Newspaper Page Text
! MONEY BATES COUNTY TO THE FRONT LAND. BATES COUNTY LOAN and LAND CO., IAS. K. BRUGLER & SOX, MANAGERS, Butler Mo. This Company invests money in real estate, buy, notes and School Bonds, and deals in all kinds ot good seuuriteis. FINE IMPROVED FARMS Ur 40 to 640 acres each, and good glazing lands from 400, to 1,500 acres in a body for sale or exchange. LOCAL. ITEMS. CAMPAIGN OriER. In order to Lave the Times read by as many people in the county as possible during .the campaign, we have concluded to offer it from now until after the election for 25 cents cash less than one-half of the regu lar price. All old subscribers can take advantage of this oiler by pay ing up back dues. A man named Hayes stole a horse from a Bourbon county, Kan., farm er one day last week, and was traced to Nevada. This is probably tne same fellow who stole the presidency from Samuel J. TikTen in 187G. Nevada Noticer. Misses Mary and Ida Kennett, to gether with Mrs. D. W. Snyder ami Miss Nannie Bailey, arrived from Butler last night and are the guests of "Win. Aurand and family. The Misses Kennett will leave this even ing for Jefferson City. Her Assessment Raised in Full and She Will le Admitted Into the South west Missouri Immigration Society. Jas. K. Brugler, President of Im migration society of Bates county, called a meeting of the young men of Butler at his office on Friday evening, for the purpase of taking steps to raise Bates county's assess ment by the Southwest Immigration Society. The following young busi ness men of Butler weie present: J- M. Tucker, Don Kinney, C. A. Em merson, Elmer Kipp, A. E. Blaeh art, E. S. Carrithers, L. A. Weil, W. E. McElree, Dr. J. It. Boyd, G. P. Wyatt, Geo. Weaver, Peter Lane and Chas Pharis. On motion C. A. Emmerson was elected chairman, J. M. Tucker, sec retary. The following soliciting committee was appointed: W. T. Duvall, Don Kinney and Geo. Canterbury. This committee of active young men went to work and on Saturday raised upwards of two hundred and fifty dollars. It is an old but trite saying that "old men for council, young men for war," and the promptness with which these young gentlemen ac complished this work is but another instance of its truthfulness. We are glad to commend these youug gen tlemen in accomplishing a work which the older ones tried several times and failed. On Monday the committee went to Rich Hill. The following is a complete list of the parties in Butler who donated to this laudable enterprise: Harmonious Clippings. Hot, hotter, hottest: Oh, for a cool breeze, is the cry of most peo ple just now. Oats harvest is the order of the day. The bugs are putting in their work pretty well the last few days ripening the oats and are doing con siderable damage in pieces of corn. We suppose every one had a good time the -1th, our section was pretty well represented. We are glad to see Lewis Decker in our midst again, but very sorry to hear of his misfortune in getting his finger broken. Mr. Andrew Henson and family, of western Kansas, are visiting relatives and friends in this township. Rev. Randall preached an interest ing sermon at Harmony scuool house on -July 1st, left an appoint ment for the same place the 1st Sunday in August. The health is generally good, so far as we know. The time for blackberries is here and who will tell us where to find a cood liatch. Wonder what made Elmer and George in such a hurry last Sunday eve? You Know. GROVER CLEVELAND HAS A BOY As all presidents usually do, to dig fish worms and carry the corkscrews when the president goes fishing. Now this little piece of history is all good enough hut like all history, it is rather 'try, so we will tell you somethinir that will interest von hot ter ali i 11 is tins. We carry the ime f mixo paints mi the county. These paints are put up hy the Wes tern rain! an I Oil t. . :uw ewrv ral!' fully warranted. Pittsburg, July 0. Shortly before daylight this morning tho remains of Joseph Rapp, of Allegheny City, were found in St. Mary's cemetery, b tho side of his wife's grave. A bullet hole through his head and a revolver lying near the body told the story of suicide. R. J. Stark, of Butler, who was in Pleasanton a day or two this week, has a son 14 years of age, who is the youngest county official in the state of Missouri. Tho young man is deputy county clerk of Bates coun ty, and persons who know him state that his work is a model of neatness and accuracy and would be a credit to many older and more experienced public servants. Pleasanton Herald. V. J. Tyjwrrt. $-'.", Ou T I. Harpvr. W alton & 1 ucker Jewett & Ilick- liivestni't Co. 15 no man, Walton. Jenkins KWtilil'o., ami Kinney, 10 ( .loe T Smith, .1. K ltrujtler, l.'i tM l.unbeck A Juhn Uctinrtt, Wheeler stun, A Co . 1". K J W !a.i'er, U.K. Deacon, li m c; Glazebrook , Snm'l Lew & Co. H Clias lenuev, P. C. Fulktrson, Hi v .K.lm H 1'yle, IK; Wyatt &Son, It) M Jno T Smith, K I Ilenrv, 10 (Ki John Steele, KUiott I'y'U, 1 (10 lieo W Weaver. .) M Iloaglaiifl, 5 ik) John Knlres, lelker & Catron. .. tut i, t smith. 5 ii F Carpenter, ! 00 l'eter Lane, r. 00 C K I'haris, "1 00 Lewis I Tollman , 5 (Ki ti 1 Arnold, r (Hi )ear Heeiler, W II Warnnek, . m J J. l.uilwiek, 5 ( John I'haris, ft (x) John Lyle, S 00 tieo Sears, 3 0 J S Francisco, .'id Max Weiner. Butler Times, A 1. liaUKley. 1 A le Armond, A L Mc Bride. W ! Duval 1. E S Carrithers A Co. . J M McKibbun, Rti West, J W McVeiKh, Geo L Smith, McFarlanil Bros, G. M. Canterbury and W. F. Du val two energetic young men of But ler, came in at noon to-day, in the in terest of the Southwest Missouri Immigration Society Now we don't aspire to he pros dent of tho U. S. or even second porter in a eouuiiv hotel, hut wc do want to sell paint. o to make a sine tiunu: ot it we wm oiler it at tne tollowniy: prices: Our best paint that costs you Sl.aO everywhere else we will sell for ; and the Iron Clad of this ijrade we 2 will sell for $1,00 "J 50 I We also offer a second glade paint that usually sells for $1,00 for 7,V:. We beat the world on paint except Johnstown and a line parts of central Africa and keep pure Linseed oil for sale to boot. II. C. Wyatt & Son. HO j so J Tr ) .VI J .") i :o 1 50 (X) Ml !! 00 I IK) 1 0O 1 00 1 ) 1 00 t 0O I (Ml 1 (XI 1 00 The Fourth in Butler. The grand celebration in this city on the 4th, was all that could be ex pected, and the boys belonging to the flambeau club, who took the mat ter in charge and managed it to such perfect success deserve the greater part of the credit. It was the largest concourse of people ever present at a similar oc casion held in this city. The trades display by our busi ness men. was highly appreciated and their enterprise was very com rnendable. The burlesque aud amusement part of the programme conducted by Dr. Ely, was very en- ertaining and laughable and called forth much praise for his thought- fulness and wit. The burlesque on he county jail, waterworks and lire' lepartmeut were exceptionally good and were loudly cheered as they pass ed around the street in the parade. Badgley Bros, tloat representing their grocery business was very nice and commendable, showing a full line of everything kept in a grocery, with beautiful flowers and a stuffed mant to show ott the -roods. I o o Jewett fc Hickman's display of wall paper was magmnccnt, and showed that this firm are not behind the times in all the varied styles of wall paper and decorations. The blacksmith shop of Vantrees & Vantrees, was one of the best floats in the parade. These gentle men had a blacksmith shop on wheels and were making the sparks fly from the forge, in front of the wagon stood a horse and while one riled the shoes the other nailed them on. It was a splendid exhibi tion of their uusiness. Jack Gipson, the Star blacksmith, was also in the procession blowing bellows and making the s-.paiks fly. Its a cold day when Jack gets lelt, and when it comes to iirst-class blacksmithing he is hard to beat. T. W. Legg, the buggy and car- manufacturer in iron block, had a nice diaplay of his work, which represented the old inferior to the Stephens College, For Young Ladies. Columbia, Mo., UEV. T. W. BARRETT, A. M. . President. W POPE YEAJtAS T ' President Board orcttniiL B A broad au J liberal course of study; superior advantages in Music. Art Elocution veeping, Stenocrraphy and Type Writing: an experienced faculty educated in thebett iSJr Europe and America. Rooms nicely furnished; lighted with gas and heated with fa? K Europ' Careful supervision in home." Send for Catalogue. T. W. BARRETT, HOFFMMS NOVELTY as I" HEADQUARTERS FOR THE FINEST CANDY IN TOVR, fresh every week. The BEST LEMONADE AMD MILKSHAKE The nicest and cheapest STATIONERY 4 TOILET ARTICLES GLASSWARE, TINWARE, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, BASKETS AND NOVELTIES. I am selling at juices that will astonish you. Call and see me. ' OUR MOTTO IS We are found to please you if we never lay up a cent. LEWIS HOFFMAN EAST SIEE SQUARE. najre Marshal, Mo., July 3. Sam Rog ers a farmer, living fifteen miles northwest of this city, met with an accident yesterday ,which may prove fatal. While working with a self binder in a wheat field, his arm was broken in two places and the needle pierced his hand; it being about twenty minutes before he was extri cated from the machine. The shock, it is feared, will prove fatal. W. C. Boutzong & Sou, publishers of the Hume Chronicle, have pur chased the Foster News and will Butler hav- consolidate the two papers under the iug raised 233 and Adrian $100, an head of the Foster News, and en appeal was made to our citizen to lavSe tlie sauie to a seven column help to raise the necessary funds to paper. Messrs. Ttoutzong k Son are secure membership to the association ood newspaper men and reliably The Farmers' & Manufacturers" Bank democratic, and have changed the leading the subscription list with politics of the News to conform to 25, and the young men, with Mr. their political belief. Foster News, Moore and other gentlemen, are tak- we welcome you back into the grand ing in our prominent business men old democratic party, and may you and no doubt the reouired amount live lonsr and nourish will be raised before the going down oi the sun. Keview Bead the Times from now after the election. until J. K. Brugler & Son have a large list of fine improved farms tor sale cheap and on easy terms. i6tf The following problem has been inicted upon the public, and it never fails to do just what is claimed for it. Try it and you will find it true: "Put down in figures the year in which you were bora, to this add 4, then add your age at the next birthday provided it comes before Jan. 1 otherwise your age at last birthday multiply the result by 1,000 from this deduct 677,423, substitute for the figures corresponding letters j of the alphabet, as A. for 1, B. for 2, j C. for 3, D for 4, &c. The result The Thnrman Clnb The democratic boys of this place have organized a Thurman club and are out almost every evening drill ing. Harvey Clark, son of J. C Judge C. F. Boxley is a candidate Clark who has just returned from for Prosecuting Attorney. His an- j entworth military school at Lex nouncement will appear next week. I ington, is captain of the company He comes out in the following card '"a the drilling he is putting the to the people: I hoys through would do credit to an Dear Sir : This card is presented tou I older head. The club has an enroll by a citizen of vour county, who has been ment of sixt and enthusias in democratic harness for more than ti I J . ..... T lx im i -ii j years. I nave no means ot vistting each, 1 uc laey are arineu wirn torcnes personally, witrtout nueing my convey- 1 onA mrf nf l,on,0 ance, which I cannot attord to do. I I 1 . , theretore take this method ot' acquainting lias arrived. They have secured a you with the fact of my candidacy, that room jn the opera house which they my interests may not be overlooked bv 1 7 . , J my friends, and that mv merits and I Will mate tneir Headquarters. The claims may be fully and fairly canvassed following are officers: Harvey Clark, if rnnnirtinn with m v wrtrtnir rrrrtnrfc I 7 r shall, under the circumstances sur-1 Captain, Sam Canterbury. Lieuten rounding my case, at this time, leel Un Allon TTnW A T, T.n.WV H T. dered me in mv canvas., pledging mv I -mcraiuuiu, . x. atuuiu, ur. vt word ot honor, it nominated and elected, Canterhnrv and Clms Mi'ddlotnr, duties of my office, to the best ot my ability. Respectfully Yours. Calvin F. Boxley. servants. T i uranuoia nase an oiu ana re spected lady of this city died Satur day at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Sherman, in the east part of Dyspepsia r.o-., i, !:.. , I oi . i j t t. Wlll mva thi natilA riT m- I m . . I - A A I - ' e, ' """" UrWa o. nftan Mo. to c.If.l 11 ai-e nmmUlT 1-1,0." I .111 7 . ! T Ule'aau uer ueam was not a uprise sk j Duuruuu. tieiuuww no rHieuT ti,. t , , - . - , - i iuuciui was conuucieu Jion- i lur uyspepsia mure successiiu man new substantial Butler carriage works. 11. C. Diekinsheets, our northside confectioner, h;id his business well -i t i represeiiieu ami made a nice ilispniy. Geo. Vv'. V,'eaver, ilm liiusic dealer had a large wagon and displayed his music business to perfection. L. S. 1'addock, liu butcher, bur lesqued the butcher business to per fection. II. C. Wyatt & Son were not 'De- hind in the trrand procession and their lumber yard showed to good advantage. Of course Bridgeford and Drum- mond the painters were on hand like a thousand of brick, to put in line the great art of painting aud deco rating. The days programme was fully earned out, with the exception of the orator of the day,Col. J. R. Clay- bourne, who failed to appeal for rea sons known only tc himself. The fire works at night were very fine, and hundreds of country people remain ed to witness the grand illumination which did credit to the flambeau club. J. K. Brugler & Son want all the school bonds they can get. Plen y ot money at the lowest rates. 34tf OF INTEREST m to 5 1 THE LADIES 1 We should have told you ten days ago about our lot of new and hand some Ladies' Rockers that we were expecting. We think we have made a o o particularly happv j Stick a Pin ! hit in Low Priced j In Here ANTIQUE rockers O O for this sea son. They are the very latest in styles and finish, and while they are cheap o O enough for poor j Read This J people to buy, j Twice I they are worthy of O O a place in the most elegant home. We have also a lot beau- o O t i f u 1 Leather and btop here plush The many remarkable cures Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes are suffi cient proof that it does possess pe culiar curative powers. For Sale at a Itarsraiii. The best 100 acre farm in Bates County, 5 miles from Butler, 85 acre's in cultivation, 40 acres timothy meadow, 25 acres blue grass, pasture with cotton wood grove, 10 acres or chard, yard, lots, etc. This farm is enclosed and subdivided into 7 apart ments with good .substantial hedge, rail and stone fencing. Farm dwel ling, 10 rooms, nicely painted. Large frame barn and other out buildings. Thrifty bearing orchard of variety of fruits Fine lot of shade trees and shrubbery in front yard: abundance of water for all purposes. Has both school house and church within a quarter of a mile; 20 or 40 acres of timber with farm if desired. Must be seen to lie appreciated. Also other farms of 40 to 100 acres for sale, varying in qualit' and price. With a reasonable payment down we can give long time at a low rate of interest on deferred payments. Walton & Tucker Investment Co., 29-tf Butler, Mo. IIi.rh (Jradeil Hulls f.u- Sale. Ih ave a number of fine, yeuug, high graded bulls which I will sell a: very reasonable price. Terms to suit purchaser. J. M. Hoaglasd; Nyhart, Mo. $0m iff ohk!.tJa ' f ROYAL XJ fftl chairs that are O- -O not sel- Three Young: Short-Horn Balls, j Hood's Sarsaparilla. It acts gently, One two-year-old and 2 yearlings ! ?fc a?d tones the .w.,. t t -. , ! stomacn ana otner organs, removes '7.ttU U1 bUP 41111 J- the faint feeling, creates a good ap- w vvucnj iu, ami icauy ioz uusi- ? petite, cures neadache, and refreshes uess. ill sell or trade for mule or i the burdened mind. Give Hoods mare colts. J. H. Allison. Sarsaparilla a fair trial. It will do 32tf 2 miles southwest Butler, Mo. I J0U sood ' day by Rev. W. A. Walker. I - O- O. F. All members of Butler Encamp ment Xo. T( I. O. O. F., are request ed to attend the next regular meet ing on Thursday July 12th, work in the R. P. degree. Bv order of the C. P. ling fast enough to suit us and we j propose to mike things go regard less of cost, o o e can not afford j Don't Pass j to car ry goods I This that are 6 and this goods ! hard to sell O- will be your only chance to buy this kind of rocker of the O. II. 1. 5. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When BtJbr va Hck, we ge her CaatorU. When (he wm Child, she cried for Caatori, When the became Hisc, she clung to CMtori. When the had Children, she gare them CaatorU. mm Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvelorpcM strength an.i wholsomeness. More ttuoom than the ordinary kinds, ami cannot be soMlt comretition with the moltltade of iitw "1 short weight almn or phosphate powders. W only in cans. KotalBabiso PowpsaCo., Wallet.. S. T.: 8t Yonr HoiLe on Fire. Not the house of wood, or brick, or stone, in which you live, but your bodily tenement may be in , terrible danger from smouldering fire which you make no effort to quench. The great danger from impure blood is that it debilitates the system and the digestive organs grow weak and in active. Hood's Sarsaparilla com bines the kidney and liver invigora tors, with the best alteratives and tonics, all from a vegetable kingdom, carefully and understandingly pre pared in a concentrated form. It purifies, vitalizes "and enriches the blood, and tones up the system, giv ing the whole body vitality, and ef fectively guarding it against the at tacks of disease. Flambeau Club. That's all true enough about the Flambeau Club proposing to give the grandest display of fire works ever seen in Southwest Missouri, the evening of the 4th; but if they blow this town into atoms Pharis & Son will rise up out of the ruins and pay the people more for their produce than anybody else, and continue to jo o w jo -3 a w o o w mt 0 53 PI r Ui H PI a 33 O m r o Jd1 JO 0 : 4 Q. ' 0 for ns. AtnUpTefenea"" ind e in" . .. v n v ... : , . k n.nvali SWT uiuc w iuc vuaujcH. . . profitably em ploy en alto. ai'.T towns and cities. B. V. Johcson -J farnun their own uonee aoa pe fiATPQrrcV Wan uxi.AJAJW-iAA-ii.v p-rnunBlJ pyTTI- Any determined yZ ceed with us. Peculiar edTantages ner?. stock complete, mcittoiD?. lamr . . . V.m. f k 1. TllIH). sen gooas on tne smallest possible i brows beotukes CHICAGO, 1