it SStttlet C OL. XI. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 12, 1888. NO. 3 UV7U MIIIy ON ACCOUNT 0 I iM OITIfiUED WARM WEATHER OUR SALES OF Though Large, has not been what it should be. We must 3iir stock "overcoats I move these (broods even at a sacrifice to ourselves, is still complete, ranging from a Tfl Tr satiiset ito the finest "TAIJLOR MADE" garments. We are determined to sell these I goods if possible and should you be in need of any Clothing we will make it to yonr interest to exam Stock before buying. MEN'S M BOYS SUITS. Winter lue oud Don't Fail to see us and Ascertain the TRUTH of These Statements. Amencam OotMnm I mm, MONEY .vrsi Sophia's Unse. An inffoensive old "entleuian named SIMEON DINWIDDLE, a deacon residing in the West End, : .I, . ; created quite a sensation the other I. lL lJ j j morning by shouting at the top of " j his voice, SoPHIAltbat being the name of his daughter, who was at a BATES COUNT ! near neighbor's, reading the Sedalia Weekly Bazoo, viewing its character illustrations. Neither of the persons were arrested, as it was found by the authorities, on examination, that it was uo violation of law to either I shout or read a paper published for ! the people now on earth. MANAGERS, Butler Mo . j can fce ' This Company invests money in real j jja for $1.00 per annum. Address we, buy notes and bcnool iJonas, nd deals in all kinds ot good seuuriteis. ; 1 FINE IMPROVED FARMS; ill and LID CO., IAS. ORUGLER & SON, J. West Goodwix, Sedalia, Mo. Ot 40 to 640 acres each, and good giazing lands from 400, to 1,500 acres in a body for sale or ex chance LOCAL. ITEMS. ! You do not, any of you, advertise enough. You ought to use printer's ! ink every day. You are asleep and i want your business to run itself. I Standing advertisements in the pa 1 rer command confidence. The man M. who for a year lives in one commu nity and leads a reputable life, even tbonch he be of moderate ability. Six per cent money; pay.ible on or I . - th confidence and es- hefore maturity. Money paid promt-jt of his fellows. Ou the same lj when papers are executed. j principie a newspaper advertisement 3? U- Peach & Spbagcs. ;becomes familiar to the eyes of the . He had been there, and knew j readers. Whereof he 8poke. When Tom Reed It may be seldom read, still it - was once asked what the rules of makes the name and business of the tat house were for, anyway, he ' man familiar, and its presence in the promptly replied that they were to columns of a paper inspires confi prevent legislation." deuce in the stability of his enter - t 'tw'tt i'--rrise. p. t. baentm. i lbere is to be a new republican f wparer started in Washimrfrju. I t - A Tl Ingalls View of Tariff Legislation. Washington, Dec. 10. Speaking of the senate substitute tariff bill, senator Ingalls said yesterday: There is no doubt that the bill will pass the senate, although it will be amended, I think, in accordance with the wishes of the west. I think the lumber schedule will be modified J and the iron schedule will be reduc- ed. The west will also ask a inodifi- cation of the sugar schedule. We will want a bounty equivalent to the reduction made by the bill. With the 50 per cent reduction which it is now proposed to make, a cent a pound will be sufficient protection to this young industry. Even with this bouuty the cost of sugar to the people will be greatly reduced, for . we cannot hope, for the present at least, to supply a very large propor tion of the sugar consumed in this country. Plenty of six per cent money . to loan. Privilege of paying part or all at any time before maturity and stop interest. 39 tf. Peach & Spr.gce. WHAT IS THE 111! WITH US? WE'RE ALL RIGHT! BECAUSE WE SELL MORE LTJMBE R ! for the same amount of money ; than any other firm in 2 - - the country. H.C.WYATT&SON State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, S. S. j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm f F. J. Cheney & Co., doing busi ness in the city of Toledo, county and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Cats,: 1 h Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. '8G. A. W. GLEASON, Coal! Coal! I am now prepared to furnish coal in any quantity and of excellent" quality at my coal bank located on my farm north west of Butler, at the lowest market prices. J. R. Habkimax. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorta. SEAL Notary Public. Hair a Catarrh Cure it taken in ternally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O. le-Sold by Druggists, 75c 2-lm. , aabr m riidc, w s mt Caotta. Wbem Am vaa a Child, the criad tor Cartorta, WkM sm tMcuna Idas, she clsnc Oasiorla, WMasbahadChOdrw, ate thm Gastorifc Wanted, Hors, Mares and Mnles. I will be at J. W. Smith's barn in Butler, on Saturday, Dec- 15. 1888, when I will pay the highest market price for horses, mares and mules, from four to eight years old. must be sound and in good flesh. M. Spares. We ioan tlie . AOere will be au exceueut opportu-; ?iiy offered asraiu for souu? ou toimouey ia tut w iu money that will came ;;ot i see us. k unin! -l.TOtf. cheapest and best cc-Uiity. Come and Peach i.v Hi'Kaoce. The lofty monument erected at Plvmouth, Mass.. to commemorate the landing of the Pilgrims, has at last been completed. It was begun A Beer Selling Drujs; Clerk Prison Pitpect. j Wichita, Kas., Dec. 10. The case S of Stewart the drug clek who was sent to jail for seventeen years for rearrest of Stewart upon the demand of Assistant Attorney General Hallo welL Stewart was released by the government after serving six months of Lis sentence. The attorney gen eral attempted to collect his fines land 'cost, about $30,000 by selling the building in which the liquor was sold. Failing in this he had Stewart rearrested upou the old complaint. As the prisoner is a poor man he Poutry Wanted. I will pay more cash money than anybody in Butler, for your eggs, chickens, turkeys. Spring chickens wanted at big prices. Call at Bud Atkinson's or A. L. McBride L Co. Good hand picked apples wanted. Jab. Smith. illnui & eood prospect of . remaining f-m 1858, and has cost something iiie in jtjl if not again released : 200.000. . lecutire power. by ex- Money to Loan. On good security. We have mon ey to loan at 6 per cent interest and 5 per cent commission for five yeara. No other charges. Borrower can pay all or part at any interest pay ing time. This makes your loan cost about 7 per cent. 48 tf mum ft Absolutely Pure. Cheap j:3or,py to loan n ftrms. Ja-4. K. BltCOf.t.R. r Tils powder aer Tne. A BirrIof fvTUf : ctreBirth and wbolsosteaeaa. More ceBoatte .- tbaa the ordinary fciotU. aaleBBt t aL4 1 ' competition vita the aioititada of low ttat. abort weight ftlara phophapwoT. 6m oalrlncsiM. Bot t Bws fwCo., Wf WlUt-.X. f a ' v . 1 .--.1 -