Newspaper Page Text
''' : ll Sttftet n a She nm r is iv 11 iv. iiL, ii ii BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JULY i . 1888. NO. 32 ' ' II Q CnnPIIC A STOLEN' CHILI. TnUil Ul llHu U L ! ' "' AIMiiftor f Net til Siz. amor, rr 1 V... .,.., AT HIS OLD HOME TITLE ABSTRACTORS, Tr.. t Nf'va'lii. Frank .Iji'iit's. the Nuteii F.x-l'..i::iHt. i Ti-uls Hi- Nthv H..;fh Ollrt' M !'. ! l SI $1 0K TITLE FUKMSHED ON SHOUT KOTICH. MONEY TO LOAU OalEsUcuntvonlo.gor.hort time, wiui-c T; , Bates Co. National bank.. BUTLER, MO. Sedalia Democrat ijfftETE and reliable AUSTACTS j A few i:iys ago the Democrat j chronicled the abduction ui :i attic mil bv the name of Sizemoor, from O v her fathers wagon by a couple mimed Green. The child was stolen while en route to Sed&lia with its ,'. '.'. . Sizemoor has been on track of Cri; and his female companion since that time, but without obtaining a clnto their whereabouts. The following letter is self explanatory: Mound City Mo., June 25. To the postmaster, Sedalia: Dear Sir I notice in the Bates county Times an account of a child being stolen near Sedalia. Parties answering the de scription precisely camped at my place from the 20th to the '22d inst. AVhou they left they went south; said Frank -lames. the once noted bandit. LOOK HERE. It you want to save money j,'et. LEE -:- CULVER to do your PAPERING. CALSOMIN1NG, I'LASTERInG, AND CISTERN WORK. Satisfaction given or no charges made. Office at jewett cx Furniture Store. ari'i '- Nasl.v: t-: ; ;.. H!iC. iit it j; his them- chant: . ; the O wt-nsboro it i'lotu Ku-vlivil!ecs- ... . 11" nn't at the 1 1 ai oi his old acouaiiit ;o !: :., w ho;i het c: in times divii!gc-n-- of the ; v.-';. : i ..l.i.uts was al! a i... .:.s '.v ith. He was ft ..' ii;. Hue family here, and m v, is especially to see There Las been but little his appearance since he MM IN M yilLyo W. E. TUCKER, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. Hurler Lodire, No. 2s4, meets the first Saturday in each month. Miami chapter .oyai vi- ""- No. 6, meets second rnursuav m r-.,.. month. . , , Gouley Oommanderv knights. Templar meets the first Tuesday in each month. I.O. O. FELLOWS. : Bates Lodge No. iSo meets every Mon day night. . Butler Encampment No. 6 meets tl.c and and th Wednesdays in each month Luwycri. m H. CROCKET T ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofhce North Side Square, over A. L MeBride's store. I W. BADGER Wlllpractlce'in aU courts. AVftWo Na strictly attended to. tuce over Kates Co. Na KonalBank. Butler. Mo. thev were going to Nevada. At the tiiiH! th'-v were here thev were iu company with four other wagons. The man Green, who had the child, said they met the other wagons at Harris mville. They said the child was an orphan that they were raising, and tiny called her Netta. If you can from this give the parents, or any one interested, any information, please do so. The father's name, as given, was William Sizemoor. Respectfully, G. B." Walker. Of Interest to Fruit Growers. The state horticultural society re cenflv passed the following resolu tions, which should be earnestly considered by every fruit grower in the state: In view of the fact that the State of Missouri has at this time ot the year a good prospect for a good crop of good apples; and that from some place or places within the Slate there is almost a certainty that a good show of our fruit can bo made this fail, ami of the further fact that Mr. Johnson, secretary of the coming and his daring brother Jesse made South Logan county a rendezvous eight or ten years ago. At that time many of our citizens sympathized with them on account of their war record, and claimed that they would be good citizens if thev were only Riven a chance; and thev are warmer iu their friendship now than ever, as Frank has led the exemplary life he has since his voluntary surrender and release from prison. James" friends have rather expected, from the news paper reports, to see a sad and Our stock of Summer CLOTHING is much too larv. It must lo sold, and we have determined to make the prices move it. We will sell these iroods much below their real value. You will be surprised at the amount you can buy for so little money. We can and will save you biu; money. .Below find partial price list: Men's Mode Suits Reduced from I to XI I met " Sat it Cassimere PARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNS S AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans down's Drug Store. HOLCOMB & SMITH, LAWYERS BUTLER, MO. Office front room over Bates County National BanK. rj W. SILVERS. . ATTORNEY LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer en City. IOffice North Side Square, over K. L. MeBride's. Vtf ltivsiclauft. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SDRGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max Weiner's, 19-iy, Mo. ? JDR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC " PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at ofiice day or night. Special attention given to temale dis eases. TC. BOULAVARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north side square, D . . . 1 . r . . 1 u:i uuuer, ftio. ui6easesoi women anu imi' ren a specialty. OORSi & PIERCE BARBERS. Shovi on North Side Souare. W'e give special attention to Ladies and Children's hair cutting. "We keep 1.1. . 1. 1 ure nest 01 learners, aiso grrnu sets class. All work guaranteed. Give us a call exhibition in St. Louis, has offered the very best part of their great building as a place in which to ex Libit the horticultural products of Missouri, your committee would rec ommend: That we make at the Exposition at St. Louis, this fall, the best possible show of the horticultural and floral products of the State. That the State society invite the county and local societies to assist and co operate with the State socie ty in preparing and making the exhibit. The county courts be requested to appropriate the money necessary to defray part or all of the expenses of exhibiting the products of their re spective counties. That all citizens who may have it in their power to assist in this work be requested so to do, each in his own way, and as he or she may have opportunity. That arrangements be made soon for the gathering of the early fruits, and for cold storage to receive them. That the proper means be placed in the hands of working committees to do their work well. That railroad companies and ex press companies be requested to give free transportation to all the pro ducts for this exhibit, and to all persons traveling on this business. And, that all of our newspapers and of our immigration societies be earnestly requested to help to bring this matter early, often and promi nently before the people as one of the best possible means of advertis- iug the State. broken man almost iu the throes of death, but were agreeably surprised. All of the ex-outlaw's, old cautious ness and reticence still cling to him, but his step, has the same elastic, wiry spring as of yore. In compauy with a couple ot friends he took a horseback ride through the eouniry north of here yesterday afternoon, and looked with mournful gaze on scenes of many former narrow es capes when he was hunted by an army of detectives. The party rode nut lh. riissidlvilie road, and when they arrived opposite Dick Combs' . a mile from town. James de parted from his accustomed taciturn ity and narrated an incident that unused him very much, about a conversation he had there one .Sun day morning some years ago with one of riukerton's men who v.-as in search of him. He said that the man he feared above all others was an honest old carpenter named John James, by the way no relative of his. Old John was one of Forrest's troop ers, who had met Frank during the war. Frank said he knew that old John did not fear the devil, and that he was equally as well satisfied that his love of law would cause him to attempt his arrest if ever he recog nized him. The ex-outlaw wiped away a tear when told that honest old John was no more. On arriving at the pond just be yond the Gilbert farm the party turned off into the belt of fine timber that skirts along the road there, and at the suggestion of James, dis mounting, threw their bridle reins over their arms and strolled leisurely along in the shade to the little old mansion, where George Hite, the iincle of the James boys, bed, where they frequently stopped when in Kentucky, and where many unsuc cessful attempts were made to cap ture them. When the party arrived in town again at sunset, James went to the house of a friend, enjoyed a quiet supper and was visited by a few acquaintances. He is keeping very quiet as he dislikes all public demonstrations, and especially hates to be looked on as a reformed human devil. Adair ville (Ky.) special to Courier-Journal. S 001 Lasimeie loot Black Worsted, ool! Casimere IW 5 50 to 4 1 8 511 to 6 00 11 00 to 0 00 10 to 50 16 51 to 12 50 These are irenuine cuts and at the prices are dirt cheap. Don't fad to set; these goods before buying. Our stock of Boys and Ohildreiis Clothing will also be sold regardless of profits. We must get rid of them. These prices are for cash only. AMERICAN CLOTHING HOUSE, L. MICH, M. 1). PhyM'cian and Surgeon, Y, missocki. Of fice ves-t stJe square over Craves' har ness shon. K. ibugler cc Son have a large uved farms tor sale i6tf list of fine nnpi cheap and on easy terms. The speech of S. W. Dooley, of Rich Hill, before our club, was pro nounced a most excellent effort in reduction of tariff. Replete with logic and oratory he carried convic tion to the hearts of his hearers. Even republicans are doubting the advisability of their protection pjlank. Some like the party but since Dooley's speech they are op posed to protection and will concur with the great democratic principle, most good to the most people. May Mr. D. Jive to make many more speeches of this character, thereby assisting the great democratic party. Hume Chronicle. C'i:::c T;i;e Facittc it (Lkxington 4j Southern Branch.) ( "ommencint; Sunday, May 13th, and until further noliee, trains will leave Butler as follows : OOINO NORTH. Kansas City Express 4:45 A M- Kansas Citv Express 4: !o r. t. Local Freight 10:30 a. m. 00 1 no sonu. Texas Express 1 exas hxpress Local Freight . . f- :?,. " 9:40 V. M. i :$2 v. M. S. L. A: E. DIVISION. OOING WEST. Passenger 12:40 p. m. P'reight S:oc A. :v . GOING EAST. Passenger 4:25 P.M. Freight 4 :oo p. m. All nasserifer trains make direct con- 1 o nprttnn ifr St T.nnic nnrt all nnintft nst Texas and all points south, Colorado, f 1 : i" : 1 ii : . ,. . . illllUI 1U.I AUU .111 pUlllLR WCM AIIU IMJllll- west. For rates and other information applv to E, K. Carnes. Agent. lliii, cj .Life ftMefter CC'v.l4. fc. Sold li all Dnxjist. VSradih.d RreUcAfbtCo. I i 1 Money to Loan on Farm and City property on Long and Short time at a low rate of interest, SWEAKIXGER, BoWDEN & Co. Nevada, Mo. Apply to W. H. Warnock, County Clerk's Office, Butler, Mo. 26-tf. Poultry Wanted. 3r I will pay more cash money than anybody in Butler, for your eggs, chickens, turkeys. Spring chickens wanted at big prices. Call at Bud Atkinson's or A. L. McBride & Co. Jas. Smith. Thoroughbred Bnll. anti- r:ii VQCMc a BILLIOCS fins. , , ,, n , , , ,, w I I have a thoroughbred Jersey bull This old English Family Medicine in ! , . , T .,, , ., . . ' . ., . ,, , , . ; which I will admit to service at the use tor So years all over tne world, tor i Bile. Indieestion. Liver. Ac. i veiT nSres of for the sea- Of Pare, VeRetahle Ingredierts. so: From Mercury. 27-tf. J. R. Hakiumax. Peculiar In the combination, proportion, ami TirpTt.aratiou of its ingrediants. Hood's i r 1 Sarsaparilla accomplishes ' cures j where other preparations entirely i fail. Peculiar in its good name at --- j home, which is a ''tower of strength abroad," peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has attained, Hood's Sarsa parilla is the most successful medi cine for purifying the blood, giving strength, and creating an appetite. Sanvl. Levy & Co. request us to notify the public that then- store doors will be closed at 7:30 o'clock in the evening, from the 6th of July until Sept. 1st, except Sat- nrdavs. This is done j to give their salesmen a little recreation dm -ino- the hot season. Trustee's Sale. t c r . .1 T , I 4 ,1.-1 'v ... bis wire, by their deed of trust dated May , ... i i i : i ( : t v. in and for Bates county, Missouri, in book No. 30, page , conveyed 10 nc unuerajKoeu trus tee the following described real estate lying and being situate in the county of Bates aaa state of Missouri , to-wit : ah oi me nonn east qmaner oi tne ovum west quarter of section twentv-one (21), (ex cepting Missouri Pacific railway right of way), township forty-two (42) range thirty-one (31). V. ! I. . ... m. A I n -- .A a.w the payment of one certain note fully described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default baa beeu made in the payment of the principal and imeiCBfc vl B1U liutc. uww will ymnm " unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request of the l .... I ..s mA r.nn.nt tit tha conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed . ,1 V. -1 1 ... ,.A ..vomf.A. At n.liUi vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the eBK. lTUllh UUUl VI kUCWIlik iiwuo-. ,m " "7 of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missoa- ri. on Friday, August 10th, 1888, betweejitJieJiQjirs of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for thrimnwunf mtisfvinir said debt, interest and costs. GEO. ii. GLAZEBROOK. sheriff, ana acting xrustee. Trustee's Sale. Whereas, Aceph B. Mayes, and Mary U. Mares, his wife, by their deed of trust, dated March 3, li8. and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates county, Missouri, in trust deed book So. 44. page 4,'.;, conTeyed to the undersigned trustee the following d scribed real estate lying and being situate in the county of Bates, and state of Missouri, to- WLots p, 9 and ID, in block No. twenty-one (21) in the city of Koekville, Bates county .Missouri, which conveyance was made in trust to secure the parment of a certain note folly described in said deed of trust: and whereas, defsalt has been made in the payment of said note now long past due and unpaid Now. therefore, at the request of the legal holder of "' pursuant to the eonditions of said deed of trust I will proceed to sell the above described prero- . v t : 1 tnth.hirhpt biiider for lees at imuiic . . w - cash at the east front door of the court bouse, in the city of Butler, county of Bates and ftate of Missouri, on Friday, August 10th, 1883, between the hours of o'clock in the forenoon a:id5o clockint!iear.enioonof tna. day. lor the pun-o' f satisfying said debt, interest, altornevs" fees and cots. ' 4AMES B GANTT, Trustee. School Fund Mortgage Sale. Whereas W. !1 (.ilsliei.s and H&'.tie I.. Gib beBS. liis wift?, by their school lunJ Jb')r,(ae, dated June :tb, and recorded iu tiie rt oorder's otlice within and for JSstes county, Missouri, in lxxjk Nt ."i. page -".'."i, conveyeU to Bates county the following real estsie lying and being situate in the coauty of nates and state of Missouri, to-wit: A tract of land be ginning sixteen rods west of the south east cor ner of the south west quarter of the north east quarter of section twenty-two 22) township forty 40 range tbirty-one 31, running thence west four rods, thenc north ten rods, thence east four rods, thence south ten rods to the place of beginning, whicii coneyance was made to secure the payment of one school fond bona, tuny aescnoeu in saia scdooi innu inun- . the payment of the principal since the erst day of May, IpKT, and or the interest since the tin aay oi June. y me terms oi aaiu raurv- gage it is provided that should default be made in the pavment of principal or interest or an y Sart thereof, at the time when it shall become ue and payable, according to the terms and effectof said bonds the then acting sheriff of said county may without suit on this mortgage proceed to sell the property herein conveyed of an order of the county court made at the May term, ls, of said court, I will proceed to sell the above described premises al public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, county ot Bates, and state of Mis souri on Saturday, July 7th, 1888, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day for the pnirose of eatisying said debt, interest, and costs. GKO. ti. GLAZEBUOOK. -.; Sheriff of Bates County. Trustee's Sale. Whereas Seymour McKeazie, by his dd or trust, dated August IS, 17, and recorded iu the recorder's office within and for Bates coun ty. Missouri, in book So. 4S. page convey ed to the undersigned trustee the following de scribed real estate lying and being situate i the county of Bate and state of Missouri to wit: The east baif of ton south wett quarter and the west half of the west half of the south cast quarter of section twenty-two 22) in townsnip forty (40) of range thirty (30), con taining 12 acres more or less which conveyance was made in trust to secure the tpayment ot two certain notes, fully decribd in said deed of trust: and whereas default has We nl in the pavment of one of said notes for fifteen hundred dollars and the accrued inter: there on due February I. ir. which defaclt un der the terms ol said deed of trust render-ed the -whole debt due and payable, ard wfci-h is now long past due and unpaid ow, there fore, at the request of t&e legal holder ot said notes and parsnant to tUeconditiots of 'saw deed of trust. I wiil proceed to aeti described premises at public vendee to th highest bidder for cash, a: the east front door of "the court bouse, in tne city of Eclier county of Bates and state of Missouri o . Thursday, July 12tL, 1888, between tUe 1hm of & o'clock Is tile fjrenoon and 5 o'clock ia the afternoon of teat . y. tut the purine of satisfyieg saiM. IcMrXeat and co . CHABLfc- ii i i I I if I 1 41 c 1 .