Newspaper Page Text
ffltttte P LV. IV. II ill III III OL. XI. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13, 1889. NO. 5L TO THE DEATH. lonel Goodloe Stabs Colonel Swope J M McManamie Thirteen times. The Knife Wailder Receives a bullet in the Abdomen. County Court Proceedings. A CCO UMTS ALLOWED . C W Porter support paup Mary illedge Sarah Powell Ova Morris T B Hlghley M V Hunt Mrs G W Patterson T J Robinson Ujirjrton, Ky., Nov. 8. At 1:40 Dr h r Field, medicine PauP uexiufow j Mary C Hall supt poor farm k)ck tills aiwruouu yuwuei ""'BEL Poston repairs on brdg L ffcssius Goodloe, member of e r Lewis t I Pntrnva T).-vc, w.V .nr I.Vit.p renublican national committee p w ,,,, collector ot internal revenue of wm Alien rt iV 1 on 4- ti nlfTT HofriVf nn1 Deveubu uw"u"j ' M J Byfleld lonel Armstead M. Swope, a prom- m l Hoover I. t. L. of Decatur Smith tot repuoucuu, ixici iu. hki GeoPoUock corrider and when each saw who c p Rhoden ,h wnu t.hev olared at each F Lovewell VUtv O tCnntlnUrnirthnni I . i , j i I ker, wnen one oi me two, it can- A McBride & Co. L. 3! 1 V ! ,.V. nJimni1 HaTli'r Lniulu'r Co mili rnnntv ra M lKI'.l I V frM f.ll V illl.U. GJLUUiUlCUi i . f v' ..u N A Wade, printing lOUSPOKeio me. iuu msuiicu I B 4 T A Ennis blanks and books for In I county officers k con- lOU ST 11 j u I Weaver mdse counti ng WB8 louoweu uy oumo ugij w F Kosser printing irds from the other mau and a mo- I L Haggard service brdg com t 1. 4l,Q mn rlrPW WAfln- lnter Btale Fub t0 blank8 ;ui. " 1- Agvlum No. 3 support insane 3 at the same moment, Swope a w m Prior woir scalp by county 11 rA anrAna n. nUsn kniffl. Barnard 4 Co. blanks as tne weapons were As soon awn Swope T L Harper salary and fees R R Deacon mdse county G G Glazebrook att'nee probate crt board prisoners serving subpa-nas II Mallett, cleaning court honse and repairing chairs The following school loans approved Brown, $300; John Swarrens, $1,000; Contingent Salary Election and Jury Mt. Pleasant R It Prairie City R R $ 12 50 20 00 22 50 22 60 10 00 15 00 15 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 163 25 513 50 399 0 9 30 5 40 15 75 1 00 3 00 7 50 21 U0 23 50 25 00 26 50 i 75 : 10 a 20 25 50 44 90 3 05 5 75 00 20 50 MJ 25 4 50 4 45 15 00 S (.0 '. 00 12 00 2iJ 50 2 05 5 05 8 SO li 50 17 20 10 00 10 50 32 00 27 : 33 2."i 00 4311 5G 9 75 18 00 73 50 .4 20 W. J. Aldridge va. Athol Herrell et al. tinned. D. X. Thompson et al vs. David Sharpless. dismissed. a..." -J" I- -S4. passenger 4:47 a. ""' "" guoBUDg, local s-.xo j-.v " coss. oj.passeneer ---Sri Thomnu.n vnrirt fr TRAINS RUNS1WG SOUTH G. W Tucker vs. city of Butler, defendant I No. IOI. passenger Time Table. L. Si S DIVISION. TRAINS RUN-XING NORTH. 4l 302, passenger m. m. m. RELIABLE GOODS -AT- ' Pi LOWEST PRICES 2 NOBBY HATS, CAPS 2 MEN ASD BOYS jii, local 5:00 303, passenger 9:40 St. L. & E. DIVISION. No. 343 mixed, leaves 6:45 a. m. 344 arrives 3:25 p.m. E. K. CARNES, Agent. makes trink-r of $15 plaintiff flies acceptance Cornelius Nafus vs. B. H Xafue, dismissed. K. L. Barton etal vs W. J. Mosher, same. Geo. W. Roberts vs. Keith A Perry Coal Co. Changs of venue to Cass county. Mary C. Dark et al vs. Allmaa Daniel et al. will sustained. State ex rel Oscar Reeder vs. Exchange Bank Jos Miller ts E. Heinline, judgment for An your turoat, Which makes you pUintiff. cougn once m a while and keeps vou nheuses Busch Brewing Association vs G. j constantly clearinfi: TOUT throat, --..rrs.juujTi.ennor piamun. arises from CAtArvh anA a iarrh i.. vt. iirni., mii.c. nnr,oU:nm.l J." il 3: That Little Tickling w A E Blachert 5 palace hotel BriLDrso iS BUTLER, MO. This is to invito you to visit our Store, everything new and bright Specially attractive OVERCOATS ivrvr. aianTg Cn. vs Wm. Gardner vs. Mo. Pac. R. R., 'continued. narY COUgh medicines all fail to hit Grand Jury returns following indictments: I the Spot. What VOU need is a COn Geo. Harry, maliciously killing stock; Thos. stitutional remedv like Hood's Sar I-k a. 1.1 1 n . . . . . I . k, ,orgery; enj. Kooinson, xeio- gapanlla. Many people who have nions assault; Reuben Clark, assault with in- u - m v J- 1 ,l , , , tt t kin, rutnn fi , r taken this medicme for scrofula, dys- , - . . .otvtuj 1 ... , ' , dwelling house; Sam Field, larceny from FFBm WS8 01 appeuie, ana Oiner dwelling house. J troubles, have been surprised that it iaie oi aio. vs. J. a. fcmitn, petit larceny snould CUT6 this troublesome COUCh jury ignored bill and prisoner is discharged. But to Vnnw trio of,,l o00 r.f iha Z M-l! ... I-.l o 1: . I x-cvuv i."- I ' Magnificent and Beautiful. We want your trade. weapons were Jewett & Hickman chairs crt house fired and Goodloe LeVT & Co- ma88 5ail and Por farm I I? V Hullsmv ctinnnrt timin . - . 1 t -i I J rt i hockea tne pistol uown as it went K & T A Ennis bJanUg L- - . . 1 11 11 ! A A! .1 but the bail enterea msaooo- aiu,ii"w"j ieu on ine rigni hiae. T steeIe Goodloe then began stabbiug his w f Rosser printing ..... I H(tmrr1 Xr I t K1 o nVa I i- i (liA 1100 h Tsrifh hid I ' uijuiieut 111 """"" Mrs Stover temporary relief bife which forced Swope backward j d Alien Co. printing 1 vn wfr w R Johnson repairing Walnut rdg P"" J ' W H Warnock coal Ley having begun ttie nght aOOUt c F Doxley quarter salary hidway in the lobby. After several blows had-been truck by Goodloe. Swope fired again but missed Goodloe and a moment later fell on his face within about ken feet of the door leading into the money order department and died summers, $400; J K Hodges, $soo. 1 o4 :of.,tl WARRANTS CANCKLLKI). wuiupl iuouj 0 Keed(?r connty treasurer was given credit On Swope's person were found f0r warrants cancelled on the following funds: thirteen wounds, on his back, arms and breast. Immediately after killing Colonel Swope, Goodloe walked to physicians office where his wounds were exam ined. He was perfectly cool and made a disposition of his property in case he died. The cause of the difficulty was a Mens vs. js,a scott, veruict lor u : 1 1 a , ir defendant. cough is to solve the mystery. Many S Albert Main vs. j M. Heddieson, judgment cases of consumption can be traced g for plaintiff. btack to the neglect of some such S Reese Thomas vs. W. L. 4 Coal Co., ver- flight affection as this. Consunil !? 7. 7.' ' - . . , J tiou can be controlled in its fnr 1 1 1 i n m it ' "as, and the effect of Hood's Sar Jos. t. Gipson vs. c. H. Lesiee. continued. I sapai'illa in purifying the blood. a MoDougai V8. f e Kellogg, same. building up the general health, and f E Pratt Lumber Co. vs wr Husted, ver- expelling the scrofulous taint which il'.rt fnr i.'aintifl" ,-. . . ,. , J is me cause 01 catarrn and cousumiv R 1? ixlover vs. C Orpr nt al vpnlir fr a- I.. . . l fndant tion, has restored to perfect health. r J Huriey admr. vs. J w Miner. Continu- ""my persons on whom this tlreaded ed. B A Bradley vs. Geo M Barnett, judgment for plaintiff. Alex Bomar vs. David Laskey et al, same. Jnoll Williams vs. Mo. Pacific Ry Co same. Jacou Dingiuan vs. mo. 1'ac. Ky co. , same. J W Ennis vs. I B Wirt et al, same. J E Williams vs. J 1. Parkinson, dismissed UNDERWEAR HOSIERY GLOVES A E Blachert THE CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER OVERCOATS S SUTS g TROUSERS 1 LOW PRICES- disease seemed to have a firm hold. 5 00 j w John 241 10 ; 50 141) S8 Si 20 21 1 Total 33 Also payments made from witness fee fund Mo 30 In Prairie City bonds for bank com mission and express - 0i BONUS OF COLLKCTOUB APl'ROVKD T Board, Spruce; S L Starr, Pleasant Gap; w T Johnson. Osaze: E II Carter. Rockville; J Statement made ill the republican b Henry, Shawnee; A BOwen, Grand Riv?r; 1: f 1 iccsj t rrl W A Williams. Howard; F Gilbreath, Hud- J ' T W T airio West lllllt: J R LOWTeV. Onel Goodloe that fully tWO-tlnruS I Walnut; W TKemper, Prairie; John Horn of the Fayette COUnty delegation in back. New Home; J W Coleman, West Boone; . ..... , . I J M Chambers, East Boone. Convention did not Speak to OWOpe. Tne following amounts were allowed asses- Colonel Goodloe has for years sors half to be paid by the state . . t 1. 1 J1I 1. r.uiurec. ouarucc oeen a prominent man in xveniuuj F F Meredith MoUnd politics; was minister to Belgium w a DeLung, Rockville under Hayes and a memol'; national republican committee and s Dent, summit chairman of the committee on speak- S8.ytle.Vsa ers. He is about 48 years of age, y Henry, Pleasant Gap FLankford. Elkhart t 1 me Donu 01 iw s wnv .Later. Lol. Goodloe, died u om 1 creek township was approved fliA offiopfo nf iiia wnnnrl Snniln v. fi t Petition of J T. Gipson, et al , tor incorpo J 5 , . .,,,1 .T V Arm.tTOni? 1 o'clock. Before he died he joined made mayor. w t west, marshal; f m Trim- lvr- hie and GW lxrance. aldermen southward 1 I nr . .1 a K" WilliHtna , 1 anu -v liuiouu w .. . iicu. 1 , th. nnrth ward. Goodloe's Statement of the diffi- The Mound branch bridge contract was ap- ,1 i i , . ,il nroved. cuuy aiier ne was told that he COUld ' - Bureessr resigned as justice of the not live made Swope the aggressor, j peace of Praire township and G W noberts ap- as he drew his revolver and shot n!ea n "-rr..--r r.. I jonn v. nrnjea m o. . GOOdioe lUSt as the latter COt his I cuit clerk, which is approved n.ii -i ii. ri l Taxesof Power Bros, iot a penou utn 'Yes, we had an election in Iowa, j said Mr. S. Finatil of Hamburg, la., j who is at the Midland. "It was a I surprise to everyone and a clean knockout for the democrats. One state of Mo. vs. j .u Jeffries, selling liquor j year ago the man who predicted without license; plea not guilty. 50 fine. 4W TA,V(1 nn,i n .Ln,,.,;,, TOQ StAtAnfMn h. liihpn 1 lnrk Hanault with 1 intent to kill, plea not guilty. .state of Mo. vs. Clayton Homing, larceny 1 i;an Uu iruui uweuiDg uuuae, ineauut guiiiy. State of Mo. vs. Sam Field, same. Staie of Mo. vs. Thos D Ashbrook, forgery and eav that Iowa will never return anil lit ...i ii ir fn.i.a.1 nnla lila. nn. niiilt. I uuu u..e..ue iin uu . i , l i: : ty n .. I State of Mo. vs. Ben Robinson, felonious as w lepuuucixmsm. jjuib, guvw- sauit, plea not guilty. nor elect, will make a good executive E S Latsbangh vs. W J Iliff, continued. 0i t.rl. 1, rill K c,0,l of OaaU iUUUiUU IT AAA OlylUVA U AC1 the first demo- regarded as a fit subject for a guar- since November 5 the democrats are claiming the earth 70 70 43 45 75 75 43 60 35 40 45 S5 43 60 370 70 S3 95 49 60 aider- knife open. ing he had received a death wound, he cut him until he fell. some time as being Impure Blood iSie Cause ot Rheumatism cratic governor, he will give the HOW IT SHOULD BE TliEATED TO voters no reason to regret their EFFECT A PERMANENT CURE. choice. K. C. Times. The supreme importance of purifying the blood and ct restoring the diseased liver and kidneys to a healthy action has indeed madt this subject one ot great study, the &2 In its treatment ot rheumatism and all rheumatic troubles Hibbard's Rheu matic Syruo stands first and foremost above all others. Read their medical results ot which have pamphlet, and learn ot the great medi- enabled us to present to the afflicted. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup, a combina- tion ot the best knewn remedies. Pre pared by the Rheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, Mich. By cures unprecedented, it has prov en its ngnt to tne titai ofine greatest blood purifver and kidney and liver cure ever discoved." We challenge any med icine to show an appreciation at home Use that which has been poured upon Hibbard's Rheumatic Svrup. cinal value of the remedies which enter into its composition. Sold by all drug gists. 44-i-yr Spend he Time -Looking the town over for- Barg county owned the land remitted. C Schmidt and J Widner granted saloon li censes at Rich Hill . Clerk ordered to release school fund mort gage of Austin Reeder for $100. "It's only a question of time," and . TJl a short tune, too, as to when your TC .. . a I1WW honi1 on rheumatism will yield to Hood's hoo, fnnd mort . Sarsaparilla. Try it. C F Boxley was appointed agent of the coun ty to make deed to wnat is Known as me .nar- Allen O. Meyers Celebrateb. Petition of J B Durand et al . to build bridge Cincinnati. O.. Nov. G. The most over Willow branch filed, and bridge commis- .1a.a a.1aiui) tn m lr o natimatA if -fat fit ..... .- 1 I Hiuuei tJX VATJX V V uaww u m ww- - unique way ot celebrating tne sue- MUcneU MDle wire bridge 0Ter Mme and re. cesa of James E. Campbell was dis- port next session. Allen O I FiTe w&rrants t0 "e monn f -10 were can ceneu. uucuieu ivi wiu ciiuucvusr played this afternoon by Mevers the journalist. He rode 1 m through the streets mounted on one of John Robinson's camels. The animal was sraily attired and followed by an immense mob. "Gabe," in the Review, acting on the suggestion of the Times has im mortalized himself in the following grand jury report on our county jail: "We find the jail a commodious brick building, with all modern im provements, and an honor (put dis before that word if prepared) to Bates county, one of the finest coun ties in the state; and we would also reccomend that other counties hav ing prisoners they wish to get rid of and have not evidence enough to hang them, that they be respectfully solicited to send them to our well ventilated jail, to kill them by de grees. We would also invite coun ties contemplating building a jail to examine our building and get plans, specifications, etc. All of which is respectfully submitted.' The Times recently received a long and interesting letter from Hon. J. H. Hinton, who is in theln- erior department at Washington city. He is homesick for his western home and is coming back in the spring. He said: "I am satisfied that one township in glorious old Bates can produce more corn than an enthe county in Maryland or any one of the New England states. I am further convinced that Kansas City and surrounding country con stitutethe "Eden" of the United States and that greater results can be realized therein than elsewhere." Mr. Hinton has many strong friends here who will join with the Times in ams When you can always find them in all our Departments. A large stock to select from spot cash -. to Bought with J. VI. MGKIBBEN. 7 85,000 Reward $5,000 For a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure ot consumptiou j bronchial troubles, cough, croup and whoopiug cough that SANTA ABIE the California king of consumption. Every bottle warranted. If you be cured of that disgusting disease, latanh. use CALIFORNIA CAT-lf-OUIiE. $1 a jar, by mail $1.10. Santa Abie and Cat It Core are sold and warranted bv E. L. KICK. It was ordered by the court that F M Trim ble be appointed agent to take Dempsey Dis ney to Kentucky and a warrant for S65 be is sued to defray expenses . Ordered by the court that the sheriff put props under cell in jail. Ordered that a contract be entered into with sheriff from Jan. 1st IS) to Jan. 1st, 131, to board prisoners for 50 cents, including light and aoap. per day. Court adjourned till Dec. lttb. Circuit Court Proceedings Joe B. Shelby. W. F. Hanks and B. F. John son, sworn as deputy sheriffs. Henry Baker vs K. C. Ft. S. & W. R.R.Co., continued. Martha Kolunsoa et ai vs. Jacob Han k, dis- roised. j Win. Kejors vs. H It. Buckle, same. A- L. McBritic et al vs. J. T. Shields, same. Y H. Ilolcor.ibo: ssl vs. W. W. Cock, same. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrnp. There is certainly something remark' able in this preparation, as it is meeting with a success never attained by any oih er medicine. It never fails when used as directed. For over twenty vears I have been a great sufferer from tht ettects ot a dis eased stomach and tor the past three years have been unable to do business Two years ago my case was pronunced incuraole. Last lune I began using Hibbard's Rheu mat.c Syrup and at ence began to feel bet'er. I have ued thir teen bottles and am a well man. Edward Baker. Master Mechanic and B'.acksmith, lacu-jja, Mich, WE BUY FOK CASH- Manhattan, Kansas, mourns the loss of one of her most prominent citizens, Jas. M. Fortner, county treasurer. He has gone to rogue's roost, Canada, and just how much of the county's money he took with him, yet remains to be investigated by experts. Trustee's Sale. Hh.F.te Harriott A Ariltm Bnil T p wis A !- . I u.-t - . Welcoming him naCK to HIS nr8t lama, hernuaoaaa, oy ineir aeea oi irusc aaiea I March 15st. 1888. and recorded in the record- love. era office within and for Bate county. Mis souri, in book 44 page 478, conveyed to the nn domiraed trustee the folio winar described real estate lying and being situate in the county of Bates ana state oi aussoun , 10-wn : Lot two (2) in the southwest quarter of sec tion nineteen (19) and lot two (s) in the north west quarter of section thirty (30) except ten acres out of the northwest corner of the south half of said lot two (3) and the southeast quar ter of the northeast quatei of section thirty (30) , township forty-two (42) range tbirty-one 131) subject to a deed of trust to Mo. Trust Co. for 300O,wnicn conveyance was maae in trust to secure the payment of one promissory note fally described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default has oeen made in the pay ment of said note and accrued interest thereon. now nut dne and unraid. Now therefore, at th minMt of the lesal holder of said note and Pursuant to tne conditions oi saiu aeea oi trust wUl proceed to sell the above described premises at nublie vendue, to the highest bid der for cash, at the east front door of the court bouse, mthecity or Butler, county or nates and state of Missouri, on Monday, December 9, 1889, between the hours of nine o'clock in the fore noon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, for the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest and costs. W. K. DUVALL. 51-4t trustee. Acute and chronic rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by the use of Hibbard's Rheumatic Svrup and Plasters. For sale by all druggists. 44-i-ytar Trustee's Sale. Whereas .John L. Salsman and Motile Salaman bis wife, by their deed of trust dated September 2. 1887, and recorded in the recorder's offlce within and for Bates county, Missouri, in book o. 49 page zn, conveyed to the undersigtja trustee the following described real estate ly ing and being situate In the county ol Bates and state of Missouri, to-wit : The west half or the southwest quarter of section twenty-tbrce (23) in township thirty eight (38) of range thirty-one (31), containing efj acres more or less, which conveyance wae made In trust to secure the payment of two certain notes fully described in said deed of trust; and whereas, default baa been made la the payment of said notes, now past due and unpaid. Now therefore, at the requestor tne legal bolder of said notes and pursuant to tee conditions of said deed of trust, 1 will proceed to sell the above described premises at public vendue, to the highest bidder lor cash, at the east front door of the court bouse, In the city or Butler, county of Bates and state of Mis souri , on Thursday, November 28, 1889, between the hours of nine o'clock In the fore noon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day. for the purposes of satisfying said debt, interest and coats. F. M. ALLES, 50-4t Trustee. Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A marvel of purity strength and whclsorceness. .More economies than tbeordinarv kinds, ar.d cannot be sold in coiBTetitton with the multitude of low test, sbori weieht alnm or phosphatepowders. Sold onl-r in cans. Eotax. Bakrvg Powdes Co. , K WUst..N. V a -."-4r-t Do You Suffer From Bheamatisin. X oone who has not been sufferer can have any idea of the excrutiating agony caused 'by rheumatism. This painful disease is frequently caused by a stop pnge of the circulation of the blood, through ths muscular portions of the body. BALLARD'S SNOW LIXI- MPVT i-51 invririnhlf nirfi this !:wap bv penetrating every pct of the 'kin and dravirs-r to the outer surface Trustee's Sale. Whereas Thomas IlUagwortB and Deborah IUingwertn. his wife by their deed of trnst dated November Mb. lwC. aad recorded in the recorder's omee within ana lor nates county. .Missouri, in dock so. si Sage 14 conveyed t e following 4eserib- the nnderstimed trustee ed real estate Irinff and being altnate In tne county of Bate and state of Missouri, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the southeast quar ter of section thirty-one (31) in township fotty one(4I)of range thirty-one (31), eonUinfog 40 acrea more or less which conveyance was made la trait to secure the payment of aw certain note fally described in aaid deed ol trust; and whereas default baa been made la the payment of said note and more Uaa era vear's accrued interest thereon, now past rfae and unpaid . Sow therefore, at the reqaeat of the legal bolder of said note and pursuant te the conditions of said deed of trnst. I will pro ceed to aell the above described premises at public vendue, to the highest bidder for ea&, at the east front door of the court feocse, la the city of Batler. county of Bates and state of Missouri, on Thursday, November 28, 1889, pOl 'On- : ,K. I,, ...a nr nina n't-t, li. ,1.. r ous matter and restoring a natural circa- j noon and ae o'clock in the rtTT,o rf t&vt ' iatton ot the blood, r-very bottle guar day. for tae pnrpose or ttmrppf aail debt. anteea. Dr. E. pi le, Agent. isterett gad costs. .Vvlt C. C. ICKL Trtutes. 1 i , i 'i ,1 I i 4