per yd. BOOT ft SHOE DEPABTDENT. 10 cases Mens Kip Boots at $2 per pair, worth $3. v , 0 10 cases Mens' Hand Made 'Kip Boots, full stock, at $2.50, per pair, worth $3.60, , r 12 cases Mens Veal Kip Boots," best make, at $3.00 per pair, worth - $4.. 8 cases Mens Oil Grain Boots we . sell at $2.50,. the same ; boots sell every place at $3.50. I i 9 . cases Mens Chicago Oil Grain Waterproof Boots at $3.00 per pair, worth $4.00. 6 cases Mens Heavy Calf Boots we sell at 92.75, always sell at 50 to $4.. Boys boots at $1.25, $160, $1.75 and $2.00 per pair, worth double the money. 100 pair Womens Split Polkas 3 to 7 at 75c per pair, look at them. 90 pair Womens Grain Front Lace Shoes all solid we offer for a short time at $1.15 per pair, dont miss them. ; - 44 pairs Womens Calf Lace Shoes at $150, always sell from $2.00 to $2.25. 1 36 pair Ladies Grain Button Shoes we offer at $1.25, a very good shoe. 48 pairs Ladies Button Calf Shoes at $1.75, sell for $2.50 elsewhere. 66 pairs Ladies Grain front lace we offer for $1.10 per pair. 30 pairs Ladies Kid Button Shoes at $2.00. 33 pairs Ladies Pebble Goat Shoes , at $2.25, never sola lor less man $3.00 per pair. 66 pair Misses Shoes, size 11 to 2 at 75c. 49 pairs Misses P. Calf Shoes we offer at $1.00 per pair. 100 pairs Children's Shoes, a mixed lot, we offer at the low price of 50c per pair. 43 pairs Mens Calf Shoes, lace or Button, at $2.50, worth $3.5ft look at them before you bay any shoes. I 25 cases Mens Rubber Boots at 1.75- lUTl A. L. PIT o Ifu Offic ana Sf ease T. Butl ren PI Offi Mai E Sat 1 No mo C me da- am Bi Of