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She ffitttkt IJttim P LVw LVw. Ill 111 III III WL. xi BUTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1889. NO. 18 TRAMPLKD TO DEATH- JESSE JAMES, GOVERNOR. ALL A RESTED. Two Young Men Who Ventured Anion? tlio Cattle on Foot. A Sure Cure for Smallpox. , A physician in Paris, France, gave The Way r. Old Missouri Ix f. m P.-iid i Tli- Klevtric Sugar Refining Schemers j the following recipe to cure small- Caught in .Michigan. pox, and stated he had tried it m hundreds of cases,and pronounced it Was Signed. Feb. 15.- i An old, seedily dressed man en Tvro ! tered the office of the City Comp- Cheyenne, Wyo.. young men learning to be cow-boys j troller with a paper which he desir were trampled to ueatn near me Sweetwater yesterday, and the third only escaped the catties hoofs by bis speed as a runner. All three in vited their peril by venturing on the range on foot. George and Albert Avery, brothers, and the sons of a wealthy farmer near Youugstown, 0., came out here in December. They had money and expected to buy a range in the spring. This winter they were learning the busi t tTia ranch of a friend, auoth- U i j i v er Ohio man, whose brief experience as a stockman dates back only to last August. Daniel Stockwell, the owner of the ranch, and the Avery s, took ad vantage of the light Know yesterday morning to go jack rabbit hunting, not knowing the effect that the sight of a man on foot has on range cattle. They strode along in their heavy boots uutil they were four or five miles from the ranch. They had shot considerable game, and were within a half mile of Independence Rock, a celebrated land-mark of overland travel in 1859, when they noticed a bunch of some 300 or 400 cattle running towards them. Their heads and tails were high in the air and they acted as if stampeded. It immediately flashed through Stock well's mind that the herd was mak ing for them and he gave the warn ing and started to run, throwing away his gun and game. The two boys ran a little way and turned and fired at the oncoming herd. The steers in the lead swerved to one 6ide, but those behind rushed on and the young men went down be neath the pounding hoofs and were trampled into an unrecognizable mass. Stockwell never stopped running till he had reached Independence rock and climbed to a place of safe ty. The herd dashed past him and were soon out of sight. The re mains of the unfortunate cowboys were to be buried this morning and Stockwell is reported as to be al most wild with grief. ed to show Gov. Campbell to see whether it had any value or not. On examination it. proved to be an old 50 Missouri Iefei;.v boi'-i of the kiud issued during the civil var, j and about the size and color rf the I ordinary greenback, which it, resem bles very much. It bore in tii - up per left hand coiner, where the words "United States of America are engraved on the greenback, the in scription "Missouri Defence Bond" and underneath the usual promise to pay bearer the face value, 50. The instrument bore the printed date 186 , the remaining iigure to be supplied by the state official signing it, but on this the date had been left blank. It bore the stamp f genuineness at first glance, but a closer examina tion showed that while the bond was regular aud the same as issued during the war, the space reserved for the signature bore instead of his name that of "Jesse Jauaes, Govern or of Missouri,1' and underneath on the line reserved for the signature of some other state official, was the -v i n i . . name oi .uick rom. iuo owuei said that he had bought it thinking that it was a legal tender, and when told that it had no value whatever he seemed greatly disappointed. A Missourian In Trouble. London. Feb. 13. Luke Erner- Ann Arbor, Mich , Feb. 17. All the parties int i sttd in the Elec trie Sug.iv Jl3ni-;g Co. fraud.-; were arrested ;.t Milan last night, the She . returning to this city about mult.l-Ll with Mis-. Olive E. Friend Wi .iii.i 1: i!ov.w.!, Emily Howard, G.:- if. U ,.:.a W.g Halstead, and ' t- 1 tli'-in i.i tin.- county jail where. 1m v coi. lined. Chey were arrested for obtaining moncv inner raUrf lire tenses, mice ndictmentri having been found agaiusi them by a grand-jury of New York last January. One is issued for fraud against the sugar company and two ou complaint of Lawsoii N. Fuller New York. Ou one of these indictments re- quisitiouR were made on the ; Gover nor of Michigan, who issued warrants for their arrest on February 1. The trouble has been to get all the par ties within the state at the same time. Mrs. Friedd was in conceal ment and Howard was at Windsor. Yesterday morning they returned to Milan, feeling sure that no criminal action was to be brought, but they were arrested as above stated. As it was late no bail could be ob tained they remained in jail. How ard threatened that when they got to New York there would be a sensation greater than had ever stirred that city. as infallible as fate, viz: Sulphate of zinc, one gran; fox glove (digitalis), one grain; half-tea-spoorf ul of sugar, mixed with two tablespooufuls of water. When thor oughly mixed, add four ounces of water. Dose A tablespoonful every hour; children half spoonful and the dis ease will disappear in twenty-four hours. One lady writes: "I have tried it in four marked cases of smallpox, and ki less than twenty-four hours all piin, sore throat, dry, feverish, hot skin and all were gone, aud they were cured. I certainly should have been dere lict ai my duty to thousands of read ers if I withheld the above informa tion The prescription can be filled at iny drugstore. It is 6iuiple, and wil do no harm to take it. I hope eva-y physician will try it. Letter in Kansas City Star. fa r u ran ivJ II Report of Grand Jury. Butler, Mo., Feb. 8th, 1889. "We, the Grand Jurors for Bates county, Circuit Court, beg leave to report: That in the discharge of our du ties, we have made an examination of all the various county offices, and found them without exception well kept and the records therein well up to date; and we hereby extend to our officers our thanks for the consideration shown and facilities extended us in making our examina tions. ' "We further report that we have discharged a painful duty, imposed on us, by visiting a death trap, known as the Bates county jail. We found it in a decaying condition, totally unfit as a habitation for any member of the human family guilty or in nocent, aud in its present condition unsafe and dangerous as a residence or place of confinement. We there fore cordially concur in the report j of all former grand jurors heretofore made from time to which son, a Missouri horse-dealer got very drunk last evening and attracted a great deal of attention from the rough element in the streets through which he staggered. At a late hour he wandered into Hauway street where he declared that he had been robbed of a large sum of meney and some valuable paperB. Suddenly he drew a revolver and fired four shots into the crowd, wounding two men, one of them seriously. He was arrested arraigned in the police court this morning and remanded for a week pending the result of the injuries of the wounded men. Emerson alleg es that he fired in self defence, as he feared further violence after an nouncing that he had been robbed. ovw fir THI T.ONDOXEBS SHOT ET TH1 MI8SOCBIAN DIES . London, Feb. 14. Wiiliam Rob inson, one of the men shot by Luke Emerson, the Missouri horse dealer has died. Emerson, who has recov ered from his drunken 6pree, is still held by the police and will be axam- ed for trial shortly. WHO IXKE EMEBSO IS. Bowling Green, Mo., Feb. 14 Luke Emerson, who fired on a crowd in London England, yesterday and killed a man, was brought up in fViia eitv and his home is here. His parents are among the wealthiest peo pie of Pike county, and the action o the young man is a great shock to them. Luke is a dealer in horses, and was well known in St Louis and Kansas City. As he usually carried larere sums of money with him, he went armed, but was regarded as in flfpnivfl. He had a weakness for Eminently Correct. The secret service of the govern ment succeeded recently in trapping a verdant country lad of Iowa into an appearance of crime and had him sent to the penitentiary. It would seem that the department of justice of a great nation like this might find some better employment than sand ing decoy letters, with suggestions of crime, to unsophisticated and sus ceptible youths. Few indeed are the young men who cannot be led to acts of crime by ingenious tempta tion, and the secret agent or detec- ive who plays his arts upon such deserves the felon's stripes more ban does his victim. OF BATES COUNTY, North Side Square, witli Franz Bernhardt. Cash Capital. $20,000.00 D. X. THOMPSON. President, J. K. ROSIER, Vice President, E. D. KIPP, Cashier. J- K. Rosiek, J. EvEKINGHAM, D. N. Tuomptox, DIltECTOKX T. W. Silneus. Jxo. Steele, M. R. Lyle, J. J. McKee A. S. Rosier, E. D. Kipp. Does n. Gonerul Hankinor liusinoss. Special attention given to time deposits, and interest paid on same. FAEEAI m fm BATES COUNTY, MO. C. S. CONKLIN, Proprietor. At this stable, situated five miles nortli ot lUitlcr, and five miles t.outh of Adrain, there will btand for the season, the following stock. nn embrino GhM Jr Judge Henry and Judge Gibson. Governor Francis late yesterday I afternoon appointed Judge John W. Henry and James Gibson to fill the additional circuit court judge ships created by the Teasdale bill. These appointments will cause no surprise as they were expected and predicted by politicians and mem bers of the bar ever since the pas sage of foe bill Although there were many candidates for the posi tions there was at no time any spir ited contest. The apppointments are satisfactory to the majority of the bar. Judge Henry was on the state supreme bench for nearly 12 years. After his retirement in 1887 he came to Kansas City where he has 6ince resided. James Gibson was mayor of Kan sas City in 1883 and is a well known practicing attorney. The new judges, as soon as they receive their commissions, will as sume the duties of their office by hearing and determining ex parte Absolutely Pure. IliDowder never varies. Amarvelofpuriw stnurtnand wholsomeness. More economic tha the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in cometitlon with the mnltltnde of low test, shot weight alum or phosphate powders. Sola onllncans. Rotil Biime PswmCo., M Wilt., ft. t a -H-tBt Notice of Final Settlement. Ntiee is herebv given to all creditors and othrs interested in the estate of Margaret Baier, deceased, that 1, Daniel H. Noel, ad miietrator of said estate, intend to make final setement thereof, at the next term of the Bats count? probate court, in Bates county. stai of Missouri, to be held at Boiler on the i3twsj or uar, isra. 2-tt Administrator. Eli ft I MIGHT 1 SCRATCHED TJiil the skin was raw. Body cov- red with scales like spots of mortar. Cured by the Cuti cura Remedies. I aroint to tell von of an extraordinary chare your Cuticura Remedies performed on me. About tne nrsior April last i noticed . , i it. a but;evenwnen unuer me imiu-e , nrm-nrin chambers. They will of liquor never developed homicidal j . . , , tendencies. He is 26 years old. not go on the bench until the April term. A hitherto unpublished chapter iu the mem- j the life of Edgar Allan Poe will ap- ory of man runneth, not to the contra-1 pear in Harper's Magazine for ryV' that said jail be and stand con- j March. The old lady who was the denmed for the purpose for which it heroine of this early love episode of was and is intended with a deep and I the poet's gave Mr. Augustus Van Vi",mrY nmi.'Umiintion. But such as CWf rersnissiou to write down and v. . - -- - . i son red plmplrs coming ont all over my body :nt IPO tar jotted on, and which came off la layers. nothing of it until some time lat- ' ts or fflor bnthonc er c, when it began to look like s 16 1-2 hands high, weight 1250, color bav, black points. Imported to this county from KentucKey, by Mr.Warnock last vear. Perhaps there Is not a horse, in the state of Missouri, combining within himself such an amount of thorough troting blood, at. this one. Can show a 2:50 gate, and has never been trained. TIMOTHY, 16 hands high, color dark, bay, star in the torhead, can show a three minute gait.without training. A good honest, general purpose horse, and when you want any better pedigree, you will have to go farther than Almont, who has 34, in ths 2-30 list. Lady Thorn, 3-18 because he ia directly desended from them, and combines all the best blood that has produced such trotters as Maud, S, J. I. C. ect., IDXDN CAIHITLODS. Thoroughbred Jack, color black, mealy nose, five years old, 15 1-2 bands high, and a remarkable fine breeder imported to this county by W. War nock, Also TJDdDN PffiUDIM). Jvck, 15 hands high, color black, mealy nose, three years old. Mill be per mitted to serve 20 mares. I insert this in the Tim us to call your atten tion to this stock, Knowing that it you see them you will be pleated. In the next issue we will give the pedigree in full, also terms, conditions, etc. Respectfully, CHAS. a CONCKLIN. Gladstone' Weakness. Mrs. Gladstone has to watch him Deputy Sheriff Diehr returned yesterdav from Carbon Center, where he had been serving papers for the Bates county circuit court, in the case of Sarh Kidge against li. A. Alien- for $10,000 damages caused death of plaintiffs husband. acoonanled with itching. I would scratch eve: night nntU I was raw. then the next nixl the scales, being formed meanwhile. weueratenea on again . in vain aia 1 consult all e doctors in the country, but without aid. Aft giving bp all hopes or recovery. I hap- nSeSaCTSS: more closely thftn eTer to Vrerevthtr 18Emtlifia h"JB everything that tha the scale j eruptions graauauy aroppea takes his fancy. lOT yearg UUS has off id disappeared one by one, and have been I J J fui cured, i had the disease is months before been bis habit here in London, and foi or aye weeks was enUreiy cured My tradesmen who sell him large orders dissejf it eczema and psoriasis. I reeom- 0 . mdMru cuticura uemedies to ail in my are always prepared to see 1118 wife vieiirfAid I know of a great many who has , , takt thai, and thank me for the knowledge arrive some hours later bringing wl scaly eruptions on their heads and bodies back the most of her nU8band s pur- forkat the Cuticura Remedies have been to chases and insisting On tne return OI me My body was covered with scales, and I , .... . .,. wain awful spectacle to behold. Now my the money. I am told that tnis ami- ttt H wra nu u . 1 . , , : f-w uto. wit.1, .Merrm, wis. aoie iraa uu ueeii giuviug hit. 21, li. I M 1i ;.. f V,a loaf v&ap rr F.7. li8.-Sot a trace whatsoever of the wui,uiJ disee from which 1 suffered has shownitself twQ but otherwise there is no pOSSi- ble 6im of mental variation mucn Wcannot ao justice to tne esteem in waicn i . . t i Cukira, the great skin Cure, and Cuticura less impertinent- Soa an exquisite sun liesnuuer, prepares froit, ana cuticura Kesotvent, tne new 0100a thoands wnose lives nave ueen maae nappy i temperaBCe lecturer ana evangeiusfc, bvecureoragomzintr, numinaimg. ltmmg 1 . . , ,.-iVl .n rJJ.rtnimn!vdiBeM8orthe kin. scaii.. who ?amad such an unenviable no- ' . ' . . ' ' 1 a . , anoioou, wuniossoi cair. UnrMv in this state tbroucn ner ..n;nn witli flrri!iTn- vvVin miir- si evervwhere. mce. Cuticura, I V: .. ., i sot iic; Eesoivert, i. Prepared br the dered his wife, was recently rr-amea Moms iJarntt, at OOIBUBFTIOI SCEZLT CUSZD Mrs. Emma Malloy, the noted Pe r Drug ana Chemical c. ; Boston. 3Iass. yend for How te Cure Skin Diseases." I gcs. .V illustration 3 and 1 testimoniaU. . -t ! lr ill IIP ... l .....l L-inf : iMiiiis:i her reminiscences 01 it no " 1UUU" - 1 ; vided Iter identitv should not be re- which occurred about a year ago in aud the prisoners toeveui conaucd ; . aumlier of Har- Mr Ulens coal mine. Plaintiff claim well fed with pure and whodr.e i . ..tWW one sllf lmCl ever tLat tbe wine was not properlr tim- loott ana weu c:uw seen, and Had ins expression one ; , , . .. , .. , ... . w.,.- ice- ! bered at the unssihp so loan. uiea 111 lue m x----i, t time her husband was Ct gcs. mm Tin Jrt SwlchspPl and oily skin, prevented by CUCLUA AI. UTEKIXE PAINS. And Weakness, instantly relieved by the Cnticur Anu-rai Perfect Antidote to rai lion anu w eatcesi. to her cousin, Port Townsend, Washington Terri tory. The writer of this knew Mrs. MalloT when no breath of suspicion was ever breathed against her, and when she was a power for good in temperance and religious circles. sin piaster, a . rre JQubt not she has teen fully as lis, Innamma- t ' . . A a new, instan- much sinned against as Uneous anifalUWr sin-killing plssu-r. Cjuton Advocate To nn Kditob PImm tafona 1 en that I have a povaraawy for thtaoor named dueaae. By ltanmatyaMtnoaaaoaaac Bop si ess casta nav Mas tisimaaiimy ev I shall boglsa toaca4twbottlMof my ta dy ym to any of, yoor reaaati who haw 1 aonpaoaif tan wui atadM tMtr aodnostoffiosaddreaa. BaiuaHfullr. T. A. SLOCUM. 181 rear! at. MtwTetaV Cot Off Their Earn. New York, Feb. 15 The Herald says that it is in possession of ft se cret circular which is being circulat ed among woriemgmen, expressing indignation at the frequency with which ill-advised strike are ordered and recommending a system of se cret labor police and labor courts whose sentences will be rigidly car ried out. (There are secret execu tive offices.) Capital punishment is not approved, "but," it says, "the principal punishment to be inflicted will be to cut off the ears of bribe takers and traitors." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gae be Carla. When ibe was a al cried tcr CastorS. When she became Xiaa, she cSaag to OMtoria, VTLen she hi.i Chillrai, he T? Uin CaMoria. kP,!t..l.Xevada 3Iail. Vm P. Lane. Foreman. entv Tears cuu. i" t