8. R BEACON. HARDWARE AND A FULL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS FARM MACHINERY, TOP BUGGIES SPRING AND FARM WAGONS. Store, Et Side Sqiiaiv?. FRANZ BERNHARDT' Sole agent for the nockforl ami Aurora watcher, in Uohl, Silver ami Fill. .1 Ca-s. very ciia). JEWEL BY STOKE, T.'v.-elrv .. j is heauquarten, tor cue Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c. Spectacles ot all kinds and for all ages; also fine Opera Glasses. You are cordially invited to visit his establishment and examine his splendid display of beautiful goods and the low prices, ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTE! THE TRUTH WELL TOLD. Ingalls in His True Liht. In denouncing Hancock! A cur The Voice of Labor liaised Against i J0g baying at a dead lion! A pal- Harrison ami Morton. troon besmearing the poitrine of a dead knight! A coward clawing the Indianapolis, Ind., June 29. The j corpse of a dead hero! A dastard leaders here of labor organizations i disparaging deeds he dare not eui have almost to a man pronounced I ulate. A craven scourging the bodv against the republican ticket. The of a dead soldier! A jayhawking Labor Signal, organ of the party in j justice sitting in judgment on the Indiana, voices the sentiment, and i hero of Gettysburg! A chattering will say to-morrow: charlatan reviling a chivalric chief! The nomination of Mr. Harrison j A scathless, sculling civilian jibing was a genuine surprise to the organ- j the warrior of many wounds the k.-d wc.:l:i:ig;-;;-n of this state, be- ! soldier of many scars! A political cause their attitude toward that ; ruler spewing his devilized drivel gentleman is wi-li understood, and it upon the grave of a peerless pidaditi. do-- i! t p s;!V tliat a ecu-; A ghoul his jaw dropping the foul vc. .:..(! ot r:,:,.' would conflict ! ness of the tomb his teeth shinim i O with a largo number of voters in an j with the slime of decay his nWers cow-red with corruption of the char nal house such is Ingalls. And as such lie is greeted with applause in Kansas he is hailed with hallelujah and rejoicing. The .iuuai is unKieu ine orass is sounded to express the joy of the Kansas Republican at the show. I lie anthems of Anthony and the pleasings of Legate's lute until the lesser voices and smaller instruments ot doing honor to this exponent of republican ideas this dealer in dead issues and dead men; and thus thev become accessories after this fact partakers in the banquet spread in the crvpt of the past on the coffin ltd of their decency: And since they love dead things the people will de cree that they should be as the thing: they love and like the lepers of oh declare-1 unciean cast out ironi among men permitted not to taint by their presence the air of any hab itatiou. permitted only to dwell amh Anti-Vest Combination. There is no concealing the fact further that Gov. A. P. Morehouse is associated with the Kansas City Times. Dr. Munford, Congressman Burns, John O'Day and John M. Glover, in a scheme to defeat Vest for the United States senate. Those who have watched Morehouse m Boone and Audrian counties espec ially, are satisfied that his nomina tion for governor would be inimical o Senator Vest. The friends of Senator Vest in Cooper county should give the matter their careful attention. Tiohn O'Day is worth a million dollars, is a man of brains, is Tlie mini .a' i; .-!" : . '-" . to Cv In'.b.r. in ii t! at lib Ort h.ur trtiiu' ! .! ii-.-i :. n ttttirni lim'-s in I'.'t ; rif".' ii...; it is budiy a twtlur l-rm flu-ii man n " -quito netting, n.t nu.y i. : c!iKr:ni"5 at bdiif? so li.nlly J a:si feel Llf hi! Uui s not ln-S exactly Aii(ortliu TIsll UUAS 1'" SMi Khii iliMMIirrf Imvl'tln-He'.l I.K NM'. 'I'l'fi I'Tlte: J I wj. J r--" " "I V" i ' ' ' in-., cry ) 'V.i.:ck i: C,.v.-1. v .. tlm i.:iv 1" t.'.iat i " ,.i,'.i'!.i Ci.it w 11 keep ; , ' !i.:;ic.-t f ton.!. It ii i'.OuS l-'il'il MIAMI . ' iKiiii.T idii'-iluir to cvtry hh.t tin; saml. Wit!; tiium ;' : WimS and Wafcrprout :.!-. r v Ki,h nnindiU-h.er." j ri'n. r. If ycur atorekei ; c r anil i.ik extremely doul.tt'ni state by naming a c ' :i' ::'!i;s. The n a' ers of this puper will remember the opposition Mr. Harrison's candidacy for t:- s .' 1 i wo yc;.i"o abo among the labor giii-izations. It fo-md . . ,e-; . i;. ;-cores of reso lutions a topted ly assemblies aiid utiions. !:. ii y of which were rcjb lish.vl i:i the Signal at the time. This paper opposed Mr. Harrison's elec tion to the senate for reasons that would prevent it from supporting Lint now. His public record, in our piugii'.eiit. has not been such us to commend him to the favorable con sun-ration ox the people tim; paper represents. e did an in our power to warn ine republicans m time. Tliat tht-v vli-I not think advice front . -t i -i sucxi a ijuarter wortn needing cuts no Itgure now. but hundreds ol let ters received irom representative workingmen in this and other states iauuis;ug the fjxguals position, and breathintr intense enmity to Mr. Harrison, is convincing proof that our position is correct, at least from the labor standpoint. Organized labor will decide the presidential contest this year, and it is almost solidly arrayed against General Harrison. In our judgment Mr. Harrison's defeat is a foregone conclusion, even it uovernor 1 orter should lend himself to the commonly talked of scheme of running for gov- The Staunch Old Democratic Newspaper, THE MISSOURI Hi Has changed the name of the daily issue to THE St. Louis Seplc, And reduced it subscription rates. OnaTaar, without Sunday 88.00 OneTaar, including Sunday S10.00 The Weekly Republican Ten pages every week. Is the cheapest and best paper in the country. CAMPAIGN KATES. One Tear St From Jane to December 1 40e From July to December 1 SOe From August to December 1 MOc From September to December 1 lc From October to December 1 XOc This is the Top of the Genuine Pearl Top Lamp Chimney. AH others, sirnilararc mutation. This exact Label is on each Pearl TopChimriey. ! A dealer may say and think he has others as good, BUT HE HAS NOT. Insist upon the Exact Label and Top. For Sale Everywhere. Made only by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. wrT22t. 5 1 the tombs mad schemes which thev thought by saciilej'e coribumate." Wichita Beacon. to t$UTfOlQ ClIHfS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Cee in tune, aoia py aruggmm. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my lire. A. li. uowkll, Editor Enquirer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. help the Chicago nominee thivujrh in Indiana. A second source of wealnass to the C'hieajro ticket is Levi P. 5b rt on. tiie Wail street banker. It looks as if Senator Inalis' advice to the Kansas delegation had been carried out to the letter. It is a principle as strousr as written law with Knights of Labor not to aid in the elevation oi' a national banker to any office. The organization is opposed to the national banking system and recog nizes in it the main spring of all monopoly. For a great political party to go into Wall street over which the curses of the farming and producing classes of this nation hov er like an angry cloud to select a candidate tor its national ticket is another thing that astonishes the average workingman and causes him to wonder whether the monopolistic interests of the country have not breseen the inevitable conflict and concluded to force the issue without giving labor further opportunity to organize and inform itself. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the Calilomi Fig Syrup Co., San Fiancir-i-o. Cat., i Nature's Own True Laxative. Tiii picaant California liquid tmit remcdv mai be had ot all leading druiiKists. It is the most pleasant, piompt, and effect ive remedv known to cleanse the svstem to act on the liver, kidnews and bowels ientlv et thorough! v : to dispel bead- and fevers; to cure cousti- Battles With two Names. "Leesburg" is the way the con federate speaks of '-Balls Bluffs." Bull Run is the popular name in the u n th and Manassas in the south. The Union soldier savs "Pittburjr Landing,' the confederate "Shiloh." Murfreesboro is the name in the sunny south for the brttle of Stone River. The rebels fought at Sharpsbuig and the federals at the buttle of Au tietiuu. In the south the battle of South "M aintain is known as the battle of Boonbortuit'h. IVa Ridge is the same its Elk a thorough politician, and he is now i Horn. The former title is known after Vest s scalp, backed by a most ormidaole ring. He would spend a ipiarter of a million to get it. He is already enrarod in nominating candidates for senator in different counties throughout the state who ire opposed to Vest. In Audrian countv, one of Vest's strongholds, the Kansas City Times claims both Vest and Francis were floored. Let our people be cm the alert. A vote for Morehouse is that much power giv en him with which to make ji form- able light on Vest. A vote for Dave Francis is a vote for Vest's personal friend. Boonville Advertiser. nort of Mason A: Dixon's line. The light known as "Chickahomi ny " to the federal troops was, it is said, -Cold Harbor" to the ivluK Our Candidate fcr President. He will be nominated by the conven tion and elected by the people, because he will cotr.e the nearer to tilling their idea! of a Chiet Magistrate. Electric Hitter-- has been given the highest place, because no bther medicine has so well tilled the ideal of a perfect tonic and al terative The people have indorsed Klec tric Hitters and rely upon this great rem edy in all troubles ot Liver, Stomach and Kidney;-. For ail Malaria! Fever.- and diseases caused bv Malarial l'oisons, Electric Hitters can not be too highly recommended. Also cures Headache and Constipation. Satisfaction guaran teed, or money refunded, ih ice sc, and $l at WalU & Holt. The Druggist.-. Rheumatism and Neuralgia cured in i u 3 cavs for 7$ cent?. b Detchon'f 'M vtic Cure." Do not Miner and waste money on other remedies. This abo lutely never tails. Sold by V. J. 1..ANS-1KAVN-, Druggi-t, Hutler, Mo. "i-0m. A nitiat Diaggeil In the Sea. 15 jston.July ,". The balloon w hich ascended from the Common at t o'clock last night descended in the harbor oil' Point Shirley. The occu pants were submerged and for threo miles or mcne wi re dragged through the water tit a rapid rate by the bal loon, which was impelled by a strong gale-. They wt re sighted by the steam yacht Rose G., which after a chase succeeded in overhauling and rescuing the balloonist. The escape from death was miraculous. ache; pation, indigestion, an. No. 7.-6m. colu- ,n ninc.rei d ills PISO CLEVELAND Of either pattern shown above will be ent. Footage Free, to every new inb eriber tor a period ot threo month or longer. PTSample Copies free to any addreafc ADDRESS, THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis, Mo. ALESMEN WAMTED! ty tt? putost. larsost nd best known Nnrjeries inthoWixt. IV-iaanpntpositions: cod;viv. CSSTAEK HURSERiESVSS- The best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cure for Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c CURES WHEBE All E1SE FA11S. BMt Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use to time. oia dt aragsists. HI i:l rnrr-fcif f,Ie iflma . tcuu las. Liver-Moles. Pim ples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and Tan. A few applications viil render the most stubbornly red skin 6oft. emooth and white. Viola Cream is not a paint or powder to cover defects, but a remedy to cure. It is superior to all other preparations, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At drug gists or mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by G. C. BITTNER & CO., TOLIDO, OHIO. SOLD BY J. EVERINGHAM English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, sofj or calloused lumps and blem ishes trom horses, olood spavin, curb, splints, sweeney, stifles, spiains, roreand swollen throat, coughs, etc. bave httv dollars b use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold bv V. J. Lansdown, Druggist, But ler, Mo. ii-i yr A Contederate Soldiers' Home Opening. Baltimore, June 28. The Pikes- ville arsenal has been transformed into the confederate soldiers' home. The formal opening of the home took place yesterday. The stand was dec orated with the national colors and portraits of Jefferson Davis. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Ad dresses were made by United States senators Wade Hampton, of South Carolina, Vance, of North Carolina. Daniel, of Virginia, Blackburn and Back, of Kentucky and Vest, of Mis souri and ex-governor Proctor Knott of Kentucky. A mortgage, says ami agricultural exchange, is a strange institution. It makes :t man rust)-. . mid keeps him poor. It is a strange incentive to ac tion and a wholesale reminder of the fleeting months and years. A mortgage represents industry, be cause it is like a bosom friend, great er the adverity the closer it sticks to a fellow. It is like a soldier, it nev er hesitates tit charging nor fears to close on the enemy. It is like the sandbag of the thug, silent in its tip plication but deadly in its eft'ect. Like the very hand of providence, it is spread over creation, and its in fluence is everywhere visible. It is like a grab by the devil fish, the longer it holds the greater the strength. It will exercise feeling and energy and lend activity to the sluggish brain. No matter how hard debtors work, the mortrare works harder still. It makes a fel low sour, cross, selfish, unsociable and miserable, and really does him no good, only to exercise him. Al.kir-t a Monologue. 'How do you like my new dress?'' inquired Mrs. DeJaisoii of her hus band. "Isn't it a little '' "No, it itsn't. Now, Alfred, I think you're junt horrid. Its the new color, emerald green." "Yes, dear, but I was only going to say " "Oh, I know'. Thai it isn't the col- Ailtictcd With r..i!s. l'lingle. Ga., April J.", 1M. Swift's Specific Co.. Atlanta. Ga. Gentlemen: Allow me to say that S. S. S. has proved to be as good as it is recommended to be. About six years ago I was alHicted wMh boils. They began in lYbsu.iry and contin ued until fill!. My body was cover ed with the corrupted matter. I used S. S. S. and can safeiv sav tint I have not had a single boii since. S. S. S. will always do the work. You can use this certificate for thd good it may do others. ii i 1 1 . Pringle. 'Washington Waco, Ti ;is M i v ( Jentlenie;:: The v, if. ! von would think it ! customers was t -i i il'- .'.!! V. Ga if it was that Reducing: the Surplus. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms Moisture intense itching and stinging; most at night: worse bv scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors torm, which otten bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Sw.wses Ointment stops the itching and bleed The disposition ot the Surplus in the U. S. Treasury engages the attention of our Statesmen, but a more vital question has our attention, and that is the reduc tion of the Surplus Consumptives. Since the discovery and introduction of Dr King's New discovery for Consumption, there has been a marked decrease in the mortality from this dreaded ditease, and it is possible to still further reduce the number ot Consumptives. How? By keeping constantly at hand a bottle ot Dr. King's Nsw Discovery and using ac cording to directions, upon the appear ance ot the hrst symptoms, such as Cough, a Cold, a Sore Throat, a Chest, or Side Pain TaKen thus earlv a cure is guaranteed. Trial bottles tree at WALLS & HOLT, The Druggists. or I ought to wear horrid Miss lovely." "But I didn't mean "' "Yes, you did, too. You're mean eno'.tgh for anything. And you've never noticed my new chip hat, ( ith .. i Why my love, I thought "You thought! Of course you did that it makes me look frightful. I I )sob, sob) declare it's too b a-d!" "If you'd only let me apeak " "Speak". Why, what else have you one for the last half hour just to find fault, too, with everything I had on! What's that: A diamond for my mtliday present? Oh, you dear, precious old sweet! Why, didn't you say so, and not tease me so? I could not imagine what you wanted to say." Detroit Free Press. Their Business Booming. Probablr no one thine has caused such a general revival ot trade at Way.s4: Holt, the Druggists, as their giving away to their customers ot so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery tor Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very vaiuaoie aru-n-trom the fact that it always cures and never disappoints Coughs, Colas, .tn ma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lang diseases quickly cured. You can test it betore buying by getting a trial bottle tree, large size $i. Everv bottle warranted. o'.e of my 1 with ;;- disease. .dy. She 'or several an 1 could The republican papers are unearth ing everything pertaining to the campaign in which the grandfather of Benjamin Harrison was the can tral figure, and campaign badges o that period are already beirig hawk ed about. The man who hopes to be successful on the career of a suc ccsfnl sn-andfather has a micrhtT o v tviAr show against a man who ha ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases tb?penJed upon his merits from the u ,;t hmnts rr .Smuvn iimi he was a babe m amis. Setla- a terrible Io.tthsj..,e that covered her vh .! 1 was confined to her bed i years bv this alHiction. not sleep from a violent itching and stinging of the skin. Ti e diseiust baf.l.-.l the ski'l of the physicians who treate 1 it. Her husband bigaii filially giving his wife Swift s Sie ciiie, and she commenced to improve almo-t immediately, an 1 in a few weeks she was apparently . ( !!. She is now a Leaity. line ioor.n.g lady, with no trace of the affliction left. Yours truly, J. K. Se ik, Wholesale Druggist. Austin Avenue. Treatise em blood and skit, diseases mailed free. iiie own i ric-iii- vo . irawt-r , Atlanta, Ga. The Great Democratic Kpisramisti. New York, July 5. Henry Wat- terson addressed the Harlem demo cratic club last night. He called the republican platform "the last chap ter in the gospel of Mammon; sanl iha ronnldicftii nartv was managed fcAiV I' " J. W John Bull often makes ridiculous blunders when treating of American history. So well an informed paper as the London Spectator said recent ly: "John Brown inspired belief in his genuine sincerity, but nobodj reproached the Confederate govern ment with fending him to prison and hanging him afterward." Wealth has det-troyed a fountain of humor. Mark Twain having mar ried and accumulated wealth tow writes but little. by the "old firm of Obstruction, De- j Drunkenness or tae Liquor 1 Ktmrtion. Misconstruction k Co.," 1 Pos tiveU Curea by adm r.is; Wealth in the United State u in crea.siiig i-ry rapidly. Its wealth is now estimated to be about six tiiaes what it was m 150. HlBit er.tf and characterized the record of the Dr. Haines' G.ldeu Spclfe. i . ti-i. o,i.l I can be ehen in a cup ot rotsee or tea party as "u somewhat thick nl . J..' the trreasv volume which records the le- jrg j.. 4 ab-:ure:y harm'.- ar.i UI cline and fall of the professional, who enect ..xvvn.h. nvd hllvdln cloTr: ! ncl1 ' ' . .. .. er or an Whenbedied, he airt ail oer i. ..v,,. hit ktn rri trr.rxfl ( enect a perrr.arent and ply cure. ! whether the p.icr.: i t.orat drios ! er or an a.cohoitc wree. i :.o-A-d fel Er.g'iibh Spavn Liniment remove- a. I j their cme i:ho-t t'.eir kr.-. lede, a4 2rH. Sort, or Calloused Lumjv. and . yr, ther out! Cr-.r '. tA their Blemishes from horses, Blood P31.'0-j 0n :re. !t'ner r.e yJ Curb, Splint. Sweeney, Stir.es, tern or.c impregnated -' ' e svto Sore and Swollen Throat, Con!-., Etc- teCuT;.c. a3 .f.er irr;-i t r th iff. Kv iis- ot one t-o't e. i arrant. -a hv W. 1- L-Wsiiowv. I'ru-,'- ; s-nr. liquor appetite Race - C: -i' :-cit- it :t tv -a i. J cu., ls giist, Butler, Mo. i vr. Philadelphia. ilia Bazoo-