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Itstlet a si item V LVJLV III 11 I. Vol. xi. BUTLER. MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JUNE 26, 1889. NO. 31 i THE-:-PLACE TO GO FOR- -: HATS, CAPS :- AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS! is- a XT PALACE HOTEL BUILDING. Why? Because lie sells for less prfit in the city. than anv other house o o SIMON CAMERON PARALYZED- The Veteran Statesman Reported in Critical Condition. CHEATINli HIS HEIRS. An Ec centric Old Merchant Burns $30,000 in Money. Philadelphia, Pa., June 20. Gen. Simon Cameron is dying. Ihe vet eran statesman has been so serious- ljillthat he has been unable to leave his bed for weeks. His stom ich has completely failed, but his marvelous constitution ciinie to his rescue and he pulled through. A little later, the Pennsylvania legisla ture, Senate and House, adjourned to pay a visit in a body to his coun try place in honor of the General's Mrthday. Since then he has gradu ally recovered his spirits, but late ,'this afternoon he suffered in his left side, and to-night he is unable to recognise his two daughters, Mrs. Wayne McVeagh and Mrs. Halde man, who are at his bedside. It is feared that this attack so soon after his late illness may prove fatal. A Missouri Criminal at Bay. i Wichita, Kas., Juue 20. Dr. Bea ver came here a short time ago from Missouri and commenced practice on the West Side, but at the opening of Oklahoma he went to Kingfisher. A few days ago a deputy marshal reached Wichita bearing papers for Bearer's arrest, saying that he was one of a gang of notorious horse thieves at Joplin and had jumped his bond. Havinsr heard of his presence in Wichita he had come to make his arrest Going from here to Kingfisher, he was met by Bea ter and held back with a Winches ter. He called to his aid Deputy United States Marshals from Guth rie, and to-night intelligence is re ceived here that his friends rallied to bis assistance with firearms and are successfully holding at bay the deputies. Serious trouble is feared before the arrest can be made. Both i parties appear determined to hold ' out to the last. A Natural Product of California. It is only found Butte county, California, and in no other part of the world. We refer to the tree that produces the healing and penetrat ing gum used in that pleasant and effective cure for consumption, asth ma, bronchitis and coughs, SANTA ABIE, the King of Consumption, Ur.E-L. Bice duggist guarantees aad sells it for one dollar a bottle, ;or three for $2,50. By the use of If jmptoms of catarrh are dispelled. If anil a: i 1 speedily restored to a healthy con- Franklin, Ky., June 21. Wilham J. Hilton, a wealthy and miserly old merchant of this city who is thought to be on his death bed, to-day crawl ed from his bod in a back room in his store and went into the store. He was followed by an old negro, his attendant, whom he ordered to take a certain nail Keg and put it on the fire in his room, telling him that it had a few nails in it and some old papers that he wished to destoy. The negro did as directed. Soon afterward a gentleman en tered and seeing a large pile of nails in the fireplace and what seem ed to be the smoking remains of burnt papers began to make an exam ination of the ashes and found ahure mass of half burnt greenbacks and government 4 per cent Donas, ag gregating $30,000 in value. Hilton has a wife and one child- a profligate son who has cause much trouble and he and his wife have been seperated for - some time and there is now pending a suit for di vorce and alimony against him by bis wife. A great deal of bitterness has crown out of the 6uit and it is thought that he preferred to see his property in ashes than . for his wife and son to inherit it He is not ex pected to live many days and is now too feeble to talk and refuses to di vulge anything. He has an antipi- thy to lawyers and has said that he feared that they and his wife would get all he had. A guard has been placed around his store to-night for fear that he will have it in flames. Legal proceeding were taken out to have him declared a lunatic this afternoon, but the jury found him of sound mind. Circuit Court Proceedings. State va. S F, S. Green, fraudulent prescrip tion, moll. proa. City of Butler t. W. r. Bouer, ct al. cm detonation proceedings, dismiaaad. Stat. . 3. W. mm for i.Ulnc Uqur, con tinued an til Jane Mtb. J. a. DtTinaeT etal W. J. Lnudoti. salt for poesetaioB of property and rents, Judg raent for plaintiff. ' J. H. Steele re. Mo. Pac. B'y Co damage; verdict for plaintiff N. J.tiQ.Duei et al y. Witr Plow Co. ; Judg ment affirmed T. B. Simpton et al Sam Simon, salt en account; verdict f.r plaintiff. Martha Cady v i. B. Bretentine, eait f.r rent; jury impaneled and plaintiff take bob ait. City of Walnut tb. J. W Badger, carrying concealed weapone; dUmisaed. Tina Ferrell va. J. A. Trimble, breach of promise; by agreement judgment for plaintiff for S4.000 and eoatt . David K. Mapel vs. Catharine Mapel; decree divorce. State vs. L. I. Browning, carrying concealed weapons, arraigned, plea net guilty; Amanda Durst and defendant enter in recognizance of $100 set for June SGth. D. C. Brown vs. D. C. Berry; defendant files answer to rales. State vs. James Landon, grand larceny; plea not guilty withdrawn and plea of guilty enter ed. J. B. Powell vs. Bernice Powell; divorce granted. Minnie P. Huffvg. Clinton Huff; petition for divorce filed and summons ordered to Bates county. State vs. Wm. Saulsman, assault; verdict not guilty ; judgment against prosecuting wit ness for all costs. J. T. Walls vs. AV. S. Denney, suit on note; nonsuit. X. B. Jeter vs. Geo. W. Summers, suit on note; judgment for plaintiff D. X. McPherson et al vs. Kieth & Perry Coal Co., personal injuries; judgment for plaintiff, 51,000. State vs. Ueo.Kobinson, carrying concealed weapons; continued. Bates county vs. B. IS. Canterbury, school bond; separate answer of J. l. Parkinson and J. S. Francisco City of Butler vs. uate Wallace, assault j dis missed. Henry Baker vs. K. C .Ft. Scott A M. R'y, damages; continued. Martha Baker et al, vs. K. C, Ft. Scott M. R'y Co., damagest verdict for plaintm, $7,500. State vs. Manney Bradley, assault; verdict guilty, iUu'd$!uO. Reese Thomas vs. Walnut Land A Coal Co, suit on contract; continued. Stat. vs. J. W. Badger, carrying concealed weapons; jury disagreed and were discharged. oiuon. $1,00 a package. MU. circular free. By mail NEW BARBER SHOP. FRED W. DORN has opened up a new Barber Shop opposite the post cake, North Main Street. He has new nirnUure and evervthlns clean and mod tern :.i If Children kindly treated. All our old c " anu "lanJ new ones invneu jocail; will be courteously treated. Mv Cremated Herself. At 1 o'clock this morning, as Al mond. Lynn and his wife, of 579 Har rison avenue, were about retiring for the night, Mrs. Lynn extinguished the light and, unscrewing the top of the lamp, poured the kerosene over her person, and deliberately lighting a match, ignited the oil. Instantly she was enveloped in flames, and her husband, springing from the led. vainly endeavored to quell the fire by wrapping a blanket about the un fortunate woman, but she broke away, flinging herself on the bed where their 4-year-old son Leo was lying, whom he siezed and placed out of harm's way. Then he return ed to his wife, but could not put out the flames until she was burned al most to a crisp. Physicians were called to alleviate the sufferings of the poor woman, but in spite their care she died at 6 o'clock. The husband was found this morn ing completely unmanned by the shock. Between sobs he said to an Evening News reporter: "I can ac count for the act only in one way, that she was insane through jealousy. We had frequently had quarrels from that cause and I will confess that Cuuuty Court Proceedings John Hancock temp relief of pauper S 20,00 M. V. Hunt temp relief Jessie Sims 10.00 D. J. Good 3 wolf scalps cont 4,50 Oscar ileeder repairing office ' ' 10,00 1-4 salary Co. Treas. sal 250,00 R. & T. A. Knnis to asesBment lists cont 42,00 Geo. D. Barnard mdse recorder " 23,00 R. & T. A. Knnis " " 58.00 G. G. Glatebrook attd probate court .. etc. salary 10,00 R. A T. A. Ennis mdse pro ct cont 17.00 W. F. Rosser H,0 Geo. D. Barnard ' circuitclerk ' 7,50 J . T. Walls Inquest Wm Harbunson ' 38.00 B. G. West clock etc recorders office 10,15 Houston Mallett guard at jail 15.00 D. L. Haggard sal biMge com 14,00 Geo Pollock work on bridge . 7,00 G. G. Glazebrook soap and oil for pris oners Joe R. Morrison guard at jail G.W.Tucker ' Asylum Xo 3 supt of beard and sundries for paupers T. x,. Harper extending tax on assess ment and tax book T L. Harper 1-4 sal on ce-Uectien fees W. J. Lanadown mdse sheriff Joseph Compton'temp support pauper X. A. Wade com cards and mdse Co offices 33,50 Asylum Xo 3 support Ectart and Chas. Carrol ton 175,78 J. D. Al?en A Co mdse court house 22,50 Ordered by the the prisoners sentenced to jail be worzed en the public roads and streets when thev can be so worked at no additional expense to the county. William Lancy appointed Justice of the Peace for Hudson township G. A. Heath A Co application for dram shop license in the city of Butler, granted. AH persons owing sehool interest are ordered to pay the same at once or the loans will be cancelled. W. H. Wernock appointed agent to refund the Prairie City township railroad bonds 11,00 21 ,25 SI ,25 99,16 (HO, 85 269,76 7, SO 10,00 'can only get the girls of Fairview to f take a part in it he's all right. Bill Cole visited friends on Peter Creek and gays the "higher up the worser." The fet:.val at Mr. Taylor's owing to the rain, was not so well attended as it should have been, still there was quite a crowd there and all spent the evening pleasantly. The children of Walnut church did real well Sunday evening considering no practice To Mr, James Shelton and others we give all the credit M 188 Julia Douglass teaches the Enterprise school instead of the Olive, and Dave Walker teaches the Olive. Prof. Broadus gave us a pleasent call last evening and we lauged long and loud at his well told yarns, and we hope to have him call again, he is Shawnee's assessor, and one of Bates county's best teachers. J. B. Hays attended the school lecture at Edwards school house and repo i ts it good. Beason Morelan and family spent Sunday at Ballard, their old home. They are always welcomed by friends and relatives. Come again. Ed Griggs had his teeth extract ed and then went to Butler and got a diploma from Prof. Burke to teach school in Bates county. Good for Ed we heard that he was struck on a teacher. All the boys and their best girls were at Walnut church Sunday even ing, we are not included in that list of course, hence not there. The Price sisters, Misses Einbree and Fowler took in the sights of tha eastern part of the county on horse back and the last heard from them they were enjoyirig it mudily. Just see the hedge we have cut north of the postoffice. Dr. Mc. reports health distressing- v good in Spruce, but a call now and then in Shawnee township, look out Doc we intend dividing the time with vou. Just thiuk, a man like Arbuckle weighing only 112 pounds! why we weigh 120 and are not fat either. Our village smith seems to have the Adrain fever, at least there seems to be an attraction for him there. Allen Price and family visited M. L. Embree this week, and had an old fashioned good time. Jno. Deerwester passed though lie town a few days ago, he is one of Shawnee's first men. Jas. Wilds and J. B. Hays want to now what has become of Arm strong. Frank Crow and Geo. Teters think of teaching in Henry county this fall. Success to you boys. Frank taught a successful school at Maysburg this spring and last winter. Sam Short is sick to-day but will be all right as he can plow his 160 acres of corn. Excuse haste, we are the same heard from last week. Hum Bco. '. a v us.e is arse and plenty of room f0r j her jealousy was not wholly without 1 j provocation. K. C News. Ballard Squibs. As we pencil these lines it still rains, when. Oh! when can we plow ccrnf Judge Cole and Tom Stark are south buying hogs. J. N. Ballard's hands are pushing things, one of them savs he don't mind going a bit himself, but hates to use horses so rough. He has 300 acres of corn. To- day finds quite a number o us boys at Ballard when we oughl to be plowing, but it is too wet. Will Harper andjfamily are visit ing Main street tc-day, we only say call often. Will is improving his farm and fixing up generally. Cole Bros, were out in full force when the rain commenced, they aie rustlers. Bill Hughes says he never struck j anything like a Wheeler, and if he Mrs. Hayes Suddenly Stricken. Fremont, O., June 21. Mrs. Lucy Hayes, wife of the ex-president, was this afternoon stiicken with paraly sis. Her entire right side is affect ed and at 9 p. m. she had not recov ed consciousness. General Hayes was in Columbus, but arrived home at 8 o'clock. The other members of the family have been telegraphed for. Absolutely Pure. :KILL TWO BIRDS:- ire o n 01 D D Come to Butler July 4th, and come prepared to enjoy the big gest barbecue and picnic ever given in the county; come pre pared, also, to buy some of that mm Mm we are Selli AT ABOUT TWO THIRDS VALTJE- Nover before in our business career have we Sold such Reliable Clothing for so Little JIBSuitsforJ, JE15Suilsfor$0 Is the way we are sacrificing them. This is no blow, but solid facts, as you will find if you visit AMERICAN CLOTHING HOUSE, North Side. THE -:- RACKET -:- STORE -OF- H. B. HIGrH &t 00., Under Buys & Under Sells All Competitors, in a Full Line of DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We Have a Full Line of Ladle's, Childrn's, and Gentg' Shoe, Which We Can Sell Cheaper Than The Cheapest. Look ForThe Racket Store West Side Square, Butler, Mo. -:- Two Doors South of Bates Co. NatlTJTc FE i ca (Ml 11 OF BATES COUNTY, This powder never vanes strength I A marvel of parity nd vrholBomenees. More economica than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, abort weight alum or phoephatepowderB. Sold onlr in canB. Rotal Bakixq Powbbb Co. ,'IQ6 WiIst..X. Y a Southeast Corner of Square (In room foimerly occupied by Grange Store.) CashCapital. $20,000.00 D. N. THOMPSON, President, J. K. ROSIER. Vic President E. D. KTPP, Cashier. J. K. Rosier, J. EvERISGHASr, D. N. Thompsos, DIRECTORS. T. W. Selvebs, 3 so. Steele, M. R. Ltle, J. 3. McKue A. H. Rosrzs, E. D. Krpp. Does a General BankingBnsiness. Special attention given to time deposits and interest paid on Jume,