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The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, July 18, 1888, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

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Store, Esxt Side Square.
The Tariff in the Northwest.
For twenty-five years Illinois has
Some of the Delusions ot the Great Pa- ! keen a republican state, and the
gan Orator. ; party majorities so large as to be
: regarded as almost hopeless to over-
Robert Ingersoll, the great dis-1 COme' 11 is true that for several
seminator of sweetness and light in j years Past the democrats have been
addressing the republican conven-1 cuttmS mto tLat majority, but no
tioa said amid great applause: one Las seriou thought there was
-The labor that raises raw materi-; a POty of reversing it. Me
al is iimoble labor." ! pas over the talk of some enthusi-
That means that the farmer, who ! astiC Jets at the St. Louis
all over this land is at work in the I convtntion indicating such a possi
fields planting com, wheat and cot !billt because allowance must be
ton is steeped in ignorance, and thus made for the oceasiou that elidtt'a
falls W.osv the protecting care of the l4but whcn sober-minded persons
, -r, .1 i. t: i i ; writing from Springfield, the state
government. I hen the great lulidel 1
O o : ...... "4.-1 Y? .i TIT 1 1
, iiipiLui, amrm iu!ii Illinois nas ut-
A REMARKABLE SCENE. ' Editor Ihtua Talks.
i A Philadelphia friend of Charles
Uncle and Youthful Nephew Go to I A. Dana, the editor of the New York
Prison for Life.
t Sun, went over to New York the
J ft
"But th
is fashioned
This is i '
lican doctri
farmers, t i
igut rant
mm-t ha-
chanics, e-.
poor far: in
. , ,.- i ! come a doubtful state, there is reason
im!:i"!it the raw material j
faoric that requires ,
j the two parties is at work. That
t t, , k ; change is set down to the tariff.
v not" :f tue repub-!
( i- T(ui i Illinois, like her sister states of the
of protection. Ine;
taint, liiev all looked forward to
of raw materials, are ground to
Sole agent fortne Iiockford and Aurora watcher, in UolJ, Silver ami Filled Cases, very ciiaji.
Is headquarters tor Ptie Jewelry
Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c.
Spectacles ot all kinds and for all ages; also fine Opera Glasses. You
are cordially invited to visit his establishment and examine
his splendid display of beauMrul goods and the low prices,
! ( I S 111
i uiiintert'-iting. We
i-istead intelligent me
a it to obtain them the
s, the ignorant producer
earth with taxes.
Mr. Ingersoll is the leader of phi
lanthropists, the members of which
have so little confidence in God and
so much in themselves, that thev
propose to overthrow all the works
of Providence, and set up new prin
ciples and brings about a new con
dition of society.
In most countries agriculture is
highly esteemed. The American
armer has redeemed a continent
from waste and barbarism and made
it serve the uses of civilization. It
has not been the work of ignorance,
but of intelligence, industry and
Taking him man for man, the
m Best
ULaim Coat.
The FTSII BRAND SLICKER la warranted waterproof, and will kwp you dry
in the hanlert storm. The new 1'OM MhL Sl.lCK-tit it a perfect riding coat,
ami coven the entire saddle. Beware ofimitationa, hone Keuuine without Uie
Fiiamaa"traae-iBark. Uuemtea catalogue iree. a-j . i ower, uonon.axaas
The Staunch Old Democratic
Has changed the name
of the daily issue to
St. Louis Replc,
And reduced it subscription
Om Tsar, without Sunday 88.00
One Year, including Sunday 910.00
The Weekly Republican
Ten pages every week,
lathe cheapest and best paper
in the country.
From June to December 1 40c
From July to December 1 . - SOc
From August to December 1.... SOe
From September to December 1 16c
From October to December 1 10c
Mvjfv.wv. H it Wa3
This is the Top of the Genuine
PcariTop Lamp Chimney.
Ail others, similar are imitation
rTXr r his exact Label
and think he has
others as good,
Iiu-ist upon th T-xact Label and Top.
Fan Sale EvtflYWHERE. Made only by
GEO. A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Beet Cough Syrup. -Tasteagood. Use
in tune, ttoia pyorngguM.
I believe Piso's Cure
for Consumption saved
mv life. A. a.. Dowkll,
Editor Enquirer, Eden
ton, N. C, April 23, 18S7.
Of either pattern shown above will be
nt. Postage Free, to every new anb
sertber for m period ot three months
or longer.
CF"Swinple Copies tree to any address.
THE REPUBLIC, St. Louis, Mo.
!?y t he MesT. l.HTsrest and best known Kursenes
in sko v. iVrmsnrii: oHion; gotxi pay.
The best Cough Medi
cine is Piso's Cure for
Consumption. Children
take it without objection.
By all druggists. 25c
American farmer, whose manners.
perhaps, lack polish, whose hands
are hardened by toil, whose back is
bent bv the burdens of taxation
the Ameiican farmer will compare,
man fur man, bv any genuine test of
intelligence, with the men who trans
form wheat into bread, wool into
blankets, or cotton into cloth. There
is as much genuine manhood, there
is more sturdy independence on the
farm and more genuine patriotism
than Mr. Ingersoll, with all methods,
eucouragement and protection, can
develop in the mines, mills and fac
tories of the New England and Mid
dle states.
The assumption of superiority for
the men who work in mills was not a
mere mistake of words; it is the phi
losophy of protection. Ingersoll
and McKiuley alike have contempt
for the masses: thev snell the word
1 op Chimne. j without the m, and then impose on
Adealerttiaysay them all the burden of maintaining
as a "superior class" the men who
work in mills and factories.
A few years ago the republican
party insisted that every man who
lived south of Mason and Dixon's
line was a rebel, and entitled to
none of the rights and privileges of
American citizenship; now they de
clare the farmer to be steeped in ig
norance and fit only to pay taxes to
the trusts and syndicates which are
laboring to develop an intelligent
class of mechanics as though they
were exotics.
Let the farmer think on these
things. The republicans declare for
an increase in the tariff; the demo
crats Insist on a reduction. The
reason for increasing the tariff is to
check competition; the purpose is to
tax the "ignorant"' farmer in order to
encourage the "intelligent' Bohemi
an imported to work in the coal
the reaffirmation at the Chicago con
vention of the tariff' plank in the
republican platform of 1S8-4. That
plank acknowledged the necessity
for tariff reform. When, therefore,
the recent Chicago convention ig
nored it altogether, declared llat
footed for the tariff as it is. and in
sisted on a reduction of the revenue
by abolishing the internal revenue
taxes, which would have included free
whisky, there was bitter disappoint
ment at the northwest, which wanted
cheaper iron, cheaper lumber and
salt, and a reduction of duties on
the necessities of life and on what
ever adds to the comfort of thehouse
hold. The Chicago Tribune has for
months past advocated these reforms,
and the Tribune is a power at the
northwest. Other republican papers
in Iowa, Michigan, Kansas and Wis
consin have supported the Tribune
in these demands, while some of the
ablest articles on the subject have
emanated from professors in the
universities of those states. All of
them uphold the principle of the
Mills bill, although in the matter of
free wool Michigan, which is a great
Jackson.Ky., July 9. The Breath
itt county circuit court has just
witnessed a remarkable scene. Some
time ago, Lauville Combs, aged 11,
killed his sister with a skillet, then
attempted to cremate the remains in
the fireplace. Failing to accomplish
his object, the boy dragged the
charred body to a small creek near
by and threw it in. The shallow
water did not hidt the ghastly ob
ject, and it was again moved, this
time to be buried in the sand. The
crime occurred during the absence
of the mother, who was a widow.
The murder was quickly discovered,
the boy was arrested and his case
came on at the present term of
court. On the very day that court
couveued James Combs, an uncle of
Lanville'p. quarreled with a brother
over the division of a lot of tobacco.
In the fight that followed James
Killed his brother and was speedily
locked up. At the same hour the
uncle and nephew answered to the
charge of murder in ihe same court,
tach pleading gulty and begging
mercv-. Each was given a life sen
tence, the boy because of his Vvuth,
the uncle because there was alack of
premeditation in his crime. Hand
cuffed together, both were started
across the mountains for their life
immurement in the penitentiary at
Frankfort, which
probably reach Wednesday.
Entrlish iSpavn Liniment removes all
II an.1, Sott, or Calloicd Luiiip-. and
Klemishes from horses, Blood Spavin.
Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stsf.es, Sprains
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, Eu
Save $50 bv use ot one bottle. Warrant.
ed. Sold bv . J. Lasshown, Drujj
ijiist, Butler, Mo. 3-ivr.
wool growing state, objects. It does
not follow that the majorities in
these republican states will be en
tirely overcome, but it is indicated
that they may be greatly reduced,
and that in one or more of them the
democrats, for the first time in
twenty-five years, have a lighting
chance. Baltimore Sun.
Rheumatism and Neuralgia cured in
1 to 3 davs for 7 cents bv Detchon'e
"Mystic Cure." Do not suffer and waste
money on other remedies. This abso
lutely never tails. Sold by W. J. L..xs
dowx, Druggist, Butler, Mo. S-6m.
Two Hundred Farms Involved.
Topeka, Kas., July G. Suit was
begun to-day in the supreme court
to eject about 200 settlers in Allen
county who have occupied their farms
for the past twelve or fifteen years.
The suit is brought by the Missouri,
Kansas & Texas railroad and by
speculators who have recently bought
the lands from the railroad company.
The controversy relates to about
30.000 acres of land. It is claimed
by the railroad company that the
land was granted it by congress in
1862. It is asserted by the settlers
that the description does not cover
the lands in controversy.
1-1 BMtCoufb 8jTap. Tastes rood. Use I I
11 in time. Sold by druggists. "I
fllTTT . .
1 xiio preparation, wnnoni
1 1 1 1 1 ri rumitrpi n r-a-sc k
cuua lea. Liver-Moles. Pim
ples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and
Tan. A few applications will render the
most stubbornly red skin soft, smooth and
j white. Viola Cream is not a paint or
j powder to cover defects, but a remedy to cure,
j It is superior to all other preparations, and
j is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At drug
i pists or mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by
; I vr.
mines or in Carnegie's mills.
II fares tbe land to hast'ning ills a prey,
here wealth accumulates and men decay ;
Princes and lords may flourish and may fade;
breath can make them, as a breath has made
it a bold peasantry, their country's prid.
When once destroyed can never be supplied. '
Drunkenness or tHe Liquor Habit
Positively Cured by administering
Dr. Haines' Gelden Specific.
It can be eiven in a cup of coffee or tea
without the knowledge ot the person tak
ing it; ts absolutely harmless and will
ettecr a permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunVards have been made temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
their coffee without their knowledge, and
to-dav believe they auit drinking ot their
own free will. It never fails. The svs:
tem once impregnated with the Specific
it becomes an utter impossibility tor the
liquor appetite to exist. For lull partic
ulars, addres golden specific co., iS
Race st. Cincinnati, O.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, sofi or calloused lumps and blem
ishes trom horses, olood spavin, curb,
splints, sweeney, stifles, spiains, rore and
swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save fifty
dollars b use of one bottle. Warranted.
Sold by W. J. Lansdown, Druggist, But
ler, Mo. ii-i yr
By a recent order of the postoffice
department anything in the nature
of an offensive communication upon
a postal card or any matter which
reflects injuriously upon the person
addressed, or upon his character it
conduct, or is intended to injure
his feelings or reputation, or to
bring him into discredit, or threaten
him, will be excluded. Anything,
also in the nature of a threatening
or offensive dun, apparent upon an
envelop, outside cover or postal card
al 1 JVa
or convevmr tne suggestion mat,
such a dun is inclosed will be exclud
ed as unbailable. This is not only
an excellent but a much needed de
Murdered Her Niece.
Terre Haute, Iud., July 10. A
sensational murder at TVcumseh,
eight miles from this city, in this
county, has greatly exciiod the citi
zens. It consisted in the killing of
Miss Hattio De JJaun. aged IS, by
her aunt, Mrs. Mary Junfcins, yestor
i n .1 t . 1 ...
-tiay evening, me guM uvmg iwo
hours later. The De Baun ami
Juukins families have not been
friendly for several years, and lately
Mrs. Junkins' several times ordered
her niece olV the premises. Yester
day evening Miss De Daun went to
the Junkins orchard, with two other
girls, to gc t some apples. Mrs. Jun
kins ordered them away, and, during
1 quarrej. -urs. Junians li year oui
boy ran out with a musket, which
Mrs. Juukins tired at the girl. When
the shot was fired Mrs. Junkins was
so close to her victim that her clothes
caught fire and she came near burn
ing up. Mrs. Junkins gave herself
up to-day and was locked up liei f-.
She is 33 years old.
Pdes! Piles! Itching Pile.
Symptoms Moisture; intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse bv
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which otten bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swwvf
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases
removes the tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. SwayneAcSon,
Philadelphia. " 32 1 yr
Louisville, Ky., July 10. Elias
Franklin, the farmer who shot James
Brent yesterday because of Brent's
alleged criminal intimacy with Mrs.
Franklin, last night shot himself.
After killing Brent he fled and was
pursued by the sheriff with a posse.
He stopped at the residence of Dr.
Cole, who allowed him to sleep in
the barn. The sheriff coming up
was told Eranklin was in the barn.
Knowing he was ai med the sheriff
posted his men to wait for day.
Franklin hearing the noise and sup
posing it was a mob after him blew
his brains out.
other day and had a talk with Mr.
Dana about the democratic ticket
and the prospect of Mr. Cleveland's
re-election. Mr. Dana said that
Cleveland's election is almost a fore
gone conclusion, and that the Sun
would support him during the cam
paign. "There was no other course,"
said Mr. Dana, -for the democrats
to take than that which led to Pres
ident Cleveland's nomination. The
struggle this year was a life-aud-death
struggle for the republican
party, and after Cleveland's election
any good, sound democrat can bo
easily elected.''
Of Judge Thurman's nomination
Mr. Dana said: "Thurman is tho
strongest name on the ticket. Ilia
nomination insures the votes of s
thousands of democrats who for 30
years or more have hoped to have
him for their leader."
I Of the support given by the New
York Times and Harper's "Weekly
Mr. Dana is characteristically bitter
and suspicious. In speaking of these
two journals he said: "ihe support
of these t wo papers will help tha
I arty if the democrats are led into
the trap being set for them. Every
body knows, or ought to know,
about George Jones and how much
sincerity there is in his democracy.
He is a Judas, and would lull tho
democrats into believing that they
have a clean walk over m hopes to
keep them as far as possible from
exerting themselves. If they should
be defeated it would be easy enough
for him to walk back into the repub-,
lican fold and be welcomed. And as
for Curtis he hates the democrats
with all his soul, but clings to Cleve.-.
1 1 :.. i...lf t a. 1 1 . r
I liuiu 111 :i iiaii-ueiu leu sui i 01 way
j only because he is ab! to keep .1 lot .
of mugwumps in office to the exclu
sion of good democrats, and Cleve
land would be better oil' without his
support, such as it, is, at the cost of
it to him."
When asked pluuiply about tho
Sun's democracy Mr. Dana said:
"The Sun will suppport democratic
principles and it will urge upon dem
ocrats to work faithfully for Mr.
Cleveland, cautioning at tin- wiine
time against being mif-acd by mug
wumps and republicans iu -disguise,
against betting and paying any at
tention to the reported bets of oth
ers that Cleveland will win for such
things only serve to decieve them. '
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
The Best SaUe in the world for Cuts,
Bruises.Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever
Sores, Tetter.Chipped Hands, Chlblain
Corns, and all Skin Eruption, and posi
tively cure6 Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cts per box.
For sale bv Walls & Holt, the druggists.
The Atlanta Constitution (Dem.)
urges the farmers to pay close atten
tion to politic It says before the
war it would do very well for south -
iTi-H. MANGE, and SCRATCHES, ern farmers to leave the politicians
ot every kind on human or animals cur- i to attend to such matters, but now
ed m
o minutes ov uuLruJ 3
tails. Sold bv W. J. L.vnsdow.v, Drus
eist, Butler ,Mo. S-m.
it is different. Iney must ta;e an
active hand and look out for their
own interests.
Stolen Securities "ecoveml
Provedenee R. I. July 7. "When
Teller Pitcher of the Union bank
left for Canada with securities value
ed at $500,000, it was thought they
were still in this country, but as soon
as Pitcher's alias was learned tho
principal foreign bankers were cabled
to look for valuables addressed to
j. A. Koberts. .Notmug was learn-
ed until yesterdav, when a dispatch
from Brown, Shipley & Co. of Lon
don was received that a package to
that address had been received by
mail. After other correspondence
the package was opened and the con
tents fully identified as the property
of the Union bank, and will be re
turned at once. This puts the bank
practically upon its feet again, it IS
claiinea, ana 11s oniy iotm wui ue tuo
expense of prosecution and the re
covery of the documents. Pitcher is
left without anything to negotiate
on, and the counsel of the bank say
he can be extradited on the ground of
forgery after the Canadian authori
ties get through with him.
At Welshton, Fla., recently, while,
a freight train was backing up at
the depot, little Hattie Wilson,
daughter of the post master at
tempted to cross the track, and
when betweent the rails was knock
ed down and was supposed for ft
moment to have been crushed to
fragments. Mr. Runnels, who hap
pened to be near, took in the situa
tion and called to the child, "lie
still," which she did. Five cars had
already passed over the child, and
the spectators stood with stilled
heai-ts. At that juncture a man
named Wyman was seen jumping
from the train; he reached between
trucks of the rapidly rolling cars,
grasped the child, and at the immi
nent peril of his own life, saved her

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