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LKR WEEKLY TIMES .1. ). ALLEN Editor. I. D. At.i.fc.v & Co., Proprietors 1 Kk.MS Ok" nLT'KII'TION : ire'.Vi.KKi.V TiK-., publi-hed evrrv .Vec'r.esdV , will I.e herit to anytdore- ,. . vear,;- paid, tr:r $l.2(. BUTL.KK MISSOURI VEUNKS1AV, C t iVj Ti i C S TATU TiCIvCT KohJvlX.K or TliK .SlI'KKMK Col KT JAMKS li. (JAVIT, ol Monry County. KOK St'l'f.R IN t EXIKNT PlHUC SCHOOLS I.. K. WOI.KE, ot Randolph Couiitv. I C". RAIM0. ANSI V.KK; Ol K CoM- II. W. HICKMAN, ot Stoddard County. For Si i . Nk.natok ith Dim. MAJ. J. N. I'.RADLEY. 1'oK CoVGKKSH, liTH DISTRICT DAVID A. DeARVOND, or Hate County. COUNTY TICKET. For Representative W II SIMMY. For Circuit Clerk JOHN C HAYES. For Recorder of Deeds I C MARTIN. Kor Countv Clerk T L HARPER. Kor Sr.eritx JOE H SHELBY. Prosecuting Attorney C F BOX LEY Presiding jude of Countv Court R I) BRADE'N. Jinlgcot Noithern District W M DAL'i ON. udje of Southern District FREDERICK FIX. Judge ot Probate Court J S FRANCISCO. County Treasurer SAM II FISHER For Coroner J T WALLS. Bro. Carroll, of the Union, said he would prove eiu !i of his seventeen falsehoods uttered about the dem ocratic party, if denied. They have been denied any instead of trying to prove one of them he Bays "The democratic speakers will be given- ur opportunity to sustain their de nial." Upon the same logic wo ex pect to hear this great man after the election fcayiiig that about oue thou sand farmers who never saw his pa per owe him for it, and upon his statement suing these men aud in sisting upon a judgment unless they come in aud prove they did uot owe the bills. With him the rules of logic are reversed aud tho negative must be proven. Great idea! great man!! great paper!!! The Weekly Union of this city bono three weeks ago made seven teen distinct arrsiguments of the democratic party, and said if they were denied that paper would prove iheni each and every one. The same week the Times branded them as un true and defied Ur. Carroll to prove them, and each week pince we have insisted that he make these charges good. That paper has failed aud re fused to sustain them or even refer to them except iu personal aud contemptible rlings and coarse, vul gar witicisms at the editor of the Iimes. We uow brand those charges ' as maliciously false iu every particu lar, aud kuowu to be so by M. V. Carroll before their publication, aud charge that they were published for the purpose of deception and that said Carroll was not only a party to originating the same, but became a willful fa'sifier when he said he would prove them if contradicted. We make these charges advisedly and ask our farmer friends if they will be led by known perjurers and schemers, who make a commodity of their honors for votes. ri...i; w.Jr ' TTa . Charlie olfe savs Hendriekson had to pledge himself against Vest before they "xould give him the nom ination. Mr. Wolfe is a thorough bred high tariff republican aud speaks from the card. Now we ask the farmers again can you afford to " vote for a man who if elected to the i legislature promises that he will vote for Filler for United States s.uator, and fcilley m turn promises i uiu I'iV'UJISVS important yo - that if elected to the union ue wi stand bv th ri, ytherepubu - can rartv. stand bv tV." ,ili;..;., the trusts, the cou-.bines. ln.l. k;,v , "r liUS w-iu? aud All. The G!ol lVmocrai .it- Knns-K Oitv Jour: say is the u c ;r; : man in t..c -1 1CAU -i:ii.t-: : j TE SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT- j i Thf- Vu. n is nothing if not un Uruthfiji i consistent. It pre ! ten :.- to i t!." friend of the farmer, : but :!i .-; -.jkiii of H. W. .Hickman, .lati'- candidate for railroad coii.iiii . jt characterizes him as ..t rj,j dotard, whom . , llil in i J . Ji' lift T7 UVUJIUUbVU Vi jtLt: ofiict " This is a slap in thiface i to he i'. I. I'. Uit-niuJjatfcBCoauty, t lu. w;.:ch II r. Curroll thinks they jwi!: ' intelligent enough to Bee. i i m... . - i -v.!;r. H YV. Hiekman was jby tho F A. I. U. elected it presi ! d -.t, a I i 1 1 1 more than a year ago, j w.'is j;- not ly th intelligence as il ui sit Ifr-1 more than a I hddh old d .tardf Had Carroll been there and made this sort of statement about him he would have been by intelligent far riicrs booted out of tbe houe. But Cai roll u ready and willing to sink the F. A: L. I', and tbe interist of Bates county farmers iu order to elect few union : men on a local ticket He is doing what i.'s union labor party did two years ago when it sold out to I Filicy and tbe fc.luii,.-i o' St. Louis. Everybody know.-, it tbei. fci j jiOited for congte.- iu the three St. Louis dis tricts tbe republicans. Frank, Kinsey and Neideriiiybaus, two lawyers and a njanufacturer, causing their elec tion on a platform opposed to all the demands of the F. & L. U.; and thereby gav control of the last con gress to tho republicans, resulting in tho McKinley Tariff bill and the Auti-Free Coinage bill, both of which were opposed by democrats and F. & L. U. alike. This same union labor party by its hired representative from Pitts burg, loaded down with the money of Matt Quay and Audrew Carnegie four years ago went to the polls in Morrison's district in Illinois and defeated W. It. Morrison, democrat ic candidate for congress, always the friend of tho producing classes of the west, electing oyer him Jehu Baker, a republican with extreme eastern ideas and a lawyer also, and all because Morrison had led in a gallant fight to reduce to the farmers of tho west the burdens of taxation, about which Bro. Hendricksou talks. After the election did not this hired representative of the union labor party publicly boast of his achieve ment? The same thing was attempt ed the same year in the district rep resented by John G Carlisle, speak er of the house, because he had seconded and favored the effort of Morrison to relieve the common peo ple of some of the burdens of taxa tion. These are well known matters of history that no one having regard for the truth will deny. For the last year has not Senator Vest been making a vigorous and persistent light in the senate against the "Rref Combine," one of the most grinding monopilies on the continent, directly oppressing the farmers? Ha9 he not advocated and voted to decrease the burdens of tax ation under which we groan and of which Bro. Hendricksou says he complains? Has he not supported and voted for the free coinage of sil- ver, a measure the F. & L. U. de- niaud? But all these measures are opposed by the republicans aud fav ored by the F. & L. U. The union labor convention of Bates county demanded of its candi date for representative oue thinT. the one thing the republican party in sisted upon, that their candidate should be opposed to theu election of Vest. One man ! hose name was proposed in this : convention, Mr. Graham, said he J would do in this matter what he .thought would be for the best inter . . . . cf r - IT. jurwer. xie received but few votes. When another con- ventiou was called to fill the vacancy occasioned by Carroll's being dis qualined. prominent republicans. some of them being what Carroll j would call jack-leg lawyers, if they were democrats, were active iu advis i -ug union :aoor men. wtiatever thev lid. not to nominate Jake Graham. i 111 T to do what he thought : T th& Iamer I desired they can be given. Everything indicates that the hands -f C:irvo: l..::t'. c: have beer, hi the C:.atrtvy I. I-Yily boodle r 1 t:, -1 . co'o: :it-d another . the- far::.t-. oi. iy obstrve vi vj find that upov whatever Carroll touches will be found th- smell of the slum and the slaughter house. THAT PEE CAPITA It is beinc claimed ; ""sEOO. he union labor spe t' vrs over th - county that the actual money in riivulation, per capita, is four dollars and sev enty cents; or. iu other words, if all the money now in circulation was divided equally between every man, womau and child in the United States each would receive i is t .L70. Now this atateu.cLt is ii. 'ct V-:V ,1 i other extravagant and untrue i.sser tions being made by thev speakers and this paper, the Union, of this citv. heavily upon the credulity and intel ligence of uur farmers. The amount of money, per capita, in the United Statesis thirty-two dollars and eighty cents; tLo amount in act'.'.al circul.a tion for the year 1890, twenty two dollars and eleven ceius Ill This is tunen from the U. S. Treas urer's report and ought to be better evidence than the bare assertions of W. (). Atkfsou A. Co. Or, we w.ll put it in another form, there is '-W million dollars of greenbacks in cir culation; oOO million dollars in gold and 336 million dollars in silver, j or a magogin . makiug one billion one hundred and I jUd 1:e Iivt'a I!-eighty-two million (J .1S2,0oumH, i l''riuiB l a ". dollars in actual circulation, not ' wit,,lit'- Had i. counting the national bank not Divide this by h- C,;, mi'diou people and we have eighteen dollars and seventy-six cents. (1 70 1 per capi ta, not including the national bank circulation, which make it come to $2211 per capita. And yet these fello ws have the assurance to stand before an audience of Rates countv farmers and so far insult their mte,- ligeu -e as to tell them that the cir culation amounts t- only 5?4.TO. No woudr th'J leaders advise against their members hearing other speak ers, or r " Vtng other newspapers. THOSE BANKERS Ihe democratic party was oppos ed to the national banking system before Carroll dropped his swad dling clothes Hut it was opposed to the system and not to any gentle man who is now. or has been in the past in that business. The Union and union labor speakers are making a special and vindictive fight ii'ion the gentlemen now engaged in that business in our city who heretofore have been considered good citizens. Capt. Tygard has been a banker since his advent into our city, theu a small village, and in all these years if he has not been a high minded, honorable gentleman, honest in his dealings and incorruptable in nature we never besrd of it. J. C. Clark served our people for years as sher iff and collector, two of the most important officos iu the countv-, and it ho ev r defrauded c.n ir.dividua', or the county out of a cent w have yet to learn of it- Wm. E Walton, one of the best financiers, at the same time one of the most honora ble, upright gentlemen in the coun ty, who served Bat-s county, for four years as county clerk and sav ed the county $30,000 by ferreting out the defalcations of a republican sheriff, who has been conducting an honorable banking business for years, and during that time has glv en more to public enterprise and to charity thau the editor of the L'uiou ever did or ever will make if he ! should live to be a thousand years old; and there is J. Rue Jenkens, that honorable, high-miuded chris tian gentleman who was elected from his farm to the office of circuit clerk, which office he held continuously for eight years, and made Bates county one of the best officers she ever had whose private life is like his public record, as pure as snow and above reproaeh these we say are the citizens that this anarchist sheet and speakers are maligning and traducing over the county on the plea that they are fighting na tional banks. These gentlemen have rights under the law which should be respected, and we do not believe the srood citizens of ! this countv will sustain th M. 1 lows in this unjustifiable and ur If!wa:T ranted warfare upon private cit izens. When the Globe Democrat , ana unsas Citv Journal, two of the! ?t ui:;che?t republican papers ir the' vet::- tr supoit the .epulli ) .n i-' t..ktt no.ait::.t :d by Filler. ' sowcthini: must be vorv rotten. ! Bossim and Who will be Boshed. 1 The euitor of tLe Union in last week's issue of that paper goes into hysterics thinking abo1 political bosses, bankers, lawyers, ic. .Vc. Tf Le e-r 1 :.--.v Le s e:ns to have f. rgotteu that Thomas Jefferson, author of the IVc'aratiou of Inde pendence, was a 'awyer: that James Mad ; son. "fiiLher of th' constitution, was a lawyer; James, author f the "Mci. -.H- doctri' (. ' of wl ich we boast to day, aud tl.e :ni-it p.-.pu- lar president we e,el ii.tu. A a lawyer; that Andrew Ja'-Lson. tae hero of New OrIc!!s, was a iv . . as ". ere Webster. Ciav. C ilh ,L:i i . i . f v.ii i 1 ..f made our nation illustroas. Thre an- bad lue i in every class There have been, aud are. bad law Vers, as theie n:. b, e:i. ba.l uiuoi. 1 il r n. h Most, August Spies. a:. l the l are, a; .1 Lat .: which Htrr Most w .. o--. and nve e Hen some (Il ".' rs, o. i -uiife nos - tLis is ttue it dues not sariailv tha ii of t: and the man who j one class again-'. ! live together a-jd i I co.. i mon itjterf.its 1 : whe thev all j have ! fool ! of the burned mid iv.iod at 1 die au'es he- would ie sues nc- wou.u li .v; the stake the ti ustir.g I'. otestai t w ho : dared to questi u the authority of ! Rome. Living now he A. u'.d se far j forget or ignore t ,.i ; -Mchings of i those who rnve us a f: ountrv at i the coa of tbfi bes' a- to ' sav that those who do not see as he i e, is a viiliai., I ; lit :c, : can- j removed, al- j v:--.v by j or professes . - a 1 1 , 11 151,1 u'0, lu ' cer that should '.hough the indiviOu :1 a life that is blaiu- b score or mor ve.. . .-, of all vith whom he s. t en lor a the resiietted j comes m coa-! tact He won! ! . ly "I k'u the Rope and the teachings wh' h I pi mul gate are infalib'e. You shall read my paper and ".one other. You shall attend the me. ting where we speak and none other. My followers iue good people but are liiiole to be lead astray. Tlieiefo.c tiiey muai, not h"ir the ten.ching of the heretics" Such are the teacho' jf of Pope Carroll. H'id he the povu ; to-day he would re-establish tee inquisition and liberty of and freedom of speech would be a whii'g of the past. Do the fires of liberty still burn in the breasts of the citizens of Bates county, or wiM any of them be led by th" nose b ft man or set of men who wou'd prescribe for them what they should vad or whom thev should heart We mi.- tako their temper if such is the fact. This is not a day w hen bigotry, inolerance, deniHgogery ami dam : phoclisui are at a premium or will i w in. Bates county will h tvo no dicta tors and Mr. Carr- '! aftes the elec tion may prepare to do like Judge Emerson's man, ...d i.s dog, and prepare to ' ave. There is too much iutellig-nce andp re gress here for him. Reogress. IVSORTR-SPOTIED Shirt Cover'-i with Scales. Awful Spectacle Cured in Five Weens by the Cutict. P.-.-ti'edW- . I in points to tell vou r-f tlnfjextrwlinsry cure your (Juticura Ucinpau-s vrrrormeil on me About the 1st of April last 1 noticed some "ed pimples like emin: out all over mv iiojy. but thought notnmg oi it r.i; n : j tune iie. or. , vbfn it lftt.rt to look '.ike spot- tt inort&r?(tott.'kii, an t w i, li i-a-ii" olin layer puniei! with itcainir. Am! i would scratch eery niglt until I was rw, then ihe ne. :ii;.'lit te scenes l.ieau wliile, wouli be scratched oft aKi.n. In vain iid I consult .11 the 1ett v'.ysicians in th rour, li1.:' without aid. Al -i givin;; up ail hovesof recoT tv, I i.:iiiprned to see an ad- ,ver'0 .ltr.t ir. the newspaj aioat yoor Cn'iour.. i ,ie and tiurchased them frotr nir, 2nd obtamed alnnoet immediate relle. . f betra-i t- notice that the scaly erupiio grn'i.a.. 'iroip"u o'J and aia appeared one by v . until I had been flly cured. I had the disease 'i :rten mooth be fore I began taking thereiut-dies, and i four or li.c weeks was entirely cured. My disease was eczema at.i psuriasis. I know ef a rreat many wh have taken the remedies ani tbank me for Lie krewledte f tbem, espcially mothers who hav.- babies wit scaly eruptions on their heasd and bolies I cannot express my (banks to you Sly body was covered with seal! s. and I was an awful spectacle to behold. Now my skin is as claar a a baby's, Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and skin purifier and greateot of humor remedies, internallv (to cleanse the blood of all lmpuri'les, and thos remove tbe cause; and Cuticura. the frreat sain cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquisite skin beautifier, externally (to clear the skin and scaly and re store the rair), cure every species of agoniz ing, itrhinjt, burning, scaly. ad pimply dis ease of the skin, scalp and blood. cold everywhere. Price, Coticura, ."..; Soap, 2V : Kesolvent. 61. Prepare.1 by the Potter lircg and Chemical Corporation," Bos ton J3Send for "How to Car? sk:a Tieaees." 4 pases, V illu-trations and lfj WUPLES. blackhea-:,. rrd. roush. thapped . iiA and CA? aVtn cared by Cuicura Soap. 1 IAN V IJ it EAT HE. SSfcsi' coiz,. asthrr., ;5-:;r.-y, and imflai&matiaD "!:.'. 1 in one minute dy the Cuticura Aati-l'&in --i-;er. Ncth.ns Kke By makiug your selections from our stocks you will save time and cash as we always have what you w;iiit aud our prices are always the low"r. m'l I vy & Co. a i.a.iym Texas Writes. My cas, is of loug standing; has ; '..allied nianv phvsiciaus; have tried! t-very remedy I could hear of. but 1'iadtleld's i-..iale Regulator is all that relieved me. Write The Brad- . T1 1 T.. .1 i'.eid Re-'. Co . Atlanta. Ga , for further ".:uticuiars. Sold by all :rui.Tists. 47 lui. I have ."On tons of excellent prai lie bot.oin hay, stacked in a '200 acie blue grass pasture. Pasture and house lent free. Hay to be sold 5?'2 oO per ton Kmiuire at Timks otflce or address. M. L. Wolfe, Passaic, Mo. W'.eat 'VanteiL p:iv '."iitv-fiva X Vlil pay !n iity-liv evi.ts IT busht 1 f r wheat delivered at my ! mill. I -.v ill take ". heat on deposit, .ar.Hgive :.U pounds the very bett rlour i er bushel. ; J. T. Suaxxo.n. T IJLNNt I WHEELER DEALERS IN THE CELElWiA i ll!) Charter Oals. Cook Stoves trrith. Gauze Ovon Doors. Schuttlcr, Studebaker, Mitchell, Sterling, rAunu wagons, Buggics.Spi ing Wagons Road Carts, Wind Mills, iron Force Pumps, Grain Grills. Sulky Plows STEEL FENCE WIRE; AND THE LA UC. EST STOCK OF HARDWARE, STOVES, QUEENS WAIVE, GLASSWARE, AND GROCERIES IN SOUTH WEST MISSOURI BENNETT, WHEELER & CO. Butler, Missouri. S; Money BATES COUNTY LOASM&LAND CO.. WEST SIDE SQUARE, BUTLER, MO. Capital, - Are prepared to raahe Farm Lo:ii giving borrower THE BEST AND LOWEST RATES AND PRIVILEGE T PAY AT ANY TIME. Also buys and aeil Real Estate aval dt-;ils in ill kinds of god securiie. Bates County Loan & Land Company. JAS. K. BRUCiLER, Pkesidext. W. F. DUVALL, Secketabt. H. E. PXP.CIVAL, TftEASUREB. 0 W W V (OH, DO r. '7 "4 "7 You will see the finest line of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ever on the market. I have just returned from the east where I purchased all the latent styles in Dress Goods an 1 trimmings; also, the latest styles in Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps and Gents Furnishing Good 4 irop in and take a look at our immense stock; our low prices and convince yourself. l 0 0: & 00 0 0 Z' 0 ..: room for 100 hea v. ..l grass, water ana . ;.t once to Geo. if Fiai.uTs bank. Children Cry for pitcherg CaStOrla. , T Children Cry fat Pif-rhfr'c rncfrkrio ft. IL'.xt i ;i of c .it'o; ; shad.. Ap Cat.t -bt:r. Children Cry for L PitlC'ciCi'S CaStOria. ti'n e ( iiam e 1 now o lie red you to decorate yoi.r lu i as w;th beautiful cravon p.-i .ra.t- am! other pictures made by voi.r ov. :i hands. If you have taste for drawing c;iii learn, and it is a ph ivi!.; a.- m il as a profitable busi- ne-'- M t t ins are reasonable foi-V iiimiiu- a i guaianiee yiui 8UC- t'i-.-. length of term, when you can .1 wad that will stll redily. or ia olht-r words time unlimited. Calloa iu' for !i:ul learn something that will he of gre?!t value to votl. J. W. Cover. tf. 'pera b'ld'g. Wiro I'W' '"'V lV ' 0 ,0 m. t vr fr r ' ' . - - $20.00OT '0 '0 0& 0 &.E - 7 V f DROP INn 6 V V 4 v 0: 0 t 0 0 iZ' 0 0 0 012 tf? 1 it for weak i