Newspaper Page Text
THE GOVERNOR S WIFE. A Sketrh of Mr. David R. Francis. Tiio Francis Residence in St. Lonis. Mrs. David R. Francis, the future mistress of the governor mansion at Jefferson City, is the daughter of Mr. John D. Perry, and has been a prominent personage in society in St. Louib since her girlhood. She possesses a handsome face and form and her unaffected, genial, well-bred manner possesses a pleasing effect on all who meet her. She is about 30 years of age, with dark hair and eyes, and, although compelled by her position aa a wife of the chief execu tive of the city to entertain and go into society a great deal, she is com pletely wrapped up in her six chil dren, who are all boys ranging from a baby several weeks old to a hand some lad of eight named Perry. The second son is Dave, after the mayor; then comes Charley, Tom, Charlton and the baby. It is Bafe to say, however, that no lady in Missouri is better qualified to hold the distinguished position in official softety to which the election of her husband calls her. Mr. Sid ney Francis, the mayor's brother, resides with the family in Vandeveu ter place. The Francis residence, though by no means one of the largest in the city, is certainly ne of the most tasteful and fashionable homes in St. Louis; everywhere a tone of qui et elegance prevades it. The hall and staircase are broad and inviting; the woodwork is of carved mahog any, ascending to th second floor. In place of the old-fashioned newel post is a wonderfully carved mahog any peacock with wings outspread. It was in this beautiful home that the chief executive of St. Louis aud his charming wife List autumn eu ; tertained President aud Mrs. Cleve ; land. St. Louis Chronicle. William's Australian Herb rills. If vou are Yellow, Bilious, constipated with Headache, bad breath, drowsy, no appetite, look out your liver is out of rodcr, One box of these Pills will drive all the troubles nwa,t and make a new being of yon. Price 25 cts. V tv Pyle k Crcmly, Agent Proved the Siigur Swindle. San Francisco, Cal , Dec. 10. The United States appraiser has re ported the matter of 3,800 tons of Java sugar consigned to the Ameri can refinery, and which was siezed, together with the steamer West Meath, on Saturday, that, after 15 ; experiments, he has found the sugar ' has been artificially colored and that instead of being below Dutch stand ard No. 13, as represented, should be between grades Nos 13 and 16 Dutch standard, whieh pays duty of 2je per pound. In accordance with this finding the refinery company to day paid $02,401 additional duty, and, as it cannot be shown the refin ry company is at fault, Collector Hager states that the cargo will be released, but be sampled frequently J while Tesiels are unloading. ; A Mother's Brave Act Baleigh, N. C, December 11 Yesterday the dwelling house of Ed ward Cox, near Swansboro, Onslow county, caught fire and was burned Cox had gone to work, and his wife I had gone some distance away, leav , inghertwo children, one 3 years and the other aged 18 months, in the house playing. Happenning to look toward the house, the mother I caw it oa fire. She ran as quickly jaaahe could, but reached it only in ; time to hear the last wail of her lyoung est child as it perished. The I poor woman was frantic She at tempted to enter the house, but was I beaten back by the flames. The sOof was about to fall when she keard another cry, and discovered .that the oldest child was crouching .under the house with fire falling all sround it. The brave woman crept through the fire, and cot the child 3ot safely, though its clothing and ic own was almost burned away. 'Aa instant later the house fell in rains. Ik,-.:.; . ,;iwnisa apavn Liniment removes all .laid, Sott, or Calloused Lumps and .Swmtshea rerun kK.. di 1 . Curbs. Solints. Swn J vf";"' ioce and Swollen Throat, Coughs, Etc- rr - Tj I ... ?ne otue. Warrant. "OiW- J-Laxsdowv, Drug- WARRANTS FOR SMITH. Tim Birmingham Sheriff Re-arrested Twice. Hawes Found Guilty His Pleas. Birmingham, Ala., Dec, 12. Two . ri jar more warrants, cnarging onerm Smith with murder, were sworn out this evening and he is again a pris oner in the county jail. The second warrant sworn out yesterday was served this morning and Smith's friends promptly furnished another bond of $25,000 and announced their readiness to make as many bonds as might be necessary. L. B. Broods, who swore out one of the warrants this evening, insists that Smith should not be released on bond until he should have a pre liminary trial. The case will come up in the morning and the prosecu tion will be represented by counsel who will insist that Smith can not be released on bond. The coroner's inquest will begin in earnest in the morning aud about 200 witnesses will be examined. The examination jromises to 1 1st several weeks. The situation was hopeful, all the excitement seeming to have passed away. The Annistou lilies went home to-day and other companies will follow to morrow, but there is a probability that troops will again be needed, as the coroner's jury in 1 the Hawes murder ease completed its work to-day, having discovered sufficient circumstantial evidence to convince of the guilt of Hawes. The following is the true verdict: We, the jury, after an inspection of the body of the deceased, aud hearing of the testimony, find that the name of the deceased was Em ma Hawes, wife of Ii II. Hawes, and that she came to her death on urday night, December 1, from the effects of a wound in the head in flicted by R. R. Iiawes, her husband and that the naid killing was unlaw fully done. Wc, the jury, further fiud that Faunie Bryant aud Albert Patterson were accessories to the crime. We, the jury, after an inspection of the body of deceased, and hear ing of the testimony, find that the name of deceased Mas Hay Hawes aud that she was killed on Monday night, December 3. at East Lake by her father, and that such killing was unlawfully done. C. K. Dickey, Geo. H. Bodecker, J. N. Boggs, J. F. Hill, J. S. Evans, J. M. Cexm. Hawes, being told of the verdict and asked: "How are you feelingl" replied, "Mighty bad, mighty bad, of course." His voice was steady and he looked squarely in the eyes of the reporter. He haB lost color since his incarceration and care is plainly written on every line of his face, but no nervousness is apparent. "You have made no confession?" "No, I have not confessed any thing and I will not make any con fession. I have nothiner to confess. "Have you anything yom wish to say! ' "Yes, I want again to aver my in nocence. "You must explain many things to have anybody believe your claim of innocence. You must snQw where you left your daughter Mayjon Mon day night and with whom can you explain?'' "I cannot talk my lawyers tell me not to say a word. But I want to say one thinrr. I beliavo that something will transpire which will show my innocence. I believe it, and tell the world for me I believe " He stopped short, 6moked vigorously at his nearly extinguish ed cigar and glanced fiercely at the reporter. His eyes had a desperate even a demoniacal stare as he re peated, "I believe it, I believe it." The body of the other ehild has not yet been found, but the search for it continues. News comes from Columbus, Miss., to-night of the finding of an other link in the chain of circum stancial evidence against Hawes. When he went over to marry Miss Story he went to a barber shop on bis arrival to take a bath and change his undercloting and left at the shop his soiled clothing in a bundle, which he said he would call for later. To day this bundle was opened and nu merous blood stains were found on the clothes. They had been made by blood soaking through his outsr garments. Bccklen's Arnica Salve, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises,Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever fcores, Tetter.Chapped Hands, Chlblains Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pa required. It is guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cts per box. For sale bY Walls & Holt, the druggists For the last seven years a band of horse thieves and forgers has been operating in Howell, Texas, Shannon, Oregon and Doug las counties, and ha3 earned away hundreds of horses and mules and perpetrated other crimes with im punity. Detectives have failed to make an arrest, when about two months ago J. W. Deeboard, a prominent citizen of Willow Springs Mo., set upon himself the task of bringing the band to justice. By rendering some of the supposed leaders serices he soon gained their confidence, and about two weeks ago he was elected secretary of the club and handled all their corres pondence and thus learned all the secrets 01 tne oanti. Haying com pleted all his plans for their arrest, he went to Meuntaiu Grove, Mo., and swore out warrants for thirty- four horse thieves and two forgers. The last two have been arrested and the t iiieers are searching for the other. who live in public roads. places far from -O'ni where shall rest he found?" 'J iie worn-out mother sitfhs; Stockings to mnd, and trousers to darn, Dishes, to v. :i--!i, and butter to churn, While my Back reels to break, and mv head and heart burn, And life is a constant triction. The summer came and went, The matron no longer sighs; Elastic her i-tep, and rounded her cheek, Work .seems but play, life is now sweet, And the change was made in one short fweek, l'y Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Positive remedy tor those derange ments, irregularities, and weasnesses so common to womankind. The people who have for months endeavored to circulate stories con cerning the president's abuse of his wife are still in the ring, it would seem, and since Mrs. Whitney's inti mation concerning the responsibility of Chauncey M. Depew and Senator Ingalls, interest has broken out afresh. Both the gentlemen refer ed to deny that they have ever in any manner sanctioned the stories and it is possible that they tell the truth. It is wellknown and lament able fact that the tongue of scandal is hard to trace. It has generally a very small beginning and grows in to proportions by the passage it makes from lip to lip. Subtle, damning it goes its way and yet no body can tell just how or where the seed was planted. The wisest thing that could suggest itself would be to keep utter silence in regard to it and even Mrs. Whitney would have shown better sense had she refrain' ed from a crusade against those she believed to be guilty. Sedalia Ba zoo. Kneumansm ana Neuralgia cured in 1 to 3 davs for "5 cents by Detchon's "Mystic Cure." Do not suffer and waste money on other remedies. This abso lutely never tails. Sold by W. J. L.xs uowx, druggist, uutier, Jdo. 8-6m. $8,500 for an Injured Leg. Nevada, Mo., December 12. The case of J. E. James against the Mis souri Pacific railroad company for $25,000 was determined last nih' at VI o clock in the Vernon county court by the jury awarding plaintiff a verdict for $8500. In June, 1886. Capt. James was standing on the railroad platform at Appleton City, when a mail sack was thrown agvns his right leg from a passing train, causing an injury from which he has not yet recovered. The case will be appealed to the supreme court. Eczema, Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures, The simple application ot "Swayxk's Ointment," without any internal medi cine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Kneum, Kmgworm, files, Itch, Sores, Pimples, Eczema all Scaly. Itchy Skin Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or long standing. It is potent, effective. 1 ana costs out a trine. 52 iyr REDUCED HOLIDAY RATES. The Railroad Men laugh at the Inter state Commission's Lecture. All the railroads will reduce rates from December 24 up to and includ ing January 3. Most of the eastern roads will make special excursion rates to points within the 100 miles limit. H. E. Moss, general southwest ern passenger agent of the Santa Fe railroad, will leave for Chicago in a few days to look over the field. An official from every railroad represen ted in this city will probably partici pate in the general meeting to be held in Chicago on December 18. The railroad men laugh at the in terstate commissioner's lecture to the roads and add that the famous re ly of Boss Tweed, "What are you going to do about it?' is what the railroads will put to the commission ers. Said a prominent railroad man to-day: "The interstate commerce aw is a dead letter and will have no effect upon the rate war iu Chicago. The Pennsylvania railroad attempt ed to have the commissioners pro nounce the scalping of tickets a vio lation of the law, but they met with disastrous iauure. lne rate war 1 t -w-1 will have to be settled bv the rail roads themselves. Itch, Marge and scratches ot every Kina on numan or animals cured in o minutes by IV ooltord's Sanitary Lotion. This never tails. Sold by V. J. Lans- down, Butler. Mo. 1 1-6111 ANOTHER BONANZA. 3ir. S. li. Carpenter Exhibits a Muriel Tyw Setting Machine. A mud looking', giay haired old gentleman with double-lens glasses and a stoop in his shoulders is at present in the city looking for mon ey to push the "greatest invention in the age." He is S. B. Carpenter of Carthage, Mo., and to every one j to whom he explains his invention j he explains that he does not wish to be mistaken for Colonel Sellers. At a Fifth street hotel where he is stopping he has a most ingenious model of his type-making and typ -setting machine, '"the bonanza," which he has carved out with a big jack knife and which he exhibit d to Secretary Crawford of the Manu facturers' bureau and a reporter, this morning. To his own satis faction, and, as he said, to the satis faction of evsry practical mechanic who had inspected it, he explained that the machine was the only prac tical one to do the work intended. The machine has only four key bars to operate 2,400 letters and char acters and costs, its inventor says, lest than a typewriter. Logotypes, or monosylables and parts of words are cast together, and an exhaustive study of the dictionary to get the most combinations of letters has been a part of the labor of the in ventor. Secretary Crawford promised to look out for some Kansas City cap italists to go in with some Denrer men already interested and supply the money. The profits are to come from the sale, at a profit of $400 on each machine, of from 300 to 500 machines to every one of the 100,000 printing offices in the United States. Mr. Carpenter is not making his first break into the patent office on this machine as he is the inventor of the 'McCormick binder. - The pat ent for the machine has been ap plied for. K. C. Star. Marshall, Mo., Dec. 10. About 4 o'clock this morning thieves caused a stampede among the mules at Sparks Bros.' large barns in this city by removing the gate leading into the mule lot from its hinges and flushing the animals. About 70 es caped through the gate,two of which were killed by an early west-bound train. All have been recovered but 10, which were, no doubt, taken by the thieves. Drunken birds, like drunken peo ple, act unbecomingly. The mock ing bird in Orange, CaL, feed on the berries that grow in the Chinese um brella tree, and this sort of food makes them tipsy. They act very foolishly ju3t affVr a hearty meal , and stagger about badly intoxicated. WITH YOU Fd NIi iiiiiuLii With a Clean Stationery, Paints, Oils, &c. Come :ni s us as anil would l)o First door tutii of ou-xij& McFABXiAND BROS. KEEP TH E LARGEST STOCK AT THE BEST PRICES IN HARNESS and SADDLERY. mmmm Spooner Patent Collar PREVENTS CANNOT CHOAKE A HORSE, Adjusts itself to any Horse's neck, has two rows of stitching, will hold hames in place better than any other collar. KHEHDERSuN 109 A 111 W. Ninth St. KAHSAS CM, M0. The only Specialist in the Cifj who is a Regular Graduate in Medicine. Over j-j fears' Practice, 12 years in Chicago. THE OLDEST III AGE, AMD LORCEST LOCATED. Autbortewi !v the 8tte to treat ChrontcNervooeana "Special Dis eases," w-imnal weaicneAS ntynt lojMiiJxa:t; lHbfhtv iou of aervai pnwer), N7Vnos lieMllty, Poisoned Jtiooa.L lOTRi. n! euiupi 01 every kind, L'ririxry Di-tanes. and in fact, all troubles or lie.e in either male or female. Core rsaranteed or money refunded. Charges low. Thousands of canea cured. Kxperience U Important. All medi cines are guaranteed to be pare and effipactotm. being com pounded In my perfectly appointed laboratory, and are fonsished ready for ue. No running to drug stores to have uncertain pre acriptions filled. No mercury or Injurious medi cines used. No detention from business. Patients at a distance treated by letter ai.d express, medi cines sent everywhere free from gaie or breafe age. Htate your case and send "or terms. Con saltation free and confidential. ptrsomJij or by letter. A Ct page 11UTir Far Both Sexes, sent illustrated HWSX, sealed in plain envelope forte, in stamps. Every male, from tae age of 15 to 4&, fehoald read this book. RHEUMATISM THE 6REAT TUBUSH F.HHJUATIC CUBE. A POSITIVE CCRB far RHKUH 1TI.M. f& fer any me tfcis treaswnt fail ears or kelp. tfimteK dicornr is aaa&U faedietM. Oat 4ee rei it ; m flew mms ww fmrud pva m joint ; Cm completed ia&to ? d- S-e4 km srent f ee vkfe vtutp for Circulars. Call, m addrcm Dr.H&t0EB$OZM&3 W.Cfh Si-.IUnsaCfty,!r1o. I ONCE MORE -'..- Fresh Stock of 1 wo can do vou irood 'lad to see vou. nates County nat7l bank. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Paid up Capital Stock, $100,000; Chsapast and IViost Practical SCALE IN THE MARKET. Something b'very Farmer Wants, Ask your Implement dealer or Hardware man for then It thev arc not handled in your Territory call on or address us and any Information will be cheerfully given. WTWc vsish to place Ageucies with live men for Unoccupied Territory. LLOYD SCALE COMPANY, . wince o. u; lempie vjourt. CHAFING- TRABKlKAHr KniflLMBk A ...isba. . i ----- f 1628 .AjrctjStroet, PtlUoO'a fB A WELL-TRIED TREATMENT far nwrinifU. Tnst. rROcnm, viwtfVV TKKH. NaT EEB. HJUB4UIE. SESIUTT, -rommm ottcm-wi tasaa Msta rata, esteal Barra. sa4 lk i UaasHa I Cm, uaiiurf a4 aata am aila VI raaaiaiafcaas at a!! anliitf. kdt awaui a4 sayaiail, ta a ata af lawcriif. a4 tba airnaa arataak tts trm aa4 la an.Tn aM 't mtr ik4if a4 aWllsalfr. Titaa4UTm Txxrat m.Staray Iwaav a, W ana Mm. rkilaa Ian Wea aitaf tar as last srvralrra mn ta aiaalt- ajatlai.ataf taaaataaaaaa aff aa4 itmr nagnet.r ed.c4 laiiayiaaifa aa I u.i-a alJ t-.rlal... lint u Ut ail awrtlia wart. n.triita'tr a riui bs. lb iiwnrto ir aUavta-aaa wnwa a.i k kaa afta4 taaar Traataamtl U. ttllLUS l. IXLLIT. Wrmkr ef Caa armt, rkllaaVlsUa. K . TfCTOft L. 01K, Mtavtaf Itnia llhuiir. iruiariakta. MKV. tllllM W. maV KS, a. KackaMer. . t. . ILUtM Wl IXO. sail. 1 i. in tin., in 11 1 111 bt. a. sr. aoosr. I TW Uar,. ia.vlrr. . 1. . H. trTm4.TeI. -hae rm S.aifc. Utrariaraaaa. Slav it Tw.r H. T. taUOait, ftaian,liaa. JtlM.K K. S. KIf i. X far CHr. 1L m. c asieuT. rubutHaau. Bit. t-iif mmsiI ra A tt.aai!. of MiM la n (art af IW CaMas nfcaal. rkilvariakta. IIOS. . . lira, J blWiKiarftanMina'taiaiaMiaiaUaM ky n. Mark'r Pain, aM (bn ta afl lasalraf hM ta SjiSiaUas satatMa raaaikaala rarali. mm aaa araasr mt wtml aax4r4 MrfHiU fww U a atdanaca tOrutl0Olll.a iu 4a -iu a4a ar Arttoa aaa av T m uaai nr ar aaa wa r -, aba -lXnl ID (r L . a aaasraiUMrwiil hnM im aa aaj I tinm V mm lali-ls mt mm aaaliM 1 bjbsv aaaa taasrrfeuri SB 3. STAHKEY ft U27 A 1329 Arcs Street. rsSl4d!i. mm h -jam