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MONEY LAND. HATES COUNTS LOAN and LAND CO., IAS. K. BRI;CL1:R & SON, MANAGERS, Butler Mo. This Company invests money in real efctate, buyt. ntes and School Bonds, and deals in all kinds of good seuuriteis. FINE IMPROVED FARMS Ur 40 to 640 acres each, and good giazing lands from 400, to 1,500 acres in a body for sale or ex change. LOCAL ITEMS. Friday the 22ud, Washington's birthday, was about the coldest day of the year. Farmers, Lane is the only dry goods house that takes your chickens and eggs in exchange. 1). A. Collier. Butler, Mo , will have six Kentucky jacks to sell. Jacks will beiu Butler by Feb. 25th 1189. Correspondence solicited, tf Farmers, accouling to fair and square figuring Lane sells more diy goods for one dollar and pays more for poultry and eggs than any man in the county. Since the lire iu the opera build ing the Grange Store has concluded to reduce their stock and will sell all classes of goods cheap. Young Hyson, the finest quality 25 cents per pound at Sam Walls. Walls & Hoit made an amicable settlement of their loss by the recent fire, the insurance company paying them eight hundred aud fifty two dollars and fifty cents. We are also glad to state that Dr. W. E. Tucker, had no trouble iu settling his loss in full, which amounted to eight hundred dollars. Good zinc trunks $2.50, $2.75 & $3.00 at the American Clothing House. The negro Westly Thomas, who assaulted a Miss Pinkcrton near Vicksburg, Miss., Wednesday last, was, after much searching, caught at Port Gibson, taken from the of ficers and returned to within two miles of Vicksburg There the par ty was met by another division and the negro was quietly lynched at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Lane belongs to the poultry trust company. t Robert Watkins was arrested at Pine Bluff Friday on a warrant from the United States court at Little Bock, charged with having interfered with an officer of election at Pluui merville last September. The suppo sition, of couse, is that the arrest is the first of several connected with the Clayton murder, but as yet noth ing definite has pointed in that di rection. If you waut to see right fine jacks call at Harris & Lisle'a stable, But ler, Mo. The Missouri Pacific has quaran tined against the village of Reserve, Kan., only two trains daily beinc permitted to stop there, and neither of those beiug allowed to take on passengers. It is said that the en tire population of the town has been exposed to smallpox, and that it has also spread to several adjoining- towns. Farmeif, remembtr the days to deliver your poulty to Laue. March 8th, 9th and 11th, 18S9. NEW BARBER SHOP. FRED W. PORN ha opened up new Barber Slum nmvwit. - a office, .North Main Street. He has n tumiture i.nd everything rlm ..... post ew em. Special art is.t"in Ladies hair woik od miuic-.i fci:iinv ucaiea. All our O'd ciMoii.ers and many new ones invited to call; will be courteous! v treated. Mr huse is larse and r!entV or room for an. Call For Tow nMiin Primary. Notice is hereby given that a pri mary election will be held at the Court House, iu Butler on Saturday, March 9th, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offlces of Mt Pleasant towi ship. Convention to send delegates to the county convention will meet promptly at one o'clock and pri maries for township officers will be gin at 2 o'clock and close at 6 o clock Johs C Morms Township Com. llt-lfates to County Convention. The following is the number of delegates each township is entitled to in tbe county convention held in Butler, March lGth, for the purpose of nominating a county school com inissioner: Mingo 3 Spruce 6 Shawnee 3 Giaud River 4 Deer Creek 5 Mound 2 Mt. Pleasant 16 Charlotte 4 Eikhart 3 East Boone 5 West Boone 4 West Point 3 Walnut 9 Homer 2 loward 7 "tockville 4 'rairie 3 Hudson 5 Deepwater 5 Pleasant Gap 6 Summit 3 Loue Oak 3 Osage 24 New Home 8 Farmers, Lane is the only poultry aud egg man in Butler. Married on the evening of the 19th by Elder J. B. Wright, at the residence of L. D. Roberts, 5 miles wpst of Adrian, Mr. John J. Jones of Adrian, and Miss Eva T. Roberts, a' so of Adrian. Happiness attend them. Adrian Journal. Take your old plows to Jack Gip- son's shop aud have them made good as new. R. J. Starke spent Thursday in the city, aud informed us that he had just purchased at a bargain, the elegant farm near Johnstown, for merly owned by Capt. Ramsey. Bud is a rustler and the Times hopes to see him succeed. Lost! Lost! Now found; new prices at Lane's dry goods house. M. V. Owen, one of the most en terprising and successful farmers of Grand River township, is feeding 40 head of choice native steers which will average at the present time over 1,500 pounds, he also has on hand 45 head of nice 2-year-old mules. Such men as Mr. Owen are the bone and sinew of Bates county. Dim: In this city, Wednesday evening last of Pneumonia fever, wife of G. W. Cowley, proprietor ot the Pacific house, near the depot The deceased was sixtv-two vears of age, and one of Butler's most esti inable ladies. The funeral took place from the Baptist church, of which she has been a cousistent member for forty-five years, Thurs day evening, the services being con ducted by Rev. S. M. Bro,.-n, of Kansas City, after which the remains were conveyed to Oak Hill cemetery followed by a large concourse of re! atives and friends, and laid to rest She leaves an affectionate husband and a large family of children to mourn their loss. Jack Gipsou the best blacksmith iu Butler, makes specialty a of plow work; and will put a new shear on your old plow and make it good as new. It Is a forums Fact That the body is more susceptible to benefit from medicine than at any other seasor. Hence the import ance of takiug Hood's Sarsaparilla now, when it will do you the most good. It is really wondeiful for pu rifying and tnrichirg the blood, ere ating an appetite, and giving a healthy tone to the whole system. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla, which is peculiar to itself. Peter Creek Items. Ed. Times Having seen nothing in your valuable paper for a consid erable length o time I will endeavor to drop you a few items hoping, though they may not interest your many readers will at least inform you that old Peter Creek is still the same old stick and her people are the same rustlers as of old. Our literary at the school house is, we think, the best that has ever been iu this neighborhood, and is progressing nicelv. Mr. Broad us is witli us often, and a good speech is enjoyed by our people when he does attend. Call again Mr. Searight, you shall always have a hearty wel come. Debating is the first thing in order followed by declamations, dia logues and vocal music, after which our most interesting paper, viz:, the Enterprise, will be read. Gene is the fellow to pop the question at the literary; any one having items will please hand them to the Plug Editor of the Enterprise. Emery's mule is afflicted with sore eyes contracted, it is thought, on Smokey Roe. Mrs. Nttnco Staley had the misfor tune to lose her house and contents by fire on Monday, Feb. 4th; also Mr. Robert Raglan's property some time since. Quite a number of houses are re ported as catching on fire in this vi ciuity, among whom the former resi dence of J. M. White occupied at present by Mr. J. W. Statou, cause principally by detective flues, dry weather and high winds. W. J. Yeates goes to Creighton often aud always takes the middle road; Oh, to be a school director! G. W. Hart will take another boarder yet. W. II. Bennelt will move iu his new residence this week. The general health is good and Dr. Wilier is getting rather ill and hard to manage. Say, how was it Scranton broke his hack? Jesse D. Willie C. and Lon S. all have missed appointments on ac count of one girl having the sore eyes. Never mind, they are getting better. Bill Rattler, of Snigh Hill, will de liver a lecture at Hucher school house the coming week. Greasy. Jewett fc Hickman and the adjust ers are busy invoicing and preparing to get at their loss by the recent fire. ('heap money tc loan on farms Jas. K. Brcler. Mules for Sale. I have ten spans of fine young mules for sale, at my farm 12 miles northeast of Butler and 3 miles south west of Ballard. Highth 15 to 15J hands, fine style and good color. Address, M. S. Keirsey, 13-lm Ballard, Mo. Word was brought to town Satur day that L. E. Mann was much worse, and fears entertained that blood poi son had set in. On Sunday morning Drs. Walls and Boyd went out to see him and found the report to be ex agerated and Mann improving. They went prepared to find the bul let which is still in his body, but finding him better decided not to perform a surgical operation. The circuit court has fixed Mann's bail at two thousand dollars. Bring your job work to the Times if you want it done neat and cheap. Pulilie Sate. I will sell at public sale at my place two miles northeast of Stump towu, in Pleasant Gap township on Thursday. March 7th, 1889, the following 4 good brood mares. 2 two-year-old horses, 1 four-year-old horse, 2 colts, 2 spans two and three year old mules, 1 yearling mule, 7 head short -horn aud high grade cow?, 1 short-horn buli, 1 full blood short-horn calf, 3 clv 10 head of stock hos,15t,ns timothy hay, 200 bush Is o.ts. farm ing implements, household and kitchen fumiturt. Also my farm of 210 acres f r sale or rent; 80 ai-res pasture, 10 acres of corn land. 40 aeres timothy meadow, rest in timber. Terms made known on iiay of sal". Nathan Godfrey. To the Farmers! 200,GC0 Chickens, Turkeys, lieese aud Backs Wanted. Lane is still on deck and don't forget it. Having made arrange ments to load a car twice a month enables me to pay such prices for ail kind of poultry as has never been paid in Bates County, Mo. I will pa- the following prices for poultry iu cash to be deliver.1 d on March 8th, 9th aud 11th, 1SSD. Turkeys, per pound, alive, C$ cts; chickens, old hens, per pound, 5 cts, which brings you from 2.50 to 5 00 per dozen; young roosters, 125 to SI 50 perdoz; old roosters, Si. 20 per doz. Price list of poultry, in trade; tuiket hens, alive per pound, Sets; torn turkeys, alive per pound, Ccts; hens, G cts per pound, 3.U0, to 5.t 0 per dozen; young roosters, 1.25, to $1.75 per dozen. I will pay the above prices in cash, poultry to be delivered on March 8th, 9th and 11th, and then I will give you a new juice list for the next two weeks. The highest cash price p;iil for all kinds of poultry at Lane's I am also Helling dry goods cheaper than those who are selling out at cost aud have just received a large stock of the oest selected goods ever brought to Butler, ami will not be undersold. Thanking you for your past favors, I will ask you all to come again aud see the farmer's friend, Peter Lane, West side Square, Butler, Mo. Program of Bates county auxil iary teachers association to be held at the public school building in Adrian, Mo., March 2nd. 1889. Exercises will commence at 10 a. m. with music. After music, enrollment of mem bers. 10:30 A. M. School government, by L. W. Putnam. 11 A. M- How to grade a country school, by Wiley Wells. 1 P. M. Object of our public schools, by J. F. Searight. 2 P. M. How to teach grammer, by J. P. Gilmore. J. E. Crowdeb, Committee on L. W. Putnam, ) 1 rogram. This is the time of the year our merchants should be adveitising. A Card. It has been reported on the streets that the Butler and Bates County National Banks influenced me in my actions in refusing to lease my store loom to the Farmers Bank of Bates County. This I emphatically deny, as neither an officer or stock holder of either of these banks ever men tioned this subject to me or I to them. The difference between the officers of the Farmers Bank and myself are of purely a business na ture and the terms of the lease were not made to satisfy me. I make this statement in justice to the two banks. F. Bernhardt. The ladies of the M. E. church will give their "Dairy Maids Carni val" and Advertising Drill at the Court House to-morrow, Thursday evening, Feb'y 28th. Admission 25 cents. The following is the pro gram in full: Overture. Advertising Drill. Music, Mandolin Club. Song. -The Cow Boy." Dairy Maids March and Chorus Quartette ' Co. Boss." Solo "Kitty of Colraine." 'Milk Maids Marriage Song.' Music Mandolin Club. A Card Bvtleb, Mo., Feb. 23rd, 1880. Ed. Times. I notice that W. F. LaFollett is a candidate for consta ble of Mt. Pleasant township. I wish to state that he was constable and collector in our township, and in his business as constable he waa prompt in the service of all papers and was in every way a good officer iu collecting and his returns were all promptly made ami entirely satisfac tory-- lours. Allen eight. Justice of the Peuey of Summit township. Sleigh ri.iiug Mon tav ami Tu:s djy was the rag. HARDWARE - AND lur ttUbbitd, armnb anu rAnnfi WAGONS. Bnelsieye -:- Force -:- PumpSt 2: o t - 2 m - o CO eJ8; esc 50 5 z jj THE BESr MAKES OF Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, &c. Gas Pipe ItaplelFancy Groceries Feed and Provisions of all Kinds. iUEENSWARE AID GLASSWARE, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, We always pay the highest Produce. East Side FOR SLAE AT T liuvfi ei.rht Kentucky Jacks, I wish ready for service, and will be warranted in eve ry particular, viz: Their soundness, their breeding, their performance, and tHeir sure loai-geiung. They have good colors, good ages, good bone, good weight, good style, aud from medium to large in size. This stock must be seen, to appreciat ed. Prices and terms reasonable. D. A. COLYER BUTLER, MO, Money to Loan. On good security. We have mon ey to loan at G per cent interest and 5 per cent commission for five years. No other charges. Borrower can pay all or part at any interest pay ing time. This makes your loan cost about 7 per cent. lg-tf Jas. K. Brcgi.ek. i M k. k 0 35 g g M ELi J p s Q 0 C 3 j 111 K S 5 H j H p r 1 O 2 n grrzfj r - IMPLEMENTS, Fitting and Pump Repairing, A Lirgf Assortment of PIECED and STAMPED TIN WAKE. A. O. WKLTON, fi ur Ha ess 3 III market price for Country Square, Dutler, M0. BUTLER MO. to sell at once. These Jacks are Call on, or address, I Tnnsorial Shop. I For a nice hair cut, and a dean shave, call at my shop, Bouthewt corner of the square. The catting of Ladies' and children's hair a specialty. I keep good barbers, also grind Bcissors and razors. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. W. A. Gipsoh, Barber. Z. J. Williams, collector of Mt. Pleasant township, wishes us to re- mind the tax payers who have not al ready paid their taxes that the time is about up wheuvhe will hate to turn over his books. You sbonld call at once and settle. Poultry Wanted- j I will pay more cash money thaa i anybody in Butler, for your eggs, ! chickens, turkeys. Spring chickena wanted at big prices. Call at Bod Atkinson's or A. L McBride & Co. Good hand picked apples wanted. Jas. Smth. Trustee's Sale. Whereas Joel J. NiehoU ndElte A. Sifjj hi wife, by their deed of trnat March JTth. 17. and recorded in Jr corder'a office within and for list eo,"2ji MiMori. in book No. 4ii, paw 4- eavrejta to the nnderkitrced tranter the follows ' scribed real eotate ljin and bein " the county of Bate and atate of MiMoan. -wit- The we-t lialf of the southwest tnrjet section thirty-two. in township fortf"?J!. rar xe thirty-three, containing o cr: or lets, which conveyance wait niadein " secure the payment of one certain note roiij described in said deed of trust; and default has been made ia the payment o Wf I annual interest accrued on said no'Y .""i; j default, according to the terms of said ar?J" ! trust rendered the w hole debt d ue and p.,"'' j now long pat due and unpaid j therefore, at the request or the legal ew ; er of said note and pursuant to the cos"' ; tions or said deed of trust. I will sell the aie described premises at P vendue, to the highest bidder for c.tb. .at w east front door of the enurt hone, m " i of Kutler. coanty of fcatea and state of ".. ' sourt, un m i j Thursday. February 28th. 18fc9, ' 'net ween the hours of 9 o'clock ia the f'rfD' and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of that day. ! tbe purpose of satJtfjinjr aid debt. inV ! aud cot. f. M. , 1.1.13 ' IMt Trortee. i