Newspaper Page Text
3 II Jie of ta sU ros tke iro- Die rm rom lSM sin muL my Ong mo edl- s 1SK Tl3L(B3nL we will .sitoznislh. roxo. lilifiH t' ke Big iir? I 11111 11VJ1 T V ik life id stag, life, bp, facets Milliner! and runts Me .1 tale sisal Place Decern ber M EaW WORKING THE DEPOT. jie Confidence Jdn are Not Deterred ft by Recent A 1 rests. Fighting With Their Own Fire. Prominent farmers of this county are talking of organizing what they term a "Government Aid Society," pledging themselves not to buy any croods of American manufacture. Br Z That Kansas City is the best field thia mPm8 Df purchasing exclusive tr eoufidence, men on the coutinei t f0,eiffn.nade .? ods the tariff will it' rapidly becoroii g "cogi.izl. jaV ffQ iuto tbe Uuited Stateg trPRS he arrest of one of the leadii g instead of into the coffers of the THREATS OF BLOOD. "DO YOU WANT WTAR?" A NARROW ESCAPE. A Series of Jack the Ripper Outrages Promised in Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Minn., .Nov. 30. New rooks a few days ago seems to have ititle effect upon the fraternity, as urangers are being worked every fay ai usual. At an early hour this horning JohnFalkner, of Carrollton, Ho., was held up near the west end of the Union depot and relieved of 116:15, all the cash in his posses sion. He was on his way to Cali" ornia and had bought a through Heket but a few minutes before the ''Sbbery. He was robbed by two en who threatened to "smash his outh" if he made, any outcry rich mitnufacturers. By this means it is argued a large fund will be accumulated in the treasury, and they propose then to ask congressman Stone to introduce a bill, giving back from this fund a duty of 10 cents a bushel on corn, 15 ceut9 on wheat, 7 cents on oats, 2 cents on pork, 3 cents on beef, etc., to the farmer. In short by the means proposed they ask that the poor American farmer be protected as well as the American manufacturer. The farmer i n T.-..,1 n il i . ....... . . . ruuui vu wen. vuiceiB a"""!' is tired ol selling Ins products ma ichols arrested two crooks who marfcet open to the pauper labor of ere trying to raise $100 on a bogus tv.e woria, and buvinjr his necessa- wvanf M'Ha ia-vtri waa rfAl i i tit r-r iu "" I rips in a. miirk'M TvroT.flCLfiu mi tier jribed as located in Oklahoma. The cent for tne Bimpi0 and only reason Ten gave the names of D. S. Shea L building up in this nation a horde Ud Jfid. Connelly and will be neld of princely manufacturing barons. r inspection at police headquarters B ttig means the farmer does not y their game had not proceeded far propose to boycott anyone. But Tpough to give prool sufficient tor claiming to be loyal citizens, they mviction. K. C News, nrnnnai f.n huv where this frreat L I " J cj i l. . ii- - i c Postoffice Officials Resigning. government win uo me oeueucmiy I i m r -l j 1 ((Washington, D.C.. Nor. 30A msteaa ol a iew P"K I VT 3. T I unber of postoffice officials, antici- eTau D I Thft InnKtitrmnnn KTim:lT'4. viaanl ftfAV UaiAn A A pa rm o bin rf or- I was. un ' ii cue, uupi w ... , . ,. . . n. - - jjT . . , . , , mitted to congress esumaie oi me te finance division, has resigned to ... a ike effect December I, having ac Mr. PhelDS. the American minis- li-bment, $25,293,372; naval estab- '"1 it, paid the Scotch-Americans a Ushment, $25,162,028; Indian affairs, . i . jpted a position in the Home In- irance company of New York city. hief Inspector West also intends to esign for the purpose of accepting position in the same company. Jhief Clerk Bay and Mr. Tyler, the oief of the equipment division, will ave next month for South America. xj will not 'resign until the new ad- inistration come9 in. appropriations required for the gov ernment service for the hscal year ending June 30, 1890. They aggre gate $323,467,48883,062,305 less than the estimates for 1S89 and $3,- 530,511 more than the appropria tions for the current fiscal year. The estimates are as follows: Legislative establishment, $3,881,963; executive establishment, $18,955,0S1; judicial establishment, $436,000; foreign in tercourse, $1,947,565; military estab- The following is a verbatim copy of a letter received by the chief of po I lice yesterday. It was written on a foolscap sheet which clearly fur nishes at least reasonable indications that it was not written in the West hotel, as claimed therein. The hand is bold and round: Minneapolis. Nov. 28. Chief of police, Minneapolis Gentlemen: You had better olose up the "select houses" on First street be fore December 8, or you will have reign of terror and blood equal to the Whitechapel of London, Eng land. I am a "pal" of Jack McCur- dy, alias "Jack, the Ripper," of Lon don, and have been in Minneapolis just three days and at the present time am at the WTest hotel writing this. Time is iust 3:50 p. m. Wed nesday. As soon as I nnish this go to St. Paul and make some ar rangements, aud on December 8, 1 return to Minneapolis. Then be ware, for blood shall tinge the fath er of waters, as it has the Thames o England. Until then bye-bye, and be sure you do as I direct, for the dawning of the morrow is not more sure than the death of fifteen unfor tunates by my hand. So farewell until December 8. Yours truly, Wm. Haixen, alias "Knife Stab," late of London. Underneath is a cut of a nude wo man with a knife and her heart and her bowels cut open, followed by the words "This is a fair samplo of what my work will be." York's Religio-Cranky Editor Breaks Out in a New Spot. New York, Nov. 30. The Mail and Express, Col. Elliot F. Shep ard's (religious) paper, in a leading editorial under the caption, "Do You For 10 Hours 150 Miners are in Wa ter Up to Their Chins. Want War?" accuses the democrats of trvmc to steal the house. It ac- cuses the democrats of West Vir ginia of having robbed a duly elected republican congressman, of trying to rob Louisiana, and with having cheated a North Carolina republican out of his seat. The article cotin ues: "The democrats shall n;t be per mitted to steal the government any more than they were permitted to throw it down by force of arms. Crimes against the ballot box will be put down by the same military pow er that crushes the life out of the rebellion. The next war will not be begun by the south. It will tome from the north. The clash of resounding arms that will next be heard will come from the weapons of hundreds of thousands of loyal northern men, who will not permit the stealing of their birthright. Let the democrats look to it that they save the country from a war that will surely follow the theft of the house of representa tives. The south had best take warning. Huntingdon, Pa , Dec. 2. The Bock Hill Co's mines at Bobertdale, this county, became flooded to-day soon after the miners had entered upon their work. There were 150 men in the mines at the time and the rushing water swept them be fore it to the further end of the mines where they were imprisoned for 10 hour's in water reaching their chins. Their escape from the irouth of the mines was cut off by the in coming tide, which had burst a dam above the mines, sweeping every thing before it. The volume of wa ter thus liberated covered an area of 40 acres to a depth of five feet. By excavations the current of water was finally turned from the mines, and, after intense suffering the imprison ed were liberated. The company's .oss is very great. erved compliment, at a dinner S5o,45,41U; pensions, ;, uu; en him recently by the corpora public works, $21,2U4,yuy; postal Ion of Olascow. In resoonse to a eervice, $4,303,414; miscellaneous, last, he said the United States did $26,85C,38o; permanent annual ap fc intend to allow her people to be propnahons, $108,b91,0o5. ntaminated by the leprosy of Asia he offscourings of Europe, but long as Scotland sent the class of n she had hitherto sent to this aitry, the doors of America, so ; at Scotland was concerned, would zing on their hinges from Maine .California. The "Post" Gives Up. Washington, Dec, 1. The Wash ington Post, which for a long time claimed a majority in the next House for the democratic party, now admits that the republicans will hare the disputed Tennessee district and at least one of the four districts in ttx per cent money; payable on or J West Virginia and that the roll of Care maturity. Money paid promt-the House will bear the names of executed. 1166 republicans and 159 democrats Peach & Sfbaouz. I a republican majority of seven. ouahrjapera are H 11.x. A. p A St. Joseph Street Railway Deal. St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 2. Joseph A.. Corby of the Frederick avenue and citizens' street-car companies left to-night for New York in re sponse to a telegram to close a deal for the sale of his line of railroads to a syndicate which will operate both roads with electricity. A pow er-house, five stories in height and 80 by 160 feet, will be erected at Third and Morry streets, and in con nection with it an immense incan descent electric light plant. The combined strength of the two roads is six and one-half miles. There will be in this city when these roads are in operation 17 miles of street rail way operated by electricity. The syndicate which has purchased the road, it is understood, is closely con nected with the Sprague Motor Co. of New York and will endeavor to get possession of all the roads in the city. The outrages upon the negro vote have been tolerated too long, but they will not be permitted to change the political complexion of the popular branch of con gress. Let the democrats keep their foul hands off the sacred institutions of the nation. It tney go on in their thievish efforts they will soon hear the approaching march of the Northern army that will make war upon the men who undertake to set aside the people's verdict by crime, Does the South want any more lead and steel? Has it not had enough of armies trampling its crops into the dust and suspending its in dustries with fearful effect? If does not want war with all its at tending horrors, let it cease its ef forts to steal the House of Bepre-i sentatives, for if the democrats do not cease now, at once, in their crim inal conspiracy, there will be a war, and a war begun and carried on with all the ardor and energy of the Nerth." xi tne "wmte cap outrages now happening in Indiana and Ohio, had taken place in the south, the ultra radical papers and speakers of the north would have raised a mighty howl, and much talk about the un- civilize d condition of the whites, in timidation, etc., but coming from where it does it elicits but a passing notice, if that. It is strange what mighty differences such little changes sometimes make. Col. Ed. S. Vance, who served two terms as official reporter in the Mis souri house of representatives, is in the field, and is the growing candi date for position of chief clerk of the general assembly to be held this winter. As official reporter and in other worthy positions both in the state and national capital of his country Mr. Vance has demonstrat ed his fitness and fidelity, and in hit present capacity the United States mail service not a single individu al of his experience has a better re cord or can display a chart of high er merit. We take pleasure in at testing the merits of a young man who, thrown entirely upon his own resources at an early age, is step by step, working his way up over it, and we hop i o Bee our young friend attain the very acme of his ambi tion through his honest and perse vering endeavors. K. C. Daily Traveler. Sam Jones completed his cam paign in Missouri and departed for Indiana. While in Missouri he spoke at Moberly, Marshall and Col umbia. He will spend the winter on the Pacific coast. His co laborer, Sara Small, is holding a revival in New York City. Jones, in speaking to a reporter at St. Louis, on his way east, Saturday, gave utterance to one of his characteristic remarks, as follows: "There is one difference between St. Louis and hell hell has no river alongside of it." GOING! GOING! Our Sxrtiro Stocls of 5 AT si it Pontry Wanted. I will pay more cash money than anybody in Butler, for your eggs, chickens, turkeys. Spring chickens wanted at bis prices. . Call at Bud Atkinson's or A. L. McBride & Co. Good hand picked apples wanted. Jas. Smith. Actual Co We have determined to close out our queensware and glassware, stock and they go at cost. , OUR GROCERY STOCK IS FULL, and we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Produce, butter eggs and chickens wanted. WRIGHT & WALLS, : tut JTT, . a only