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m 1 l1 UJeeMti ft vol. xi. LITTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 5, 1888. NO. 2 IM UV1IUI nn iiil FOR BARGA livl ON fJUED WARM WEATHER OUR SALES OF JSUSS! Though Large, has not been what it should be. We mut if. '.' flDur stock OVERCOATS move these (Roods even at a sacrifice to ourselves, is still complete, ranging from a gSBll 'TizB satinet to the finest "TAIMI MAIME" garments. We are determined to sell these (goods if possible and should you be in need of any MEN'S MS BOYS Winter me oun Clothing we will make it to your interest to exam Stock before buying. Don't Fail to see us and Ascertain the TRUTH of These Statements. Americai ClotMig Hois THE NEVADA TRAGEDY. ! postmaster to give liim a lelter his ( ; wife bad mailed. It was addressed Terrible Effects of Korbe's Act on Jwoj to a lady friend but on opening it Households. ' second letter was found addressed to Schick and making an appoint or , nw i mi x ment to meet him in Kansas City. Nevada, Mo., Dec. 1. The tragic .. ... tv m death of Miss Mary Ella Ray and! . , , x, ... a. ii, -it1.k: .,i. '.sioner and made the complaint on which her husband was arrested. THEY WHIPPED WOMEN- George Godfrey Korbe is yet a sub ject of intense interest in this city and section of country. Various the ories as to the motive that led to this terrible affair have been advanc ed, yet the truth will, in all probabil ity, never be known. The remains of Mary Ellen Ray were brought to this city yesterday, followed by rel atives and friends, and interred in Deepwater cemetery beside those of her deceased father, John Ray, who died some three years afro 0 The father and brother of God frey Korbe arrived at the Ray home stead Thursday night and took charge of the body, which was in terred at Hackberry school house at j two o clock yesterday afternoon. It was reported in this city that Miss Mary Korbe, the sister of Godfrey Korbe, was attended by a physician nil night and that this great trouble has caused her to become a nmuiae. It is also learned that Korbe's moth er is entirely deranged. The mem bers of the Ray family are suffering r This is a warning to husbands not to interfere with the rights of their wives in their little matters of harm less flirtations. A man must be very heartless indeed who would be guilty of spying out his wife's little indis cretions in this manner and the great United States should punish him severely. Niae Aliened White Caps Arrested for Ontrases Committed in Indiana. Kinging Noises I In the ears, sometimes a buzzing sound are caused bv catarrh that exceedingly disagreeable and very common disease. Loss of smell ! or healing also result from catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is a peculiarly successful remedy for this disease, which it cures by purifying the blood. If you suffer from catarrh, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, the peculiar medicine. ! The ladies of the W. C. T. U. have made arrangements to have Mrs. Alice Williams, of Cameron, lecture ' in Butler some evening next week. fra Wi11in.mi is n nnlpndid snpiiilr- t ; i er as those who heard her while here Louisville, Dec. 4. Nine men ' & no late district W. C. T. U. con haye been arrested at Eckerly, Ind., ventjon are aware. Her special work charged with being engaged in a i is devoted to young people, and it White Cap raid. Eckerly is a vil- j pfty eTery one either in town or lage in Crawford county, about sev-j country to mate it convenient to enty-five miles from Louisville, and j ner jj)ue notice of date and in the heart of the region infested ; pa(?e wiU te giveu iater. Democrat by the White Caps. It was near i Labor paper please copy. there two years ago that two men t Committee. were hanged by the White Caps for For Door-Keeper. Col. R. W. Crockett has decided to make the race for door keeper of the lower house of the legislature. He is a democrat who has been in the harness, actively at work since a boy, and the party should take pleas ure in honoring him. He is compe tent and his integrity no man ever doubted. If the house selects him, it will get an officer than whom could find none better. Mr. Turner, of Kansas, will again introduce the bill which was passed by both ho ases of congress at tbo last session, bnt failed to get the president's sigature, to allow persons ' who had abandoned or relinquished their homestead entries to make an other entry. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Congressman Springer will secure action on thea Oklahoma bill as soon as the rules will allow. .1 Mr. Jesse Trimble, the handsome and obliging drag clerk for two P. Barnes & Son and an alleged assault upon Miss Flan nagan, and it was this that brought about the exposure of the crganiza tion. The men under arrest are x H Crum. nianaffer of Dun's Wm. L. Gregory, Louis N. Nob, , rn7nTnpr,iai ajrencv at Williamsnort John C. Rawlins, David Vert, Chas. ; pa ? cas charged with embezzlement j Morgan, Wm. Wiseman, commonly; known as White Haired Will; Sam : Butt, James Dynch and Charles My Philadelphia parties claim, under an old Spanish grant, 20,000 acres of land near Berryville, Ark", includ ing some valuable farming lands. WbeoBabrw tck, wf whwCiSwl WImb ibewMft OHM. tl ertrf U Cm, Wba abebecMa Vim, m dose to Ctrtocta. TOmbIm had CbQdrB,ib garni ler. The specific charge against them is whipping Mrs. Moore and Mr. Anthony near West Fork, a postoffice a few miles from Eckerly, on July 27, 18S8. All gave bonds and will ioin in the defense. Greg- A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years ought to know salt from sugar: read what he says. Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. j Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gentlemen: I have been in the general practice of medicine for! most 40 years, and would say that , in. all my practice and experience,? have never seen a preparation that I j m wm WITH US? WE'RE ALL RIGHT! BECAUSE WE SELL MORE tMrihU i ti, .i. : years witn M. ; lately with the firm of Paul Jones & ; Co , leaves to-morrow morning for of the daughter and sister. Deputy TJ. S. marshal Willis ar- his home in Butler, Mo., and from orv is the postmaster at West Fork, could prescribe with as much confi- and has twice been elected justice of jdence of success as I can Halls Ca the peace. Job is the United States h Cure- nianuf actured by you. ! man agent between est orfc and j timeg and Ug effecJ. ig wonderrui. Eckerly and has a good reputation- i WOuId say in conclusion that I have j John C. Rawlins is a justice of the vet to find a case of Catarrh that it ! T I I TV T "D U D I ; wnnl.l nn cure, if thev would take 5 -Li vj VX J Hi iU ! too rested one Scott at Pierce City for;theie to Chicago tv attend the col tampering with the U. S. mail aud 'lege of rhamacy. Wichita Eagle. Vookhimto Springfield. It it according to directions. xours Irtuy, L. L. Gobscch,M. D. Office, 215 Summit St At Indianapolis, Ind.. yesterday ; ! George Hacker, a young German! scetiis ; Jese .-u-riveJ. in Butler ' the last of anarchist mortally wouuded his', W will cive f 100 for any case of 1 benefactor, James P. Bruce, a well j catarrh that caunot be cured with ; to do baker, by cutting him again Hall's Catarrh Cure. Tafcen inter and again with a knife and hatchet luall v. " i because Bruce exhibited gratificiitiou p. j. Chexet & Co.. Toledo. O- t Scott suspected his wife of be-' the week and looks as if Kansas cli ff too intimate with a man at Kai.-! iuste had agreed with him. He is Ys City by the name of Schick, and an excellent young gentleman and little subterfuge induced the ; h:;s many friends iu Butler. ' over the election of Harrison. fcrSold by Druggists, 75c. 51-lrn. for the fcame amount of money lhan any other firm in the country. H.&WYATT&SQN ' Absolutely Pure. i Tbi powder wrrervwie. A mrIfpim-7 trwsti sn3 wh&tsomeneM . Mr etonomi"" titan Uie ortliory kiasla, sa4 J eosjpetttion Willi U aititad ot la 1f-. I hf.rt eight alum er jiwlit nsw4n. iA3 i ohIt ia e. Botac Baejxo to., i w