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? MONEY LAND. HATES COUNTY LOAN andLAND CO. IAS. K. BRUGLER & SOX, MANAGERS, Butler Mo This Company invests money in real estate, buy, notes and School Bonds, and deals in all kinds ot good seuuriteis. FINE PR OVED FARMS Ul 40 to 640 acres each, and good giazing lands from 400, to 1,500 acres in a body for sale or ex change. LOCAL ITEMS. We loan the cheapest and best money in the county. Come and see us. 39 tf. Peach & Speaque. Lane will Bell you dry goods at bottom prices. Call aDd see him. West side square. Read Weil's ad. in another col umn and go to them for the best bargains in boots and shoes ever of fered. Dixie L. Haggard, nominated for surveyor, is one of our most enter prising young farmers, and well qualified for the oflice to which he aspiras. We predict for Diiie a rousing majority. Call and see J. M. Catterlin if you think of changing your loan. tf. Mrs. Mary Fulton, of Butler, Mo., widow of the late Rev. William Ful ton, who was for many years the es teemed and beloved pastor of the Greenfield Presbyterian church, has been paying a visit to Mrs. John A. Ready and other Greenfield friends, and left on Tuesday morning for home. Greenfield Vedette. J. M. Catterlin has been eaBt and now would like to furnish you money cheap. tf. Daniel W. Clound, candidate for associate judge from the northern district, is one of our best farmers and a man of strict integrity. He will make as good a judge as the north district has ever had. Dan Cloud will carry the full strength of the party and more. We are knocking the spots on tinware, hardware and queensware. Have just received another lot of table cutlery, pocket knives, shears, &c When you intimate a desire to buy any of these things we have no mercy on competition, but knock the bottom out. We buy direct from the factory and pay no middle profits. E. T. Steele & Co. Wanted Mules. We want to buy two car loads of good mules, from 1 to 7 years old and from 13 to 16 hands high, sound and in good flesh. The highest market price will be paid. Bring in your mules and get your monev. Harris & Lisle. C A. Denton and family, consist ing of wife and son, nave become residents of our city, having moved up from Rich Hill the first of the week. Mr. D. is a deserving young attorney, well and favorably known throughout the county for integrity, Nihility and energy, and we heartily recommend him to those of our pat rons who may need the services of M upright, conscientious attorney. He resides in the property iust south of the Episcopal church on Fulton street. He has not yet se cured rooms for an office but will during the coming week. Record. We have dozen fruit jars left which we will sell at cost for cash. J. E. Williams t Co. Lamp!! Lami! Lamps! We have them in all styles library llnmns from 9.Sn nn in I 1 1 v -x, ue 1 assortment of fancy stand lamps. I Call and see them, we are shaving ' Vast years pric 3 from 10 to 30 per j (K 46-2t E. T. Steele. & Co. ! j A Good Siieech. ' Monday lat was the date adver ! tised for 'democratic speaking at Bel i ton by the Hons. C. H. Morgan. E. C. Crowana ILoe. J. fennth, who are canvassing the state, being chos en by the state central committee for that purpose. A dinpatch was received early in the morninir from ! Mr. Morgan, ssyiug Le couM not be present on account of sickness in his family. Neither Hons. Crow or Smith could be present but the last named gentleman sent a representa tive in the person of W. W. Graves, a lawyer of Butlor. The hour for the speaking was set for 1 o'clock, but as Mr. Graves did tot arrive un til 3:30 p. in., quit a good many persons had left town. However there were still enough remaining to form a good audience. Mr. Graves was introduced by Dr. R. M. Slaugh ter, president of the Cleveland and Thurman club. He then took the stand and modestly apologized for the absence of the regular speakers and his presence in thir stead, after which he took up the question of the tariff, which he handled in clear and forcible language, giving prac tical illustrations and drawing com parisons between a high and low tar iff, maintaining his position that a high tariff is oppressive and burden some upon the masses of the people, while the manufacturing nabobs of the ast are the only ones that re ceive any benefit from it. In fact before Mr. Graves got through with his audience had become well satis fied with the representative sent them, as their rapt attention and frequent applause gave evidence. One orlwo tariff reform republicans in the audience seemed ta enjoy the speech very much and applauded lustily. Cass Co. Leader. Ben Ireland and E. C. Ogburn of Spruce township, gave us a pleasant call while in the city Tuesday. E. Bradley, prominent farmer of Prairie and Geo Roberts, popular merchant at Papinville, were in the city Tuesday and favored us. Thos. J. Smith, returned from Ft. Scott, Tuesday morning where he had been for several days attending court, and left again the same even ing for Osceola on similar business. Mrs. Kennett has received anoth er invoice of new style hats and bon nets, and a large line of trimmings, plumes, feathers, ribbons, &c. Call before you buy and take a look. The new styles are lovely. Oscar Reeder, county treasurer, iuforms us that last week he called in two of the Prairie City railroad bonds of one thousand dollars each. This makes six thousand dollars paid on the debt, leaving twenty-nine thousand yet to be paid off. Under the contract between the township and bond holders the treasurer can now take up the bonds as fast as the money accumulates in hands for that purpose. Our stock of men's fine underwear was never so large nor so choice. We cannot fail to suit, both as to quality and price. A large line of natural and wool sanitary underwear. American Clothing HorsE. J. W. McVeigh has sold his lumber yard in this city to R. J. Hurley. This transfer took place last week. We understand Mr. McVeigh after settling up his outstanding business will locate in Kansas City. As a business man McVeigh has few equals and the Times is sorry to learn that he has disposed of his business in this city with the intention of leaving. However, we wish him the best of success wherever his lot may be cast. Slates, Ink. Pens, Holders. Pencils and the finest line of stationary in Butler at Weaver's. T. Hit or Crockett and Judge Lef ker entertained a large audience at "vaderuian school house Friday night with wholesome democratic food. They report the democrats of that section enthusiastic for the ticket. We expect to hear a good report from this section the 6th of November. Stand up for the right. boys, and vote the ticket straight from top to bottom. Thisyear every democrat in ths county should feel it his solemn obligation to vote far the whole ticket without a scraeth. Do vour dutv. democrats. Do you suffer with catarrh? Tou can be cured if you take Hood's Sar saparilla, the great blood purifier. 8013 h? 811 druggist- INDICTED BY REPUBLICANS. Saline County Ministers Held Guilty for Preaching the (j!-!. Marshall, Mo., Oct. 11 Colonel W. D. Bush, of this city has unearth ed an interesting document, which has only to be referred to to take all the starch out of the republicans here when they boastfully assert that theirs is the party of free speecli and protection of the person al and religious liberties of the peo ple. It is nothing more nor less than an indictment found by a re publican grand jury against a Bap tist minister for the heinous offense of preaching the gospel. Colonel Bush has had several thousand cop ies printed on cloth, which are being distributed, and which he has verv aptly named "a republican bandana. A copy of the indictment is given below. State of Missouri, county of Sa line, in the Saline county circuit court, at the November term thereof, A. D. 1SG5. Saline county, fco-wit: The grand jurors for the state of Missouri for the body of the county of Saline aforesaid, upon their oaths present: That A. P. Williams, late of said county, on the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord 1865, at the county aforesaid, un lawfully was a preacher of the gos pel, and as such preacher of the gos pel to-wit: Did preach a sermon from a text taken from the Holy Bi ble to a congregation or assembly of people then and there congregated or assembled for the purpose of re ligious worship, without him, the said A. P. Williams having be fore that time, or at any time, taken subscribed or filed the oath of loyal ty required by the constitution which said oath of loyalty he, the said A. P. Williams, was lawfully re quired to take, subscribe and file betore he, the said A. P. Williams, could lawfully preach the gospel in the said state of Missouri, and which said neglecting, failing and refusing to take, subscribe and file said oath was contrary to the form of the con stitution and laws of the state of Missouri and against the peace and dignity of state. (Signed) H. B. Johnson, Circuit Attorney. (Indorsed by Jonathan Herring, foreman of grand jury, and B. H. Wilson, circuit clerk.) A similar indictment of Father Cummings, an Irish Catholic priest, by the grand jury of Pike county, Missouri, in 1865, and who lay in prison until December, 1866, when the supreme court of the United States discharged him without day. (See 4th Wallace, supreme court re ports, page 316.) This is the religious liberty the re publicans give the Irish. "This law shall be enforced if our jails will hold the priest." (Prose cuting attorney.) Any Irishman that votes the re publican ticket should go back un der British tyranny. He is unfit to guard American liberty. Carefully compiled from the re cords by W. D. Bush. Second edi tion. J. C. Cruson, formerly a promi nent citizon of this county, now of Greenwood county, Kan., is in the city for a few days, on business and seeing friends, All wool medicated red flannel shirts and drawers at 50 cents each. Sam'l Levy &. Co. $400,000 or More. In refunding farm loans, that is getting a new loan to pay off former loan, every borrower should seek for the best terms and lowest rate of in terest and at the same time deal with parties who are reliable and who will see that the borrower frets his old notes and mortgages cancelled and paid off, and all papers surrendered at the time of closing the new loan. Now to those who want a loan either for investment or for renewal of former loan, we will say the sum of $400,000 or more is now under control of the Bankers Loan and Ti tle Company for the purpose of leading to the borrowers of Bates county upon real estate at the rate of tiper cent when carried for 0 years or more. Wo lend money from 6 months to 7 years. Nothing taken out of loan for expenses. Money furnished immediately as soon as papers are executed and title shown to be perfect. P. C. Ftlkkson, GrO. CANTBRBrRT. Office west side square. 47. A Hi;; Haul. John Pharis received the follow ing dispatch from his son-in-law, J. W. McGhee, now residing at Oska loosa, Kansas, Tuesday morninjr. Okaloosa. Kan,) Oct 18, 1888. y John Phaeis, ButWr, Mo. Drawed fifteen thousand dollars, Lousiana lottery this month. J. W. McGhze. What's The Matter WITH US? We Are All Eight. Because we sell more LUhiBe for the same amount of money than any other firm in the county. H. C. WYATT & SON. If a man ssraiches he must have the itch. If a man is all right himself him self he has no need to scratch. Switz Conde's non-shrinking un derwear at $1.25 Same goods us ually retails at $1.75. American Clothing House. Will you vote for a man who has made and honest, efficient officer or one who came out of office a default er and let his bondsmen suffer and he retain the bulk of his property in his wife's name. Is there room for choice between two such men? R. Weil arrived in the city last week and will spend a few days look ing after his business interests. The Times hopes Mr. Weil will con clude to continue iu the boot and shoe business in this city. The fact is the people of this city and coun ty can ill afford to lose this firm from our business circles. A. L. Weil the business manager of this firm is a live energetic young man aud by strict integrity and close ap plication to business has won a good share of the public patronage. The latest novelties in gents neck wear and hosiery at Sam'l Levy & Co. Militia Company. Wednesday evening last Col. Jas. L. Pace, aid-de-camp to the govern or, assisted by Judges Sam'l Levy and Parkinson, mustered into the militia service of the state, the fol lowing young gentlemen of our city: Harvey C. Clark, Captain; Frank J. Gardner, 1st Lieutenant; Arthur L. Ludwick, 2nd Lieutenant; Robert E. Crabtree, Leo Spicer, Thos. W. Arnold, H. E. Speece, B. W. Hale, J. D. Lukenbill, W. D. Haynes, J. S. Warnock, A. T. Adams, N. C Buck, Frank Hemstreet, V. L. Johnson, C. A. Hayes, H. R. Clinkenbeard, Allen Hulse, W. H. Clay, T. S. Evilsizer, I. W. McConnell,E. M. Welton, S. W. Morgan, O. C. Boxley, C. P. Mc Clellan, D. F. Allen, WT. E. Huffman, A. G. Deacon, 32. E. Silvers, .8. F. Wix, J. W. Campbell, Oscar 'iJeatts, E. R. McCory, W. B. Shelby, Albert Silvers, A. A. Sells, W. D. Gutshall, William Lamb, W. P. Gardner, J. P. DeLung, E. E. Simpson, J. A. Widows, Jno. Gossard and Chas. McConnell. The boys will receive their guns in a few days, and then will be ready for actual service. Oh, yes, of course we h-ive new good. New canned goods, corn, to matoes, beans, peaches, black beats, raspberries, apricots and other Cali fornia goods, raisins, currants, cran berries, Sweet k Sun's pickles, kraut, new rice, new beans and dozens of other things. A large variety of sugar syrups aud New Oileans mo lasses. Call and see us. North side square. E. T. Steele & Co. Plenty of six per cent money to loan. Privilege of paj-ing part or all at any time before maturity and stop interest. 39 tf. Peach & Spragce. Wastep To let the contract for cutting and delivering of five thou sands evrds of wood at Aiho!. Also want to contract for .000 bribe's of con . Addrf-?s J. J. McKisssck Butler. Mo. WE SHOW I Ifhis The Largest and Most Complete Line of Ilea's , Youth's, Boy's & Chiles' CLOTHING Geats Fmisliia Buck and Kids Gloves, Ever shown in any city in the southwest, and we assure you tha our PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. AVe buy for SPOT CASH, which enables us to produce Merchandise at prices so that we can Retail Goods at AR3UELL Poultry Wanted. I will pay more cash money than anybody in Butler, for your eggs, chickens, turkeys. Spring chickens wanted at big prices. Call at Bud Atkinson's or A. L. McBride & Co. Good hand picked apples wanted. Jas. Smith. Not Uoin;; to Rich Hill. Take your guu repairing of all kinds to B. London, he will do you better work than can be done in the large cities. He makes a specialty in fine gun stocking. Prices of B. L. guns, $3.50 to $10.00, M. L. guns, $2.50 to 6.00. 42-3L Uifrli Graded Hulls for Sale. I have a number of fine, young, high graded bulls which I will sell at very reasonable price. Terms to suit purchaser. J. M. Hoaglaxd, Nyhart, Mo. L. RICE, M. D. Physician and L Surgeon, Butler, Missouri. Of fice west sicfe square ovtr Grave' har ness shop. ANY DOG can make both ends meet by taking his tail in his mouth. WE TAKE OUR TALE IN OL'R MM to show you how 10 m m m mi Our tale is true, and if you heed it, it will enrich you. Be economical and Trade With Us and you will have no trouble in making both ends meet. We Shorten the prices. We share the profits. We save you money. OUR TALE IS 0T TWISTED to suit our own purposes. Every customer will corroborate our state ments and support pur claim for best goods at lowest prices. We Cut Our Tale Short with the invitation to everyone to come and be personally convinc ed that there is no romancing at the O. H. F. S. easoa s Money to Loan on Farm and City property on Long and Short time at a low rate of interest, SWEARISGEB, BoWDEN k Co. Nevada, Mo. Apply to W. H. Warnock, County Clerk's Office, Butler, Mo. 2G-tf For Sale. My brick residence in Butler price $2400. Address E. A. Henry, tf Butler Mo. Wholesale Prices. Absolutely Pure. This towder never vanes, a n-iarvelofpuitty Strength and wholsomenefce. More economies than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be aold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alnm or phosphate ).owdera. Sold nn)7incana. Kotal Bakikg Fawrai Co., If. Wliit..N.T. tV4t Notice of Election Of.taie Seaator for the Sixteenth Hecatoritl District of Missouri . By Tirtne of a writ of election dnly Imued cotier the great seal of the gtate, on the eighth day ef jctobr, A. D. Is, by tbe gorernorof the stata f Miaaonri, and to me directed and delivered. I hereby inva notice, that an elec tion for Stat Senator ia the Sixteenth ntor ial district of Miaaonri. rcomariaing the coun ties r Bate. Caaa and Henry,) will b held at the usual place of holding election In aaid countiea and district, on Tuesday, November Cth, 1888, to fill the vacancy existing in eaid office, eacxed y tae death f lion. James G. Spark. I at aaaator from a.d sixteenth senatorial district. Glvaa under my band at my office in tbe cit of Batier. Bates county. Mlseonri, on this V'AU day of October, ltrt. G. G. GLAZEBCOOK. ' Sheriff af Bates O. . Ho. Notice of Final Settlement Notice ia hereby xiven to all creditors sort others interested in vhe estate of Kinsey Coat deceased, that I, Sarah V. Coatea, adminis tratrix of said estate, intend to make settlement thereof at th next term of the Bate County Probate Court, in Bales county, stat of Missouri . to be held at Butler, ilo. , on tie ijlth day of November, 1m. SsSAif E. COATES. V Administratrix.. .1 VOL. PEftC TITL OK Til Mor On Real 1 time. 15; I It yo LEI PATEU! C: made. Kurnitui BUT1. Butlt Saturti Mian No. 6, month Goui meet Bate day nl But! and ai T. Ofli McB J J W. Will p i unci 1 tlODkl On dowi H BUT COUD T A cou Cit) wn t o ar Pi -M I - ft