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HABDWAE AND A FULL LINE OF FIRST-CLASS FARM MAG HINERY. I 'EACH & SPRAGUE TITLE ABSTRACTORS, COMPLETE AND RELIABLE ABSTACT" OF TITLE FURNISHED OX SHORT NOTICE. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate security on long or 6hort time. Oihce hrst door south ot Bates Co. National Bank. BUTLER, MO. 3PRBR3G ASMD FARSI WACO Store. SOsisit J$icle FRANZ BERNHARDT 'toleagcnt fortlie Rockford and Aurora watche?. iu Gold , Silver and Killed Cases, very r'ueap JEWELRY STORE, Is headquarters tor Fne Jewelry Watches, Clocks, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, &c Spectacles ot all kinds and lor all ages; also fine Opera Glasses. You are cordially invited to visit his establishment and examine his splendid display of beauMtul goods and the low prices, ALL KINDS OF ENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED W. E.TUCKER, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. Of'FIt'E OPERA HOUSE. WHITE CAPS BUSY. The Order Extended to Kansas. Operations Begun Upon People Living About Agra. MASONIC Butler Lodge, So. 254 Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch N'o. 6, meet .-i: 10 lid Thursday month. Gouley ommandery Knights Templar meets the hrst 1 uesdav m eacn inontn. meets the first Masons, in each Mon- I.O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets every dav r.ight. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the ind and Wednesdays in each month Liiiwytsrw. CROCKETT ATTORNEY AT LAW. A. L. Oihce North Side Square, over MeB ride's store. T Vf. BADGER J LAWYER. , , . Will practice in all courts. All lefcal business strictly attended to. Office over Bates Co. Na tional Bank. Butler. Mo. jpARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans down's Drug Store. HOLCOMD & SMITH, LAWYERS BUTLER, MO. Office front room over Bates County National BanK. tlSH The FISn BRAND SLICKER Is warranted mtemronC mnd wfll kwp yon dry in the hirdert ibrrm. The new POMMEL 8UCKIli a perfect riding com, and oortratha entire saddle. Beware of Imitations. jane genuine without the "Filh Brand" trade-mark. Blnlnttd Catalogue free. A J.Tower, Botonlt. C.A DENTON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office North Side Square, over Bern hardt's Jewelry Store, Butler, Mo. Live Agents: RSec'y BuffJl o, Mutual Accident and sick Ueneht Association, Buttalo, N. Y. T E D. Secreta- MASON i HAMLIN The cabinet organ was introduced in the present form by Mason & Hamlin in 1S1 Oth er misers lonowea in tne manaiacture or tnese instruments, bnt the Mason Hamlin Organs hire always maintained their supremacy as the beet in the world. Mason t Hamlin offer, as demonstration of we unequalled excellence or thepr organs, tne het that at all of the great World's Exhibition ilace that of a Paris. 17, iaeompetl- IIUMI1 HI Vtlon with ten makers!! u U arm0f all conn fflee, lh(TWllUnil Whave invar iWT taken the highect honors. Illustrated tatalognr-s $22 to $000 free. ,vMon Hamlin dees not hesitate to male extraordinary claim for their pianos, that uwy are superior to all others. They recoe-- u.I5i n exeellence achieved by other w-?. "ers in tne art of piano building, !S f l1 cllm nperiority. This they attribute ; Wlely tO the remarkahla linnmnnunl intrn. SStr DTJhem n the year now known Ut MAMMA Haw ih Ji. . U-r xi- ru HINDERCORN8. TSaonlrenre Cure for Corn. Stops all paia. Enraree -omferttbthefeet. Mo. at Drugaiata. illtooxio.,n. 1. 1 he best of all remedies for Inward Pains. Colic. Indiges tion, Exhaustion and all Stom ach and Bowel troubles. Also 1 the most effective cure fori Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and I affections of the breathing! organs. It promotes refreshing sleep, improves the appetite. overcomes nervous prostration. .4 muM mor 1 1 f snrt srrerurtn tethe weaK ana agea. 50c. ana i.wt iu... rr W. SILVERS, ATTORNEY s LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jerter- son City. "Office North Main Street. Plivsiclanti. D. GR ATEFU L COMFORTING . EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "Rv athoroneh knowledre of the natural laws which eovern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fin lirnnertiea of well-selected Cocoa. Mr. Epps nas proviaea our oreaaiasi tames witu a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many "heavy doctor's bills. It is by the ju- uiclous use 01 sucn articles 01 met iam s cuu Btitntion mar be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to dis . Hundreds of subtle maladies are float ing around ready to attack wherever there is a weal point, we may escape many a iai shaft bv keeDintr ourselves well fortified with of which is ae- J pure blood and properly nourished frame." greatest PO a- I f'lvil Snrvle.n Gazette. Made simply with boil- tv ana renne 1 nr wntarnrmiit. sold oniv in naii-ponna tone, together I tins, bv grocers labeled thus: JAMES EPFS lv increased ca- isrn Tinminrathic lipmiata. ljonuon, .nicianu. EXHAUSTED VITALITY The scieck or LIBE, the great ?JeIical Work of the nje onM anhood,Xerv OTts aad Thysical De- 1 1 A Jk I f 8nd for our Catalogue of JgSjaW bUity, Immature De- IilUNtY1 B'"k,""" MOW THYSELFSTr: tplUUU I tea consequent tnereon. sy nsfa - m, ipn- :1 - -mnA nwn I scnpUons lor auoiscasea. ci..,a, u. tuh ..u.y arAKMKRS nlnVZ .'-.1" ki I br mail, sealed. Illustrative sample Ire -rf " " and middle-aced men. M-.ia J. R. BOYD, M PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Uffice U.ast bide fcquare, over Max Werner's, 19-iy, Mo. Agra, Kax., Dec. 12 About six months ago three families moved to this township from southern Indi ana, and soon it was reported that a secret organization was being formed in a very quiet way and meetings being held at one of their homes. About a month ago mysterious and threatening notices sent to sev eral persons ail signed "K. D. W. C" No notice v. as taken of them and soon they were again left, this time with apparent finger prints of blood on the envelopes, while the no tices bore a large red cross across the fuce. They gave several persons until a certain time to leave the county, and were signed in full: 'Kansas Division of White Caps.'t But still nothing serious was thought of it. Last Wednesday night about twenty horsemen, each wearing a long white cap, cone shape, com iug down over their shoulders with holes for mouth, nose and eyes, and each body enveloped in a long robe of red with each horse covered with a blanket of black, rode up to the house of a farmer near here. Each carried a water pail, and, hav ing filled them near by, they went to the house of the man who is too lazy to work aud seemed nver to have taken a bath. The door was opened by the man, who had on nothing but an undershirt. They siezed and overpowered him, and, taking him outside, tied his hands and feet and each man deliberately poured a pail of cold water over him, then left him and rode away, leaving a sign with the words printed in red thereon: "Leave tho County. The man went the next day. Monday night the Whitecaps ap peared in a stronger force and visit ed James McDonald, a citizen of this place, who had abused his wife. They took him to a telegraph pole and tied him. A cat-o -nine-tails was then produced and each mem ber gave him two blws. His screams were heartrending. After this the trumpet was sounded and each man mounted and rode out of town on a run. Some of the citi zens who w,ere aroused removed him to his home. He was cut up in a horrible manner and blood was smeared all over his person. There is considerable excitement but noth ing yet done to find the mob. PIANOS by thense ened -the siDie puri- men 1 or itb great- cBAvn . t-it,i advantagiallnS in tBne other import . "J01?' containing testimonials from nanured purchasers, musicians, and aer, sent, together with descriptive cata W". any appllcent. Pianos and Organs MiVi,ir,i,."e,8TPyn: ' rented on, ew York Chicago. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to temale dis eases. T. C. BOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north side square. Butler. Mo. Diseasesot women and chil- ren a specialty. CO. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Durgeisc, Bippus, Itid., testifies; "I caniecommend Electric Bit ters as the very best remedy. tverY bottle sold has given reliet tn every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured ot Rheumatism of lO Years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: -'The best selling medicine I have ever handled in mY 20 Years experi ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousands ot others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Elec tric Bitters do cure all diseases ot the Liver, Kidneys 01 Blood nlY a hall dollar a bottle at Walls & Holt, the Druggists. ,1 L. RICE, M. D. Physician and i2ia Surgeon, Butler, Missouri. Of fice west side square at Crumley & Co. Drug store. Welcome Address, llead by Miss Eena Browning, before the Bates Co. Christian Co-operation and published by request of convention. With grateful hearts to the Father of all righteousness, who has per mitted us to meet to day as one body in Christ, in behalf of the Christian church at Butler, I come to welcome the brethren and sisters of Bates county, not with words only, for in our hearts there is welcome; yea, thankfulness that you are here. Controlled by feeling, then we say welcome to Butler; welcome to our church and our homes. And to those from abroad who have come to help us at the time we so much need help and strength, be cause our work is in its infancy. With heartfelt gratitude we welcome vou. We hartilv welcome all. Our feelings are expressed in the lan guage of the Psalmist, '-Behold how jrooa ana now pleasant it is lor brethren to dwell tog?ther in unity We welcome you, because in co-op eration there is strength; because there is a work to do which cannot be done without organization, and systematic effort; because in Bates Co. there is a work for the Master which neither vou nor I can do; a- ' Butler cannot do it, no one church can; but the work is before us to be done, and we are responsible. If we ba lukewarm the Spirit saith to us, "Thou liveth and are dead. Be watchful and strengthen the things that remain that are ready to die, for I have not found thy works perfect before God." We haye in our county many weak churches. Can we see these churches die and the cause suffer? when by a little effort on the part of each, all may be strengthened till they shine as bright lights, illumin ating the pathway of many souls now groping in darkness; and guiding and strengthening those who are struggling to endure to the end that they may receive ''the crown of life." Only eternity will reveal the value of the work done by united churches. Like a tender plaut that must be watsred by the rains of heaven, and warmed by the genial rays of the sun, and cultivated with careful hands; the infant church must be watered with tears of sympathy, warmed by the sunlight of love, and cultivated with tender care. The zeal thrown into their work will modify the happiness of souls throughout eternity. Can christians be indifferent to such a cause? Earnest work requires earnest ef fort, but he who makes the most ef fort tha Lord will surely most abundantly bless, He has said, "Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure pressed down, shaken to gether, and running over, for with the same measure ye mete, withal it shall be measured to you again." And again He says, "He that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly' The poet said, "Labor is life! 'Tie the still water faileth: Idleness ever despairetb, bewailetu. Keep the watch wound, or the dark rust as-saileth." Though our efforts to-day seem feeble with comparatively few con gregations represented, yet by our united love, sympathies, prayers, and influence, ourselves will be bleBsed, andwhen Co. organization HAWKS' PAST RF.COKr. The Xstorioa Itirminshaia Munlcrfr Foraierly a Jlissmiriait !hs Wife's Family. Nevada, Mo., Dec. 12. The news of the Hawes tragedy at Birming ham. Ala., and the further fatalities inflicted upon the mob who under took to hang him. have created con siderable interest among the old set tlers of the county because only a few years ago Hawes lived at Dar- field in this countv about ten miles west of here; and during his resi dence there kept a drug store and was arrested upon one occasion for selling liquor in violation of tho state laws and fined quite heavily in the circuit court. A short time after this he went from here to Alabama and nothing more was heard of him until the murder at Birmingham. Hawes was originally from Owens boro, Ky., and married Emma Throckmorton. The Throckmorton were an old aud wealthy family and connected with many other old fam ilies. Collin Throckmorton s wife was a daughter of Zeby Ward, of Louisville, who built the celebrated Gault house of that city aud a sister of Mat" Ward who killed Prof. Noble A. Butler, the author of Butler's Euglish grammar. Governor Throck morton of Texas, was a cousiu oi Collin's. So it will be seen the fam ily was well conuected. Emma Throckmorton was au extraordinary woman and shortly after her mar riage to Hawes on one occasion ran up a shop bill of $2,000 in a single day. When Hawes left here he said he was going to Alabama in the mining districts where he owned land. The Throckmortons also owned several thousand acres in that section. The marriage of Hawes and Emma Throckmorton was bitterly opposed by the parents of the woman. Direct Front the Front. Knoxville, Tenu., July, 2, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.; Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truthfully ay that S. S- S. i the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1881 I contracted blood poiBon. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen difler ent kinds of blood medicine, but without receiving any permanent re- . lief! I was induced to try S. S. S. 1 began the first bottle with the grav est doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But improvement came, and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married , and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Spe cific done all this for me and I am grateful. Yours trnly, J. S. Stbadek, 118 Dale Avenue. Treatise on blood and skin diseases , mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. ... Bessie Herald's Bravery. Bessie Herold, a 12 year old mi passed through this city this even ing for Indiana, Penn., from Atchi son, Kas., with her five smaller sit ters and brothers in her cnarge. The little girl told the depot official that her mother would not support them and her father deserted them ti an vrairtff TheGofdand yoMimaU repairs. S.?i wUl send you a hand book of eiw inrormaUon containing 824 pages tables 5i!$?Al2. d worth dollars to you. EM- " rURTABLE FOKGK CO.. COHOES, N. Y. . X PARKER'S 1 HAIR DALSAtf i J Cleaates aad beautifies the hair. Promote a luxuriant growth. if Never Fails to Restore Gray J 1 Hair to it Youthful Color. I "riawtita DaortniSwid hair ratline 1 S JSK. and $1 Wat rn-oggmta. anil nvriilUvAFTHl tuull. CM-naUOVV. Jewelled Meaal awaroeu to ineaumoruT vox .tauuu al Medical Associatinn. Ad.'.ni P.O. Box IS. Boa ton, Mass., or Dr. V. H. I'ARKEK, graduateof Har r.nt Vrii(-1 Oalieire. 5 veoTs' practice in Boston. who may Ik) consulted confldentiaHy. Office, No. 4 BulBnch St. Specialty, Disease of Man. Cat this on. Yoa aiar acver nee it agaw mfrj REVOLVERS. Send stamp for price list MWtfM to JOHNSON & su, f ittsDurgn, enn. Will Fight the Bill. Washington, Dec. 11. Senator Vest has stirred up the Senate by announcincr that from now on the :a m-nwn oar work will Dros- and she earned enough money to Republican substitute to the Tariff per, till "the seed sown will bring buy tickets to take them to their bUl will be fought clause by clause fortn fruit many hundred fold." grandmother in Pennsylvania. The We look forward to the time when youngest cnua was omy a yeau,u. K. C. Star. ftOK AGENTS WAKTED FOB TSTOHYOFTllEWAn Hilary A. Zivermore 5j"i& rT-BeTwilT,TMd of tha War. in light and ontni. nn "Mam rV aad Mar, ot UtrilliBC laMrctt and wachux iiSti avte to mil 8plrwlhl Steal-Plate. aa& a.Bateiae nehly egond te JeffX1 mm " book htMm and Womea Anta ttt Main imiU mM im..m kldiBet lor DORA & FIERCE BARBERS. ov vr n, c: c.. ir. tW.;t in TiA l paragraph by paragraph if it Children's hair cutting. We keep I takes the whole session. Ihe Ke- Bates county will stand with her the best of Barbers, also grind scis- I publicans in charge of the bill have foremost sister counties in the work sors and razors. Everything first-1 wn confidently expecting to pass t .v,; r.vimit;rA rhrihnitT tho bill before the holidays, but Sen- to gOB8 amj daughters, and thus ator Test says they will be lucky if hew Tit it throuffh br the 4th of j o w - March. class. All work guaranteed. us a call Give ofthsGc: UINB i".r are :m irr.tion. 1 Jja uoBtn nude, stt- Dtetaaea V Write furcirculan ia Haitlbrd. Cam. SALESMEN wfi I'ermsnent ) M rnarsnteea with 83 A TiATiY AxID Any determined matt can suc uwithns. Peculiar edvantaftes to besin "ws. Stock complete. Including fast-selUiijt sperialties Ontnt free. Addresat once. Name this paper. i-.-or.cvaireuri Xopv.-nimnev. A CCiCr JT.O.V 5 JIT ct T. 'tci v.- i Tor. Cockle's Bfulous Pills. This old English Family Medicine in I use tor S6 years all over the world, tor Bile, Indigestion, Liver, Ac. Of Pure, Vegetable Ingredients. Front Mercury. Tho BUYEH3' WU'iJDjC ia issuea xaarcu ruiu aim i each year. It is an ency- Iclopedia of useml mlor fmatioa for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furaiab, you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, siesp, eat. fish, hunt, work, go to caursh. n stiiv at hone, and ia vurious s:sciT Kt-rla Ejid Quantities. Jur.t fisurs t what is requirad to do all these tail CCKFCRTaSLT. end you can mam , estimate of the value of the Bu i. i.t GUIDE, which will bo sent ni icceipt cf 10 ce-cta to piy P'"1-' grow in good works till we can go before the Righteous Judge having heeded the command "Go ye into all the world and preach the g09pel to every creatur.e" "Our Zion, then shall lift her head O'er all this blissful region; Whitecaps Indicted. iNniASAPOLis, Ind., Dec. 11. The State's attorneys who are prosecut ing the Whitecaps in Southern Indi- And far and wide ber bands shall spread ana, have succeeded in procuring four more indictments, two of which are on the charge of attempted mur der. There are eleven defendants. The attorneys think that they are certain to convict at least seven or eight of the indicted men. In many a peacefnl region; And load her choirs in rapture sweet. As souls of heaven requited, Shall send the gTand te deum up. When efforts are united. Sentenced for Life at Ageef 15. Hastings, Neb., Dec. 12 "Kid Nelson, the negro boy desperado who killed officer Balcomb last Aug. while resisting arrest, was sentenced to imprisonment for life last night. Nelson is the 15 year old boy wh held several officers at bay while he was in ambush. Thirty shots were f atttut Tn ill. mean time he stole an officer' horse and escaped. He accepted the sen tence with an air of indifference. Artist Whistler, the eccentric American who is one of London's celebrities, is painting a horrible pic ture of one of the Whitechapel vic tims as her mntilated. body appeared I when it was discovered. Why should KntrlishSoavin Liniment removes all hardsofj or calloused lumps and blem ishes trom horses, olood spavin, curb, splints, sweeney, stifles, spiains, roreand In-Ai. tKmaf. coughs, etc. bave fiftv dollars bt use of one bottle. Warranted. 1 : sllH.nrJv realistic when left to Sold bv VV. I. LasbBown, j-nuggisi, Washington, Dec. 12. Judge Martin of Texas the man who blew oat the gas at Willards and has aired his verdancy in other ways, ia now under arrest for striking the reporter who chronicled the gas art busy itself vith the horrible? It I episode- It is the arrefet i a occurred in years. congressman first ease of thai has XCBSERTMKN. CHICAGO. I LI. 1 a A er. Mo. ii-x vr the imagination-