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5 i e. 1 This is what does it. Attractive Goods. In great variety of styles Attractive Prices. That toll their own talc of cheapness. Attractive Bargains Bound to please every buyei Attractive Treatment. A smile and a square deal for all. Hendrickson an Option Dealer. A Times reporter met Mr. McDan- iel, a memDer uf the firm of Bryant, Bros. &. McDaniel, who run the Butler elevator iu connection with the Adrian elevator, and after vig orously applying the pump gained the following reluctant admissions. Q. Mr. McDaniel, where were vou in 18S4? A. In business in Freeman, Mo. Q What kind of business A. General merchandise. The firm name was Brvant Bros, i Mc Daniel. Q. How long have vou known T. J. Hendrickson of Rosier. Mo? A. About twelve years. Q. Did vou, or uv of vour firm. have any business relation with Mr. Hendrickson in th vear Is'! or thereabouts? A. Yes Kir, J. M. Bryant, senior member of the firm, did. the nature of this il in St. M. Sum- Keep us in mind when you want a genuiue bargain in clothing, hat?, and gentsfurnishings. Bound to attract trade, if low prices and good goods will do it. A. B. Blacliert's, Palace Hotel Building, Butler, Mo. BUTMiK WEEKLY TIMES. LOCAL ITEMS Tuesday is election day vote the democratic ticket. Tuesday is election day vote with out a scratch. In the excitement of the campaign don't forget to vote for the jail prop See our line of heavy blue cheviot chilJiens knee pants suits, age 4 to 13 at $2.00. Sain'l Levy & Co. No trading, democrat, vote straight, vote early, vote late. Which is the Record and which is the Union, that is the question now. See our genuine calf skin gloves at 50c. Sam'l Levy & Co. Tuesday is election day vote for every candidate on the democratic ticket. The proposition to build a new jail will only cost you 12 cents on the one hundred dollars. There will be no bonds the tax to build the jail will be direct. Vote for the new jail. Peter Lane has joined the knights of the road and is now traveling for a St. Joseph wholesale dry goods firm. Mr. Lane is an old hand at the business and the St. Joseph firm could not have found a better man in the state. See our line of melton over coats at $10.00 they are a world beater. Sam'l Devy & Co. A rote to build for economy. It money. a jail will is a Tote gave you For your cloaks and jackets go to and see the stock of Sam'l Lev? & Co. The roof is being put on the opera house, and in a few more dayst the large building will be inclosed. See our boys nobby fall over coat at $5.00, age 15 to IS. It is a dandy. Sam'l Levy & Co. Do not taint a spotless political record by a scratch or bolt, of which you are sure to be ashamed. To save money you must buy your goods of Sam'l Levy & Co. Mrs. C. A. Emerason, arrived in the city last week on a visit to rela tives and friends. She will remain about two weeks. Tuesday is election day, vote for W. H. Sunimy, John Hayes, J. C. Martin, T. L. Harper, Joe B. Shelby, C. F. Boxley, D. It. Braden, W. M. Dalton Frederick fix, J H. Fisher, and J. are all good men and worthy of your support. Q. What was business? 1 Ti. i 1 a. li was an option tie Louis, with the old firm 1 uels & Sous. Q. Under what firm name did they operate' A. Baryant Si Hendrickson. Q. What kind of option business did they engage in? A. They bought options on lard. Q. How much lard did they buy at any one time: A. 80 tierce, or 80.000 pounds. Q. What, if you remember, did they pay for this lard? A. $11.42 per hundred, I think. Q. What did the sell it at? A. I think it sold at $11.37 per hutdred. Q. Were tht-v compelled to make gocd the margins at anv time be- twee i buying and selling? A. les sir, they did. I think thev were under at ona time about $900. Q. Did Mr. Hendrickson alwavs keen no Lis part of the margins? A. les sir. lie left money on de posit with the firm to hold up his part of the purchase. g. Where is Mr. J. M. Brvant now? A. At Louisburg, Kansas. Q. Did they deal further in op tions at this time? A. No sir. I think they had enough grease to last them awhile. Next Tuesday is election day. Be a man. Vote the whole ticket. On Account ot Sickness. D. R. Braden. democratic candi date for presiding judge of the coutty court, spnt a couple of hours in the city Saturday and gave us a call. We were sorry to learn from Lim that Lis aunt, living near his home and who is quite an old laly, has been for the past ten days lying at the point of death and her demise is looked for at almost any hour. Mr. Braden said on account of her sickness he hud been drrrived of visiting different townships iu the county and meeting and forming the acquaintance of many of the voters whom lie whs not personally ac quainted with He also regit tted very mucn mat tne sickness or nis aunt Lad deprived him of taking an active part in the canvass for the entire ticket. Of course, under the circumstances, Mr. B- is perfectly excusable, and all will say that he has acted a part of a mau iu remain ing at home at the bedside of his sick relative and administering to Ler evtiy want. For yuur nice dress goods go to Sam'l Levy Co. Democratic Speakiog 30, W New Home se!vvl hooe. Thar-iiis Oc: 7 :S p . m , I Kruu-i-o m l .1 K Smith. W.irUn 1. Triurdsv vt I?;!!. 7 :.' v. n W i.rae an 1 K A Henry, Knlerprit aohool house. Spruce township. ThursdavOet. 5. 7 SO p. m , W A Walker anil Alton. M.r.!vNov. Srd, 7 .Sl t. ro.. W W Grates Jadire .' r Boxley. t.oce ;r oluvl houe. l one Oak township. Saturlav. S'oi 1st, 7 :W p. m., W V ura'et, .-ar Hialv KailarJ. Mondav Nov. J. T:SU p. m . W A W alker an t 1 J niith. College Hill echool bouse, in mine. We.tuea iay, Oct sy.h T:" y in , joint i;ouion Hon W H Snmmy ami Hob T.T Hen lrn kson Jl'KGE NOAH M G1VKS. A Irian . Kioh Hill. r'riday Saturilav t Vt Sift. 7 ' p N..v. Ut. 2 I.lrl'T-GOV KKNOK S II. C1..VYCOOMU. Virginia Wednesday not. '-N Adrian 1 har lay . ( ' l'leasaiit ua Knday SI The campaign committee has made for to which eVtibodv are in- the following appointment speak in, vited: Hume. Wednesday Oct. 7 Vp. m . , W W (jrse and W liooley. lkutrlaa toliool house, Hudson townkhip. Kn.iay o.-t :;l , 7 " t m.. Grave. John Hal twin an.l Oscar llonnley. ort-hard tirove k-IkkiI house, I'leasuut Ga) town-liip. Wednesday Ort. -.".'Ih. 7:30 p m . S 1' r'raiu;co,Jo!ui T Smith anil Sherman Horn The county court has decided to 6ubmit the proposition of building a jail again. JSj next Tuesday you will again have the opportunity of saying whether you favor a new jail cr T'hether vou favor sending Bates county prisoners to Clinton, Nevada and Harrisonville. The proposition this time is plain and simple, the court asks you to vote 12$ cents on the one hundred dollars and they promise to build Bates county a $10,000 substantial jail. There will be no bonds, the tax will be direct. nd no man who pays taxe6 on one undred dollars worth of property will feel the l'2i cents additional ax. In short the jail will be built and no tax payer will know that it as cost hiin a cent. This is not a iarty issue, it is a question ot pure economy ana every man in iates county should vote for the proposi ion. The jail is built to protect le law abiding citizens from the icious and wicked vote for the ail and let us have a good substan tial building of our own to retain the criminals of this county. A Snrpri'.' Tarty. Cmlds suits $1.00. $1 25 and $2. Boys suits longs 2 50, $3.00 and $3 50; boys overcoats $1.00; Men's overcoats $150 and up; Baltimore "tailor made' overcoats $7.50. $10 and $12,50, worth 25 per cent more. American Clothing Hocse. A Card Prom Shelby. Ei. Time: U h come U me from different ,-ources in sou:h llat thai hit friend' and mtselt arc biaj charged With eiitrrui into compact with the Union Labor party, sreeins to trade other nominee on 'be Prtmi ratic ticket with llie Union Le.bor pariv to obtain votes for inv-e f. It has t;o: tun i:iv V:re to enter into anv i;rwj..ii'i r con! r- ers , ami haven eicisnl a'.l n to j u veiit it. Hut In justice to miv 1 rn n 1 .unl self, 1 deem it mv dnt to !av to the Peraocratic rartv as well as the nominees, tiiat il is a mali cious fa'scaoo.l, aii5 is tH icj; circulated not to injure me a '.one but the whole IKniocritUc paity as writ. Let whoever he or thev tna be produce the proof, or .-land convicted a malicious slanderer who has no rcjiurJ for lae truth. J. 15 MtKlBV. Our Mr. Sam Levy has beeu in the , market the greater part of the sea ! son and dining that time watched I the market closeiy and has secured for spot cash a great amount of merchandise at a .sacrifice, which we ' are now retailing for less than the I manufacturer's cost. i Sam Lew & Co. For your boots and Sam'l Levy &. Co. Vote the ticket straight. i'eter Harney and family-, of Fos- S. Francisco, Sam ter 8Pen.t Saturday ana unaay in T. Walla. They Butler, visiting tne lamiiy or Mike tjurry. Think how you have always de spised the bolter ar:d kicker, keep your record clear, that you may not be ashamed of it in the future. For your children's suits go to Sam'l Levy & Co. The Union makes charges against Mr. Summy, all of which its editor knows are false, and threatens to prove them if denied. He has made so many false charges of this kind and utterly refused to sustain any of them the people are liateuing for lies and have no confidence in any charge he makes. The mugwump party is but local and cannot assist you either in 6tate or national legislation. Then why beat the graud old democratic party for a myth; a delusion! a snare" lhe big rtemocratic meeting in Summit township Saturday night crave 1'ieroe llackett the croup, so I 1 - !! J See our line of nobby pants all the we are naoiy "normeu new colors only to be seen at Sam'l Levy & Co. For your ladies' and childrens' hose aud woolens be sure and go to Sam'l Levy & Co. The Butler postmaster has gone with the union labor party. Noth ing more than we expected, as the tail always goes with the hide. See our line of men's red under wear all wool at $1.00 per suit. Sam'l Levy & Co. Mrs. Joe Meyer a, is mating prep arations to leave this week for Hot Springs, Arkansas. She goes for the benefit of her health and to visit friends. She expects to be absent the major part of the winter, she will be accompanied on her journey as far as St. Louis oy her husband. The Times wishes her a pleasant and profitable visit. Would like for you to walk into our store and see our large stocks, Sam'l Levy & Co. Carroll will not attempt to answer General Shelby s letter. He knew he was not telling the truth when he accused the General of trading the ticket, and he will ignore his an swer as he did that of Capt. Martin. If he notices it at all it will be by a tirade of abuse. Bro. Wade, you should not be so severe on the unsophysticated smart 1 Aleck across the way. Carroll was fresh in the business and imaginec he had a firm grip on the world with a down grade movement. Bro. Wade has brought him up so suddenly that it nearly broke his neck. Dewitt McDaniel, one of Summit townships good farmers was in to see us Saturday. He said he just finished cribbing 400 bushels of corn gathered from 20 acres of grouud. See our line of black cheviot 6uits for men, youths and boys, the nob biest goods in demand. Sam'l Levy &. Co. 'Squire Beck, of Shobe, was iu the city Saturday and gave us a pleasant call. He informed us that New Home township would roll up a rousing democratic majority. Bullet Kinsey waB seriously stab bed by John Linn in Nevada last week. The fight occurred over a lewd woman. Linn gave himself up and claimed that the act was done in self-defense. Hon. W. C. 1 Breckenridge, Kentucky's silver-tongued orator, has gone to ' Arkansas to assist his name-sake in his gallant fight in the second district. J. G. Lotspeach, a prominent far mer of Vernon county, is visiting his brother, J. B. Lotspeach. of Mound township, and gave us a pleasant call j Friday. Mr. Lotspeach lives in the same voting precinct (Phillips school house) with Geo. 51. Wvkon, candi date for congress on the union labor ticket. He says there is about 140 , voters in that precinct and Mr. Wy koff will not get to exceed 10 votes. That 400 is a fair, conservative es timate of his strength in Vernon county. We will save you 20 per cent, on your boots and shoes. Sam'l Levy & Co. The union labor paper failed last week to say one word in defense of the Mormon religion of their candi date for sheriff. The Union is evi dently of the opinion that the Mor mon must be nanaiea witn Kia loves, and the best that can be said for him is to say nothing. For your working suits go to Sam'l Levy & Co. T. T. W emott, of Kansas City, a former old eitizen of Bates county. is spending a few days in the city visiting his son, Arthur. Within the l-iasr. two or three weeks Mr. Wemott has traveled over different parts of Bates county machine democracy; he Kansas, and he savs the tariff ques- w liable to wire instructions at any tion is turning that state upside time as to the performance of our part down,and it wouldn't surprise him in of the program. The Union, with brazen effrontery. thas the audacity, on the very eve o the withdrawal of the republican candidates to make the followin boastful assertion of a coalition to defeat the democratic partv. "Say, Col , can vou read the "click of the telegraph? The Western Uu ion office is in vour sanctum: Mr Austin is now in Washington complet mg tne details or a grand swoop on The editors of the Times acknowl edge the receipt of a handsomely engraved invitation from the Thur man club of Columbus, Ohi", to at tend the "Old Roman" banquet in lonor of Allen G. Thurman on his 7th birthday anniversary at Colum bus, inursdav. .November id. ibW. Ex. President Cleveland will deliver be principal speecn or tne evening i and Senator Carlisle, Roger Q. Mills Daniel Dougherty, Senator orhees and many distinguished democrats from different parts of the Union will respond to the toasts. Cattle or S ile I have fifty head of feeders and forty head of tdoek cattle for sale.on the Ashby Hamilton farm, iu Sum mit township, ('has. Haines. For your millinery goods we kind ly ask you to see our stock. Sam'l Levy & Co. See our line of jersey suits, age to 8. It will do vou good. Sam'l Levy Sc Co. shoes go to Now that the republicans have drawn off Mr Trowbridge, the fight for sheriff is between Joe B. Shelby and C. W. Hartsock. Which will you take Joe Shelby is the son of Gen. Joe O. Shelbv, and is a young man competent and in every way worthy vour wannest support. L. W. Hartsock is a Mormon and be igs to the cluuch of tho Latter Day Saints at his home. A Mor mon for sheriff of the fifth county in the state, never! Mothers, will you allow your husbands to disgrace yon and vour children by voting for Mormon! Fathers, will you disgrace 11 a 1 a your wives and uauguters oy voting for a Mormon" W e have too much confidence in the christian people of this county to believe that you will. Morinonisui in Utah has been a stig ma in the United States for a good many years, and only until a short time ago was it stamped out of ex istence by the government. This eing the case, we do not believe you will vote to sustain Moruionism in this county by voting for C. W. Hartsock" Shelbv is the mau; vote or him. the least if the democrats did not carry the 6tate. He save the farmers are aroused as they never were before and the republican party is scared all but to desperation. Oh, shame! where is thv blush? We buy our goods hands in large lots, pay for all we buv and prices than any house in the state. Sam'l Levy A: Co. from first spot cash offer vou lower Meney Sayed is .Money Mmlr. Boys wool jeans pants 75c; men's wool jeans pants $1.00, best pants ever sold for the money. Men s all wool kersey pants $2.50, sold eh wlitre at 3.00: men's rfm 1 ! duck coats, flannel lined .2.00-" l,t i of Miss SLar; . . T . , - overals 75c. ! American Clothing House. A special session of the City Coun cil was held Tuesday night of last week, to consider the feasibility of submitting the question of Water, Gas aud Electric light works for Butler. The onlv proposition sub mitted for the condideration of the Council, was that ot Dr. Betz. in which it was agreed to put in three plauts at a cost to the tax-payers o fifty eight hundred dollars per year The Council after considering the matter, bv a unanimous vote decid ed to accept the Doctors ordinance aud the same was put to its first reading. At its second reading the necessary amendments will be made by the Council, and should changes made by the Couucil be acceptable to the Doctor, the ordinance will be put to its final reading aud passage at the first regular meeting of th Council in November. After which the ordinance will be published an submitted to a vots of the people Provided the proposition receives the sanction of the people, then Dr Betz, proposes to put up one thou sand dollars without reserve as guarantee of good faith that he wi comtlv with the dictates of the ordinance. Fiftv eight hundred dollars a vear looks like a very stiff price for the tax payers of Butler to rav for water and light, and in our opinion it will take some pretty fa financiering on the part of the coun cil to figure out just how (withou materially raising the taxes) they ) would be able to meet the expense and keep up the actual aud necessary running expences of the city govern- j ment. However, we shall look into the matter fully, later on; when we j mav Lave something more to sav. 3 McElree'8 Wine of Cardut and THEDFORD'S BLACK - DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Hates County . Klliot lvle J!utler, .1. W. Morris IWrnlinr.U A Holt W .1 l.msilown .1 W Anilerson Wooil A tiilmnre M. OttoSmitti C. 1. Mottily J.N. ltrieter .1 S l'leree A Co 11. It Crow font lr. Wriicht W. W MorUn A Co. W S MuJ.t -1. W. Chont I.. O t'rrol!ton Jegse Trimble K.H-Wvllle A'lnan Alton Italian! Bunlelt Johnstown Maynbur I'oster The Histress Oil Omaha. Neb., Oct. 21. Since the passage of the McKinley bill the state has been given the benefit of wide publication of manufacturers' circulars, notifying dealers of in creased prices, owing to increased tariff. This has had a very depres sing effect on the republicans' cam paign. Yesterday Congressman Dorsey sent the following telegram: M. S. Quay, Beaver Falls, Pa.: lave manufacturers quote lower irices, and deny that the McKinley bill raises prices. If this is not done it will cost thousands of votes in Nebraska. G. W. E. Dokbey. The telegram fell into the hands of a democrat, who gave it out for publication. WAN Kl CHICKENS AM ! I will pay the highest market price for chickens and egg delivered at my store at Virginia, Mo. I also have good feed stable in connection with my Htore. Nelson M. Nestlerode. ,T. Grocery the; and & 61 Queensware Men on he North Side of the Square .are re ceiving this week an Immense New Stock of IIWMWAffl? ft RUSSWAHI They are showing new and beautiful designs in glassware and lamps, Library Lamps and Vase Lamps, Bracket Lamps aad Piano Lamps And lamps of every description. Their prices on glassware and lamps are so low that every one is surprised. Their goods are shipped directly from the factories at Pittsburg and they cannot be undersold. THEIR STOCK OF GROCERIES IS FULL To overflowing new things coming in every day. They are also the agents for the The ladies are a!I phased to Lear ; n-tii::: She can be . SfounJ in the uiiilineiydepaitment of' Sam'l Levy A: Co. hl Mason & Hamlin and Chicago COTTAGE PIANOS AND ORGANS, And ask you to call and inspect their seock whether in want of anything or not. North side Square, Butler Mo r ly I