OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, July 11, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1888-07-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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11 a
m intra.
NO. S3 i
llll II U lit II
MrtRJSPTV TO J OA ft! lactam, audit was all iu u.it:-wa.
On Real Estate security on long or short
time, urace nrst uoor soum ui
Bates Co. National Dank.
y v r I . it ... i.
It you want to save money get.
to do vour
BgSahstaction given or no charges
made. Oflice sit Jewett ic HicKinan's
Furniture Store.
Butler Lodge, No. 25.4, meets the first
Saturday in each month.
Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons,
No. 6, meets second Thuisday in each
Gouley Comtnanderv Knight templar
meets the first Tuesday in each month.
Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets evcr Mon
day night.
Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the
and and 4th Wednesdays in each month
Olhce North Side Square, over A. L.
MeI5 ride's store.
I.AWYKK. , .
Will practice in all courts. All lil business
itrictW attendtHl to. OlUeo ovt-r liatea Co. Nn
tionBl"Bank. ltutltr. Mo.
Office West Side Square, over Lans
down's Drug Store.
BUTLKU, MO. Oflice front room over Bates
County National ItanK.
Will practice in Bates and adjoining
counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas
City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer
son City.
HOffice North Side Square, over
A. L. Mc Bride's. -?itf
J. R. BOYD, M. D.
Office East Side Square, over
Max Weiner's,
19-1 y Butler, Mo.
Office, tront room over P. O. All calls
answered at office day or night.
Special attention given to temale dis
eases. TC. BOULWARE, Physician and
Surgeon. Ottlce north'side square,
Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil
ren a specialty.
Shop on North Side Square. We
give special attention to Ladies and
Children's hair cuttinjr. We keep
the best of Barbers, also grind scis-
sors and razors. Everything first -
class. All work guaranteed. Give
us a call
... .
Th,s old Engnsh l-amtly Medtctne n
use tor 56 years all over tne w orld, tor
ami- a:n
Of Pare, Vegetable Ir.redicr.5
Train Mercury.
- i5.;;.-1 Win p-ac it uxn
?." (Vats a ;a!;nu.
TA'ipe out tlio internal revo.;-a- 'J
together, what would be the r;.:lt
thf - n.' Down would go whisky to 2
cents a gallon, as by retail t :j
r ii
t days, when the best M-!io:'.-;ah.'-;:.
whisky could be had for o (-.its a
j swig, and cotnuiosi whisky f .' '
cents; and all the evils of thos day.
! would be let loose again with r'-
doubled force, because money with
: which to buv Ikiuor is so much more
plintiful now. There arc: plenty of
men living who can remember the
25-eents -a -gallon whisky days. They
can remember how the farmers
came to the towns, some with jugs-.
some with barrels. Some would
give excuses that they were afflicted
with all the diseases to which llesh
is heir, and which could only be
cured bv whisky. They had mala
ria, and miifht have snake bites to j
cure. Their drinking was so poor
they could not use it without mixing
whisky with it. Never were farmers
in such an unhealthy and moribund :
condition as in those days They
could not get through the harvest
ing, threshing, ploughing, corn
liuskiug, or log-rolling without it.
It was necessary to the hay. mowing
and the harvest as the scythe stud
the sickle. The whisky-jug on such
occasions was as common in the
west as the rum-jug 111 A ewiitigiaua,
when every one from the deacon to j
the farm hand had his" wet rations, j
In those days of cheap whisky there
were ten drunkards to one now. De
lirium tremens was a common dis
ease; now it is rare. Then every
one filled up with whisky or rum. It
was one of the stafi's of life in every
Thei! came the high tax on whis-
ky. Nearly a dollar was imposed on
evtry gallon, and the price was cor
respondingly enhanced. The whisky
which hail sold for 3 cents a glass
went up to 10 or 15 cents; the liner
qualities to 20 and even '2 cents a
glass. The keg and barrel business
among the farmers ceased, and even
the jug business became rare. If
the farmer brought home his jug it
lasted five times as long as when it
cost but 2 shillings. The eousunip- j
tion of whisky fell off. Mr. Blaine
said in his Paris message in answer
to Mr. Cleveland's tariff message
last December: "The amount of
whiskv consumed in the United
States per capita to-day is not more
than 40 per cent of that consumed
thirty years ago." And the statis
tics more than bear out his assertion.
Chicago Tribune.
"Kansas or bust!" was the motto
inscribed on many emigrant wagons
rolling out west a year or two ago;
and it has "Been to Kansas and
busted" with most of them. Thev
are coming back by ones, by twos,
by squads. A party of nine "schoon
ers" passed through Seneca Tuesday
morning. It is the same old story;
they went to western Kansas to find
a paradise, and found a desert.
Nothing raised since they went
there; for two years a famine. Where
are they going? Anywhere except
back to western Kansas. "We may
go to h 11, but to Kansas never!"
But hope springs once more in the !
sunken cheek, the weary eye. They
see the abundant fruit, the rich field
of whpat. thfi wAvino- en th i,,t.
uriant grass in south west Missouri 1
ana nonnwest ArKansas; tney drmk
1 om the springs and are refreshed;
; their flesh is no longer burned bv
; the
' the
; They feel new energy. They stop
. with us and go to work; in a few
- vears tlleT have comfortable homes.
!- t , , , , ,
in a climate unexcelled and where
... ; i ti
crop ianure is never known. Thev
"oi " iiivi o tne ursri i, iLi.t a ; u ... t...- v. Mi
rill.l o..,..l,; ..,.,.1 i woiuu 5ffp iiic tiiv, wuu me oos- :mhIi, vendu9 to the highest bidder for cash
rejoice and thank their Maker that j
they have but-a brought through j
tribulation ii.to joy; from starvation j
lilto !:'. ,.
full::c - is
utter'dt-solation to j
1 contentment. Seneca
,.1 ,.
ts of Mayor
. that o the.
Mayor Fran-
dozen of as i
q.ris -dut a state-
L..'.:is Kepublic of a
Clv.li),!!. - .
d' ; v. . .
i::oht iu t
mg the three candidates,
lue city of St. Louis is con
Tho Republic says:
Evidence is accumulating that the
iield is arrayed against Francis. The
Mascotte, from all appearances, has
made such headway that the other
avowed candidates for the governor
ship have leagued together to en
deavor to encompass his defeat.
The avowed candidates for gov
ernor Francis, Morehouse, Glover
and Claiborne are busy
fences, planting and plowing seed.
Less than one eighth of the delegates
to the nominating convention have
as vet been selected, and while it is
generally conceded that of these
Francis has a majority, still claims
ou the friendship of delegates are so
conflicting that it is difficult to ap
portion the respective strength of
the candidate's.
Francis has developed more
strength in the country than his op
ponents anticipated. The "grain
gambling" canard was prematurely
exploded, and while in some instances
it hit what it was aimed at, still
fell far short of doing the
expected by its inventors. In fact
the St. Louis mayor has made such
headway in the interior of the state
that his opponents in the city have
been forced to combine against him.
For nearly a month past the
friends of Morehouse, Glover and
Claiborne have been arranging the
basis of a combine t o oppose Francis.
Several meetings, at which repre
sentatives of the three candidates
named were present, have been held,
the last one a few evenings ago, at
815 Fine street. The chief engineers
of the meetings were Bill Swift,
Billy Baggott, . Tom Morris, Pat
Bambrick and Frank Tate. The lat-
ter, who is secretary of the public
commission, acted as secretary of the
combine meeting. A plan formally
was formulated to unite the strength
of Morehouse, Gloyer and Claiborne
in the city. It was agreed that
Claiborne had a stronger following
than any other member of the com
bine in the Fourth, Eighth, Tenth,
Twelfth, Sixteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first,
Twenty-second, Twenty
fourth and Twenty-sixth wards, and
that Glover could produce the most
strength in the First, Second, Third,
Fifth, Ninth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth,
Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twenty
third and Twenty-seventh.
It was agreed that' the combined
opposition to Francis should sup
port the Claiborne delegates in the
wards in which he stood in most
favor, and that Glover should receive
the united Anti-Francis vote in the
wards in which his friends were
Billy Baggott represented Gov.
Morehouse at the combine meeting,
and agreed that a strictly Morehouse
ticket would not be run in the city
provided both Glover and Claiborne
were willing that the governor should
inherit their support when it became
apparent that neither Glover nor
! Claiborne could be nominated. This
was the basis of the agreement, and
the combine feel certain that thev
1 caI1 Jefeat Francis in this city.
The Francis, people, however, are
' not discouraged. They claim that if
ciit pvipv
j Twelfth ad Twenty-sixth vrds.
t The Francis people, too, are inclined
to think that the knowledge of the
; pitv romb'iiP will hon rthpr than
, comuui. mm L.eip rainer man
' uurt tlie Mascotte before the people
f fl , 11
. l l ... ii, A : a. 1L ii. rMu IO Kll atie a w rs.i n-vrv ici ruitc
if mns nt trie Kirrhf-li it the erst front tloor ot tne court nouse m
Our stock of Summer CLOTHING- is much
be sold, mid we have determined to make the
will sell these goods much below their real value. You will be
surprised at the amount you can buy for so little money. We can
and will save vou lir inoiiev. Below find partial price list:
Men's Cottonade Suits
fill Wool Casimere
LIICSC arc iiummiu
fail to see these 2;oods
Childrens Clothing will also be sold regardless of profits. We
must i'-et nd of them. These prices are for cash. only.
- ' L. RICE, M. 1). Physician and
. s9 SlU gCOn, iiLTLF.K, MISSOURI. Ol-
lice west side square over (J raves' har-
lCsS sliO'.l.
1. K. llrugl.tr wants more appli
cations tor f.rM-class loans. 7 per
cent, interest and commissions. 4-tf
Bridge Letting.
Pursuant to an order made by the county
conn of Hates county, Missouri, ami to me
directed lor tlie eonmriiction ol a com lunation
bridire across Mormon tork on the section line
between sections and of towr.Blnp ti,
range Sujir r and substructures to be of
burr oak or nam pine, iengin 01 span :i leei.
I will proceed to let the above described at
public outcry to tne lowest tumier, at uie easi
front door of the court house in the city of But
ler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on
Thursday, July 2(1, 1888,
between the hours of ' o'clock in the forenoon
and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. All
bids subject to approval of the court. Plans
and specifications now on file at niv office.
Bridge Commissioner,
33-St Bates County. Mo.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas, James Kinney aad Kdlth Kinney,
his wife, by their deed of trust, dated July 6th,
1885, and recorded in the Recorder's office
within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book
Ho. 40. page 09, conveyed to the undersigned
trustee the following described real estate,
lying and being situate in the county of Bates
and state of Missouri, to-wit :
The southwest quarter of section twenty four
24, and the southeast quarter of the northwest
quarter or section iweniy-ionr istj, bii in
township forty-one 41 of range thirty-one 31.
onntainine 200 acres more or less, which con
TeTance was made in trust to secure the pay
ment of one certain Bote, fallv described In
said deed of trust; and whereas, defaalt has
been made in the payment of said note, now
past due and mapaid. Now, therefore, at the
request of the legal holder of said note, and
fursuant to the conditions of said deed of trust,
will proceed to sell the above described
nremises at onblic vendue, to the highest bid
der for cash, at the east front door of the court
house, la the city of Butler, county of Bates
and state or Missouri, on
Friday, August 10th, 1888,
between the hours of 8 o'clock in the forenoon
and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. for
the purpose of satisfying said debt, interest and
COStS. r . -u . j i-l.r.--. .
33 Trustee.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas. Marv Kachua.a wido, by her deed
of trust, dated March 21, IssT, and recorded in
th Recorder's office within and for Bates coun
ty, Missouri, in book 44, at page 110. conveyed
to tne unaersigneu wubhtt uc iuuvwiuk uc
scribed real estat, lying and being situate ii
the county of Bates and state of Missouri, to
411 of lots numbered seventeen (IT) and eieh-
j Bide addition to the city or Butler, Mo., which
"LB2 8 .Znt
t : 1 . 1 4 k f trn-t art! nrhs-raa 1 v i & It tnt
been made in tUe payment of sail note anti
ftccrueil interest thereon, now Ion past du
ennaid. Sow. thervfore. at the reauet of
; tbe lepal bolder of said note, and purauant to
' Louri' f d
! Thursday, August 2nd, lSK.
; between the hol-s of nine o'clock in the fore-
I noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of tliat
: for the purpose of satisfvin: taid dtb:,
i interest aad costs. allen i- ultz,
Reduced from
a i i
at the prices are dirt cheap. Don't
buying. Our stock of liovs and
v;iu? ami
!-i.ie T;v5e Mtt. Pacific It
Commencing Sunday, May i.th, and
until turther notice, trains will leave
Butler as follows :
Kansas City Express.
Kansas Citv Express.
Local Freight
..4:45 A. M.
..4: SO I. M.
. . K:V) A. M .
Texas Express
Texas Express
. , . . .
Local r rei"ht
Z V. M.
S. L. & E
;oir; west.
Passenger. . .
. . . . 1:
:4c p. m.
i:oc A. M.
Passenger 4-i p.
Freight 4:001-. m.
All passenger trains make direct con
nection tor St. Louis and all points east
Texas and all points south, Colorado,
California and all points west and north
west. For rates and other information
applv to E, K. Carnes. Agent.
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas J. S. McCraw and Judy A. McCraw
bis wife, by their deed of trust dated May 2!(.
Ian;, and recorded in the recorder's office with
in and for Bates county. Missouri, in book No.
:Hi, page 422, conveved to the unaersigned trus
tee tne ionowing uescnuea real estate lying
ana being situate in tne county or uaiea ami
state of Missouri, to-wit:
All of the north east quarter of the south
west quarter of section twenty-one (21), (ex
cepting Missouri Paciilc railway right of way),
township forty-two (42) ratge thirty-one (31),
which conveyance was made in trust to secare
the pavment of one certain note fully described
in said aeea or trust; ana wnereas, neianii nas
beau made In the payment of the principal and
interest of said note, now long past due and
unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request of the
legal holder of said note, and pursuant to the
conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed
to sell the above described premises at public
vendue, to the highest bidder for cash, at the
east front door of the court house, in the city
of Butler, county of Bates and state of Missou
ri, on
Friday, August 10th, 1888,
between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon
and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for
the purpose of satisfying said debt, interest
and costs. GEO. ii. GI.AZEBROOK,
Sheriff, and acting Trustee.
Trustee's Sale.
tVhereas, Aceph B. Mavee, and Mary L.
Maves, his wife, by their deed of trust, date.1
March S, 1, and recorded in the recorder's
office within and for Bates county, Missouri,
in trust deed book No. 44, page 4.7. conveyed
to the undersigned trustee the following de
scribed real estate lying and being situate in
the county or Bates, and state of Missouri, to-
Ixts h. 9 and lo. in blockNo. twenty-one (21)
in the city of Bockville, Bates county .Missouri,
which convevance was made in trust to secure
the pavment'of a certain note fully described in
said deed of trust; and whereas, default has
been made in the payment of said note now
longpast due and unpaid. Now. therefore, at
the request of the legal holdeT of said note and
IQr9uan. W ine COauuiwus wi ram tir UR
tW ... .1 . I K , nr
I will iroceea o suciwcuwutwu "-
Ues at public vendue, to the highest bi i.fer for
.ih at the east front door of the court bouse,
in the citv of Butler, county of Bates and s-tate
a nmiiif IKS..
X 1 i'Ul , " J ' 7
j ''w.en "
S td..o ci
: fi;-
wtween tne
cn?se c
lees ana cwts.
hour of?, o'clock iu the forenoon . F'",l:t c? that. 19.
in the afternoon ol tnat jiay. lor, ??vJJZ,.fmtirvtmr aiddeet. tntTst
,fsa;isfving said debt, interest, purine of '?, H aIXES.
too larire. It must
prices move it. We
13 SB lo $2 50
HI lo 4 00 i
no to s oo
11 00 to 8 00
10 lo 1 50
16 io 12 50
School Fund Mortgage Sale.
Whereas W. II. .;il!:e, ft and Haiti K. tilb
bens. his wile, bv (heir M-hool lund mortgage,
listed June ;.tli . lJ"i, and recorded in the r-;
corder's office wltiiiu tad for llulea county,
Missouri, in book No. 20. pare 2".., conveyed to
Bates county the followinK ral estate lying
and being situate in the county of Bates and
stateof Missouri, u-wit: A tract or land bo
ginning sixteen rods west of the south east cor
ner or tlie soum west quarter ot me nuno met
quarter or section iweniy-iwo uiwnsuip
fortv (tol ran ire thirtv-one I.IH.runuing thence
wo 1 '--I lownsaip
1 J, runulng t hence
west four roils, thence north ten roas. lueac
; east four rods, thence south ten rods to the
i made to secure the payment of one school fund
' 1 ... ill ikiu) In aalilu-Knnlnnil rWi1 .
I M 1 11 ' t , 1U11JI V. C" II.!.. IU im..i". ... " . -
gage, and whereas default has been made 1
the payment of the principal since the first day '
of May. lsT, and of the interest since the Wh
day of June. li. By the terms of said mort
gage it is provided that shonld default be made
In the nivmrnt of nrincinal or interest or any
part thereof, at the time when It shall become - j
une ana payame. Becoming to ,m wrm mam
effect of said bonds the then acting sheriff ct ;
said county mav without suit on this mortgage
proceed to sell the property herein conveyed
and mortgaged . Now, therefore, in pnrsnane
of an order of the county court made at is
May term, Ik, of said court, I will proceed
to sell the above described premises at pnblie
vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the
east front door of the court house, in the city .
of Butler, county ot Bates, and state of Mis
souri on
Saturday, July 7th, 1S88,
between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoo
- . . X Af.ln.. 1. Ik. ftVHliAn Af t S K t fl V IflT
the purpose of satitying said debt, interest
2s-4t Sheriff of Bates County
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas Seymour McKenzie, by his deed T
trnst. dated August 1. 1W7, and recorded in
the recorder's office within and for Bate cou-
tv, Miseouri. in book So. 4, page 1J. cpavey- j
" . . . . I i M . . . k. fi.HA I n w 4n 1
el xo
wit : The east half of the south west quarter
and the west hair or the west nair or me mw
east quarter of section twenty-two (2J In
township forty (to) of range thirtv (30), coa
ts! n in K 1 acres more or less which conveyance
was made in trnst to secure the payment or
two certain notes, fully dewibed In said de4
of trust: and whereas default has been maae
in tbe payment of one of said notes for Bfteem
hundred dollars and the accmed Interest there
on due February 1. l-sw. which default un
der the terms ol said deed ol trust rendered U
whole debt due aod payable, and which Ja
now long past due ano unpain -,QW . Z . i
lore, at the remet of tne legal bolder !
sai l notes. and pursuant to tiieeonditior.i or saio
, wza ui si . - , " Wat
I ..--JVv,. .m sm f TinYAif TfTl'In tO B4-
deed of trust. I will proceed to sen ne aoova
i cr-.. y r ----- . J
highest bidder for cash, at tbe
of tbe court house. In the city of Butler eouaty n
! of Bates and state or Missouri oa
I Thursday, July 12th, 1S8S,
j a&dcoftt.;
pv m r m. m m 11 m-r w
I . v. f .'.iL in t. foreaoen
i sr.n riiti ia. - .
V .

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