Newspaper Page Text
' - lltiCf VOL. Xll BTJTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY JUNE 25, 1890. NO. &L Missouri State Bide OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITA!., $110,000. Receives Deposits subject to Cheek, Loans Honey, Makes Collection does i General Banking Business. the Eluigrove do In the Real Estate Loan Department- Make loans eutl- potest . l 1 1' ii.' 1 .. ,.1 4- . tiou of i: ti;ll on Keai nsuue on lonii ui miuh ume at lowest rates without delay. ilia, tin. Levin Boalwtre, T C. Physician gars, Monroe Farmer Ballard, J N Fanner Brown, Lain jlsrtlett, Edmund Farmer 0,elf. H. B. Farmer Csrathers. G A Farmer Christy. J M Physician Clark, Robert Fanner Courtney, J M Stock Dealer neerwester. John Farmer STOCKHOLDERS Hardinger. W N Farmer Smith, G L Liveryman Hickman, G IJ Furniture dealer Smith, John T Lawyer Jenkins, J K Ass' t Cashier Starke, L B Deputy circuit -lt Kinney. Don Bank Clerk Turner, Mrs JI E Capitalist ievy.samDryGoodBiCiothicgTucker, W E Dentist rk Morrison. C II Farmer Miller. Alf Farmer Norton, J A Bank Clerk Owen, M V Farmer Pharis, John Grocery Pharis, C F Grocery 1'atton, M rnyblcmn iwrii. J ft Foreman Tim its officePowell, Booker Farmer IHckeneheeU.R C Con. A Hes't Pigott, II H Bank Clerk natr.her. C H Prof Normal Sen Hosier. J M Farmer DeArmond.D A Circuit Judge Rankin. J L Farmer mil. John Farmer Kveringham, J Physician Griggs, Win M Farmer BOOKEB POWELL T. C. BOCLWARE Kadford, Chas K Farmer Rplaner. J W InanrnncA Sullens, J L Pres Judge Co.Ct Williams, R V Farmer Tucker, J M Capitalist Tyler, W B Farmer Voris. Frank M Farmer Vaughan. J M Capitalist Woods, F M Farmer Wyatt, H C Lumber dealer Walton, Wm E Cashier; Wright, T J Capitalist Weiner. Max Boots 4 Shoes Walls, Wm Farmer Walton. G W Farmer Walls. J T Physician Whipple, m Li i-nysician president vice-president WM. E. WALTON J. B. JENKINS cashier Asst. cashier r mm JACCP'S CATALOGUE ma.. RcptHa FaTkaiiaai. Viaitiag Cards (100 fwfl.10) aad i m waicaee, anon asse nsiieaa mim auruag aaa n an rotterMS, wans, aaa SHsaateas ether eartsau Wedding h is iiat 18 AS CITY, do. s of Watches. Clocks, Art Pottarias, at, will oi if you wrist tu.tltu eoatilnin( iu pica of our Cop-pcr-pUt work, sack asWcddiu thousands of Ulus- Staaaa. Stertiaa aad Plated Tsbtfc Ware. and a wousaih eatable Wtddtag Pr- ILesolutions of Elmgrove F- & L. V Whereas, There is a disposition j on the part of some of the members of F. & L U. to convert said organ ization into a political party; aud as we believe such aetion would be con trary to the spiiit of the order un constitutional and ruinous to the cause, tiiVrefoie be it R. m;y-J, that F. k L. U. of Bates county. Mo. aruestiy aud persist against the orgauiza 1 political nartv to be known :;s the i A; L. U. vartv. ll-soive 1, -1. .1. "We will not be boit:d to the ticket of auv saci-fd ri-riit to vote for the man of oar -i:o;i e. litsolvcJ, 3rd, That we will use all honorable means iu our power to maintain the unity and dignity of the order; Resolved, 4th, that we believe the best way to promote the interest of the oppressed laborers and destroy the power of monopolies, and the evils of trusts is to exercise our po litical freedom and vote with the parties of our choice and then unite as a solid brotherhood in presenting and pushing our claims before the legislative bodies of our state and national government through our representatives of whatever party they may chance to belong. S. W. Maxey, F. Odill, Com H. B. Chambers. ) A delegate meeting of members Biilani Pick-l. Headers of the Tiuct, here Ve are again with our weekly pick-ups. Waiter says Kr . Hill boys are too much for him, don't be discouraged, if at Crtt you don't succeed try again . Danie tuitks the mall facilities between this and Xebraska are not so fast aud regular as between this and Johnstow n. Too bad! Jake Green of Pter Creek, gave our smith a call Saturday. m.t. n enaieton of .-tuni town, passed going north to see !iis Peter creek girl. James A. Wood gare U9 a ca!l a few tvr:- E. M. Fort does col visit on "Coon creek" as often as he did last winter. The Greer families went to Klkfork and caught some nice iis'u, and tLev remembered HI..). i r. . - . . . uo.., ior wuicn mey have our thanks. We hops they will go again soon. Mother McFarland is visiting her son Sam, for a few days. Uncle Sam no doubt blames Messrs Dean aud Abuckle for his mistake, as they had seen such things before. haTingoftea been at such tables, while he eats at home senerally. Will Cole is tending corn on south Deepwa ter, he says "candidates, take due notice and gnage yourselves accordingly" when wishing to see me. Hon. J. K. Ballard, president of the Mont rose bank, writes us that business is good, aud he is almost settled in his new home. W wish him success in all his undertakings. Xir.11 ... 1 t.. rw .... .. uiuiwmiuMuiiev. i taiosiner were in Montrose Saturday. McClerney is running his 'arm-strong' mower to-a ay in his yard, and most say it is lota like work, we tried it and know. Almost dally we bear the whistle from the engine at the saw mill . Loreu is doing fine at the engine, while Bob looks after the the lumber. Jas. Beark's school closed Fridav aud report saya both teacher and scholars acquitted them selves very creditably. He goes to Casey Creek. Ky., hit old home, where he will teach the coming winter. The boys played a same of base ball Satur day. Why did't Uncle Sam stay and listen to the speech on the Missouri and Kansas penitentia ry? Ed Griggs and Frank Douglas, with their partners, took in the dance at Reedira. Anaa Kdriogton was In the villace few evenings since, and seems I tl P E 1 1 A! IV OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. -HAS- $50,000.00 1. N. THOMPSON I. K. KuSlfcK, ... E. A. BENSEfr, ... E. D. KIPP Dr. J. KVERINGHAM T. W. SILVERS, v . Preoldent iee-l'retident d Vice-President. CAS 11 1 Eli ecretarv Uori!y lHUECrOUH, Juilge ClarkJWit, Farmer and stock raiser. K. J. Hurley, of R.J. Hurley Lumber Company. J. K. Kos"ier, Vice-President nd Farmer. M S. Kiersey, Farmer ami Stock raiser. E. A. Bennett, of Bennett, Wheeler A Company and 2nd Viec-i P. E. Emery. Keal Estate Investor M. G. Wilcox, Farmer and Stockraiser. II. M. Gaily, Farmer and Stock Kaiser. M. H Lyfe. Fanner and Stoekraiser. 1 N. Tliompsun. lresident. farmer and etockraiser. John Steele. Farmer and stockraiser. J. J. McKee, Fanner and stockraiser. E. I. Kipp, Cashier. Receives Deposits subject to check, loans mony. issnes drafts, and transact a general banking business. Your patronage respectfully solicited. from Scifers, Prairie Valley,Orchard fine, hut doe not get enough lessons sontk- Grove and Brush Creek lodces was we,t N"11" of going again soon. M"i r viaiving in asa and letter read. j E'er this is in print our friend Thos Board, will enter the matrimonial race. He starts Thursday evening, stopping at Mr. Foster's. where he will be united to Miss Foster. May your lives be long and happy and 'boards' be added to his honse. Father Ireland was in town to-day. Uncle Dick and Bob A can tell you how they stand for recorder. Geo Price delivered his rattle to Doc Me- Coinbs Monday. Bora, to the wife of E L McClerney, June loth, a boy. All parties doing well. Capt. Martin gave u a call a few evenings since. He la rustling among the boys. Jim Cole was in Johnstown last evening af ter machine oil, this time, bad his force cut ting wneai moat au nignt. See Capt. Price's watch? He is all O K naw, is ahead of most of the boys, he can tell when to go and how long to stay, and when to go again; tioway ueaie. jack. Items. TERRIBLE HAVO OF A CYCLONE. Teacher, Six Gills and a Roy Killed ia n School House. held at Scifers school, June 4. The meeting was for the express purpose of discussing the advisability of put- Qjveateen Pet-awns a Their Lives in one Village. Earlville, 111., June 20. A terrible cyclone and cloud burst occurred about five miles north of here short ly after 4 o'clock this afternoon, which resulted in terrible loss of life and property, no less than twenty-five people being killed and num , ber of houses and barns entirely de molished. The storm came from the south west and swooped down on Field's school house a new building standing at the four corners and tore it to pieces. At the time there were eight persons in the school house and all were instantly killed. Their bodies were carried some dis tance and fearfully bruised and crushed. An old peddler was driving by the school house when the cyclone struck it, and he too, was caught up and carried some distance and flung lifeless into a hedge. His team was also carried away. The house of Newtou Wood was next struck and not a vestage of it remains. The family sought refuge iu the cellar and escaped unhurt. From the school house the storm continued to the northeast through Paw Paw grove and carried away everything moveable. Here the loss of life is reported to be greater seventeen persons killed and many injure. Twenty houses were torn to pieces and the eastern part of the town totally wiped out. Some of the victims were carried hundreds of yards and mangled almost be yond recognition. The force of the cyclone was terrific. Nothing re mains in its path but the bale earth huge trees being torn out and carri ed away. The width of the storm was about eighty rods and it pro gressed forward at the rate of eighty miles an hour. The work of rescue begau immediately but little can be learned of the killed and injured. DESTKVCTIOX SOUTH OF DIXON. Dixon, 111., June 20. A terrible eycloue passed over the southern Mr. and Mrs sas, for a few days JndgaColels etlll baying sheep bre any for sale, Mr. Editor, or readers of the Times give him notice So the Hon. Judge Gantt won the prixe. Good for him! Sorry Hon. J. P. Harmon did not win for Railroad commissioner. Geo. McAllas and sister with Miss Viola Huff spent Sunday visiUng Mrs. Dr. McFar land. Miss Alice Griswold has returned from the sheep akin.' hurt A school house in to cuttin out the ticket made " Brooklyn township, Containing twen- 3r j x o thege re80lutions pond with her; she has had the experence and 4 4- 4i. -ki tt: . has proven herself No.l. wbib acut uu ccaaj uiuou iui Miss Lydla Moore win teach near Altona. at publication but, SO far, they have the same place she taught last winter. She Is f-:l,l 4 0 ; Ul, one U1 ourgooa teacnera rl rr j . T M.Stark bought cattle of M L Oggg. and IS this Mr. UarrOUT shipped them Friday Judge Cloud called a few days ago, he tella RvmlAtt. Rates Co.. Mo.. June 17JM"e or " for re-election. part of this county this evening. It passed through the village of Sub- tin an F;& L jj ticket inthe tield l ii j il . ?l lerxe, tearing aown an me promi- There wag on deleateg m nent bmlings, killing four persons the conveutiou tbat favored nomi i .ii a 1 anu wounamg several omers. a snip nati ticket Resolutions were .mm i i .i ii . . ! i oi iarm nouses loumeasi oi me vu- v,. jnnij (!Hn lag was also desolated and many ioQ to rescind their order m regard wnrrepabnrg Nnai with a persons ty-four children, was entirely wreck ed and eighteen children injured. Circuit Court Proceedings. Jno. A. Patterson vs Mo Pacific Rv Co, iudgt for plff. A J Pritchford vs J M Pritchford leave to amend answer. G M Daugherty vs Calvin Gib a TVT Dautrhei tv vs Margaret Gib- 413 do hereby Tnt. amPTiilPcl rW filed, motion Resolve, That we denounce the to dismiss overruled, motion to action taken by the labor organiza strike out amended interplea over- n0DB cf Bates county Mo., for the ruled. anil why not? he is a good one. and leta do all 1 We the undersigned members of w c,n for nU "access Dixie subordinate F. & L. U., No. Johnstown Still it rains. Rev. Tinsley, of Adrian, is visit- ir jn ing friends in this section. Miss Alice Griswold has returned from Warrensburg, where she has been attending scnool for the past six months. Died At the residence of Thom as Stroad, James Holiway. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn their loss. Clark Wolfe is on the road with a stock of notions. W. W. Graves was in the city last week shaking hands with the boys. W. Lu Oge and wife have been to Clinton sight seeing. Wonder if Will Drake don't want it to rain? Walt McCoun talks of attending the Arord School. Mrs. Fudge and daughter, of Some Need Money, Some Must Borrow! . careful prudent man who wants to borrow money for any purpose will always seek to get the loan where tJie rate of interest is lowest and tlit terms most favorable- We can now offer the low est rate loan on from one to five years time- Notes drawn for one two three or five 'curs- Money Paid out Promptly. Come and sec us befort you make loan- SAKCRS WAK ASS 7ITLS CO By P. C. FcLXKHSojr, Maaos West Side Square BuUer, Mo. as he has been gone all day M w Anderson and family passed for home Sunday evenlne: snntose thev hud hen in purpose Of bringing out and placing Henry connty visiting relatives. Mirt, as ia - i t- 4 r' r t.v , V Y1" w ' 3 " and independent ticket in the field. ", Ac. , .. jjeiEer, juugi jur piu. ' he is a orst-ciass workman Patrick Reed, et al, VS Hicliael especially iue aciiuus oi uie mem- uncle Henry Cole returned from his old See Sidney Graham in his new cart, bought hTonnna Cirv. nr viafcintr the familv of RR Deacon. I . T J Charlie Greer, Berry Beaman and Lloyd Al- OI r-1' " ' V"? l , lison called Monday evening; come again. oam Otepnens nas opeuea up Bill Cole must be a way up the creek to-day, a clry goods ana grocery Uouse in Johnstown. Jimmie Crabtree, son of A. T. has on hand 400 young chickens and Dillon, deft files application for change of venue. T D Rafter trustee, ex rel, C Orear vs C B Lewis, et al, motion to dis miss sustained. J B Dverle vs Jacob Hunt et al, plff files amend petition and affidavit. bers of the F. & L. U. Resolved,that we believe the better home in Lafayette county, where he has been visiting. He reports crops looking fine on the river. He Uved there 60 years, then moved to about 15 or 20 hens setting. Jim expects to make a second Peter Lane. This does well for a 11-year old boy. With best wishes to the booming plan for us is to take the advice of Bte. ay wke is no place Times and its enterprising editor. I V v S our state president sro. a. Hickman, our state executive com mittee and our state lecturer, name- like the old home. His farm there haa been in enltiyation 70 years and is still fine land. James Sheltou and family are spending the day at Jaa Wilds' on North Main. Mack Greer and family are visiting hla broth- say no more. BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. Oren Thompson vs Jno Antony, iy that of electing offices out of One I r on South Main, and Mack ia helping Doc et al motion for costs. Rich Hill Town Co vs Mo Pac Ry Co motion of deft to withdraw deeds from files and attach copy. State of Mo vs A L Graves, carry ing concealed weapons, affidavit ap plication for change of veuue. State of Mo vs A L Graves, same of the two old Pan-American Free Trade. Washington, June 20. President Harrison yesterday transmitted to congress a letter from Secretary Blaine upon the suggestion of a cus tom unction and recommendations Sanctum l:n rpanpHi thrptn liv th Pan-Ampr- iievethis independent action so far .-. ican conference. Secretary Blaine as the members of the F. & I. U. are Drake's Fridav niht. Authahovs ..wither suerffests an amendment to the tariff I ..tM 1.1. w " " v Thos Back. Sam McFarland and -Ronrt on al 1.'. Know to De in Sympatny Wltn US as I Rate" Jt Co., went to Montrose Monday ft lnborin r vveonle. I Ednngton gave na a call last evening. it r Mr. E. i oba of thu Ft rvltiw FAT, ra 1 1 -W-l it . al J I .ttesoivea, r urtnermore inai we De- Loren and Danie passed our Graves,' felo- concerned is only a sly way of 'whip-Jbeit invited to be present with well bill, authorizing the president to . . . , iiiini jwut wnB, iuu uu, iieasant ana puig luc ueiu uuuuu a otump uu profitable time. and that it State of Mo vs A L nious assault, same. J B Dyerle vs Jacob Hunt et al, dodeinsr our constitution. .! a 11 - w motion to stme out amenaea pe- we do not and will not endorse won. . a M Dauffhertv vs Calvin Gibbons nor PF" verdict for interpleader. Resolved, lhat we denounce the H H Miller, et al, vs oh. Martin, course taken by the weekly Union ready to ppt into their wheat fields this week, if dry enough. So Bill Hughes ia no more one of the charter members of the Fairriew F A L U. Mr. Pres ident, I am afraid your charter ia boated. So. Die did not go fishing Monday. He couldn't think of going with Marion Embree, Sam Price and Fort. Know of three applications for our school, two gents and one lady. Who will be next? Our neighbors are getting their binders declare the ports of the United States free to the products of any American nation upon which no ex port duties are charged' so long as such nations shall admit free to its ports the manufactories and pro ducts of the United States. et al. alias writ. Gerge J Graham vs Thos W Fisk et al. dismissed as to Thos W Fisk and iudgt against other deft J B Dverle vs Jacob Hunt et al, def ts file application and affidavit for continuance, plff filed counter af fidavit of W G Rose, application sustained and continued till July 7th 1890. Deft files motion for new re- of Bates Co., Mo., against President Hickman and our members who are running for office on the democratic ticket Signed Wm. Alexander, B. Blackmon, W. E. Mansfield H. D. Mansfield, Peter Alexander. Joseph Allen, Jas. Z. Collins, Lee Allen, D. D. Fergu- - ttv f T- ion, J. v.dix, tu. .Baldwin, vv.JJ. Alexander, C N. Clark, Secretary. plevin bond, sustained, leave to file son, S. C Alexander, J. W. Fergu- boud by June sod. Kate Grantham vs school district Xo 2, motion to strike out defts an swer overruled, reply filed. State of Mo vs Luther Mann, final iudgt on forfeiture of recognizance. - . . . . w it- "r-r . . t state oi mo vs u m nutted, same. M S Horn admitted to practice. After all the best wav to know the real merit of Hood's Samipariila is to try it yourself. Be sure to get i Hood's. When Baby was sick, we gave her Cast or ia. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Wltea she bad Children, she gaTe Casfena The Purest and Best ArticlbS known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsa- J b Hays, tne enampion or the "Southwest rjarilla. Everv ingredient ia care . . . . . . . . . IX at D MO.naruenng.-- was on tne yarn yesterday I fn sJt QQ11 IO,;.l c.-.-e. , i ii.. i 4 4-: j nrv- Tt..iiiiA!SiiLd-hMi..i)ii h.. auuoiuv lue wot ltiaiiieu. iiic know who the anpt. is. as we missed it in our medicine is prepared under tne su last, it was Hooper instead of Sheiton. pervision of thoroughly competent Two of Mrs. McClerney' s sisters from Henry I pharmacists and everv sto in the . l.kM,tl.l.Ui I 4 . - county r.rvfaa nf mannfayr nro ia arcfnllo. AW VUMSJ m" mrvjm UINU I . , , . , the mustard" this season, they have out a wttlcucu wlMi w rcvu.iug iu larger crop than any two in the community. The mad dog scare is la fuU blast. Several have killed their doga and others should Judge Cole started the binder in hla wheat field the 13th. M L Embree hesitates starting on hla assess ing , as the people have not faHy recovered from the dose the census man gave them. Doc Greer and wife attended the ice cream I supper last night at Mack Greer's and report a pleasant time and a large gathering of young folks. Ed Griggs and Frank Douglas are catting the hedge south of us, on the Johnson land. Danie is convalescent to-dy, tears dried Hood's Sarsaparilla ble result the best possi- Some of the woolen manufacturers of New England have had the cour age to ask for what they want and need rntaxed or lower taxed raw material. But they will cot get it from this congress. The republican party is committed to the policy of dearer clothing in order to pull the wool over the eyes of deluded far mers. Sedalia Bazoo. T. P. A. Convention at Denver -For this occasion, June 24 to 28, which is to be a grand success, the Missouri Pacific Railway will sell tickets from all points iu Missouri at very low rates for the round trip. These tickets will be on sale June 21st aud 22d at all points on the Main Line aud Jefferson City, Boone ville and Lexington divisiou; June 22d and 23d at all other points in the state, aud will be good to return any time withiu thirty days. This has been chosen as the official route by the T. P. As, aud a special train of free reclining chair cars and Pull man sleeping cars will be run from St. Loui aud Kansas City without change to Denver. Fall informa tion can be obtained form your nearest ticket agent or Geo. S. Mc Grew, President Missouri division, T. P. A., or Geo. D Barnard A Co., St. Louis, Mo. 1 mammamaaawamammaamammamawt v Salt Rheum - The agonies of those woo tufier from sever salt rbeom are Indescribable. Tba cleansing. healing, ptirtfTtag influences of Hood's Sana parflla are unequal! ed by any other aedl&oe. "I take pleasure la recommending Hood's 6arsapaxllla, for It bis done wonders for me. I had salt rheum very several y, aaecung wm over nearly my entire body, only those wk have suffered from this disease to Us worst form can imagine the extent of By a&ictloa. 1 tried many medicines, but failed to reeetve benefit until I took Hood's Barsapaxiaa. Then the disease began to subside, the Agonixing Itch and Pain disappeared, and now t am entirely free froBa the disease. My blood seems to be tbev ccghly purified, and my general bealta to greatly benefited. Ltva auor, 8exMa K. E. Church, Worth Chicago, IU. My son bad salt ineua ea bis binds aaat the calves of his legs, so bad that they wool crack open and bleed, He took Hood's Sar sapartlla and Is entirely cured.' J. B. 8ta tov, MU Vernon, Ohio. ml,a t From 103 to 135 "l was seriously troubled wilh salt rberas for three years, and receiving bo beaeft from medical treattneat I decided to try Booda 8arsxparCla. I am now entirely cured of salt xnema; say weight has Increased from m Iba to 135." Mas. Alicx Smith, Stamford, Cobb. II yon suffer from salt rheum, or any blood 4cMs,try naod'i Sanatoria, It has cured saury others, and will ecre you. t Hood's Sarsaparilla l-Adbyaltdraarlsts. l;sUfrf3u rreparedealy ky C L BOUD A CO.. ApotaecarSes, Lowell, Masa. ioo Doses One Dollar '1