Newspaper Page Text
Order of Publication. -UTE OF M1S30UE1.) MMU-S . .. : . w, , tha CircUll Court OI lair cubuij, Missouri, "iTKstlon. July li. The alata of Mil- j .t tha relation mu 10 tne nan oi u'ir Seder, collector or the revenue of Bates iinty In the atate rMissonri, plaintiff, vs. n... II. liowen. Wra. K. Wilton. K.J. Tv 8mnel I- Harrla. A. L. Bowen. Nl.:f.. 5T 8heprd Co. ami J. II. Mathews, de- ''Ulv1 action for di-llnnient taxes. KoW at thi 'lay comes the plaintiff herein by JI attorneys, before the uiiJerslKnel clerk of n.iwnlt court or nates county in me ..-.I In arl i.atmn. resilient of the state of net Whereupon It Is ordered by tin atate In Taxation and rilea her petition TL7,ffldaTlt. statin; amonit other thli.fta that nainel defendant, Mrhlaa Shepard or aus- - Wliereupon Ik n '"'irrr'i uj wiv BBI'l OB"'... .....i.n that said defendant be notl. iff bf publication that plaintiff ba corn !!.acel a suit an alnst It In thla court by pe- 01 1 I . I. ............. A . ,. f ikmm. amoununa ii'" A7. nf 'l -.. together with interest, costs. iH of which la to enforce the Hen of the atate .? Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the Ttar mmb.aron and feea, upon tha following de wro..",.,.flandaitiiatd In Hatea conn- M hot I. of the north weat n..neJof aeitlon township .In rani?.; 33. and nnieaa the ald .lefen.lant be and appear "!:VteTm of thla court, to be begun ami i V Of Hutler. Hatea 'V.B,. ""w tr, first Missouri, on the nrst pion-iav I..f,.ri. the tilth ; county. In November, rl&v thnrtvif f if he term shall so Ion continue, and If not h!a before the end of the term.) and plead to .aid petition according to law the SSme will be taken an confeaaed and Judg- IU" . -,ll. ,. l.u i rovi.r nf said estate fur- clerk aforesaid published in the weekly newspaper 5 rendered aeeurUng to the prayer of ..titlnn and the above described real ei T, satis. y the same. .And It Is her oruere-i ht a copy hereof be 'n...l... U'..klT Timr. a PI"" " . i. ...I I 11,.,!,., It.toa ,-mliitv . Wlasnnri. for fonr weeks successively, the last Cwrtlon to be at least four weeks before the ,i.v nrtlie next term or sall court, a true X' i I n u. in v liftnil atm fiiAll clerk aforesaid with the seal of said court hereunto alMxed lone at of !!( In llutleron, this the Uth day of Jnly.lifto. JOHN C. HAYKS. Clrcnlt Clerk. I. A. SILV K1H, Att'y forpi'ir. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOL'KI, I.. County or Bates. i In the circuit court of Hates county, Missouri, In vacation. August 4th, l- The state of Missouri at the relation and to the use of Oscar Keeder, collector of the revenue of Hates county In the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs ,f E Halbert and the unknown heirs of .Tames llalltert, deceased, defend ants. Civil action for delinquent taxes Now at this day cornea the plaintiff herein by her attorney, betore the undersigned clerk of the circuit court of Bates county In the state of Missouri, in vacation and flies her petition ami affidavit, statin? amontr other things that the nanies of the heirs of Jarnes Halbert are unknown; that said persons are the owners of the ummtdeii one-nan inierei in said land. Whereupon it Is ordered by the ald clerk in vacation , that the heirs ot .lames Halbert be notified by puMl'-atlon that plaintiff has com menced a suit atrainst them in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of which is to enforce the lien of the tate of Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the year l-. nmountinif In the aggregate to the sum ol '.t.T-', together with Interest, costs, commission and fees upon the following de scribed tracts of land sltnated In Hates county Missouri, to-wit: The south seven-eighths of the east half or the southwest quarter of sec tion thirty-six township forty-one range twen ty nine, and that unless the said defendants lie and appear at tlie next term of this conrt, to be begun and hoi len In the city of Hutler, Bates county, Missouri, on the llrnt Monday in November, li;s. and on or before the sixth day thereof (II the term shall so long continue, and If not then before the end of the term.) ami plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken a- confessed and Judg ment rendered according to the prayer or smd petition, and the above described real estate sold to satldfv the same. And It is further ordered lv the clerk aforesaid thnt a copy here of be published In the Kitlkk Wkkklv Timks, a weeklv newspaper printed and published in Hutler, Bates county . Missonri.for four weeks successively, the lat insertion to be at least four weeks before the first day of the next terra of said court. A true copy from the rec ord. Witness my band as clerk aforesaid siAt.l with the seal ol said court hereunto affixed. Done at oltlce in Hutler. on this the 4th dav of Augunt. JOHN C HAYM. Circuit Clerk. .1. A. 8ILVKIW, Att'y for pl'ff. 4i-4t jTK -APPLY TO THE- IS. OrJer of Publication. Order of Publication. l Western Farm Mortgage Trust Company, l VI) F. II yt 4XA(il;MEM or s. STATE Of MISSOURI. Count i l isalrs. In the circuit court of Bates county. Missouri, In vacation. June I-. !-.. 1 he stale Mis souri at the relation and to the use of Oscar Ktedcr. collector of the revenue ot Hates county in the state of Vi-sourt. plaintiff, vs. W S." Brown aud Marparet BiMwn, deiend ants I ml action for Jelin.iuei t taxes Now at this day coiuestiie plaintiff bereiu by her attorney, before the undersigned clerk of the cirvut court of Hates countv in the state of Missouri, in vacation a.i i files her petition and affidavit, stating among other things that the Geo. Canterbury and T. YV. Silvers. We have a reliable abstract to till Land aud Town Lots in Hates county, and solicit your patronage in that line. Office io Farmers Bank of Bales County, STATE OE MISSOURI. County oi Haws. In the cirvuit court of Hates county, Missouri, in vacation July 1. is The State of M;oun at the relation and to the use of Oscar Keeder. collector ol the rvvenua of Hates countv in the state of Missouri, plaintiff vs . A U rudge. K M Allen and Walton and I'ucker lueslntent louipany, listen iants. I ivtl action for dt l.nijucnt tavcs. Now at this day comes the plaintill' herein by her attorney s. before the undrrsigned clerk of ih.pih'nii rrniri Lt I'.&ted c.oiutv iii the state of alove named defendants, W. Brovn and i Mnnouri . in x a-liou anvl files her petition and Margaret Hrown, are non-residents of the j ,ttjdsvit .stating among olhet things that tha state of Missouri. N hereupon it is ordered by : named defendant. K. M. Allen is a non the aabt clerk in vacation, that said defend- ; ftjdent of t!ie slate ot Missouri t hereupon ants be notirte i bv publication that plaintiff ; lt t ,rl, rr I bv said clerk in vacation, that said has commenced a suit against them in tins , ,n,lsnt be uoliiicd bv publication that plain court by petition an 1 affidavit the object and i t,(f naJ coinnu nod a iiit agaut him in this general nature of which is to enforce the ourt bv petition and affidavit the object and lien of the state of Missouri for the delinquent general uature of Inch is to enforce the lien of taxes of the year 1ni, amounting In the aggre- ' tie tte of Missouri lor the delinquent taxea ga'e to the sum of !-i. together with Inter- 0, vle v ,.nr amounting in the aggregate est, costs, commission and fees, upon the fol-'; tu the sum of jo -.n, together with interest. lowing described tracts or la:id situated in ' rosto. comiliiio-ion and f rs. upon the foliow Hates countv. Missouri, to-wit The west half ! i,, ,1,.1,-nbed lrs.-t of land situated In Hatea Order of Publication STATE Ob MISSOURI, 1 County ol Hatea. J In the circuit court oi Hates countv, Missouri, In vacation, June 17m, ij, The state of M ssouri, at the relation and to the use ol Oscar Keeder.couecior of the revenue of Bate county in the stateot Missouri, plaintiff, va. Thomaa r.Wllaon, K. K. Wells and Chauncy Wellii. rletendan'.s ICivil iicilon to- delinquent taxes. Now at this day cornea the plaintiff Ijy her uttoine), "hctoie the undersigned clerk ol the circuit court of Dates county in the state of Missouri, in vacation and tiles lief petition una aiiuiuvu, msuhk amoiiK other tlitnn mat ine nDove nam- d defendant CHauticy ens, 1 a u'i- rrsident of the state of Missouri Where upon it is ordered bv the said clerk in .1 . t.J .,-4 1 - . Vxu n..lttu,l vacation, mat sum uticiiusm nunnvw hv niihllcation that plaintiff has com- imenced a suit against him in this court br petition and allidavit we odjcci anu e t t 1 . ... . . I. teneral nature 01 wnicn i tu tmonc S ... . . lt I l... lien of the state 01 niinuun, ii Inquent taxes ot the year iSi, umount in( in the agreate t the sum ot $4 So aether with interest, costs, commiss ion and fees, upon the lollowiiiK descri deJ tracts wt laud situated ill Hates coun ty, Missouri, to-wit: The northeast qusrter ot the northwest quarter of sec- lion 33, township y, ranf 3.1, anu mat unless the said defendant he and appear it the r.ext term ot this court, to he he- run aniThold. n in the citv ot liutlet, " . a .a s ..V Bates county, Missouri, on tne iirst .vion- lis in Novembet, i, and on or he- ore the sutn tiay tnereoi, xit tne term ihall so Ions continue, and if not then xtore the end ot the term, and plead a laid petition accordintr to law, the time will he taken us confessed and ludgment rendered according to the mver of said petition, and the uoovc ilucrlhed real eatate old to satisfy the mc. And it 1 further ordered bv the lent aforesaid that a copy hereof he ubliahcd in the Hutler Weekly limes. weeklv newspaper printed and publish- J in Hutler, Hales county, Missouri, tor ur wccks successively, the last tnser- . . . 1 . 1 . . 1. .. ion to be at least rout wceas ociorc mc nt dav of the next term of said court, A true fonv from the iccord. Itness my hand as clerk aforesaid with (Senl.i the seal of said court hercun- affixed. Done nt olnce In Hutler on ills the i7lh. davot lune is). IU1ICN IIAIi v,iivuii vni . A. Silvrks, att'y tor pl'ff. 0 filer of Publication. I STATE OF MISSOUUt, Countv of Bates. j lithe circuit court of Hates Order of Publicntion. STATE OF MISSOURI,) county of Hates. ( In the crcuit court of Bates county, Mo. in vacation, June 12, iSoo- The state ot Missouri at the relation and to the use ot Oscar Ueeucr, collector of the revenue of Hates county in the state of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. C. O. Biane and wile, Sallie J . J. C. Clark and Thomas J. Smith, delendants. Civil action tor delinquent taxes. Now at this daY comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, befoie the un dersigned clerk of the circu t court of Hates conntv in the state ot Missouri, in vacation and files her petition and affi davit, stating among othr thing that the above named defendants, C. O. HlaKe and wife Sallie J. are non-residents of the state of Minsouii. Where upon it is ordered by the said cleik in vui ati in, that said defendants be noti fied by publication that- plaintiff has commenced u suit against them in this court by petition and affidavit the object and general nature of which is to en force the Hen ot the state ot Missouri for the delinquent taxes of the year 1NS6, umounting in thn aggregate to the sum of $'.oo, together w'th merest, costs, commission and fees, upon the follow. Ing described tracts ot land situated in Hates county, Missouri, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the northwest quar ter of se:tion twenty-nine township fortv-one tange twenty-one, and that unless the said defendants be and appear u the next term of this court, to be heirim and holden in the city ot Hutler Hatea countv. Missouri, on the first NEW FIRM? NEW GOODS? Having jiurcbaseil the stock of gooils known us the Onuie storo consisting of GROCERIES & DRY GOODS, I desire to say to my many fri cutis that I have ro jileuisheti the stock and fitted up the store room iu shape aiul I would be glad to have all my old friends call and see nv. PRODUCE OF ALL I will guarantee my pi ices on store in the citv. or the northeast quarter of section 17 tow nsliip , &. range 30, and thai unless said defendants le and ai JM'ar at the next term of this court to tie brKun and holden in the citv of Hutler, Hates county, Missouri, on the first Monday In No vember, Iho, and ou or lefore the sixth day thereof (ifthe term shall so Ion continue', and if not then before the end of the term, j and plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken as confessed and judgment rendered accordinii to the prayer of aaid peti tion, ami the above described real estate sold to atirfv the svne Aid it is further ordered bv the clerk aforesaid that a ropy hereof be published ill the Kutlcr Weekly TlMks. a vveeklv newspaper printed and published In Itutler. llates county. Missouri, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least four weeks before the tlrst day of the next term of said court A true copy from the rec ord Witness mv hand a clerk seal aforesaid with the seal of said court hereunto affixed. Oone at office In HulliT on, this the lth dav of .tune, !.!. JOHN l' ll.WKS. Circuit Clerk. J. A. SlI.VKRs. Att'y for pl'ff KINDS WANTED. fjoods to lie as low as anv P ar Call and see m. HARPER & ATKISON The "GOOD LUCK" Merchants DEALERS IN 1CBUU Jttlt, ft abu It noi url . countv, Missouri, in vacation, July 19th, lifyo, e atate of Missouri at the relation and to the use of Oscar Keeder, collector Ot the revenue of Bates couuty In tne late of Missouri, plaintiff, vs. (. harles t. Brm henr, Aloiuo C. Brachear.IIenry y and Wiilard Molm, detenaants. Civil action tor ilehniiuent taxes. Now at thla Jay cornea the plaintiff Ireln bv her attorney, before the un talntied clerk ot the circuit court ot Ilea countv In the state ot Missouri, in ication and tilea her petition and atli- it, stating among other things that above nameu ueienoant uenry vjj non-resident ot the state ot Mia- Whereupon It la ordered by the laid clerk in vacation, that said oe ittidant be notified by publication that 1'aintllt has commenced a suit against lim in this court by petition and affida vit the object and general nature of fhlch is to enforce the lien ot the st-te It Missouri tor the delinquent taxes of ft; year iSSS, amounting in the aggre yhe to the sum ot $u 51, together with fiterest, costs, commission and fees, loon the following described tracts ot find situated in Dates county, Missouri, ,Awit: The east half of the northwest IftTarter and the northeast quarter ot th? Rthwest quarter ot section il, ana northeast quarter ot the south- tt quarter ot section 16, all in iwnship 39, range 3J, and that unless lie said delendant be and appear at the vtxt teriu ot this court to be begun and VOlden in the citv ot liutler, Uates coun FTi Missouri, on the fiist Monday in toreniber, 1S90, and ou or betore the h dav thereot (it the term snail so e continue, and if not then before He end ot the term,) and plead to said tltlon according to law, the same will )Vl taken as confessed and judgment ren ted accord! ng to the praver ot said Wltlon, and the above described real ate sold to satisfy the same. And it i a further ordered bv the clerk aforesaid lltvata conv hereof be published in the Sutler Weiklv Timis. a weekly news 'per printed ai d published in Butler, istes countv, Missouri, tor four week uccessively', the last insertion to be at .! t four weeks before the first dav of ' Vt net term ot said court. - A true copy iru:n the record. litness mv hand a clerk aforesaid with YlSeal.) the seal of said court here- nto athxed. Done at ntfice in tiuiier 'l, this the 19th dav ot Julv, 1S90. JOHN C. H.VL, Circuit Clerk. A. Shacks, att'v for pl'ff. tv. Missouri. The state of Monday In November, iSyn, and on or before the sixth dav thereot (It the term shall so long continue, and it not then before the end of the term, and plead to said petition according to law, the same w ill be taken as confessed and judgment rendered m cordirg to the prayer ot said pet tion, and the above described real es tate sold so satisfy the same. And it is further ordered by the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereof be published in the liutler Weekly Timks. a weekly news- paper printed and published in Butler, Hates county, Missouri, for tour weeK successively, the last insertion to be at least lour weeks before the first day ot the next term ot aaid court A true copy from the record. V itr.e. my hand as clerk aforesaid with the seal ot said court hereunto affixed. Done at office on this the Uth dv ot June, 1S90. iOMN C. IIAYKS, Circnt Clerk J. A. Sii.vk.ks Att'y tor pl'ff. Order of Publication. STATK OK M1S8UUKI. j County of Hates. i In the circuit court ol ltate count In r.,,.ii Jniv I'th. I.". Mlssonrl at the relation and ta the use of Oscar Keeder. collector of the revenue of Hates county In the state of Missouri, plain tiff, va. K. A. Smith. John II. Iruler and A. C. Avery, defendants. Civil action tor dellnnuent taxea. Now at this tlav comes the plaintiff herein bv 1...- ............ i.,'.rM !.. imOwrAliriied clerk of the circuit court of Hatea county In the state of Missouri. In vacation anu flies tier petition ami alUdavit. statlnif anion other things that the above named defendants. Kllza Skinner 1. 1 ki -aril Skinner are notl-resioenia 01 vne i.t. ,,r MUnoiirl Whereupon It ia ordered 1,. i,...i.ii.i.H n ,iri iintnst sam ueienn I.. ...,tiil...l Iit oubllcatlon that plaintiff kaa i,(tnim.n en.1 anil aa-ainat them In this court by petition and affidavit the object ai.d Keneral nature or wnicn ia vo eniorv.r ,uci .in. of the atate of Missouri for the delinquent tea of the Tears 15. W, 1" nu iw. amounting in the apirrenate to the sum of ; TT. Wether with Interest, costs, commission and fees, npon the following de scribed tracts 01 tanu anuaveu m oe v.n, Missouri to-wit; The southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section nine, township thlrtv-uine. range tliirty-one and that nnlesa said defendants ,ne ami appear the next term of thla conrt. t be befcun and holdf n In the citr ot Hutler. Hates cocnty. Missouri, ou tha orsi aion isy in jmrmw , 1k. and on or before the sixth day thereof (If the term shall so Ion continue, and ir not then before theend of the term.) and plead to said petition according to law. the same will be taken as confessed ani juoKiuem reuue.eo according to the prayer of said peM'00. and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same And It la further ordered by, tne nereoi oe puuiiau- 1 Groceries, Provisions, uueensware and Shelf Hardware. THE BEST IN THE WORLD. The Celebrated Wood Base Heater, And all tbo leading makes of Heating Stoves. The highest market price paid for Country Produce, and goods sold margins. Remember the place the big "Horse buoe on very close East Sid of Hi'uaie. Butler, Harper & Atkison, Missouri. Order of Publication. STATE OF MISSOURI, sR County of llates. In the circuit court of Hates county, Missouri, in vacation, July jS, i.Siji). Tlie state ot Missouri at the relation and to the use of Oscar Keeder, col lector ot the revenue ot Hates countv in tlie state ot Missouri, plaintiff, vs. James K. Brufjler, John B. Brngler, B. 1 1. Ingram, Tlie Bates County Loan Si Land i'o. and The Missouri Trust Co., defendants. Civil action for delinquent taxes. Now at tins day conies the plaintiff herein hv her attorney, hctore the un dersigned clerk ot the circuit court ot Bates county in the state ot Missouri in vacation and files her petition and affi davit, stating among other things that the above named defendant John B. Brusxler is a non-resident ot the state of Misscuii. Whereupon it Is ordered by the said clerk in vacation, that said de fendant be notified by publication that plaintiff hs commenced a suit against him in this court by petition and affidavit the obiect and general ot which is to en force the lien ot the state ot Missouri tor the delinquent taxes ot the years 1886 and 188S, amounting In the aggre gate to the tumot $31 , together with interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following described tracts ot land situated in Bates county, Missouri, to-wlt. Lots one and two 11 and 2,) ot the southwest quarter ot section 31, township 42, range 31, also lot two (i,) ot the southwest qt.arter of section to., township ai. ranue ti. nnd that unless the said defendant be and nooear at the next teim ot this court, to be begun and holden In the city ot Hutler, Bates coun tv. Missouri, on the first Monday in November. tScio, and on or before the sixth day thereot (if the term shall so lonu continue, an- it not then betore the etid of tlie teim,) ar.d plead to said rctl tion iiccordini! to law. tlie same will be taken as confessed and judgment render ed according to the prayer of aaid peti tion, and the above described real estate sold to satifv the same. And It Is fur ther ordered b the clerk aforesaid that a copv hereof be published in the Butler Weeklv Times, a weeklv newspaper minted and published In Butler, Bates countv. Missouri, for four weeks suc cessively, the last Insertion to be at least tour weeks before the first day ot the next term ot said court. A true copy from the record. Witness mv hand as clerk aforesaid rseal.l with the seal ot said court here unto affixed. Done at office In Butler on. this the 28th dav of Ihlv. i8k. JOHN C HAYKS, Circuit Clerk J. A. Silvers, att'y for pl'rt. ruuiiiv, Mlnir:, to-wit. 1 ne mniir quarter r section i l tow niliip ti raujte ai, and Itiat unless Hie sal'i lffeiitaiil le ami appear at tlie next term tr tlii i-uurt. to be begun and lioiilen Ill the eity of Puller. Uates count;, Missouri, 011 the first Morula; lu November, Isvn, anJ ou or before the sixth day tlirreof uf the term shall so lonu continue and If nol then before the n.l of the term.) aud liad to aaid petition according to law. the same will b taken as cuiifesseil an I ju ls-iin iit rendered ac CordinK to tlie praver of said petition, and the above described ri al estate sold to satisfy the same. ... And it i further ordered by the clerk afore said that a copv herto! be published iu the Hi w aski.'v Timss a weekly newspaper printed and published in ilullcr. llates count; Sllssouri, lor four weeks successively, the last Insertion to be at least lour weeks before tha first day or the next term of said court. A traa copv from the record Witness mv hand as clerk aforesaid will, the irai; seal of said court hereunto altixed. I one at office, in Hutler, on this tlio lutli dav ol Julv, lsisi. .mils f IIAYK, Orcult Clerk. J. A. sm.VKKS. att'y for td fl. Mis- Order of Publication. STATK OK MISSOURI. Count; ol Hates. In the circuit court of l'-atea county. souri. In vacation, August l-th, pr.i. The state of Missouri at tlie relation and to the use of Oscar Heeder. collector or the revenue of Bates county in the state of Missouri, plain tiff, va. lieoriie Smith and Silas I'leraon defend, anta. Civil action for delimiueiit taxea. Sow at this dav cornea the plaintiff herein bv lierattoruev.beorethe undersigned clerk of the circuit court oi Hatea county in tha atala of Missouri. In vacation aad flies her petition and affidavit, staling anions' otlur things that tha above named delemlam Sllaa I'lerson. la a non-resident or tlie state of Missouri Where upon It is ordered by the aaid clerk In vaca tion that aaid defendant be notified b; publi cation thai plaintiff has rommeiiceil a sun against him iu thla court liy petition aim am- lav It tlieotilecl aim irenerai nature m men is to enforce the lien ol the stale of Missouri for the delliniiieiit taxea or the year ises. aiiioiini ln In the atfs'rctrate to the atuti of H -.'4. Io vettier with interest, coals, commla!on and fees, niton the following described tracts of land situated In Hates, county Missouri. 10 wlt: The aoiilheast quarter of the southeast quarter of section s, tow nahip W, rang 3!, and that unless the said delendant be and ap pear at the next term or thla court, to be begun and holden In the city of Hutler. Hatea county Missouri, on the first Momlay in ovemuer, 1110. and on or before the sixth day inereor tu the term shall an long continue, and ir not theu before the end of the term.) and plead to said petition according to law, tlissame will be taken as confessed and lulgnienl renilertsi ac cording to the praver of said petition anil tne above described real estate sold to aatlsry the asms. And It Is further ordered by the clerk aforesaid that a copy hereor be uiiuiisnen in the Hutler Weeklv Tiwaa. a weekly uewspr per printed and published In Itutler, Hales count;, Mo .for fourweekeeucwaalvely the last Insertion to be at least tour weess wiurt un first day of Hie. next term or aaid coun, A true copy from the record . Wltneaa my hand as clerk aforesaid with tha ISeal.l seal OI sai'l court nercuniu iuti. Pone at offlre In Puller on, this tha Pith day or August Intsi. JOHN C. HAYKS, Circuit Clerk. J A. 8ILVKIW, att'y lor pl'ff. LUMBER!! ss. Some Heed Money, ISome Must Botiowl,H-CWYAn &S0H- r.iriitBli1 that a eoovr ti,. itnti.r xvaeklvr TiHKa.a weekly newa paper printed and pue-nsnea in imutr, ns w county, Missouri, for four weeks aucceasively. the last insertion to be at least four weeka be fore the Urst dav ol the nt term or said coart. Atraeropv from tha record witness my latALl hand aa clerk aforesaid with 1 the 1 seal or said court hereunto affixed. lone at office in Hutler on. thie thel 4th day orjnly, JOHN C. HAYES. Circuit Clerk J. A. SILVEK. Att'y forpl'IT. -. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all creditors and others interested in the estate ot Kir a Beamis, deceased, that I, J. W. Ennis. public administrator, and as such in charge of said estate, intend to make final settlement thereot at the nest term nt thr- Hates countv probate court, in H.Ates ooiintv. state ot Missouri, to be held at H uler on the 10th day ot Novem ber, A D. 1N. J-Ai-i rub'.ic administrator. m mn only! rr l,t;sTerFXLiiiif W-suyuu. Otaeral ani BEBI1ITT, Weakaeaa ef BadT aaa atisd. CfftctI JJef Krrorser Xaeaaaaa ia via or x eaaa. A caroful prudent man who wantg to borrow money for any purpose will always seek to get the loan where tbe terms most favorable. We can now offer the lowest rate loan on from one to five years time. Notes drawn from one, two, three or five vearn. a Money Paid out Promptly. Come and see us before you make loan. Satiffi LQtf AM T1TIS CI By P. C. Fulkeksion, Manages. West Side Square, Butler, Mo. Save money by calling on us for prices on LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES PAINTS. -And all- Building Material UliUdll ..uimnhlt, kMiMd. Hnttttlimtil Us . i iriu)tnoa8a rsr.sor Seal. SfcM4.tT aarslllac S1UBB ISMlim-aisisn sias a ssrtlfr a-ssi K SWS aa S.rrtrs Csaatrln. WrMsltoas, sV.Mrtl. fcst, sialsastssa aaa e" bsJW4 ift4' ttr, iSSStMkVUGAX CO.. BUFFALO, N. V DS C. MSB. (Successor to M. W. IV1IZE) REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN BROKER. Renting, Collecting and Managing Property for Non- residents a Specialty. CstTJ. II. Norton will be found at ofiice and will attend to the wauts of customers. Our motto lfl HIGH GRADES -And- ILOW PRICES Ord:r of Publication STATE OF .MISSDfKI, Countv of Hates. In the circuit court of Hates county, Missouri, in vacation. June I7th, 1S.10, The state of Missouri at the relation and to the use of Oscar Keeder, col lector of the revenue of Bates countv in the stHte ot Missouri, plaintiff, va unkown heirs of Henry Rising, defendants. Civil action tor delinquent taxes, rsow at this day comes the plaintiff herein by her attorney, before the undersigned clerk of the circuit couit of Bates countv in the state ot Missouri, in vcaton and files her petition and affidavit, stating among other things that the names ot the above defendants are unknown. Whereuoon it is ordered by the said clerk in vacation, that said defendants be notified bv publication that plaintiff has commenced a suit against them In this court by petition and affidavit the objeit and general nature of which is to enforce the uen ot the state ol .Missouri tor the delinquent taxes ot the years i&4t i!S, iS6, iS7 and iSJS, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of $16 Sj, to gether with Interest, costs, commission and fees, upon the following describes! tracts ot land situated In Bates countv, Missouri, to-wit: The southeast quar ter ot the southwest quarter ot section 36 townshin 40. range rt, and that unless the said defendants be and appear at the next term ot this court, to be begun and holden in the city ot Butler, Bates coun ty. Missouri, on the first Monday in November, iSoo, and o or before the sixth day thereot L term shall so long continue, and It r.ot then before the end of the term, 1 ana pieaa to sia pen tion according to law, the same will be taken as confessed and ludgment ren dered according to the praver of said Detition. and the above described real estate sold to satisfy the same. And it is turther orJered by the clera; atoresaid published In the TniHtee'H Sale, Whereas. Annie Dinan and John Dinan, ly their certain deed ot trust, dated the id, day ot January 1HS9, and recorded in the office ot the recorder 01 deeds within and for Bates countv, Mis souri, in trust deed Injok No. 84, at page 51S, did convey to V. w. Cook, trustee, the following described real estate In Hates county, Missouri, via: Beginning at the southwest corner of the northeast Quarter ot the southwest quarter ot sec- ... ... . ,, . . tion rso. thirteen 1.13,; townanip ru. thIrtY-eight (3S,) of range No. twenty- nine (.21),) and running thence nortts twenty seven (27) rods, thence east eleven and one nan ii,'i; rofls, tnence south twenty-sevn (17,) rods, thence west to place ot beginning. Also the north half of the south halt of the northeast quarter ot the aouthwest quarter, section No. thirteen 13J town ship thirty-eight 3s,! of range twenty nine a,'i beginning at the south east corner of the northeast quarter ot section thirteen 13, J township thirty eight 3,J range twentv-nlr.e 29,) In Bates countY, and running thence north four 4j chains and thirty-eight '3SI HnKs, thence west seventeen 117J chains twelve and one half lil'a) linns, thence south tour 4 chains and thirty eight 3 links, thence east to place ot beginning, containing in ai aooui eighteen acres, in trust to secure tne payment of a certain note in said deed desciibed, and did In said deed provide that in case default be made in the pay ment ot said note the trustee aforesaid should proceed to sell said real estate at public sale, and in case ot the retusai 01 said trustee to act under said deed it is provided theiein that the then acting sheriff ot Bacs county, Missouri, shall sell said property as provided In said deed of trust, and, whereas, said w. W. Cook, has refused to act as trustee under said deed, and default having been made in the payment ot the note atoresaio, which is now past due, and the holder thereot hsving requested me, as the act ing aheritt ot Batea county, .Missouri, to execute said trust. Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given that I, the sheiiff ot Bates county. Mis souri, at the request aforesaid and in pursuance of the powers vested Ir. me by .irtue of the said premises, will, on Friday, the 3d day of October, 1890. between the hours of r.ine o'clocK a. m. and five o'clock p. tn. of that day, at the east tront door ot the court house in the city ot Butler, Missouri, proceed to sell aaid real estate above described at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, tor the purpose of satitving the indebt edness secured by said deed of trust, and the expenses ot executing the same. Sept. 6th, iSyo. C. S. EWIN. Sheriff ot Bates Co. Mo. ! tlflPTIST EMAi v.tb mr orn Pt- 4:b. 15 in Faculty. Lt'frs- t ,r-. lana-uiur?. lth.-m.'ics. Science, M-ilc. 1 aintuni fck-cution. Biisinwl'onrs.c. IxcaUoU i. ... !.... i u.,i:.l,nn eiiiarEetl. Tmvata RTl"! r- . -1 i . . . a-... t. ..a t .1 .nd p-ift-liebl!. Fir ! :: ruling ,f Bi.lSMik that a copv hereot oe Butler Weekly Times a weekly new,- N-otice of Final Settlement. paper printed and published in Butler, . .... ,, Bates countv, Missouri, for four weeks i Notice is hereby given to all "editors aucceasivrlv. the last insertion to be at ' and others interested in tne estate or j. i . least tour weeks betore the first day of the next term of said court. A true copv from the record. ! Witness my hand as clerk aforesaid with ! Seal.) the seal ot said court hereun ! to affixed. Done at office in Butler on. i this the tyth dav of June, ivp. rent. JUti I, n.t I L3, v.ircui; v..cts. : J. A. S'.lvers, att'y tor pl'tl. Harper, deceased, thatl, J. Vv. hnnis, public adminUtrHtor, and as such in charge ot aid estate, intend to make final settlement thereof at the r.ext term of the Bate county probate court, in Bates county, state of ".Missouri, to be held at Butler," on ths t''h dav ot Noem ber. A. 1. fyj. J.W . S-VMs, . 2-aI Public administrator-