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BATES COUNTY National Bank, BUTLER, MO. A DUEL AVERTED. THE OLDEST BANK Til I.AKGESr A.U THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN BATES COUNTY. CAPITAL, SURPLUS, 125,000 00 $25,000 00 p. J. TYGARD, - - - HON. J- NEWuEirm J.C.CLARK President. Vice-Pres. Cashier Time Table. L. & S DIVISION. TRAINS RUXNIXG NORTH. So.3P4 passenger ' 47 a.m. local S:30 ii 302, passenger 3:15 p.m. TRAINS RUNNING SOt Til . So. 301, passenger i-:3 P m- 311, local 5:00 " " 303, passenger 9:40 " St. L.&E. DIVISION. No. 343 mixed, leaves 6:45 a.m. in " arrives 3:25 p.m. 1 v r a t- - r 1.' K i. w. e. tucker; I Sensible Action in a Kentucky Affair j of Honor. J Louisville, Ky., June 17. There j came near being a duel last Thurs i day afternoon, the particulars of i which were not learned until this morning. The parties involved were a prominent professional gen tleman of this city and a prosperous and well known farmer of the county. Had not the challenged party thought discretion the better part of valor blood would certainly have been spilled It was only at the last moment that the duel was avert ed. The ground was "stepped off." the pistols loaded anil the du.-'ists with leveled pistols were in their lositions. wneu a worn preyfi.te.l possible bloodshed. Th-i principals were Thomas F. Berry, of this citv, and Mr. S. J. Blanki -nuak: r. v.ho owns and cultivates a !arg. f u;:i near Fisherville, a town lifiv; n miles east of this city. Dr. U rry was th- challenging part v. The trouble was the enteoi::.- of the recent primary election, when Dr. Berry ran for coroner of JeiiVr- son countj-. It was during this cai. didacy that Mr. Blankenbaker, o Dr. Berry heard, scattered among his neighbors scandalous reports in which his character professionally and privately was assailed. After the election Dr. Berry proceeded to look into the charges which Blank- DEERING. is, .azsrir - i-r yi -w "-. 1 jv.a.y.vmtii fc.- n ' .1 tt: I'll? I I .:. aiOHRS. EAPERS MOWERS EAGLE HAY-RAKES & TWINE. PaTRADE MARK j E. E. DEACON. Tin n.l the Mc'Kmley Bill. ! A. A. .Stillman of Liverpool, j a dealer in tin-plate who was at the j Palmer last evening, said English ' manufacturers did not believe the McKinley bill would be passed. ! "I know little about politics," he j said, '-but the demerits of the Mc-' Kinley bill can be seen easily by j good business men. Everv year I i ship tons of tin plate to America. Tin plate is sheet iron covered with tin and only experienced labor oau make it. Not a round of it is m.-nla in America, and yet it is proposed to increase the duty upon it bv 120 per cent. This will be the result: The price of tin will be increased largely and the consumer will pav it. The manufacturers can't afford this increase and many of them will close. This is all done for the pur pose of protecting the tin mines in the Black Hills, which as yet pro duce nothing. It is claimed the Black Hills contain enough tin to furnish the world with that metal, yet none has ever been obtained there worth handling. For years there has been considerable talk about Black Hills tin, yet you never hear of any of it being used lor prac tical purposes. If the McKinicy bill is passed those who consume tin will have to shoulder the additional tax without receiving the smallest benefit. WORTH CONSIDERING! V D. J. a rESTBIRTOS. or Atlanta, CU. Is a wlhrt1 AtT In Froprietrjr mcnlidnm of bit own manufacture, lie aaltl: "1 bad a most MTere attack of inflammatory rheuma tism, wrttch brought me down upon luy bod and mure! j tncauacltatad me for tiaiunvas. The uisso appvarisl to have a lten on my iivstem. and all I couhl (K rtnl not dtslodte it. Huonlcutt's KhfMiraatio Oura was worn mended U me. and 1 loot it. 1 n a dav after lie- ginning its ue I began to tmrroe, and ta e or alxdayal waaentirely free from pain and able tn ruaiime mv biiainenm. I told Mr. HunnlCUlt at tbat tirae, that bia rure Is the heat medicine tho world baa ever offered ftr rbttumatiaai.'1 The Doctor tvt vinrd RmiO o say as much for an other remedy. 1 nis be aaid free and voluntary. KU8N1GUTTS RHEUMATIC CURE 1h a miDerlw Female Tonlo and blood mirtfler, rendering the Kklu aoft and beautiful, removing hWit..iiM nimi)le. eti Increasing the acoetlte and invlcoral!n the Hvnlem. bend for book of particulars, itkkk. Aian. HUNNICUTT MEDICINE 00.. Atlanta. DENTIST, BUTLER, - MISSOURI Office, Southwest Corner Square, over enbaker had made against him aud Aaron Hart's Store. Lawyers. Equality of Opportunity. Republican congressman Batterworth's speech Now, I say to my friends on this found them, so it said, such as no ge of the house that the republi brave and upright man could submit can party is charged with do higher to. He wrote a letter to Mr. Ulanfc- mi8siori than the preservation of the J. H WORTO W. enbaker asking for a verbal apology, equality of opportunity in this coun- BuFpoui8uiMH wuuiu ue luuu- try. .No industry, whetner it be Att0rney-3t-LaWe coming. It never came. He wrote manufacturing plows and harrows, again. This letter was auswered and or manufacturine anvthintr else, has quite a correspondence was then a right to any advantage over any carried on, but as both parties were 0fcher industry iu the republic, be- stubborn no arrangement of a cauge we tnow that it is the tenden- peaceful character could be made. CT 0f 8UCh advantage, and not mere- Finally, to settle the matter, Ber- hT the tendency, but the fact, to ry challenged Blankenbaker to fight jraw blood from other industries to a duel. The latter accepted, and L,u ft nn tW. whieh haH selected Smith & Wessen 38-calibre been given the advantage, revolvers as the weapons. Berry the giving of such advantage had Dr. B. F. Davis, of Fisherville, to any industry or class of industries as ins second, ana Ulanltenbaker Had jg not aufficiently described by a friend to act in the same capacity. merely saying it is unjust It is not lhe battle-ground was a grove oniy indictable because it is not nearBlankenbaker's home. The seo- within Mia tprmn of the statute, not onds measured the customary dis- because it lacks the quality which Office West Side Square, over Lan- tance- Both of the opponents re- ought to make It indictable. There never was a time when For Torrey and Against McKmly. V"H"" "" c .i w i. . I ana poiem man ne is at v asningion The convention of the National r m, ,,. . , . now. xne repuoiicans in a certain way call the caucus together upon Office, North Side iqnare, over F. Barnhardft Jewelry Store. W O.JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Mo. Office, South Side Square, over Badgley Bros., btore. Calvin F. Boxley, Protecntlng Attorney. CALVIN F. BOXLEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Butler, Mo. Will practice In all the courts. pARKINSON & GRAVES, ATTORNS S AT LAW. Furniture Manufacturers' associa tion, now in session here, will doubt less formally indorse the Torrey bankrupt bill and as emphatically condemn the McKinley tariff bill, the principal points against the lat ) ter measure being the fact that it in down's Drug Store. PAGE & DENTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, mained dead game. The seconds stated that the time was up. and Kv, ruv. , fl, ia i v, Washincrton, D. C, June. It is The Pension Deficiency. Office North Side Square, over A. L. McBrlde's Store, Butler, Mo. PLaVHiclanis. J. R. BOYD, M. D. Office East Side Square, over Max Werner's, 19-iy, Mo. DR. J. M, CHRISTY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, tront room over P. O. All calls every public measure of importance and blind all the party members to vote, no matter what their opinions, wishes or consciences may be in the premises. Under the plea of re- X A' . -J I, I training a captious majority tney Potter ilros BRICK LIVERY STABLE. An ample supply of Buggies, Carriages, Phaetons, Drummer Wagons, &c. vuv .ude u.ij.ivn Lr.ctwo, T, uilu I .. . . I UltJB III tills BVCUVU I'i lUt BHttC. ara tint, m a nn fact 11 TAri ,n t Hi a muih. 0 wmcn tnere is a wiae aiversity 01 1 fibbt Class kigb j? uksithid. nnininn. n.rA fnrivxi fVirnno-li Yv u I p.rtJTOU without .Uowing debate "'1 Z2JST or remonstrance. The republicans try, while the old duty of $2 a thou sand feet on mahogany lumber is to be raised by the McKinley bill to eOK TiAt y-Vi nn oa ywI loaf in onilA s tliA I ' I aka nAVim a fafal mioraVo ' I 'Vi a I . ii, iii . . . lain uiaaiUK cs .atrat uxiokaikc?. uv iact mat me manogany inausiry in , , , , , ... . . ?. . .. . I people became alarmed and disgust- , , . . ... . , I ed at such conduct years ago and re-1 most reasonable terms. Farmers desiring to put up their horses when in the city will find this! barn the most convenient in town. fant as to be imperceptible to the naked eye. Chicago Herald. Express Companies Protest. Jefferson City, Mo., June 18. United States Marshal Tracy this POTTER BROS. peatedly elected democratic houses of representatives afterwards. They will resent and rebuke the present DBS STARKE X (St FALUN7 8 usurpation. They want a better reason than nartv necessity for such ' i. a morning serveu nonces on otate Arbitrary conduct, and next fall they Auuiior oeiuen auu Attorney vten- TKJCATMJCXT BT IXHALAT10K. unflinching countenance, took their ascertained that the second deficien " ' I .... iv. -C Ml 4. positions. In half a minute m0re cj in ine PenBlon ""uu"u the seconds expected to see one or to abjUt b)UUU,uuu- xms wm DOC I I 1 V X at both of the duelists in death throes. De appropriatea lor at tnis session, Just as the word "fire" was about to bu wiU be used out of the aPPr0" be given Mr. Blankenbaker raised Potion for the fiscal year, making DnVQTPTAV &MT.QnX?fiT7nU his left hand. "I don't want to aenciency come in mi years luiBWiaHmiiiuuuuijvi,. r.;af;rt TVi rlpfieipmev will nave ur. Joerrv s me-oiooa on my -"tw.. hands. I feel like I shall kill him if make the expenditures of the pen- we fire. Neither do I want to die, sion office June 30, 1889, to June 30 for I might be fatally wounded for 1890, amount to $109,357,534. The what niav have been a misunder- regular appropriation for this fiscal I Ansaa-k-kAAV A I a standing" year was 5gi, o,suu. in April oi A parlev was then held. Blank- this year a deficiency bill of $21,- enbaker sat down on a stump and 698 834 was passed, and this it wrote and apology, as follows: "I seems was $6,000,000 short of r OJ . . I, i. ii.. .r answered at office day or night. retract in toto all that I have said enougn to carry tnem so tne enu oi special attention given to temaie ais- , . . A the fiscal year. &SCS uciuatuij to iuv a oicaoiuum .s,uv i personal cnaracter ot vr. l. i. The platform adopted by the Mis rf C. BOULWARE, Physician and JL burgeon, omce north side square, aaal A Mnn,l.e11 n-nenro. , .. . i Butler.Mo. Diseasesof women and chil- -i'"- week commits tne party squareiy ren a specialtv. era! Wood notifying them that the Adams and the Pacific ex press companies would apply to Judge Philips on the 23d of this month for an injunction restraining will reply to King Caucus in a tone that will stun him and his advocates. Sedalia Bazoo. Stanley's Great Honor. Brussels, June 17. Henry M. them from proceeding against said Stanley has been tendered and has express companies to enforce the accepted the governor generalship of For Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, Pya- pepsia, cuarrn, liar eer, naaascne, if billty. KtieoiiiatUm. Srarutu ana i f 'hTonle and Barrona dlaorditra. "The Compound Oxygen TrentmeBt." penalty for failure to pay a tax of the Congo Free State. He will not during u. i-lt $2 on every $100 of their gross earn- enter upon his duties untd the be- Tmi. "XT " m iSSK m The law requiring express ginning of 1891 unless he should be .Etel vlvea circulation, provta aomeining nr, 10 circulate. The late T. 8. Arthur, well known tbrongh bit powerful work of flctioo, ami Die late r atner or tne tioua." iion. rt m. u mil mgs. C. BOULWARE, Physician and iJerry. ne men suook nanas ana democracy at St. Joseph last ted, and blood-shed was pre vented. I an,i uriannivnejilly to the cause of A Pike county stock-breeder in an tariff reform. The policy of taxing interview with a Post-Dispatch re- the necessities of life is vigorously Aaron Hart's Store. Residence on vannah street norrh ot Pine Ha- companies to pay this tax was pass- called upon to assume the duties ear ed at the last session of the general lier by King Leopold. assembly and it is embodied in sec- Stanley will proceed to the Unit- rreS tions 7,767 and 7,768, R. S. 1889. ed States, where he will remain un- pKefwSo1' key I',,eB A hearing will be had at Kansas til summoned to enter upon his office Ber. victor L.conard, Editor Latheran Ob- City on the date mentioned. after spending his honeymoon with arl" w- cuahing. d. .. BocLeater. m, , 7Z T . hi hrida at Melphefc courL Hamn-1 Hon. Wm. Penn Sixon, Editor Inter Ocean, The farmers nf Tr.wa have been I m3 Dnae al JAeicuet courw namp- thir. , i, a i n ii shire. The place is owned by Lady w. u. wortwngton.taitorew on. sir- sn nnmercifnllv flflftefid in th matter I BUUC" iia.v 13 "J J I minrham. Ala. ' nf hmn (,,v0 th-t fr,a .f.f. . Ashburton, who has loaned it to Mr. thorities have purchased a plant for Stanley. the manufacture of twine in the pen- I Mule's Mishap Prevents a Catastrophe. ruin r ham. Ala. Jmlge U. P. Vrooman. Qaeoemo, Kan. Mrs. Marv A. Uvermore. Melroae. Mate. Judge E. S Voorbeoa. Mew York City. Mr. . c. Knignt, rnuaaeipnia Hon. W. W. Scnuller, Eaaton. Pa. Edward L. Wilson. a Broadway, N. Y.. Ed. itentiary. And now the binding Parkersburg, W. Va., June 19. A I FideUaM. Lyo'n, Watmea, Hiawau, sandwich twine trust has instructed its Iowa heavy rainstorm visited this section j Alexander Ritchie, inverneee. Scotland, orwmto f n ooll tho manilla frvv 1 7 ni. TWo-lo- ;V.f A acf R.lfimnro M- Manuel V. Ortega, Kreaoillo, Zacatecaa. J. T. WALLS, r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. porter, says: "The army now owns denounced, and the present system Office, Southwest Corner Square, over more Missouri horses three times of high protection is characterized over than animals from all the other as unjust, inequitable and iniquitous. states put together. Missouri, and The platform also protests against Missouri alone, seems to produce all forms of class legislation and de- the style of animal required for cay- mands the enactment of laws which airy and general wagon service, will prevent the formation of trusts This ought to open the eyes of and monopolies for the restriction horse buyers all over the United of trade. It is, in the main, a strong States to the fact that St Louis is and popular declaration of princi- the best place in wbich to buy horses pies, though too long and verbose, that are intended for general use." and gives special emphasis to those OMAHA, He further says: ''The very best sad- issues in which the great body of die horse for ordinary use that the J the voters of Missouri is interested country can produce is bred in Mis- By thus placing itself in line with souri." A horse that will pass in- the prevailing sentiment in this state r i i . j x iv 1: 1 ii T r- I spection lor use iu u cajiy estrwets m regaru to me etuuuuuc ucmiuiis JLIdiliv ir3lflS 0 is generally good for all purposes, 0f the day, the democratic party of 1 i l r A it. i i.V 1 - 1 11 .lt 3 ana me iact inai mere are so many i imssouri lms greauy sueugiueueu of them used iu the army is a high its prospect of success in the ap testimonial to the value of the horses proachiug campaign. The opposin of Missouri. party cannot expect to cut down the v. r. f - o rra i n c f if. Kv nnnn!ii(r ffia Buckleu'8 Arnica Saive, . 0 - - -rr- TlRt SalvP in the world for Cuts ltw "iu trtrun u oy lw i3,.,:, ;Ar. ri-P.Sa!t Rhpum Fever hinder tne advance oi commercial Sores. Tetter.Chapned Hands. Chlblains freedom. K. C. Star. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and po&i- tivelv cures Piles, or no pay required. It r Now thev say Stanley received Moissuri Pacific R'y. 2 Daily Trains 2 TO KANSAS CITY and COLORADO SHORT LINE A fast Baltimore & sisal 15 cts, my 14 cts, buttercup Ohio train from Cincinnati to New M". Emma Cooper, UtHIa. SPanl.hHondttra. ICtc i'm 10 anra nor I 1 1 U'n c,l-. ' Cobb. Ex-Vice Consul . Cas&blanca. Morocco iu vw, iuiu juto iwo i vmra .w. iuia. imiiuwijr cotojcu ucuijj I M V Ashbreok, Rei BlBff, Cal nnnnd. This is a preat reduction I a1 nn a. waoVio nut lirii lire A mule I J Moore. Sup't Police, BlandTi Jr I o- 1 luitriand. Iv-.i i v.i t, It I Jarfih Ward. Bowral. New South Wale iu OMmiBuU xyr, ubu ueeu caugm. m iuc mu. And thouaarid. of other, in every part of the the example of Iowa much to the ad- midnitrht a farmer's doer aroused his .H"1?1 8""" . ' 1 " I n startrav . PalAn wm aend. enureir free antage of the farmers. If it is for master, who followed the dog to the I of charge, a book or iuo pages eontainingthft the cood of the people, let the iail bridge, just m time to flag the train ment " The book aiao containing the name- bird be pitted against the vultures j preventing an accident. who nrev unon the rjublic. We are , . - . ., ,. I Murat Halstead is now a learned Iwitneasee! evidence! If yon want the book not much in favor of the competi- aiuras xxaasieau iauow s'" diw. staukey pales. ... t :i ii, :h. i :i: i man. At least nis alma mater, uei- se-em o. atco et., ruapu, business, but such labor may well mont coUege, has conferred on him be used against the operations of tlie degree oi Liu. v. the unconvicted rascals who are en- and addreaaesofmen and women who bare been restored to health by tbe nee of the treat ment. It is good reading for tbe sick re vital Lzed men and women do tbe talking facte! boos ad- m c. k. gaged in plundering the honest masses by means of the trust, the combine and the monopoly. Boon- ville Advertiser. HOW Gi I GET mi. vTizE) TO 5 Daily Trains, 5 Kansas City to St, Louis, THE PUEBLO AND DENVER. FTLIHN BITFETT . SLEEPING CARS Kansas City to'Denverwithout change H. C. TOWNSEND. . . :c!inVirt tn oive riertrt satisfaction I . . -v i' . General Passengei and Ticket Ag't "'"Z -pVU W" lor sl"inS 10 a pnotograpn 7. . . . - STf LOtIS MO For sale bv all druggists. er. He is a lion for revenue only. Rich Jnry-DodRers Fined New York, June 19. Judge Fitz erald yesterday fined Jay Gould, waruvETUteportBt ... n m saostef order and yon aanat care if by re mtm amfr sJnt I fasl lllfrltJt nchylliredain in my back, my food wont dint, any wboCnody aeeme out of enter. We aaawer that it la ao wonder yoei are in amch a broken iosrn John H. Guion of the Guion line of SVum tooee never &Uin byareeapUy I . . m m m enkaa steamships, J. F. Farmer, Herman Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated UVeiTMSe Qark and Morris Lowenstein, all rich men, 100 each for failing to put in an appearance when summon ed to serve on a panel of petit jurors. Neither Jay Gould or any of the others thought . it worth while to either appear or send any excuse why they should be exempted from jury duty. Ikcy wTfl restore you and give Tioraa4 fceatih your whole system, makinc yon ctreng and weu. bnlyM cents a box, and they may aave your lift Aak roar druggist lot tbs genuine xr. o. 2&soXjAaarzr9 VELEBRA TED LIVER PILLS MASS BY FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. C3-look out &r CocTKTairi made in sv Ioula, USEIV0RYP0i3SH teeTh? rBFC9&XS TBS KKKATH. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN BROKER. Renting, Collecting and Managing Property for Non-residents a Specialty. CJJ. n Xorton will he found at ode aod wUi attend to the wants of caatomers. m nmmm psajJor LOSTorFAJXlB aXAJHOCa, MOeaeral and FEiWCS SSBIXITYi I I Weakens of Bodj aid Ka4. Usela KMMaul,luniu juiiatii isinsT aoaa naaTsam Baa fi7 Inm M atatta m asr Cm naaa, njlasstlis iKjwt ' laaea. 4Cllllli AavOwal sV