kit '
'tfV-SoTlCE to teachers: Public Ex
ertions for the benefit ot those per
"desiring10 teach in Bates county,
he held on the 3d Saturday of each
thin the Ohio fetreet school house,
filer Mo-i ad on the Isl Saturday of
ch month in the West side school house,
r h Hill, Mo., the examination coin
facing each day at 9 o'clock, A. M.
ttncin w y GRAVES.
County School Commissioner.
Mrs. Mollie Glass, Mrs. Hanks ' Judge Parkinson and son. Master
and John Courtney went to Kansas I Philip, started for Greenfield on
City Sunday. Mrs. Glass goes to j last evening.
have her eyes treated.
i Presbyterian sociable will meet at
W. H. Adams has returned from j Mrs. Baton's on next Tuesday even
Lis trip south. He was much pleased I iug. AH arc- cordially invited to at
with some parts of the country he ) tend.
saw, but has concluded to remain in !
Call fir Township Convention,
pursuant to the action of the
democratic central committee the
democrats of Mt. Pleasant township
ire requested to meet at the court
house in Butler on Saturday, May
5th., 1888, to make arrangements
or sending delegates to the county
convention to be held May 12th.,
1888. Jvo- & Francisco. i
Township Committeeman.
Oats are up and looking fine.
Butler a while longer.
From the testimony
the Labor commits
taken before
1 of the htate in
Our 50e tudaundered shirt has
1,(500 liuen bosom and is reinforced
back and front, best shirt ever
for the mom-v, A. C. II.
A Grand and Rrilliant Affair. Three
Thouantl People Present ami
Well Pleased.
3ioreliius Present
Takes Part.
regard to the mine explosion, a new
face is put on the cause of the ex- !
Lirn: In Elkhart township, the
14th inst., Willie, infant babe of Mr.
! and Mrs. W. L. Fee-back. The babe
Fridav F. S. Carrithers and Joe
Myers, were circulating a petition Wlis but bix Wfefeks olJ auJ tbfc lm
among the business men for the pur- ! rents Lave tLo apathy of tLe com-
pose of raising money to have the
streets sprinkled this summer.
Sight Shirts at A. C.
The residents of Mechanic street
have beautified that street by plant
ing shade trees on both sides the en-
The work was done by
tire length.
John Ray has located in Adrian. property owners. In a few
This is fine weather for farm years this will be the prettiest street
I in me cuy.
Best 50c Unlaundered shirts, at W. W. Graves, one of the most
American Clothing House. promising young legal lights of the
. county, was in Adrian Tuesday and
Our farmers are busy plowing and favored us with a pleasant call. We
planting com. hope his light may never grow dim
. until he has reached the topmost
Judge Parkinson spent a aay in Lei hts of Lis ambitions. Adrian
Warrensburg last week. Advertiser.
Drs. Boyd. Walls, Boulware and
Renick, of Butler, and Dr. D. P.
Lee, of Lone Oak, went to Kansas
City yesterday to attend the state
medical association. Mrs. Walls who
has been visiting in Kansas City will
return home with her husband.
Full Hue of tine French flannel
shirts at American Clothing House.
W. M. and TomuneCrawtordwere
in to see us Thursday.
Gold and silver shirts, at A. C. II.
The shade trees in the court yard
ought to be topped and trimmed.
Biff stock of Summer Under wear
at American C. II.
It is said that the proposition to
vote a tax to build a public scnool
building for the colored people in
Warrensburg, was opposed strongly
by republicans. The colored people
are 'onto' their brother Bads and are
'wrought deeply wrathy." A bolt is
being threatened.
We feel highly complimented to
know that Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Smith
accepted the name given their baby
boy by the Times last week, and will
feel a deep interest in his future. In
addition will take great plasure in
presenting young Walker Tilden
with his first pair of pants.
TLe -'rand opening and exhibition
of fine goods at the tiore of Sam'l
Levy & Co., Thursday night last,
far surpasses every former effort,
and. was a complete success in every
detail. The large rooms were beau
tifully illuminated and at 7:30 o'clock
the folding doors were thrown open
as per announcement and the multi
tude of sight seers began to file in.
and in a very short space of time the
lower rooms were filled to overflowing.
Ql fill!
mi Big wm I
The continued increase of our custom is
good evidence that our ellorts are appreci
ated by the trade, and hope by a strict ad-
herance to our well defined principle to add
The genial countenances of Mr.
Levy and his host of pleasant and patl'OHS daily. CoillC ill aild SCO 0U1 hll'lIC
llV. Wi-LllXIlJiilLALl VIClttO, UiUUi; till Ci" I
come, and there wasnothing left un- St0ck Of Boots aild SllOCS,
done to make their stay pleasant and
profitable. mul wrvll show vmi limv tn volnci vmiv lino
all irood values
The exhibition of goods was ad-
The '-Star" boys' shirt waist
the American Clothing House.
Bennett, Wheeler A: Co. had green
noA and cucumbers on sale Satur-
Gov. A. P. Morehouse was the
W. of Col. .Tun. T,. Pace while in
0 "
the city Thursday.
Our fancy percale shirts cannot be
equaled, for the money, A. C. II.
Ike Mayes, one of Mingo's wealthy
ind influential citizens, favored us
while in the city Friday.
Gov. Morehouse spent last Thurs
day in Butler. This was the Gov
ernor's first visit to our city and he
expressed himself as well pleased
with the thrift and enterprise dis
played in the metropolis of Bates.
He lias many strong friends and ad
mirers in Butler aud Bates county,
who are working hard for his nom
ination. We give a short sketch of
his life in another column.
Rev. A. H. Lewis, of West Point
township, gave us a pleasant and
substantial call while in the city Sat
Judge DeArmoud passed through
our city one evening last week 011
his way home from Clinton. We
had a few minutes conversation with
him and ho seemed in good spirits
about his race for Supreme Judge.
We thiuk there is no doubt but that
Full line of boys' knee pants at Cass county is for him. Cass Coun-
the American Clothing House. ty News.
t t r 1 l T
T. Barrister will open a new pho- SC Jlol ceneu a
tograph gallery on the west side of I""" "
the square about the 25th. Call and llouse oi Lfinuon i Co.. No. 12
see him ixcnange ouuumg. ivansas eity.
The iiidce will be pleased to meet
A rock road between this city and , . , , fripiula from tllis section
Rich Hill would be an improvement , RO:ournills, ;n the city. The
j o .
much appreciated by the traveling
Cards are out announcing the
marriage of William M. Altman, of
Ottawa, Kansas, to Mrs. Minnie Mc
Farland, of this city. The ceremo
ny is announced to take place in the
Christian church of this city, Tues
day, May 1st., 1SSS, at 11 o'clock a.
Largest stock of straw hats at the
American Clothing House.
mirably arranged for inspection, and bills Olie-lialf. Bc'St QUillitV aild loWCSt PH-
we venture the assertion that a mcer I '
ces always combined. Don't forget also
that you get a chance on each $1.00 pur
chase on the 45.00 New Home Sewing
Machine, to be given away on Iuly 4th.
Come in and see us, we'll treat vou riht
and not try to u BLUFF" vou as we use
only LEGITIMATE MEANS to increase
The remains ot Mrs. P. B. Fletch
er, who died in Kansas City Sunday
with typhoid pneumonia, arrived in
this city on the 0:30 train Monday
night and were conveyed to the res
idence of C. C. Duke. Mrs. Fletch
er was a former resident of this city
and being a most estimable lady,
had many warm friends here who
deeply regret her demise. The fu
neral took place at 2 o'clock p. m.
yesterday and the remains were laid
to rest in Oak Hdl cemetery.
display of silks, satins, embroi
deries, ribbons, notions and staple
goods were never placed before the
gaze of an admiring public. The
ich and beautiful dress goods dis-
daj ed on the counters were a sur
prise to even his customers, and the
compliments were showered down
upon the firm by the great throng
of spectators, like drops of rain.
The millinery and carpet display
was very attractive. The millinery
display was exceptionally pretty, and
the lady at the head of this depart
ment, deserves esnecial praise for the
manner in which she had performed OUT' traClC.
icr part of the evening's entertain
By special invitation -Gov. More
house, who chanced to be in the city,
was present and lent Mr. Levy valu
able assistance in the way of pre
sending souvenirs to the ladies and
making himself generally agreeable,
and thus an opportunity was fur
nished the lady visitors to see the
governor of the state.
The TiMi.s pronounces the open
ing a "rand and brilliant affair and
Sam'l Levy a great success.
Ail the latest New York novelties
in neck wear at the A. C. H.
Times is glad to learn he has receiv
ed a position with that firm and wish
1 i
him success.
Mr. Brugler is having printed as
a supplement to his real estate paper,
the Bates County Index, a very fine
map of Missouri, 22x30 inches,
showing the Union Pacific railroad,
with Butler and Bates county made
prominent. It shows the direct way
to reach this county from St. Louis,
or Hannibal. If we had a few more as
enterprising advertisers as the firm
J. K. Brugler & Son. we would have
no need of an organization to have
one of the best advertised counties
in the west.
The Sedalia Bazoo savs it is re-
Nine men and one woman were
convicted on the charges of burglary
I ii ii. . i i
Ported tlmt Col Afil-o AleOrnth. sec- aUU ciiminai mii ai
retaryof state, has purchased the SeUalia last week, and Friday judge
Sedalia Democrat.
W. F. Hemstreet & Co. have
sold their grocery stock on the
southwest corner of the square to
Oliver Freeman.
Byland had them brought into court
and passed sentence on them, which
ranged from two to five years, and
the sheriff left on the 5 o'clock train
for Jefferson City. A right good
crop from one town.
Uncle Marion Todd, the old dem
ocratic war horse of West Boone,
was ia the city Thursday shaking
hands with his many friends.
l'.M. Crumley and family, who
tad been visiting friends aud r
Uves here for several days, returned
tome to Joplin, Friday evening.
What is the matter with having a
rousing big Fourth of July celebra
tion. The good country people ex
pect it, and it is no more than right
that the county seat should entertain
Judge White, of Kansas City, has
sentenced both Myers and Bogard
to hang on June Sth., next, for the
murder of James Weir in the Inde
pendence depot a short time ago,
The facts of the killing were published
in this paper at the time and our
readers are familiar with the circum
stances. The killing was for the
purpose of robbery, the skull of the
victim being smashed with a car
coupling pin while asleep in the de
pot. If hung, John Bogard will be
the youngest candidate ever led up
on the scaffold in this state.
hev. Shangles. of Rich Hill,
preached a most excellent sermon to
a large congregation at the M. E.
church (south.) in this city Sunday.
them. With our Flambeau Club
which is equipped exactly like Kan
sas City and Topeka Clubs,
can give a display which
be equalled outside of Kansas City
aud St. Louis.
e wonder ii U- V. Austin can
produce any tax receipts showing
tuat he has paid any taxes to the
ty of Butler, for the past eight
A live acre lake will be made by
May 10th at the artesian well at
Clinton. The contract for doing the
excavation has been let to G. O.
Chas. F. Blessing, that shot and
11 , Tl 1 T
wounded oincers ooei and -jame-s
Gossage. o the Sedalia police, on
January 0th.. while resisting arrest
in the yards of the M. K. A: T. rail
road at Sedalia, was sentenced to
ten years imprisonment in the peni
tentiary Saturday bv Judge Rvland.
iiniiiisrration Meeting.
The directors of the Bates county
Immigration society are requested
to meet in Butler on Saturday.
Butler j April 2Mb.. 1S8S. It is very iinpor
cannot taut that the directors snouid all be
present and be prepared to report
just what money can be raised by
their respective townships, for it
must be knov.n bv the 1st of Mav
whether we can raise the amount of
monev to entitle us to full benefits
NOHTII iSU2" SiiU-tYlfclS.
A (Jencrdiis (Mft.
The following note explains itself;
a noble impulse worthily bestowed:
Spruce, Mo., April 1, 1SSR.
T. M. Ore,
Rich Hill, Missouri.
Honest lien.
This noted stallion will make the
season of 1SSS at P. K. Lisle's sta
ble in Butler. Mo.
Honest Ben is a fine style and ac
tion horse and a sure foal getter. He
took first premium in all purpose
i;iexd liios: Herein mid my
check for fifty dollars, which I wish riue four years old and over, and
to contribute to those who suffered first premium in sweep stake ring
1- m-ent calamity at the mines liest horse, any breed and any age.
near vour
town. I have seen no
at Appleton City fair in the fall of
IKSPi. He took first Tuimiuin at
call for aid from the public nor Holden in all purpose ring, 1 years
heard of any, but feel sure that some old and over, the same fall.
of the poor fellows and their families
must sorely need help. If there is a
relief committee please turn the
money over to them to be expended
as they may think proper; if there
is none appointed and there are any
cases within vour knowledge who
nted aid, use the money in accord
ance with your
It will be to the best interest of
breeders to come and see this horse
before breeding elsewhere.
21-3t. G. B. Haggard.
What Am I to Do?
Tl.e symptoms of billiouMiess are un
happiK mil too well known. Tliev diff
er in diftVient indn iu'inls to some extent.
A billious man is seldom a nreakfast eat
er. Too frequently, alas, he lias an ex
cellent appetite for liquors but none for
solids ot a morning. His tongue will
hardly bear inspection at any time; if
it is not white am! lurieJ, it is rough, at
all events.
The digressive bylein is wholly out ot
order and diarrhea or Constipation may
be a svm; torn or the two may alternate.
There are often Hemorrhoids oi even
loss of blood. There may be giddiness
and often headache and acidity or flatu
lence and tenderness in the pit ot the
fctomach. To correct all this if not es
tect a enre try Green'.- Auguft Flower,
it cost but a trifle and thousands attest
i-.s efficacy. 4i-iyr. e o w.
Bucklen's arnica Salve.
arising from the Southwest Imigra
aion Society. Bates county can not
tfford to stay out of this associa
tion and the society, so far as ac
complishing the restdts for which
it was formed, will be a success
whether Bates county stays out or
He was onlv tried for shooting not. o we urge upon an our peo-
James. which will give him 10 vears ! Ple ,tlie reat ?SS".T f working
, ..... ,P TT . ' im harmonv with this first great
for Ins night s froae. He plead the , movement inaugurated to fully ad
insanity dodge, but it failed to work j Yei tise the great advantages and re-
The Best Salve in the world for Cnts.
Bruises. Cuts. Ulcers Salt Rheum, Fever
own iud"-ment; if Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns,
J l T.far ("h-inned H.imis. and all skin eruo-
there are none who require assist- j t;ons and postivelv cures piles, or no pay
vHflidcl-tn mo I reauired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
I always feel a deep sympathy per box, 2- cts For sale by all Drug-
with the sufferers m any such great gists
calamity and hope the contribution
may be the means of relieving the
necessities of some of the sufferers
in a small degree. Hastily, your
friend, Jso. B. Newbeeby.
The above prompt and generous
gift of Capt. Jno. B. Newberry, to
the sufferers of the mine accident at
Rich Hill, is worthy of imitation
and should touch the cord of sym
pathy in the hearts of the citizens of
this place, aud unloose the purse uradley and
strings of those who have plenty
and to spare. There should not be
a holding back for the '-subscription
paper" but let all uho feel like help-
in"- to assist the unfortunate in this
calamity do as Capt. Newberry did.
-.-l in his donation The Lord
loveth a cheerful giver.
Ballard's .snow Liniment.
is the best remedy for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds nnd all Throat and
Chest troubles. Every bottle is
guaranteed. It is the best remedy
for children.
Vny Mail or ordinary ability who
can lurnish eood references can have
steady employment with good pay, by
addressing S. A. McOmber & Co.
Rochester, N. Y.
Bennett, Wheeler & Co.,
on a Tettis county jury.
i sources of this portion of the state.
31. D. Buss ell and iliss Lena
Lowrance were married at Foster on
tl,w cvpnin" of the 11th. The bride
is a daughter of G. W. Lowrance,
and the groom the junior partner of
Tm firm of Russell Son, all of