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ass, I SUTLEL IIIONAL f IN- 1 BEACON jpera House Block, 0UTLER, MO. - $66,000, $5,500 !OHNT H.SULLENS President BOOKER POWELL,... Vice President. E. WAU UJN v-asnier. 1 RLE TEN KINS, Abt (a shier, gON KINNEY.... Clerk and Collector. HARDWARE AND A FULL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS FARM MACHINERY, TOP BUGGIES SPRING AND FAREV1 WAGONS. Store, LCixsit. SSitJt; Squiir'. OUT AND AWAY. I together as the bars would permit. ; The saws were evidently passed at Three Prisoners Break the Vernon i that time. There were four of them County Jail. ' about ten inches in length, one j fourth inch in breadth and very thin. ; The work was commenced Monday HE SEES IT. Saws Introduced ly the Wife of a Prisoner. John Jones, the Murderer of lluye Escapes. night just as soon as supper was t over and the doors closed for the night. The three men who remain ed in the lower part of the cage probably took but little part in the work. Bowles and Howard did tlie Bowles, a Forger, and Howard. Burs- j principal part of the sawing and ler. Also Leave. j jones kept watch. When the piece ! of bar eighteen inches in length had Nevada, Mo., April 11.--At an ! been removed, the three men crawl- An Intelligent Man's Idea of Advanc ing Missouri. I), T. C.Boulware, Booker Powell, ijl. Tucker, Ureen W . W alton, fudge J- II Sullens, John Deerwester, j K, Simpson Dr. N. L. Whipple frank Vons, Wm, E, Walton, Q H. Dutches ! Rue Jenkins. STAR Trustee's Sale. early hour this morning, the county j:iil was crowded with visitors. Three prisoners had escaped during the night, and the public seemed cu rious to know just how it had been effected. When the time to lock the doors. Receives deposits, loans money, and transacts a general DaiiKing ousiness. We extend to our customers every ac commodation consistent with sate bank ing. COKRESI'ONDF.NTS. Kansas City. St. Louis. - New York. First Nat'l Bank Fourth National Bank Hanover National Bank SHOEING SHOP, 1 lilP I,; . M;--..uri. in ! !. . i-i to tiif !in'!r?iirn,'l ii-.-ril.i-.l r.-nl cstaif ly , 11 i-.i.u tv el HaU-, tiu-nr-t inarter ami tin-tin- s-outhutst uarttT : 1 v.m youth lialf iiuarter ol si.-"tin BATES COUNTY National Bank. (Organized in 1S71O OF BUTLER, MO. Capital paid in, Surplus - - - $75,000. S 1.000 Wl.-r-r.-- - - ! I hi wit.-, i-v tln-ii ' I n.i-l i - ; itiii n 't ! ' -v N'.. i ;-si.-.- ! triit.-i- v.i- ;'..!i..v !lij itii-i iii- ; sUit- .J' M;. ar. . t-v. i Ka.-t S.nir .r tin- s.iii I southwest liiiart'-r !' ; H-i't:n '. i-i v v ! i: I of tin' southeast twenty-lour I.!; aii'l tin.- i.n:i null ot tlie I in.irtln"-ast (jUiirter of section twenty-tive (.:.) ali in township iliirty-fhrht V) of ranee i tweutv-nine -.') i-oiitttinii fr s-n acrt-s more or j less aini also the following .ieseribe.l Ianl it 1 uati in the comity of St . Clair, state of .Mis , Muri. to-wn: i ne rwuUi hail of lot two (-) in ! the southwest qtisrtcr of section sewn (7 in ; tow iiship thirty-eiuht of ranire tw enty- ; eijrht - containing t'J acres mere or le-. con ' taiiiiiiir in all acres more or le-s. j which c.i;u eyance was luii'le in trust to secure i the l'avinent of his one certain note filllv le- where thev keen the Perkins liht scrit.e.'i in sai.i deo-t of trust : an-i whereas, i- 1 fault has been made 111 tlie payment ot the n steel shoe for lijj-llt traveling horses ; imal h tT-t o-t said note for two years, which 0 , j default under the terms of sahl dec! of trust, aild till' lieaVV llurdell shoe lor itiriu I rendered the whole debt line and paalde. ! iiw lonir past ilue and unpaid. Now, there of drill t horses. You call get a lirst i ft-re, at the re.(iiest tit'th lejral holder of said , . i i i ., . 1 note and pursuant to the conditions ot sai l ClaSS job OI shoeing ItOnC at tlllS j deed of trust. 1 will proceed to sell the above .... ... described premises at public vendue, to the shop ttt prices TO compare With auy j highest bidder r...r oali, at the eat front door , a , -i -i , HI Ult I Dill I 1MM1M', III lllf t liv Ul 1 U 1 it 1 , t Vll IH Other Ilfst-Class SllOpS 111 town. UIVC ! of I'.ates and state of Missouri, on Thursday. April 19th, 1SSS. between the hours of U o'clock in the forenoon ami live in the afternoon of that day, for the purpose of satittyin said debt, interest ai:d costs. V. M. AIJ.EX, 17-. Trustee. ed through the aperture, and at once commenced sawing ou the iron cleats which held the stone in place. This was the most difficult part of the labor and morning found the work incomplete. When it was seen that the work could not be complet ed before day a council was sentative among the prisoners and j and the feasibility of an escape by t Mary Former i sheriff Hill kiudlv left H Mull renrc- ,1 inihT i t,.,1 fnri-h South east corner sijuare, at Butler, us a call and try it. JACK GIPSON, Proprietor F. I. TYGAR1), - - - -HON. J. B. MEWBE1JRY, J.C.CLARK - - President. Vice-Press. Cashier. THE GRANGE STORE, HP SUITS. GROCERIES, -SEI.FIJ!-4 IX In every style price anil quality Made to Order I guaranteed a fit in every case all and see me, up stairs Northf Main Street. JETALBOTT, 47 i y Merchant Tailor. TWADC IMARfT 1623 Arclx Street, fhllad'a, A WELL-TRIED TREATMENT frrOM HrTlOX, AT1IM. PnONnilTlS. 9PIPSI UTH1KII. lUt KtVEK. lltlAIHt 11KBII.1TT, RHEC S ITLvX, MillULUlA ud all Iknal) ul J-ttU 1IImb 4n. TdlPOtKD OXTr.lX"h,lnn lt lata tli iT(ni.tka Itrttiat, SbIdaI Harrow, and th Nr,r.(,aarHa " PicrvaM Vnlm' ara auurUlirii and aiada aiura acil.a. Tiu taa loaalalaaaad nf all arllvllr, bula Maalal and phytic!, to rotartd ta a tnt tif Inlrxriiy. ami th nvrvout ayctaai, taa -urgana, and Iha ain.rlra air art mire klmlly and flclatl7. MTa4mMan,lirra Trrntiurnt" Ur.. Starkay A Palr Ra. Wi9 Arra blrrvl.-hlladi-iuhla. aaa beta tt,laa; far Ua but aialea jmn 1 arlrnll r .ijti,laient of tha elcwaata af UiyFaaaadSilrof ra mafirnctized, and tltereaiBaiiad Una) atadaawd and mwlr portntna Dial it Urnt all o,ar tha world, HrvMI AUkti k, i- ll.t.X Lu I ba librrty to rrfar t tba rallolaaaaaid wrll.kaown tn-ron ho kft.n triad thalr Traatairnli HUM. V, Il l.liH ll. I.I.I.LEV. Mraibar ( taa. from, fblUdrlpbla. HF.V. I ItlllR L. ON'K 4I, Editor La taaraa Mwmr, I'bllailrlakla. KI. t lUKI.kS W. t lSll IKU,D.DIUrbwtrr. S. Y. HON. ILI.I I I'lS IIXOl, Idltar latar.loaa,t klrac. Ilk, KET. a. . BIMtKK. Editor Taat'oatrnar;, Laarntrr, S. U W. II. (KTIIINCTt. Id, urkawkaata, Hlralnahaa, Aln. Jl Hlr II. P. VHOOSAN, Vaoaraia, Kan. JlUl.t K. S. .H)l;lUtS Srw York lltr. a. E, I. bMUIIT, l-blladrlnhln. MK. IRIM SIDDALL, Bmkaat. PMUddphla. HUN. . . M III YITK. Eaaloa. Fa-, A 1kaanU r uthrra la r.rry yart or lk Inlird siatoa, TOarul UOXYlt. It. Jlo,l r trtUn aad Km1U," liiao tltlaof a bow brorkaro of Iwa konilrr.1 paca, pabt1ko4 kl On. Slarkrj Palra, whlrk Urm to all tao.lroro faU la faraiatloa aalotbh rraiarkablo rnrall.r asrnt and a roror4 af aaral kaailrodiarprh.loc mm la a win raaao of ckroaia ll mm of Ihoai anrr Winy aban.lnnrd to dto b otkar klrlaan, AUo 'lOlllllMI OWl tN-lt. tlrlcia aa4 vafoWpaivnt.' aa laUrr,tlna bo.k Q una boadrrd pasoa. Mb or ollbrr will bo mailed frra to aa? addnoi aa appUow taa. Head ta brorharr I DR3. STARKEY & l'ALEN, . 1U7 A lo'Jtf Arc. Street, t'biladelpfaia, Plw Also Agents tor the STANDARD IMPLEMENT CO. Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, Mowers and repairs for the same. These are the same goods handled by L. G. 1IEXRY. J. C. McCOIMEMELL, Manager from tliem the account of the escape was k'tithe-retl. There is probably not that deirree of Larnionv existing among the sheriff's boarders which one Avouhl expect between persons whose lives . are so intimately as sociated. Those prisone rs w ho escaped were James Howard, a Bates county man who was here for safe keeping. John Jones, the murderer of Eugene liuye and J. A. Bowles who was sent here from Schell Citv for forgeiv. How- o. O ard is charged with burglarv. O O a. The escape had been cliVcted liy sawing out a bar at the southwest corner of the iron cage and then re moving a stune. in the north wall ef tlie building. The labor was render- cu easier oy Uie enorts 01 lormer prisoners to escape. The bar had been sawed entirely in two near its junction with the brace a number uf years ago, and only a few hours were required to finish the work. The apperture measured 7i by 18 inches and must hate been a close lit for Bowles, who is a large man. The stone which they pulled out was re moved by two Bates county prison ers who escaped about the time Sheriff Hill took charge of the jail. They were not recaptured. "When the stone was replaced at that time it was secured with iron cleats, bolt ed through the wall. T h HO Sea W0,,aers exist in U Hi PjX tnousantls fonns, but are invention. Ttiose who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to llallett A: Co., Portland, Maine, and receive tree, full information how either sex, of all ages, can earn from $5 to S-5 day and upwards wherever thev live. You are started tree. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this work. All succeed. i.vr. RICHLY; Re warded are those who read this and then act; they will find honorable employment that will not take them irom their Homes ana umilies. The profits are large and sure tor everv industrious person, many have ade and are now making several nun- trf-d dollars a month. It is for any one to make $5 and upwards per day, who is willing to work. Litner sex, ycung or old; capital not needed; we start you. Everything new. ;. special aouuv re quired ; you, reader, can do it as well as anyone, rt rite to us ai once ior iun particulars, which we mail free. Ad dress Stinson Ac Co., Portland, Maine. i.yr. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Roweli & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St, New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-Pago Ptmphirt I Ml ara orarro. bat tboaa wba vrtta a Sucscm k Co.. Portland, MaiB.,w rrenn I trro, full lnfotmalioB abo w otn I Ida, can do. and lira at home.that al'.l rT I lhom from a a-K nor dav. Soma bav aaniad Tar f.v in a Ur EitharMi.Toacpotold Carnal aot rrouirad. Ton art narud fra- Tboae nart at o- n atealaktlf aan at auu liuia (vrtanaa. AUiaa nnT n force was discussed. It was argued that if the jail door w as rattled some one would auswer the call, probably Deputy Dierh, and they could knock him down and escape through the side door of the residence portion of the building. This plan was li ually rejected ami the wokers crawl ed back into the cage? The cut bar was placed back in position and the crevices were tilled with salve. The cleats on the stones were the most troublesome evidence to conceal, but Mrs. DeGarino came to the roer.o. She had the liberty of the corridor around the cage and she stretched a line from the sawed cleats to the cage, and hung her blankets upon it apparently to air. The blankets ef fectually concealed the work. Tuesday, doubtless, dragged weai ily away, and when night came the work was again resumed. Between In conversation with a St. Louis republican reporter. Major Harvey W. Salmon, of Clinton, said: "I have been as busy as a bee for the last six weeks iu the interests of the Southwestern Immigration So ciety, and I don't know one solitary blessed thing about state politics. I can truthfully say that I have put in every working hour in my labors for our section of Missouri and I am enlisted heart and soul in tlie effort to bring her to the front. Why, I never knew before that you must in vite people to move into your couu try. if you expected an increase in the population. I am just waking I f.w.i i. i. 1 u: held 1 1 lit- iin 1 nun Him ony 11. legiti mate advertising in this direction, as in everything rise, pays. Now. we are just beginning our work, but I lind that such incidental notice of our meetings as we have received from your city press has stimulated inquiry from Kansas, Iowa, Nebras ka and Dakota. Of course settlers in the blizzard region can t pull up stakes and leave at' once and come Trustee's Sale. Whereas Morton A.Maynard and Dora Mavr.ard, his wife, bv their deed ot trust , dated January 2S, 1SS7, and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates count', Missouri, in book No. 49, page 5. conveyed to the undersigned trustee the following described real estate lying and being situate in the county ot Bates, and state ot Missouri, to-wit: The east half ot block six (6) in the town (now citv) ot Butler, which con ve ance was made in trust to secure the payment of his three certain notes tully described in said deed ot trust; and whereas detault has been made in the payment of the note of $200, due Janua ry 28, iSSS, and the accrued interest on all three of said notes, which default un der the terms ot said deed ol trast ren dered the whole c.ebt due and payable and which is now long past due and un paid. Now, therefore, at the request ot the legal holder of said notes, and pur suant to the conditions ot said deed of trust, I will proceed to sell the above de scribed premises at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door ot the court house, in the city of Butler, county of Bates and state of Mis souri, on Thursday, April 19. 1S88, between the hours of q o'clock in the forenoon and c o'clock in the after- ! noon ot that dav, for the purposes ot satisfying said debt, interest and costs. ' i;-4t. F. M. ALLEN, Trustee. W. F. Hemstreet & Co Dealers in Groceries, Queensware, and woodenware Canned Goods, Tobacco and Cigars GREENWOOD and BLUE SPRINGS FLOUR All kinds of Country Produce bought at the highest market price. Give us a call. BELL S old stand southwest corner public square- W. F. HEMSTREET & CO. "Those men have been talking about going for two weeks," said one of the prisoners. "Bowles said some time ago that he had sent for the saws. I first knew the saws were in the jail on Sunday." On Friday, Thomas Jones, the father of John, Bowies' wife and Mrs. Gregory, wife of another pris oner, were visitors to the jail, and there is little doubt that Mrs. Bowles brought the saws. She lives at Yates Center, Kansas, but has frequently visited her husband since his incar ceration. "I searched Mrs. Bowles when she first commenced visiting her bus band,1 said Sheriff Hill, "but she came so frequently that I finally commenced admitting her without searching. I suppose she has been here fiftv times. It is not difficult to search a man, but it is almost im possible to find such a small thing as a saw concealed about the person of a woman." Three of the prisoners in the low er cage refused to leave, though the way was open to them. Those re maining were Lem Oakes, charged with the murder of Clarke in Cedar county, Perry Gregory, a Bates county man who is in for forgery, and B. F. Barnum who is serving a jail sentence of 1G0 days for selling whisky at Eldorado. Mrs. DeGarmo inhabits an impro vised cell in the corridor and eould probably have squeezed through the hole in the wall had she so desired. Some of the other prisoners say that she has taken a fancy to Oakes, and would have gone had he not decided to stay; but it must be remembered in this connec tion that Mrs. DeGarmo is not on the best of terms with the other prisoners The story of the escape as told by the prisoners shows that the present fugitives were determined to leave at any hazard. "When Mrs. Bowles was in the jail Friday she was seen talking very confidentially to her welve and one o clock the cleats were pulled away. The iron poKcr fas used as a prv and the heavy ock soon fell to the inside. When it struck the lloor the prisoners say it shook the entire building. "Mrs. fill heard it," said one of the pris oners, "but she thought it was the torses kicking at the barn." Gregory was awake when the stone ell, and he aroused Brannum and Oakes. When the exit had been made, he heard Mrs. DeGarmo pou tid ing on the cage and asking if Oakes had gone. There were a number of prisoners iu the upper cage, but they could not escape. The eseainii'r prisoner arotu J. CJ M. whom general interest centers is John Jones who murderd Eugene Ru ye, and confessed the crime to a Mail reporter about ten months ago. He is now about 20 years old, under. the average height and weight and his face is smooth. into our country, but they are bound to come as soon as they get foot loose. No man parts with his children in the morning and sees them brought home tit night frozen still" and ever forgets it. or goes into further ecstasies over the glorious, bracing country in which he has been so unfortunate as to locate Au a matter of fact people read the lit erature of a certain section, inviting them to become settlers therein and then close their eyes to till other spots, however desirable, as a home. Your Kansas smitten people never see the best parts of Missouri, and only her rocky portions from the railroad train. Now, we propose to correct this sad state of affairs, as far as lies iu our power, by putting forth a handbook showing up the '25 counties of sovthwest Missouri which comprise our society. The officers of the association will enumerate the advantages of the section as a whole, .vhile particular communities will be heard from on their especial interests. Through the medium of the railroads, and through channels peculiarly our own, we shall distrib ute these pamphlets where they will l accomplish the best results. Now, I wish you could see John Jaynes, chairman of our board of finance, for he could tell you all about it." Syrup of Fig?, Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francisco. Cal., is Nature's Own True Laxative. This nleasant California liquid fruit remedy mm he hnd nt all leading druggists. It William's Australian Herb Pill. If vou are Yellow, Bilious, constipated with Headache, bad breath, drovrsy, no appetite, look out your liver is out of roder. One box of these Pi'.U will drive all the troubles awa.t and make a new being of you. Price 25 cts. V iv Pvle A Crcmly, Agent Stamlfortl in the Biff Race. San Francisco, Cal., April 10. Brewer of the United States circuit court over-ruled to-day the excep- ions of the defendants that the de cision of the United States supreme court did not prohibit Ziebold &. TTsitlin from mamifacturiner beer in I Rheumatism and Neuralgia cured in Kansas to be sold in other states, Vfe and the United States marshal was I jnoney on other remedies. This abso ordered to close up their brewerv at lately never tails, bold Dy w. J-js-oruereei iu uudc f . DOWN Druggist, Butler, Mo. S-6m. Atchison as a nuisance. . This was the last of the Kansas x church in Ottawa, Kas., has breweries to hold out agaist the gh-j ushers. The "sunflower state'' the most pleasant, piompt, and effect- J gentleman of this city who hag just returned from Washington and who is on intimate terms with Sena tor Leland Standford, stated to-day that Stanford had finally decided to allow his name to go before the t,-,nWi;,-Qr national convention as & Topeka, Kas., April 11 Judg. for the presidency, and having reached that conclusion de sired the support of the California delegation to the national conven-tion. ive remedy known to cleanse the system to act on the liver, kidneys and bowels gently yet thoroughlj-; to dispel head aches, colds, and fevers; to cure consti pation, indigestion, and kindred ills. No. j.-6m. The Last Brewery Gone. prohibitory law. President Cleveland Indorsed. Buffalo, N. Y., April 10. At a ioint meeting of the democratic county, city and assembly district committees of Buffalo and Erie counties held this evening, a resolu tion favoring the renomination of President Cleveland was adopted unanimously. BacUen's Arnica Salve. B Sore Tete tion req Tt,. Rc Salve in the world for Cnts I mmn!tilv cured r V mises. Cuts, L leers salt Kneum, r ever 1 v TVncoverv for Uonaumpl s, Cancer., rues, nnotains ,v,orn , , hat do os. r"!Lp" and lung d is willing to try all sorts of experi ments. That ia all right if it w prompt to hold on to all that is good. Greatly Excited. V tiw of the citizens ot But-IJ i. 1 ..-onilv hrnme TCltedl ier nave ! . j: f-rc thafi over tne atiouuuuig ' j several of their friends who ha d bv their phyi a incurable and beyond recovH erys.ffering trom the dreadej monster consumption or. runt; 10 tivell lseasefl jired. It is euaranteeei to give pertect Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Lroncmu satisfaction, or money reinnsea. rmc Tfiaj bottle free at ail urug swit,. 7: rts r or alC UT OUl ' husband and they were just as close j gUu. large bottles $1 II if 1. if