Newspaper Page Text
7 LttT- nder- rod rs at Iraw- nder- 'Hi OL. IX. BITTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1887. NO. 51 : set, 1 Itrtte iff ifl 11 1 11 1 Hi 11 in hi Hi y Notice to teacher : Public Ex-rider- oination for the benefit ot those per 0, ni desiring to teach in Bates county, fill be held on the 3d Saturday of each laun. Jonth in the Ohio street school house, I nf) Mtler, Mo., and on the 1st Saturday of ch month in the West side school house, hirtn cn "," ' t,ie examinat,on com pacing each day at 9 o'clock, A. M. w. w. UKAVE5. r 4.. e lat-ived. W. E. TUCKER, DENTIST, 3Ilt nder illful now inest de- do-'i only iOliiil UTLER, MISSOURI. OKFICE OPERA HOUSE. Lawyora, W. BADQKR LAWYEB. nil practice in all court . All legal business knell v attended to. Office ever Bates Co. Ka- iuter f"1 Bnk Butler. Mo. PARKINSON ft GRAVES, ATTORN JS AT LAW. rr ,1 r 4 cm 1 o . w . 1 1 viucc ncn oiuc ouuarc. over ianf """Uown'aDrug Store, part-' HOLCOMB A SMITH. LAWYERS ICTLKB, MO. Office front room over Bates Coaaty Rational Bana. It. e of jths. 65c, rorth we 9 at offer m W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY d LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining bounties, In the Appellate Court nt Kansas Pity, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer son wit j. EjrUrricE North bide square, ever U. L. McBrlde's. ttf l'tivmiolauss. 90c J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office East Side Square, over Max Werner's, 19-iy Butler, Mo. 900.00 400.00 $ 33.80 It 50 80. CO 174.110 10.23 C9 00 2.90 81 76 47.40 13.90 6.00 10. W 49.60 44.73 5.97 10.00 37.30 63.35 22.25 34.10 7.30 15.00 15.00 10.00 47.30 8.50 128.00 S.00 5.60 9.83 11 75 34 30 13.00 9.00 3.00 3.50 92.30 1400.00 230.60 300.00 300.00 900.00 L. M NT. pci Kip per best orth we oots rain per 1 wo $3.- 1.75 ublo t to icm. jOCO r a air, ioes 2.00 DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, front room over P.' O. ' All ' calls answered at office dir or 'nieht. i Special attention given, to female dis eases. . rp C. BOULWARE, Physician and X Surgeon. Office north side sauare. Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chiU ten a specialty. t DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND ACCOUCHEURS. Office over their drug store on North Main street, Butler, Mo. ecret Bocletiea. atASONll. Butler Lodge, No. aca, meets the first Saturday In each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, No. 6, meets second Thursday In month. Gouley Cotnmandery Knights Templar meets the first Tuesday In each month. t. o. o. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon day night. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the and and ath Wednesdays In each month IOCHj ood lOCB ere. we toes iocs han 2 at we xcd of Cockle's buIious Pills. This old English Family Medicine in use for 86 years all over the world, tor Bile, Ind gestion, Liver, Ac. Of Fare, Vegetable Ingredients. From Mercury. THOROUGHBRED Poland CJiinn Swine, C For Sale by EITHER SEX. ii Miles West oX Butle .T, 11. ALLISCXN, M o. 50 3m or 150, buj .75. DOR & PIERCE BARBERS. Shop on North Side Square. We give special attention to Ladies and Children's hair cutting. We keep tho best of Barbers, also grind scis sors and razors. Everything first class. All work guaranteed. Give us a call. County Conrt Proceedings. Inquest caae, Wm. Graham, 21.27 C. J. Moore, school loan. 300.00 Deed made to the Adam Howell graveyard. In that township, to Jas. Keeton, S C. Main and Jas. Crooks. Patent granted to Seneca for Lot No. 3 of the southwest quarter and Lot No. 7 of the sontbeast qasiter or section 33, Twp. 39, range 31. Dram shop license granted to Henry Ksune, Jas. Jeffries, Geo. A. Todd. Butler; B. F. Mldklff, Handle Bros., Rich Hill. C. P. Perkins, school loan. Isaac belters, ' " Accounts Allowed: Ssrah Powell, support pauper, $ Mary E. Elledge, support pauper, M. R. McKinsley, bridge work. Mrs. Mary Hall, keeping poor farm, American Clothing House pauper goods, II. H. Do no hoe, bridge work, Jno. Atklson. G. E Cstterlin. ser brdg com. W. T. Johnson, assessing Elkhart, Sam Levy A Co, mdse county offices. E. II Carter, pauper coffin, Geo. D. Barnard A Co. . Probate Judge. " Recorder. R. A T. A. Ennis. cir clerk. Bennett. Wheeler A Co, pauper, Geo. D Barnard A Co. cir clerk. Joe C. Brown, assessing Homer twp, I. N. Smith, assessirg Deepwater twp J. E. Harper, supplies Recorder, Jno Ray A Co, supplies crt house, Wm. F. Rosier printing, M. V. Owen, support pauper, Sam Boyd, " Western Enterprise, nub. school com missioner's card, . " J. D. Allen A Co., printing, Power Bros . lumber poor farm, C. K. Dement, coal for connty, Jewett A Hickman, mdse. sheriff. Max Weiner, mdse poor farm. Oscar tteeder, rep. office and stamps, A L. McBride A Co. , mdse county, T M. Broaddas, assessing Shawnee, C. O'Rear. wolf scalp, Sam Halo, support psaper. Dr. W. K. Craig, med. ser. pauper, N A. Wsde. printing, Mrs Geo. Patterson, support paaper, Jas K. Kelso, school loan. W II. Mead, T..1I. Dickinson, school loan, Adolpb Olsea school loan, D. K. Williams, school loan. Error, corrected In school loan of Wright.' Petition of J. G McPsak, et al to vacate el ley between blks. 94 and 96, In tho Tillage of Walnut, granted. 1 BrtdgS Commissioner 3eo. E. Catterlln makes report on bridge on Appleton City road. approved..,, Petition Of J L. Standlsh. R. V Whits, et al. to vacate all that partoi Standlsh's addition to the village of Hume, north of the south tiae of Oak street, la said addition, and to remit the taies on same, granted. ; Geo. M. Tahhoy appointed Justice of the Peace la Deepwater township, vice J. H. Fletcher resigned. Patent granted Jno. M. Massie to southeast quarter of the northeast quarter and tho south west quarter of the northeast qosrter of sec tion 13, Twp. 43, range 29. - Chas. Cook, appointed Trustee of Charlotte township vice J. C. Biggs, resigned. Patent granted to Marlon A. Yoakum lo Lot 28, section 6, Twp. 39, range S3. Patent granted to Jno. M. Massie to no nw. nwffv.andswnw of section 17. and ne ne, section 18, Twp. 43, rangs 99 . Credit given collector for $110 on taxes of 1887 on Wk, 7. Lots, Bleb Hill. Tboa. P. Campbell, school loan, 9830 School loan granted V. B. Vandyke for $100. School loan granted G. G Wood. 9230. Dram shop license granted to R. D. Jones, Rich Hill, and Shobe A Oliver 8bobe, Surplus chain around court house yard sold to A. L McBride A Co.. VI M. ihe following collectors' bond approved J. W Lewis, West Point township. R. N. Stubblefleld, Summit A. A. Clauneh , Mound ' ' L. W.'Coleman, West Boone township. Wm A. Bates, Howard " A. B. Owen, Grand River " E. H . Carter, Rockville ' J. A. Wright. East Boone " T. N. Board. Spruce " J. F. Smith. Osage Z.J. Williams, Mt Pleasant John Hornback, New Home " Jas. B. Henry, Shawnee " Patent granted to B. F. Watkina to nw nc. and n 1-4 sw ne section 35, Twp 40, range 33 School loan granted to A. Hartshorn for $330. C. C. Duke appointed Trustee of Mt. Pleas ant township vice Aaron Bell, resigned. J. E Thomas, lumber for bridge, $1.80, Bridge Commissioner ordered to make an es timate for the following bridges: wooden bridge across Muddy In Osage township; one in West Boone between Cass and Bates coun ties Ordered by court that 92S5 be set aside to re pair Grand River bridge, between Cass and Bates counties. School loan granted Eva Lewis, $500 School loan granted Ida Weaver, $740.33. Lyman A. Orr, 3 daya ssrvices stenographer circuit court, $50. T L. Harper, making tax book, $283.95. T. L. Harper, making merchants tax book, $13.92. Bridge Commissioner ordered to hare bridge repaired over Bone Fork. ti. G. Glnxebrook, keeping Wymer, $rt. John Keeton. " " $3. Bridge Commissioner ordered to have bridge repaired between Rich Hill and Carbon Cen ter. Commissioner ordered to rebuild bridge near poor farm, also to repair Miama bridge on Rich Hill road. Jno II. Sullens. Investigating and examin- 0 vercoat Ueate at la The signal service foretells colder weather OVER COAT WEATHF.T? Being thus forewarned you should not fail to be forearmed against any wintry blast with one of THOSE WARM. SERVICEABLE OVERCOATS OF OURS. which we are closing out so very cheap; Never before have we given such values for the money Remember we are closing out our entire stock at prices much below its real value, giving you FEBRUARY GUT PRICES FOR THE WHOLE SEASON; We are determined to have our stock at its lowest possible limit by January 1st, when there will "" . be a change in our firm. - 8S' WE WILL SELL IF LOW PRICES WILL DO IT DOH'T let that cold ol yours run on.' You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or into consumption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia i dangerous. Consumption is death it sell. The breathing apparatus must be kept heal'.hv and clear ot all obstructions anO ofiensive matter. Otherwise there b. trouble ahead All the diseases of these parts, head. nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's German Syrup. It you don't know this already, thou sands and thousands ot people can tell ou. T'ey have been cured bv it and know how it is themselves." Bottle only 7 5 cents. Ask anv druggist. 4- yr e o w. OVERCOATS. $ 3.50 overcoats reduced to 500 7.00 10.00 14.00 " 16.50 20.00 $2.50. 3.75.' 5.00 7.50. 10.00 1550 16-50 your own price. Boys' and Children's overcoats at Bring in the boys and we will guarantee price to be lower than elsewhere. UNDERWEAR. Our stock of underwear was never before so large nor so cheap. We can suit you in any material and in any quality. Mens Merino only 25c. Mens all wool scarlet only 50c. Mens all wool scarlet, best only $1.12 1-2. Mens Camels Hair only one dollar. Mens Camel Hair, best, only $1.37 1-2. Mens Canton Flannel Drawers only 25c. Mens Canton Flannel Shirts, only 35c. Compare these prices with prices advertised by other firms and you will find them much lower. Trustee's Sale. Whereas John Msasrltv. who declared him self to be single and unmarried, by his deed of sruss aaieu nov. sin. . 1M83, ana reeordea in the recorder's office within and for Bates eoantv. Missonrl. in book No. Si, page 180, conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following de scribed real estate lying and being situate in tbe county of Bates and 8tate or Missouri, to il : Tbe west half of tbe northMat nnurtar- and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarterof section sixteen, (18) township thirty- Dins w) 01 rugs ininy-iaTee (Bo) containing 120 acres more or less, which conveyance was made in trust to secure the pavment of one certain note fully described In said deed of trust; and whereas, default has been made In tne payment or said note, now long past duo and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request or the legal holder of said note and pursuant to tho conditions or said deed or trust, I wUI pro ceed to sell the above described premises at pablio vendne, to tbe highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court hsnu In tha cty of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Thursday, December 8th., 1887, between the hours of 9 o'clock la tho forenoon and s o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt. Interest and costs. C. C. Dean. No. si. Trustee. The above goods are very cheap dirt cheap. Remember that we are closing out J our entire stock and will sell you anything in our line much below its real value. Be sure you see our goods before buying and we will save you money. ", . . .,-. AMERICAN CLOTHING HOUSE. Circuit Court Proceedings. November, 7th., 1887. Jas. M. Hawkins vs. Mo. Pac. By. Co.; dismissed. E. A Ewing, S. C Franklin, J. E. Thomas and U. IS. Liudwick sworn as deputies. - Lyman A. Orr sworn as court ste nographer. Sandwich MTg. Co. vs. D. U. .Ed wards; dismissed. Geo. F. Williams vs. B. F. Wilson; dismissed. Novehbkb 8th., 1887.' et. al. judgment for plaintiff. ! NoyxMBXB 12th, 1887. Pleasant Hill Milliner Co. vs. Mo. Pac, Railway. Co., verdict for deft State vs. Nathan Uodfrey, arraign ed, plead hot guilty, felonious assault. State vs. Nathan Uodlrey: carrying concealed weapons, arraigned, plead not guilty. State vs. Ueorge Cravens; arraign ed,- plea not guilty; set for Nov. 18th, 188T. " State vs. Thoa. Kelly: arraigned, plea 'not ' guilty; set for Nov. 18tn, MONDAY, KOVIMBXB 14TH, 1887. Moline Plow Co. vs. Wm. Moore; Mary A. Ellis vs. St L. & E. By. Co.; continued to Not. 17, 1887. Jos. Butler vs. St Jj. & t. By. Co.; I ludfirment for plaintiff. same. I Jas. II. Beckett vs. . u. uooie, State of Mo. vs. Hardin Hams: I et al ; judgment for plaintiff. plea of guilty, committed to ten days! , J. W. Ennis, adm'r vs. D. E. Wy- ln jau. Same vs same; nolle pros. Mel choir Fox and John Fox nat uralized. Caroline Samstatr vs. H. C. Fran cisco; verdict lor plaintiff. coff; continued. Sarah Wilcox et al vs. Jno. big- eins et al; lugment for plaintiff. Nichols, Shepard & Co. vs. W. L. Oee et al; judgment for plaintiff. David ljaskey vs. KJt. X. ixng: Now come the grand jury and re- judgment for plaintiff. turn into court the following indict ments: Nathan Godfrey for carrying con cealed weapons; Nathan Godfrey for assault; R. T. Vanhorn for grand larceny; Dwight Smith for assault R. C. Black et al vs J. W. Alexan der; judgment for plaintiff. Round Prairie Items. Nice rain Wednesday morning. it J 1. " A. uorn garnering in una Yicimiy is Wm. F. Fiirnish vs. Ma Pac. By. I tMng the p t Mr. Jas. Mock was ordained elder of the Cumberland Presbyterian church last Sunday by Bev. Poteet of Foster. Married on Nov. 10th, 1887, at the residence of the bride's parents, in the presence of relatives and inti mate friends,- Miss May Horner to Mr. A. J. Oolev. both of Hudson Twp, Bev. Henry Price, officiating. The bride is the youngest of three daughters and is a prize tnat is not drawn every day. The croom is a nice young gentleman of splendid deportment and worthy of the prize he has captured. We congratulate them and may they never have rea son to regret this great move. The inf air was given at tbe residence of the groom's parents on Nov. 11th. More Anon, DlCZB. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is herebv riven, that letters of admin- istration upon the estate or Addison Price, de ceased have been granted to the nnderslned. , by the Bates county probate court, in Bates county. Missouri, bearing date tho 8th day of novemoer. JW7. ah persons nsving otauns against said estate are required to exhibit them to ae for allowance, within one year from tho date of said letters, or they may do precluded rrom any oenens 01 sucn estate; ana ir eeia claims be not exhibited within two years from, the date of aald publication of thla noUee, tbey will be forever barred. Wis. H. Dairon. Njal- Administrator. Public Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby riven, that bv virtue of aa order ofthe Probate Court of Bates Connty. Missonrl. made on tbe 7th day of October. 1H87, the undersigned Publlo Administrator for saideouaty, has taken charge of tho estate of John W. Abernathy, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate are required to oxlblt tnem to mo for al lowance within one year alter tho date of said order, or tbey may be precluded from any benefit or such estate; and if said claims be - not exibited within two years from the date or this pablication, they will bo forever barred. This 2nd day or November. 1W7. , i. W. KNM9, Publio Adaainlstraior. , For Sale. 250 high grade. Merino Sheep. mostly young and in good fix. About 200 ewes. Address H. Philbrick, Bich HU1, Mo. 2t ; STAR SHOEING Another church dance at the resi dence of Mr. Tipton on last Friday eve. One of our young bloods was seen last Thursday evening considerably below freezing on account of his Samuel Potts; girl going with another fellow. Emitt rloolc visited tne iamuy 01 Wilson MTg Co. vs. Mr. F. M. Steele, near btumptown, judgment for plain- j last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Margaret waiK ana iamiiyoi Ing school loans. Si. Judge Jno. II Sullens. per diem mileage county judge. i 30. Clark Wi per diem A mileage co judge S6 30. T.4 Boswell " " i5.80. Kdward Kesler, Insane pauper, ordered sent to asylum No. 3 at Nevada. W. . Craig, conveying Sealer to asylum AsyIum Ko. S, board of Ed. Lesler, months 7180. Co.; verdict for plaintiff, $5,000. November 10th.. 1887. C. H. Burton vs. Mo. Pac. By. Co.; judgment for plaintiff, $2,100. First National Bank vs S. P. Cox; judgment for plaintiff. M. E. Holton vs. same. Wheeler & Henry Evans; tiff. Hubble vs. Hines: continued. I Vernon county, were visiting Mrs. J. H. Chandler vs. Christopher Anna Oolev and other friends last Tjpirrhtv: indtrment for nlainfiff. I week. R. D. Williams vs. A. J. Welliver. Mr. Englew Stevenson says he has et al; same. the boss "taters" of the season, hav- Novembeb 11th., 1887. ing several sweet potatoes weighing The followmcr indictments were five pounds and upwards returned: j Those persons who are interesting ClMTtre Cravens, for highway rob-! themselves SO much about US will bery; Thomas Kelly, for grand lar- call around at our satin quilted ceny; Stephen Staley, for perjury: sanctum, we will be pleased to await Mftrv Stnlpv. for rwrirrrv: Reese Mav-1 them A La Sullivan. bee for gambling: R. J. Nickels, for Mr. Jeff Mock will leave for Hli tramblinc: Carl Pointer, sellincr lia- nois Sunday night on business and uor: Jas Goodman for carrying con-1 pleasure combined. Safe trip olwl ttponnns I lnf a nf frm is what we wish Grand jury now adjourned. j Rev. Henry Price delivered a good StAiA nf Mn va R .T Xiflrla. ar-l ltiirft on dancinf last Sunday nint. raigned, plead guilty and fined $10. If the balance of the ministers ofthe S S. Varnes vs. Lt D. Kisner. cnn-lcrosTjel would come down tinned. ivice as he does it mi J. Everingham vs. Jno. F. Herall,foT the community. for the meeting plan to through rht on be and this best Vinton Items. Our nont-omee will soon chance hands. J. B. Simpson will hold the office vice T. Webb, resigned. Willow Branch li. b. is now runnir g order. Last Saturday night the question of local option was dis cussed and the affirmative came out victorious. . : - Dame rumor has it that there will be a wedding in the near future. No doubt the parson will hate to lose his daughter, but we suppose he will I have to Barret The township committee Sabine Pass B. B. held a Friday night to discuss a obtain the right of way West Point township. Willow Branch S. S. closed last Sunday until next April. Daniel Stewart is erecting a large barn near his residence. Gen. J. O. Shelby purchased 36 head of cattle of Mr. W'ells, of Bel- ton. Mark Yates was deputized consta ble and has been busy summoning witnesses and jurymen lor squire White's court, Saturday. Get there Dicer, get there Dummy; we always knew there would be an outcome in you yet Forest finder is attending ine Butler Academy this winter. We wonder if Bud Griders best girl has gone back on him or what in the world has happened. J. W. Badger attended 'Squire White's court Saturday and, as usu al, brought out his client victorious. The Sabine Pass Co. have their prospect drill in position at Capt Nickol's farm. t TJkslopogaas. o 8 m r. S o South east corner square, at Bntlov I where they keep the Perkins light steel shoe for light traveling horses and the heavy Burden shoe for farm or draft horses. You can get a first class job of shoeing done at this shop at prices to compare with any other first-class shops in town. Give us a call and try it JACK GIPSON, Proprietor. . Is M 5 li" I I I SSS&JS&ZZZ 1 UVU Lil gJ ? p at MaaawansaESBKictfM m .'.a r Should be osad a frr v.r ha wicrt eonCncKect, Scad for book To;. , r V-J froo. . - BKnru accriiT-a; Co, A'-lw.:, Cav I