Newspaper Page Text
Shirt ii n est ol. xn. BUTLER, MISSOURI, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2S. 18UO. NO. ID bAPITAli, M 15 OF BUTLER, MO. $110.COO. cwv:H Deposits subject to Ch ((!;. Loans Money, Mali s (')!!'--t. 1 does a General Bunking Business. In the Real Hstate Loan Department- Make loans on Real listate on lon or short time at lowest rates without delay. cat; Ac" Wp ber the ai.:rlewoi pardon for making a comparison bt-j MVfUi it and the ii rufous idiot tLat I f ni'u .ilitU- i iiifrtr ci,arieS S. tlifr i J m,-i-rat-j n. eoi;grets 'h i inr-nie land frtf.ts. but t:ever on to a rail loua corpoi ul n, KU'l i,ever did a lieiu'ic. a:c c- 'itrv.-s create a rail r a 1 ci j.'.Kitiou. Tliat pre-eminent ! ii.famv u,ib rK rv-l. in thentnftss of .EV SIIE1.HVS KEl'l.Y t!.:i. grtSH. tL ublic tr.s :n coi : in congress gave the .i ii. t-wrv towLship west f t: -r r len. Mrs l.cvina Hoiilwartf, i' C. I'liyticiaii Burk, Monroe Fanner allanl, .1 N r arincr lirovvn, l.ii I u lartl'tt, K'lmtin'l Fanner Iieir, II It Farmer ariitlicrft. ti Farmer ;liritttv. .1 M I'liyalrlan lark , i:licrt r arni'T 'nnrtiifv. J M Stock Pettier iheerweRter, .lolin farmer Morrison. C II Farmer Miller. Alf Fanner Norton. ! A Hank Clerk Owen, M V Fanner I'hnris, Jolm tjroeery 1'luirU, C F (irocery l l'tivut,iun l)viH,.l liroreilian I lMKKinice-ieil, lunnfr r ni in'" iHekeneheeU.KCCon . A Kea't I'iott, II II liank Clerk Dntetier, C II l'ror Normal Sell I'.onier, J M Farmer l)eArmonil, l A I ircuit Judge Kankin, J I. Farmer FvanS,''OIn r nnnrr rni'linr'i, i nn ii rniiuri tur.rinirtiain. ! IMiyhlelan Ueinncr, J W Insurance S I Of KIIOI.Pt.US I f .-inli inJ"-r . W N Funni r Smith, I. I.I w-rsiimii I lick man, i 15 Furniture .Ii-aler - in it h, .lotm I er .lenkiiib, -l II Asb't ahhier Marke, I. It I leputy eirenit c Kinriev, Ioii ItHiik Clerk Turner, -Mr M K l -i t it t : ? I Cum lirv (.,..!. A I .lotliinif'l'ucker. V K In-nti-' i ueaer. -i .n t niniaii-i Tyler, W It Farmer Vorig. Frank M Farmer Vauirtian. .1 M Bin t k i i -1 Womls, F M Fanner Wyatt, II C 'lealer Walton, Win t Canliier W r iflit. I -I Capitalist ik LOOK EU POWELL T. C. ISOULWAUE Weiner. Max Itoots ,t Shoe WalU, Wm Farmer Walton. W' Fanner Walls. ! T Physician Whiiipli;. I. I'hVMcian sullens,' .1 L I'res JwneCo Ct M illianiB, It V Farmer president vice-rresident WM. F-. WALTON J. It. JEKK1KH cashier Asst. cashier ni r 1 1 Leadinq Importers of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. LOWEST PRICES. 100 Vliitlng Card! AMP Engraved Coppcrptatt, tl.SO. Our Illustrated Catalogue, Th handtomait ever Uaued In the Wt, will glva you thouaanda of suggestion to what will make nice Anniversary, Birthday or Moll day present. Write us, and we will gladly send It to you FRKg CHARGE. i m 100 Visiting Cinli From flats, 1.00; Ware, Table Cutlery. Wedding and Engagement Rings. Silver Plated eh AjgjggrajgTmjgrmjglg m K;. liMt.-: I titu forced trouble tun fr m tut to iii i f u::d iua,.i'".ti st ate an.' nt by the editor if tin-I'uiuti paiitT published in tiiH cilv. t he fuilowni I find j in Mi . Cat mil's ri t r : We ate t"n'. liisii. den. .bx- Mit is trying to u.tluerue Union I.abur j boy to vote for his on for sheriff; bv telling ibeiii tie will vote for Hen-I drickson. We do not know whether this statement is true ; but if it is on. tioys should not be nulled by any such leso. cable tric'K. He lit s not thr b,'!i,.-st in'.tntiou of v. .tit.-: fur ll. n- dnck-on, but endeavors to ain a late !i'i:i)'ier of votes bv the pmiii ise of his one." Now, u regards to this (-taleiuent, I skv, (and challenge him to produce prjof to the contrary,) that tnere is not a Detnociat nor Keputilicati nor Union Lab -r oter ever heard one word uttered by rue in favor of the present candidate for tin? Demon al io party for hheriff of this county. There is no man living that can state I ever approached him directly or in directly to gain his aid or vote in be- hmf of the f-aid candidate. Let M Carroll produce his proof, or stand convicted as a vicious slan ieier, who has neither regard for truth nor dis position to deal justly, with men who disagree with him upon the issues JFARRIIERS ! itlv)Cash Capital. IIVJ OF BATES COUNTY, $50,000.00 I). N. TIIOMl"ON I. K. KO-IHJ, K A . I'.iNNKII. K. 1. Kill". Or. I F.VKKIMillAM 1 . W . sii. FUS DIUKCTOUS. .1 ll-U'i- I K M s i: i" nil I Ju 1 uv-l'n m lent. lark;Wi . F an in r nnl t.wk raier lOir'n v ul U .I llurlev l.umlier ( omiM: . ItiiiiT, V i.-e-1'rei.n li nt n l r armcr. Kierfe. , Fanin r aui t-i'-i, raii-rr. A . Ileum tt. ct Ii. mu tt . Wln-.-li-r .V Cmi.;. 1 r. r.niery, IScai r state I in esior M O WiicnN, Farmer ami s(,, Krit r i: M (...illy, F'armer n! stuck llul.-t r M K I l'e. Fanner HH'I stockraii-er. i N 1 In in i ihi m , I'rcM'lcnl, lariuer an 1 .-tuckrili-rf .Ii.titi st' i 1-. Faruu-r ami ht'ickraiM'T . .1.1 McKee, F nrm r ami Btockraim r F. !'. Kill'. Cas-hier. K r 'itiTuon fctioolH i'i.c v v 1 1 ctiot.a in every Btate . . ; : . i: ; for u.'itTcrsities and i i i t l .t. i-yift. Tht-y 'ave th : i i ii i i i itbjWed !Hnd ill all -t. et iit h. ii'i to the tiui it went out . ; -,vtl-r :n IIIU. this last L'lant ; ben, eonhruie 1 in 157. These are the land oiaiitu thedtiuocratic party mil and not an acre to Gould, Saj;e, Jav Couke or Tom Scott, or th- Atlantic Taoificnow the "Frisco," or tho Union Pacific, or the Central, or any one of the hundred others. We have the advantage of democrat ic btnnctnce in our county to day in a $100,000 county achool fund, growing out of the swamp laud grant and twice an much in the town ship school fund growing out of the lotn section grant, ana wuai is true of Batea county and her 2-t town- hips is true of every other county and township in all these western ami eentral states. No, the precedent the democrats of the dav. set in the landerrant matter was for The venom of this man seems to flm onminnn schools and universities flow without bounds, he strikes at all of the land, and not for monster who differ with him, without regard railroad corDorations that with hook- for the truth or that decency that ed beaks and bloody claws tear out characterizes a gentlemen. One who tue Titaia 01 an tncuaiueu iiwim. reaus uis paper, win icu unii" We admit that during the whig his extremes, Messrs. Carroll and Hendrtckson administration of Taylor and 111- Has he not endeavored to supplant ,1... ti,;r m-iQ obicct is to defeat more Judce Douglass secured for the merchants of the county, with a senator Vest and nlant in his TllmA.a k rrmnt nt lands wniCU lliat HVHUlU Ul (TaDee BIOTCS I I1U UB state sold to the Illinois Central not resorted to every method to pre . ... ITci-Ulent icc-l'Ti'M'lellt Jil ice- rnnlciit . ... ( IIIF.U si-cTetary Attorney ithih nitiject to check, loaim innn-y, Ifguen ilralt, an-l tranacl a ni ral l ankiiiK' busiii' ss. Your jiatronane rcU'ectfullv Bnllcite.l. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9. 4 1 vv ABSOLUTELY flfia.iP NOT GUILTY. Mr. Carrol in the Union of Oct 2nd, makea aeventeeu charges againet democracy published from Mr. Filley's circular letter of Sep tember but gives no specifications details or proofa. FilleJ a second circular hadn't got around, but on the 23rd of October tbo "Old Man" had got far enough along with his press of campaign business to fur nish alleged Hpecincations and proofs for the first seven. We presume his third circular letter will get around in the Union of Oct. 30th, too late for any derao . oratic paper in the county to reply ' before the election; unless, perhaps the Enterprise, should delay its is b,aue a couple of days for the last cir ' cular of the "Old Man." Filley is ' a "fine worker" and probably we will ria in search Austin's Record of Saturday, Nov. 1st for the reprint of the hit Fillev circular being , the so-called proof of the remaining ten of the "seventeen charges." " Now come off you two cullies, and dissolve this partnership of the dev il and Dr. Faust, or at least take ac- count of your miserable stock in trade before the honest voters of Bates county put you in bankruptcy next Tuesday by a ringing juage nieut of one thousand majority. against your three card monte busi ness; viz the Record, the Union and Chauncey I. Filley. Now, what are the "Seventeen charges." 1st. "The Mills bill was for the benefit of the rebel Btates, and the failure of the national democratic plat f 01111 to provide relief the union labor party that is won't divide up the farms of the country among po litical looters like Carroll aud Fos- 1 others of that class, "who stead it may be, some one who is a strong - . m . I 1 I. ....... stale soiu 10 me iiuuum ium uui inuucu wi7 u""""" 1 friend 01 inc loukc ijiu. n now 1 1 1 I T - nn4 I : .. .1 ,l. tftl. tt,a lianba ff I . .. ta . ... ,i Iral 1 rowiroaa corporation w 11" u juuiiw n mmtn miu . w 1 Deuooves every uemocraii iu tum , ft. of its gross earninings for all time our county? and where, 1 ask, wnere countv to arouse himself and bend XSJOCAMWUk C I to come. Illinois has recieved al- is there a county that can boast f ever. effort in his power to see that roarlv ftco or three times tnefirovern- more lioeral mercuauts auu oansers ov-r TiAmacratic voter is urceu to . j ... .. . , r .1 ' : . mnt nrice of tnese tanas ana can wan uaies county : ivemovo mem n(.rforD1 his dutv bv sunnorunc air. maintain her state government out from our midst, and the county will gummy, who stands to-day pledged this vearlT income. soon assume me suape u prcosuicu iu to vote jor u. vest, xut com- Ti,5ili rharce is that 'Ithe state the 'CO's. But this editor, who has u:n-,:rtn. -hich Senator Vest has r u;.aA,. UuimiI iia rrmlit. to va-1 not been here loniz enouzh to be iim .TllOBwuii - - 1 - - ' rious railroads ;.,.ui,i,l n m edicts to the farmers ana laborers, baaed unon fabrications, thst our 815 MU Street. loaned its credit to va- not been nere lonjj enougu 10 oe been fighting single and alone in the . tie employs me very uem workmen is and thereby became eligible for office, seated in his coui- tj S. Senate, and that too for the and gurautee satisfaction. Hot and million, part of which is fortablc sanctum, sends forth his benefit of the producer, already have cold baths at all hours. their minions ant llieir money scat tered thnuijh tins county to been fighting single and alote in the corporations, but only recovered ff if- 1 1- - s j . . 1I1IIUUUB. unu uuui'u ' .v.,-.i .... . , - rril i:a -. j.j -W-I1 ihiu Still unpaid c. ine creua ..v.., , - ,;nrA.h.. kiH nnnn is too bad. Really, Mr. Filley-beg Oa-. . pardon Mr. Carroll come now anct - 1 1 ,r. ti a n,.t i,Biit t, manrt to the . , . 'i it. 1 1 IB. in LUIS lUUOUtcuurin, m couiess tne irum; wai hid rrai , . , n on,! Lnn. n thi most groundo your complaint-because ouuto aban(Jonedl incl these collossal land pirates were b ,1.. Union politician to accomplish his vicious made to surrender a single acre or -fa V.' fV, a . f their stealings? ' ,.,, t th ti t he -tate HiB 0i,;ecl , raakin: the statement rt 1 mi M L - . a st7 ta iicnri . vwn va w - l m aro. xoe aru curg Vxv . u tulW railroad proper as regards my action, was to prej- "deoleman s nana nas not lost n the iUte be. u,,icc the Summy votes against Joe cunning and that he never dips Ins ' Huble to pay, on account of B.Shelby. He believed his article pen in the well of truth. In the first J' . . fi wouid lead Mr. Summy'B friends to place the Cleveland administration . ,',riv hplip,ft that he was beinz traded off never at any time loaneu 1 uu iai iy - - -: q .. . . - fr dl)t, for ftnother. 1 1 I 1 " 1 AIL.. . W 1(1 IB 1 DO 1 'V'AJt- v I fi nfttionni Or anv Oiuer HUM wi uaut, I . , rt.r ... A a T r.mnomf . mv in- . . I 1 i.'smi Ist,f Mil r i rlC mP.rm. IrCJt?l I r0 lai as a l wuvvihvm, 7 and the intellectual capacity of the ? ,erest and vole rest9 wLtre it has blooming chump who thought it ui;i ' lw , ftva Bol(1 tbe90 raii. for forty-two years in this state and couldn t furnish brain power euougu J u,,Ur. H and that is with the party that advocates to an angleworm to uurrow usmi in - , r,ri of their tariff reform and state rights the earth out of the sunshine. It is TVlpv , T, edltor o( the tjnion has labor- true that the C'levelana wmimwra- . ihmnprlv-the stats ed to impress upon the ex-confeder tionfrora40tobmimonB -y Summy was in the of the surplus revenue in vanous "uev ,. P;;w. 17..ion armv. He believed that he banks, a. they had the right to do r ""T. 7k doi could arouse all the old feelings and under the law made many years ago, - ; ? fae same tim ther(,by WPaken Vute In thia he thereby averting an impenamg panic ' J , the 8 ate tax. Will be deceived. The confederates & ,&ct ual, T cienng the system, and alwayi kept large amount, on t o- Tu"nf . cbai e raiBeBabowI about do not desire nor wish to know where X'Tolds and headache! nd posit, as very laimei iu xut .uuu ft9ent of raiiroad property." a man was during the war. What f -. . . COBtifeneM. 49-lm tT does wnen ue uas money on -rnaiU retllrn their r0D.rtv we desire is to advance men who ad- DON'T FOltGET IT! That J. It. Pattersons, Barber Shop North Side Square, is the place to go for a nice hair cut, shave or shampoo. Call and see me. Every thing nrstclass. -tv BLACK DRAUGHT tea lor PyipepeU. West 8ida Barber Shop! If you want the best shave, sham poo, hair cut, cleaned or dreesed, call at ftAnrrrn HairpArd's Imrber shot). - n - o o - . He employs the very best workmen encom iums Ilia defeat . . i . Think, Democrats: unna 01 , G. Vest's seat being filled by Borne one who may support infamous meas- nrp to (inoress and cripple me south! Yea, I say it boldly, think, Confederates, think of the destinv of your southern people when the L. Senate is filled with men imbued with hitter prejudice aeainst them. Aye, I go farther, think Republicans, think before you would foist any such men unon us. as we are now all one pco- . pie, mingling together and naing the same common interests at stake. Jo O. Shilst. Syrup of Figs. Produced from the laxative and nu ritiniia iuice of California Figev combined with the medicinal quali ties of plants known to be iuo.sL ben nfiflal In tb human svstem, acts lafo Tl jgmtW- on the kidney, liver and bow confederates b, .v..i...n -i:., 4i.Q ..ttm l'ussnir Missouri- Five u.ilea north of Butler, qep Bates county. From the 1st of September until the 1st of November, 1K90. I will permit Mam brino Chief, jr., to serve mares at $15.00, to insure living colt. Mares from a distance will be pastured free of charge for IS days. I will not be responsible for accidents or escapes, but will use due caution to prevent the same. Pedigree at stable. Passaio stables, Chas. S. Cn.v Ki.ix, Prop'r. Wanted ! Wool, hides, pelts, feathers, bees wax, rags and grease. North Main street, opposite post-office. J. FlSlltE. for future and not immediate use. , rJ measures that will benefit all rrx nrobablv umier oaiu ine T " .7" . :n . i-- . X LiXJ a t ni ll b iaAjw x J Lone Oak Items. i . ,!va'r,nr ! denounce the Mills bill which lessen or pay a cent. . . couQ I 1 i " Now, right here in the alleged proof . in the paper of the 23rd, appears iue ' Filley art of the combine, viz woof. 4 reduced tariff on wool in the Mills ? bill. These gentlemen's teeth are t as full of it as are the teeth ' of any alieep stealing dog in the land. But seriously don t the farnurs of Bate county want the ,.;r .-...lucn.l on a few hundred dol . .1 . 1 . . . . a T In Jars WOItll OI uouie miwn w.. . ii.. it-. nr . Pnt tariff ta levied by edi oiiais. the McKinley bill on 40 niillioti dol lars worth of imported nianufactur-t-d wool stuffs of various kinds, tak en off kO ns to put these goods on the backs aud in the homesf our people at less than one-ha'f their present cost? 2nd charge. That the democratic partv didn't recover a huudred mil lion "acres of laud granted to railroad prevented a panic last September by redeeming bouas longoeioro hihiui ity at 25 per cent premium. Which is the better way, to have a surplus; or pay Premiums, so as to make the inteiest on the bonds really S or 1) percent? The latter is your plan. You say pay out the surplus on the government debt, that is, buy in the bonds. That is just what Harrison did in September, but at 25 per cent premium a Shylock exaction of the bondholder, but cheaper than disas ter. AT tortionate though it was. You i ed by 7 per cent the tax of the coun try a'nd by the same amount, "the linrr in the treasury." but have nr word ol criticism on the McKin ley bill which increases tariff taxes bv 30 per cent. Thp Union and the Record are tilv alike on this tariff and money businuss this campaign. The (Tieenback and republican platforms .... , .i ec ,i,-t o similar m souna as tnese Is it possible they are both edited from the same Gordor. jobber, and the headpiece of the "machine" is Chauncey I. Filley Hitherto what was Austin's meat was Carroll's poison, but now thy n-'t only "cry for Castoria" but want it out of the same bottle .lemocrats ma le Jt - "1 if ae;i!wr;iiMiri.ip a mj- ; , ... . jo, it v of the land grants to the rail-1 at Diamond uuus m roAvls an.l srt th fashion for repub-jSharnon V t o. and probably with about the same classes, uatwm - S" " w. come;...Mrs. C B. degree ol trututuiness. jjujim trou- - IJZ t,: ,7 ctl left for Rolls Co. to-day bleiswiththefactsiuyolvedmtheitn ures, sucn a, tu -"". Br.akt ftt Mt. Zion charge. Every greenback, union la- is a.mea to ouut s TT cn Martin spoke at bor aud most ol there publicans nave ? . "L 1 T c Happy Hill last Saturday night, and aPKiooii after session aeainst Dixon s line. r,.,.i l,0 measures to enforce the constitution Right here let me ask him or his of 1875 regarding these very matters order, have they ever heard of Dem and have thus far succeeded by their ocrats attempting to influence the ex- votes and the boodle of railroad cor-, vuy u. w. u, porations to defeat such democratic connected iuemseies wiu. ... uiuC, lecislation. by informing them that Jesse Con- it i i i , t- j-i iiiirya -rtrrnn i nr 1 1. inn ng wa. aiUO L . iiuuusuu,i;uu6ii i , , ' . , J 1 r.-vK Fmii and mn of their tvpe buane s ana .lenmsuu i;ohjuju .u J . r. - - I iL.i l . nnmmon.t that nlrtMOrhpn mo, a I lO elins ltlltlOtl OI Aol itDU I tU u"uuu I ii -aw.! it. hut CuIIpv. deep in the bowels of Missouri, with tM.n..f.n Pilbv and such men saber in one hand and torch in the . . ,P ,i . iJ rMi;i0 mhpr? No. no respectable citizen loinea toceiuer um pcicuwn -" - i . . I ..jfanlivA tliiia far T" ninri will attempt to reproduce tue bitter labor and radicalism have been unit- ness engendered by the war. Ey ed iu opposition, foolishness and guoeswronewu auumus B..u. rascality have kissed each other and by-gones for the other. So far as I are still in loving embrace. know, Jesse Connell is aa honorable Now, Bro. Carroll, this ends your man, a citizen esteemed by his neigh-so-called proofs, and we will ven- bors. I mention the above fact to ture that what ever you may sav demonstrate to Mr. Carroll that raa- i. f,.- r.nW ttoI terial retaliation is at hand. mis wee iw inm -i k.' " i be as bovish. frivolous and false as But ,t is not the purpose . the what vou Lave .aid in your frantic Democrat to rm into e, . effort; to maintain vour first 7 of fHb. (personal aW) that he so de - these "seventeen charges Good bye, H?hU in. As far my knowledge Carroll, you offtnd the public nos- of the candidates of the I ,..,n , Lnbor , iru ' orabte and worthy citizens; it is not ! m- ,..,v Oiin fcM- (rmi,1 ivheat-ilip tierRinal i' are after bat thp H I l 1X1 1 . - ' V- - - I the U. L. party put Meglaasen, me rag baby speaker up against him, ami Tftrtin made nim tate pack wa ter George Requa said if be could not get a pension for rheuma tism he can for being biinu in one eye.... Late potato digging will commence soon lhe widow car penter is erecting a barn . . . . a le Bridgeman ia moving his house. . Mr. editor, vou made a mistake in "our school teacher's name. It is Howard Young Apples are all picked in this part of the county, Rextep.. a,Fir..-. WH OF CABPUI tor lemaiediseatea OXU ENJOYS Both the method and result when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tafte, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, , Liver and liowtw, cleanses tne eys- tem efferttially, dLpels colds, head aches and fivers and cures habitual ; constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the i only remedy of its kind ever pro ! duced, pleasing to the taF;t; and ac j ceptahle t the stomach, prompt in iits action and truly beneficial in it ! effects, prepared only from the most ! healthy and azreeable substances. iU , . j many exepll?iit qualities commend it e failed to sell our stock of j m,e u mojt and nueensware as aivtr- ; , , - - m iMiiiririr irniru rumitii. iU rime ftlU,tfp(L and Lave . . . made arangements to continue in business iu Butler. W e have pur WillUpmatn in Hntler We have grc-ceries and queensware Butler. J. T- metisntes they endcree. I am satisfied from the efforts chased a fresh line of groceries and queensware and expect to sell cheap er for cah than any house in Butler. Wp invite all our oil customers and i new ones to come and see us at our ; old stand, north side square. , i J. E- Williams A- C. of : Svrun of Fits a for tale in 50o and 81 baties hy all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggift who may not have it on band will pro ctire it promptly for any one who riches to Ln' it. l)o not accept any ul.titute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SA-l FHAr.C'ZCO. t'L icirsy'iix. Kf. hnv rop.r. .r. 1 ML