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littler lie P IV., LW, III 111 III VOL. X BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10,1888. NO. 46 PEACH & GUE TITLE ABSTRACTORS, COMPLETE AND RELIABLE ABSTACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. MONEY TO LOAN . On Real Estate security on long or short time. Office first door south ot Bates Co. National Bank. BUTLER, MO. LOOK HERE. It you want to save money get. LEE -:- CULVER to do your PAPERING, CALSOMINING, PLASTERISG, AND CISTERN WORK. Ift-Sattsfaction given or no charges made. Office at lewett & HicKman's Furniture Store. APPOINTMENTS BY TUB DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The following appointments have Den made for Democratic meetings throughout the coun ty: Thursday night, October 11th, at RockTille. W. W. Graves, T. J. Smith, W. O. Jackson, Fix. Reeder, Glazebrook andThos. Ganlt. Friday night, Oct. li, at Hudson, John T. Smith, S. W. Dooley, T. W. Silver, Messrs. Newberry, Fix and Glazebrook. Saturday afternoon and night. Oct. IS at Johnstown, Gen. J. O. Shelby, S. P. Fran- oiseo. W. W. Grates. T. J. Smith, SenaUr Newberry, Dan Cloud, Sheriff Glazebrook, Jadge Boxley and D. L. Haggard. Monday night. Oct. 15. Peter Creek school house, Mingo township, J. H. Korton, J. W. Badger, W. B. McElree, Judge Boxley, Clomd, Reeder and Glazebrook. Tuesday night, Oct. IS, at Altona, some speakers together with Gen. Shelby. Wednesday night, Oct. 17, at Wemott school house, Shawnee township, W. O. Jackson. S. W Dealey, John T. Smith, J. H. Norton, Clond, Glasebraok, Reeder, Haggard and Newberry. Thursday night, Oct. 18, at Spruce. Deep- water township, John T. Smith, Judge Boxley. O Jackson, Senator Newberry, with Fix, Cloud, Reeder, Haggard, Glazebrook and P. C Fulksrson. Friday night, Oct. 19, at Mt. Zion school hauss, Mound township, W. O. Jackson, W. X. McElree, J. W. Badger, J. H. Norton with W. "E TTT( T"RRjcioudV.dNewberVy 7 Satmrday, Oct. 20, afternoon and night, at i-wiurrrurri Virginia, JohnT. Smith, T. W. Silvers, T. H. BUTLER, - MISSOURI OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. Glaze meets the first MASONIC. Butler Lodge, No. 254, Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, No. 6. meets second Thursday in each month. Gouley Commandery Knights Templar meets the first Tuesday in each month 1.0. o. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon day niirht. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the md and 4th Wednesdays in each month T.H- CROCKETT ATTORNEY AT LAW. L. Oflice North Side Square", over A MeB ride's store. W. BADGER LAWYER. nrnp.tlRe in all conrl strictly attended to. Office over Betes co. na tional Bank. Butler. Mo. -pARKINSON Si GRAVES, ATTORN&I S AT LA.W. Office West Side Square, over Lans- down's Drug Store. HOLCOMB & SMITH, LAWYERS BUTLER. MO. Office front room over Bates County National Bans. rj w. silvers. ATTORNEY z LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer son City. HasUFFiCE North bide square, ver A. L. Mc Bride's. vtf "z IMivmclatiM. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office East Side Square, over Alax Werner s, 19-iy Butler, Mo. DR. J. M. CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to temale diseases. Crackett, S.W. Dooley, A L. Graves brook. Newberry, Cloud and Reeder. Monday night, Oct. 22, at Vinton, the same speakers as at Virginia. Monday night, Oct. 22, at Ballard. W. 0. Jackson, W. W. Graves, JadgeBoxley, Senator Newberry, Cloud and Glazebrook. Moaday night. Oct. , at Prairie City .Judge Lefker, J F. Smith, J. W. Badger and Thos Gault Tuesday night, Oct. 23, at WestToint.W O. Jackson. A L. Graves, J. F. Smith, together with Judge Boxley. Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glazebrook. Wednesday nltrht. Oct. 24, at Rosier. S. P Fraaclsco, C. F. Baxley, T. W. Silvers, J. F. Smith, A. L. Graves. Newberry, Haggard, Reeder and Glazebrook. Thursday night, Oct. 25, at Burdette, W. W. Craves, Jno. T. Smith, T. II. Crockett, J. W. Badger, Reeder, Boxley, Newberry and Cloud. Friday night. Oct. SO, at Adrian, S. P. Frau- clsca, W. W. Graves, T. Yf . Silvers. W. E. McElree, C. F. Boxley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glazebrook. Saturday, afternoon and night, Oct. 27, at Pleasant Gap, Gen Shelby, S P Francisco, Jno T Smith , J W Badger.S W Dooley, J H Norton. JadgeBoxley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glazebrook Monday night, Oct. 29, at Willow Branch school house, Loae Oak township, T W Slivers, 8 P Francisco, W E McElree, T II Crockett, Judge Boxley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glazebrook Tuesday night. Oct. SO, at Itedmon school house, Summit township, T J Smith, J W Badger, W O Jackson, Tilden II Smith, Judge Boxley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glaze brook. Wednesday night, Oct 31, at Tygard schaol house, Mt Pleasaat township, W W Graves, W B McElree, T H Crockett, Judge Boxley and Sheriff Glazebrook. Thursday night, Nov 1, at Mulberry, A L Graves, T W Silvers, W E McElree, Judge Boxley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glaze brook. Friday night. Nov. 2. at Rich Hill, S W Doaley, T J Smith, Judge Boxley ,T W Silver, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glazebrook. Saturday, afternoon and night, Nov 3, at Batler.Hons M K Downs and J L Peakof Kan sas City and C T Davis of Nevada. Monday, afternoon and night, Nov 5, at Rich Hill, Hons M A Fyke of Kansas City, J B Gantt of Clinton and C II Morgan of Lamar Monday afternoon, Not 5. at the mines, Hon If J Stone, 8 P Francisco, S W Dooley, W O Jackson and Col J L Pace. In the meantime, regular meetings of the Cleveland and Thurman Clubs throughout the ounty are urged, and speakers will be furnish ed from time to time, if desired, on application to committee. Tha club meetings are very effective, and they should be held regularly and tha condition of their respective neighbor hoods thoroughly discussed. Township committees are requested to see that suitable arrangements for the above meet ings shsll be made and that they will take pains to give due notice to all. W. H. Mad, ; J. R. Simpson, Com. J. C. Morris, j once more the conservator of the rights of the natios at large, and not of any part or class thereof, and that the republicans ami democrats had changed places. Then I left the republican party and cast my lot with the democracy led by Grov er CleTeland. The word "protec tion" as used and applied by the re publicans means plunder. The platform of the domocrats means protection. Sr. Louis Republic. A Cuban M !!.- ITis Clerk. Havana, Cuba, Oet. -1. Cries of murder were heard coming from a groser's stor arly yesterday morn ing. While a policeman was endeav oring to force the door, tha proprie tor opened the side door and asked what was the matter. The police en tered. In one comer of th store was the body of Inocencia Duran, clerk of the store, had been stabbed more than twenty tines and his head nearly severed from his body. It appears that the victim had some money on deposit with the proprie tor, Jose Abelleira, who, aided by a mulatto, committed the murder. Both are now in jail. Crimes ar getting so numerous here now that people are afraid to go upon the streets after dark. The press is calling on the government to take active measures to protect the public. C. UOULWARE, Physician and X Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chil ren a specialty. DOR & PIERCE BARBERS. Shop on North Side Square. We give special attention to Ladies and Children's hair cutting. We keep the best of Barbers, also grind scis sors and razors. Everything first class. All work guaranteed. Give us a call Cockle's Bil!5cs Pills. This old Er.ohsh Familv Medicine in use tor S6 years all over the world, tor Bile, Indigestion, Liver, 4c Of Pars, Vegetable Icgredierts. From .ifercurr. Coming Over. In New York, New Jersey and Connecticut the republicans are com ing over to the democratic ranks in droves. Among the most note worthy of the recent accessions in New York is Edward Jordan, the friend of Abraham Lincoln and so lieitor of the treasury under secreta ry Chase. Mr. Jordan is one of the leading republicans of New York state and has been converted from the error of his ways and brought oyer to democracy and reform by president Cleveland's message. Af ter reading that he sava: "I knew that Grover Cleveland was the rkrht man to elect as presi dent of the United States. I saw at a glance from his message and let ters that the democratic party was Mr. Harry Garfield, son of the late President Garfield, said recently t a New York Herald reporter: "I know of no better way to learn my father's opinion on that suDject than by reference to hia speeches. I know of nothing he said which was opposed to the expressions he made use of in congress. As early as 1866 he formulated a theory upon the tariff which I never knew him to vary from. Perhaps the shortest way to reach that opinion is by reference to the congressional Record." He then read from a scrap book an extract from a speech delivered by General Garfield in 1871 before the congressional committee having a tariff reduction bill in charge. In it General Garfield said: "I hold that a properly adjusted competition between home and for eign products is the best guage by which to regulate internal trade. Duties should be so high that our manufacturers can fairly compete with foreign products, but not so high as to enable them to strike down our foreign products; enjoy' a monopoly of the trade and regulate prices as they please. This is my doctrine of protection. If congress pursues this line of policy steadily we shall, year by year, approach more and more nearly to the basis of free trade, because we shall be more nearly able to compete with other nations on equal terms, I am for pro tection which leads to an ultimate free trade. I am "for that free trade which can only be acquired through reasonable protection." The Prayer of The Republican Party. Oh, .Lord, tnou Knowest our up rising and especially our down set ting. Thou knowest our sins and understandest that we have done manv wicked things in the sight of the people, and that we no longer have favor in their sight. Thou knowest that the negro has forsaken our party, and that we can no longer make them believe our campaign tales that the democrats will put them back in slavery. Oh that we could pull the wool over their eyes as of yore, and get them t put us in power once more. Thou knowest that the southern republicans no longer cleave to us. Thou knowest that the people of the north no long er have faith in the "Bloody shirt" and that we are besieged on the right and ou the left by "mugwumps." Thou knowest that Cleveiand's mes sage has knocked all the wind out of the "tariff tales;" that New York J is hopelessly democratic; that Ohio is doubtful, and that we no longer count on Indiana. Thou knowest how our servants M&hone and Rid dleberger, desponded and died in "Virginia. Thou knowest that we have no leader, now that our "Plum ed Knight" has been so ruthlessly slaughtered, aud that we, his peo ple must be scattered as sheep hav ing no shepherd, to be devoured by mugwumps" and weakjknees. Now, we ask that our sins and iniquities be blotted from the history of this government. Blet out the name of Joyte, Avery, McDonald, McKee, Gunther and all who walked crooked in the sight of the people, or sold, or made, or drank crooked whiskey, and Oh Lord, give us power to blot out of "Remembrance" the name of Belknap, of Hays and the eight against seven Credit Mobilier, Star route contracts and numerous other wrong doings, and give us favor with the people. Give us back the negro vote and return us the south em republicans with tens ot thous ands of mugwumps in the north. Give us stump speakers in Indiana, and orators in Ohio. Give us money by the millions, and above all give us a man to beat Cleveland, for our sake, amen. Scott City Sentinel. It Won't Bake Bread. In other words, Hood's Sarsaparilla will not do impossibilities. Its proprietors tell plainly what it has done, submit proofs from sources of unquestioned reliability, and ask you frankly if you are suffering from any disease or affection caused or promoted by im pure blood or low state of the sys tem, to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of others is sufficient as surance that you will not be disap pointed in the result. English Spavn Liniment removes all Hard, Sott, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, Etc Save $50 bv use of one bottle. Warrant, ed. old by W. J. Laxsdowv, Drug giist, Butler Mo. S-iyr. toes Cheaply Without Publicity. ABSOLUTE DIVORCKS without publicity for parties residing in any part ol the United Statea. for desertion, non-support, intemper- lilank application for uarnes. S4h uroaaway, ance, cruelty, insanity, stamp, address, V. w. New iork- Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby wa sick, we gave her Caatoria. When the wa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Hiss, she clung to Caatorla, When she had Children, Bhe gave them Castoria. COLT SHOW. At Virginia, Saturday Oct. 13th, 18S8. All persons owning colts from my Clydesdale and Norman stallions, are invited to brincr their colts and enter for the premium. which will be as follows: For the best colt from either horse, I will breed the mare again for nothing. Johs Glasses, The Wild Dutchman. A Sound Legal Opiomon E. Bainbridge Mundar Esq., County Attv.. Ciav Co., Tex. says: "Have used Electric Bitters with most happy results Mv brother wa very low with Malaria Fever and jaundice, but was cured by timelv use ot this medicne. Am satisfied Elenm'c Bitter saved his life. Mr. D. I- Wilcoxson ot Horse cave Ky. adds a like testimony saying: He posi tively believes he would he have died, Itad it not been tor Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, a well as cure ali Malaria Diseases, and and for ail Kidney, Liver and Stomach ni.nnUrs cianH uneoualed. Price toe j and $1, at Walls and Holt the druggists. J MS WE HAVE A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF 1 xy 11 The best hand made IHJoots in the (County, goods made to our own order. i of llie And Every Pair Warranted. Be sure and look at our fMl 1 BEFOUE YOU BUT, We haye the best hand made D lip and For 1 In the State, iron. w is, KJ 1 11 M in Iram loots mm lew