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i 2 C BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY APRIL 25. L888. NO. 22 fOL. X. i & SPRAGUE ABI! Till) FOR II Kit MOXF.Y. TITLE ABSTRACTORS, 0PLETE AXI RELIABLE ARSTACTS 0F TITLE FURNISHED ON SHORT i A Helpless )M of Vi: Iii; I HITH U Oil iV 1-(!( '. NOTICE. JONEY TO LOAM nReal Estate security on long or short time. Office first door south ol Bates Co. National Bank. BUTLER, MO. Wichita, l his morning ubout LOOK HERE. It you want to save money get. LEE -.- CULVER to do your APERINCJ, CALSOMINING, PLASTERING, AND CISTERN WORK. Satisfaction given or no charges tide. Oflice at jewett ac uicKmans urniture Store. W. B. TUCKER, DENTIST, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. MASONIC Butler Lodge, No. 2154,1116618 the first Stturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arcn Masons, So. 6, meets second lhursday in each month. Gouley Commandery Knights Templar aeeU the first Tuesday in each month. I.O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon Jit r.ieht. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the rod and 4th Wednesdays in each month I W. BADGER J LAWYER. mil practice in all courts. All lenal business toictly attended to. Office over Bates Co. Na- uonu uank. wuuer. mo. Kan., April IS 8 o'clock the- re- dence of Eliza Nixon, aged .SO and very feeble, was visited by :t . who asked to see her. Her m-i v Mary Osborn, thought he lool.o i suspicious and refused him i . W 1 1 1 l " in aoout an xiour ne returneu 1.1 a hack accompanied by another mai:, and forcibly gained entrance to the house. He told Mrs. Nixon he was from Chicago and a distant relative of hers and wanted to take her out riding. She objected but was carri ed by the two men and put in a hack and they drove rapidly away. The house is in the suburbs, raid the alarm raised by the servant failed to j bring anyone to assist the old lady j in getting away from the men, but the news rapidly spread, and soon numbers were looking for the men, but they have not been found. Mrs. Nixon was one of the first settlers in the valley, and had taken up land, a part of which is now in the corporate limits. She is said to be worth over $100,000, and has no heirs living. The theory of her capture is that a distant relative, who had been in the penitentiary twice had hired the men to take her to some point and get her to sign papers giving him the property. This theory was given force when the de scription of the man ho led in her abduction was learned from the ser vant and neighbors, making it al most certain that he is one "Williams, a tinhorn detective, who had been operating for a few weeks in this city, and who, it is thought, could be induced to act according to the wishes of the relatives for slight remuneration. j the leprefcentatiouof our convictions and our interests! Arc tb. :. what he represents, or j does Iw n .rese::t himself and his own interests pu;v and simple, j again. -t those of the public and the j p; .. !.' ilav- v.- the manhood to tiein.u!!'. i 't-iit:il io:i : We pay taxes ' .. j'.i to be entitled to a utMti. hi ro v.-i (f the class i . Jljhtri, and, i,-:. . - . ......I:): Woul 1 (JIVEN IilC DAMAGES. an: Messenger Pavel S. Kother a:i; Awanlt d 820,000. know- v,e be iiguv.-hnd -; Can St. Louis, Mo., April 10. The jury in tLe suit of David S. Fother- j ingham against Adams express com- j pany for damages for false impris- j onmeut were instructed this morn ing and after being out three hours and a half agreed on a $20,000 for the plaintiff. verdict of The case crew out of the Jim v. ; 1 ;. ::.ut:il misrepresenta tion.' ( l-iii trx l;:is known how to re- pudiaie that! Indeed, if she be no I Cummings express robbery on the 1 .T7.;r.-,. .. l :.. loci' ...1 ii,., - iiiiv iT.:-:. htv. U. is lor l?l ' to pARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNS S AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans- down's Drug Store- H0LCOMB & SMITH, LAWYERS BUTLER, MO. Office front room over BateB County National BanK. rj W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY s LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining Counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer wn City. Office North Side Square, over A.L.McBride's. Iitf PhysiclaiiN. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max Werner's, . 19-1 y Butler, II o. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGECN, office, tront room over P. O. Al calls answered at oflice day or night. Special attention given to temae dis tases. TC. BOULVv'ARE, Physiciai and Surgeon. Office north side quare, ouuer, Mo. Diseases ot women anl chil Wn a specialty. Secret Societies. DOKJi & PIERCE BARBHtS. Shop on North Side Square We give special attention to Ladio and Children's hair cutting. AVc keep the best of Barbers, also grin scis sors and razors. Everything first dass. AH work guaranteed. Give us a call Cockle's ANTI-BILLIOfS Plls. This old English Family Mediine in OSe tor Sft vpirc nil nx r Ih. u.-rr-t frr "e, Indigestion, Liver, c. Of Pare, Vegetable Icgrecents. From QJIercury. The Convicfr;Contract Senntor. After many years of cruelly bur densome tariff taxes, the promise of partial relief has come in sight, and we rejoice that President Cleveland and the wholesome majority of the democratic party are striving to re duce these taxes; when lo! in the crisis of our fate, Senator Brown steps to the front to oppose this re lief, with his ill-timed republican ad vice, to check reform, if possible, by palming off a policy unspeakably mis chievous to the country, to the south and to the farmers, though in the highest degree helpful to his own private and personal interests, as opposed to the interest of the pao- ple. His advice is bad, economically, morally, politically and socially, and is supported by the old stock argu ments of the republican party, often exploded, but retailed still at the north by Blaine, Sherman, Ingalls and others, and reproduced now by Senator Brown before a democratic audience, in the form of a great lot of fallacies, historical, economical and selfish. Some reinforcements of his own are added by way of good measure more shallow and sophistical, which may surprise the unwary, as the assault comes from within, and is made by a nominal democrat, clad in the whole armor of monopoly crammed and armed to the teeth by the whole circle of rius and trusts and combinations which afflict the country and pray on the earnings of honest industry. Thousands of Georgians, deeply interested in the welfare of the coun try and of the state, feel that they are not simply unrepresented, but misrepresented; that one of our sen- atorial seats is far worse than mere ly vacant, since a vacancy would count but one, while a misrepresen tation counts as two and is in posi tion to do miore harm than many. And this, be it remembered, is our vote our voice our influence. This pendent sell assertion, aggressive on the. rights of 110 one else, and sub mitting to aggression from none. And what is the advice he gives? It is this in substance and inform: Repeal the whiskey tax, and make grog cheap. Fasten the tariff with nails, and keep necessaries dear. This monstrous advice, self-con demned in the very statement, he di lutes and sugar-coats through twen ty mortal columns, and deliberately, wilfully and industriously advocates it in the senate, and publishes it to his constituents. In naked deform" ity, it is too shocking, but he covers it with much ink and paper. But our misrepresentation assures us that reducing the price of whisky will not add to the consumption of whisky; that is one of the peculiari ties of whisky. This surpasses com mon republicanism it is a violent form of the disease. If any repub lican has gone this length I have not seen it. Nay! Senator Brown goes the length of classing whiskey among necessaries, and tobacco, too, more necessary than blankets. Observe how he compares the two: "Say a laboring man buys a pair woolen blankets and pays $1 50 tar iff on it; he buys as medicine for himself and family a gallon of whis key and pays $1.50 tax on it to the registered distiller. Which hurts him worse? Senator Beck says, how ever, he can do without the whiskey; so he can do without the blaukets. This is not a question of sentiment; it is a question of dollars and cents." Senator Brown proposes to have $1.50 to buy more whiskey instead of more blankets, and let the de bauch last three weeks instead of bers secured $53,000. A year ago the three robbers. "Wittrock, Haight and Weaver were captured in Chica go and $41,000 of the stolen money recovered. The men confessed, ex onerating the express messenger, David S. Fotheringham, who had been held and as it seemed to the jury hounded by W. H. Damsel, the agent of the company, and Pinker ton's detectives. The trial occupied over two weeks and more witnesses were examined than in any case be fore tried in this city. The original sum claimed was $50,000 and suit was originally in stituted against Pinkerton, Damsel and the Adams express company, but the detectives and the agent were dropped out of the suit. Straw Hats! We buy our straw o-oods direct from MANUFACTURERS and can therefore save our customers the Jobbers profits. Xever before,1 have we shown such NOBBY HATS for youmr men, nor such handsome ones for older heads. These straw goods are very cheat u lid w ill save you money. A Luxury and Necessity For rich and poor who wish to enjoy good health, and who do not wish to resort to bitter nauseous liver medi cines and cathartics, is the concen trated California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs in 50 cent and $1 bottles, for sale by all leading drug gists. ill HQ Bennett, Wheeler &, Co. DEALERS IN- HfflDlE, GROCERIES, IMPLEMENTS. SKKDS AND WIKE IIKAW.EV AND I DEERE STIRRING PLOWS, DEERE, BRADLEY, I5ROWN AND NEW DE- I'ARTL'ltE CUL TIVATORS, KEY STONE, one Such is the reasoning by which he defends his monstrous advice. The whole republican wigwam he shingles over with sophistry, laying a fallacy down wherever there is room to put one thick, fast and heavy. His own tribute derived from the tariff he defends by denying that he gets it, and by fortifying it all around, even its distant outposts. The hope of his gains, being threat ened, he raises an uoroar and cries out for two hours, ''Great is Diana of the Ephesians! Great is 'Protec tion" of the monopolists'."' Awful will be the effect of touch ing one jot or tittle of the dear tar iff, so dear to his personal and pecu niary interest. Our real enemy, he assures us, is the whiskey ring, and the true issue is the whiskey ring vs. the people. But the iron ring is dear to his soul. Macon, (Ga..) Telegraph. A Horrible Story Unverified- Wheeling, W. Va , April 18. A special to the Intelligencer from Charleston says: "A report has just reached here that a man in Calhoun county who was away selling cattle, on return ing home late Wednesday night in company with a peddler, discovered a light in the window, and when he looked in saw his wife and three children lying dead on the floor. He also saw four men in the room. The peddler drew his revolver and was told to make a noise at the back of the house- The men inside rush ed out and three of them were killed outright the fourth being badly wounded. It is impossible at pres ent to verify the story, but the man who brought it is considered reliable." CHALLENGE, AND DEERE PLANTERS, WITH CHECK BOWERS AND AUTO MATIC KEELS, WOOD AND STEEI. FRAME I.EAER HARROWS, STALK CUTTERS, SULKY PLOWS, IRON, WOOD AND CHAIN PUMPS, SPRING WAGONS BUGGIES AND FARM WAUONS, BENNETT, WHEELER & GO. That Tired Feeling Afflicts nearly every one in the spring. The system having become ! accustomed to the bracing air of winter, is weakened by warm days of the changing season, and readily yields to attacks of disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine needed. It tones and builds up every part of the body, and also ex pels all impurities from the blood. Mr. Geo Kennan will tell in the May Century how he came to go to Siberia on the Century expedition. Mr. Kennan had spent some time in , Siberia already in connection with the overland telegraph scheme, and in the summer of 1884 he made a preliminary excursion to St. Peters burg and Moscow for the purpose of collecting material, and ascertaining whether or not obstacles were likely to be thrown in his way by the Rus sian government. He returned in Octobei-, fully satisfied that his scheme was a practical one. He therefore sailed from New York for Liverpool in May, 18S5. He says: "All my prepossessions were favora ble to the Russian government and unfavorable to the Russian revolu tionsts." He adds that this "partly explains the friendly attiude toward me which was taken by the Russian government, the permission which was given me to inspect prisons and mines, and the comparative immuni ty from arrest, detention, and im prisonment which I enjoyed, even when mv movements and associa tions were such as justly to render me an object of suspicion to the lo cal Siberian authorities." The body is more susceptible to benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla now than at any other season. Therefore, take it now. Honest Hen. This noted stallion will make the season of 1888 at P. K. Lisle's sta ble in Butler. Mo. Honest Ben is a fine style and ac tion horse and a sure foal getter. He took first premium in all purpose ring, four years old and over, and first premium in sweep-stake ring, best horse, any breed and any age, at Appleton City fair in the fall of 1886. He took first primium at Holden in all purpose ring, 4 years old and over, the same fall. It will be to the best interest of breeders to come and see this horse ( ancl City Property j P. C. Fui kerson, T. L. Harper, Pres't. Treat. J. Ev ERIN gii am, Geo. Canterbi ry Vice-Pres't. Sec'j. before breeding elsewhere. 21-3t. G. B. Haogarp. the: bankers LOAN 4 TITLE CO. Incorporated under the laws of Mo. LAND TITLES EXAMINED 4 CERTIFIE; First Mortgage Loans Made on Farrn Local Moiievj for Short Time Loans.l Office west side square, BUL'LER, MO. What Am I to Dol The symptoms of billiousnes are un happily but too well known. Thev ditf er in different individuals to some extent. A billious man is seldom a breakfast eat er. Too frequently, alas, he has an ex cellent appetite tor liquors but none tor solids ot a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digressive system is wholly out of order and diarrhea or Constipation may' be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids 01 ever ; loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or f.atu Syrcp of Figs, Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., San Francico. Cal., is Nature's Own True Laxative, This pleasant California liquid iruit remedy ma be had ot all leading druggists. It is the most pleasant, piompt, and effect ive remedy known to cleanse the system to act on the liver, kidneys and bowel gently yet thoroughly; to dispel head aches, colds, and fevers; to cure consti pation, indigestion, and kindred ills. No. 7 .-dm. lence and tenderness in the pit of the I " f - stomach. To correct all this it not es- ! 8 8 R YlH''c'ifl THIII'm tect a enre try Green's August Flower, I fj L j Fi A B3 J4 ri 9 Bj it cost but a trifle and thousands attest! 1 PI Bl. C 8 K S3 El 13 Pj its efficacy. 41-ivr. e o w. 1 f nm Sjmmfitujm iSiiTfli large , fill UUU U JLJrL& A W The Walton & Tucker Investment j Company ! Have made special arrangements to ! accommodate farmers with money to j feed stock. They have a oninimt nf nmripv on hand to be UU-.UUUv - j loaned on real estate, on time any- j where from 6 months to 5 years, at j low rates of interest. If you want to borrow call and see them. 33 tf j A SPECIFIC FOR Roman's Diseases cossrm-iiGN sitiel? crr.zD. To the Editoe r;isc !-: rm your read ers that I have a positive remedy lor tlie &tve named disease. By its timely ue ti;ousa::d o5 hopeless cases have been permanency cured I shall be glad 10 send two bottles of my reme dy peek to any ot your readers it ho have con sumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Respectfully. T. A. SLOCOL H.C, lSlFearl st, New York. Painful uPPed Tmr.lw rof locality and Jtm MENSTRUATION or ONTHLY SICKNESS. If tak"Ti ir.T:r,z tfce CHAE OF I.TTE. rrrM maSrins a'l Gaapx will 1 3- '. lTxA l book IlEsiicE i- V.'n.''D'.;wl Jr ! r. j nirTT-T n T:kjct.atoe C'.. At'anio. G.