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litte She VOL. X. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JULY 18. 1888. NO. 84 V PEP SPRAGUE . TITLE ABSTRACTORS, COMPLETE AND RELIABLE ABSTACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate security on long or short time. Office first door south ot Bates Co. National Bank. BUTLER, MO. LOOK HERE. It you want to save money get. LEE -:- CULVER to do jour PAPERING, CALSOMINING, PLASTERING, AND CISTERN WORK. Satisfaction Riven or no charges made. Office at Jewett & Hicicman's ' Furniture Store. . WITH A PRAYER. WAGES. George 31. Kider Ih'es on the Gallowa For u Cosvanilv Minder. How Does Protection Protect Workmen- W. E. TUCKER, DEMTIteT, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. MASONIC. Butler Lodge, No. 254, meets the first Saturday In each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, No. 6, meets second Thursday in each month. Gouley Commandery Knights lemplar meets the first Tuesday in each month. I.O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon day night. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the and and 4th Wednesdays in each month Lawyers. ,T. H. CROCKET T ATTORNEY AT LAW. L. Ofhce North Side Square, over A MeB ride's store. T W. BADGER J LAWYER. - , Will practice in all courts. All legal business sMotlT attended to. Office ver Bates Co. Na tlonal Bank. Butler. Mo. Marshall, Mo., July 13. At 12:30 p. m. the answer to a telegram sent by George M. Rider's attorney to Governor Morehouse, asking for thirty days' respite, was received, stating that the governor refused to interfere. Immediately upon the receipt of the telegram Rev. Dr. Sharp held religious services with Rider in the jail, lasting about half an hour. Durintr the services Rider stood perfectly erect and motionless, holding a bunch of flowers presented by Miss Mamie Elliott. At 1:06 he ascended the scaffold perfectly composed, not a tremor visible. Sheriff Elliott asked him if he had anything to say and he re plied that the statement previously made to the reporters was the truth and that he had nothing. He shook hands with Deputy Ayers and said: "May God bless you all, may God be with you." He was escorted to the scaffold by Sheriff Elliott and Deputy Ayers. Outside of the jail yard was an eager. curious throng, but inside no one was present except the officers named, Drs. Bell and Davis, Dr. Cabell of Carrolltou, the reporters and guards. He was not bound until reaching the scaffold, when his arms were pinion ed. While this was being done he re marked that "it was a great thing for a man to go off with a clean heart." At 1:09 the noose was adjusted. Sheriff Elliott said, "Does that feel all right.'" "That is comfortable," was the answer. A minute later the cap was adjust ed and Rider handed Officer Young the flowers with the request that they be put on his coffin, and bowing his head, said: "May God keep me and have mercy." At 1:11 the trap was sprung and Dixon, 111., July 8. Every state ment on the enclosed card can be sustained bv excellent authoritv. government d K-uments iti nearly ev- fcjy inst ttict . It can le relied upon &sccur.te: WAOg iAiD fOK WKAVING FIFTY-EIGHT ':, YARDS' COTTON CLOTH. "sBsBBBlsaBr I BREAK UVJ 9 111 'tGLAXD. Ashte-r. Blackburn, Stockport. Hyde. Average. Cents. 24. 4.-..U5 2:.. AVS8 AMERICA. Cents. Rhode Island, 16.W1 rrovideuce, 17. 2C Fall River, 1U.1W Lowell, la.nt -24.00 Average. 18. tO Mule spirxerg jn English cotton mills are paic$i.57 per day; in New York, $1.42: n Nw Jersey. $1.40; in Massachusetg, $1.25; in Ver mont, $1.20. Wool-sorters uTEugland are paid $1.20 per day; in iorth Carolina, $1 per day; in New Jvxsey they get only 80 cents per da. Wages in cents paid for weaving one pound cotton cloth, Fall River, 6,907; Lowell, 6.882; Vrovidence, 6.44; England, 6.962. How is the laborer protected when Italians and Hungarian come in duty free? Why is it that wages in protected industries in Illinois decreased from 5 to 35 per cent from 1880 to 1886? Why is it that wages in unprotected industries in Illinois increased from 10 to 45 per cent in the same pen- odt Why did Ohio woolen mills, in 1S80, pay operators only $196 per year while Connecticut mills paid theirs 55335? Why isn't Connecticut protected 1 against "the pauper labor of Uhio'r W. D. Barge. Our stock of Summer CLOTHING is much too lare. It must be sold, and we have determined to make the prices move it. We will sell these goods much below their real value. You will be surprised at the amount you can buy for so little money. We can and will save you big money. Below find partial price list: ARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNS S AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans down's Drug Store. HOLCOMBaSHlTH BUTLER, MO. Office front room over Bates County National Bans. ATTORNEY e LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer son City. J"-Ofpice North Side Square, over A. L. Mc Bride s. Vtt ii ii ii ti ii ii ii ii Men's Cottonade Suits Reduced from $3 50 to $2 50 Satinet Cassimere All Wool Casimere Ml Wool Black Worsted, " All Wooll Casimere IS 50 to 1? 50 These are genuine cuts and at the prices are dirt cheap. Don't fail to see these goods before buying. Our stock of Boys and Childrens Clothing will also be sold regardless of profits. We must get rid of them. These prices are for cash only. AMERICAN CLOTHING HOUSE. 5 50 to HO to II 00 to 10 to 4 00 6 00 8 00 7 50 A L. RICE, M. D. Physician and THE DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN. . Surpmn. BUTLER. MISSOURI. Ul- fice tf t side square over Graves' har ness shoo. Gorman and Barnuiu Consulting With President Cleveland. i he bodv shot throuerh a distance of PARKINSON tiRAVts, . - eight feet. At 1:23 he was pro nounced dead and cut down. Rider and Ramsey P. Tallent were neighbors in the bottom, four or five miles east of Miami. On July 23, 1886, Rider went to Miami on busi ness. During his absence his wife went to Tallent's and had Tallent i i i ii. i ".ar TW. SILVERS, m6 ner across uie river ra u tstuu. I Whan "Rider rot.iirnAd Via Kt.arf.Ad to look for his wife and sent a young man. to Tallent's to see if she was there. Rider aimed himself with a shot gun and went to Tallent's himself, and finding the latter not at home, started north on a path leading to the river. A short distance from the house he met Tallent and there killed him. Rider claimed on the trial that he asked Tallent where Mrs. Rider was, whereupon Tallent cursed him, said she was where Rider couldn't find her and attacked him with an axe, when he, Rider, shot him. The prosecution presented strong circumstantial evidence to show that Rider hid behind a tree and shot Tallent as he was going along the path. TC. BOULWARE, Physician and . , , ,0 . . Surgeon. Office north'side square. der was boru March l8 m i Saline county. He entered the con J federate army, was captured and kept DORIK & PIERCE BARBERS, (in prison at Springfield for six Shop on North Side Square. We j months. He enlisted from prison in give special attention to Ladies and the union army, where he fought to Children's hair cutting. We keep : the close, achieving a reputation for the best of Barbers, also grind seis- daring aud recklessness. Washington, D. C, July 11. Sen ator Gorman aud Wm. H. Barnum had a talk with President Cleveland j to-day on tne subject or selecting a chairman of the executive committee J. K.Uiuglar wants more appli cations tor first-class loans. 7 per cent, interest and commissions. 4-tt Bridge Letting. Pursuant to as order made by the county court or Hates countv, Missouri, and to me directed for the construction of a combination bridge across Mormon Fork on the section line between sections and -".1 of township 43. of the national democratic commit- range SI. Super and substructures to be of I will proceed to let the above described at ipuuuc- wuirrv to tne lowest umuer, t tuc front door of the court house in the city of Bat- , 1 ler, county of Bates and state of Missouri, on unaertane to nu tne piace, aaa oena- Thursdav. Jnlv 26. 1888. absolutely between the hours of o'elock in the forenoon i: I ana 5 o'clock in the aneraoon ottnat aay. ah l ime Table Pacific It ( Lkxington & Southern Branch.) ! Commencing Sunday, May 13th, and until turther notice, trains will leave Butler as follows: GOING NORTH. Kansas City Express Kansas City Express. . . . Local Freight GOING SOUTH. Texas Express H:33 r- M- Texas Express 9:40 P.M. Local Freight 2:31 r. m. S. L. tc E. DIVISION. GOING WEST. ..4:45 A. M. ..4: 50 P. M. . 10:30 A. M. ..12:40 P. M ' . S : OG A.M. bids subject to approval of the court. Plans and specifications now on file at mv office. 33-3t Bridge Commissioner. Bates County. Mo. Trustee's Sale. Whereas Jacob Scott, by bis deed o i trmat, dated May 96, 1883, and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates conn- J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SORGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max Weiner's, rV t f ; 19-iy, Mo. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOBUrATHIU PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, " Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to female diseases. tor Gorman has also declined. Several names were cussed, among them that of William A. Wallace of Pennsylvania. Mr. Wallace spends much of his time in New York, and it is thought he might be able to give close supervis ion to the work. The matter of the chairmanship will not be definitely y Missouri n book Mw determined before next Monday Or scribed real estate lying and being situate in J I the county of Bates and state of Missouri ta- Tuesday. wit: The west half of the south west quarter J I AtmarHan twentv-two in townshin fortT It IS the general Understanding 401)of range thirty SOJ, containing 80 acres , , , A, 0 , . , 0 more or less which conyeyance was made in that the three men Who will nave the trust to secure the payment f three certain notes. fnUr described in said deed of trust: most to do With the campaign Will I and whereas default baa been nude , , " , . I im the payment of one of said notes All of the gentlemen have business interests that will prevent their con stant presence at headquarters, and hence some other chairman will have to be chosen, but the conduct of the 1 Passenger Freight GOING EAST. Passenger 4:J5 p- M Freight 4:00 P. m All passenger trains make direct con nection for St. Louis and all points east Texas and all points south, Colorado, California and all points west and norm west. For rates and other information applv to E, K. Carnes. Agent Trustee's Sale. Whereaa. Marr Eachus.a widow, by her deed of truttt, dated April 13, IhM, and recorded la the Recorder's office within and for Bates coun ty, Miiouri, in book SC. at pace conTcyea to J. It. Kroner, trustee, the following de scribed rval efttat. lying and heinr situate la the county of Kates aud state of Mlasouri, to wn: The Sontbc-tHt auartrr of section 1H. (except ii) acrea off of the north side) and W acres off of the soeth aide of lot t. and the southwest quar ter ef section 1", except i acres used as churcb lot, in township l, range ao, wnica con veyance was maile In trust to secure the payment of one certain note, fully described in saia aeea or trust; ana wnrreas, oeiinii nu been made In the payment ot said note, now lonjt pant uue ant uupaxi, ana wnereaa, . the said J. B. Brnifler, trustee, is absent from the county of Ilatre and istate of Miseourl. and unable to act in tne capacity 01 saia iruswei now, therefore, at the request or the Uftal bolder of said note, and pursuant t the conditions of s sid deed of trust, 1 will pro ceed to sell the above described real etat at public vendue, to the highest bidder ror easn. . at the east front door of the court house la the city of Butler, county or Bates and state f Missouri, on Saturday, August 18, 1888, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that dav. for the purpose of satisfying said debt, interest and eoste. GKO. O. GLAZEBROOK. St Trustee . Trustee's Sale. Whereas J. S. McCraw and Judy A. MeCraw his wife, by their deed of trust dated May a. 1SS6, and recorded in the recorder's office with In and for Bates county, Missouri, in book No. now long past due and unpaid. Now, there fore, at the request of the legal holder of said notes, ana pursuant to tueconainons orsato : deed of trust, t will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue to ths highest bidder for cash , at the east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler county of 9tes and state of Missouri ou Friday, August 10th, 1888, between the hours of 9 o'clock in the forenoon Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil ren a specialty. Trustee's Sale. Canvass Will be in their experienced and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for I th nnrnnMor aatiafvinir said debt, interest hands. It may be said, once for all, and costs. c. c. J I S4-4t Trustee that there is no rivalry between Messrs. Scott and Gorman. They are working together in entire har mony in all matters pertaining to the committre and its work. Mr. Barnum has gone to Huntington, W. Xa.., where he has business interests. sors and razors, class. All work us a call Everything iu-st- Give guaranteed. Cockle's bAS&v. Pills. This old English Family Medicine in use tor S6 years ail over the world, tor Bile, Indigestion, Liver, Ac. Of Pare, Vegetable Icgredierts. Front vlerctirj. ! He killed a school teacher named Dolen several years ago at Rocky Comfort. McDonald county. "Mo. He was uev r arrested for the crime and always claimed that it was in r j sen tteiensi'. It Won't Bake Bread. In other words, Hood's Sarsaparilla will not j ! do impossibilities. Its proprietors ! tell plainly what it has done, submit proofs from sources of unquestioned reliability, and ask you frankly if vou are suffering from am- disease ' or affection caused or promoted by ; impure blood or low state of the sys- Whereas. Marr Kachns, a single woman, bv her deed of trust, dated July anh, ljS.", and recorded in the Recorder's office within and for Bates county. Missouri, in book J'o. 39. page its. conveyed to B. 11. Ingram, trustee the following described real estate, lying and being situate in the county of Bates and state of Miisouri, to-wit : The southeast quarter of section IS, (exeept 91 acres off of north side) and acres off t-f the south side or lot -.', and southwest quarter of section 1b, except 2 acres used a church lot. in township 41, range So. which conveyance was made in trust to secure the pay ment of one certain note, fully described in .M rwd of trnst: and whereas, default has been made in the payment of the interest on said note, now past due and unpaid; and whereas, the said B. H. Ingram trnetee. i absent from the countv of P.ates and Stale of Missouri, and unable to act. Now, therefore, at the re inet of the legal holder of taid note, and nnmUnt to the conditions of said deed of trust I will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue, to the highest bid Hct fnr cash, at the ea-t front door of the court house, in the city of Botler, county of Bates and tte of Missouri, on Saturday, August ISth, IS!?? IK I state of Missouri, to- wit: All of the north east quarter of the south west quarter or section twenty-one (21). (ex cepting Missouri Pacific railway right or way) , township forty-two () ratge thirty-one (31). which conveyance wae made in trust to secure the payment of one certain note fully described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default has beau made in the payment of the principal and interest or said note, now long past due and unpaid. Xow. therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note, and pursuant to the conditions or saiu aeea oi trust, i n m iivu tn .oil ths mhavo riMr.Tibed nremises at pudih: vendue, to the highest bidder ror casn, at in east front door of the court house, in the city of Butler, county of Bates ana state oi Missou ri, on Friday, August 10th, 1888, ivoAn tht. hnnr of 9 o'rlork In the forenoon aud 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the TmrnoRe of fstif fvine said neoi, interest and costs. GEO. G. GLAZEBROOK, Sheriff, and acting Trustee Trustee's Sale. Wh. ft. C. McCutchen and Sallie B. Me- Catchen, his wife, by their deed of trust, dated ; fiovember xsa. ism, ana renoraeu in in n corder's otic withla and for Bates craaty. r Missouri, in book , page eoaveyea w tne aadersigned trustee the following describe real estate, lying and being situate la the county of Batea and state ef Missouri. t-w)C: : Ten acres oi iana, acinic tne uui m sui ter of the north west quarter of the northeast of section No. twenty () . t township No. forty ( or range twenty-aine waica c- veyancewaamad in trust t aecar the pay aentof one certain cote rally described is. said deed or trast; ana wnereaa, aeiauit nam been made in the payment of said note aad ac crued iatereat thereon now long past due ajut unpaid. ow, tnererore, at sue requeaa oi in legal holder of said note and pnrsnant to the eon- dltiensof said deed or trust, I will proceed to, aell the above described premises at pumic vendue, to the highest bidder for easn. at th east front door of the court bouse In the dty of Butler, county of Bates ana state oi Missouri,, Friday, August 10th, 1688, between the bonn of nine o'clock in the fore-- nooa and Ave o'clock in tne artersoon or tfiat day, for the purpose or aatiafyiag said debt interest and costs. , J. C. CLARK. 14 irusvee. The State Farmers' Alliance meet in Nevada, Aug. 15th. tem, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of Others is sufficient a.S- I between the hours of o'clock Sntl.e forenoon j . ... . and 5 o'clock in the afternoon oi 'that da;, for Will i surance that VOU Will not be tusap- the purpose of satifving saia debt. intere?and ! pointed ia the result. ; costs. GEO. G. GLA7.FBROOK. ' Trustee. Trustee's Sale. who.... iMnh Tl Vivm. and Marv 7. Maves, his wife, bv their deed of trust, dsted March S, It, and recorded in the recorder's office within and for Bates countv, Missouri, in trust deed book So. 44, page ." . conveyed to the nndersirned trustee the following le nrii..i ni ctui lvinir and beice situate :n the countv of Bates, and state of Missouri, to- wit: IxjU 9 and 1. in block No. twentv-one (ii) in the citr of RoekvUle. Bates county .Missouri. which convevsnce was made in trust to scnre the pa ment'of a certain note f uily described in said dee-i of trust; and whereas, defauit has been made in the paymeui of said note now long past due and unpaid. Now, therefore, at the request of the legal holder of said note aud pursuant to the eondiUons of said deed of trust 1 will proceed to sell the above described trem ise at imblic vendue, to the highest bidder fo: rih t the east front door of the court hocv;. in th citv of Ilntler. countv Of Bate and .-tat of Missouri, on Friday, August 10th, 1SS8, i..., -r tfco hnnrs. f,t o nviiwl in the forenoon m.4 5 n'rlock in the afterrrfon ot that day. fur tlie i.urpoeofatifvinff said debt, interest a.torners iee ami wvs. JAMES B. GASTT, Traste-. . Jm t t,,tl hM oi badS HARBISON &II0RT0N j n i r.nliil'.iiiii wttS mtmmoivmA W i trass. A-ijc ise w;.. , , ,i w - - Son Frye.Owii. Hj-t. Iri!s. ym D. 1-JP Hcirr CiB'X kjortc. ot irr Jlli. ynvi- GiiuMki!aawtWeif ! t rJn' smn m ra ia re. sttnspt f owfe vl be f trti ia 5a. T ajWlflTslllftCW.iBFririBTWi -S.