Newspaper Page Text
Ittt 1 mm let www yOL. Xll. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13. 1890. NO. 38 Missouri liaie OF BUTLER, MO. $l!O.COO. Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections and does a General Banking Business. In the Real Estate Loan Department- Make loans on Real Estate on long or short time at lowest rates without delay. iils,Mrs. Levina SJSware, T C. Physician Bark, Monroe Farmer Bsllird, J N Farmer Brown. Lulu Bsrtlett, Kdmund Farmer drtlf, H. B. Farmer Carnthere. Q A Farmer ChrUty, J M Physician Clsrk , Robert armer Courtney, 3 M Stock Dealer r..ntpr. John Farmer ii.rU J R Foreman Times officePowell, Booker J;r.V;htR.B C Con. & Bes't PiKOtt. II H Bat Dnteher C H Prof Normal Sch Rosier, J M Farmer nArmon(l,I A Circuit Judge Rankin, J L Farmer STOCKHOLDERS Hardinger, W N Farmer Smith, GL Liverymen Hickman, GB Furniture dealer Smith, John T Lawyer Jenkins, J R Ass't Cashier Starke, L B Deputy circuit clerk Kinney. Don Bank Clerk Turner, Mrs M E Capitalist i.evy.samury trooasJB ciothmgiucker, w k uentist Morrison. C II Farmer Tucker, 3 M Capita'! Miller.Alf Farmer Norton, J A Bank Clerk Owen, M V Farmer Pilaris, John Grocery Pharis, O F Grocery Patton, M Physician armer Bank Clerk .Tnhn Farmer fmingnam, JPhyslclan SriggsTWmM Farmer BOOKEE POWELD . T. C. B0ULWABE Radford. Chas R Farmer Reisner. J W Insurance Sullens, J L Pres Judge Co.Ct Williams, R V Farmer st Tyler. W B Farmer Voris. Frank M Farmer Vanghan. J M Capitalist Woods, F M Farmer Wyatt, H C Lumber dealer Walton, Wm E Cashier; Wright, T J Capitalist Weiner, Max Boots & Slioe3 Walls, Wm Farmer Walton, G W Farmer Walls. J T Physician Whipple. N L Physician president vice-president WM. E. WALTON 3. B. JENKIXS cashier Asst. cashier r IB ' . wm containing lam pica of our Cop- pr-pit work, such u Wed dine thousaadt of lllut- I Rated Table Ware. Clocks, Art Potteries, Broau Warn, aad aaawfoos other tuiteble Wedding Pres ents, wui o scat yen are if you write tor it aad - tioa this paper. Compare quality ana prices tkOM Of OUW innpnnmo nnTii none JHUUHIIU O UltlHLUUUL adReceMM lBTitaMBi. Viaitise: Cards dOO for 11.101 aad trattoat el Watches. M ewatsd Fioctowa Smu Suriiaa and m KANSAS CITY, MO. II I Connty Court Proceeding - ACCOCJfTS ALLOWED. W H Hnpp repair bridge $ 4 50 Geo Pollock 7 75 E X Jones . - Joseph Girby ;j o Rai-hei GoUl'rey supt insane daughter 2t W H V Pentzer pauper coffin B H JIailett janitor court house 27 5ti Caspar Stanunens ice for court 5 10 L. .McClaiu ilatenul for bridge 1 00 John C Hayes fees circuit crt 37 10 Jas E tteutett brd prisn'rs at Clinton lt i" J T Walls coroner, acting sheriff fees 32 00 Chas Kenedy bridge work 2 oO F J Wiseman stationery crt house 3 50 Espy & Perrin brdg over Willow barnch S5 20 L A Orr service stenographer l'lo UO Mrs Giazebrcok administratrix G G G board j.rismiers etc 109 00 Smith M r Co wall paper poor farm i 65 Geo Uhr.,ard & Co mdse co office 76 0 W F Uwss';r ' S 50 hennett, Wiipfler & Co mdse poor farm 4 30 G M Crow woli scalp fc:l uo, state l-l 1 50 J l; Harris mi, ' l-i 3 OO W I. Warier briil go work 50 J C Hnvps uimI -t at erim costs &V ! .)iti! liurk brd of prisoners 10 50 M r.-i .Taut- stover supt son in 00 Geo Tucker guard at jail 33 75 Oscar liei'drr b k com & excfcgs Prairie Citv railroad bonds S 1? Oscar Keeder b k com A exchgs Mount Pleasant railroad bonds 26 33 Mary C Hall supt panper poor farm 151 00 Sarah Powell supt 8 McAllister paup 22 50 Marv tiiedge Kph KUeuce 22 50 V Owen ' Wm Buzan 20 oo M V Hunt Jesse Sims 15 00 Asylum No 1 Insane 141 55 Asvlum No 2 127 15 F Stephens Chas Woodroueh 20 00 Sam West assessing Walnut twp lbOO 41 32 went - summit it !i R & T A Ennis stationery county 43 00 X A Wade statn'ry and county pt'g 29 00 II Philbrick apors'ng glander horses 2 00 R M Handle 2 00 Willis Crabb S 00 L McBride & Co mdse crt house 3 40 W Porter supt Jesse Lee vaup 12 05 Power Bros, lumber Miami bridge s oo at Mc&ibDen muse poor rarm -jxs au s Ewin serv mileage uuing gianaerea horses T Walls cor'nr Tie wing body F J Perry Jewett & Hickman expense burial Perry T Wails inquest on Frank Benedict Case Card R Y Bellamy supt Sam Hale Sam Fickus support Louis Maxey pltfrm on cistern crt house Jas H Callaway transp prisoners A Mathea brd vriaonera Mrs Geo Patterson supt J 8tratton C F Boxley 1-4 salary pros att'y J T Walls Inquest on Nellie Bolden js A uenry temp reiiei Mrs cenneti W F Hanks brd prisoners LS Paddock Ice bul J J McKlsslck clean'g repair crt house x Li uarper cias reea on tax dkb i- sai J D Allen A Co mdse F Fix money advanced on Prairie City towniniD K K B Bell repair Papinville bridge Geo McKissick to supt Geo Anderson C B Lewis trimn'g trees crt house yrd i W Moulton bridge lumber J B March serr bridge com What FHIey is After. From ths St. Louis Bepablio. Washington, Aug.6. What Filley is after is no great secret here. He is after bigger game in fact he wants to be United States senator. Filley's agents, notoriously Colonel Bill Sul livan of Gallatin, now a postoffice inspector, have been running through Missouri trying to make trades with local democrats. They are willing to swap republican votes for all the local offices in the differ ent counties in exchange for a vote for the republican candi date for a meirber of the legislature. Major William Warner can do the oratorical act and Dick Kerens can put up the boodle and Jeff Chandler can act as Keren's catbpaw. But, all the same, if the republicans cap ture the next legislature of Mis souri Chauncej I. Filley will re ceive the caucus nomination tor sen ator. This has been no secret in Washington, either in democrat or republican circles, for some time past. The old man is looking after a vindication and that is the kind of a vindication he is after. The post mastership at St. Louis was the on ly office, in the gift of the adminis tration that he cared for; that was refused to him, although he hum bled himself sufficiently to come here to Washino-ton. fcoadv somewhat to congressmen and plea to .the preei- swap everything for democratic votes for the republican candidates for the legislature. In this way Filley hopes to capture the Missouri legislature, and he is already seeing that nobody but his friends are nominated for members of the Thirty fifth general assembly. Filley, perhaps to hide his game and hoodwink Kerens, War ner and Noble, is making a feint at the sub-treasurership, but it can be safely accepted tnatne is not se rious. Filley is seeking vindication from his party in Missouri, and at the same time laboring to snub the administration. He feels that the capture of the legislature by the re publicans, and his own election to the United states senate, would be just the kind of vindication he woul like for himself, and just the kind o a snub he would like to administer to Harrison, JNoble, Kerens and company. Jeff See guard at jail C S Ewin sheriff fees J S Francisco exchgs on books B R Deacon mdse brd room ; com 6 00 7 50 16 00 34 42 35 61 12 00 10 00 3 00 11 75 12 GO 10 0 250 00 S3 17 fi 85 5 60 8 70 10 00 906 78 45 25 61 SO 94 50 18 00 5 00 23 30 3 00 8 50 54 00 1 SO 1 85 5 SO 40 SO 10 00 13 00 SO 00 12 92 ran i Geo L Smith team brdg u l. iiaggaru salary Ensley Hill temp relief Jasper Smith temp relief J Hancock Chris Herat for Praire City township Papinville brdg G Crantrell aaan'a- Grand RlTer twp Oscar Reader, treaa. have a credit for a 30 on witness fee fonnd, warrants forfeited and that same be cancelled. Notice of school money to loan in nates conn ty Democrat be ordered out Ordered that state auditor draw warrant in favor Oscar Reeder lor public school monies dne Bates county. M F Martin glandered horses report or ap praisers ordered certified to governor. .1 j nayes statement oi tees apuroTcu ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR REPRESENTATIVE. We are authorized to announce W. 11. SCMMT, of Prairie township. for Representative. subject to the action of the democratic primaries, held We are authorized to annonnce J. B. DEYERLE, of Mound township as candidate for Represen tative of Bates county, subject to the action of the democratic primaries, held August 30, "JO. FOR JUDGE OF PROBATE. We are authorized to announce J S. FRAyClSCO, of Mt. Pleasant township, candidate for Jndge of Probate, subject to the action ol the democratic party. We are authorized to announce W. il. STEPHENS, of Charlotte township, candidate for Jud,re of Probate, subject to the action of the demo cratic party . We are authorized to announce SASI WEST, of Walnut township candidate (or Judge of Probate subject to the action oi the democratic party. FOR IUDGE NORHTERN DISTRICT. We are authorized to announce V M U ALTON, of West Point township as candidate forjudge of the northern district of Bates connty, sub ject to the action of the democratic party FORJUDGE SOUTHERN DISTRICT We are authorized to announce FREDERICK FIX, of Prairie township, candidate for Judge of the southern district of Bates county, subject to the action of the democratic party. We authorized to annonnce I. M. SMITH, of Deep Water township, as candidate for Judseof the southern district of Bates connty subject to the action of the democratic party. FOR TREASURER. We are authorized to announce SAM H. FISHER, of Osage township, as candidate for Treasurer of Bates county, subject to the action of the democratic party. We are authorized to annonnce a J. S. PIERCE of Charlotte township, as a candidate for Treasurer of Bates county subject to the action of the democratic party We are authorized to annonnce J. A. WRIGHT, of Mt. Pleasant township, as candidate for Treasurer of Bates connty, snblect to the ac tion of the democratic party. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to annonnee D. D. PEEXER. of Hndscn township as candidate for Sheriff of Bates County subject to the action of the democratic party We are authorized to announce R. T. P. ALLEN, of Walnut township, as candidate for Sheriff or Bates connty, subject to the action of the democratic party. We are authorized to announce J. B. 8HELBY, as candidate for Sheriff of Bates county, subf, Ject to the action of thedemocratlc party. FARE mm OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. -HAS- $50,000.00 i. J. x. K. THOMPSON President ROSIER Vice-President E. A. BENNETT, E. D. K1PP lr. J. EVKRIX6II AM T. W. SILVERS, Vice-President. CASHIER Secretary Attorney R DIUKCTOllS. Judge Clark;Vix. Farmer and stock raiser. . J. Hurley or K.J. Hurley Lumber Company. J. K. Rosier, Vice-President nd FaTmer. M S. Kiersey, Farmer and Stock raiser. E. A. Bennett, of Bennett. Wheeler & Company and 2u 1 V:ce-lresivieEt. P. E. Emery, Real Estate Investor. M. ti. Wilcox, Farmer and Stockraiser. K. M. Uailr, Farmer and Stock Raiser. M. 11. Lyle. Farmer and Stockraiser. f N. Thompson, President, farmer and stockraiser. John Steele, Farmer and stockraiser. J. J. McKee, Farmer and stockraiser. E. 1. Kipp, Cashier. Receives Deposits subject to check, loans mon?y, issues drafts, and transacts a general banking business. Yonr patronage respectfully solicited. Noble and the make an abject dent. He discovered then that he could get no favors from the administra tian as long as Noble had the ears of the president He understands that now as well as he did then, but he knows that it would be just as difficult for him to get the sub-tres-urership as to get the postmaster ship. Filley knows that he is the strongest man in his party in Mis souri, that he is the most popular man, and if the republicans can con trol the next legislature that he can get the caucus nomination for the senatorship, no matter how much money Kerens and the boodlers may put up to purchase the election of republican members ture. And by the way this that the democrats should - be on their guard concerning Filiej's agents are running throush the state as heretofore stated, offericg to of the Iegisla- one thing The "Rocky Mountain News." Denver, Colo., August 7. I some time tnere nave been various rumors in circulation regarding the sale of the Rocky Mountain News to a republican syndicate of this city, composed of Senator Wolcott, his brother, Henry Wolcott, Gov. Coop er, W. H. Griffith and Hon. J. Clarkson of Iowa. The syndicate paid f 10,000 on option, which expir ed at midnight last night, and as the remaining $390,000 was not forthcoming, Col. John Arkins president of the News called the deal off, and this morning published the following editorial: Mr. Thomas M. Patterson has purchased the whole of Mr. James M. Burnell s stock ra the Rocky Mountain News Printing Company, which was a full half, and also enough of the stock owned by Mr. John Arkins to give him a majority of the stock and the control of this paper. Mr. Patterson has determin ed to retire from the practice of law after the closing out of his present courts by trial or otherwise, and then to assume the editorial management of the News. Although because of his pressing engagements, he c&nnot now give bis personal attention to the paper, he will hold himself re sponsible for its editorial utterances henceforth. Mr. Arkins will contin ue, as heretofore, the president and manager of the company. Mr. Patterson is well known as the leading democratic and criminal lawver oi uoioraao. rle was a can didate for governor two years ago, and he was defeated by Joe B. Cooper. He was a territorial dele gate to congress during the session of 18 1 5 and lb 1 6, and made ana tijual reputation for himself in his speeches seconding the nomination of Mr. Cleveland at the St. Louis convention. Pram shoi rert montha. Ordered that Mt Pleasant townsnip ranroau bonds be refunded at best rate of interest ob tainable, not to exceed 5 per cent. ordered that mas ne received np to sept 'is. 1890, by tbe court for 8,000 bushels oi coal to be good merchantable coal, to be delivered as fel- tuns, inni uuaucu a . fiwi mu., w wudu.o jail. 900 bushels at coal house In court house yara; tne successiui Diaaerto goou ana sum clent bond for perlormance of contract. ordered tnat aris be appropriated to sum a stone arch culvert over branch near Squire Wilson's in Walnnt township. Suanenaion bridge over Deertwater. bridge commissioner ordered to advertise and let the same Suspension bridge over Marias PesCygne, bridge commissioner ordered to make estimate advertise and let same. Oscar Reeder treas, settlement approved. SCHOOL tOAlf. Freeman Davis common school F M Davidson M F Kinney W G Black township 14 Adjourned until Sept 23rd, 1890. We are authorized to annonnce C C PUKE, ofMt. Pleasant townahio. as candidate for Sheriff of Bates county subject to the action of the democratic party. FOR COUNTY CLERK. We are authorized to annonnce W. M. CRAWFORD, EI-1 of West Point township, as candidate for the A. O. Welton Stapled Fancy Groceries, Feed and Provisions of all Kinds. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE- CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Always pay the highest market price for Country Produce. East Side Square. Butler, Mo- To Remove Grant's Body. Washington, Aug. 8. The senate has passed Senator Plumb's concur rent resolution providincr for the am shop license granted W H Shobe, El-1 or west romt townsnip, as candidate ror tne .., , n Bros. , F McAllister, ot Rich Hill, for six office of Connty Clerk of Bates county subject I tranfer, With Mrs. Grant 8 consent, of the remains of General Grant thos. l. harper, from New York to Arlington ceme as candidate for the office of County Clerk, tery. subject to the action of the democratic party. jj,.. (jau offered a resolution, which We.reantho;iedSannouncOE . in8tracting the com- of Mt. Pleasant township, as candidate for the mmee on loreipn reiauoua w imjuiru office of Connty cierk of Bates county, subject and report such measure as may be to the action of the democratic party. , , . r , t -l- i FOR RECORDER es 'or "ie protection of citizens of we are authored to announce; " fhe United States, who were former- john welch, ly residents of Cuba and subjects of of Osage township, as candidate for Recorder Spain, againt prosecution by the delocrlocprty. Spanish government for offenses al- LUMBER!! CtiOO 00 600 00 300 00 300 00 We are authorized to annonnce i .FRANCIS M. GILBREATH of Hudson township as candidate for Recorder of Bates county subject to the action of the democratic party. We are authorized to annonnce 3. T. WILLIAMS of Mt Pleasant township as candidate for Recorder of Bates connty subject to tne action i or the democratic party We are authorized to annonnce J. C. HALE ! of Plesant Gap township as candidate for Recorder of Bates connty snject to the action of the democratic party We are authorized to annonnce JOHN W. DUNCAN, of Peer Creek township, as candidate Zfor the office of Recorder of Peeds of Bates county. subject to -the action of tne democratic party. Blaine no doubt feels that a tariff We are authorized to announce , , . . ,, I EVERETT WALTON. , , , lot Lone Oak township, as candidate for Re but he hated Cleveland BO badly fori order of Bates County, subject to the action leged to have been committed by them. The conference report on the for tification bill was then taken up for consideration. ! H. C. WYATT&SON. Save money by calling on us for prices on LUMBER LATH. SHINGLES PAINTS. -And "all- When Baby was sick, we gaye her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mias, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she fc-ave tbeia Castoria. Syp s Building Material r-lZS Our motto xs - defeating him in 1884 that if Cleve land had advanced the ten command ments in his famous message, he would have rised an issue against them just the same. Now he is con scious that the joke has been carried a little too far and the people are be ginning to see through the humbug He is therefore try from the position of 1SS8 to that maintained by him in 18S4 and seeks to call the new reciprocity."' Under that HIGH GRADES -And- of high tariff. mfr to retreat , ... xi. l , I Circnit Clerk snbject to pretext he hopes to be renominated I ocratie party. to the presidency. He may hoodoo J FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY the republican to that end,but there J c. r. boxlet, We are authorized to announce J. C. MARTIN, of Osage township, as candidate for Recorder of Bates county, subject to the action of the democratic party. We are authorised to annonnce -NOAH NTH ART, of New Home township, as candidate for Re corder of Bates connty, subject to the action of the democratic party. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK, We are authorized to announce JOHN HARTMAN, OI COUTlllls wwuiiuy, uuuc ii vv.i. 1 1 V J Clerk, subject to tne action of tne democratic i iem eneciuauy. aispeis cuius, iicnu- party. laches and fevers and cures habitual Weareantnoea annonnc Constipation. SvrUD of FigS IS the , . I - , - - 1- J - ofMt. Pleasant township, as .candidate for I amy reuieuy i ff"- tne action or tne aeiai- ILOWPRICES? ONB ENJOYS Both the method and results when , Sjrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts eentlv vet nromntiv on the Kidnevs. Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- Notice of Finalettlement.3g Notice Is hereby riven to ail creditor others Interested In the estate John W. Aber- nathy deceased, that I. as admlnlaxratot or ' said estate, intend to maae nnai settlement thereof, at the next term of the Probate Court . in Bates connty. state or jsissonn, to do neia. at Sutler, Mo., or. the 11th day of Angust, Administrator uao. Trustee's Sale. Whereas. Charles Skinner, br his deed f trat dated May 11. 187, and recorded im the -recorder's oftce within and for Bate connty Miasonn, in noon no. sb page aza conveyed m , 5 , . . 3 suasown, in book no. so page are comvejea te duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- I the undersigned tnte.Uie following desert b- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in 1XB actum ana truiy uencuvuu tu it or ssiseoan, to-wit: effects!. TjrerAred onlv from the most I -JUL ot t?1?!.1.? JT": l - " w i 1 - f dduci , wiu twtw nun nnuiwiuj' ,1 1 t 1 . t . VI . .V. . .Ha. I L 1.1 .1 n.. V.4 n n nm , . I 1. . . . VmmIvm U 111. k. t. . Xti is a ouu Fwuix VWoMUC c I 0f the democratic primaries, held August 30. 1 Jn A-iSJi i:,- a rvTT1IT1DT1,1 t I engine and all the machinery, scale aad tool ; Grover Cleveland in his path to the I many excellent qualities commend it I tn apputeaanee thereto tpetenging, wu 1 I oDorcmtvr. ximr.v I In all and have made it the rncat I which conyejanewasmadein trust fote- white house, jx. I .thnT,iml to .nnonnee I norralar remedv known. I . I N - tV- . . en. For several years a half crazy r:M'lt.f: - cyrnpoi ris is ior me m o , . , a w j i. i or Fieasant uaptowniupurucu Vi land si bottles dv ail jeaamg arug- house-painter named Ward has been LidingJad(r. of B.te..connty. subject to the drucgSt who xct;. 1 C(l t. WW JJLa oiclb v-.. v - - I in engine-houses aud never missed a fire. He was known as "Crazy Ward," aad in his tme he saved sev eral iive3 ia burning buildings. By the death of relatives in New Orleans Ward has inherited 8100,000. We are authorized to announce D. R. BRAD EX, nf TTnmer township as candidate for the office of Presiding 3 adjee of the connty court .subject to the action oi tne aemocrsuc panj. -y BLACK-DRAUGHT tea for Pyspepsla. may not nave it on nana win pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Sia FBAKCISCO. CAU isvisvms. at. KEa rop.K. n.r. BnUer, ara i care tbe payment of one certain net rally de scribed in said deed or trust, which hi now past? dne aad no paid. Sow therefore, at tbe request of the legal holder of said note and pursuant ta tbe conditions of said deed of trust, I will proceed to sell tbe above described premise at public Tendae, to tne highest bidder io est at the east front door of the conrt house. In the city of Butler, connty of Bates and state of Missouri, " ; " ""' " Saturday, September 6th,!1890, between tbe honrs of nine o'clock iaTSeTar! noon and five o'clock la the afternoon of that day. forthepnrposes.of satisfying said debt, interest and rit.- K. i. CATROS. J7- - ZZ. Trustee.