Newspaper Page Text
lit let iff (fl l.llJII 111 III . ill vjf fOL. Xll. BTTTLER, MISSOURI. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10,1890. NO. 42 in I ssoun State lank OF BUTLER, MO. $110.C00. geceives Deposits subject to Check, Loans Money, Makes Collections find does a General Banking Business. In the Real Estate Loan Department Make loans on Real Estate on long or short time at lowest rates without delay. us melons for pulling their teeth. Frank Teeters writes us to for ward his mail to Chillicothe, where he is attending school. Danit, Walt, Fred and Charley Order of Publication. 8S. bTATE OF MISSOURI, ) County of Bates. In the circuit court of Bates county, Missouri, in vacation, July igth, 1800, say send their mail to Appletou City j The state r Missouri at the relation and wnere tney are at school. by is it so many are leaving here for school and none to the Butler Acad emy? lllen. Mrs. Levina Boalwsre, T C. Physician Bnrk, Monroe Farmer Ballard, J N Farmer Brown, Lola Bsrtlett, Edmund Farmer Chelf.H. B. Farmer Ctruthers. O A Farmer Christy, i M Physician Clark , Robert Farmer Courtney, 3 M Stock Dealer Deerwesier, STOCKHOLDERS Ilardlnger, W N Farmer Smith, G L Livervman Hickman, G B Furniture dealer Smith, John T Lawyer Jenkins, J It Ass't Cashier Starke.L B Deputy circuit clerk Kinney. Don Bank Clerk Turner, Mrs M E Capitalist i3vy.oamtryuoousjlotMngTucker, w K Dentist Morrison. C II Farmer jliller.Alf Farmer Norton, J A Bank Clerk Owen, M V Farmer I'haris, John Grocery Pilaris, C F Grocery ration, ai rnysician nu jtt Foreman Times offlcePowell, Boot er Farmer roYkmeheets.RC Con. A Ees't Pigott, H H Bank Clerk nntcher C H Prof Normal Sen Rosier, J M Farmer neArmond.D A Circuit Judge Kankin, J L Farmer Kvans John Farmer Radford, Chas R Farmer Everlngham, JFhysician ' Grigg. W mat rainier BOOKZB POWELL T. C. BOtTLWABE Reisner, J W Insurance Tucker. J M Capitaiibt Tyler, W i r armer Voris. Frank M Farmer Vanghan. .1 M Capitalist Woods, F M Farmer . W vatt, II C Lumber dealer Walton, Wm E Cashier Wright. T.T Capitalist Weiner. Max Boots & Shoes Walls, Wm Farmer Walton. G W Farmer Walls, J T Physician Whipple. N L Physician Sullens, J L Pres Judge Co.Ct Williams, li V Farmer president vice-president WM. E. WALTON J. B. JENKINS cashier Asst. cashier JttRD'S CATALOGUED: i and Rkx Invitations, Vititiag Csrdi (100 for 11.10) and thousands of illiu mtunu el Wstcacs, MhuM Precious S toast, Suriiag and Fists Table War. Clocks, Art Potteries, Braat. Wares, and numerous other suitable Wedding Pres- gpi KANSAS CITY, MO. 1 Geo Teeters still thinks of goinc: to Columbia. Jus. Bradley, mcther and sister are visiting in Johnson county,where the sister will attend the normal. Jas. AVilds and family are sight seeing at the Clinton fair this week. Bui Huse canitr near being done o p going to Lrich this week. Be c.ueful Low ycu ta'k, old boy. 0. C Foage lost a fine steer, and Tom Stark has one sick. Moulton Bros , of Altona, bought 200 sheep from Judge Cole, and he still has about 300 head Ogburn, assisted by Loren and Bob, are threshing for Uncle Sam F., to-day. Berry and Capt. had quite a time getting hands lie v. 1. S. Moshierand family are ust passing on the road home. We understand at Bockville C. D. Cole, E. P. Mosher, T. M Stark and Will Howard went to But- er Thursday. M. jj . Ferry called a few minutes his week. He is a stranger of late, See Dee O'Barnis' trading horse. Dee has no business at home now. xie naes around like an insurance agent. Any one wanting to buy mule colts can find lots of them here, and good ones, too Johnstown Items. The primary is over and a good ticket nominated. You just ought to have seen Cli tar on election day. Parson McComb and Mr. Zumalt ire visiting in Polk county. The prize fight at bachelor's hall was immense. John L. and Jake did honor to themselves. Clizer acted as second. John Graham is hauling corn to Stevenson and Oliver John sold 1200 bushels for 38cts per bushel. Elvin TJmpstead is making molas ses. Elvin is an old hand at the business. : The boys report a fine time at Ne vada. Wonder if, any more of the Union brothers took the primary for the general election? This is bad on Gummer. Most of the farmers in this sec tion are preparing to sow wheat. - Uncle Dick Andrews says when he goes to the show he goes in the big circus; so it is when he goes to the election he votes the democratic ticket and don't fool with side is sues. The democrats of Spruce were out in full blast at the primary. That's right boys, stand to the front Coles sale Monday was well at tended. Things sold well. Bill ex pects to move to Butler if elected. 1 We had the privilege of seeing one of the best bunch of mules Mon day at Ogburn's colt show we ever saw. John McAnich and Walt McCown worked like little men Saturday. Too bad, boys, you should follow the Gov. Miss Alice Griswold will teach at Mt. Rose this winter. Miss Alice attended the institute and reports a good time. Fro traded meeting still in pro gress at Salem. Some 6 or 8 profes sions. Bro. Union candidate "Let not your hearts be troubled, in my father s house there are many man t One of the largest democratic votes erer polled. How is that Bro. Union! We have a race horse in town; for information call at McCown s office. Miss Annie Board will teach the 1 Enterprise school this winter. Miss : Annie is a good teacher. Hirman Maxey will teach at Johns- town this winter. Every democrat that could get to Johnstown Saturday were present to hear Judge DeArmond speak. The Judge made a line speech on the political issues of the day. He is the . 5 kind of a mau to send to congress. 1 Spruce is solid for DeArmond to a 1 man. Best wishes to the booming Time j you; and its enterprising editor, I am jou Gov. Snout. ; tisui Spruce Township Squibs. McClerney is still threshing. Bill Huse thinks of cutting millet one ox these days. Did you ever see the young folks turn out to church better than they do at Salem? They have a young minister and he is a good one. Hooper, Winegardener, Howard, Cole, Asburry and McFarland have gone to Urich with oats Ed Kuntz finished the Judge s wheat and oats Monday. We told you the Judge would not keep the boys from the primary. Ed has pulled his thresher to Knorp's guess for the winter as be intends to winter there himself. Berry B. says he drives Maud S and can doubtless out time anything out west unless it be Geo. W. 14. Bee took in the sights at Urich Wednesday night He has attractions there of late. Charley McCombs was in Shaw nee Sunday and Sunday night at tending church and calling on the sick. He is one of Antioch s bes boys hence he wants one Shawnee's best girls, success to you Charley. S. W. Price and C. C. Poage, weighed their cattle at J. N. Ballard's scales Monday and delivered them to Jack Carney, the rustling stock man of these parts. They were fine and fat and weighed 1510 pounds. A splendid sermon Sunday night at Salem by Rev. Clark, and from the number accepting his propos tion would think it had its de sired effect on the boys in sin J. A. Lentz has finished his work here for a season of a few months at least and to-morrow he intend leaving us for a while if not for good, but remember he leaves smith to do your work. C. 1). Cole, Dick Andrews and Sam Young and Elmer Moshier went to Montrose with week. Mrs. Mosher came home from the colt show at Ogburn's with the blue ribbon on her mules tail, and Andy Bay got the ribbon on his horse colt Some fine colts there I hear. At the Butledge colt show, for best mule colt Sam Keirsey won the ribbon, and for best all purpose colt Jonathan Bay gained the victory over a number'of finecolts. Judge Cole must be thinking of hunting more sheep as he is having his horse shod and looks sheepish. Mrs. C D. Cole returned home from Cooper county where she has been visiting relatives and friends. She surprised all as she was not ex pected so soon. She reports a good time. W. H. Bradley has our thauks for a fine melon and we will ssy to him come in aud we will pull all grain this M 11 to the use of Oscar Keeder. collector ot the revenue of Bates couuty in trie state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. Charles W. Brachear, AlonioC.Brachear.Henry uay ana w l.iard C Holmes, defendants. ivu action tor delinquent taxes. isow at this day conies the claintitf nerem oy ner attorney, before thai u cersigced clerk ot the circuit court of Bate county in the state ot Missouri, in vacation and files her petition and affi davit, stating amonir other thinjps that the above named defendant llenrv Gav is a non-resident ot the state of Mis souri. .'Whereupon it is ordered by the said clerk in vacation, that said de tendant be notified by publication that piainun lias commenced a suit against him in this court bv petition and affida vit the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien ot the state of Missouri tor the delinquent taxes of the year iSSS, amounting in the aggre gate to the sum ot $ 12 52, together with interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following described tracts ot land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The east half of the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter ot th? southwest quarter or section 22, and the northeast Quarter ot the south- ne nau quite a meeting east quarter ot section 10, ail in townsnip 39, range 32, and mat unless the said delendant be and appear at the next term ot this court to be begun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates coun ty, Missouri, on- we fiist Monday in November, 1S90, and on or before the sixtn day tnereot (it the term shall so long continue, and if not then before the end ot the term,) and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and judgment ren dered according to the prayer or said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is further ordered bv the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereof be published in the Hon. D. A. DeArmond speaks here Butler Weeitlr Times, a weekly news paper pnmcu ki.u puuiiMicu 111 uuuci. Bates county, Missouri, for four weeks tuccessivelv. the last insertion to be at least four weeKs before the first day of the next term ot said court. A true copy from the record Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with (Seal.) the seal of said court here unto affixed. Done at office in Butler on. this the 10th dav ot Tulr. 1800. JUHN c HAYts. Circuit cierK. J A. Silvers, att'v for pl'ft OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. -HAS- $50,000.00 P. V. THOMPSOX J. K. ROSlkUt K. A. BENNETT. E. D. KIPP Ir. J. KVERINGHAM T. W. S1LVKRS. ..rrraMeut Vic?-President id Vice-President. CASH1KU Secretary Attorney lo-nigni ana we are expecting a good turn out to hear him on the is sues of the day. It will do us good. liev. T. S. Moshier leaves next week for Appleton City. b. A. Douglass, the U. L. candi date for Recorder, says he will vote the democratic ticket no more. How does that strike a democratic voter: if he was ashamed of being accused of voting for a republican, and now done with the democrats he surely will hnd in .November that they are done with him. M. L. Embree and A. J. Ousley are ahead of any sowing wheat John .Lentz packed DIUECTOUH. Ju'lge ClartWix. Farmer and stock raiser. R. J. Hurley of R.J. Hurley Lumber Company. J. K. Hosier, Vic-Preshlent 1 ml Farmer. M. S. Kiersej. Farmer and Stock raiser. E. A. Bennett,.of Bennett, Wheeler Company and 2nd Vice-President. P. E. Kniery, Real Estate Investor. M. G. Wilcox, Farmer and Stockraiser. II. M. Gaily, Farmer and Stock Raiser. M. It. JL le, I'a,uer and Stockraiser. D N. Thompson, President, farmer and stockralser. John Steele. Farmer and stockraiser. J. J. McKee, Farmer and stockraiser E. D. Kipp, Cashier. Receives Deposits subject to check, loans mon?y, Issnes drafts, and transact a general banking business. Your patronage respectfully solicited. NEW FIRM? NEW GOODS? Having purchased the stock of goods known as the Grange store consisting of GROCERIES & DRY GOODS, I desire to say to my many friends that I have re plenished the stock and fitted up the store room in shape and I would be glad to have all my old friends call and see me. PRODUCE OF ALLr KINDS WANTED. I will guarantee my prices on goods to be as low as any store in the city. Call and see me. Trustee's Sale, ss. Whereas, Annie Dinan and John Dinan, by their certain deed ot irust, dated the id. dav of Tanuarv 18S0. and his grip and recorded in the bmce of the recorder of bade adieu to Ballard Saturday. He deeds within and for Bates county, Mis- goes west to get married, (maybe.) 8"n'.'n "UM aTai' ? " P"RC Dave Warford and sister passed ?u ' f,ntr AQihA ,ai in 1 uic tuiiuniiiav um.ikrvM a wwa waMr us Saturday. So Dave has return ed to his loved ones in Bates where ho will teach the Olive school this winter. Geo. Price furnished the beef for the club Saturday, and it was a fine I twenty. seven one, too. Jas Butledge is buying calves. Milt Beatty and wife passed go ing north, Friday. Bob Knous has concluded not to return to his farm, but remain in Randolph, hence his farm is for rent. Prof. Berry, of Adrian, an old friend of ours who we had not seen in 8 years, called Saturday. He is a fine teacher and we hope he may se cure a school as he has decided to teach. Uncle Morse and Doc Greer have gone to Adrian with corn to-day and expect to bring bacic weer s iurm ture. Jas. Woods has gone to Urich with oats. Glad to hear some of the women Bates county, Missouri, viz: Beginning at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of sec tion Mo. thirteen (1,) township o. thirtv-eieht (xi,) of ranee No. twenty nine (29,) and running thence north (27) rods, thence east eleven and one halt (11)1) rods, thence south twenty-sevn (27i) rods, thence west to place ot beginning. Also the north halt ot the south halt of the northeast quarter ot the southwest quarter, section No. thirteen 1 13,1 town ship thirty-eight 38,! of range twenty- nine 1 29, 1 also beginning at the south east corner of the northeast quarter ot section thirteen 13J township thirty- eight 38, J range twenty-nine L29) ln Bates county, and runn ng thence norm four 4 1 chains and thirty-eight f 3 hnKs, thence west seventeen H7J cnams and twelve and one half i2i) linKs, thence south tour 1 4 chains and thirty. eight riSl links, thence east to place ot beginning, containing in all about eighteen acres, in trust to secure tne paymenfol a cei Lain note in saie aeea described, and did in said deed provide that in case default be made in the pay ment ot sr'd note the trustee aforesaid should proceed to sell said real estate at public sale, and in case 01 tne reiusai 01 said trustee to act under said deed it is say Diamond flour is good enough I pi0vided therein that the then acting for them wish all would natronize I sheriff of Bates county. Missouri, shall our home mills. sel1 d property as provided Father and mother McFarland in said deed of trust, and, wherers, said W. V. fsnl. li.. v,ica4 fA arl ac trust unffor .. . . . .1 WVUa WAV ..M.M ... wv - - w are sick to-aay, out improving aa. and df fault havimr been made steadily. I in the payment ot the note aforesaid, Wirl Hnnnor nnd fami ir eTrtertt to which is now oast aue, ana me noiaer visit, relatives in Conner eonntv the thereot haying requestea me, as coming week. Will must see his fath er, who he has not seen for so long. Dick and Lee have gone to the Clinton fair. Will Cole will have another sale in November (we think) when he will be sold out himself. Judge Francisco will be the man. Jtvexile. the act- Missouri, ing sheriff ot Bates county, to execute said trust. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that I. the sheriff ot Bates county. Mis. souri. at the request aforesaid and in pursuance of the powers vestea in me by virtue ot tne saia premises, win, on Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, County ot Bates. j In the circuit court ot Bates county, Mis souri, in vacation, July 12th, 1800. The state of Missouri at the relation and to the use ot Oscar Reeder, collector ot the revenue of Bates county in the state ot Missouri, plaintiff, vs. F. A. Smith, John B. Brugler and A. C. Avery, defendants. Civil action for delinquent taxes. Now at this day conies the plaintiff herein by her attorney, before the un dersigned clerk of the circuit court ot Bates county in the state ot Missouri, in vacation, and files her petition and affi davit, 6tatine anong other things that the above named defendant John JS. Brugler, is a non-resident ot the state of Missouri. Wherenpon it is ordered oy the said clerk in vacation that the said defendant be notified by publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and afhda vit the object and general natuie et which is to enforce the lien of the state of Missouri for the delinquent taxes ot the years 1S85, 1I86, 1SI7 and i8SS, amounting in the aggregate to the sum ot $8 77, together with interest, costs, commissiorw-id tees, upon the following described tracts ot land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit: The south west quarter of the southeast quarter ot section 9, township 39, range 31, and that unless the said detendant be and appear at the next tc m of this court, to be be gun and holden in the city of Butler, Bates county, Missouri, on tne nrst Monday in November, 1800, and on or before the sixth day thereof (if the term shall so long continue, and it not then before the end of the term, and plead to said petition according to law, the same will be taKen as confessed and judg ment rendered according to the prayer ot said petition, and the above describ ed r- il estate sold to tisfy the same. And it is turt'ier o? ered by the clerk aforesaid mat a copy hereof be publish- d in the Butler Weekly Times a weekly newspaper pnntea ana puonsnea in Butle:, Bates coan'v, Missouri, tor four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least four wee' ; betore the hrst day of the .;ext tertn of said court. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with 1.1! 1 the cal nt s iA murt hereunto n 1 ,1 n 1 j rit loan I 1 - t " . rriaay, me ou uay ui vcnuwci, ioju- i affixed. Done at omce in cutler between the hours of nine o'cIock a. m. this the 12th daj of July, 1S90 on tettti li yon will treat us as t-v.1 mi time, liiis iri aiivcne- tvt-r thought of fa 5Z dins A Bold Robber. r Independence, Mo., Sept. 4. A bold robery, in broad daylight, was commuted yesterday evening a mile west from town. Mrs. Daily just stepped out into the orchard to look after some fruit, and finding that some of her peaches had been stolen, she went to a neignbor s lor assistance to repair the fence. When she returned to the house she found her trunk had been broken open and robbed of $130 in cash. No clue to the robber has W?n found. ica. and five o'clock p. m. of that day, at the east tront door ot the court house in the citv ot Butler, Missouri, proceed to sell said real estate above described at public j auction to the highest bidder, for cash, tor the purpose of satitying the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust, and ! the expenses ot executing the same. Sept. 6th, 1890. V,. 3. .ViiM. Sheriff ot Bates Co. Mo. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate ot J. P. Harper, deceased, that I, J. V. Ennis, nuhiir administrator, and as such in charge ot said estale, intend to make final settlement thereof at the next term of the tSutes county prouate court, in U it. -"4 couiitv, state ot Missouri, to oe he'd at Bui'.er, on the 10th dav ot Novem ber. A. D. 1S90. J- W. ENNI, JOHN C HAYES, Circuit Clerk T. A. Silvers, att'v for pi'ff. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, I County ot Bates. In the circuit court of Bates county. Missouri, in vacation, June 17th. 1800, The state of Missouri at the relation and to the use of Oscar Keeder, col- -lecter of the revenue of Bates county in the state ot Missouri, plaintiff, vs unkown heirs of Henry Rising, defend ants. Civil action tor delinquent taxes. Now at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, before the undersigned clerk of the circuit couit of Bates county in the state ot Missouri, in vacation and files her petition and affidavit, stating among other things that the names of the above defendants are unknown. Whereupon it is ordered by the said clerk in vacation, that said defendants be notified bv publication that plaintitt has commenced a suit against them in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the state of 'Missouri tor the delinquent taxes ot the years 1884, 1885, 1886, 1S87 tnd 18S8, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $16 85, to gether with interest; costs, commission and fees, upon the following described tracts ot land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wit : The southeast quar ter ot the southwest quarter ot section 36 township 40, range 33, and that unless the said defendants be and appear at the next term ot this court, to be begun and holden in the city ot Butler, Bates coun ty, Missouri, on the first Mond .y in November, 1890, and oa or before the sixth day thereot if the term shall so ong continue, and it not then before the end of the term, J and plead to said peti tion according to law, the same will be itken as confessed and judgment ren dered according to the prayer of said petition, and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is turth' r ordered by the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereof be published in the Butler Weekly Times, a weekly news paper printed and publrhed in Butler, Bates county, Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least tour weeks betore the first day of the next term of said court. A true copy from the record. Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with, f Seal.) the seal ot said court hereun to affixed. Done at office in Butler on., this the 17th day of June, 1890. JOHN C. HAYES, Circuit Clerk. J. A. Silvem, att'y tor pl'tl. Administrator's Notice. Xotiea is hereby riven tbst letters of admin istration on the estate of Thomas S. Kickttt, deceased, were mantea to tne unaenignea. on the 2nd day of September. laSO, by lite pro bate court or Bates county , atissonri . All persona having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them lor allowance to the administrator within one year after the date or letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate; and If such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date or tins publication, they shall be fortver barred. This 2nd day of Sept. ijftw. W. S HVDU, Admistrator. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is herebv given to all creditors and others interested in the estate of Eliza C. Lnk deceased, that I. J. W. hums, pnbiie admin istrator, and as sorh in charge of aid estate, intend to make finai Eeitieiaent thereof si the net term of tl.-e Rates county pTobate conn, 'n Bsts countv state of Missouri, ti beheld at Busier on the !nh day of November. ;.;. .1. V. ENNIS I'ielii. Adxin -tptcu. Dig C, 1SE (Successor to (VI. V, MIZE) REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN BROKER. Renting, Collecting and Managing Property for N011- residents a Specialty. 'i