Newspaper Page Text
6 ,11 ifl illll 11 lit VOL. XI. BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 16, 1889. NO. 8 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby . we gave her Castoria. wben he was ft Child, she cried for Castoria, she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Whm she had Children, she gave them Caatori KILLFI) H5S MOTIJEIt. A Horrible Mat rim!' Ohio. lie j:oi-tel From SETTLERS IN DAKOTA STARVING. i i An Investigation Verities the Previous I Rejtorts froi:i YVaMi County. EEB LETTER SALE PEACH & HUE TITLE ABSTRACTORS, COMPLETE AND RELIABLE ABSTACT nv TITLE FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. MONEY TO LOAitf On Real Estate security on long or short time. Office with Farmers Bank of Bates County, in Opera House Block, BUTLER, MO. nui:-t'uat MASONIC. Butler Lodge, No. 254, meets the first Saturday in each month. Miami Chapter Royal Arch Masons, No. 6, meets second Thursday in each month. Gouley Commandery Knights Templar meets the hrst 1 uesday in eacn raomn. I. O. O. FELLOWS. Bates Lodge No. 180 meets every Mon dsv r.iffht. Butler Encampment No. 6 meets the jnd and 4th Wednesdays In each month W. E. TUCKER, DENTIST, BUTLER, - MISSOURI. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE. Lawyers, JOHN tWj AT LAW. Office over Bntlcr National Bank, Butler. Mo W . O.JACKSON, Attorney at Law. Office, West side square, over Jeter's Jewelry Store. T. H. CROCKETT ATTORNEY AT LAW. A. L. Office North Side Square, over MeB ride's store. Eaton, O., Jan. 12 Auothe rickle equalling sn honor i -I ,1 r 1 , 01 tne 11-vear-oia douuuv 1 . a who a year ago killed Lis mother,-' occurred three miles from h?-e, about 2 o'clock this morning. The scene of the tragedy is :t i ;.ul. .. : couutry residence on o..-- m' richest farms in the county. The actor and victim moved in th ' best society, were popular ami an abundance of this world's good. For several month's the oaly two occupants of the house beside the servants, have been Elmer Sharkey, aged 21, and his widowed mother. They Lave been on bad terms owing to Elmer's fondness for a Jtliss Straw, a neighbor's daughter, with an excellent reputation. Yesterday afternoon young Sharkley told his mother he had made up his mind to marry Miss Staw. A violent quarrel ensued, during which the mother threatened to make a will disinherit ing her son. Last nkrht the female servant went away to remain over inight with a friend and the farm hand was also absent. About 2 o'clock this morning Elmer, bareheaded, coatless and without shoes, appeared q,t a neighbor's house a quarter of a mile away, declaring that robbers were in his home. He said he had heard them and climbed out of the win dow of his room on the second floor. When help arrived Mrs. Sharkley was lying on the bed dead, her head beaten to a jelly with a maul lying at her side. The room was in dis order, bureau drawers open and other evidences of a hasty search for hidden treasure abandoned. mi 1 t t . lne neicnuors concluded, alter a careful search of the premises, that Elmer killed his mother and hit on the robber storv as a ruse. He was arrested and a thorough investiga tion! is being had. The excitement is something intense. I ?iili!:e-ipvilis, we!: ;ilo :i ea patch tloiii J Min-!., Jan. 14. A j :ij er printed a dis- irgo, I). T., which - v.-:1s (Mietiiu desti- i.; . u yr. BADGES r.AWVER. nrts. All legal ousiness Office over Bates Co. Na- Will practice in all courts strictly attended to. on Uonal Bank. Bntler. Mo JARKIN'SON & GRAVES, ATTORNrXS AT LAW. Office West Side Square, over Lans down's Drug Store. CA. DENTON ATTORNEY AT LAW . Office North Side Square, over Bern- hardt's Jewelry Store, Butler, Mo. tivi3ieiauM. THE BALANCE OF OUR One Fact Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an American statesman. It is a fact established by the testimony of thousands of people, that Hood's Sarsaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and other diseases or affec tions arising from impure state or low condition of the blood. It also overcomes that tired feeling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. J. R. BOYD, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office East Side Square, over Max Weiner's, "19-iy Butler, Mo. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls answered at office day or night. Special attention given to temale diseases. TV. C. BOULWARE, Physician A. and Surgeon. Office north side square, Diseascsot women and enu re n. a specialty. Butler, Mo The First Dram Shop Bill. Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 10. The first dram-shop bill introduced in the House was presented to-day by Mr. Newberry, of Madison. It j amends the Downing license law by making it compulsory upon the au thorities of cities and incorporated towns to impose a eity license of not less than $600 nor more than $2,000 per annum, to be by ordi nance of the council. No change is made in the state license. Mr. New berry thinks this will wipe out all the cheap grogeries in the towns and make the remaining houses pay police expenses. Mr. Newberry will introduce a bill to-morrow increas ing the county license so that the maximum county license will be $1,200 and the minimum $800. i!i rs in the west coiihtv, D. T. 'I:; -.-if. : u-.' through :iht- t ',L ':. ; i ;i i eeeived by the Rev. V. liy. Baptist uvssion a:v ; r or:i; ihtliota, from one of the settlers i:i that district. The re port v:is pro.iiptly denied by the business men of Park River, in Walsh county. A correspondent was sent to Walsh county to inves- ! fixate the matter. The result is a complete verification of the original report. Two days were spent in visiting families in' their hovels in the ex treme western portion of the county and some of the sights were truly pitiful. Walsh county is one of the wealthiest in Dakota. It is the sec ond from the extreme northwestern portion of the territory. Cavalier county being the most northern. It is in a productive region and has prospered accordingly. The eastern portion of the county is a level prai rie, with scarcely an undulation, ex cept immedately adjacent to the liv er which flows through it8 bounda ries, ine western portion 01 tne county is "mountainous" as the res idents of the prairie county view it. J Tf wroa m-nr f ftino" I that the poverty stricken people of Walsh county were found. They are distant from Park River, the most western town of the county and next to Grafton, the county seat, the most important, about twenty five miles. The almost total de" structiou of the last wheat crop in this belt oy frost has left the set tlers without a thing to purchase supplies with and in many instances they are suffering for proper food and clothing. In several places fam ilies were found who had not tasted meat for weeks and who had subsist ed entirely on porridge made from frozen wheat. The correspondent visited about twenty-five families in a drive of over sixty miles. The houses are situated about a mile apart and in some instances a mile and a half to two miles. The only thing that has prevented greater suf fering has been the mild weather. There is the most abject poverty on every hand. The settlers are mostly Norwegians and Bohemians. There are a few Canadian families. They are all bearing their lot with scarce ly a murmur although much discour aged. As a rule the families are large. The men are unable to do any work in the winter as there is nothing that can be done. It is only on rare occasions that their stock is clear of mortgage, however, so that their possession can afford the farmer no relief in their present straitened circumstances. VISITER Z o OVERCOAT. must sjto. We cannot aitbrd to carrv them over and will therefore, from this time until the end of the season in augurate a III :S LETTER All our goods are now marked in plain figures in klack ink 5 the price for this sale will be in RED INK thus show 1 ing both our former and present price on same ticket. Drop in and Compare these two Prices. You will find the Red Letter Price the lowest ever made on good reliable Clothing. Here are some of the prices. Iiote them carefully. 2! Suits & Overcoats now $18 Bl 1 Suits&Qvercoats now $ 50 20 1( 13 u 50 50 u u u u a i a 50 12 50 9 00 8 50 5 50 4 OO 6 50 3 50 3 OO If you want good Clothing for little money now is your time. Don t fail to see our goods and prices before buying or you will lose money. 0 SM .A B v?v7 Ml Money to Loan. On good security. We have mon ey to loan at 6 per cent interest and 5 per cent commission for five yearB. No other charges. Borrower can pay all or part at any interest pay ing time. This makes your loan cost about 7 per cent. 48-tf Jas. K. Bhtoler. )f L. RICE, M. D. Physician and .4S Surgeon, Butler, missovri. Ot fice west side square at Crumley A: Co. nig store. D0R& & FIERCE BARBERS. Accidentally Shot by Her Son. Boonville, Mo., Jan. 10. Mrs. Thomas Smith, wife of one of the most prominent young farmers of Howard, county, was accidentally hot and fatallv injured to-dav at . wm v j her home six miles north of this Shop on North Side -Square. We j city. Her son was handling a gun give special attention to Ladies and th;t wag uot supPOSed to be iJ. Mrs- Gould's Funeral. New York, Jan. 14. The arrange ments for the funeral of Mrs. Jay Gould were completed to day. It will take place at Dr. Paxton's church Wednesday. Everything will be done in the simplest manner. The interment will be in Woodlawn. Children's hair cutting. We keep the best of Barbers, also grind scis sors and razors. Everything first -class. All work guaranteed. Give as a call. but which went off, inflicting a wound Convicts' Narrow Escape. Helena, Ark., Jan. The convicts of Lee, Phillips and Monroe coun ties are worked on the county farm under eontract, and are a hard lot of rascals. Last night they made a bold attempt at liberty, which eame near resulting fatally to some of them. They are confined in a stock ade built of heavy timber, from which escape is almost impossible They attempted to burn a hole through the floor by heating the top of the stove to a white heat and ap plying it to the boards. The flames got beyond their control, however, and after desperately fighting the fire and using up all their blankets and clothes in trying to put it out, they began to scream for help. They were rescued after a hard fight, but not until nine of them were badly burned, two of whom are expected to die. Farmers Bank of Bates Co. In Opera House Block. Cash Capital. &20.000.00 N. THOMPSON, President, J. K. IiOSIEB, Vice President, E. D. KIPP, Cashier. J. K. Rosier, J. Evekujoham, D. N. Thomptos, DIRECTORH, T. W. SlLXEBS, Jxo. Steele, M. It Ltle, 3. 3. McKu A. S. Bosixb, E. D. Kipp. Xoei a General Banking: Business Special attention given to time deposits and interest paid on same. The Verdict Unanimous. YV. D. tSult, Durggisc, Bippus, I ml testifies; I caniecommend Electric Bit ters as the verY best remedy. Every bottle sold has given reliet in every ca,e One man took six bottles, and was cured ot Rheumatism or iu Years standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Beliville, Oiiio, aranns: "lheoest selling medicine I have ever handled in mv 20 Years experi ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousands ot others have added their testimony, so that is thought to be mortal. Mrs. j trie Bitters do cure all diseases or the Smith is the daughter of G. L. Ca?- 5 Liver Kidnevs 01 Blood nly a halt the well-known stockmac. (Druggist.' ev Coiisnmpilon Cured. An old physician, retired trom pratice having had placed in hU hands bv an East India missionary the lormula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speed v and permanent cure ot Consumption, Btonchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and al! throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous complaints, after having tested its wondertul curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it Known to his suffering fellow. Actuated bv this motive and a desire to re ieve human suffering. I will send free ot charge, to all who desire it, this re ceipt, in Germac, French or English, with lull directions lor preparing and using. Sent by mail by adireirg with stamp, naming this paper. V. A. Noves, 149 Power's BF3ck, Rocheste N . Y. Money! Money! I have arranged for a large amount of Eastern Money to be loaned on improved farms and brick business houses. 6, 7 or 8 per cent is the ruling rate of interest. Large loans a specialty say $500 to $15,000. Farms and city property for sale or exchange. Insurance promptly writ ten in the best companies in the world. M. W. Mize, North side, over Bernhardt's Jewel ry Store. C0K STJHPTIOS SURELY CURED. To tew Edito Fleaae inform yarn tead en that I have s positive remedy for tbe above named disease. By Its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have bsxs permanently cored. I stall be glaA to send two bottles of my reme dy rui to any of y oar readers wbo hare eoo sumpUon if tbey will send m tbetr express and post office address. Bespectfolly. T. A. S LOCUM. M. CL. laresxl st New York. Pontry Wantd. I will pay more cash money than anybody in Butler, for your eggs, chickens, turkeys. Spring chickens wanted at big prices. Call at Bud Atkinson;? or A- L. McBride &. Co. Good hand picked apples wanted. Jas. Smith. Overcoats for men boys r.inl chil dren given away at Sam"l Lew !t Co. Beware of Ointments for Cmtarrfc that Contains flerenr, as Mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucus surfaces. Snch articles should never be used, except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as the damage thejr will do are ten fold to the good yon can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheyney &Co., Toledo, contains no mercury, and is token internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be Bure you get the genuine, il is taken internally, and U made jj Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheyney & Co. r.Sold by Druggists, 75c. 2-lm. Parties desiring to breed their cows will find a short horn and Pol langus bull by calling on me. Alao have a Berkshire and one Poland China boar. " - lei. C. B. Luna, i