OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, June 19, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1889-06-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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(jjeimatism and SeuraTgla Cured m
4 Two ways.
rhe Indiana Chemical Co. have discov
:j . mmoound wliich acts with truly
Jrelous rapidity in the cure ot Eheu-
' .urn ana neuralgia- sSuaiura; n
. - gtiH (vfrv case of acute
cure a 7 j
tuatoitory Rheumatism and Neuralgia
i'TnAVS. and to give immediate relief
chronic cases and effect a speedy cure,
n- rrreint Df "io cents, in two cent
Jtnni we will send to any address the
jch can be filled by your home druggist
...all cot. We take this means of
ng our discovery to the public instead
I'f outtin" it out as a patent medicine, it
sine much less expensive. We wul
!dlv refund money if satisfaction is not
Ln Tins Inihana Chkmical Co.,
!'" . ,. i ,i
The Army or Men Who will Help
Compile it.
I .SlKTH'nT.
1,000 Reward.
One thousand dollars will be paid
to any chemist who will find on anal
ysis of S. S. S. (Swift's Specific) one
particle of mercury, Iodide of pot
ash, or any poisonous substance.
Sold b
tnlRttlTC SAMPLES Free
10 flu E.H I O l. .t h sexes. Write now
mess !?Tvru
I.i.lbleTt!BlH AH IaR CUSXI0K3
HhltiwTi heard Oisllnrtly. Com.u.-t-
tafdwlbl where si 1 rrmrflln fall, llln.book A proof
Mb Addreatorcallun'. MM. OA, oi3 Bmadwaj, a. I.
ttoilropeOreforCorn. Stops nil pain. Fnraree
nalorCto the feet. lie. at Druggists. Hiscox&Co.,N.Y.
hra too Conch. Broni-hiti. Asthma. liidiireNtionl Use
n worrt etuxjuamf i tlio tx-st remedy lr oil ilia arMntr
oexecuTO nuimiuu. iue ut muc. ovu. uuu ai.w.
SmIUdc from the Errors of Tonth, Folly, Vli
Tmuie, 800 pages, only SI by mail, sealed, postpaid.
nil! DOOK Wliu rnuumcmcm ui me press, iree.
Saw now. Aaarea me reaDoay jneaicai insiume,
cDr. WJUarker, No.4 Bulfinch SL,Boston,Maa
Clean tea and beautifies the hair.
Promote luxuriant rrowth.
Never Fell to Restore Gray
PnrenUi Dandruff and hair fallina
New York, June 11. About 40,
000 persons will be employed in the
the work of taking the next nation
al census Only a small number
will have employment longer than
thirty or folly days however. The
superintendent of the census and his
force of clerks are no,.- at work on
the plans lor the real work in the
field, which is to begin June 1 next
year. There will be 175 supervisors
appointed according to the popu
lation and the work which thev
have to superintend. They will re
ceive 125 salary, and are given 1
for every 1,000 persons enumerated
in thickly settled and $1,40 per 1,
000 in' thinly settled districts. They
shall not be permitted to make an
aggregation of over 500 for the en
tire work Supervisors must be elect
ed by the president and confirmed by
the senate. The enumerators will be
appointed by the superintendent of
the census upon the reccomendatiou
of the supervisors. The pay fixed
the enumerators is 2 cents a head
all enumerated, and 5 cents for each
soldier or soldeir's widow, 15 cents
for a farm and 20 cents each for
manufacturing establishments. In
the thickly populated regions the
enumerators are not permitted to
make more than 84 per day, and the
sparsely settled districts they are
confuted to $G per day. Those hav
ing thickly settled distircts are ex
pected to enumerate about 4,000
souls. In thinly settled districts
the salaries will be fixed arbitrarily
without reference to the number
enumerated. The appointments of
the supervisors and the numerators
must take place not later than May
1, 1890, as all of the work must be
done the following June. Under the
new appointments Illinois will have
eight supervisors, Indiana six, Mich
igan six," "Wisconsin five, Iowa four,
Nebraska three and Ohio eight; an
increase of two supervisors in Mich
igan, one in "Wisconsin and one in
Nebraska; the population of those
three states having greatly increased
during the last three years.
In 1873 I contracted blood poison,
which soon developed into its sever
est form, with blotches and ugly
sores all over my body, which total
ly disabled me for over a year. The
doctors treated me all the time with
out benefit. The disease steadily
growing worse and worse, I was un
able to work for more than a year;
finally was persuaded to take Swift's
Specific. After taking seven bottles
I was sound and well, and have not
felt a symptom of the disease since.
This was sixteen years ao.
Joe Yacghn.
"Forsyth. Ga., Jan. 23, 1889.
I have taken Swift's Specific for
secondary blood poison, ami derived
great benefit. It acts 1 tetter than
potash or any other remedy that I
have ever used.
Richmond, Ya.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis
eases mailed free.
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
lust nicdit at
Term., June
Heleiiwood t
broke into the jail and took Lloyd
and Reynolds, the double murderers
and hanged them to a tree near by.
A note was pinned to the bodies
threaten in 'r vengeance on auv inform
Public, sentiment justifies the
The Queen of England makes her
own tea when traveling. It is a roy
al accomplishment if she can make
it good. Tea making is a simple pro
cess and yet how few know the way
thereof. Yile tea is vile.
A New York chemist declares that
every remedy for tobacco smoking
and chewing and the opium habits
contains morphine and opium in dan
gerous quantities, and that those
who sell them ought to be prosecut
AeMa 8ideav and Back. Hin. Kidney and
Cterise Pains. Rheumatic. Selatic, Sharp and
Wakening Pains, relieved in one minute by
h'Unn -Mi' hin Plaster. In
IT' Instantaneous pain-killinK. strengh
ttilfpluter. 25 cents; live for 41.00. At
JumiU. or of Pottih Itiiuo and Chkmical
a Pimples, blackheads, chapped and BTM
oily sUa cured by (Juticcba Soap. fataW
Eczema, Itchy, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
The simple application ot "Swayne's
Ointment," without any internal medi
cine, will cure any case of Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores,
Pimples, Eczema all caly. Itchy Skin
Eruptions, no matter how obstinate or
long standing. It is potent, effective,
and costs but a trine. 32 lyr
To thi Kditor Please inform your read-
en that I have a- positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use thousands ot
Hopeless cases nave been permanently cured.
1 shall be glad to send two bottles ot my reme
dy mi to any ot your readers who have con
sumption 11 they win send me their express
and post office address. Respectfully,
X. A. SLOCUM.M.C-181 Pearl St.. New YoA.
Kurt, Eaj Tmr, Kpittola, moopiiis
CouX ul Cqu&oi Colds. -
To Form a Plug Tobacco Trust.
St. Louis, June 13. Xhe latest
trust scheme is one with a capital of
25 millions, which takes in all the
plug tobacco manufacturers in the
United States. All manufacturers
will sell out to oneconpany and then
take stock to the amount of the val
I uation of their plant. Legget &
Meyers and Drummond & Co. of
; this city, and P. Lorillard of New
York are the head of the affair.
rino Chief Jr.
Membrino Chief, Jr., will do ser
vice at Mr. "Warnock's (Humnhrev
irm) slable one mile southwest of
court house in Butler t 20 for a colt
to stand and suck, service due when
colt comes or when mare chances
ownership or about to be removed
from the county. Alien will be retain
ed on all colts until service is set
tied. Season to commence April 1.
18), and close July 1. Care- will
be taken to prevent accidents but
will not be responsible should
C n 11 .1 o 1 1 - . . .
ut mo :ou 11st, let aam 1'rineess
Ann by Alexandra Abdalla 15, 2nd
dam by Brown's Belfounder br Im
ported Bellfounder. Almont 33 bT
Alexander Abdalla, No. 15, 1st dam
oaily Anderson by Membrino Chief
No. 11, 2nd dam Kate by Pilot Jr.,
No. 12. sire of John Morgan 2:24,
Tackey 2:26, Tatler 2:22 and sire of
of the dams of Maud S. 2:0Sf . J. I.
C. 2:10, Nutwood 2:18$. Zachary i
Taylor was a fine show horse, took !
1st premium at Cincinnati, both as
a saddle stallion and a roadster,
could pace or trot iu 2:40.
Also the line vounir
stand at the same stables.
Pedro, mealv nose. 15 hands hidi.
with good weight, foahd July lSSC,
sired by Midnight, dam by .Ta..
Tebbs Alexander gr dam by King
A- Laferty's big jack grgr bylmport-
eu i.spui iviu juuutgui iiy a urners
Wellington he bv 15r:iinl!ets Well
ington by Import 'd Morocastle.
Don Pedro will be allowed to serve
about twenty uia'-es at SlO to insure
a con 10 sianu ana suck, vnner
conditions same as Timothy.
Iku taxoutJkotU the world. Bend for free Sample.
on riopixrroBs.
Wisconsin Forests are Burning.
Superior, "Wis., June 13. A terri
ble fire is sweeping the forests south
south of here, and unless the weath
er soon chances the loss will be en
ormous. Already over half a million
dollars worth of pine has been de
The smoke obscures the sun and
renders difficult the entrance into
the harbor. Villages are threaten
ed with destruction.
Warner Miller is reported to be
hustling for Senator Evarts's place.
He always wants more wood pulp
and more official pap. Of late he
I has been on the losing side.
Wife Mnrder and Suicide.
Yincennes, Ind., June 12. Near
this city this afternoon Seth Murray,
a tenant Irvine: on a iarm, snot ana
killed his wife, attempted the life o
the wife of his son, but the shot gun
was unloaded, and then terminated
his own life by swallowing a large
dose of prusic acid. Murray was 53
and his wife 52 years old. No cause
was given for the commission of the
crime except Murray's vicious temper.
Colorado Mountain Resorts and the
Springs of Missouri. .
Missouri Pacific By., "The Color
ado Short Line,'' has now on sale
its summer tourist tickets to the re
sorts of Colorada, Utah and other
Rocky Mountain points, at very low
rates for the round trip, good to re
turn until October 31st. Solid trains
are run daily, equipped with Pull
man Buffett Sleeping Cars from St.
Louis and Kansas City through,
without change, to Pueblo and Den
Special tickets to Sweet Springs
or Pertle Springs, at one fare for the
round trip, are on sale at all points
on the lines of the Missouri Pacific
Railway in Missouri
For illustrated pamphlet of 140
pages, descnptive 01 tne resorts,
reached via Mo. Pacific Ry., and
further particulars, address H. C.
Townsend, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket
Asrent, St. Louis, Mo. 26-4t
Description ani Pedigree.
Membrino Chief Jr., dark bav ltU
hands hiirh, weicht 1.250 pounds.
fine style and action, good bone and
muscle, has never been trained but
can show better than three minute
gait, bred to trot and can trot, foal
ed iu 18S1, got by Abbott son of
Caliban No. 304, 1st dam bv Mc
Donald's, Membrino Chief 2nd dam
by Mark Antony thoroughbred, 3rd
dam, by Old Forester, 4th dam by
Imported Bedford. McDonald's
Membrino Chief, sue of dams of Al
lie West 2:20 and Stranger 2:28,
brother in blood to Clark Chief No.
89 sire of Croxie 2:19 and five oth
ers including Kentucky Prince sire
of Gray'2:12, Spofiord 2:18f, Com
pany 'Lvd, by Did Membrino Chief
No. 11, 1st dam Big Nora by Down
ing s Bay Messenger sire of Jim
Porter 2:28, 2nd dam Mrs. Caudle
dam 01 iiicson 2:20, Abbott by
Caliban No. 3:94, 1st dam Country
Maid by Country Gentleman, son of
Rysdik's Hambletoman No. 10, 2nd
dam Belle by Belle Morgan No. 01,
sire of Lady Turpin 2:23, Caliban
3:94, by Membrino Pilot No. 29, 1st
dam Cassia by Cassius M. Clay Jr.,
No. 22, sire of Durango 2:23, Harry
Clay 2:23, Membrino Pilot by Mem
brino Chief No. 11, 1st dam Juliett
by Pilot Jr., sire of John Morgan
2:25, Pilot Temple 2:24, and the
dams of Maud S. 2:08 J, J.I. C. 2:10,
.Nutwood 2-.18J-
Cep.tificate: We, the undersign
ed certify that we know the horse
Membrino Chief Jr., formerly owned
by J. W. Hughes, of Richwood Sta
tion Ky., and know him to be a first-
class breeder, his colts are extra m
shape, size and style.
J. W. Talifaro, P. C. Bedinoek,
Mins tan mooa (Jiyaosilate stalitou was im
ported Irom Scotland; is a dark dapple lirown.
.years oni, n. i--.' nanus nign, weighs i,4)
J. G. Bradford,
J. L. Frazier,
Henry Bailet,
Sam'I Hnro Jr.,
J. W. Watson,
Aak your- Droggtat or Grocer tor It.
Practical Hints
A.'" Dunaers.
of MO pases contaiu
ing solid facts that
every man contempla
ting Building; ahonld
kiinv rtpf,i,M lettinir
atracto. Short chapters ou the kitchen.
wr, cellar, heatinsr, ventilation, the roof
a4 . wms ui interest to uuxiuers. -uaai-
iTVJTS n receipt of 10 cents in postal stamps.
What's female beauty, but an air divine.
Through which the mind's all gentler
graces run.
This may be good logic in poetry I letflthat
but in real life the "mind's all gen
tler graces shine" to better advan-
age when enclosed in a sound phys
ique. Dr. Pierces Favorite Pre
scnption is a positive cure f o r the
most complicated and obstinate
cases of leucorrea, excessive flowinc.
painful menstruation, unnatural sup
pressions, prolapsus, or falling of
the womb, weak back, female weak-
- 1 arti
., 510 East th St. New York City.
ness, anterversion, retroversion.
bearing-down sensations, chronic
congestion, inflamation and ulcera
tion of the womb, pain and tender
ness m tne ovaries, accompanied
Dy internal neat.
cold ot yours run on. You
think it is a light thing. But it may run
into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or
into consumption.
Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is
dangerous. Consumption is death it
The breathing apparatus must be kept
healthy and clear ot all obstructions and
. ..." V.AMSA . 1
OrxcnSlVC IllilllCl uuinnire llJCIC
trouble ahead.
All the diseases of these parts, head
nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs
can be delightfully and entirely cured
by the use otuoschee's uerman feyrup.
It you don't know this already, thou
sands and thousands ot people can tell
you. They have been cured by it and
'know how it is themselves.'' Bottle
only "s cents. Ask any druggist.
4-i yr c o w.
G. O. Cleek,
William Riley,
Richard Madden,
James W. Hughes,
N. S. Brisno.
Also Don Carlos, the fine thor
oughbred Jack, will stand at the
stable at $10.00 for a colt to stand
and suck, Don Carlos black Jack,
mealy nose, 15 hands high, fine
ength with plenty of bone and
weight, foaled July 1884, sired by
Adams Black Spaniard, 1st dam by
Mattengly s Diamond, 2nd dam by
Imported Iron Duke, drd dam a
thoroughbred Jennet descended
from Anthony Kilgore and Dr Wil
son s Importations. Don Carlos hs
proved to be one of the best breed
ers ever in Bates county and a sure
foal getter.
Banker is an imported Clydesdale, is a la .
years old, 17 hands high and weighs I.hki
pounds, 'these two thoroughbred Clydesdale
stallions will make the season of lsr!l at my
stable. S miles west of Butler. These horses
are the best pedigreed stock in the county and
must he seen to he appreciated, as their tine
qualities and points cannot he out on paper.
Come and see them and read the pedigrees of
both which are on file at my stable and ran be
seen with the horses Again, before you breed
come and see them as we do not want you to
breed without the horses give you full satisfac
tion, and are wnal l claim lor them In every
particular. juiijn ci.ASSf.A.
.luiv 1st.
This fine young stallion will stand the season
of lH,t: at the Haggard Wagon Yards, south
west ot tne public square, Itutler. Mo., at the
low rate $li to insure a colt to stand np and
suck. Aloney due wnen roll stands and sucks,
mare parted with or leaves neighborhood.
Description: Rising Star Jr. is a dark chest
nut sorrel, l.l -'l-l hands high, weighs about
I ,ati pounds, is a good saddle and harness
horse, 5 yeur old this spring, is an excellent!
foal getter. Pedigree furnished on application.
Care will be taken to prevent accidents but
will not be responsible should any occur. The
foal will be held responsible fortheservlce ren
dered. O. f. 11AUUAKI).
CAPITAL STOCK, $2,000,000.
This association issues a series each
month, on payment of membership fee
ot One Dollar per share.
We pay cash dividends semi-annually
on Paid Lpbtock.
We loan money anywhere in Missouri.
Parties desiring to make investments tor
i terest or to procure loans will do well
tosee I. II. NORTON, Agent,
Butler Mo.
Or Address
R. C. SNKED, Sec'y.,
Sedalta. Mo.
rt bb av t n
, 5- feJ 8. s.
I " M $
r ; ? VafJ &. E-
? I I lYM c c
j 1 a. Vl r o
0 5 3 a O
m . - TP ,3 3"
2 IV VrVJ g. -
5 a 1? f
1 1 s, M 1 1
is i S ' h
1 Vy 5
When I sav Cckk I do not mean merely to
stop them fur a time, and then have them ra
. ' .. z ....... . Ll,lit 'ITDL'
turn Ilgmn. 1 i r. i n.tvivAii vvun.
1 have mauo tue uiacuoo 01
A lifn-long study. I warrant ray remedy to
CL'KE the wort cases. Because others have
failed is noreasonfor not now receiving a cure,
.end :it once tor a treatise and a r HKhUKOTTUI
111V ISFALLtBLB UKMBUY. Oive fcxtire
and l'ost tiinefl. it costs you nnuuog wr m
Irijil, and it will cure you. Address
H.C.ROOT.M.C, 1 83 Pearl St, MIW TOM
BV ONE MAN. Oreatly improved. Also TOOL
far fllins mwi whvreby thaw Irtl xpertcamMTeaB-
o( HUM a nuiw. onii jrrm w-ifi poriiiiw.
d red! hare aawad S USCOabS dailr, w. want all wka
burn wood and ell tuterwtod la the timber buitnan ta
arrite lor oar UinstrtviM ft uaiaioa-iw. hbhiw
aetlT what yon want, tbe gnUait laborea.r and dm.
alllnc tool now 00 earth, ffi rat onlwr frorn yoajr vtav
Ity MearMxraary. rOLIH BtWIIU ftaCHtn CO., OM
Hill Da. aaaa uu aai, ,aiaaw a. w. mm
L 1
T.r no
111 11 Ml
Bw-V J
''a wi;-ce.
A Host Effective Combination.
fUe wn kaewa Tonic arvl vrvtilcalii
great rcMUtloa as acere rr iwi.iii-t.
Slav mad WKKVOt'H dlannter It r!l
lunbl aad debtlitatt ewllrtnf ,h -temtstniifUeBB
the latellaet. f"l"'Hl
MIM BtS mm OVI Xlf9l Pf I pnn -a.-- - -
ml.ptM r h-S VU11. aM Lrl.. rtt
III iu .TT, L
Of iwiHsnn.
Br rym.
Prie)-$l.eO per Bottf f S
10 X WEB
Trustee's Sale.
Whereas. Xancv J. Agee by her deed of trust
dated May 4. lfj. and recorded in the record
er's office within and for Bates county, Mis
souri, in book 44, page 534. conveyed to tbe
undersigned trustee, the following described
. 1 1 1 , 1 1. : .1
real esiahe lying anu ueiug 8iufc iu iuc cuun
tv of Bates, state of Missouri, to-wit :
xne nertnwest quarter or tne nortneast quar
ter or section ten (iu). townsntp torty-one (in
range thirty (30) , containing 44 acres more or
less, which conveyance was made in trust to
secure the payment of one certain note fully
dpeinhfi1 In a&trt nl Ar trnat anil vharaai .
Timnf hv. Viftv Rtftllinn. will serve I default has been made In the payment of said
- - ..I ant. nnw nttt iln. anil nnrtairt Kav. thwTA
fore at the request of the legal holder of said
note and pursuant to the conditions of said
deed of trnst, 1 will proceed to sell the above
described real estate at nubile vendue to the
highest bidder for cash, at the east front door
or the court nouse in tne city or itntter, county
of Bates and state or Mtssean. on
Friday July 5th, 1880,
between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore
noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that
day. fox the purpose of satisfying said debt.
interest ana costs.
3i-4t Trustee.
mares at my stable, five miles north
of Butler and hve miles south ot
Adrian at $15.00 for a colt to stand
and suck. Service due when colt
comes or when mare changes owner
ship or about to be removed from
the county. A Iem will be retained
on all colts until service is settled.
Season to commence April 1st, 1889,
and close July 1st, 1889. Care will
be taken to prevent accidents but
will not be reponsible should any oc
description and pedigree.
Timothy, dark bay stallion, 16$
hands high, fine style and action
with plenty of bone and muscle,
bred by James II. Scott, Lexington,
Ky., foaled in spring of 1885 has
never been trained but can show a
three minute gait by Alamo, Jr., 1st
dam Nelly by Zachary Taylor, 2nd
dam old Nelly by Tom Crowder, sire
of the dams of John W. Conly 2:24,
Belva Lockwood 2:25, Cooley 2:26,
Modesty 2:26, Alamo Jr. by Alamo,
1st dam by Prince Albert, son of
Billy Tonnes, sire of the dam of
Woodford Chief 2:22, Alamo rec
2:34 by Almont No. 33 who has 34
A Certain, Safe, and Effective Beaaedy far
Producing Leng-SJghteJittt, f RtiUr
tng the Sight of th OU.
Cures Tear Drops, 6ramtatlM, Styt
TatMrs, Rut Eyes, Hatted Eye Usfttf,
in nsKcnc tern hud in miiimcru.
Also, equally fl(arloii wbnnad la etket
maladlee. each ee I'lewre. Fever Swree.
Taassre, Halt Ikne, "luEJlffvfl
wheraver Inflammatiea eriMa. MMTCMMMaZi B
BAM, FM may be aaed to ad yaatac.
Said by all DraacUts at 33 Ceata.
Administrator's Notice
aclanttaW mw
Notice is hereby given that letters
testamentorr with will annexed, on
the estate "of John , Medley deceased,
were granted to the undersigned, on
the Ufa day of May. lrsl, by the probate court
of Bates county. Missouri. All persons hav
ing claims against said estate, are reqnred to
exhibit them for allowance to the Executrix,
within one year after the date of taid letters,
or they may be precluded from any benefit of
said estate; and if such claims be not exhibited
within two years from tbe date of this publi
cation , they shall be forever barred . This 53th
day of May lsfcV. Jru A. Mkdlkv.
27-41. Executrix .
r. ka . n.f - ut cobalar
oiAetiaa c.d Mt'T buto iv"' atid bae the lavseaaV
rtmitoluo ! mni iiar or na olaa la lav
Fntlr iPastrtl. eUas ef Wood i
,M i'nvi,aM m1t. Head for ei
copy. I new M a T- "ftl?,l'w
1 L 3 & It, rt llBM.iim woiwata.i.
fX CO . PC lUtlltua, i
HL Editios of Scieatific Amsricas. J
' A dreat saeeeM. Each Wo eoatalBs eolnrad
Utbographie plates of ooaBtry and etty raidea
eee or poa ic batMtaca. aanceTun riir.ar
a aA rnll Diana aad apeetacatloas for tbm eof
, f'CBUaalJUa.
Stray Notice-
Notice is hereby given that S. Cantrell has.
this 5th dav of Jane, 1;, taken op and posted
before the "undersigned justice of the Peace
in and for Grand River township. Bates coun
ty, Missouri, the following animals: Two
bay fillies, supposed to be t or 3 years old 14
hands high, branded with letter ,JS" en left
shoulder and bar above. No other brands or
marks percrf vable. Appraised at SCO.
e-3t. C. Kb v wolds, J- r.
afh a eonletaUate baUOlRz. friMnJoayear.
eta. a copy- atCSJI CO, j
be ftur-
to Irti
iCo.. who save
hat Avar S
. ,iimI,.m aad Ban aaad OVer MS
paficatloaa for Amarleaa aad rorwarn
3m. far Haadtww. CorraayMid-
oc trtetly eottfdeottal.
laeaMytasrasark H."??? tSUZ
aroteeucaa. aaai
COrrmiOH w bocjuv eaaria. saaa.
ta. aleAlyproe-Jwd. Aitdreas
fTJITH fc CO ratswM 8-tlettw.
I "i'illi Lik, 11

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