Newspaper Page Text
43 VOL. X. B TITLE R, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2i,1888. NO. 4:8 PEACH k TITLE ABSTRACTORS, COMPLETE AND RELIABLE ABSTACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate 6ecuritY on long or short time. Office first door south ol Bates Co. National Bank. BUTLER, MO. APPOINTMENTS BY' THE DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. EOCIUGT CIRCUIT COURT, NOV. TERM lhM. MONDAY, NOVKVIiKI: 5th. w. v. . I w . ; c:..u. '. Fran U . K. rrv aii.i LOOK HERE. It you want to save money get. LEE -:- CULVER to do your PAPERING, CALSOMINING, PLASTERING, AND CISTERN WORK. K0iSatisfaction given or no charges made. Office at Jewett 6: HicKman's Furniture Store. W. E. TUCKER, DKIMTIWT, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. MASONIC. Butler Lodge, No. 254, meets the first Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, No. 6, meets second Thursday in each month. Gouley Commandery Knights Templar meets the first Tuesday in each month. I.O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every Mon day night. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the and and 4th Wednesdays in each month The following &iimintiue:its have b-en iiia'.e for Democratic meetings throughout the i-oci:- T!iUi'iuy niiflit, Oet. lit Burdelie Graves, .Jno. T. Smith, T. II. ek-u Badger, Keeder. Boxley, Newbeir? an- Fri'Say night. Oct. 2"'., at Adrian, S. J ci&co, W. W. Graves, T. W. .v!vei. McElree, :. F. Boxley, Senator New! Sheriff Glazebrook. .Saturday, afternoon and itiiiitt, iet. 27. at Pleasant Gap, Gen Shelby, S P Fraiifisi-o. .Jno T Smith, J W Radnor. S W Dooley, J !I Norton. Judire Boxley, Senator Kewbirr- a;. 'I ::erlff GIi.zubrook Monday eight, Oct. 2!f, at Willow Branch si-liool house, Lone oak township, T V Silvers, S I' Francisco, W E MoElre", T II Crockett, Judge Roley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Gla.ebrook Tuesday night. Oct. .", at Rednion school house, Summit township, T ! Smith, J W Badger, W O Jackson, Tilden II Smith, Judge Boxley, Senator Newherry and Sheriff Glaze brook. Wednesday nischt. Out 31, at Tygard school bouse, Mt l'leasant township, V W Graves, W E McElree, T II Crockett, Judge Roxley and Sheriff Glazebrook. Thursday night, Nov 1, at Mulberry, A I. Graves, T W Silvers, W E McElree, Judge Roxley, Senator Newberry and Sheriff Glaze brook. Friday night. Nov. 2. at Rich Hill, S W Dooley, T J Smith, Judge Roxley, T W Silver, Senator Nswberry and Sheriff Gla.ebrook. Saturday, afternoon and night, Nov :?, at Rutler.IIons M R Downs and J L Peakjof ITr.u sas City and C T Davis of Nevada. Monday, afternoon and night, Nov 5, at Rich Hill, Hons M A Fyke of Kansas City, J B Gantt of Clinton and C II Morgan of Lamar Monday afternoon, Nov 5. at the mines, Hon W J Stone, 3 1" Francisco, S W Dooley, W O Jackson and Col J L Pace. In the meantime, regular meetings of the Cleveland and Tburman Clubs throughout the ounty are urged, and speakers will be furnish ed from time to time, if desired, on application to committee. The club meetings are very effective, and they should be held regularly and the condition of their respective neighbor hoodsthoroughly discussed. Township committees are requested to see that suitable arrangements for the above meet ings shall be made and that they will take pains to give due notice to all. W. II. Mead. ! .'5 Tin s K v. A r .1 VV - .) M w i M Dick.iixm v- V 1-. 1 l-.ii 1 A .1 Pi 1 nfurd A-Mgiimelit ( .-l;ti. -, l: r:itii l,c tt a: unlock 1" Hur-ton 1 nr.. .ir i il C II::-' -n 1 ; .-il I Willis uisiouuvrrv, G . . : 1 v Hemlcr t:i: Tit. . : in' r t -i. : Hawk L H .-It V .-11 V," . s 1 v- ,') W n. Mii'-m simpron ! ' T 1 ; : :.!:;-::.: - i . .- 1 1 V Snnii.-ui ;7 '.Vi.. ;. ;i, ..11 1- .. :.; ; , : .jok i - V, -A . - : ,-. v., t i.;.:.1 : iro..I; V. :n H Ti -ij;-' v .,';i:;c Vernnilion Jas II T, H. CROCKETT ATTORNEY AT LAW. L. Office North Side Square, over A MeB ride's store. JW.BAXtGKR LAWYER. Will practice in ail courts, ah ippai uusinesB strictly attended to. Mlice ever Rates Co. Na tional Hank. Butler. Mo. pARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNS S AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans down's Drug Store. H OI.COM B & SMITH, LAWYERS BUTLER, MO. Office front room over Bates County National Banx. rj W. SILVERS. ATTORNEY LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer son City. t&'OFFiCE North Side Square, over A. L. Mc Bride's. nf K. Smrsos, j Com. C. MOBBIS, J VNK'lltllX. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max W'einer's, 19-ly Butler, Mo. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over I. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to tcmale diseases. Romantic .Mnrriiige of an Indian Girl. Staudins Rock, Dak., Oct. 18 The people of the Agency have been greatly surprised by a sensational courtship, culminating in a marriage here yesterday. La8t week a small party of eastern gentlemen, who were scouring this section on a hunt ing and pleasure expedition, lost their bearings and wandered to the Agency where the Indians gave them the necessary information in regard to their route. In the company was Henry Ashburton, a wealthy young man of Leeds, Eng. While prepar ing dinner in their tent the first day after their arrival, a daughter of one of the leading chiefs entered, ap proached the astonished young Brit on, and threw her arms around his nock, repeatedly kissing him. The young woman was very good look ing, and the young man, though greatly astonished, did not attempt to check her. Their acquaintance ripened to love, and the wedding took place yesterday. The maiden is a half-breed about 18 years of age. Her fitce is white and delicate, and, attired in civilizd and fashionable garments, no one would ever sus pect that she was of Indian parent ken ft ai i't Junur- Mc Henry v J F Green ! .Jain.- Ms-H. i,r v.-. John M'-l'atter.-on li s.-tu iwi'-h M'lV ('.. v I C Edwards j ! K KiMuii r i t al J N to'ktou 't al li M Cowlcs Mcrc.antiio C'-i v.s Win I" Hud-.-Mii TIirilSDAV, XoVEMi'.EU Sth. 25 Peoples Bank of Rockford vs -l.eph Krwin -i Lemuel ISuiluy V4 Jacob o'Bannoii S V 1 -'m-lius i s James Korhes et al Thos .i SniuU vs Jauif i Mcljlieo -'1 Hod Sharp vs John Wai-kuian SO L Hendrick vs Thomas Murray 31 ft V r'oi iji's vs Jonathan Miles 32 A Clifford vs J H Gregg KM DAY, XoYEMF'iEK Oth. :;:l 1 V.' ft nv ler vs W V Laf olett :;t Henrv li Walker vs W H Walton et al t hurles Chrisiain vs J W Miller lit; Kru k Company vs Wm A Harris ;i7 McCormick Harvesting Machine Co vs James O Stephens S3 Jas s Hook vs Samuel L Starr et al Charles Keinhart v Keuhen S Owen 4' S It Miller & Co vs T M Broaddus et al SATL'KDAY, NiA'EMBER luth. 41 C OColiinan vs Henrv Evans Vi K A Atkinon vs Uoheft M Campljell 43 E 1. Kice vs Bates County 44 state of Mo ex rel A J Dawson vs Geo G Glazeliriiok el al 45 J I, Carson vs the It J Hurley lumber co 4'i L S Paddock vs J 1' Edwards " 47 W J Aldridire vs Athol Herrell et al 48 J K Jenkins vs Duke W Miupsoii MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. 4'- Ceo W Weaver vs J C North 50 (as It Walden vs Scnool Ins 1 Twp 41 It 2:1 51 Jno W Medley vs the St Louis & Emporia Kv Co. S2 Jno 1' Hubble vs J II limes :.; John Hamillon vs the Kich Hill Coal Min ing Co 54 Sushii Spaugler vs Kictli A Perry Coal Co 55 Klias Kalor vs J M Price ft al 50 A J Pitc h lord vs Simeon Siggins TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th. 57 John A Lefker vs Henry Eyman 5S Ben H Smith vs Keith X Perry Coal Co 59 Keese Thomas vs Walnut Land & Coal Co etal CO Jas K Rurnhani et al vs T F Hall el J K Woife vs Luther M Williams 62 J J Kvaii vs John McPatterson 63 K M Kvle vs Mo Pacific By Co M 8A Beall vs P W Rulley WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14th. 65 n M Gailey vs D P Stilwell 6G KB Barton vs W B Irvin 67 Joel M Furgeson vs Karklcy Moors tW Jas II Beckett vs D Sharpless et al 6a Hates County vs K M Wilcox TO Mrs A li Stevens vs N It Barr 71 Village of Walnut vs W K Wilson 72 J S Craig et al vs J Cramer THURSDAY, NOVEMBER (15th 73 John Ganz vs J W Babbitt 74 I W Snyder vs Geo W Tucker 75 James Stover tb Hattie Norris 7t C F Stevens vs M L Dillon 77 A L Badgley vs R J Kellev 78 Doug Ueed vs J W Scott 79 J H Morland vs C F Steiner ct al SO T i Sanderson vs G L Motter et al FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 10th. i i:t; J 157 ! i.v 102 1(4 1'W. li:u i 17: 171 172 ITi 174 175 J7(i 177 175 17:J If 'i 1 1 1-2 1X 1-1 1V lSsi i-r 1.-.S ls!t 190 191 192 19o 194 195 l'. 157 199 200 :oi 202 .03 204 2W 2( 207 2uS i red M Hsyes et al vs Eazsbelh Bonham 'no S Francisco ts Lewis Ais:ns Elizabeth Genevav vs Melissa Ger.eav et al School Iist 1 Tp 42 II :W Kemp M W001I .RETURN DOCKET. 81 83 S4 S5 86 t7 8.1 91 91 94 95 96 97 9S !. 100 101 102 lo: 114 iieorge Bartlcy vs Mo Pacific Ry Co J II Anderson Vs D A Witherup James W Simmons vs The Citv of Rock ville A B Vorheis ct al vs J II Anderson Greeley Burnham Grocer Co vs J S Craig et al A Loth et al vs J S Craig et al Citv of Rich Hill vs Wm Morgan City of Ilich Hill vs R H Barber SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th. City of Rich Hill vs Alice Shields et al G W Cowley vs J W Ferguson Barkley Moore garnishee R J li Tillon vs Israel Crook Ida Gray ts Keith A Perry Goal Co Jane Green vs Reuben S Owen et al James E Williams vs Benjamin A Ogle A Luchsinger vs W W Fisher etal A Luchsinger vs S S Forqner et al Bank of Pleasanton ts J K Howard etal Martin Perrin 4 Co R A Hurtet al Kansas City M'f'g Co vs L G Henry D A Harrison vs Jno B Magersf, F Mitchell ft al vs J S Craig et al G E Hatch ct al vs W J Ilnf K J Hurley Lumber Co vs E Randall J m Hoagland vs mo Pacific Ry Co 9ATIT.1MY. NOVEMBER 24. Anna A Cope s Seth E lope Win Horn nKi Ft S A G lit Co Mildred Varues et al vs Wm'isou et al FranK.Iaek;.ou vs Ciara Jackson j Cj rus J Kenua s Clia M Ellis et al 1 W 1 Cooper s Z J Cm. per John C Morgbn vs Bid-lie J Morgan I Julia A Martin vs Albert E Martin Kliabeth Elliott vs A C Elliott Carl Spencle vs .John Murphy fttcphen Crouch s Sarah Crouch i J . 1!. Elder vs J B Selder et ai Samuel E Henr? vs 1 I Henry j G S Gideon vs Keith A Perry Coal Co i Gus Peterson va Keith A Perry Coal Co. i Mary Burch vs Geo Burch et al ; Richard Mertl vs Wesley Rogers j Henry I.crah vs Seymore'MeKetuie , W.I Cov vs Wulniit Land A Coal C Butler National Hank vs 11 11 Trimble ! COllhtabitJ Geo 1 i'.urch s Sarah F Scott et al i David Weddle vs St Louis A Emporia Ry co John L Williams vs Keith A Perry Coal Co i Hannibal Cousins vs Keith A Perry Coal Co j A O. Johnson vs Neoma Joha-on j J T Walis vs Wm S Deiiney et al i Kiiza Young v John Young j Marv F Duncan et al vs Geo W Henderson ' Thomas Webb vs German Ins Co Henry Hoeper vs John M Bauu S B Hudson vs George Sears Frank Keith vs John Coulter Francis M Taylor vs Joseph Cope et al Jacob Dingman vs Mo Par- Ry Co John Lyle adm vs James T Williams Thomas D Rafter ex rel J M Douglass H II Trimble et al E A Holt et al vs Mo Pacific Ry O. Absalom Pritchett vs Jas M Mock It M Duncan vs Ralph Adams P H Holcomb vs Ge M Barnettet al Sarah F Ridge vs R E Allen S B Hudson vs Chas Chapmain Caroline Sackett et al vs Columbus Bates Henry Lorah vs Seymour McKenzie James W Morris vs Mary Morris Julia Davis vs William Davis Maggie HuTbison vs Wm Hurbison Thomas LMack vsJos LSnodgrass vs 209 210 II 12 13 214 15 216 217 213 219 220 221 222 22:4 22- '225 226 231 i 234 235 236 237 238 23 240 241 242 243 24 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 2Ci) 261 262 aa 264 265 266 267 268 29 270 271 272 273 274 TAX CASES. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. Oscar Seeder collector vs A Lovd ham et al nion et ai vs Geo A Davis vs Jas L Bell vs Louisa Perry vs I N Smith vs G W Mann vs II C Kmbree vs W B March vs J A Depcws vs John Winston vs A A Arnold vs Peter F Wood vs James A Duncan vs J R McDonald vs B F Vance vs J C Dowi 11 vs J J Simmons v D C Creason vs E II Hendricks vs Fred Fahiion vsO W Miller vs A Clifford vs Sarah E Billings vs Wm M Henderson vs Elizabeth Eckles vs S J Wainscott vs Joseph McGuire vs John Dinanetal vs L P Stephens vsC I Parker vs Jcrrv Roof vs A J Clem vs H 1 Mc.Clintic vs Geo Restine vs E Mills vsG D Burch vs W A Morns vs W L Allkire ve C E Riley vs W T Mc-Cowan vs P H McCoy vs D S Brown vs John Lotspeech vs David Woods vs O Albertson vs R D Stanley vs J H Scrivner vs A B Vincent vs G S Ware vs Mary A Jennings vs John Magarity vs Martha Kinder vs Elijah Gutridge vs T J Carter vs Samuel Byerly vs J W Duncan vs J T Mostly vs L Dunlap vs K W Searfus vs P II Scott vs Win A Nelson vs Sarah Willing- va Vaughn Turner vs S W Lee vs Lillie B Ham. vsHG Thomas eta TC. UOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Dlseasesof women and chil ren a specialty. Tim. Wallerstien A Co., one of the largest collar and shirt manufac turing firms in Troy, New York pays ita working people in campaign en velopes, bearing such beautiful mot toe as ''Pauper wages, or no work;"' "vote tne democratic ticket and you will be ruined,"' Sec Sec. D0RH & PIERCE BARBERS. Shop on North Side Square. We i sill Sin state prison shows that give special nttentiou to Ladies and ' from November 18ST to January 121 Investiga-1 lis tiou of the books of the warden of ' Children's hair cutting. We Keen the best of Barbers, also grind scis-! Tjct Hbor 1S-SS, this firm paid $-18.292 for Con nors ana razors class. All work a call Evervthhi' niaranteed. hrst - Giv iti the ANTI-BII.LIOCS Ilixp. This old F.r.ijiish Family use ior SG vears all over tle world, tor Bile, Ind igestion, Liver, Ac. r r v. ruro. vezetaoio ltETeaiPLis. Fro in I Xlrrcur.t. in.'inr.iiic lars a:ui sa:rts i iv:a Jan. I. to July 1, 1SSS the same trm tar watden SltO.OOD. or ire of col- 5aid ft $30,000 lliOl. for .s;:u:e sort of wori Hood's S.irsaparilla is a purely vegt table j rtparatior, leill r free ircm ii junous ingredient?. It is peculiar in its curative powei. CRIMINAL CASES. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19. 11S State of Mo. vs R F Vanhorn 114 ' vs W H Gibbons 115 ts Frank Crouch TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 116 State of Mo vsJ O Smith 117 vs J O Smith 118 vs J O Smith 119 ts L E Mann 120 4 ' ts Wah Kee WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21. State of Mots Wm Sanlsman ts Lewis Voght ts Geo F Malney ts C D Parker THURSDAY NOVEMBER 22. Wm Page vs Elizabeth Shelby et al. People 111 ex rel M C Hunt ts Jas McGhee Jno 1' Smith et al vs W H ( louse State of Mo exel G E Phelps vs D G j Newsom. ! 141 Citv of Bntler vs W F Rossr et ai ; 142 Belle Felter vs J P Edwards et al 143 J P Ts lor vs M S Switzer 141 Mary A aitk vs Van V. Brook et al FRIDAY NOVEMBER 23. :4 Kate Sharp va II Prepmier It,; J D Bowman n Joe liiedsoe 147 John Boe s Mary Boe James A Hill et al vs Edwin Gould et al 1 149 Samuel Rvers vs alter Gilbert et al : l.V David E Miller vs Catherire Miller l.M Nsncv A Bridges vs Geo W Bridget 152 Marr F Duncan et al vs G v, Henderson 153 WmPaee v unknown heirs of John fcars 154 I jllie B Wines vs John Wines , Tie melaucholy days have come, but Harpers Magazine for November brightens them perceptably. There is m flavor of de cay about it, and its haves are as fresh and clean as in simmer time. The range of aub jecti is wide, and there is catering to nany kinds of literary taste. Two artUes, "Invalidism as a fin art," and the "New Orleans bench and bar 1825,' can hardly fail to charm every one vho reads them. The illustra tion all through are most artistic, and he Departments show their us ual iweetness, light, and common serse. 1H7 13 139 140 ChtiJren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Wha Baby wa sick, we gave her Castoria. Whe she waa a Child, she cried tor Castoria, VTtt-. she became Miss, aha clung to Castoria, YThe sha had Children, sie cave them Castoria WE HAVE A LARGE AND COMPLETE LINE OF lll'S UHIiijo Tlie best baud made SBoots in the County, goods made to our own order. 1 e of ilie Best H And Every Pair Warranted. Be sure and look at our mi mi BEFOBE YOU BUY. We haye the best hand made and lain loots In the State. ErjUsh Spavn Liniment removes ail Hare iolt. or Cailouscd Lumps and IJlen:he rrom horses. Blood Jjpavio, Cur's, splints, S.veenev, Stifles. Sprains Soremd' Swollen Throat, Cou-jhs, Etc S.tve$5 bv use of one bottle. Warrant. t:J. old bv W. J. La5Iow-. Drug : gtistutleri Mo. ' S-ivr. loiinn'i Miwi LEU V 9. ii in ii ii ii n