Newspaper Page Text
tBtttler at ci States VOL. Xll. B 17TLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 27. 1890. NO. 40) issouri OF BUTLER, MO. CAPIT-2LI., Receives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collection and . does a General Banking Business. T- iU l)nn UntnA I.rv. "H HI LUC iCcU LUdll on Real bstate on long or short time at lowest rates without delay. Alien, Hra. Levina Boolirwe. T C. Physician Bark, Monroe Farmer Biliard, J N Farmer Bwwn, Lola Bartlett, Kdmund Farmer Oheir.H. B. Farmer CarntUew. Q A Farmer Christy, J M Physician Hark. Eobert Farmer Courtney, J M Stock Dealer ivj imury uooas Clothing iucKer, v k ueutist Morrison. C H Farmer Miller, Alf Farmer Norton, J A Bank Clerk Owen, M V Farmer I'haris, John Grocery Pharis, V F Grocery ni J E Foreman Times officePowell, Booker Farmer DickeneheetB.R C Con. & Hes't Pigott, H II Bank Clerk ii.ti.hor C H Prof Normal Sch Rosier. J M Farmer ration, 3i rnysician TMArmond.D A Circuit Jndge Kankln. J L Farmer m.m. John Farmer Radford, Chas R Farmer Keisner, J W Insurance Everlngham, J Physician Griggs, WmM Farmer BOOKER POWELL T. C. B0T7LWABE Sullens, J L Pres President vice-president ) JACCP'S CATALOGUE adlUcmrioa lavitattoat, ViattUg Card (100 for fl.BO) aad l ImMM lavitaaoat, Vkitiac Ludt tnboai ol Watcaca, M.uBttd Pncioui Stoatt. Sterling ud PUted Tabic Ware, Clock. Alt Votttrict, BrOBU Warn, aad am roiu other tuitabl Wedding Prel aw, win am wm yo m. if you writ, lot it ulan- tiaataiaaaaar. Comsat quality aad prices with aoMi i of other haaiai. Spruce Townships Squibs. The boss rain of the season this week. John Lentz spent Sunday in Adrian visiting. Quite a number plowing for wheat since the rain. I tell you,Mi McGhee looks slim. Mr. Billings and Dr. Mc. has had hold of him lately. Mr. Rollman is strong in the faith. (U. L.). Tom Latham (one of the . boys) was seen on our street Saturday. Guess Oscar has been in the Yin ton country lately, as had no busi ness out here last Sunday. A committee consisting of L. C. Armstrong, Jas. "Wilds and John Lentz have been appointed to visit J. B. Hays and have him show cause for his neglect of duty the past two weekb. E C Ogburn whistled at Uncle Geo. Moshier's this week, and we heard it a distance of 2 miles. Board Bros, whistled at Will War ford's and Sam Young's, for a finish ing touch near Ballard. Ed Kuntz & Co., are at Rutledge's coming this way. Ike says he is tired riding on carts, rather ride one of Clizer's saddles. M M Greer and family were call ers in Shawnee Sunday. MS Bay is rustling Addis this week in the bean patch. E L McClenney is disconsolate because his wife is visiting relatives and friends in Henry county. Joe Barnes & Co., returned from the southwest, where they have been to seek a location. Mis Dora Price returned home from Vinton in time for the 4tnic pic," five miles southwest. Tom Starks is owner of the driving horse of these parts. Meeting in progress at Oak Hill, and there will be a series of meetings at Salem church, commencing Sun day night. Geo. Cameron and others are talking Sunday school convention, so be prepared to attend at Walnut hill at any time. Guess W T Cole is sure of the probate judge's seat, as he will have a sale Sept 1st Feel good while you can. Bill Cole is stepping high with the Smith's apron on. J B Hughes took the hog man home with him, so listen for the hog market to drap. Bee and Jim putting up hay to day. Vote for the best men at the pri mary Saturday. The Wills returned from Pertle Springs in fine health and had a s pleasant and profitable time. Prof. Bradley, of Maysburg, but a teacher in Henry county, gave us a pleasant call this week. He is a first class teacher, he has taught $110,000. 4-.,, ., f L UCpdlUllClIl - MdivC i .11 ri i STOCKHOLDERS Hardinger, W X Farmer Smith, O L Hickman, G B Furniture dealer Smith, John X Lawyer Jenkins, ,1 11 Ass't Cashier Starke, L IJ Deputy circuit cierk Kinney. Don Bank Clerk Turner, Mrs M E Capitalist Tucker, J M Capitalist Tyler, W B Farmer Vorig. Frank M Farmer Vaughau. J M Capitalist Woods, F 51 Farmer Wvatt, H C Lumber dealer Walton, Wm E Cashier" Wright, T. I Capitalist Weiner, Max Boots & Shoes Walls, Wm Farmer Walton. GW Farmer Walls. J T Physician Whipple. X L Physician Judge Co.Ct Williams, R V Farmer WM. E. WALTON J. B. JEXKIXS cashier Asst. cashier containing sam ple! of our Cop- per-pUt. work, sach u Wcddtnc (100 fortl.BO) sad tbouta.di of iluu- KANSAS CITY, MO. several terms at White oak and em- ployed for another at that place. John Harris and family start for Pettis county this week, to visit rel atives and friends. Bob Glass and wife are visiting old friends and relatives in Pettis county. We have a machine to pick apples wifti a11 orrl arnmina kT?rnnrV, on Rats" will show yon same and ex- nlain its workings. Bobt. Alexander takes the Butler Union and K. (J. Times, so he ffetS the "home" and foreieh news. ATDUCKie ana nays iook iour TOv,Mt to nrfro00 anA 11 1 , TT j , m . o. flrt Did von rpa RImfir Huff last Snn- day evening? we did not, but can J i guess who did. Grapes are ripe. Uncle Mose tells us he has.rented his farm to Mr. Martin. Booker Greer and family on their way home from Nebraska, where he V I raised and threshed 5 bushels of wheat per acre. ML Embree returned from Neva da delighted with his trip. He saw many he had not seen since he was mustered out John Embree, A Hendricks, Judge Powell and others went to Nevada. Pete Herman kaows the road to Ballard, and on east, too. He will fool some of you boys and girls one of these days. (He may go to school.) Hon. J. N. Ballard called a few evenings since, and reports business lively at Montrose; says they receiv ed 3,000 bushels of grain one day, w a He came out to his larm to snip a car load of hop-s to Kansas City. Several of the boys went to load for uiui. Father McFarland was quite sick thisweek. xr v, l l i.4 uvuim u vuiuMtctcu buaii ncu, Walt drove by in a rush, must be going west John Mc. says all right he will help fix the hitch rack, but he will never ride that mule again. We sug gest that you trade it to Berry B. JUVEXILE. Virginia Items. James Deaton is visiting Mr. Lafe onort. rtv i Mrs. S. R. Rankin will have a sale Sept 1st Alf Jackson is busy working th e roads. Ike Porter has returned from But ler county, Kansas, where he has been working in one of the big hay territories. W. J. Bard has a new water tank, and it is a bio; one. N. M. Nestlerode has the nicest musical doll you ever looked at Mr. Duncan, candidate for record - tr is in our midst He is a good man and has been in the recorder's office four years as deputy. Miss Sadie Oldham lost a gold breast pin between Sam Dustin's and the Haymaker ford on the river This pin is a valuable one and finder will be liberally rewarded if he will return it. Miss Annie Judy has returned from Arkansas, where she has been waiting on Mrs. McFadden, who has been sick so krng Mrs. McFadden is better James Whinnery and Miss Lackey v ie married in Butler Sunday and iui!)t-dklf!y took the train for Kan sas Citv for a short trip. Us boys t will see if we can't smoke some of Jim's jo d i-iirsii : as s on as lie gets back. To-l Zim and nifc has just return ed from Barton couutv. John Ftrgesou and wife is visiting Mr. Win. Zim, also Aunt Katie, . mother from the Indian Ter ritory. I he mail wac late Friday meru it was Sundav morning when it ar rived. Bill Journey is quite a foot racer He offers to run anybody one half mile for a small purse. Mr. Henderson of Blue Mound, Kansas was over to visit his son H, D. Henderson the fruit tree agent last week. School commences here next Mon day. Everybody turn out to the prima ry Saturday. Kellim g5- BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cure Constipation. She Got Even. Marion, Ind., Aug. 21. At Point Mrs. Sadie Sizlove assaulted the drug store owned by, Emery Shields and hammered out about $200 worth of satisfaction to her outraged feel ings. Shields, in connection with his drug business, deals out to custom ers whiskey. One of the most prof- I itable customers of - Shields' liquor department has been Emmet Sizlove. The wife of the latter has frequently requested Shields to stop selling her husband liquor, but the request went unheeded. Sizlove runs a tile milL Yesterday he got drunk, went upon the roof of his mill to examine a flue fell off head-foremost and sustained juries tnat rendered mm uncon- scious for several hours. Last even- ing Mrs. Sizlove went to Shields' Inlnr - fi nnri rimnr1orl S9S Aamartoa L.. j A i j A A, . ll up 1 1 rii trmsir. in mi i r.n mir. nor iiTT un. t - til to day. She would not be put off, DO 1 anA nrrnir. mn,lJ flic mmaxr I I ShuMg T-tnaA T'Vm f,,,! I KauvAvau .auva UUlUUItlCU TV V I ,OTDnT, kouii . ., . . , monttv oar . , , . , . - ' ... ' smasnea tne snowcase into smitner-1 eens, assaulted several rows of bot- ties on the shelves and played havoc 1, n on .BOfm,,n.iv,i,. and jewelry that got in her wav. The f mn oon and when the indignant woman got through the drug store presented, a sorry spectacle. Public sympathy is entirely with Mrs. Sizlove and there will probably be no prosecu- tion. A Big Strike at Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 22. All the fire men .and engineers employed by the union stockyards Switching asso- ciation went on a strike for higher wages this morning. At noon, for- i : vv, : i J 0 . . . ucrew, were lying ue a lony-aec- ond atreefc varda. Tn nonRennen of i j 1 the strike 120 switchmen are also idle. The switching or transfer sys tem is the largest in the country, As the association does all the switch- inn- for the immense nackino- hofies at the yards, all work at the nartirm houses is at a standstill. The tracks w ' 0 fl.r fillAfi wif.Vi immpnsft trains of , , , . , ,. , . , ucou uicu niuui rtcic ucouucu ivi I . . ... outside points, xne reasons for the strike are: The fireman receive six- teen and one-half cents an hour and the engineers twenty-eight cents. The firemen want twenty cents and the engineers thirty cents. The men Ian rtasira Snndair wort rocrriTatM? The demands were this morning made to G. T. Williams, secretary of the stock yards company. The men refused his request to go to work until their demands were considered and struck at once. McElrcVs WINE OF CAROUI for female diseases J odges of Primary . Grand Biver, M M Tucker, Wright and Z G White. Deer Creek, J Scudder, Geo Knis ley and R N Allen. East Boone, A M Frazier, J S Hayes and B Blakemore. West Boone, Nathan Groves Ed Stewart and James Loveland. Spruce, C D Cole, J M Coleman and W J Crabtree. Shawnee, B Powell, O Harris and C Wheat Mound, Billy Walls, J K Rosier and M L Wolfe. Elk Hart, J G Erwin, F M Fouty and Wrm Anderson West Point, J WT Chambers, Wal lace Lewis and Riley Nelson. Deep water, J M Yanhoy, J W Spear and Wm Snodgrass. Summit Green Parker, Charlie Smizer and B F Howe. Mt Pleasant, Fred Cobb, Thos Walls and C J McDonald. Charlotte, John McElroy, John D Woody and John Porter. Homer, A L Graves, Z Rayburn and C T Munford. Hudson, Jno Baldwin, Joel Pratt and Jamee Williams. Pleasant Gap, T T Ellington, J M Rogers and I S Scifers. Lone Oak, F Harcourt, G W Bet- tis and Ed Dibble. New Home No. 1, B N Allen sr, Wm Bell and J W Miller. New Home No. 2, Ed Frederick, J A Patterson and J M Hoagland. Walnut No. 1, H Miller, T J WU- son and M W Campbell Walnut No. 2, L N IGritten, J S Franklin and John Lewis. Bockville. W I HalL M A Nolan and J E Ferguson. T : tit rr . tit m I ' f P ' Osage, JHMoreIand, Ohas.Mer- :v. ,l t rr TTr:i I QHoward, Sprague, J J Franklin, B H Smith and Z J Graves. Howard, Hume, Wm Parker, J M Olliver and O. Mitchell. I A Campaign Lie Nailed. I To the Editor of the Republic. i Versailles, Mo., Aug. 19. There is a renort Toint f h rnnmla fhf.. Uhft FarmerR lfle iarmerB - . -r m . . r - n - r w wMw and Laborers' Union! Of tllO SlltL COUgreSSlOnai district i i3 J tmi a i a 3 . I "as muortseu rmi Aiureutre oi inei Union Labor party for congress. I want to say that every word of it is f.w T'ani'nr-aJ.W.- aI,p a - 77- f'7 ,T , . , " , u- u 01 lQe 81xia "srjict ana Know la v . wnereoI 1 speak. W e, as a business organization, cannot afford to fool awa? our time on BUch a man as Aiareage. xnose wno are so active in circulating these reports about the F. & L. U. are the enemies of the farmers, and I warn all to be ware and streer clear of anything they advocate or indorse. Yours for the farmers good, W. A. Taylor, President of the F. & L. U. of sixth congressional district. Mac Flynn & Hall's MacFlinn & Hall's great New York circus and Rente's Roval Ger- man menagarie will exhibit at But ler, September 2nd, giving two per w 1 formances afternoon and evening'. -""J e" """ u- 1 . , , . , . ble somersaulters, cbanoteers, hur- , die and steeple chasers, wonderful acrobats, gymnasts, amazing equi- Kkriests, surprising voltigeurs, mar- vel01is aemhsts.accomplished eques- triennes and manege riders, Amaz- I t 1 X Ll 1. - 1 l" JocJB "P. lumpiers, mga iijrcio, ouicicico, gteiui ciuwiw, uunu provoking funambulists, contortion- ists, penorming ammais, a nost 01 1 oniy remedy ot its xina ever pro first time feats and features at oncejduced, pleasing to the taste and ac- amazing and amusing. We never change our dates. We never disappointment We will be with you positively on the day and date advertised. Doors open at one and seven p. m. Performance one I hOUr later. When Baby was side, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castori. When she became Miss, she clucg to Castoria. When she had Children, she aTe thta Castoria 'FAR EH OF BATES Cash Capital. -HAS- V- VtSHZ?0 i i1"-?-1 fe-A-BkNNfcTT, i.. VliiKGHAM T. W. SILVERS, DIRECTORS Judge ClarktWix, Farmer and stock raiser. R. J. Hurley, of R.J. Hurley Lumber Company. J. K. Rosier, Vice-President nd Farmer. SI. S. Kierse?. Farmer and Stock raiser. E. A. Bennett, of Bennett, Wheeler Company and 2ud Vice-President. P. E. Emery, Keal Estate Investor. M. G. Wilcox, Farmer and Stockraiser. K. M. Gaily, Farmer and Stock Kaiser. M. R. Lyfe. Farmer and Stockraiser. D N. Thompson, President, farmer and stockraiser. John Steele. Farmer and stockraiser. J. J. JleKee, Farmer and stockraiser. E. D. Kipp, Cashier. Receives Deposits subject to check, loans general banking business. Your patronage A. O. Wei ton Staple! Fancy Groceries, Feed and Provisions of all Kinds. QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE- CIGARS AND A 1 n V. ! ZilWdVb pay lUC .lllgUCM UkUKCl UI1CC 10r V,OUniTV PrOQUCe. East Side ' The everywhere conspicuous stars and stripes of the ex-confederate re- union at Nevada, Mo., merely em pnasizea a iaci wmcn ine wnoie A, , -A 1 l souin snow s, dui wmcn nonnern partisans at times forget; or profess not to believe. The war is over and the south would not now alter its result if it could. There are no citi- 7ana mnro Inxro I In t no iytdo f ramiNifi - " j e v than the comrades of those who gathered at Nevada to revive the in timacies of field and camp. K. C. Times. Upon the basis of one member of the next congress for every 175,000 population Missouri,Texas) and Kan- will gain two each, but Illinois 811(1 AOWa W1U Kam noae- ENJOYS Both the method and results when ! Syrup of Figs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the svs- I . a. . , 1 1 , rem eneciuauy, aispeis corns, neaa- 1 acues aua levers ana cures naoituu J constipation. Syrup of Figs is the I eeptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it I to all and have made it the most Tjonular remedy known. Syrap of Figs is for sale in 50t and 91 bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wisnes 10 uy iu jjo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. SAM FRAK CISCO, CU lDU!Sr:U. AT. KEBf 10RK. H.t. COUNTY, $50,000.00 President Vice-President 2d Vice-President . ::::;::;:::::::::r: Attorney monsy, issues drafts, anl transacts a respectfully solicited. TOBACCO, 1 " 1 SaUarC RlltfelvMn. LUMBER!! H.c.rami. Save money by calling on us for prices on LUMBER- LATH, SHINGLES PAINTS. -And all- Building Material Our motto HIGH GRADES -And- JLOW PRICES Some Heed Money Some Must Borrow! A careful prudent man who wants to borrow money for any purpose will always seek to get the loan where the terms most favorable We can now offer the lowest rate ' loan on from one to five years time. Notes drawn from one, two. three or five years. Money Paid out Promptly. Come and see uh before von male laan. Br P. C. Fclkeesos, Mav&gzb. Wt Side Squire.BntleT. iff . r 7-;V 1