Newspaper Page Text
ft ffltttlCt BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22. 1888. NO. 13 vol. x. 4 v Us I . w. i Votici to teaches: ruoiic m- aSnttions for the benefit ot those per ...AniAneto teach In Bates county, ST be held on the 3d Saturday of each An aontn in mc v . uvuk, fatter. Me and on the isl Saturday of eh month in the West side school house, jch H1U Mo., the examination commencing-each daj at 9 o'clock, A. M. County School Commissioner. CYCLONE SWEPT. Illinois Town Laid in Ruin. Hundreds of Stores and Dwellings Torn to Pieces. W. E. TUCKER, DENTIST, Fire Adds Fresh Horror to the Havoc of the Storm. MISSOURI. BUTLER, OFFICE OPERA HOUSE Lawyers. W.lADGEB LAWYER. Will rmotise in all cemrts. All legal aainess liietlysttended to. un ieaalMnk. Butler. Mo PARKINSON ft GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Laas- ewn's Drug Store. JfOLCOMB SMIT 1ITTXJES. MO. Office front room ever Bates feisty Xational Bans, fj W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining , counties, In the Appellate uourt at Kansas City, and In the Supreme (Jourt at jener- ten City. f9Orvics North Side Square, over A L. Mc Bride s. v PliY'siioianti. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office East Side Square, oyer Max Werner's, 19-iy Butler, Mo. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, front room over P. O. All calls aaswered at office day or nieht. , Special attention given -to female dis eases. Chicago, 111., Feb. 19. A Tines Mount Vernon, HI., special says: At about 5 o'clock this afternoon a cyclone struck this town and left it in rains, killed fifteen to twenty people, and it is feared many more than are now known to have been killed will be found among the ruins of the buildings. Fire immediately broke out all over the city amid the ruins, spreading rapidly, owing to the damage done to the engines by the wind. The storm passed from the south west and had a rotary motion. It swept down with fearful fury, strik ing first just south of the city hall. It carried away the third and fourth stories of the Mt. Vernon mill. From there it swept on in a path 500 yards wide. The Methodist church fell just a few minutes after 250 people had left the Sunday school room. The Commercial hotel lost its third sto ry Next the wind struck the county court house and rendered it a heap of ruins. By rare luck, however, the county records were saved Crew's block, on the south side of the sauare, was leveled with the earth, and under it was found the body of John Crews, the owner, formerly of Chicago. The roof and second story of R. L. Stratton & Co's hardware store were blown away. THE LOSS HALF A MILLION The large two-story brick school house did not withstand the terrible shock any better than the smallest house in the track of the cyclone. ResolatioBs of Respect. Whereas, Peter Wilson, our late associate and friend has been sum moned, by death, to appear before the supreme judge of All Mankind, at His Court Eternal in the Heavens. And Whekeas, our deceased brother. during his long association with us, by his kind deportment and univer sal courtesy, baa endeared himself to all wilh whom he came in contact. Wli.-iefoie be it Resolved, by The Bates County flint in the death of our es teem.--! brother, we recognize the inexerab! laws of nature, that looses to us a kind friend and advis er, and to his bereaved family, a lov ing husband and indulgent father; and to thiB end, that his many vir tues may be commemorated and that it may be brought to the knowledge of his bereaved family and disconso late friends, the hierh esteem in which he was held by his profession al associates, be it further Resolved, that these resolutions of remembrance and respect be spread upon the records of our Bates county circuit court and that the same be published in the newspa pers of Butler and that a copy of these same be transmitted to the family of the deceased. S. Jr. j?bakcisco, Calvix F. Boxley, T. W. Silvers, J. "W. Badgeb, Committee. (CLOS MB OUT! EVERY n Y(u IK AT A Great Battle Is continually going on in the hu man system. The demon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the constitution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. A good, reliable medicine like Hood's Sarsa- parilla is the weapon with which to defend one's self, drive the desperate enemy from the field, and restore peace and bodily health for many years. Try this peculiar medicine. Our firm ehanges March 1st, and until that time we will sell all winter goods at cost and be glad to get it. (DVIElffi(D(IDAT, WHNTEIR1 SUITS, WHNTIEDH JPANTS, TO'lDEMWIEAIRl, FTUIRl CAPS, CILrtDTIHI (DAPS, OKIE KILDVIE. Everything goes at cost. We are extremely anxious to ; sell all these goods and will make prices which caiir not fail to interest you. Now is your time for "Without doubt the most valuable contribution in Harper's Magazine for March, from the point of view of the greatest number of people, is Charles Dudley Warner's opening study of "The Great West A Far and Fair Country." In his graceful easy style Mr. Warner sweeps across (S-onnnnLinni nBoinresshjLio ; Yours Respectfully, AMERICAN CLOTHING HOUSE T. C. BOULWARE. Physician and! Surgeon. Office north side sauare. sutler, mo. Diseases 01 women and chll- ren a specialty. DRS. FR1ZELL & RICE. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND ACCOUCHKURS. Office oyer their drug store on North cyclone and fire in that neigh- Main street, Butler, Mo. borhood. The sky has cleared and no clouds I give any indication of the disastrous storm of a few nours aero, it is the great Northwest from Minneap The large two story frame house of ohs to Great. Falls, and carries his George Ward was picked up and reaaercaiong o pieasanuy uia une carried about twenty feet and left is earJ Vpite the distance, unhurt, while two brick buildings Th factVand statistics presented are 100 feet away were left in ruins. The nfn e lesa instructive lor being loss cannot be estimated, but not t Ten m an entei taming way. .every i v.u ;n;,vn ri,viWo 1 intelligent man add woman will be ICDO VUUU f "f M ItlllllW VAVMtU W V V. WM J t mmwiw v laafmWl W interested in Mr. V. J "J! I w 1 THE ELDREUGE ft la aiTIBN of all. and mar tvrpaaiible. Its extensive "ecret societies. Butler LodM.rVc;. meet, the first growing colder and many poor peo- Saturday in each month. pie will suffer if the weather becomes Miami Chanter Roval Arch Masons. No. 6, meets second Thursday in each montn. Gouley Commander Knights Templar ; meets tne nrst Tuesday in each month. 1.0. o. fellows. Bates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon day night. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the and and 4th Wednesdays in each month Cockle's billS Pills. This old English Family Medicine in e for 86 years all over the world, tor Bile, Indigestion, Liver, 4c. ; . Of Pare, Vegetable Ingredients. Front Mercury. 90SS & FIERCE BAEBEKS. Shop on North Side Square. We give special attention to Ladies and Children's hair cutting. We keep the best of Barbers, also grind scis sors and razors. Everything first Uas. All work guaranteed. Give sa call. . LOOK HERE. It you want to save money get. LEE -.- CULVER to do your PAPERING, CALSOMINING, PLASTER! SG, AND CISTERN WORK. BA-Satisf&ction given or no charges made.' imputation prorei it. Boy no other. Where not repre sented apply to as and get a Seat bargaio. Best Singer aebinea cheap. Liberal discount to miaisters. Cir culars and information free. pedal lndnoements and protection to active derlers. Apply at once to J. C. 6EITZ, 1J7 ? 1 j : I !1S19 North Market St. Louis, Mo. wen'i arner's study I Western Axemt. severe. Reports are coming in from the country and the storm seems to have swept everything for miles. The loss of life is incalculable and great suffering will follow unless outside assistance is given the mayor, G. H. Harnell, who will give it to the proper committee. A meeting of business men was held and commit tees appointed to care for the dead and wounded and protect the property as much as possible. MANY. BOBBED OF EYXKYTHIN'G. Many people who escaped with their lives have nothing besides. Many are walking the streets with no home to go to. General Sheridan's Mother Testifies to His American Birth. Cincinnatti, Feb. 17. General Sheridan's mother, now living at Somerset, O., says the General was born Somerset, March 6, 1831, in the old frame building on West South street near Columbus. ''We lived in this place she says, "almost two years before he was born." "Did you know he was spoken of as candidate for tne presidency!" x nearu mat to-oay ana 1 never want to hear it again. From the time Phil was 10 years of age he never had anything but care and anx ieties, and under no consideration should he accept, and I am satisfied he will not. His life has been one of constant labor. those in the East (because it will teaeh them something, and those in the West because ' they will see themselves faithfully photographed therein. It follows, of course, that Mr. Warner's article is not free from criticism: but fair, generous, intelli-1 gent criticism is agreeable to West ern people. The value of the con tribution is further enhanced by a particularly good map, based upon a map in The Railway Age. Uf YOUR MIND IS NOT P. C. Fvi kersox, Pres't. J. EVBKIHGHAM T. L. Harps, Treas. Geo. Canterbury Vice-Pres't. Sec'y. THE BANKERS LOAII r TITLE CO. Incorporated under the laws of Mo. LAND TITLES IXAMISEB &JERTIFIEB I First Mortgage Loans Made on Farm and City Property. Local Money for Short lime Loans. Office west side square, Let us claim yonr attention for a few mo. ments. We will not bore you. - We merely wish to state a few of the reasons why our stock is the cheapest and best to boy from. , " " We approach the wholesale dealers cash in hand. BUTJLER, MO. LAST OPPORTUNITY! For Cheap Excursions lo CALIFORNIA. S72 trom St. Lous nr Iron Xoutm Me. Zulus Gt j ri Ho, Fac. Sj, Tickets rood six months, limited to sixtr days for going passage, with stop over privf legeea at pleasure within limits of west bound vassaie. eoeciai excursion irain leaves ot. Lonis via. Iron Mountain ronte, February ltta ana Kansas uty, via Missouri ractno nj. ren. 17th. Allconnan offiae In the United States and Canada will aell ticketa to Los Angeloa. San Diego and San Francisco for this excursion STAR FIRST. CCPflHn We approach them early be- OLUUIlUi fore otheis have had the choice. Til I Q n We are experienced in our bos- IIIIIIUs want. iness and know j ust what you CnilDTU We aim to sell a large quan- I UUIlllli tity of goods at small profits and do it. SHOEING SHOP Here We Stop Wc might go on in this strain indefinite ly bat all things mast have an end so we say call and Examine Our Ms Jewett & Hickman. South east corner square, at Butler, where they keep the Perkins light steel shoe for light traveling horses and the heaVy Burden shoe for farm or draft horses. Ton can get a first class job of shoeing done at this shop at prices to compare with any other first-class shops in town. Give us a call and try it. JACK GtPSON, Proprietor 9 9 ! i 2 P " W IB. 2 s 8 8 E s 9 3 ' 1 - S & 1 Ml ' u NOTICE. CERTIFIED COPY OF ORDER- STATE OF MISSOURI, M COBKTT OF BATES, J Febrnary term, 1888. ' in the county conn or saw county, on tuenar day of Febrnary, lHwa, the rouowing amonc other proccertinga were had, viz: . Sow at tbla dav comes T. L. Harper, dnk of the connty court, and flies and snbnuts .UU ' report of the result of the election held in Bates connty on mezttn aayoi janoary ionn, wiwwi.. mine whether or not spiritaons or Intoxicating llqnora ahonld hereafter be sold i n Batea conn w , , ana K appearug irum eara rwym uvi nww ' , aUon otad by the eonrt that there wen cast Against the Sale of Intoxicating Llqnora, UT$ baliota, For the Sale of Intoxicating Liqnora, 1SU balloU, ahowing a majority f 11 ballot against the sale as aforesaid.- It Is therefore . ordered by the eonrt that this statement ana? report, aa a notice 01 tne renut 01 aara eioc- tion. aa aforesaid, be published once a week, for four eenaocatlve weeks In the Bntler Week ly Tivu. the newapaper m wnicn ue nouce ; of snch election waa pnbliahed, and fromthji . date of the laat insertion of this notice th . provisions of the act of the legislatnre of tha , state of Missouri , known aa " an act to provide for preventing the evils of intemperance, bv local option, in any connty in tbla state, Vr . eabmitting the sale of Id to xi caving liquors to the qnalifled voters of such connty, approved1 March S4th, 1887," shall take effect and neiaiv force In Batea aonnty, ontside the corporate" UmiU of the cities of Kich HU1 and Bntler, lav said aonnty. In witness whereof I have hereunto set nay kai..1 hand and affixed the seal of said conn ; this 6th day of Febrnary, 1886." - i T. t HARPER. Clerk. . U-4t. By W. H. WARXOCK, Iepntr: , 1 SALESMEN tiens fnaraafrod with Wanted. Permanent EIMSI Ab determined man can sn- ,k mm TMnuat eavantaces to oia- . Stack complete, inclnding; fast-selling Outfit ftM. Addrea at once . "" Fap"- WTTlUEKTMEir: CU1CAGO. ILL 0 ILWriffc 1 a sPEcinc roB ; ; avca I mlmt rfea KJr-jjr A MENSTRTJ ATIOIT OX ONTULT SICKlTBSty If taken drfc- ft? n:iKC 07 LrTT.. Trent mSftinzaru'. lixi,--1'! tw o-ilol. f3fhend ls book"Sit-..--ns -.j Ti, sUcd Jrec " - " BmAsruxn lUsctswei Co., Alnta, Csi - C0ISCHPTI05 8USELT CUBED. . To th Enrron Please lc2orm your read ers that I have a positive remedy for tbeafeov named diseases By its timely ne i&xsvta os hopeless eases have been penaanetHy cured. ' ; I sball be glad to send two bcttij of jcy retne- j dy pbkk to any of rour rts&r vho Jsare eosv ... , somptioa 11 iney rra iaa ts -r c.juiw and po ea adire'. TtnX'j. . - 1 T A. LOCLT3f. le-tTork. 1