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IUtAVK MRS. KKISS1C. Her Awful Kx rit-nie i" " Abandon ed Well. Mrs. John 13. Reissig, whose thrilling experience in an abandoned well on Wells avenue, near Kind's highway, was noted in yesterday's Republic, lias been prostrated by the (..hock, but at last accounts was slowly recovering from the effects of her distressing adventure. Her husband, who was employed in the fact'iy of the Bauinan Jewelry Co., on North Broadway, did not come down town yesterday, but through a ft iend of the family some further details of the brave woman's escape from an awful death were learned It seems that Mrs. Reissig was on Monday morning about 10 o'clock proceeding eastward on Wells ave nue with the intention of visiting the family of Louis Robin living about a mile and a halt from her own house. There are a number of old wells near King's highway, located on the site of the old race track, and it would seem that these need look ing after badly, for as Mrs. Reissig was following the beaten i.ith she suddenly found herself falling through the mouth of a great hole that was partly concealed by debris An instant later she struck the cold water over 20 feet below, aud, chill ed to the bone, grasped a log that floated on its surface. However helpless her situation, the brave woman did not lose heart. She re alized that the neighborhood was almost entirely deserted, that no one could hear her cries for help from her position at the well-bottom, and that death, solitary and fearful, (teemed well nigh certain. Never theless, she made an effort to chimb er up the steep and slippery walls, gaining such hold as was afforded by projections and depressions in the cement. But her wet clothes weighed her down and she fell back, whereupon she stripped herself of her outer garments and heavy gar ments and heavy overshoes, and made another desperate struggle for life. Again aud again she clamber ed nearly to the brink, only to lose her, hold and hud herself growing weaker, while the blood stream ed from her hands and the icy water chilled her through and through. For four hours from 10 o'clock in the morning to 2 in the afternoon she alternately rested and strove to reach the world above. The seventh ascent found her with her head well above the brink, but she could not contrive to drag her self out on the ground. There was a frame house about 100 yards dis tant, and when the despairing wom an shouted for help, her cries brought an old womau to the spot. Too weak to lend more valuable aid, the woman left in search of help. The first man she addressed would not believe her story, thiuking her demented, and when assistance came at last Mrs. Reissig had mauaged to escape from the pit She fainted with her last exertion, but recover ing herself, crawled on her hands and knees through the snow to the frame house. There her would be rescuers finally found hur and con veyed her home, where she is rest ing now, afflicted with chills and bearing tangible marks of her heroic struggle. St. Louis Republic. A Good Chance It is ur candid conviction, that it the larniers ol this district, who docs not see Coleman'e Rural World everv week would send tor a sample cop v, and read" it through, rhey would subscribe, tor it at once. It only costs $i.oo a Tear, which is less than two cents a weeK," is a large eight page, seven column paper and lull to oversowing with live agricultural, horticultural, stock, sheep and horse news, is ably conducted. intellii;entlv edited, and in everv sense calculated to educate its readers in the best methods oi conducting their business. We will send it and cur own paper one vear Jor $i-oo. For sample coric,address C. H Cole man, 705 ' Hve Streef, St. Louis, Mo Subcritlions may be left at our ofee Bonham, Tex., Feb. 20. J. L. uor. ton, an old citizen of Fauniu county j died at his home rive miles outh of i Bonham, yesterday evening. Mr. ! Horton prided himself upon being ' an infidel and diet! according to his faith. He invited his neighbors to see him die and witness that he had 00 faith iu religion, and it is said Lis last breath was spent in cursim. Scareil by "Clack Caps." St. Joseph. M ., Feb. 21 The little town of Osborne in DeKalb county is wild with excitement to day over the appearance of "Black Caps.'' Last night about 11 o'clock a band of men, supposed to number 150 and wearing black masks rode up to the door of a respectable far mer named Edward Sprague. After rousiug the household thev rode away and Mr. Sprague found a no tice written in red ink on foolscap, giving him warning to leave the farm upon which he lived, on or be fore the 10th of March next, or he would be dealt with according to the rules of the "I O. B. C " Inde pendent Order of Black Caps. The notice was signed "Black Caps," and the concluding warning was to the effect that if Mr. Sprague wasn't ab sent on the date given, they would call prepared to move him. Later the Bame night a similar baud or the same one called upou Wood Lamb and "Willard "Wells, both reputable farmers and members of the community, aud gave them verbal notice to leave within twenty days. Mr. Lamb has already packed up his chattels ready to move. The cause given by the "Black Caps" for their action was dislike of the own ers of the farms on which the warn ed men live. They stated further that no families would be allowed to hve on the farms "until justice was done." Mr. W. Homer Brown, postmaster at Stewartsville, saw them pass through his place about midnight, riding at a rapid gait. He did not think there were more than fifteen in the party. The three men who were visited have repeated the same story until the number of night riders has grown from the original 150 to 300 or 400. Favorite. F ame la a word ambition loves. A nd art is ne'er its portrait painted. V irtae the heart of avarice moves. 0 blivious to the "shekels" sainted; K arer than even these l far 1 s health, defying poet's diction. T hen with it trifle not . nor mar E nd ills that female pleasure bar by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription a remedy so satisfactory for all those weaknesses and disease peculiar to women, that they need no longer suffer from them if they will but use this world-famed reme- Poison in a Cap. Sioux City, la., Feb. 21. Shortly after the Morning side school.taught by Miss Conuiff, was called yester day a peculiar odor was noticed and a fur cap belonging to one of the the boys was fouud to have fallen into a bucket containing hot ashes and was sending out clouds of smoke. The teacher seized the bucket and start ed for the door but when half way across the room was overcome by the fumes and dropped into the near est seat almost unconscious. A boy then took the bucket but at once succumbed and fell to the floor. Twenty of the pupils who sat where the smoke reached them were made deathly sick by the fumes Another managed to get the door oyeu and the fresh air revived her so that she helped the children out of doors where they laid on the ground in agony. The people living near by brought fresh milk and made the children drink freely of it. At the end of three hours all had recovered suf ficiently to be taken home but were very weak. It is supposed that the poison was contained in the coloring matter of the cap and that it was set free by the burning. James "Whitcomb Riley will have a congressional poem in the March Century entitled "Down to the Capi tal." It will soon be time for him to write a poem on "Dowu to Kansas City." He and Bill Nye are slowly heading that way. What is cuter than a cute woman, and who but a woman would think of this; In the districts- where the White Caps are operating the wom en are writing their husbands anon ymous letters telling them they will be dealt with by the While Caps if they venture out of nights. The warning acts like a charm. The husbands remain at home. Written for the Tivsk by Samuel Stapleton, ol Johnstown. As I beside the cottage gate Id moarafal silence stood. I thought of the wise, the rich, the great. The noble and the good. And while I mused upon the past. Still fresh in memory's store I km-w that many ha I passed that pate. Who would raise its latch no more. When I viewed the deep, worn path Where timely feet had trod. Some traces lost to hoary age. And some beneath the sod And some had wandered o'erthe sia. And some to the distant west, And among the Aliasing ones, I anew Were the Oiies I ltned the beft. w hat wonder then, that in my syes. The pearly teardrops stand. For the dearest ones of earth to me, Have gone to that spirit land. Now, while I past!iat dear old jrate, So often sad and lone It wakens memories of the past, Ot dear ones that are jione. And while I see its mouldy form, .Still laithful to its trust, I know the hand that piaced it there, Lies mouldering in the duet. And yet It swings, a monument Uf childhoods happy days. While scores of those who swung theron Are sleeping in their graves. A Sensational Suicide. Giveusburg, Pa., Feb. lb. John S ntiiiiOii, a Frenchman, who resided at B.-adeuville, committed suicide on Saturday night on account of threats m ide by alleged White Caps. Two weeks ago, it is stated, three or four masked men met Shannon on the highway near his home and warned him to leave the neighborhood or suft'wr the severest penalty inflicted by the order. This so alarmed the man that he made a will and prepar ed himself for the attack. On Sat urday night late he procured a dou ble barrelled shot-gun aud, placing the muzzle to his side, tired both chambers. He had also attached a fuse to an oil can and just before he discharged the gun he lighted the fuse, but it failed to burn. It is thought his intention was to burn the house and cremate his body. Shannon had been married twice. His first wife died last June. He married his second two weeks after the death of the first. He was 60 years of age. A Russian Pistue Arrested. New York, Feb. 20. Detective Sergeants Hudelberger aud Dolan of police headquarters arrested a Russian prince named George Eus toff DeGourkeat the Brunswick cafe last night on a warrant. The charge against the prince is grand larceny. Six weeks ago the prince obtained a sealskin overcoat from August T. Rockwell valued at 500. The coat was to be paid for on the 15th. In stead De Gourke pawned the coat for $100 in a Sixth avenue pawn shop. Upon searching the room of the prince a number of pawn tickets representing clothing and jewelry were found. This is the prince who followed Mrs. Frank Leslie about London and wanted her to marry him. It is said that he was arrested several times in London on charges of de frauding his creditors. Shot at Silver City. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 20. To-day Miss Ada Hume, known as the "Ter ritorial Nightingale," shot and mor tally wounded Jack Brown, the re tired border scout, at Silver City, N. M. The woman, until lately, sang in the leading elub-rooms of El Paso, but was induced to leave by a big offer from Brown, who has been conducting a saloon and sporting-house and place of amusement in the town named. The shooting occured over a business misunder standing. Brown was well connect ed at Galveston and his relatives have been notified. It is understood that he had become intesely infatua ted with Miss Hume and made prom ises he could not meet. Helena, Ark., Feb. 20 J. H. Chat worthy, a whith man, drew a pistol on a negro Monday for which offense he was fined $30 and costs. Not having the money he was put ! up at auction yesterday by the ne gro constable to be sold to the high j est bidder according to! the law I which also requires that the debtors I I "hall be kept by the purchaser the ; number of days required to pay out j the fine at the rate of 75 ceuts a day. j In this case seventy-two days' ser vice would be required. The pris oner was finaiiv hired bv one i big ends ior tweniv-five cents a daT is Mai ria;rt a Failure? Washington, Feb. 20. Carroll D. Wright, commissioner of labor, has made a special report on mar riage am' divorce from 1SG7 to ISsO inclusive. The statistics cover only 6G per cent of all the counties in the country. The counties not report ed have no record of marriages. The divorce statistics cover over 1H per cent of the population. In 1SG7 9,037 divorces were granted. The number increased regularly until 18S3, when 2S.10S were granted. Iu 1884, 22,091 were granted, and the 11 inner increased regularly again, 25, 5-83 being quoted in 1S85. The t: tal for the twenty years was 32. 71G. The cause for which thegreat es number of divorces were granted is desertion, being 12G.557. or 3 per cent of the whole number. While the increase in population between 1870 and 1880 was 29.1 per cent, the increase in divorces was 79 per cent. During the twenty year period Illi nois granted the most divorces. 3G, G72. Missouri granted 15.278. The stand taken by General Sher man in relation to the proposed establishment of a home for ex con federate soldiers at Austin. Tex., is exciting comment. An appeal hav ing been made to the public in b half of such an institution. General Sherman has written a letter express ing his sympathy with the move ment, and he goes so far as to say that, in his judgement the laws of the United States should bi! so changed as to admit ex-confederates to --dl the soldiers' homes, and that the word "union," so far as it ap plies to such institutions, should be obliterated from the statutes. The declaration of such a sentiment is significant, as coming from one of the most illustrious figures iu the war of the rebellion, and as reflect ing the conciliatory spirit of a great warrior, who shared, almost evenly with General Grant, the glory of vanquishing the southern Confeder acy. Kansas City Star. Pi hm' Do Sot IN.ul Ths. How often a lond mother has leen lost lo her husband and bright, sunny children by simply neglecting a common cold. When you teel yourself becoming hearse and your throat becoming sore, vou should "at once bein taking HAL LARDS HOREHOUNI) SYRUP. It will break it up and prevent its becom ing deep seated. A stitch in time saves nine. Pvle & Cruml v Agents. It is probable that President Cleveland has never crossed the threshold of more than two Wash ington homes outside the Cabiuet circle. In other words he has not seen the interior of 10 residences in Washington. He has never seen Congress at work, and I am assured that in four years he has not once entered a department building. The Treasury, State, Navy, War and Attorney General's Departments are all within a stone'a throw of the White House, but Mr. Cleveland never opened their doors. Mr. Cleveland never walked upon Penn sylvania avenue as Grant was iu the habit of doing, and surely he never took a drink across a bar as Bucha nan did more than once. He rarely goes to the theater not caring much for the plays. Probably there has now and then been an entire week that he has not once put on his hat and gone out of doors. All he knows about Washington aud its ways he has heard. Boston Globe. Piles! Piies! Itching Pile. Symptoms Moisture, intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse bv scratching. It allowed to continue tu mors form, which otten bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayxbs Ointment s-tops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne Ac Son, Philadelphia. ' -,i 1 vr Seymour, Ind.. Feb. 20. It: the town of Franklin, near here, lives Enos. B. Head, a printer, 72 years old and hearty, who has never eaten meat, beans. onions, radishes, j or lettuce and who has never tasted j coffee. He thrives on a e rn. "lush. J and buttermilk. 1m ee meals a d:vy. j drinks whiskey occasionally :ud uses tobacco coLSiantlv. Hsckieis Afmc Salve, The Bet Salve 1 the world tor Cuts, ; BruisesSores. L'Scer. Salt Rheum Fever ' sores, Tetter.Chipped H.iad-, Ch.iH.ims ' Corn?, and ail Skin Eruption, and po.-i-HveiY cures i'iles, or no p. required, li . is guaranteed to iji-.e ported satisfaction t or r.ioney rt'ir.d.-d. Price 2? cts per bos. Fcr sale ivy U'ji;, ty IIol tne liruffi-ists J The World Ought to Know It. The world ought to know what S. S. S. has done for me in the cure of a malignant Cancer, which was so bad as to be considered incurable by the physicians in Chicago, where I went to be treated. The hospital surgeons gave me up. saying they could do nothing for mo. Oue of my neighbors sent me a copy of an advertisement cut from a paper in regard to Swift's Specific, and I be gan tikiug it. I got relief from the first few doses; the poison was gradually forced out of my system, and I was soon cured sound and well. It is now ten months since I quit taking S. S. S. and I have had no sign of return of the dreadful disease. There are thousands of people going to their graves every year with Cancer and they ought to know of the virtues of S. S. S. Mrs Ann Bothwki.i. Brother In Hack. Two or three vears a?o a nerro I), y 011 my place near Franklin, Ky., was tormented with an apparently inc arable case of scrofula, whk-h lasted him a lung time and gave him ;reit trouble. After trying many other remedies, I at lei. gib went to Dr. Morris' drug store in this place and bought several bottles of S. S. S, by taking which, and nothing else, lie was fully and permanently cured. He is now a stout man, and at the time I commenced giving him S. S. S. the bones wereworkinT out of his arm could use but one arm. and the doctors said nothing could do him any good; but I had tried S. S. S. and seen it tried, and felt that it would cure him. John H. Grainoeii. Franklin, Ky., Dec. 13, 1888. Deaf. I was the victim of the worst Ca tarrh that I ever heard of. I was entirely deaf in one ear, and all the inside of my nose, including part of the bone, sloughed oft'. No treat ment benefited ine, and physicians said I would never be any better. I took S. S. S. as a last resort, and it has entirely cured me. I have been well four years, and no sign of return of the dreadful disease. Mm. Josephine Pollhili,. Due West, S. C. Swift's Specific is entirely a vege table medicine, aud is the only med icine which has ever cured Blood Poison, Scrofula, Blood Humors and kindred diseases. Sud for our books on Blood and Skin Diseases, mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Give the state of Arkansas achance gentlemen. When we fail to catch this assassin or to do everything that can be done to catch him, it will be time enough to burl railling accusations. No party and no con siderable number of men in any par ty in any part of this state believe in ballot stuffing, ballot stealing or the crimes that flow from them. We have, it is true, a few localities where there are frauds upon the ballot, but they are only a few. The assas sination of Col. Clayton is universal ly condemned in Arkansas, and the people will do everything in their power to remove the foul blot from the name of the state. Give us time to show what we will do. If we do nothing, condemn at will. Arkansas Democrat. Rheumatism no Longer A Terror This much dreaded disease has been relieved ot all its horrors bvthat wonder tul discovery BALLARD'S SNOW LIN IMENT. It penetrates right in to the seat ot the disease, and draws all the poisonous secretions ojI through their natural channels the .kin. Do not try other remedies that will do vou no good but procure BALLARD'S SNOW LIN I MENT and you will find yourself a new heinc, relieved ot all pain. Powell Clayton seems to give more of his time to denouncing the demo cratic party than to bewailing his brother" s fate. That the murder of John M. Clayton was directly bred of poetical differences is not to be doubted. But in holding the state and the whole democratic partv re sp liable for the murderous act of ome obscure parti?au, Powell Clay ton sinks the brother ia the politi cian, aud forfeits the sympathy which would otherwise be Lis. A Wora.i:: s Discovery, "Another wonderful discovery h been made and that too bv a iadv inv countv. Disease tautened iU ciuuh upon her and tor seven ears she wit? stood its severest tests, but nCr vital 7" cans weie unde. mined and dath seemS imminent, hot three nonths she coat ed incessantly and could not sleep sk bought or u a bottle ot Dr. King's Xei! Diseoveiv tor Consumption am. WM " imicn relieved on taking: first dose h she slept all night and with one" bottle has been miraculously cmed. lei " is Mrs. Lather I .!." Thus write" W t. Hamiick Ac Co , ot Shelby, , r ' Cet a tree trial bottle at Walls & iilX the Diu.ists. "oil Mora I hi vino; Moved my Entire Stock of To my new and elegant quarters on the Southwest corner of the square, a special invitation is extend to all my old customers aud the public Generally to call and see me. Mj stock of DRY GOODS Is complete and I guarantee mj prices to be as low as the lowest AARON HART, MOUNT PLEASAl Livery Stable. We keep nothing but first-class rigs. Our horses are the best, our vehicles are not excelled. Is f hort wo run the Boss Livery Stable of Butler, and extend an invitation to all to call and give us a trial. LEWIS & FRAZCE. ofilliTu Have made great improvements by discarding the old mill buhrs and putting in the late HUNGARIAN Short System Of Rolls. The flour is giving th very best satisfaction, also selling at bottom prices. J. I. SHANNON 4 C(! ARBUCKLES' ::'tra j oa a package of COFFEE U a t--to cf excellence- ARI0SA CCr . Z17Z iz l-.opc iu all first-class ii-orn tlio Atlantic to tho Pacii-s. . COFFEE teuerer good when exposed to t Alwcy - by-- zLis'crr--C rnhernv!- -y-il-'s rtsIf", 1 iV. .5rT"1"". ..