OCR Interpretation

The Butler weekly times. (Butler, Mo.) 1881-1918, November 06, 1889, Image 7

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Missouri; Columbia, MO

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn89066489/1889-11-06/ed-1/seq-7/

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Sheumatism and UeuraTgia Carta m j
Two Days. j
The Indiana Chemical !o. havedNcov
ered a compound which acts with truly j
marvetous rapidity in the cure ut Hheu-
mat ism and Neuralgia. We guarantee it j
to cure any and every case of acute j
inflammatory Rheumatism and Neuralgia
in 2 days, and to give immediate relie! J
in chronic cases and ettVct a speedy cure, j
On receipt if 30 cents, in two cent
stamps, we will send to any address the
prescription iorthis wonderful compound j
which can be filled by your home di uggist j
at small cot. We take this means of;
giving our discovery to the public instead j
of putting it out as a patent medicine, it i
being much less expensive. We will;
fladlv refund monev if satisfaction is not i
3 - ... T . ..". .... f " . i
given. 1 HE INDIANA UIKMltAL ,
TO-iyr Crawtordsville Iurf
ij I !i 111 i j H i s
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; HATKS. .
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Sold b
. - - ' : ; - f 1 '-".IP
. .- - i T 1 I W ft l
Symptoms Strain of the stifle joint, is not, by
any means, so clearly marked as might be sup
posed. There is very considerable lameness, the
horse being scarcely able to touch his foot to the
ground. He carries the leg around with great
difficulty, but brings his foot forward in the right
way and places it properly, but barely resting it on
the toe, or, if the case is very bad, resting it natu
rally but not leaning any weight on it. The above
is a sprain from a jerk or twist. Heat, pain and
tenderness will be found on examination of the
region of the stifle joint by the hand. The patella
(or knee pan,) will be thrown out of place, either to
the inside or outside.
der and leg with Common-Sense Liniment and lift
foot and pour the Liniment freely into hollow be
low fetlock.daily ; also feed, daily, the Common
Sense Renovating Pozi'ders as directed.
Caused by kicks, severe wrenches and bruises;
no particular part of it seems to be particularly af
fected; commences to swell and all other in
flammation appears, such as heat, pain, tenderness
and great lameness. If cases of this kind are left
to themselves, heat, pain and tenderness of the
limbs gradually pass away, but the swelling still
remains. In this case the inflammation has term
inated in a thickening of all the ligaments and
Causes Sliding on slippery roads, the horse I membranes which were affected,
turning awkwardly when running, or any unnatu-1 Treatment Thoroughly bathe the hock joint
ral twisting of the limb when the weight of the a above and below it with T. II. Jackson's Common
body is unnaturally placed upon it. It is always SfJ(f Liniment, which will cause the fever from
the result of great violence. I the injury to come out from the joint, sometimes
Treament Bathe from the small of the back to B causing it to swell more than it originally was, which
the hoof, thoroughly saturating the inside and out- 3 will pass away when the fever leaves it, and will
side of the stifle joint with T. H. Jackson's Com- I effect a permanent cure.
mon-Sense Liniment.
This trouble should receive prompt attention to
prevent mischief.
Cause Pounding theifeet over the hard roads
and stones, causing bruises on the inner shell of
the foot, and forming clotted blood, which, becom
ing hard, causes inflammation of the nerves of the
Treatment Lift the foot and thoroughly saturate
Causes Hard pulling, stepping on hard, rol
ling substances and slippery ground, causing a
strain of the muscles of the hip joint, the inner
skin and muscles become attached to the bone, the
lameness becoming perceptible upon starting the
horse after a few moments of rest from driving.
Treatment Bathe the horse from the small of
the back to the hoof, thoroughly, without rubbing,
The Hcneflts of Irrigation Sarreya la th
Kio tirende Valley.
The accounts which have been pub
lished, of the work of the Topograph
ical Bureau in carrying out the act of
Congress ordering: irrigation surveys,
have, up to the present time, made no
mention of the studies which are in
progress in the valley of the Rio
Grande in Texas. Tney lire, however,
of large importance. Of all the great
rivers of the United States the Rio
Grande is the most useless. Rising
in the heart of the Rocky Mountains
in Colorado, and draining the ever
lustinj; snow plains of that elevated
plateau, it Rows south through Color
ado, Now Mexico r.nd Western Texas,
till it strikes the Mexican boundary at
liodel Norte; then. swinarin around,
it pursues nr. easterly and southeast
erly course till n empties itself in the
Gulf of Mexuvt It starts out with n
pood volume of wn'.vr, which is in
creased by feeders Worn the Sierra
Blanco; but in passing over the sandy
plain through which its course lies it
loses so much of its contents by evap
oration and percolation that for a
thousand miles or more it is irencrally
fordable and can neither float vessels
nor spare water for irrigation pur
poses . The question which presented
-3 1
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lilFs Sale.
with T. II. Jackson's Commox-Sene Liniment once ? with Jackson's Common-Sense Lini
W Til C f nrr-C .nTpfl H
Send for ct-rculjr. (or J
iDirTinr mrmr
THE U N l. t -
cat Am:
the hollow between the fetlock and the heel, which j
will penetrate the inside of the shell, dissolving the
hard substance, allaying inflammation and the
corns will disappear.
Causes Standing in draft or cold when over
heated and becoming chilled ; standing in cold
water; overfeeding when exhausted; also sudden
changes from cold to hot, causing rapid flow of
blood to feet, and consequent inflammation.
Symptoms Will be uneasiness in standing,
changing from one foot to other; feet hot and very
tender ; stiffness in walking.
Treatment Bathe cords and muscles of shoul-
mf.nt, and the cure will be accomplished.
Caused by friction of the collar or harness.
Treatment Bathe the shoulders from the top of
the withers to the lower point of the shoulders with
T. II. Jackson's Common-Sense Liniment, which
will reduce the inflammation, create a healthy cir
culation and cause the sores to heal.
15v vuiiif aii'1 utitiioriiv of two sltfi-il es
itself to the Government surveyors is potion n.sn! rrom tin ifflc r tiie riirk of
, , . i-i I llie rircint court "T lnts enmity, Misnourt,
whether this water which now jroes r.-turimh! t ti Novmir t,.rri. iss-t. riJ
1 - r-
to u.-nt. hv VMii,initi.m !ml s.-.ivi.r, -.mil, t. me J : r,--t .-. I oil.' in t.nur of K.
could not measurahlv be saved bv
imnourxlintr it in h,s,.rmi r 4n,11.it. Hen.l'Ti.oii. I tnv. lc le i nil ! triKnl U)Mn ftll
1 . " . . . . riir.it. tuli'. iii!Ti-t an l i-laim oi ail lfftnti-
montn tliev seem to have been of the I am. 1. s n,Mii.rson to i!i- ruiiowinc
nnininn It,.,' it nM JcM-ril..-! Tfl rstatf -;!(! Sltnutfl 111 Hates
Irnuntv. MiitHOUri. to-wit:
Tho natural sito for a main reser- I tomim'i.ii!!;; at point iwt north of the
1 1 f v. t . I ioimieni oortu-r i in nori:i na'i oi itie nonn
tun 13 lucui-uu w niu iner ut 1 uair ..... -...- ,.r . .,.,.. ,.,, .,.t,!.
uel rvorte. A dam t this noint would. iortv-on an rantce twenty mm (-;). run
t . 4 , hi 4 s .1 nii.ir ttivlii'i- Wrsl Zt 1 ti-t-l . thfiiiv north fot
not interfere with trade, as the river ,,...,. ,, , .,... .,.. ,, - to ....
s trenerallv fordable there and the !'!' "I hi-l-ih. rniir. contnnnns on., acre more
- I .... ! . ... ; if .. - t i . ....v. 1 i 11 nM
CLiiixucsi. siuauifi v;iii iiul aif'i iiai. u i . , v.
within one thousand miles of the
,,,. i, ,1., 1 1 .,, ii,i lictw ff n til-liours of i.kio'i-I.U'I. in Hit- f-)T-
town. But it mijfht lead to the coi- ,, hIli, ,..t..,M.k , the e,t.ri)o f that
lection of the waters of the tinner Rio '!, at t!ii- i-t fr.mi .!oor ut t)n ruurt liouto
Grande in a lake from which they
might be conveyed in open ditches to
the southern counties of Texas, which
are now sand wastes. lexas is so
wealthy a Mate that, if the project
were deemed teasime. it would not
have to go to Congress for means to
construct the necessary works.
The uses of rivers are only just be
coming understood. ine Missouri
river is nearly o.lXtO miles long-, and
discharges 1 20,000 cubic feet of water
per second; but it is nearly useless.
Vessels do not navigate its waters ex
cept for a few hundred miles: lands
derive no fertility from its waters; its
function appears to be to drown out
cultivated land every spring. The
Mioshone or Snake river is 1,000 miles
Caused by the saddle or harness. Thoroughly
saturate twice a day with Jackson's Common-
Sense Liniment.
SOU) Zsi ilTAliAS'i E:V I.V
Dr. C. L. BICff.
figfTrv S.wta Amu Chewing Gv.m.
A natural California Gum. !'v swallow
ing the saliv.i produce! in chewing wiil
materially aid digestion.
. lUSTklliU 1 1NG AtiKM,
Kansas Cit ,-, Mo
OLLECE. IcxiJtitow, IIo.
Twenty-tiret .Session opi-us Sit.t. 4t.ii is-m. I'horeusjb
Course in all department"!. It hxjwi i.'n.i i ut ("om
pptent ToarherB. Finest Mui-i: aiii Air li ti-W-t.
Healtliful Location. Henntifui I i'.iu:-,' with wWl
fiiriiirhtM anil lioim-likc njn I'.'ii if ! J
STKAM inv-ry riMim. tnl i : , i; n. atcron
each flour. Health. inoriiU. i"i 1 i.in.m"' of ynn:1"
fuarilfil ami looki'4 i" .n i'i n i-nini I'Mviua
llouin. Term" rravonal-K V" -i-KtaloiTii,iipi'y ti
A. A. A. m.; l'lcUtat, LcxiubU'U, iio
I z .lifter
i i .
I sft
i mm
t -
stables, saddles pushed too far forward or ail)
blows bruising shoulder.
Same nature as fistula, appearing on nape of
neck involving muscles of neck in same way.
Causes are tight check-rein or head-stall, hitting
hi - WHITE-.
V . C-oupg
';i -Fi.0Aiiifc' Soa-
(UX0E 5I2C)
and receive a 3
" in pHCTOfcRAJHJ r
wuHouivir 1
It has permanently cured niorsASDS
01 casea pronouncea oy aociors nope
less. If vou have premonitorv svmp-
toms. such as Cousrk. Difficulty of
Breathing, Ac., don't delav, but use f
immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents.
Causes Hard Riding, pulling, strain of lamellae,
inflammation and fever in the frog, continued driv
ing on hard dry roads, sudden wrenches and twists.
Symptoms As result of the causes, fever and in
flammation set in causing a drying up of the la
mHl.nc for cushion inside the shell of the foot This
makes a contraction of the heel and binding of thePo11 against low stable doors or beams
cords and leaders about the navicular bone. This
chick thr mnt nnif-f min tn the animal and to re-
i- -t 1 r.,..t ,.,crr parts thoroughly each day with soap and warm H
lif-f rhn-iin hp ni.ins the toot ioi wart. lestmiT IlSI r j ' ej
, - , , ,. I water usin care to remove all foreign matter, dry
upon the toe. This movement produces a binding' vv-lL,1 u:,111a u j '
of muscles of shoulder and fore-arm making it dif- cfull' saturate lhe Parts wth Common-bcnse
ficult for the horse to turn on that side and after- Liniment, which, owing to its penetrating powers,
ward a shrinkage of the shoulder. Many persons , he the sorcs fro the bottom, throwing out the
tL r , , . 1 .1 i,,, : fu cnnA foreign matter and affecting a cure, ratience,
tlitltlUi., ..x.w.v.. v... . . n:,.,,!,,!.,
nr shoulder, thinking it first m the toot. asam in the! f r
, f.
t..i,w ,.,r, ; f,rt it U in hoth beino- rail,el m cases oi long btanumg.
311UUIUL1, tVll- iv-v w ... , i
and effect. In nine out of every ten cases of horses
treated for sweeny the difficulty lies in the foot.
Many consider coffin-joint lameness incurable
simply because they have treated the foot or shoul
der alone, when they should have treated both.
Treatment Bathe with T. H. Jackson's Common-
Sense Liniment the cords and muscles of the leg
and shoulder, lift the foot and pour into the hollow
below the fetlock and around the corner of the
foot. This course will relax the cords and muscles
of the shoulder and leg creating a healty circulation
of the blood to -the foot, thereby putting new life
and vigor into the foot, throwing off the inflam
mation arid a certain and positive cure will be the
First indications of Fistulous sore will be swell
ins, usually flat at point of withers, and will be
found hot, tender and evidently deep-seated, un
cared for, pus will soon form and the tumor will
come to a head and break, throwing off offensive
The tumor then burrows rapidly upon the out
side and often beneath shoulder blade, forming
pipes" as they are called along the muscles o
shoulder and involving same.
The ulcerating process continues and discharge
becomes more offensive.
Causes Are inflammation as result of tight col
lars. striking; shoulders against beams in low
liiMu-riV. or I.iit 'r. I'-itc f.tiii.'v Missouri.
.-II thr -..1'iif or - i mum l;n r"-ol r. niav ha
rc Liri"!. a' i iil i'v n n.lm. ut Uu- l.i.'iml blu-
li r l.-r !! in xhtictv nt! i -ntton and
rot t. i i t ij. i.t :. lK(M)lv,
it iii'::,: oi Ha: s t ou.itv.
ii.- if;,i.- -iiul
i ton i--i.fi iroin
. .1 - .-. .
ion - oi ii ,.!H-:-iul fecu-
: m- oit.i-.- i r U.c -!rrk f I he
I . iin' M:.-i.oiiri, re-
t iiroal. i- si' ,i . N". i n.ln-r icnit of
irs.toio ilii.-.i.'! in '..v. : ,f J-,. A. 1U-
r ix'i : iuoiit' . rMnvtr. I li.-iif Ifvieu
i . : ni... i ii!! 1 1 .-'t; i p n- innT-il and
.in. oi tin-'.- nil ilvieii. II . Karri-ttof.
in aii'l io i o.iio-.viii ih'rr: hfii ral cntate
iii-mif '.uli' I in I :- i-ouuiv . Mlittrt. 10- .
v. ii : 'In.- Miuiti hail H I tie i;i!twrt quanrr
i i .M-i-i 111,1 i : i ' io.'I tior: ii iikm i nol i u weac
narirt'-i .niii. it-si .iiol oiiiusi 1 1 ii an er
1 lo- .ii.ii !o-:i-.i ..u.ir'rr of hit:ooi four, Allli
ri h I:ii i.i i If nori m-ai-t iunr;i-r of ht-rtlon
i i no ami iiul" )! ii.-i i(iiari"r oi no- iiiinnwnt
tutiriiT oi -.-.-i nun- an ! no.uiiiWfst quar
u r of i !io iii.n 'if si i'.iai ut of snvlon tune,
ail in iwi! l,iji lor? v "inv raiiL'i' ihtrty-thnM
in J5:tu-H on nt v, Mi-t-oitri, I Viiil, 4iu
k in tb fure
M.iH.n of that
The first of these is really the early or first stage
of the latter. In it the skin becomes hot, dry and
feverish, cracks and becomes scaly.
These cracks become worse till the entire heel
is covered with deep seated ulcers shooting out j
proud flesh and leaving an offensive discharge as
disease advances.
Causes: Are mainly carelessness in grooming; al-
owing legs to remain over night covered with
mud; allowing horse to stand in filthy stable or
Feet to remain filled with dirt after travel or stand
ing in foul stable-yard or lot, or sometimes stand
ing in stable where current of air will strike the
ion?: it nowa tnroujrn yonung, ma- i rn.ii'. . v. c; ,,u
ho. Oroiron and nart of u ashinirton: u,i. ii..it- ! ..'.',-!, I i!.t fore-
.i . ...... ...i - i. i. 4 . ! . I min .-m l t.vi. .: i io.-:. !i in- ill vrnoim .f that
trie couniry win-ii it iran-. i , ,:.,.;.,, , r.., ,.,,r .. i:. .n,rt lioti.
InriTolv lcirrcn for want, of water: tho i i .. i ho i-n o l;n; i.-r . ii.i.. i- oojni' . Mtmnuri,
.., " , . . ... .i. , ,i.., ,;! mi ..arii- :ti !mi ;i.tiio: a may !
.-i;io:-iio:m; curnoM o niiii:u t:i "- t,-wu-i i ...:..it,v :., n.. liiKiant bid.
in one nlace it ha hewed out for itself ; .-r r,.r!, i-i. :-.-i-.-.on h.ii.
, . i .i- i. i;i.A.KiUiih,
a cnar.nei i.ijuw leei ueep; nui mo iua ,V4, ..-ri-ot itt o.nntv.
of t:ikin7 tiie water from the nlaees
M-lior.. it ln-iiwU iillv nil Its wnv .u'l llr. M
.. ' . . J . . '
to the Columbia to Hie nl:nn- I iiv irtuo .ir! antWiit -f :ranrr)it rts
o.l.iol, o.ool it f..o oT,-i.iilf iifi. miPiiN ciltloK !iif I Horn tii i.ll.rc ul llif rli-rk f the
. i- r.'iili '-mi: I ill l.Jiit-i ,-olil. V. ,lr-oll rl . Tr
ill f.'W Tim ( 'ii!iiI':iiio river IS al.-iO I r .. .-.i ,vi.in -i-r i.roi. l-v-fi. ot aani
. -. i . i. . I m i.,. .i;- ii .1 :n Looroi Win. l-
i.imo miles ionr; us voiuine may ; it - Vu . Mml mil
inferred from the fact that it has ..i.:..ii im-oi i r:iit "i i-. nm r-t a il n
.... .ii .... ;;, i .! ' 'i.- t :n,; il !'!!. IhmI I'. A! nli-ol in and
cleiu:d its way thriii;h a stratilieil 1',;,i;,wi;J r..a; being
rWHWi 1 4IMMt fi-t. I . ir....t. .l i-i i. i'. iii-oiiiiiv Mi :rt. lo-ttlt:
itiit.in i ii'ii. .... . j " . - . .
,. , , . . , i . i if l.oi r.ir in hlocW hvr lii H arni-r'a ad-
tluck; hut it is utterly useless, and I .juj,.,, t tt. t4.-. .-itv or Unt! r. iSatrs
bv a convulsion of nature the (ireen -i:u.iy. Mi-noun, livui. on
and (Jrand rivers, which unite to form Thursdav. N"vei;.ln r 11. 1.KS11,
it. where to be suddenly dried up it I i-r v vn tin-1
would hardly be missed
Lower Colorado Hows through a desert
which might bo made a garden with
The traveler who visits Sacremento
in the spring is apua'.led at the vast
area of tule land and of good agricult
ural land which is drowned by the p:
riodical overflow of the Sacramento
river. The rancher tells him that the
evil is of short duration, as the water
will presently flow off to the sea. It
never occurs to the land-owner that
this water which ho is so anxious to
sro.t rid of is the source of most of the v,,o ..rt:..- u,ri .! . r-. this I'.ntlrr Sa
. 1 . i, IL.
value which his land possesses, and V-. rr?,? uT" wbteh
that if he had the wit to store it in- 1 institution m iii f-.i thr imalneta and
stead of letting it go to waste, fields ' In
whifh crnw lifteen bUSfielS OI wneat. 1 tl,,-;r new i'.ai. ti:l;.li-ur a' imTlnri corner
. , . c i vi- --a i.f Minarfin !".i!tlr !: . lnm-ara apl'
wouia raise luiriy-nvo ousuc-is. .. ... ,.,. ,.. i,. for many
tnl liml now valueless could be re- Ki in mar.air.-l tin I'.nUi r -ioi.t Jtsnk. lhe
, i.i m oi' ii i
. .1.-1 i.o.io iiiol liift, i' urk 111 1 no ft
Id tllO I .... , I...., i II, . ,.r.iol lion 1141
.'i-;tvi.: ii'iUi r r.nti' roiOity. Mlns'iurt,
riivrii tiii-ri-or a may do
Ti-ftli-ri-il ill l' ll ?!! p-Ojll' To ill' llncnrB tll'4-
ier lor rtt-l to BKlifcfv i.nol pffiition and roata.
(.I'll I. .l i.i.llKIMm,
n.U s:,i ri!ioi i:o- County.
II t!
TreatmentFirst remove the cause placing ani
mal in clean stall, wash parts affected with soap
and water, and after drying saturate parts with
Common-Sense Liniment and pour into hollow be
low fetlock twice each day.
Treat Cracked heels in same way.
Causes Hard riding, strains, collaY bruises, and
severe wrenches of the shoulder.
Treatment Thoroughly bathe the withers and
shoulders with T. H. Jackson's Common-Sense
Liniment, which will, in a reasonable length ot
time, effect a permanent cure.
t"" "ST J T
Ti. l-.i,;l, v vali.i- i ! l!anV. I' r;v hi ISntler.
I in tin- Mari.f.i:i..,,iinih ! :ni: i:' u aoairw,
all .! S-.iiJ.!i-i .io! it i--oit,,Tii oi isaiu
a-socif tion sii- lio rrivn- lit r. hy noutie'l to
pri-t-nl tl.i i o;i'n io! nuti-r riiiiinii aaii. 41m
anoociation lot j.a wnii !at 'l Annual iHb,
J-vVl. MAI r.. n.ii,io.'i
41-;it caaiuer.
, . . ... .0 'i I orifamzatioii tu 1 f -iiiir'-i
ciaimea ai a smait hjicuw. " to a -ta'f Hank km K
this thought permeates me iana
owner's mind we shall discover that
not the half has been said of the fertil
rr, a -atiioai
t aaliivT.
ity orCaUfor-ianTrancisco SSSSaSFFPT
3 ti ni 1 ii ir 1 1
me Dioos is me uiei
A Punishment Tht Frequently Cause
Drain or Spinal Troubles.
While children are much more in
dulged and considered in this age than
ever before, they are still the victims
of a barbarous custom. 1 reier to me 1
practice of whipping as punishment.
Though it has long since been largely
abolished in our own and other coun
tries as a most inhuman mode of punish
ment, little children are still beaten,
cuffed, and spanked by fond (?)parcnts
in a most unconscionable manner. It
is pretty generally conceded that cuff
ing children on the head or ears, is
frequently fraught with the most eri
ous results many cases of deainesa
and even brain disease having arisen
from this practice. Evils quite as
crave, I am assured by a lady physi
cian of extensive practice, result from j g
the punishment known as "spanking." jj
Blows given with more or less sever- jj
ity and prcater or less frequency, in (
. - : r u will hA mil. : P
lue region ui mi; , 3 jHaaaiai
tends, cause bcrious brain or spinal : d JUSi U stiawaiTIw UURati,
trouble. : i and nan ea)oye perfect bealtli "r'
1 o
The above reBUemaa bad rbeuroatiam In 1U
moat tTrrnriatlin form, look two buttles or
Moreover, the state of the brain and . fi e Wt mZ
,. vDr o iTfaat effect B th Mnith It tea sutwrn W'joa pnntKrr. ma
upon tne aispobiuoo. auu 5 "f 7aZ . .".r. rT 3
eud to us !
For Sale by all Druggists
which may possibly cure one fault, C ir oo trot tiy jwr cjthwml.
mav. by disordering and deranging the g rjVJ - ... . fij
-'." .o... nw wit, fifa ? Hnnnicatt HEOiCiM KB- sUiUil, IL
much graver ana more coupiicaieu p fennT i rV cn f. Brr,or!iitt.AuiiiM,.
nature. Marie Merncic, m iaGie j cougu ai coiia. u
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