Newspaper Page Text
M III Y1I N1KNII ilV rTTMn 111 1KB. VOT,. XII BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8.185)0. NO. 40 Missouri OF BUTLER, MO. CAPITAL, - State lanl; i Mr. Weeks KllCy :tIHM- tLoilgh We thought W Sprue ltctn. Ei-lToii: It has .our . oul 1 vr. $110,000. Shanee Breeze. Leen twi . Still it lain :md it is ouite eoul. . ie 1 our i:ni" Mt of our fanners finished sowing v,i!i:al le l ill er. ! wheat lf fore the lieuv'v rniim. mui '.mc irmii if that sown looks well Mr. Wad- vou w.-uld give us space. . . .Plenty die and family, of Viuitn. Indian Tor. f r:tt:i vn i mu.l the p:ist week ; are vir-itii!- n-I itiws in Shaw nee, they Mr. Janus Youi better known as ! art w.-M,1 .1,.;.- i,m... ,1,".. in town this week ' Ncti.-M lu; still thev etiinv -tiv in "little Jim," was FA llcceivi H Deposits Mlhject to ('heel.. Loans Money dues a (h ncral I i Ii i r Ilu.-i., Mat: ! .ok i tig jut a i happy ns In the Real listate Loan Department on Real listate on lonj or short lowest rates without delay. Make loans time at STiM MI'tt.HKI llnrlitiKcr, W N liirimr Allen, Mra Levina Itotiiwitrti, T tj, I'liykli laii llurk, Monroe Fanner Itallanl. .1 N Farmer liruwn. ruin HarHctt, K'lintiml Farmer (heir, II. li. Farmer artitlicr. i A Fanner ClirlHtv. M I'hynldaii Clark , llohcrt r anncr Ourtncy, ! M Stock Dealer iixvrwi'Htcr. Inlin r unner jiavln, ) It Forciiiiui '1 imkn nttlcd'oucU , Hooker r iirim r IHckciichcdU. It (J i;in . A. ICca'l I'litott, II II linnk t l.-rk iMitclicr, I II 1'rof Normnl He )i Itonlcr, .1 M Farmer f Armi'ii'1.1' A Iri'ult .liicl Itimkln. .1 I. rnriinr Mtii. Inlin Farmer Itiellor't, lin II h anncr fc'vcrliitfham, I'hyitlclan Uclnni r, J W limurmn i' -UiHIi it I. I.I. r.. llii kiiiiin.i; It Kiirnltiire l-al r imth . John I Lawyer Icnkltia, .1 I: Arni't ( milili-r Mnrki',1. It l-mt v . irrult ! KimifV. I ton Hunk l Inrk Turiu-r, l r M K ii-ituiist l.fvy , Hnni I trv i dxmIh LloUiiiiit t m k-r. v K I ii'iiti--' rk lrrllnn. r II K tirim-r "1 rr, Alf r arim r N..rt..n . .1 I'.nnk li rk i tfii , ,M t nrnii-r I'lmrit, .li.lni iirm i i y I'linriK, i: I lirurrrv I' ltti.n. M I'livulrliin .rlKK, Win M KariniT IIOOKKR I'OWKM. T. C. IIOL'LWAIIK I in ker, -I M ai.Uiiii-t 'I yler, W II KnriiKT 'iiti. r nmk M r nrim-r V niilinn . Ml ai'itnlih. W H..L, K M r'nrini r V iitt, II l.iiml i r iti'iili' iiltiiii, Viii K ( iiKiiii r rUlit. 'I'.l iit:ilii-t . .1,1 r. Miix I'.iMitM A Mim i !U, Wm Knriin r si imi . H W nrrni-r ', iilw. .1 I' riiy-li lun Wl.ii. i !. . N I. l'ti-li lHii i-n: Mr tw. "I .Vi" Mullen, J I, I'reii .Imlc Co I t WlllUtim, It V Farmer ITI-Hldollt vic(!-irt'Hilcnt WM. E. WAt.TuN J. It. JKNK1.NH ithliicr AHKt. cHsliicr II g BUM ! oM JJ lt. s vvi-r, mi uci i uut (if tli- an itiil tl.ia wvA. I ' i't 1..h hiimn S.ituiilnv, .!.. . .Mr .Jan.. i It A:1 ii in l itt!e U, I'u! ml i:v, of .! i . viitii.Lf his rar- n 1 Mis. .1 11. M.ltnn . . . . J Wti t ys l:c is fit! 1 i;i ;-i .- r d Jin run lit' wiiii lliut liiu I kit th:it ar- :it li.s l. a-,.- M ii'liiv .... w..i,,i- r I. nt r i i iit Mr. II i!l maJ ll l;!s iol. ittnl if lie ftf li out 'V'tl. .....Mi. Mi'ltun haw ho! 1 hi town lliiJMty t i.lnlill 11,11 bIhiw, but hlli nut ilfi-nlf.l win tin r Ik- will it ltuilil ii li- or not. I'n tt r sUy with ns. .1. II. is your fii.n.Is s:iy....Vi' ui:ili lhtitinl (hit Mr. Lull Muiliy will occupy tin htoro house fonncily twiu'J by Mr. Mi lton .... As Sum mit (tlfniiingH hns uhhuiuoJ vur imme wo Helcct another. (1ce8s Wnij. Lcaoinq Importers of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. LOWEST PRICES. 100 Vliitlng Urdi Engraved CopptrpUta, 1.60. Our MistriM Citilojui, Th handaomatt ar laauad In lha Waat, will glva you thouaanda of aua-faatlona aa to what will maka a nico Annlvaraary. Birthday or Holi day pratant. Writ ua, and wa will (laid I y aand It to you 100 Vlllllag Cardt From flatt, 1.00. Silver Plated Ware, Table Cutlery. Wedding 'and Engagement Rings. 815 Mt Stroot. lnri i i n nnnnn i nn n I n ri At Butler, Mo. Mi MiiiK" Ilfiun Uct. C. W. West Prc-cheil at Moutrobe last Sunday . . . . M. I. Set tlj in very nick with typhoid feyer at this writing F. M Staley jur- chaard a huune iu Mayeuburg aud is making nrrangeuieutn to move it to hia fatm on 1'etercrcek F. C. Tyre is building a nice barn. . . .For a cluAti shave and a fashionable hair cut call ou Qeo. Pitts at Mayenburg . .There was a mule ahow at Mayer burg between Frank Moudy and Mr. Swigger, the one baring the beat mule was to set up tue "two lora. . . . .Owing to the inclement weather work ou the churches is progremiug very slowly. . . .Willie McCue aud Misa Hallie White, Tom Miller and MiHS Maud Staley took a drive to Butler hut week; nothing seriouv, however. . . .Longfellow, in bin com munication to the Weekly X'nion, headed Spruce Items, says the great Kilkinuey cat fight is over. ler, Dro. Longfellow, the Gght is about over aud there are several dead cats, andbefore the sun sets on the 4th of Nov. the retst of the union labor cats will have passed away. Longfellow !ll tll.'V IlljOV II , Mis Ida Stu ky leavrs i' ''ih s to t;lln' liiir-M' of il S.'l.orl wo-t of Ilut'.l-r. Miss l.l;i is ;i i'ikhI ti:u'iiti. anl an ami.ili'.w young lady and w ill no doubt ivi- b.lllfflH'til Hi 141 II l.iU'll.l, illld will mak' many fni-nds while t ln i . . . . W :utt r 1. i a Iv l.Ht'.viti.' s i 1. but n i l' up, Waltt r, Ida 1ms a chami iiigyming sister if you can just ,'et Ait. r iiitun to ;.) n!T Mi'iH'whi'ie to , V. ..... . sciiooi Jolui is visitimr his parents m eastern Shawnee. . . . A1U DielwchUi- j,'ni's to Molitluse to m Ikh.I this winter I. V. Her muni' is wantintr ti huv e.ittle to feed thi-i winter. ... li. Mil'allaud is pcificlly wild, the cause is the ar rival hi" a ii;j boy at lr.s house, or lathcmt Father Kill's. . . .Mia Aio. l'nwe'l is UK iiij her fiHter, Mrs. I'rico Kay. in Kansas City. . . .Mrs, Christeiia lhiuuiunk. of K. C, who ha.s been it.iting her paients in Shawnee returned home Monday. . . Mr. John Deerwestcr lias Ins new barn complt-ted and it is a Hue build ing.... Miss Maggie Hermann left the fiiHtof the week for Kansas tity for medical treatment. .. .Yeg Lewis Decker went to Fairview Sunday night, and so did oh, ask some one else, we don't waut to tell . . . .Miss Cora Bernhart has regain ed her health sufficiently to be at church aeaiu Walt Mushier and sister were at Salem S. S. Sunday Wonder what ailed Pete Hermann last Sunday at Salem. Guess Sam McCandless can tell, aud if not just ask Miss Emma Llhott, we know he can.... L. A. Cox is hauling lumber to build an addition to his house. . . .Harden Ray left last week for K. C. where he goes to attend a commercial school, our best wishes go with him Tom Elliott says if ho just had such whiskers as John Crabtree has he might stand some chance over ou the corner. .Booker Powell and Jim Allen each ordered a car load of Rich Hill coal which was delivered a Pasnaic this week. . . .WT. T. Meglassen will address the Shaw nee voters, ui L&rmony school nouso Saturday. Oct 4.... Pete Hermann urn OF BATES COUNTY, Cash Capital. liv it $50,000.00 i. s. ri'uMi'-'iv I. K. IIM, K A . liKNNl. 1 I , I-. I'. MIT. Or. I h hlilM.II AM I . W Ml. I U-i, , I'v-Miu'. Ire- I'reni.lenl M Ire- I'rinl. tent . enu secretary . Vtt.irnry DlUMt TOKS. .tit'tire Urk;W , V'urm.'r aii.t ralm-r. It .1 Hurley nt It.. I It 1 1 r I . - l.iiml'ir i nm nn y . .1 . K . limn r, tee-rrihi.liiii ml runner. M s. Kii Tm', , I ariner mi l stock ralm r. K A Iteiinett, .if lie nnclt. Whe.-ler A I'umpiiiiv an l .'il l Ice-rreni lrut. I' K Kuiery, Ileal hut. te ln c-lor M i i!ee, Knrun r nn. I sinekrnincr I! M tinily, Farmer ami stuck Itnlner v. It I , ie. I ; hut ami sinckraiM'r. ! N I h -1 i -.'M . I'n .(.li nt , tanner are! !. r.i!. r .lnIlM Steele. r H' III it ami nine k rl her .1.1 Mehce, 1 uriin r an.l ftni krnlKi r C l li p, t imhlcr. I.Yceoen mili.leet t.i check, luaim iiinii"V, Innuea ilrnCtK, mi. I Iranniila a Ki'in rnl haukiiiK IuihIii-hh. Your jalriinn:c riMiectfiillv mlii ltd. The Peter Lane Stock To lie closed out at once. Ten thousand dollars worth of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Sale opened Saturday morning, SEPTEMBER 27th. Nrver before in the history of Bates coui:ty ha such aa oj por- j in northeast Bates who are slipping around telling their republican neighbors to scratch S. A. Douglass. Don't be alarmed, the republican! have a tickt of their own aud there is no danger of them voting for your uncle Sid. Longfellow, when did you leave Petercreek and move to Spruce township? We had not miss ed you yet. Zip. i"3 - xjiZo i -u&A&tg i Uiitr wek, g'Sg tO " uliimin. . . ttmiitav Wmm titrc unia i i onic (or Womtu. ."spraUrt Seeing nothing New in vour valuable paper from this part of the county I seud vou a few items from this prosperous community 'Sonire Graves held court the latter part of last week. Some prominent lawyers from Rich Hill, Butler and Kansas Citv were present, the case being an important attachment suit. Jury hung Mrs. Dr. Witter has been quite sick for the past week but is uow able to be up The teacher's social at Dr. Lyie s was a rare occa sion and one which will be long re membered by those present- One most pltasaat feature, for which we are indebted to Mrs. Lyle, was the delicious and bountiful supper to which we did ample justice after ; which we were iavore.l with 6ome I excellent music by bet- daughter, Miis Ar-iiie. The company was composed ol tie. it-ncM-r Uzil wee eu up for Sunday ve pretume . . .Miss Dora Greer, who is visiting ler uncle Frank Greer, is quite sick ,.. .The poultry growers of these parts are inouring, since the failure of Bates Cos. poultry king, but nope he will start up again soon . . . .Sam McCandless is rejoicing since his Indian Ter. girl's return to BateH, but John would be better pleased if it were her older sister Was it Elmer that went to Butler last Sun- lav? We thought so, but he was certainly at Chapel Sunday night. Strange isnt it 15. r. UilliDgs was in Butler one day last week, something new .... Gus. Hermann made a flying trip to Deepwater this week aud his cousin returned with him Rev. Inlow has left us and is now engaged in a series of meet ings at Fairview, success be with him for he is a faithful worker in his matters caua....And now, Mr. Ed., as our breezes are getting rather numerous we'll close, lest we be turned over to the waste basket, and with good wishes to the Times and it a many readers we are Rex fslio is pretty. . . .Douglas says Un democratic party isa dead dug. He will hud it is resarccted in Novem ber. Look out you 2 by 1 . . . . Vn- iiimie is digging pntatocs to day and says they are tine. . . .Bob Davis, Sunday night, looked so pleased. Saw your Altor.a girl, that's it, Bobby Will Howard was out of shapo Saturday and Sun .lay nights. Stick to them ill, if they do buck Where, oh where. is Tomato Will Drake? Foundered on tomatoes, I suppose. . . .Johns town is trying to get up a debate between the pure party ami the lemocratic party. If they do lust send ug Boxley and Sim Francisco and then see the Bro. Union drop their feathers. . . .Tom Stroad is still drilling wheat. Tom says it is nev er too late to do good. . . . Dr. Choat is still hearty and on foot, and sound in faith with the democracy.... Thomas Broadus, one of the union stump speakers, was ou hand the other night. We are surprised at Tom straying off with such stuff, but I do believe he is given over to a reprobacy of mind aud a hardness of heart. . . .John MeAninch looks bad. What is the matter with you, old boy? Straighten up for the big democratic rally this fall Johns toWit ntt-kct rs fair this werk. Hogg cents, corn 28 cents and every- JolmMown Items. lively and democracy Union Times booming. . . .Times dull and Lalor failing Dr. J. W. crvi GLe of the best ttO k thing else in proportion . . . .Conduc tor Robins is still on tha C, B. & Q. short line Walt McCown still looks bad. We recommend fowls for him We learn Mr. Ogburn had to bring his boys home from the deaf aud dumb school on ac count of their eyes The Walnut Grove Parsonage is now iu progress. That is a good move, build your preacher a house Did you see Walt Mosier Saturday night? Been to E. Y. Hill. Walt you had bet ter go slow Ed Hurbert is visit ing his mother, of this place. Ed looks well and reports times good where he has been Why wasn you at night: loubtiDg it Thomas c iu t sec Clister and Lee still run batch ; erlors hull W. L. Ogg brought in ! 50 or oO fine steers last week, which he expects to feed this winter.... ! Are you keeping track of the pure party? The Gov. is. aud don't you forget it Of all the slang and nonsense that ever a man heard, we heard at the pure party tpeaking. If you ever attend one yoa will hear nething but slang, nonsense and vulgantv. and no sense in it ... . Won deif Bill Gibbs ever got tLt r-m-n s. f T n V cotr. frlrr CUoatj . w, rilI1 IJf;k f j k . M. , A'...'. .W... J ....... I'ulilic Sale. I will si ll at I'u'iuv. w. farm, o miles southeast of Butler, on Wednesday, October 15, IK'.IO, the following property to-wit: One work horse; I brood marc, 1 two year old lilley; brood sows; i!7 head of stock hogs; 14 sboata; 1 two horse wagon; 1 road cart; 1 mow ing machine; 1 breaking plow, 1 I combined riding and walking culti vator, 1 good saddle, 1 set of double harness, 1 set of single harness, 15 acres of corn in field, K or 10 tons of timothy hay, aud other things too numerous to mention. Terms: $10 and under cash; on sums over 1 10 a credit of C months will be given without interest if paid when due, otherwise to draw tea per cent, from date, note to bear approv ed security. 10 per cent, per annum discount for cash. Pacl Walton. 2t II. C. Doxohce, Auctioneer. Hog Cholera. NO CUBE MO PAT. We authorize all merchants to refund the money to auy reliable person who has purchased and used V. Hall's Hog and Poultry Cholera Cure according to ii!r",tior!H it wilting to say fef has not been Fully benefited thereby. The W. Hall Medical Co.. 43-3m St- Louis, Mo. DON'T FORGET IT! That J. R. Pattersons, Barber Shop North Side Square, is the place to go for a nice hair cut, shave or shampoo. Call and see me. Every thing lirstclaKS. Wett Si'le Barber Shop! If you want the best shave, hhaiu poo,hair cut, cleaned or dreesed, call at George Haggard's barber shop. He employs the very best workmen , S and gurantee satisfaction. Hot and singing at Drake s Friday j w We bad fine time. If you ! - - Vor'i t t cf going i'u- v 1--:.. . frd U.y your supj lies Mh rictures A f. Eii OT. . f"j tM