Newspaper Page Text
I cmc piiiicc lyiU'CCwJyj ftttiiico - - . r It) It 5 it h V II VOL. XL BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 2, 1888. NO.O $5 SLAIN IN THK PULPIT. POlCli k SPRIGl)A(,,sillM ; A TOWN ARRESTED. in to Sensational A'.r.ur i;i Nebraska. TITLE ABSTRACTORS, COMHtElE AND HELIAKI.E ABSTACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. fftOHEY TO LOAW On Real Estate security on long or short time. Office first door south ot Bates Co. National Bank. BUTLER, MO. ter Mfiijs a J ... Death. ! i Greerlv Center, Neb., Dec. 28. j Macon, Gu., Dec. 20. At a coub- i Deputy Sheriff Paxton to-day re I try church in Coffee county, this j turned from Woldbach, having in state, a few Jays since, a man who ! custody the entire population of the was disturbing public worship was town except or:e. The arrests grew killed by the preacher i; charge of ; - !-Vi.U-Ccp rcgula the church. : ' ;ir. -.yLu-u victim was Tr-i!i!f 1n.-i i vt'-p'l i , i"; : :iri-h. i - I Cut-.'f. r. V ,.1 LOL.t Ot the death of his tirst Lrirl at Cutter's iREB LEfTER SALE. W. E. TUCKER, DENTIST, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. ed in th-.-- church, one i.ictiou iavoiiiJir the rctiiiUoi; ol the pastor and the other h.vorlng his dismissal. The factional light grew very bitter, and the trouble reached a climax last Sunday wht-n the pastor's i'rh-uds voted hi:u in for another year. Ouc of the mem bers most bitterlv oyios.-d to the MASONIC , Butkr Lodge, So. 254, meet.-, the nrst Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, No. 6, meets second Thursday in each month. . , , Goulcy ' ommandery knights Templar meets the first Tuesday in each month. I.O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 1S0 meets everj Mon day r.iiiht. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the ind and 4th Wednesdays in each month pastor approached the the reverend gentleman niil ?it w ami eng fa od in couvei vahon T. 11. CROCKETT ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oftice North Side Square, over A. L MeB ride's store. J " LAWYER. . . . W , ,. All ni'ft fill Rill tJSB rtrtctV Vttended to. Office over Hates Co. Na tional Bank. Hutler. Mo. TARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNS S AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans down's Drug Store. here m ith him. They became very much ex cited, and finally the member raised his hand and dealt the preacher a sharp blow on the cheek. The. pas tor remonstrated with his assailant, but he sti tick the preacher again and again, accompanying the blows with a profusion of vile epithets and also spitting in the minister's face. The minister drew his knife and stabbed his assailant repeatedly . Women screamed and the men looked on aghast, while the unfortu nate man fell down in tin.- pulpit and died. The friends of the minis ter hurried him out, and it is report ed that he has fled the country. It is intimated that the dead man had cause to be jealous of the preacher THE BALANCE OF OUR it HOIOMBASMIT1Iers BUTLER, MO. Office front room over Bates County National BanK. C. A. DENTON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office North Side Square, over Bern hardt Jewelry Store, butler, Mo. W. SILVERS. T. ATTORNEY LAW Will practice in Bates and adjoining counties, in the Appellate Court at Kansas City, and in the Supreme Court at Jeffer Mn City. HgrOFFiCE North Main Street. Llivtsielo.ii. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max YVeiner's, 19-1 y Butler, Mo. We are in receipt of a bound copy of Ayer's Almanac for 18S9, embrac- 1 1 it ' . ing ten languages. opecimeu pages of pamphlet iu eleven other tongues are also included, soiue of them being very curious and inter esting, especially those iu Turkish, Hawaiian, Burmese and Chinese, which we have not yet time to peruse. All the people thus represented have "I ! i 1 ! now an opportunity to reau ot tne affected by the use of Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, Ayer's Cherry Pictorial and Ayer s Pills, so long standard family medicines in this country. The ac curacy of the astronomical abserva tions, as well as other tabuleted mat ter contianed iu this work.commends it to all in need of of a valuable al manac. We may add that the annu al issue of Ayer's Almanac is about fouteen millions far exceeding that of any other work of the kind. This is certainly a proof that both the al manac and that medicinces that it advertises are appreciated by the world at large. The familar yellow covered pamphlet can now be had at all drug stores. '. t .;. at ; -r tin wife .the st-rv.i' t h- us;; was ftumd to Le in an inter esting condition, and Cutter was compelled to marrv her. but imme diately afterward began a studied sys-tem of abuse to compel her to get a divorce. Yesterday he gave her a terrible beating and shortly afterward assaulted a 13-year-old For these combined offenses Cut ter's fellow citizens surrounded his house last night with the intention of punishiug him. He got away on horseback but was pursued, captur ed with a lasso, tied to a post and very severely whipped. He was then arrested for beatiug his wife, and in turn swore out warrants for all the male population of the town. Foster to the front: Our marshal and mayor arrested, on Wednesday, a couple of boys who were loitering about town. The older one stopped just outside of town and sent the other one to the postofnee to see the lay of the ground, and things in gen eral so they could effect a robbery of the postoffice that night, but the boy gave the thing away and caused the arrest of both. They had a trial yesterday before mayor Lewis, County Attorney Jackson prosecut ting the case. K. N. Perry, the smallest, was sent over for 20 days for vagrancy, and the other, W. H. McKern, for petit larceny, from a house in the country was also sent up for 20 days. If our officers con tinue to enforce the laws as they have been for the past few days we hope that quiet and good order will prevail, and that women may go along our streets without being sub ject to the insults of the loafers and bums that have invaded the streets for some time past. Foster News must go We cannot aiibrd to carrv. them over and will therefore, from this time until the end of the season 111 auirurate a XII :i LETTER All our goods are now marked in plain figures in ulack ink the price fortius sale will be in RED INK thus show ing both our former and present price on same ticket. Drop in and Compare these two Prices. You will lind the Red Letter Price the lowest ever made on good reliable Clothing. Here are some of the prices. Xote them carefully. $25 Suits&0vercQatsnow$19 If you want good Clothing for little money now is your time. Don't fail to see our goods and prices before buying or you will Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bby was sick, we gave her Caatoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over r. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to temale diseases. T. C. BOULWARE, Physician and Surgeon. Office north side square, Butler, Mo. Diseases of women and chu ren a specialty. i L. RICE, M, D. Physician and Surgeon, Butler, Missouri. Of fice west side square at Crumley X Co. lrug store. DOR: & PIERCE BARBERS. , Shop on North Side Square. We give special attention to Ladies and CUildrea's hair cutting. We keep the best of Barbers, also grind scis sors and razors. class. Evervthing iirst- All work iruoranteed as a call Givt Cockle's iuSvs Pills. This old English Family Medicine in use tor 6 vears a!l over the world, lor Silt, Ind getion, Liver, Ac. Of Pure, Wgetafcle Ingredients, k'rotn .Merc ii 1 5". A gang of lightning rod sharpers have just closed a successful cam paign among Illinois farmers. No charge was made for the rods; they required only the substantial gran ger's signature testifying to the su perior quality of the rods and man ner of work. Many wealthy farmers got rods and in return signed, not a recommendation but notes for hun dreds of dollars. After a few days the sharpers returned and boldly de manded checks for tha amount of the notes, which in many instances were given in preference to litiga- i tion. One demand was met at. the point of a revolver, and a $600 note was surrendered immediately by the sharpers. Ex. It was not love that prompted 3Irs. Saell, of Chicago, to increase from 820.000 to $50,000. the reward offered for Tascott, the murderer of hi-r late lamented husband. It was i the discovery that the fugitive had ' carried away with him, trust deeds ! ami notes aggregating :a va,u noarlv ."90.000, and without which j the administrator cannot trace the - nivtiad of loans made br Sneli dm 20 " " " 13 50 8 50 1( 50 - " 12 50 5 50 13 50 " " 9 00 4 OO $11 Suits & Overcoats now $7 50 6 50 3 50 3 OO ose money. Merican Slotmig A Bonanza for Roekville, 'if True Dr. Sharpless, a well-to-do farmer who lives four miles northwest o: this city commenced about two weeks aero difirjring a large stock well on his farm to supply his great amount of fine stock with water. Last Monday afternoon the doctor said at the depth of 25 feet below the surface he had plenty of water and in cleaning out the bottom dug up something that looked like coal, after a close examination he found it was of the best quality. He sunk a drill and found a 75 foot vein of as good coal as is found anywhere in the state. Vernon county has its artesian wells, St- Clair county its gold mines, but Bates beats the world for a mining county. Come to Roekville and Bates county where you don't have to burn corn stalks and cotton wood brush. Star. Competent critics haye frequently remarked that the author of "Ben- Hur" had in him the elements of a dramatist. Their judgment upon General Lew Wallace will be sus tained by his play, "Commodus" in Harper's Magazine for January. The action of the develops seVeral powerful scenes, the vigor of which J. R. Wegulin, the artist, renders with fidelity in as many il lustrations. One of the drawings, entitled "This Baiting thou shalt rue," forms the frontispiece of the Magazine. There is a sug gestion of the Greek chorus in the band of Bacchantes. The refrain of their song, "On to Rome," domi nates the whole drama; it catches to gether in a phrase the leading thread of the plot. CONSUMPTION SUBELI CURED. To th Editor Please inform your read en t I have positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ot hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my reme dy FBKE to any of your readers who have con sumption if they will send me their express and post office address. Kespectfully. X. A. SLOCUM. M.C. 131 Fear 1 St.. New York. Still a Few White Caps in Ohio. j Martin's Ferry, O., Dec. 27 At Hopedale, Harrison county, Christ mas night, WThite Caps visited Dr. John Parkhill, a leading physician, and gave him a terrible thrashing. His errand boy had been intoxicat ed and the White Caps accused Parkhill of drugging him. Charles Gamble, a merchant, hear ing they contemplated regulating him, accosted two men whom he had reason to believe were members of the organization and threatened to shoot them in case a demonstra tion was made against him. JUST OPEN A New and Fresh Line of r ID Poutry Wantd I will pay more cash money than anybody in Butler, for your eggs, chickens, turkeys. Spring chickens wanted at big prices. Call at Bud Atkinson's or A. L. McBride & Co. Good hand picked apples wanted. j. Jas. Smith. ; during his ?hme. The New Warder Grand Opera Houae at Kansas City is to be sold under a trust deed on January 30th, lSSi. Col. Warder's iuability to pay the semi annual interest on a note for 85.000, mechanics' liens aggre gating Jr 50,000, and the taxes cause the Bank of Commerce to advertise the magnificent temple of Thespis for sale under the deed of trust. It wiu creoaoiv oe bought ov a synch- t .-ate- KOUBS T QfiiirfleHliil A Bad Horse Disease. Ft Bufort, Dak., Dec. 20. An ep idemic has broken out among; the principal horse ranches of the Lower , i Yellowstone, which has become so dangerous and is spreading with such alarming rapidity thai it is causicg much anxiety in this section of the country. The disease affects ; the glands of the throat, and, in a majority of the cases, causes a swel ling which extends from the point of the jaw to the breast, making respi ration and eating matters of great difficulty. Thus far the favorable open weather has saved them, bat should a cold snap set in a great . mortality will be the result. BY CUE MAM. 3re7 fmprorrf. Ao TpOL Sraimz sw wbmfcy those iut xpenep-ed cap- , nSk r mist. -nr "2faev, 5 SnrtsWe iSiOEMr. r' i hiwxl nci :iinteresti in the timber feanK r npurril. Fim TT fTOi TOar V irs la ill aa. Caal tutti, s.ixzs, o- GROCERIES, CAN GOODS, &C1 My stock has just been opened up and is new and fresh and you will find everything usually kept in the grocery line. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. The Public is Invited to Call and see me, A. F. HICKMAN, I Lice Doors South of Bates County 2ai:omT Bank. jj it ! 1' y HP I 1